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Feb 26, 2021
Long story short this is the adventures of some weird alien band abducted and taken to earth to be turned into the next big thing by a bad guy with visuals very reminiscent of 70's anime ala Cyborg 009 or Astro Boy everybody is unique in their design and stand out very well to create something that has stood almost 20 years to be a very distinct piece of art to accompany what I truly whole heartedly believe to be the single greatest album of the 00's no question's to be asked this movie isn't really as much a traditional anime but rather a visualizer
by one of the premier musical acts to ever of graced gods green earth and literally the only reason I personally can't give this highly influential and important album of my life a 10 is because the story is a bit on the random side and the whole no dialogue thing is a bit of a turn off if you're an anime person going into something that wasn't meant to be a traditional anime rather the use of anime as an artform to express what's essentially a long form music video in the same vein as a concert film.
The album in question just so happens to be the single greatest album of the entire 00's and possibly one of the greatest musical works of all time so that helps some decent art and a kind of fair story be something much MUCH better than it would be if anyone else had done this still highly recommended especially if you're a die hard Daft Punk fan like myself.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 31, 2018
Read the Manga.
So yeah this is by far my biggest disappointment of 2018 so far because let's take a great authors work and somehow manage to mess it up.
You know for every problem this show has for the most part it's faithful to giving you the basis of the source material and really having at it's foundation a really good set of stories told to you in the form of a free-form anthology series.
Each episode overall had moments that either disturbed or shook you and regardless of the problems in execution you can't take away that the stories are still really good.
So yeah pardon my french but for lack of a better way to say it they fucked up, I'll give them that you can only do so much with that detailed a source material but still the editing was awful, the characters too clean looking, the environments drab, and overall this artwork has none of the impact even in non motion scenes that the original source material has and that's a damn shame.
The Intro song kicks ass and that's all I have to say because everything else just is there.
Souchi makes me wanna jump through a window and Tomie needed larger expansion but i'd feel like a dick to the other nameless people who suffered if i gave it a lower score.
Well the source material is great and the stories are chilling so regardless of how much the artwork get's on my nerves I still stuck through and enjoyed watching this overall and even when it'd fucked up the execution of some stories this show would manage to throw another at you that left you feeling grim and that in and of itself is rather enjoyable for a horror anime.
Read the Manga and avoid the show this was a horribly pulled off attempt to showcase a really talented individuals work, but if you want an idea of these stories it's not a horrible watch just ask around for clips of the best stories and save yourself the effort of watching all 6 hours of show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 31, 2018
Trash show that's still really fun trash for Edgy-Mc-I want a lame Ecchi heavy battle shonen.
So not gonna lie this was a surprise of the season just in sheer terms of being something that turned out to be way more amusing than I expected and now that I finished it all I can say is that it was trash....but it's very fun trash.
Battle Royal with animal folks and a lot of shallow worthless characters that don't serve a whole lot but do their thing and some fairly amusing fight scenes that don't go on longer than they need to.
You get a few things here and there that could entertain the kind of edge-lord anime fan who wants some needlessly violent and sexual anime to make them feel all adult and cool but overall you're not sticking around to see if it gets any better but rather just how bad things are although I'll give them credit the entire second half kept me going and the last episode was a solid series of events that leave you wondering somewhat as to where the results of this tournament go.
EH I like the characters designs and animal forms but the use of 3D is horrible and most of the real effort went into the odd animal profile scenes when the characters transform which seems odd.
The intro is very EHHHH but it's a rock song in an anime which I can fully appreciate and the announcer guy when they talk about the animals is actually very very amusing but the majority of my score is going to the fact that I really like the end theme because it's a pretty damn solid hard rocking tune that get's me pumped and makes the best part of the show even better.
I like the Inaba chick a whole lot because she's amusingly worthless but beyond that everybody else is just bodies to move a plot and they took wayyyyyyyyyy too god damn long to expand on the main chick and why you should care for her.
Really the only use is you have new characters to lewd out for when you and your friends want to do monster girl Monday's in your image forums.
This show held my interest for all 12 episodes and I liked it's quick pace they made the show a lot less cringe inducing and the last episode was a solid way to wrap it all up although I'd be lying if I didn't say that the best part of the whole show was the 30 second sub story about the chick who's obsessed with Hitomi just for how unimportant and funny it is in comparison to the rest of the show and coupled with the fact that the end theme kicks ass that made this something that was probably my surprise of 2018.
