This is certainly the first time I've ever given a 10 to everything, but i just couldn't find a reason why anything should be less than such.
Binbougami ga! at first glance might appear to some like your run of the mill comedy manga were a supernatural being and a human end up living together and the humans life is made miserable by said free loader, no doubt I myself suspected as much when i first read the synopsis. I'm glad to say however that I was not entirely wrong but not entirely right either. you'll get what i mean by the end. needless to say
this is by far the funniest manga i have ever read, and by far the most enjoyable.
in my opinion binbougami ga is to manga what azumanga is to anime.
what makes this manga's story so much better than those of other similar manga's is the fact that the humour doesn't repeat the same trope over and over again (god or demon using normal human methods to defeat the human protagonist only to be thwarted) for comedic effect, Momiji puts a lot of thought and effort into using every possible advantage at hand including Ichiko's friends - once she gets some - as well as items that she orders from the world of the poverty gods, in order to usurp Ichiko's happiness energy.
There's a certain sense of believability in here as well not only because the task at hand would be a believable job for a poverty god, but also because the characters and events in Ichiko's life make sense when you look at how she turned out and how she treats the rest of the world. As well as this something which you don't see very often in these kinds of manga is the fact that Momiji and Ichiko are equally matched and many of the funniest parts of the manga occur when they enter into an epic duel that lasts ages, which brings me to another point. in most manga like this the supernatural being is so humanized and displays so little power or sign of their divinity that often times you forget that their supposed to be a powerful entity all together.
This never happens with Momiji, she is the first depiction I've ever seen of a poverty god in manga or anime where she actually seems like a god and not just some unlucky chump who makes everyone poor and miserable. she is able to turn into a spirit she can increase her size to whatever she wants she can materialise objects out of thin air as well as clothing, you never get the sense that she's human as she always uses her godlike powers throughout the manga which makes for a nice change from the pitiable poverty god who you're meant to feel sorry for.
the art in Binbougami ga! is fantastic for functional reasons. while the art is not ga-rei level it certainly is appealing to look at however the art style they've gone for functions extremely well within the manga particularly for the comedy, there's an element of exaggeration in all the characters designs but this gives the artist the freedom to alter their images without it messing up the flow of the manga an example would be the scene where Ichiko is trying to hide from a certain character who she dissed previously and who just transferred into her class and her method of hiding is to not appear like herself and thus she takes on a very intense atmosphere and the artist displays this seriousness and intensity by altering her appearance so she looks pretty much like a more muscular version of He-man to which Momiji feeling competitive and not reading the situation decides to compete with her and dons a similar appearance and before long most of the class has taken on this appearance which ultimately draws more attention to Ichiko. It was hilarious to say the least.
here is were the series shines brightest, as the characters are fantastic and incredibly deep for a comedy manga. They are all developed and portrayed very skilfully for example: while Ichiko may appear to be a selfish and apathetic person at heart as you learn more about her history and as she learns more about making friends she shows a more vulnerable and weak side to herself that leaves you feeling blown away by not only how believable it is but also how complex she is in reality. while Momiji's character is less developed she does seem to develop a certain level of care for Ichiko and this is shown by how she cuts her plans short when they leave Ichiko too upset, however she is the primary joker of the manga and most of the humour stems from her and the way the people around her respond to her shenanigans.
this manga has some of the best facial expressions I've ever seen in manga the sheer level of absurdity that they take is not only unexpected but hilarious.
the mangaka is well aware of the comedy tropes in the manga world and he makes this abundantly clear by making the trope itself the focus of the joke, for example in a scene where an ojou sama type character appears trying to kill Ichiko, Momiji responds by saying she is the typical ojou sama character and she's probably gonna start saying ohhohohohoho any minute now. in essence the mangaka is as sick of the tropes as we are and so he turns the idea on its head and makes the tropes very existence a source of comedy.
how could you not enjoy this manga, great plot, great characters and ab buildingly funny comedy what more could you ask for.
you should definitely read this manga you certainly won't regret it .
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Binboukami ga!, Binbou Kami ga!, The God of Poverty Is!, Kaette Kudasai. Japanese: 貧乏神が! InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 16
Chapters: 81
Status: Finished
Published: Jun 4, 2008 to Jul 4, 2013
Jump SQ. Authors:
Sukeno, Yoshiaki (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #5162 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #991
Members: 20,167
Favorites: 579 Available AtResources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 9 / 9
Your Feelings Categories May 29, 2012
This is certainly the first time I've ever given a 10 to everything, but i just couldn't find a reason why anything should be less than such.
