Yokujou Climax
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Yokujou Climax

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Desire ©MAX, Yokujou©MAX, Passionate Climax, Desire Climax
Japanese: 欲情©MAX


Type: Manga
Volumes: 7
Chapters: 48
Status: Finished
Published: Jun 5, 2004 to Jul 20, 2006
Genres: Drama Drama, Romance Romance
Demographic: Shoujo Shoujo
Serialization: Margaret
Authors: Ukyou, Ayane (Story & Art)


Score: 7.081 (scored by 1150411,504 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #77852
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #943
Members: 21,003
Favorites: 241



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Preliminary Spoiler
Jul 31, 2008
Desire Climax is a Shoujo, Smut, Romance, Drama manga that initially feels like all the typical smutty manga I have encountered but it ends up having a remarkably in-depth story. It’s a shame that the story becomes really messed up, later on.

Mio Omori is a high school girl who’s supporting her destitute family but her current job barely covers the basic living expenses. In need of some money, she receives the offer of being the maid for her extremely rich landlord however the son (Shoei Jinnai) happens to have an ulterior motive to her working there. In the beginning I was like “what the heck!” ...
Mar 14, 2009
I was torn giving the overall rating for this one 'coz really, it completely depends on the reader's interpretation of shoujo, as to whether they'll be left bemused with the overly maudlin storyline or whether they'll greedily gobble up the gorgeous artwork and the smut that accompanies it. I fall in the latter category.

I think the mangaka may have attempted to make this story a one shot right off the bat, so she introduced us to the duplicity of the hero, Shoei as a delinquent by night but straight laced prince by day character. Then she thought, hmm this has potential, and she went ahead ...
Nov 29, 2011
This rating is based off this manga being part of the shojou drama/romance genre.
I might be a little harsh on my rating but I’m trying to be realistic here…Apart from the sex scenes, there is literally nothing interesting in this manga. It’s highly unrealistic, the characters drive you crazy and I can’t give it a good rating just based on the sex scenes. I mean if I wanted to read something like that I’d just move on to hentai.

The plot is the biggest disappointment. I’m not even sure where to start or how to describe it very well.
The story’s about Mio and Shoei ...
Nov 9, 2011

Let's just say that this is going to be an angry one. Starting off with the ratings...
Story - 8
Art - 7
Character - 6
Enjoyment - 6
Overall - 7

Summary of my thoughts on this manga...
Apr 13, 2012
I could not imagine a worse guy in the world. Every time the prince opens his mouth its something mean or selfcentered. There is no love between them AT ALL. He litterly is sexually abusing her to almost the point of rape. She could not be more stupid because she forgets all the aweful things he does to her and some how is 'in love' with him the next hour. He desides things for her on his own not even caring about what she thinks. He forces her into saying yes and then she some how isn't yelling at him or getting mad enough. What ...
Oct 13, 2009
Mixed Feelings
Story: It definitely had a twist in it that you do see very often, and that probably had to be the best part of the whole manga. I like surprises, so to me, it was a pretty interesting twist to the story.

Art: The art was absolutely dreadful--In my opinion. Art is subjective, and this is merely my opinion, but I simply did not like the art. I really think they could've done better, but it's still decent.

Character: Shoei is a very...interesting character. He's your typical Prince-like character with a hidden agenda. To everyone he's this nice, popular guy but when he and Mio are ...
Dec 2, 2014
I have been reading a lot of romance mangas recently, some good and some bad. I have began to notice tropes that get used time and time again. I imagine that someone wanting to read this will probably be in the same position as I was: familiar with the subject matter. Therefor I am not going to break down the entire romance genre or its pros and cons in story telling. I instead want to focus on what this manga does within that genre to make it stand out.

Firstly, the characters aren't too bad. A constant problem that a lot of romance mangas seem ...
Dec 25, 2014
Mixed Feelings
- Spoiler free review
I started reading Desire Climax a few years ago.. and dumped it after a few chapters. I really disliked the clique shojo characters. An abusive guy and a weak-willed girl, who falls for the guy even though all he does is treat her crappy.
Then a few days ago I ran into it again and decided to give it another chance. I ended up reading the whole thing in one setting. Desire Climax is like a soup opera, you find yourself thinking how stupid and unrealistic the storyline and characters are.. But at the same time: "What happens next??!!"
If I look ...
Nov 28, 2009
This manga is really interesting, the story take all the time unexpected turns. There are a lot of weird scenes in it, like in the works of Mayu Shinjo. So i think if you like these kind of stories (poor Girl and rich Boy, who has a lot of power), this manga is good for you. Different from the most works of Mayu Shinjo, in which the main girl character is not so strong, here the girl is really strong. She fight for that what she want and this is what I truly liked at this story! Additional you can see that the characters ...
Sep 4, 2016
This manga is so frustratingly confusing. The only reason I finished it is because I was hoping it was going to get better but before I knew it I was already in too deep and felt obligated to just finish it.

