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Alternative Titles

Japanese: サンクチュアリ
English: Sanctuary
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 12
Chapters: 108
Status: Finished
Published: 1990 to 1995
Genres: Drama Drama, Suspense Suspense
Themes: Detective Detective, Organized Crime Organized Crime
Demographic: Seinen Seinen
Serialization: Big Comic Superior
Authors: Ikegami, Ryouichi (Art), Buronson (Story)


Score: 8.221 (scored by 92539,253 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #4102
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #522
Members: 35,909
Favorites: 970



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Preliminary Spoiler
Jun 6, 2008
Preliminary (108/108 chp)
Written by Sho Fumimura (aka Buronson) and drawn by Ryoichi Ikegami, Sanctuary is an engrossing epic that validates manga as a medium, it defines it; transcends it. In short it deserves the title of masterpiece.

Hojo and Asami seek to change Japan, to rock it to its very core. They share a dark past, and both have vowed to stick to the path they chose together, to keep rising up the ranks of society in order to make the changes needed to create a new Japan. One lives the life of a yakuza; the other the life of politics. What this manga ...
Jul 3, 2013
Preliminary (108/108 chp)
Sanctuary is a manga about two Japanese young men who grew up in tumultuous Cambodia, due to their parents being doctors. When they return to their home country they vow to forge a sanctuary, an ideal nation, in Japan. One of them becomes a yakuza boss and the other a politician. Together they will shake the world. Sound good? It did to me, but I was ultimately disappointed.

The two main characters are indistinguishable from each other in terms of personality. They are strong (and manly) charismatic geniuses who are perfect in every single way. One of them takes over a political party with a single ...
May 26, 2013
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (105/108 chp)
Sanctuary tells the story of two men who escaped the killing fields of Cambodia as children into Japan to try build a safe haven for themselves. Except wait, they’re not actual Cambodian children. They’re handsome young Japanese children trapped in Cambodia because their parents were doctors. Don’t want to be like those smelly Cambodians with their funny coloured skin and wonky teeth. Asami, the glasses-wearing handsome young fellow, gets into politics to try build them their ‘Sanctuary’, while Hojo, the spectacle-less but still incredibly handsome young fellow, joins the yakuza to help Asami from behind. But not actually from behind because that would be gay ...
May 23, 2017
Mixed Feelings
Just reading the synopsis of Sanctuary manga was enough to spark a interest in me; being deeply interested in politics, I was ecstatic to find a political thriller manga. I thought this might be a gateway for me to explore and know more about the Japanese politics. I arrived at this manga as it was compared to Code Geass and was recommended to the former's fans. That itself was enough for me to hold this manga at a high place and I was totally excited to devour 108 chapters with all its political strategies and mind games that go along with it. But, boy ...
May 18, 2018
Sanctuary is not reality, but it provides a medium to digest in a readable way what would realistically take a lifetime. It is a passionate and deep story about how two young men went about accomplishing their vision of bringing life back to Japan, grinding through the piles of corruption that had stagnated the nation. The other favorable reviews have talked a lot about what the manga does well so I'll refrain from that and address some faulty criticisms.

I'd like to address the criticism that the women in the story are just "fuck toys". Most of the women are, but that's because they're prostitutes, it's ...
Jul 17, 2013
Preliminary (105/108 chp)
What can I say about Sanctuary that the 10 rating doesn't do for me?

This manga, is quite simply, a masterpiece. It's very rare that you will come across a piece of media that can be called that, but still to this day, Sanctuary holds that hefty crown still.

Written by Sho Fumimura, better known as Buronson, the creator of Fist of the North Star and other famous works, and illustrated by Ryoichi Ikegami. The two have collaberated many times since then with things like Heat and the still ongoing Lord. They do have a fondness for one word titles don't they?

I'll try not to spoil any ...
May 1, 2022
This is technically my first foray into gekiga manga and man was this probably a poor first impression. Structurally unhinged, confusing, with the art only sometimes coming out to make a notable impression… this work left me with an impression that gekiga is arthouse manga made specifically for certain people to appreciate and everyone else can fuck off. Perhaps that’s great to the people who it’s made for, and I’m sure if I put in the effort to understand the history surrounding this work and the sociopolitical movements in Japan at the time I’d probably walk away with a different understanding. But ...
Jul 10, 2013
Preliminary (105/108 chp)
“There is one key to protecting the throne. And that is not to misjudge the ambition of the young.”
This is a political strategic mind-battle manga dappled with intrigue, violence and provoking messages to the reader. It doesn’t mean this series is something overwhelming and stilted, though. The scope is indeed epic: from one’s dignity and pride to ideological inconsistencies and the world peace, - however downright realistic.
Just the right size and pace. No dragging on the plot development. Once the tempo is set in the beginning, it proceeds till the very end. Smooth storyline makes it really easy to read and comprehend.
Art is simply amazing.
The ...
Mar 7, 2014
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (105/108 chp)
for all its flash art and sweeping narrative arcs, sanctuary is a ham-fisted manga companion to ayn rand. engrossing enough, but don't take its juvenile neoliberal theories seriously, please.

