A short and fun series that accomplish all it sets out to do, complete with interesting protagonists, cute artstyle, and some neat twist here and there. The misunderstanding commonly seen in a romance is also enjoyable here, instead of the hair-tearing artificial frustration to prolonged the series.
The problem is, since the manga is so short, many side characters just kinda stay flat. The artstyle also, while cute, isn't exactly something I'd call amazing.
If you want something fluffy to read without wasting weeks or even months of your life just to reach the ending, then this manga is for you.
Alternative TitlesJapanese: クマ倉さんと僕 InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 3
Chapters: 14
Status: Finished
Published: Jun 24, 2021 to Oct 25, 2022
Monthly Action Authors:
Haruno, Kamiharu (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #46742 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #8884
Members: 2,251
Favorites: 13 | Reviews
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Your Feelings Categories Dec 8, 2024
Kumakura-san to Boku is just a really fun read. It has several strong themes and motifs. The characters are developed fairly well given its length. It's one of the few romance manga where you can understand the relationship between the MMC and the FMC and it doesn't seem contrived, random, or forced. Hachiya's feelings for Kumakura make perfect sense in the context of the narrative, and her feelings also make sense. Hachiya being somewhat dense also makes perfect sense given his past, and the author doesn't drag out the dense bit for 200 chapters like some manga do. Kumakura's feelings for Hachiya also make sense