This is my first review, so i'll try to make it quick.
Handyman Saitou is an isekai. That fact alone carry a lot of "clichès", bad expectatives (not for me, though, for I am a isekai fanatic). But this one have something especial about it: its Art.
The art is one of the most unique drawings i've found in manga. It drawn me to its content, and made me screenshot a lot of its pages to use as wallpaper.
The story isn't something fantastic, but it has its good points. That also can be said about its characters, they're generic but not generic at the
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Handyman Saitou in Another World Japanese: 便利屋斎藤さん、異世界に行く More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Oct 12, 2018 to ?
ComicWalker Authors:
Ichitomo, Kazutomo (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #107882 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #2697
Members: 8,239
Favorites: 27 Available AtResources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 3 / 3
Your Feelings Categories Aug 28, 2019
Very underrated manga
Story: 8/10 The story is about our boi Saitou, he doesn't have sPEciAl 0p p0wErs of some sort but he is a useful person anyway, therefore '' Handyman '' since he is very handy to have in various situations, Saitou is a normal human the other characters are not from the world they are in much like Saitou they all came in a different world. Art:7.5/10 above mediocre, there's nothing much to say but its good since I am an artist myself Characters: 8/10 They have much development to go through since only 15 chapters are translated;_; but id say above mediocre since there's no '' Mary ... Jan 30, 2022
Firstly, it's short considering its a 4-koma manga until the later parts. You could read the current amount of chapters in less than an hour if you so wanted. There are parts that become a bit hard to understand since it's not so much of a linear story. They introduce characters in a side story then later on add them to the main story line. It's like a mish mash of stories that are combined to make a plot; an anthology, basically
The art is passable but soon could be appreciated. Heck it even reminded me of Bunan ni Ikitai Shoukougun. The character themselves doesn't have ... |