also, the depiction of women is absolutely shocking. i see a lot of guys here giving this series a 10 and calling it 'beautiful' and all that. really? there are maybe three solid female voices in the whole series, and they're all putty in the hands of the main characters from the moment they meet them, seemingly for no reason. for instance, in the very first volume, in practically their very first meeting, the deputy chief of ...
Feb 18, 2015
Preliminary (105/108 chp)
|| Manga Recommendation ||
(Above 18+ ..underage peeps stay away, Not that you would)

Manga - Sanctuary( Sankuchuari )
Authors - Ikegami, Ryoichi (Art), Buronson (Story)
Genres - Action, Drama, Police, Seinen, Thriller

Sanctuary is a seinen manga involving Crimes, Syndicates, Yakuza, Politicians, Domination, Parties, sex, rape, Corruption, Wars, etc. Sanctuary can be called Manga version of Godfather or Mafia or Scarface. The story progresses focusing more on Yakuza side and then on Politics side. Since i am still reading and at chap 24 yet was able to take place in my top ten with just 20 chaps. The story is progressing with a flow without any fluctuations nor it ...
May 28, 2022
"No matter what world you move in, its eat or be eaten!"
While its true that sanctuary is a manga about politics and crime in 90s Japan at its core Sanctuary is about the new vs the traditions, youth vs old and how young people are the ones that can truly change the world.

Hojo and Asami are two frends that went through hell and came back and are sad to see how hopeless modern day Japan is, a Japan ruled by old men that are clinging to old traditions while Japan`s youth is to numb do to anyhting about it.

Seeing this sad reality these young men ...
Dec 12, 2015
Preliminary (105/108 chp)
This review includes minor spoilers.

„What good is a Sanctuary if I have no-one to share it with?”

Before getting into the minutiae of Sanctuary let's start with what this manga is not:
It's not a modern version of Machiavelli's „The Prince”. It does not present anything in terms of strategy or tactics within the political realm, nor does it flesh out an ideal of what politics should be like.
It's not a japanese version of The West Wing or House of Cards. It deals with politics alright, but you won't learn much about the japanese political system nor does it discuss policy. It barely grazes it.
It's focus ...
Feb 26, 2022
Sanctuary is a fantastic manga about politics, crime and society. But let's go by parts:

The manga's story is very good and above average. Being another one of those that comment on its historical period (the 90s in this case) like Evangelion or Akira, but while these mangas comment from the perspective of young teenagers against the harmful and apathetic adult mentality, Sanctuary approaches from the point of view of young adults wanting to deconstruct this apathetic mentality. within Japanese society.
In this, the work has a truly exciting plot in which the protagonists (Hojo and Asami) need to conquer the top to make the change, whether ...
Jan 1, 2021
Preliminary (20/108 chp)
As many of you would think Japan is a perfect country. Well, yes but actually no. So this is actually the main focus of Sanctuary. Revealing the disturbing and unbelievable facts of Japan and trying to change the whole Japan. Two guys who have managed to survive the refugee camp in Cambodia, finally arrives in their homeland Japan, and are terrified with the country's terrible status. One of them tries to change Japan's underworld becoming a yakuza, the other trying to change the politics. It's a very unusual manga since there aren't many which comprise political subjects, you might think that would make the manga ...
Dec 2, 2020
I'm not particularly sure where to start with this review as I feel like there's no real good place I can start but I guess I'll go with this:

Sanctuary is one the most 90's Yakuza/Political dramas I've ever seen, and is much in the vein of films like Branded to Kill or Tokyo Drifter. The reality of Sanctuary is punctuated with edge of your seat tense moments and crazy table cloth pulling moments, at least in their presentation. If you're not into incredibly the kind of manly/macho kinds of media that take themselves a little too seriously this manga is not for you. Granted at ...
Jul 1, 2017
How long can a shallow story, about determination and manliness keep a thinking fan's interest?
Well, this particular shallow story can keep it up its whole length of 108 chapters.
It is a story about two young boys who, after surviving the horrors of Cambodia war and its aftermath, return to Japan, deem it unworthy of their ideals, and decide to “conquer” it.

The hellish conditions the two boys survived account for the forging of their iron will, but not for the charisma and their suaveness. And the mangaka emphasizes that aspect of them the most. Also their motivation for rising to the top is ...