Binbougami ga! at first glance might appear to some like your run of the mill comedy manga were a supernatural being and a human end up living together and the humans life is made miserable by said free loader, no doubt I myself suspected as much when i first read the synopsis. I'm glad to say however that I was not entirely wrong but not entirely right either. you'll get what i mean by the end. needless to say ... Aug 5, 2013
thought's: If i were to describe Binbougami ga! in just a a few words it would be drama and comedy
story: Is about Sakura, Ichiko a girls who has exponential Fortune energy and lives her ideal high school life. Until a god of misfortune comes to take it away from her.I find the story in this series to be great in how it the premise of this manga expanded upon it tossing in a lot of interesting plot development to make a great cohesive and entertaining story. Art- while good overall i do have my gripes for instance during a fighting scene in which ... Apr 4, 2020
Back in early 2013 I decided to give this manga a shot. And a couple of chapters in I had putten it on hold. Now 7 years later I find myself finishing the manga in just two sittings. So what happened, why did I end up picking it up again in the first place? It would be hard to argue that Binbougami ga does anything different than other shounen series. But it would also be hard to argue that this series doesn't do traditional shounen exceptionally well.
The story follows the Life of Ichiko, a lonely rich girl whose life gets turned upside ... Jan 28, 2014
To be honest the story was just ok. It wasnt bad at all, but it wasnt particularly gripping. Now just because it wasnt the most intricate plot doesnt mean that the manga itself was shit in the slightest. Thats mostly due to its immeasurable character development and its masochistic sense of humor (it often made fun of itself and all of the cliches we see in a lot of other mangas). The romance was orgasmically done. With just enough suspense to keep you reading without dragging it out too long. You also cant help but fall in love with practically every character you meet and
Nov 18, 2020
That was an enjoyable ride! It wasn't the best, but I liked the story. I'm glad there was a manga to continue off from the anime! I wasn't expecting so much action though! In the anime I just assumed that this story is mainly just a comedy/fantasy/slice of life, but it gets more intense and emotional in the manga. I was shocked, but I'm not complaining haha. The comedy was the same for me as well, and I would recommend it if you guys like Gintama. Nonetheless, it all depends on the individual's taste of humor.
The only thing I didn't like too much was the ... Jan 13, 2021
tl;dr: A gag manga with decent comedy and solid character development in it's protagonist that doesn't transition well into having a more significant plot.
This manga starts off as a pretty straight up slapstick comedy gag manga centered around Ichiko being incredibly arrogant and other characters, mainly Momiji, screwing with her in a lot of different ways. These chapters were somewhat hit and miss, but were mostly hits in terms of being amusing. The comedy during these chapters, as well as in general, was also a mixed bag in that some aspects like Momiji's crazy antics were great throughout, while other aspects like Bobby and Mamoo's ... Oct 10, 2021
A very fun manga, a great start for the author of Sousei no Onmyouji.
The characters are very good, very charismatic and have a great growth throughout the story. This is what makes manga so good to follow, the charisma and the growth in relationships between them is something very nice to see. The story is amazingly good. Starting slowly but progressively getting better and more epic. Full of good tense and funny moments, but it's a bit episodic that impairs the feeling of progress. That said, it has a great ending closing the growth and relationship of each character. The protagonist, Sakura Ichiko, is very charismatic. She ... Feb 17, 2021
I'm not going to lie, I watched the anime back in 2014, and revisited the show and finished the manga just now, so of course I'm looking at the series with some nostalgia. Clearly, the series and show wasn't as polished as I remembered, and it fails in a few departments. That being said, I still enjoyed the series for the most part.
The star of the series is clearly the battles between Binbouda and Sakura. Their interactions and the scenarios that they face against each other is always entertaining to read, and I never really got bored of their battles against each other. Facial expressions, ... Sep 2, 2021
Aaah I don't like it, I hate when a comedy anime has a romance like this. Why don't it just focus on the comedy and the story.
Actually I like all things about this manga, I love reading it. But it broke my intention when I found that there a romance story between sakura and tsuwabuki, I think... Ahh it's not necessary to put a romance in the comedy manga like this. I mean... I have had an interest about sakura and momiji relationship (as a girl friendship), so why the hell it has that kind of romance story(it's not even fit with the genres) I ... |