The story jumps around SO much, so much so that half way through you can't even understand what the direction or purpose of it all was. Seriously, it kind of sucked.

It seemed like the author was trying their best to give you all of these plot twists to enhance drama but it was all crap! Simply because there were just too many, and ...
Aug 22, 2017
I have never written a review on MAL before, but I felt so betrayed by this work that I couldn't stop myself. I can't overstate how much I dislike this manga. I truly don't understand how it has the rating it does. Maybe other readers enjoy the constant aggressive sexual assault to the main character and the way she seems to not notice everyone around her is manipulating her at every turn. Seriously, all her "family" and friends do is lie to her and trap her. If I were her, I would have called the police, and failing that, moved to a different country, just ...
Nov 24, 2010
Preliminary (17/48 chp)
A pretty typical shoujo/smut manga. But there actually ends up being a pretty deep stroyline - interesting character relationships, motivations, plot... Don't get me wrong, there is plenty of romantic drama for no reason at all, but it's still incredibly fun to read.

The art is very well done, nothing extraordinary, but very nice to look at. One thing that does deserve special mention, though, are the eyes - this manga has the prettiest-drawn eyes I have ever seen. Really gorgeous and really share a lot of emotion.

Overall, read this manga if you like shoujo/smut, it'll be perfect for you. It'll even have plotlines and interesting ...
Aug 23, 2011
Mixed Feelings
The art in this series was incredible, but it doesn't really make up for the plot. It's very difficult to understand why characters act they way they do because the author jumps from one idea to another very quickly, and doesn't really give enough background on the characters. I'm not sure if the author was attempting to make the story more mysterious and thrilling, but it didn't really work.

Also, because of this lack of content, certain important plot twists passed too quickly making most of the story seem to be about the Prince pushing himself onto Mio. Furthermore, the romances and trysts weren't always ...
Nov 3, 2016
Mixed Feelings
To begin, I would like to say that Yokujou Climax had an extremely interesting basis for its plot-line; however, on top of the story feeling as though it progressed too quickly, it also felt as though there were too many elements being added to the plot. As I read the manga, it seemed to me like the plot was made to be unnecessarily complex. Complexity can, of course, add a lot of depth to a story if it is gone about correctly; however, Yokujou Climax got confusing at times when, if the plot had not taken extreme turns that seemed completely out of the blue, ...
Jul 5, 2014
This story line really hurt my hart. where should I start. The story line follows Omori Mio a seventeen year old high school girl as she faces obstacles that she didn't even know existed until they stood in her way. Omori Mio's family is poor, her father passed away, and her mother is being hospitalized. n the hopes of being the older sibling to her younger brother Hinata Omori, Mio takes on various part time jops. One day after finishing work on her way home a mysterious man approaches Mio and steals her first kiss. As if that wasn't enough the arrogant man throws ...
Mar 13, 2010
Desire Climax is very interesting. I will try not to say anything that will spoil it but the main character(mio omori) is bit irritating when it comes to the ending. A lot of stuff happens and you think one thing is finally over but then a new problem seems to just pop out(like a pimple!). I thought the storyline was enjoyable with a lot of drama involved. The art is pretty good(just the guys lips that get me annoyed) and it looks great colored(*cough* *cough* anime...) lol. Well annyway, you'll end up liking the manga :D
It's worth it!
Oct 19, 2021
Story: 5, because details and complexity, but in the end it didn’t make any sense. I think it was Ch. 18 where I literally said WTF out loud. There are some weird twists in this series. Very non consistent practically every chapter ending.

Art: 7, it’s really not that bad.

Characters: 2, because holy f*** there is really no character development AT ALL. I don’t mind sexy/sex scenes, but I think this series wanted to focus on the sexy aspects and nothing else.

Enjoyment: 3, as it was so insane and constantly changing i had to read it completely.

Overall: 4, only thing I enjoyed mostly was the art ...
Feb 22, 2012
Even though I'm a guy, I still enjoy this manga.

The best thing in Desire Climax is the art, it is simply amazing. The heroine is very pretty, it's definitely my type of girl, which is the main reason for a guy to read shoujo manga. For the male character part, they are all looking handsome.

Character development is also amazing, the author wrote the manga in a way that makes me become emotional with each characters and their interactions.

For the first part of this manga, thing goes smoothly and peacefully, in a way, it introduces all characters. As for second part, it reaches a climax which ...
Jan 21, 2016
I like to indulge in some smut now and then so i decided to give it a read. It had your usual semi-rape scenes with girl squealing, and then it turned into something more interesting with a deeper story line. Unfortunately the direction of this story line went to the bin with her brother being in love with her, in the end the story lost itself completely. It turned from something which could possibly have been a cute story to convoluted nonsense.

Nonetheless it is readable, and i would recommend you read it if you have nothing better to read.