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Dec 5, 2007 4:18 PM

Jan 2007
I have been liking the direction this anime is going. The drama and intesity is great, BUT it all disappeared the moment Hoshino was oozing black blood. I just broke out in laughter. When Shuri cut herself, I thought i was just seeing things but the stab confirmed it all. The connection with School Days grows by the episode ;p
Dec 5, 2007 4:27 PM

Jun 2007
OH MY GOD!!! CRAZY GRANDMA STRIKES AGAIN!!! Poor Hoshino-san =( I hope we get to learn about Sana's past now tho...
Dec 5, 2007 5:07 PM

Aug 2007
Syusuke shot up in the GAR rankings with this ep.
Dec 5, 2007 6:30 PM

Nov 2007
There was a disturbing lack of Aoi-chan this episode ;_; Other than that, it was pretty good. Needs Sana's backstory now.

I felt really sad for the Shu brothers even if I really didn't care about them previously. If I ever see that Vice-Principal...

Well, it'll most likely have a good end for them. I hope.
Dec 5, 2007 6:52 PM

Sep 2007
Great episode. Twincest FTW! Lol
Can't wait for next episode, interesting next episode Title
Dec 5, 2007 7:10 PM

Sep 2007
God damn, I'm pissed. Whoever play crap like that is disgusting, I wanted to kick the Vice Principal in the twins.
Dec 5, 2007 7:12 PM

Dec 2007
I must say, haven't been gripped by an episode like that for a long time. When the old lady went doolally it sent me for a loop! It literally had me on the edge of my seat (some may say I'm easily pleased but ho hum ^_^).

It will be very interesting to see how this pans out. I can't wait for the next episode!
Dec 5, 2007 7:13 PM
Jun 2007
lol ok I figured it out!

The reason Sana is afraid of knifes is because hes makato's little brother! and he had to transfer back to this school after his brother was killed. That's why hes afraid of knifes and black blood! HA!

But seriously wtf black blood?

and seriously seriously whats up with the twins I was 1/2 expecting them to get it on in the last part of the episode.
Dec 5, 2007 7:50 PM

Aug 2007
If I was Sana I'd freak out too if my friend was oozing ink. I hope we learn more about him before that gradma gets in a stabby mood again.

nice boat
Dec 5, 2007 8:37 PM

Sep 2007
Black blood was probably to keep it PG-13. Personally, I don't care about the blood being black. As I recall, this is an anime and not real life.
Dec 5, 2007 8:52 PM

Jun 2007
Goodness, what an episode! Sana freaking out was very well done, although his drunk-walk was more amusing than anything. I now admire the seiyuu of the grandma, going from calm to crazy to calm again. Serious kudos to her. Also, Hoshino gained respect from me -- I didn't really care about her before, and she's still far from my favorite character, but protecting Shuri like that was awesome. The interactions between Shuri and Shuu didn't feel like twincest to me... it was more like they were depending on each other, and only on each other. *shrugs*

And the black blood... well, I don't really care about it, but I don't think it would have raised the rating if it was red. There honestly wasn't that much blood.

Eagerly awaiting the next episode~
Dec 5, 2007 9:02 PM

Oct 2007
Faust721 said:
I have been liking the direction this anime is going. The drama and intesity is great, BUT it all disappeared the moment Hoshino was oozing black blood. I just broke out in laughter. When Shuri cut herself, I thought i was just seeing things but the stab confirmed it all. The connection with School Days grows by the episode ;p

I agree on how great the anime is and the different direction is going...
But the Black Blood was a big letdown... Why did they have to do that!!!
Dec 5, 2007 10:21 PM

Jun 2007
fucken old lady! To all the people that said she didn't kill the cat, I told you she did and she was going to try kill a person!

as for the anonymous letter to the school. I have a few guesses as to who could have done it.
1) The new wife because she wants to get ride of the kids.
2) The guy(b/f) that was with the new wife because he wanted to make her happy.
3) The vice principal because he's a prick and has something against the twin's dad.

as for the whole Sana blood thing. I'm still sticking with my original theory that his best friend (or loved one) killed him or her self (or got into an accident and died) in front of Sana and he now wheres that watch as a reminder.