This show is hot garbage disguised as an ecchi heavy battle shonen that any self respecting person would stop watching after 3 episodes but since I'm a trash person with trash taste I managed to finish and enjoy it to some capacity but if we're being real it don't matter how much lewdness get's thrown your way you can't stop a bad show from being bad and this show is most certainly bad not so bad that it deserves a low score but not something I'll recommend to non action movie watching, Mountain Dew Chugging, Linking Park loving, Edgelord supreme's if you know what I mean.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 20, 2018
So I'm a big fan of the OVA series that this Manga was based on and after watching it all over again one day when I was going through my favorite manga scan site this came up and I figured I'd give it a read and man was this something.
Before I get too into things I'd like to make note that every thing I look up on this seems to give the impression that after the first volume all this story does is devolve into porn and while yes there's a lot of sex and yes things get graphic beyond comprehension (Seriously if there was
an ecchi scale from 1 to 10 this would be a 14 this book both literally and metaphorically get's the fuck in there) I feel the need to inform you that the at times overwhelming amount of sex that happens in this story has a purpose it's just something I'll have to explain but like I've done before here's the TL;DR for those just scanning reviews:
This is an interesting look in the psychi of a free spirit as he explores a wide variety of topics from the worshiping of false idols, the meaning of life as he knows it, and the after effects of the people who's eyes he's opened to the wonderful mystery that is the world.
What we have here is the tale of a guy that wonders town to town doing odd jobs and getting into a series of perverted scenarios and while at the first volume is more a woman of the week affair similar to the 6 episode OVA at points just outright feeling like panels of the show it quickly devolves from that as it then turns into an overarching tale of large proportions.
Around the second volume is when we get a small glimpse into Kintaro's past and we start to learn that it's within his nature as a person to help others out and do what's best for them while still making sure to shove his dick into anyone that moves and of course making their lives better possibly because of that but this volume is where one of the first things this Manga's advantage over it's OVA counterpart really starts and that's it's overarching plot of characters with the introduction of Masamue Kongoji who for lack of a better way to word it is a metaphorical god that is the embodiment of the theme of manipulation through false hope and the desire for sheer comfort that we all have and that Kintaro is the polar opposite of and this arch continues on and off through the rest of the series only concluding at the very end which without spoiling too much leaves you at a loss for words.
There's an overarching theme of the same story getting told just taking longer and longer to get there throughout the 10 volumes and in between the most graphic of sex scenes you get a lot of moments where characters are giving really long monologues about a multitude of really series topics like the corrupt nature of government, how people are numbed to the harsh realities of their very futile existence of life through false idol worship, the fucked up nature of the educational system and how it doesn't actually teach but rather force us to follow someone else order and to put our own free thought on the back burner, and it even covers just how sex is both a true means of expression and a really easy way to manipulate an individual.
This manga is surprisingly deep and there's quite a bit of quality sections here and there with the biggest sting against this being the arch involving golden showers.
Kintaro as a character is a fascinating case study and when he was the focus this story was just the absolute best but I'd hate to say I can't really rate the story too high just because of the, "Golden Water," arch around Vol. 5 and a lot of the parts involving Naoko Katsuda who was already my least favorite character in the anime.
It's 90's manga and with that you have really solid environments, characters that are a lot closer to reality in terms of overall looks, the expression work on the characters faces are pretty funny, and the ladies....they aight you get more than enough *Cough* STUDYING material if you uh know what I'm saying.
I happen to like old anime visuals but if you don't knock my score down about half.
Best noble pervert ever, his first true love we meet near the end of the book is excellent, and everyone else does their job well with only a couple of people I wish would be thrown down a well.
Yes there was a good amount of awful people but the good one's make this story worth it.
I'm a be blunt this story dragged to high hell at a lot of points but when it hit ya it fucking hit ya and for me this was a just one more chapter kind of read where I found myself up late really wanting to go further and just keep reading and it's ending while a bit what the fuck felt just right for one of the most surprisingly deep things I've read in a while this story is a roller coaster of crazy that I can only really recommend to folks just wacky enough to read it but for everyone else I'd say be weary.
This story isn't just porn it gets the fuck in there trust me but it's actually a real story.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 9, 2018
So this review won't really be too long considering this show is comprised of 16 8 minute shorts that are incredibly ADHD in nature so if you're a fairly lazy bastard here's the super special TL;DR review:
A Series of late 90's/early 00's adult swim flash animations where every joke is centered around just how funny voyeurism is.
