After looking at the first sites of manga i thought: "What the bloody..?!", but since I had exactly nothing to do I started to read it, and, obviously, became addicted.
I don't know if author had some serious memories coennected with drooling girls in school or what, but he made a fabulous comic.
Not much too tell about it. Two young people in their school years. Anything other can by explained with tags. There should be also an "ecchi" tag, though.
Oldschool. A bit like "Ranma 1/2".
Alternative TitlesJapanese: 謎の彼女X More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 12
Chapters: 96
Status: Finished
Published: Aug 25, 2004 to Sep 25, 2014
Afternoon Authors:
Ueshiba, Riichi (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #14722 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #388
Members: 46,755
Favorites: 2,116 Available AtResources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 22 / 23
Your Feelings Categories Dec 31, 2014
For me this has been a long time coming, or at least it's felt that way. Like a lot of people, I only began to read the MGX manga after watching the anime; I needed more of the very sweet and honest relationship I'd become obsessed with in the day it took me to marathon the series.
I've never cried before while reading or watching anything until I read MGX. I have never been as emotionally invested as I have in a piece of media before. I picked it up at a weird time. The second (and final) major arc had just ended, allowing me to steam ... Nov 18, 2014
In the end, it was quite a letdown. I understand being modest, I really do, though I don't really have this trait myself. But there are limits for that too, there is a line between modest and choking. And this story really gets more on the choking side. Being a sucker for sweet romance, I am really sensitive of relationships develoment. So, if you are like that too - be warned, there's not enough!
There's nothing much to say about the story besides that. It rides the whole time on the kinky "drool" thing, even reuses it's own ideas as story in the story. Which is ... Mar 9, 2008
Well first of all, if you don't like to be bewildered by a transferee student with short hair, long bangs and has a weird hobby of cutting different shapes with scissors, then don't take this!
The story begins with Urabe being introduced to Tsubaki's class. She does not attempt to be sociable with her fellow classmates, choosing to sleep at her desk during lunch, and soon earns a reputation as being strange. One day, Tsubaki wakes Urabe (who was again sleeping at her desk) late after class to tell her the building will be closing soon so she needs to go home. After she has left, ... Oct 14, 2014
My god! I finally got a chance to sit down and read the final chapter of this wonderful manga. I was nearly in tears as I read this I could not believe this was the end. It a nice conclusion to this but I want more, I guess I really fell in love with the characters especially Tsubaki and Urabe. The artwork was great I enjoyed how wonderfully drawn they were the color pages from time time were color just right. I really immersed myself in the story every chapter I was left wanting more and got it in the next. This was the first
Sep 3, 2019
A few years ago I discovered a small anime titled Mysterious Girlfriend X which apparently wasn't received that well according to MAL. However, despite its low rating, I ended up loving nearly the entirety of its short run. Like most animes that only get 1 or 2 seasons, Mysterious Girlfriend X suffered from never getting an ending due to the manga not being finished at the time of its premiere and because Studio Hoods still hasn't bothered making a second season. Out of interest, I of course read the manga and unsurprisingly still loved it despite some of its flaws.
Story: 8 Mysterious Girlfriend X has ... Aug 28, 2010
After reading the first chapter i had to ask myself one question; What in the world am i reading? It was hard for me at first to determine if this mange would be any good. So, giving it the benefit of the doubt, i decided to give this one a chance. And it urns out i made the right decision!
The story starts of like about every school themed manga/anime out there. The protagonist, named Tsubaki, leads an average life, until a strange exchange student (Urabe Mikoto) appears. She's quiet, sleeps during breaks and generally covers her face with her bangs. It doesn't last long until ... Oct 8, 2011
Nazo no Kanojo X (Mysterious Girlfriend X) was an accidental manga for me. It happened to cross the page on my iPad when I accidently touched it's link. I was very annoyed at that time, because I just saw the part when Goku dies in DragonBall Z. However, I just decided to read it anyway.
The first chapter was very weird, because I was felt like critiquing the art. I was like... What is this? But after reading a couple more chapters, I was completely hooked onto Urabe Mikoto and Tsubaki Akira. I loved the drool bondage between the two of them, because it was a ... Jul 1, 2023
(First time so deal with it)
I really liked this one... Plot: 9/10 When you think about it, the plot has nothing crazy and thats why I like it. Its interesting, well written and overall good. Its unique enough and just has quality. It knows what its doing and when a plot just knows what it is its a good plot in my book. Characters: 10/10 I am gonna keep it real. I liked the characters and they were good but that was kinda where it ended. They are not too complex or anything when you look at it. So why did I gave them a 10? Because I love ... Aug 15, 2011
imagine a transfer student in your school, a loner, not communicating with others, this situation will leave you curious about what is going on her mind, then becasue of some reason you suddenly taste her drool in her desk, what's gonna happen to you?