This episode was amazing and I cant wait to see the next.
Dec 5, 2007 10:30 PM

Oct 2007
DeathfireD said:
as for the anonymous letter to the school. I have a few guesses as to who could have done it.
1) The new wife because she wants to get ride of the kids.
2) The guy(b/f) that was with the new wife because he wanted to make her happy.
3) The vice principal because he's a prick and has something against the twin's dad.

This episode was amazing and I cant wait to see the next.

I agree with number 1!
I think if its any of the three about it will be number 1!
Dec 5, 2007 10:49 PM

Dec 2007
Episode 10 was emotional...i can definitely associate with that kind of household. It's good the siblings can be together. I think it's completely retarded that the school would take such a letter seriously. I don't think that part was realistic at all, bad press is always going to be generated at times like this, but without PROOF such as photo's of them going into the love hotel than it's nothing. I think the guy that smirked at the chalkboard writing was the one that did it...although i'm not sure why. The old woman going batty was predicatible.
Dec 5, 2007 10:56 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
I can see the effort but this show is struggeling too much to make things look good. That's too bad.




[H+] ³  
Dec 6, 2007 12:10 AM

Nov 2007
This is why I don't trust old people.
Dec 6, 2007 1:16 AM

Jul 2007
Definately the best so far... Persnoally i loved this episode and cant w8 for the next 1... Im starting Like Shusuke a LOT!!! Allthough i believe he must find solution with Force(Smack HIs FAther - Fuck the Vice-Principal_Kill the bastrards that maked fun of him and hi sister etc)The moment he kicked the desk in the class it was IMBA!!What regards the black blood i was annoyed but... Shit happens since i liked the ep so much i didnt payed attention...Next 3 eps must be extremely good since the have to answer 710567 things.Sanas Past-Nanakas Past- Whats gonna happens with the twins their fake mother their father elections etc.Also Sana will end up with nanaka i think we have to see that also... This series is awesome :)
Dec 6, 2007 1:17 AM

Nov 2007
I always just like to immerse myself in a story, even if it might be sudden or contrived. Well, if it's totally off the wall, I'll be skeptical, but sometimes you just go with the flow. Already this series has surprised me tons of times, and I'm liking the drama of it all. Strange but unique, and uniqueness counts for me.

Boo on the black coloration as well. When can the world get past that?

Definite points for ShuuxShuri right there. Shame that all those classmates don't agree.
Dec 6, 2007 5:41 AM

Oct 2007
Wow. Pretty good episode ^^ Looking forward to the next. The preview seems a little sad (?) though. With the whole fun times never coming back D: Can't wait to see what happens :D
Only thing that bothered me was the black blood but I can live with that ><
Dec 6, 2007 6:20 AM
Oct 2007
Oh em jee

Wow, intense episode...

We have twincest, abuse, insane batty sacrificing killer, freaking out at the knife, and much more.

The black blood was funny though, as someone else said... They're humans, not the oil fields of Saudi Arabia.
thenDec 6, 2007 7:14 AM
Dec 6, 2007 7:36 AM

Sep 2007
Since episode 1 I have the theory that Sana tried to commit suicide in the past and that's the reason to be moved into his childhood town more the phone calls of his mom every night and the watch cover his wrist. And this episode just confirmed that!! I hope the next chapter will be the Sana's past!!

And the direction of the anime is great!!! it needs more suspense because only lacks 3 episodes to the end!! And this lasts chapters the anime advance so much!!