Just a series of shorts about a host of losers that go to some series extremes just to see some panties and one episode about a guy that finally get's a real woman who's nothing more trouble than she's worth and makes him decide to go back to a
cardboard cutout.
By nature there isn't really hardly any story to be told here so what you have is just a series of skits with a few re-occurring characters to give it continuity for continuity's sake and some amusingly funny bits of writing here and there with the reporter being the best source of comedy among the whole viewing experience.
This looks like some shitty internet flash videos from the early day's of the internet at worst and at best it looks like a lower end late night filler anime that you'd watch on cable, and often the characters seem to have no noses for some reason.
You'll see some nice variety in animation at points like a good portion of western inspired late night themed programs of the time but at the same time things get REALLY mediocre.
The opening theme song is catchy and the English dub is actually pretty good it's not Ghost Stories but it's very reminiscent of that kind of humor and often makes the show worth watching.
That's pretty much all you get with maybe the reporter being the one saving grace and the source of half of the points in this.
This is not a smart show at all it's dumb perverted comedy that manages to use a short run time to help make you feel less dumb for watching it and being that I'm personally a big fan of Ecchi and don't like to take things too seriously I actually find this to be a pretty decently enjoyable watch to some capacity and the English dub was actually pretty good and like Ghost Stoires is good for it's complete lack of fucks given nature.
This unlike a good portion of terrible shows I've seen lands in the so bad it's good category.
Let's be frank this is trash you know it's trash and you're not going to watch this expecting any less than trash and if you can put up with trash then you'll enjoy it but if you like quality programming go watch a real show but if you're the type of person who loves shitty low budget b-grade adult swim humor then this is for you but otherwise pass on it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 30, 2018
I remember seeing ad's for this back in the day when I'd go to the library and check out manga but I never actually bothered to give it a shot that is until today and pardon my french but MY FUCKING GOD!
Beck is a simple coming of age tale of Yukio Tanaka and the struggles he faces chasing his dream and over the course of this 30+ Vol 102 chapter read you're taken on a wild ride that'll make you feel every possible emotion under the son as they go through struggle after struggle in order to try and reach out their dreams.
This for the
most part wasn't a complicated tale in all honesty but it's the simple things that matter and at no point did this not leave me wanting to take a break or stop as I found myself staying up late constantly saying one more chapter.
This is one of those areas I'm having a hard time to explain because this is an early 00's manga so the art has a certain look to it that draws inspiration from western comics with the fact that the character designs are simple but somewhat realistic if not looking kind of dated in a way that may draw some people off if they only care for newer anime which I understand does exist but even if that is the case you need to get over that because the second you see the motion of the concert scenes trust me even without the audio you'll feel something especially if you're a music person like me because just seeing the motion of a stage show on the page has a certain movement and glow to it that literally sent shivers down my spine.
Also the nods to various Album covers all through out were just a wonderful touch especially if you're a music nerd to any capacity.
Here's one of the few instances that I can think of where every single character in a story actually got just the right amount of time to grow and become something special and the ending really hammers that point home truly one of the best cast I've ever seen.
I guess if I were to point out any flaw here it'd be that I kind of wish Tanaka's and Minami's relationship would have gotten more time to really show but even so it was still a coupling I was rooting for all the way through.
I've always kind of powered through manga that's my thing and this is one of those few instances where powering through it didn't ruing the experience for me in any capacity because it was a story that I just could truly not put down I missed work because I just had to know what was going to happen next and that's not something I've been able to say about any form of literature in quite some time.
You owe it to yourself to read this story at least once it's a truly excellent coming of age tale that's just the right blend of romance, drama, comedy, and that special something that sets stories above all others and while I was hesitant to give it that perfect score after finishing it I just couldn't and since this website only deals with whole numbers I guess I have no other option that to award it such.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 20, 2018
Yet another Manga I have no clue how I found randomly but I remember reading the scans of way back when I was in high school as they were being translated for the first time and since my last cram session made me want to revisit something to see what I thought in retrospect I figured I'd go back and give this a re-read and well here I am a few hours later and all i can say is eh.
The plot simply put is a dude living alone has a cute girl move into his apartment who claims to be a long lost childhood friend
looking for a fresh start who while appearing to be the perfect woman is actually a dude and from there you get a fairly underwhelming but interesting harem with a host of characters that are semi bland and one dimensional but overall still not entirely unlikable and as for the lewdness it's fairly tame when you really think about it with the only real nudity being shown via a woman that's very legal and everything else just being more situational humor or pantie shots which is aright I guess.