well, it's my first time to write a review about manga and im a little bit nervous, by the way, lets focus about the manga, mysterious girlfriend x manga is not just your typical school genre manga, it has some interesting and unique plot, and also the fan service is not superb but its great especially the panty-scissors attack! and also the ... May 10, 2010
ECHII... ok maybe not echii in that someone walking by would say what u looking at in fact you could probably read it in an elementary school and only thing you would get in-trouble for would be reading manga... well at least as long as they didnt read the whole chapter... the thought process is starts off is where it gets echii, not that it takes a dirty mind to make it echii you could be a nun/saint and still catch on. This is defiantly a work of art in the lines and situations presented. unfortunately at first it seemed a bit out there... ... Jun 20, 2022
This is one of those mangas that alotta ppl will be put off by within the first few episodes, but its also one of those mangas that if you read past that youll realize its alot more than it lets on.
the biggest misconseption is that its a spit fetish manga which couldnt be farther from the truth. the creator of this series does alot with unconventional relationships and this is no different, the spit is a showcase of the two main characters bond, and while its an odd way to show it its different, and its meant to be weird. you learn as you go on ... Jan 14, 2018
This manga was very enjoyable. The characters are okay. The premise is a little weird. It also kind of just drags on with no progression until the very end. It just ends... It just ends. No No not like this.
It just. It ends. Just like that. Why. Pls. Don't do this to me. I'm too young. Pls. No. Not liek this. 92. It ends. You don't see it coming. There is nothing. It just ends. No. Why. I cry cry cry cry. It just ends. It always just ends. There can be no more. It is always the end. It will always just end. You ... Jun 25, 2018
Did I ever expect that I would be emotionally invested over a manga that revolved around people who exchange drools???? NO. WAS I?!?! YES!!!
This was so cute and despite the girl being very shielded in her own emotions she is willing to expose her feelings to the guy (through drool) and I think that is cute and it is what kept me reading really. Though honestly, I was disappointed that they didn't kiss but kinda happy as well but then I didn't expect it would end there because I was hoping for more because it somehow ended it that emotional way and I want to ... Jun 30, 2018
I started this manga 8 years ago, it was the first manga I ever read. I only just finished it a couple of days ago. Despite all it's flaws I still hold it in high regard next to the decently large amount of manga I have read. I would even say that it's flaws are part of what are keeping that hazy feeling with me days after I have read it it. The strange premise mixed with the real to life characters reminds me of my first love when I was Tsubaki's age. I even had a few moments where I went "Ha! I remember
Jan 20, 2018
So I remember reading manga scans of this when it was first getting translated over here back when I was in high school and then just kind of forgot about it for years never thinking to ever finish what I at the time didn't think would ever conclude.
Now here we are today YEARS later and I'm at a book store looking though the graphic novel section and I come across some Omnibus prints of this series and remember reading it so long ago but never seeing if it got finished and upon deciding to do some online research (doing my best to avoid spoilers as ... Jun 6, 2022
For me I really enjoyed the ending, you may think how can a romance have enough development without kissing or sex, but with this story Urabe really carries because she is such a gloomy person barely talking, and when you see her so love stuck happy go lucky smiling it really puts a smile on your face as well. The ending also really leaves it up to readers for interpretation in a good way, they don't tell what exactly happens in the future but shows that Urabe wants to be with Tsubaki forever. It turns from a story which your expecting loads of ecchiness and
Nov 11, 2017
A 80's style ecchi manga, with the same lack of variety, but with a weird psycho-sexual twist. If that's doesn't sound appealing to you, then stay away. But if you like that kind of thing, it ends up fitting it's archetype very well. The art is perfectly nestled in the Rumiko Takahashi school of character design, but also takes on more low-key, shadowy background art. There are only so many ways to draw someone sucking on a finger, but that oft repeated action is usually the visual highlight of each chapter (along with some crazy dreams sequences). If you're expecting a big twist or any
Apr 19, 2016
I wanted to be fair in this review, so I think an 8 was pretty well-deserved.
As much as it pains me to think that my needs in any manga or anime, especially that of the romance variety, are so simple I truly believe this manga ended in a way that I can't really be too upset about. It wasn't what was done that gave me satisfaction but, instead, what was said. Those last couple of lines were enough to keep me sated even if only mostly. Story - 7/10: There really wasn't much "story" or "plot" per se. Rather, it was more like a bunch of short stories strung ... Jan 30, 2024
After reading the manga, I was happy; I hadn't felt this way for a long time after reading a manga. After some time, however, I was sad because there were no sequels or side stories. I have to commend the drawing style because I really like it. I would like to see this drawing style more often.The music? It was absolutely perfect. I have the opening song downloaded, and I listen to it when I'm commuting to work on public transportation.
I hope that someday I'll find a manga that brings a smile to my face :) That's why I'm giving this book a 10/10; I believe ... |