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Sep 10, 2022
I started reading Tomie in 2010 and after the first chapter, I dropped it mostly due to the flimsy art that is incomparable to Itos later works. But now after 12 years, I've read almost all of Itos works that have been translated into english so I decided to Give Tomie another shot. Long story short I really wish I hadn't done that.
After the first couple of chapters you know what you are getting for the rest of the read. A simp falls for Tomie, she leads him on and walks all over him and then he dissembles her. Rinse and repeat. In some chapters
the story is told from another less attractive female's point of view which really doesn't change anything aside from adding unnecessary first-person narration. And don't get me started on the dialogue which is some of the most boring interactions between humans Ive ever seen in a manga. Now, I do think I was too kind when I said it was repetetive. Its all the same all the chapters are the same, all the characters are the same. Its kinda saddens me to see a creator I enjoy so much would write something so uninspiring.
The story is a 2 for me, absolutely horrendous.
Tomie is a psychotic monster, for some reason people say she is a succubus, but to me she's just an irritating abomination. She always finds different ways to manipulate men to do her bidding (which adds some spice to a story that's as bland as rice) however it always backfires with them killing her and cutting her to shreds. As for the other characters they are all the same, not an ounce of individuality or distinctiveness. I get that this isn't a character-driven story and that's it's just about Tomie. However, you can't have one character carry the whole thing.
For characters, I give a rating of 2
ART: The art is kind of wobbly at the beginning but after the first five chapter It's nothing less than spectacular. The surreal grotesque imagery and the different facial expressions Tomie uses to allure her victims is what carried this whole trainwreck of a manga.
The art is an 8
Overall enjoyment is a 3. I really didn't enjoy this read which is weird to me cuz this is Itos most beloved work after Uzumaki. That was the only reason I hadn't dropped it. I figured there had to be a reason why people loved Tomie so much, right?
I feel like the story would've been a 6 for me if it was just art without dialogue. But since we got what we got I don't feel comfortable giving it anything higher than a 3. If you think I'm wrong and have no clue what I'm writing about feel free to message me what you like about Tomie Id love to hear it.
Peace out, and thanks for reading :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Oct 21, 2020
Franken Fran is an episodic body horror manga with a soft hint of comedy put into the mix.
The story revolves around a frankenstein-like girl named Fran and her encounters with various people who often seek her advanced medical knowledge in order to solve a particular problem they face. Almost all chapters are self-contained individual stories with new casts of characters, with Fran and company being the only thing that ties it all together. However, I do recommend reading Fran in chronological order because a lot of stories get referenced in later chapters. The stories by themselves arent that scary in a graphic sense but
they are pretty scary and very interesting in terms of ideas of what sorts of things could be done to the human body. The only big problem I had with this one was that the pace of every chapter sped up like crazy on the last third or fourth pages of a lot of chapters which kind of messed with my immersion in the story. However, most of them end on a unique bitter-sweet note that felt unpredictable and left me craving for more.
As for the main cast, I definitely felt like they weren't fully fleshed out.
Fran Madaraki(the MC) was, in my opinion, the vocal point of this manga. She is a master surgeon with a very nuanced philosophy and charm that captivates the reader. She is like a clever subversion of the mad-scientist archetype that's believable and works exceptionally well.
The only thing she lacked was character development and progression. You could argue that this was because she was from the start an accomplished individual and that's fair. But still, much of her character and her relationships with other charecters were unexplored. The same could be said for the rest of the cast excluding Frans little sister Veronica who developed quite a bit.
The art was pretty decent, with great detail put into the body horror big page layouts. The character designs were very unique and the monsters that were introduced always felt fresh.
The one thing I found very misleading about Franken Fran( and I think most fans will agree with me on this one) were the volume covers of the manga. All of the eight volumes feature a very sexualized depiction of one or more of the main characters. Which would be fine if this was an ecchi series, but its definitely not. None of the characters are depicted in a sexual way in the manga and nudity is only shown when it is accompanied by body horror. Although, I must say that the cover art definitely differs from the style of the manga so it's possible the covers were done by another guy who just happens to have a thing for Frankenstein girls, who knows.
Overall I think this is a nice read, and I am giving it a 6 out of 10.
I would've given it a 7 or maybe even an 8 if the story actually concluded. But after 70 chapters the story just kind of stops without ending. Hopefully the sequel Franken Fran frantic won't meet the same fate.
Thanks for reading, peace out :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 4, 2020
Back in early 2013 I decided to give this manga a shot. And a couple of chapters in I had putten it on hold. Now 7 years later I find myself finishing the manga in just two sittings. So what happened, why did I end up picking it up again in the first place? It would be hard to argue that Binbougami ga does anything different than other shounen series. But it would also be hard to argue that this series doesn't do traditional shounen exceptionally well.
The story follows the Life of Ichiko, a lonely rich girl whose life gets turned upside
down when a Misfortune god Momiji shows up and tries to take away her ludacris amount of good fortune energy. Crazy antics soon presume with Momiji always placing Ichiko in bizarre and hilarious situations while at the same time indirectly teaching Ichiko how to wisen up and overcome her problems. The story doesn't take itself too seriously, but when it wants to, it manages to do so without doing a complete 180.