The concept was there but it didn't really expand much beyond a surface level be yourself and don't lie kind of slice of life story with some fairly underwhelming artwork and character designs, but like the last manga I reviewed this was still an amusing read that left me wanting to finish it and see if it ever took off but judging by the fact that the majority of reviews on here are pretty old and all over the place I'd say that there's a reason there's never been an animated take on this 5 volume series nor any attempts to seemingly translate it for western audiences.
I'd say if you want a short trashy romance novel kind of love story that won't make you think too hard then you could do much worse but overall this was a fairly rushed piece of literature that I'm not sure how in the hell I ever was interested to read it in the first place let alone actually finish it twice but even with that in mind I still did finish it twice and being that I normally never delve into the subject matter of dude on dude awkward romance situational comedy things I'd say this deserves a bit higher on it's overall score for that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 20, 2018
So I remember reading manga scans of this when it was first getting translated over here back when I was in high school and then just kind of forgot about it for years never thinking to ever finish what I at the time didn't think would ever conclude.
Now here we are today YEARS later and I'm at a book store looking though the graphic novel section and I come across some Omnibus prints of this series and remember reading it so long ago but never seeing if it got finished and upon deciding to do some online research (doing my best to avoid spoilers as
much as possible) I decided to actually buckle down and give it a proper finish and here I am today after about 3 day's of just marathoning the hell out of this series I'm surprised to learn that I got quite a bit in all those years ago and have finally finished it.
The thing about reading this series was this odd sense of nostalgia I got over what's in essence a fairly simple romance story that drags along one particular aspect of being close with another individual and that's intimacy in this stories case through the exchange of saliva these two kids can seem to recall all the emotions we all go through when we're young and in love and to some capacity I guess taking my time to spend years to finish this series and having gone through these things myself and seeing this story told in a variety of way's this fairly straightforward tale did the job in really giving me something to enjoy.
The story is in all honesty kind of nothing to write home about and each arch is filled with it's fair share of repetitive points in regards to what's going on between these characters as well as considering the fact that I don't remember the characters being 17 in the scans I read all those years ago I couldn't help but feel it's time line to be rather awkward to say the least but that's kind of a topic all on it's own.
In regards to the story as a whole I'll say this story contrary to what I've seen Akira as a male lead was solid over the course of the series if not a bit to passive aggressive at points and at others in desperate need of just standing up to Mikoto when she decides to be exceptionally distant in regards to expressing herself emotionally he's a character that did eventually grow and for the most part is a good slate to leave the reader imagining themselves in those situations, and the female cast was also good overall there wasn't a single OVERLY dis-likable trait in any of the women and personally I think Mikoto in her evolution over the course of the manga was a great Love interest that I grew incredibly fond of not as much as Ayuko (hey she's short, perverted, has big tits, and wears glasses we all are allowed to have certain preferences in regards to what we think are attractive physical qualities of a woman but I digress) She was hands down the best girl of the series as a whole and for the most part everyone in this manga managed to be fleshed out just enough to not steal the spotlight from the obvious stars.
Art wise this series was pretty damn great especially whenever they'd go with a two page spread there's truly some detailed pieces of work to be enjoyed and Mikoto's motions whenever she's using her pantie scissors being some prime stuff.
This series was a great read for me overall and while I'll admit the end for those who really invested the time was a bit of a steal overall I think this was always something that you were suppose to reflect on and I did that a lot as I was going through this story again and I got a certain feeling of familiarity reading through these 96 chapters and while it has it's flaws it was still a series that's score is well in reflection what the overall impact of all the elements coming together and giving me an experience I was glad to revisit after all these years.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 9, 2018
Yeah This is hands down my favorite anime of all time so if you're the type of person to just read the first 2 sentences of a review let me save you some time with the TL;DR review:
This is the Sega Dreamcast of anime a wonderfully wacky product of it's time 10/10 watch it now.
Now for a slightly more expanded take on things:
Now this is the story all about how an alien came and turned my life upside down,
Living in a small town born and raised,
Naota decided to buy a soda one day,
Then an alien came in with a bass to the skull,
and now Robot god is blasting some rays
OK the fresh prince I am not but the story of this show if you were to take out all the wacky shenanigans is a simple tale of a boy coming to grips with the reality of life, love, and the world around him a tale as timeless as it get's but something that like growing up tends to do reveals layers of depth that can only be viewed and appreciated over the passing of time.