Hoping that Shu brothers will stay in town .-. and the ed will be great ^_^

Greets from a M ; Y fan~

Dec 6, 2007 7:45 AM

Nov 2007
poor hoshino T.T

btw, the art is kinda like School days, i hope the story doesnt turn out like School days did
Dec 6, 2007 7:53 AM

Dec 2007
I really hope this doesn't end like school days, becouse ok in that anime Makoto tottally desserved what happened to him(thuogh Sekai didin't), but here none of the characters have done anything wrong!Maybe it's my habbit of getting sucked up in the story, but i just hope we don't have to see something like school days again (at least in this series), I still feel like being at the edge of mental breakdown becouse of that.....SERIOUSLY WHO IN ANIME HEAVEN'S NAME THINKS OF STUFF LIKE THIS?
Dec 6, 2007 7:56 AM
Oct 2007
Dec 6, 2007 8:06 AM

Jul 2007
haha wow crazy episode, but the part where the insane old lady injured Hoshino seemed way to censored, I wasn't even sure that Hoshino was stabbed with the knife or not, but anyways I'm glad hoshino didn't die.
And the whole thing with the Wakatsuki twins was a bit disturbing, that vice-principal pissed me off a little too.

Dec 6, 2007 8:27 AM

Oct 2007
XD really good episode!!!

bet it was thier evil stepmum who sent that letter to that school and bloody hell that old lady is a right psycho! lol.

poor twins!

looking forward to the next episode!
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Dec 6, 2007 8:36 AM

Oct 2007
I think i was more groosed out by the twin love........ It looked dodgy to start with holding hands and stuff at that point the forbiden love alerts started ringing but i causually ignored hoping that it wouldnt try to imply it any further than just being really 'close' BUT ARRR vice principal "you two have being see comming out of a hotel last night" eeeeeeeeeew its a major taboo just to say something like that and the fact their twins makes it 5millon times worse... I cringed throughout that whole part.

Dec 6, 2007 1:00 PM

Aug 2007
Kouta said:
Since episode 1 I have the theory that Sana tried to commit suicide in the past and that's the reason to be moved into his childhood town more the phone calls of his mom every night and the watch cover his wrist. And this episode just confirmed that!! I hope the next chapter will be the Sana's past!!

Don't see anything "confirming" that Sana tried to commit suicide. It's obviously clear that he's had some bad experience likely involving a knife and blood, but it doesn't have to be suicide and it didn't have to directly happen to him
Dec 6, 2007 1:08 PM

Nov 2007
shadowraze said:
Don't see anything "confirming" that Sana tried to commit suicide. It's obviously clear that he's had some bad experience likely involving a knife and blood, but it doesn't have to be suicide and it didn't have to directly happen to him

Maybe murder? There's something suspicious about his mom calling him now and then and asking him if he's alright or something.

Or is it that Sana has hemophobia (and for obvious reasons, he can't go to med school...)?
Dec 6, 2007 1:25 PM
Jun 2007
I think it's fairly obvious he tried to commit suicide. Unless you want to try and reason that his attempted-murderer tried to kill him by slashing his wrist. If I was a killer I'd probably go for the heart or something, not their wrist. So that's why I think it's been foreshadow'd pretty well(if not somewhat excessively) that he tried to kill himself.

Dec 6, 2007 1:29 PM
Aug 2007
awesome episode...Shuu was like the highlight man...he just kicks the desk and yells "WHO THE **** WROTE THIS???" That caught me off guard.... and the old lady was crazy.... ppl like her r stupid... u cant bring ppl back 2 life no matter how much u want it(unless u have the dragonballs lol)
Dec 6, 2007 1:34 PM

Jul 2007
deli53 said:
awesome episode...Shuu was like the highlight man...he just kicks the desk and yells "WHO THE **** WROTE THIS???" That caught me off guard.... and the old lady was crazy.... ppl like her r stupid... u cant bring ppl back 2 life no matter how much u want it(unless u have the dragonballs lol)

I also liked the part with the desk :D
Dec 6, 2007 1:51 PM

Nov 2007
I would like start off saying that at least it wasn't a "nice boat". This series went in a serious direction fast, but I love where it's heading. They're still dodging why Sana is afraid of blood, but I bet it has something to do with the watch or his wrist in some way. It was definitely worth waiting another week to see this ep though. Glad that they finally did give the twins some good screen time and a good story, just another reason why this show has so much depth. Next week looks like it's going to be epic. Only two episodes left. I going to be sad when this is all over because this has been my favorite ever since it started. Oh well.

