Jan 28, 2024
Decided to read it since older female x younger male genre is my cup of tea. Sadly though age gap is too big, romance turned to something platonic (i guess editor had to intervene before it became shota ecchi manga).
Story 6/10
It's hard to evaluate it. It's a slice of life piece with fantasy elements + drama also some romance at the start which became platonic after it was nearing the risque border.
The biggest concern for me that it is a fetish manga, stoic woman aged 25 who is almost like a man and a sissy boy aged unknown but somewhere between 6-8 years old.
Basically speaking it was initially (first few chapters) a pedo fantasy flik that mellowed down a bit after few chapters. Other growing concern that if you change our MC's genders they fit perfectly to standart gender roles. i.e. Stoic man aged 25 takes in a girl as his apprentice........
Some people in some other webpages said something about "What if changed genders? It's outrages". Partially agreed, but boys and girls have different experience with groomers of opposite gender. Boys in general have a lesser impact, one of the main concerns might be fetish for older women, though women also can damage boys psyche if grooming is aggresive and damage might be catostrophic. For us having relationship with older women during younger years is a badge of honor luckily, so despite everything it's easier to manage. Why did I say all this? Because clearly this manga would not get released if gender roles would be reversed, it becomes too damn creepy.
Lastly I want to root apprenticeXmaster ship but age gap and apparent grooming kinda of irks me. If our MC was 14 years old and their relationship started to get a bit intimate i could go with it, but this is monstracity. I doubt that author will have the balls to make them a couple but innuendo is there........
Characters 6/10
Nothing that really strikes as awesome. 30 chapters in and basically architype of a stoic woman and a sissy boy with occasional sides who come around, do alsmot nothing and dissapear with some resurgance.
Art 8/10
Ohhh boy, art here is good. Unique monster and armor designs, let's not forget about athletic and perky female lead (Which actually is the only reason i decided to read until chapter 30). Speech bubbles and panel placement in english translation is up to standard.
Enjoyment 5/10
Mixed feelings. I want to enjoy this but ultimetely I know how this story will go and the biggest concern age gap and grooming. You read it and try to get this "fluffy" or feel good atmosphere but those 3 things are bombarding me every time. This is not a story about adopted child, this is a story about a woman who took in a boy who is like a little animal to her, with occasional sexual inuendo.
Overall 6/10
Cannot advice it for people who are fans of calm slice of lifes nor who like older female x younger male genres. Slice of life is occasionally interrupted by dramatic revealations or fights and older female x younger male is too messed up.
But i've read it in a mere 30 minutes so 1 chapter per minute, you can spare 5 minutes - 10 minutes to check it out. After initial 5 chapters grooming mellowed down though honestly it is actually worse, it's like a question why the f suddenely the direction changed (i know why objectivly but the question about story direction), it's like "Hey, i will kill you! 5 minutes later Maybe i will kill, maybe not." <-- When literally nothing happened between those 5 minutes. I.e. consitency problem which throws you of balance while reading.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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