The Sega Dreamcast comment I made earlier is about the best way I can describe the look and aesthetic of this show in that it's so late 90's early 00's in it's over the top visual design that's the perfect blend of east meets west with all of the characters not looking like My first anime drawing session there's a wide variety of animations used through out the short 6 episode run that range from being in a manga to using south park inspired visuals for one gag this show stands out in a way that while yes it's very much a product of a certain era it's still a product that you can't help but instantly revert back to when you first saw it in the early 00's and think to yourself dude this looks fucking cool.
If you're like me and you like anime but can't often stand highly processed J-pop tunes this show's soundtrack is just what the Dr. Ordered what you get is some of the most bad ass Alternative rock to ever be recorded with a host of musical numbers that make already great scenes even better this shows soundtrack is pure alternative bliss and it's English dub is one of the only instances I can ever think of where I prefer it's American cast over the native Japanese track because they just bring a certain life in their delivery that you can't help but forget that they aren't actually reading what was originally written for these scenes.
Hands down best sound track ever with maybe one of the top 3 dubs ever.
This show has a lot of that that's for sure and everyone in here perfectly plays off of one another in such a way that there really isn't one stand out character that steals everything from everyone else instead it's just a great set of people that by the end of 6 episodes you are rooting for in one way or another.
A wacky fun story with a sense of humor that defined a generation of people that doesn't follow almost any real anime tropes with a kick ass soundtrack that is well worth buying on CD and listening to outside of the show yeah...
Like I said this is my favorite anime of all time it can be a bit eccentric and over the top but when compared to most anime I've watched over the years it's something that I never felt fell out of liking it's almost above animation as a whole for me and the older I get the more I come to realize that this is just a fantastic Television show overall animated or not it transcends it's genre and gives you something that when you get through that brick wall of just viewing it as a comedy leaves you with a mindbogglingly deeper narrative that'll really widen you're perspective on things and realize why this form of media can be such an escape for us all if you haven't seen this and I were to only ever be able to recommend one thing it'd be this show for sure and quite possibly after really analyzing it with this review I don't know if anything could ever really get a score as high as I'm giving this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 9, 2018
I watched every episode of this and my oh my was it a thing it was so much of a thing that I just had to make it my first review so for those curious what are my thoughts on Hajimete No Gal?
The story is pretty simple guy meets girl that he wants to date because he's under the presumption that she's an easy lay because of how she dresses because yeah he's a shallow loser that learns that looks can be deceiving in essence what you end up with is a coming of age-ish ecchi romantic comedy with a lot of situational humor that
has punch lines you can see from a mile away.
The character designs aren't the worst you'll ever see each one of the main characters looks different enough from one another to be able to tell all of them apart but even with that in mind you end up with characters like Nene Fujinoki who's maybe the most terribly disproportionate thing I'd ever seen her bust size while responsible for maybe the best joke in the whole show is way to much and will lead to you noticing just how awful a lot of the other female characters silhouettes are.
EH it had no memorable music but at the same time the karaoke scenes were charming.
I will say I've looked at a host of online discussion in regards to the main male protagonist and while I didn't find the male lead to be as bad as I've heard I do have to say he's just kind of the typical dork out of place finding out what this whole romance thing is.
The main female lead Yukana Yame I actually enjoyed her for the most part she was charming at points and seemed to not be the shallow eye candy I initially expected.
This show's cast for the most part wasn't too bad they all had decent moments here and there and filled their respective rolls in moving the plot along nicely with the only exception being Minoru Kobayakawa who....well....I'm not going into details here but I will say that if you are sensitive towards humor relating to topics like Pedophilia he'll be the single biggest deterrent from this show because while he has moments of not being for lack of a better term human trash and he's responsible for my favorite joke....he's also a pedophile and the other characters of the show using that against him just makes every moment he's on screen very discomforting.
This show in all honesty is pretty damn awful but it's so awful that you derive some awkward bit of pleasure just from how bad it all really is and in that sense you actually find it to be an enjoyable thing it's truly so bad it's good in this sense and while I wouldn't ever claim it to be the anime equivalent of Plan 9 from outer space it's still fundamentally that level of bad just minus the desire to ever re-watch it.
To sum it up this show is steaming hot garbage but it's enjoyable garbage that if you want a wildly inappropriate ecchi comedy to watch in between something that's maybe on the emotionally draining side this will work but I very much don't advise you have any expectations of finding anything good when it comes to this show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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