Dec 6, 2007 1:56 PM
Jul 2018
Its was a crazy episode.
i really dont like this old woman hit Hoshino she crazy!
Dec 6, 2007 1:58 PM

Sep 2007
Triethanolamine said:
haha wow crazy episode, but the part where the insane old lady injured Hoshino seemed way to censored, I wasn't even sure that Hoshino was stabbed with the knife or not, but anyways I'm glad hoshino didn't die.

lol I wasn't sure she was stabbed either until I saw the blood spreading. Actually, I didn't even know the old lady was going at Shuri with a knife. You just see the knife at the bedside table and then the old lady says she's gonna kill a person (even though her position was far from the table). You don't actually see her holding the knife. Too censored =/

Black blood = mentioned.
Sana's drunk walk = mentioned.
Vice-principal being an ass = mentioned.
Shuusuke's awesome = mentioned.
Dec 6, 2007 2:02 PM

Nov 2007
Very exciting episode.

cafekko said:
poor hoshino T.T

btw, the art is kinda like School days, i hope the story doesnt turn out like School days did

I agree,but i think it will have a good ending.(I hope Sana chooses Hoshino)
Dec 6, 2007 2:50 PM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
I didn't mind the black-maroony blood. Don't think it really ruined the effect.
Hoshino was upped in my books for saving Shuri, but she should have just slide tackled the old lady!

My guess on the twincest thing is that they aren't confirming it, but aren't denying it either. Basically, I think they're going to let people think what they want ^^ (and this episode creates a huge fanfic spin off)

@Deathfire: I don't think 2 works (I think he was just in it for the party favors).
In regards to the suicide theory: (other persons' suicide, that is) ... he had to have found the person himself, I think, to have that violent of a reaction. Has his mom mentioned anything about his dad being around? Then again, considering previous episodes, it'd probably have to be a friend.

People are too obsessed with School Days. The anime turned out that way because the game did. If you knew anything about the game, you expected it. Not all anime are going to be like this because of one *bad seed* <-- I hate you, SD.
KinetaDec 6, 2007 2:56 PM
Dec 6, 2007 2:51 PM
Oct 2007
dude said:
Very exciting episode.

cafekko said:
poor hoshino T.T

btw, the art is kinda like School days, i hope the story doesnt turn out like School days did

I agree,but i think it will have a good ending.(I hope Sana chooses Hoshino)

sana will get stabbed by nanaka

and there will be twin love cause da capo said so
Dec 6, 2007 3:49 PM

Oct 2007
rawr vice principal. hate people like that. alot.
shuusuke pwned in this episode.
cant wait for the next xD this seires makes me wanna watch the next so badly

Dec 6, 2007 6:51 PM
Oct 2007
THAT was a good episode : twin love, Shuusuke's desk kick, Kaji-san murder attempt, Hoshino bleeding, tears, Sana's strange walk, crazy vice-principal.
I have a question,
wasn't the fish's blood in episode 3 (if I remember correctly) red?
Dec 6, 2007 7:15 PM

Jun 2007
overfunk said:
I felt really sad for the Shu brothers even if I really didn't care about them previously. If I ever see that Vice-Principal...

Er, if you're referring to the twins, than you should know they're brother and sister, not brothers.
starryskyDec 6, 2007 7:35 PM

Dec 6, 2007 7:55 PM

Jun 2007
Kineta said:
I didn't mind the black-maroony blood. Don't think it really ruined the effect.
Hoshino was upped in my books for saving Shuri, but she should have just slide tackled the old lady!

My guess on the twincest thing is that they aren't confirming it, but aren't denying it either. Basically, I think they're going to let people think what they want ^^ (and this episode creates a huge fanfic spin off)

In regards to the suicide theory: (other persons' suicide, that is) ... he had to have found the person himself, I think, to have that violent of a reaction. Has his mom mentioned anything about his dad being around? Then again, considering previous episodes, it'd probably have to be a friend.

People are too obsessed with School Days. The anime turned out that way because the game did. If you knew anything about the game, you expected it. Not all anime are going to be like this because of one *bad seed* <-- I hate you, SD.