The story unfortunately, at least for me wasn't the selling point of this manga. The selling points were the unique and quirky characters. All the main characters from the masochistic dog god to the rich loli ninja felt real and genuine. And each time one of them joined our main duo it felt so natural as if a new piece was added to the puzzle. Although each of them has a very specific personality their chemistry and compatibility is noticeable as soon as they enter the story. And seeing their bonds being tested and developed was the heart of the story in my opinion.
The art was nothing less than exceptional. It sometimes almost felt overwhelming in the sheer number of visual references to other manga, history and pop culture in general. From the very start it is obvious that the mangaka wanted to put as much energy and information in a panel as physically possible. This resulted in a very visual and untamed type of humor that can easily go unnoticed. The other thing I need to praise are of course the character designs which gave every character a distinctive feel.
Overall if you are looking for a heartwarming comedy about friendship I would highly recommend this series!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 15, 2019
A story about a dick wondering the Japanese countryside, whilst almost being raped by a frog, turned in to stone and declared emperor of Japan...
Haha. Just kidding, about the last part that is...
But like I said the story follows a lonely penus as it wonders the countryside of Japan in search of happiness and companionship. As bizarre as it sounds, the author of this one-volume manga did a really good job of portraying the world from the perspective of a penus. All the pages are colorized in different shades of red and pink wich give the chapters a warm but yet melancholic vibe.
There is
little to no dialogue, and considering it is only 16 chapters long it makes for a quick and fun read.
Not much else to say... Its a story about a wandering willy. LOL
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 14, 2019
34-sai Mushoku-san is a story about a 34-year-old woman who recently became unemployed and her daily routines of cleaning her apartment, making food, watching TV, going to the store, sleeping and overall enjoying her free time as best as she can. This manga is in my opinion slice of life in its rawest and most relatable form and depending on your preferences it can be an absolute hit or an abysmal miss.
Looking at the plot, there really isn't much to say. We follow this unemployed womans life( whose name we don't even know) and we learn about her habits( the things she likes and dislikes)
and we occasionally get to see what her personality is like through brief interactions she has with the people around her. Almost the entirety of the plot takes place in her rented apartment which I found really fascinating. There are chapters in the manga where we are just treated to images of the apartment when our heroine is not present there. Sometimes it almost feels like the apartment serves as a looking glass from which we the viewers get to see a glimpse of this womans life as she goes by. Although this experimental method of storytelling at first felt fresh and intriguing, in later chapters it made me very frustrated regarding the overarching plot. Throughout the entirety of the story we get to witness our heroines interactions with her family, friends, and neighbors but her relationships with them are left very vague and open to interpretation. Which at one point gave our MC a vale of mystery. But as the story came to its conclusion we the readers were subtly told that she solved her issues but we were never shown what actually happened. Which to me felt a little disappointing and unfair from a readers perspective. The vagueness of all overarching plots in the manga can maybe be attributed to the specific method of storytelling I mentioned earlier. Or maybe it can be attributed to the inability of the mangaka to write compelling drama. But after thinking a little bit more about the manga and rereading some chapters, I came to the conclusion that this entire manga from beginning to end was just a small slice of our heroine's life that she spent living, sleeping cooking and slacking off in her rented apartment. In a way, I believe this story is a meta-slice of life.
My overall rating for the story is a 7
Regarding the characters, we experience almost the entirety of the story through our heroines perspective. Although we know little about her due to the vagueness of her backstory and lack of character interactions. We can't help but feel drawn to her in a relatable sense. Throughout the story, we get to hear her monologues and see what she is like when nobody is around which makes her appear really relatable to the audience. However due to not knowing much about her because of the lack of character interactions, we never quite see the entire picture of what kind of person she is like. There are other characters besides our protagonist but there really isn't much I could say about them without getting into spoiler territory.
My rating for the character/s is 8
There really isn't much to say about the art except that it looks pretty neat for a story with such a simple plot. The quality of the art stays the same from beginning till the end, great attention is paid to the details and character designs although being pretty simplistic suite the story well. I also appreciated the fact that the mangaka regularly changed the clothes the characters were wearing.
My rating for the art is 6
And finishing off with overall enjoyment I must say for me it was a strange ride. At some point, I loved the story and at others, I was really bored reading it. Due to the chapters being repetitive at some parts I wouldn't recommend anyone to try to read this manga in one sitting. The best way to read this manga would be through a prolonged period of time in my opinion at least. Again I must state that this is just a "slice of life" in its purest form devoid of any drama, romance or action. And despite me being not a huge fan of the genre I still found myself compelled to read this manga that for the most part is basically "plotless".
As for my personal enjoyment, I must give 34-sai Mushoku-san a 6.
My overall score for this series is a solid 7.
Thank you all for reading, I hope this review was helpful.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 9, 2018
This manga offers a very heartwarming and a generally optimistic view of the hikikomori/NEET lifestyle. The jobless siblings(the stories protagonists) are charismatic, caring, and very witty. Most of the chapters are comprised of the siblings playing or talking in their house, but unlike many other slice of life comedies, the chapters never get repetitive. If you are interested in an uplifting slice of life comedy about two shutinns look no further. The humor is fantastic, the characters are sympathetic and the story has a clear narrative about overcoming anxiety and antisocial behavior.
The only negative thing I could say about this manga is that the quality
of art starts to dwindle after the first 100 chapters.
P.S. If you are expecting any incest from this story please go somewhere else...
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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