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Alternative Titles

Japanese: バイオメガ
English: Biomega
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 6
Chapters: 43
Status: Finished
Published: Jun 14, 2004 to Jan 19, 2009
Genres: Action Action, Horror Horror, Sci-Fi Sci-Fi
Demographic: Seinen Seinen
Serialization: Ultra Jump
Authors: Nihei, Tsutomu (Story & Art)


Score: 7.451 (scored by 1022710,227 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #33692
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #610
Members: 31,143
Favorites: 557



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Preliminary Spoiler
Jan 14, 2009
Preliminary (Unknown/43 chp)
From the creator of dark mega structures of unknown origin, Biomega is the laidback easygoing cousin of the brooding and unintelligible Blame.

As usual, story takes a backseat to vision. This is not a criticism, but an acknowledgement of Nihei's trademark, sensibilities and priorities. You don’t check out this man's manga to get involved in a deep plot; you do it for the mood, the scope, the imagination in ambiguity. Having said that Biomega does resort to some exposition, and even 'story so far' and a chart of characters and organisations, its like Nihei feels sorry for us and is being generous, or ...
Aug 11, 2007
Preliminary (22/43 chp)
Biomega, one of the most recent and current works of Tsutomu Nihei, author of the acclaimed mangas BLAME! and Noise. If you read those two mangas and looking for something new from the author or just looking something Cyberpunk and extremely dark theme, than don't look further.

The situation of the story is a little like the Resident Evil game theme, where a person must survive or search a person in a city overrun by peoples that are infected with a virus. Kanoe Zouichi, a biker agent from a powerful organization, Toh-a Heavy Industries, with AI-Companion motorcycle, Kanoe Fuyu, where they must retrieve ...
Jun 10, 2015
[Spoiler Warning]

Typical Nihei: gorgeous if extremely repetitive black-and-white art (in contrast, the few color illustrations come off as childishly garish and ugly) typically showing explosions and combat (rarely varied or exhibiting any imagination - if I had a nickel for every time Zouichi busts into a room and instantaneously shoots everyone in the head, I could probably afford to buy the entire printed manga), Nihei's obsessions like improbably powerful guns, borrowing of fantasy tropes that are wildly inappropriate (eg swordsmen and duels), a story that verges on gibberish (can anyone explain how the bear's wish could possibly lead to transforming the Earth into a megastructure?).

It's ...
Aug 19, 2013
Biomega is depressing and distressing. The most part of characters are without exspression and few talk. The edifices is very elaborated and dominate the landscape. In this view human aberration fight for change the world.
I love the style of the author Tsutomu Nihei. The design of Biomega is detailed, with gigantic structure that dominate the protagonist Zoichi Kanoe(but is same to Killy!). Is a artificial human, and search Ion Green a immortal human, for prevent the diffusion of the virus N5S as transform the human in zombi(call Drone in the manga).
Together with Knights of Sydonia this is the better manga of Tsutomu Nihei.

Oct 25, 2010
It's strange for me to read 18+ rated Manga since I am 14 but I did love the thought of the story so I brought the first the 2 volumes.

The art may seem as though it is weak and dark, but the widescreen shots of the surrounding landscapes are excellent I think they give the series a light feel, when looking at the landscapes I feel an overwhelming feeling of nostalgia which makes me love the series more.

Unfortunatly I found the characters inhuman and wooden, I could not see emotion (even though the main character isn't human) but still a little emotion can go ...
Oct 15, 2024
Biomega – Spoiler Free – Recommended

Story – 6/10 – 6 x 0.275 = 1,65
Art – 10/10 – 10 x 0.2 = 2
Characters – 5/10 – 5 x 0.225 = 1,125
Enjoyment – 8/10 – 8 x 0.3 = 2,4
Total: 7,175 -> 7

Apr 19, 2020
Biomega isn't a series that should be read about, its one that should be seen. That's how aesthetically-driven of a comic it is, and how completely idiosyncratic it is as a representation of the mind of its insane author, Tsutomu Nihei. Despite this, however, I'm gonna make something about it that is designed to be read, because its not like I have much of anything else to do. Seriously, though: my first recommendation to anyone wondering whether or not to read Biomega is to look at the pictures, and if you love them, read it. However, even if your mind is blown initially, you may ...
Dec 28, 2017
I am a fan of Tsutomu Nihei's works, thus my review might slightly be biased.
Also I can easily say that Blame! is my favourite cyberpunk manga to date which makes most of the similarities in Biomega all the more enjoyable for me.

The protag-kun Zouchi is a synthetic human, meaning like Killy he can take quite the beating and do some badass shit.
And I will be 100% honest and tell that, Biomega's action scenes are nothing short of GLORIOUS. They are a lot easier to follow, more impactful and contrary to Blame! you can see what's going on (Of course I'm exaggerating, I love Blame!'s ...
Jun 1, 2017
Hay elementos comunes con Blame!, y en cierta parte de la historia podría incluso haberse convertido en la precuela (muy en el pasado) de Blame! Acaba tomando otro camino.

No me gusta el apelativo de 'distopía de zombies' para este manga, aunque quizá sea por el prejuicio hacia el género (o no) de estúpido en general. Ciertamente hay los equivalentes a zombies, pero la historia no toma el camino de una difícil supervivencia entre miles y miles de zombies ya que esto no tendría sentido frente a la relevancia y las capacidades del personaje central del manga.
Igualmente que en Blame! hay elementos de ciberpunk como las ...
Nov 2, 2021
Mixed Feelings
tl;dr: A manga that’s mostly just really boring with a plot that makes little sense.

Biomega is a manga that largely just doesn’t work. The plot is the tried and true plot line that involves an Earth that is essentially undergoing a virus induced zombie apocalypse where the protagonist is part of a group searching for those immune to the virus in order to protect them in order to preserve humanity, with another faction basically trying to use the ongoing apocalypse to reshape the world and humanity to their purposes. However, it’s told really badly in a really scattershot manner that makes it really hard to ...
Feb 28, 2023
Mixed Feelings
Its charm stemmed from simplicity it lost somewhere along the way.

During Blame!'s runtime from 1997 to 2003, Nihei released the first and only chapter of a cancelled series named Dead Heads, which could be considered as the predecessor of Biomega. If you are looking for more of the same, consider reading this one, as the art and aesthetic are very reminiscent of Blame!, yet different enough you can't equate the two... Which adds to the sadness when I say I view it as a rather mediocre read. Shame, as it could have been pretty good.

The setting and premise are mad simple: zombie apocalypse, the antagonists ...
Oct 10, 2023
Biomega one of my favorite Nihei manga of all time. It's a artistic masterpiece showing a post apocalyptic universe ravished by the undead and a super weird alien creature. It has been a while since I've read this, but the artwork, the pacing and the amazing action makes this one of the most beautiful manga ever created. Only six volumes of pure science fiction goodness this is a must read for any science fiction or Nihei fan!

The characters are shallow, although they are still very important and the beginning may seem very confusing, even this entire manga seemed like it started in the middle ...
Nov 2, 2024
Around the halfway point, any pretense of coherent storytelling is abandoned in favor of mindless shootouts and random plot developments until it just sort of ends. Things happen, sci-fi jargon is dumped on you, explosions, then a motorcycle ride through a cool vista. Once or twice a woman takes her clothes of to see if you're really still listening. Characters seemingly die, pop in and out of the story, gain motivations on a whim. And it's all so paper thin and meaningless that you never really care about any of it.

What I liked about it:
- It had pretty art
- The fights looked cool even ...
Jan 18, 2023
Mixed Feelings
A simple race against time to save the world, and what happens afterward.

"Biomega", as well as the other Tsutomu Nihei works I've read, work within the confines of showing, never telling. Even with that, this manga does have much more dialogue, but it's never dialogue that explains anything. Characters react to a situation, they move towards the next step of the operation, but what's the operation?

Story: 5/10
Zouichi is one of those simple Nihei protagonists; an unrelenting force of humanity, dead set on completing his mission, even if the world itself has ended. With the goal of saving the world, we observe the creatures, ...
Nov 28, 2022
Biomega is a story that quite literally transcends time and space. The story starts deep in the future, following Zoichi Kanoe, a synthetic human and agent tasked with finding a human who can resist the N5S infection. A disease that has turned much of humanity into zombie-like creatures known as "Drones."

That's about as much detail as I want to give about this manga. It really is something that you should go into blind, like me. I will not pretend that everyone will enjoy this story. There's a good amount of purely tragic deaths, dialogue, and concepts that will go over most people's heads, massive amounts ...
Nov 26, 2016
First review ever, but i felt the need to write something after reading this. I'm not going to write a huge load of text, but here's my take on why you should read it :

1 - Do you like Moebius inspired manga such as Nausicaa From The Valley Of Wind (a minor work for a little known guy named Miyazaki, rings a bell ?) ?

Well you get plenty of Moebius inspirations in Biomega, along with outstanding art and the striking double pages panels depicting the usual cyberpunk and futuristic style of Tsutomu Nihei. It's really awesome to see how much he has improved since ...
Mar 18, 2020
A fun Post-apocalyptic art house manga! Read this since high school and it's an experience that I feel should be enjoyed for the art, violence, gore, landscapes and weird trips that would go in the series. The story can be ether Confusing or extremely convoluted for those wanting to get into the story aspect of this comic good luck with that hah!

The Characters are kind of the weakest part of the book to me as it's personally hard to keep track of who's important to follow yet they stand as interesting characters. Newer Characters are just servable. The Climax may be a little disappointing yet ...