Umm thats why I said a friend or loved one. He was probably there and saw that person get killed or kill him/her self. That's why he reacts the way he does around knives with blood on them. His mom calls every night just to check up on him because shes scared that he may try and kill him self or something.

I honestly don't see his past being, him cutting him self with a knife or trying to commit suicide. Thats way to predictable not to mention cliche. Theres also not enough clues that even point in that direction.
Dec 6, 2007 8:27 PM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
DeathfireD said:
Umm thats why I said a friend or loved one.

I wasn't discounting what you were saying, I agree with you ^^;

Only three more episodes until the end... on one hand, I can't wait! I want to know his past already (I'm guessing it'll be the climax), but on the other hand, Sana's grown on me as a character. I like him :)
Dec 6, 2007 10:41 PM

Nov 2007
I guess it is more exciting if we have no idea what will happen next and just guess ^ ^
Dec 7, 2007 2:20 AM
Jun 2007
DeathfireD said:

I honestly don't see his past being, him cutting him self with a knife or trying to commit suicide. Thats way too predictable not to mention cliche. There's also not enough clues that even point in that direction.

The clue that he killed himself is his watch. He looks at when he's distressed, he's protective of it and if he did try to kill himself its hiding the scar. If it was from someone he knew who killed themselves, why would he look at it when he's distressed? That doesn't make a lot of sense to me honestly, I mean it's possible obviously just that the chances aren't there.

If anything there aren't enough clues pointing in your hypothesis' direction.

Dec 7, 2007 6:11 AM

Oct 2007
AnimusNathan said:
DeathfireD said:

I honestly don't see his past being, him cutting him self with a knife or trying to commit suicide. Thats way too predictable not to mention cliche. There's also not enough clues that even point in that direction.

The clue that he killed himself is his watch. He looks at when he's distressed, he's protective of it and if he did try to kill himself its hiding the scar. If it was from someone he knew who killed themselves, why would he look at it when he's distressed? That doesn't make a lot of sense to me honestly, I mean it's possible obviously just that the chances aren't there.

If anything there aren't enough clues pointing in your hypothesis' direction.

First off, you cant say "The clue that he killed himself is his watch. " that's wrong to say for a living person :P

Going on, i dont think he tried to kill himself...
The watch does have some significant value, but he would have some really irresponsible parents, if they let him go live far away on his own if he is known to have suicidal tendencies...
Dec 7, 2007 6:44 AM

Oct 2007
Friendlysoul said:

First off, you cant say "The clue that he killed himself is his watch. " that's wrong to say for a living person :P

Going on, i dont think he tried to kill himself...
The watch does have some significant value, but he would have some really irresponsible parents, if they let him go live far away on his own if he is known to have suicidal tendencies...

I also have a strong feeling that he tried to kill himself.

His parents do call to check up on him everyday and maybe the reason why they allowed him to live on his own was because he was depressed of where he was living before. He could of been bullied or whatever. ^_^
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Dec 7, 2007 7:12 AM

Oct 2007
Master_M2K said:
I also have a strong feeling that he tried to kill himself.

His parents do call to check up on him everyday and maybe the reason why they allowed him to live on his own was because he was depressed of where he was living before. He could of been bullied or whatever. ^_^

But still i dont think i would let my son go live far off by himself...
on that note, i dont have a son.. lol (2 young) :P
Dec 7, 2007 9:01 AM

Aug 2007
Yeah, pretty sure he already did try to kill himself, I have thought that since the first or second episode. His mom calls every night because she is worried that he might do it again, he wears the wrist-watch to cover up the scar and every time he sees a knife, he bugs out. Mostly it's because of the wrist-watch, though, he wears it to cover up the scar and when Nanaka was flipping out on him and telling him how happy he was, he was probably going to tell her how miserable he was and that he almost killed himself.

The question is why did he try to kill himself? Was he so horribly depressed that he tried to kill himself and that's why he's back now? Because he is too depressed away from here?

I really love the twins, too. They are awesome, I loved seeing their storyline. I feel that Shuusuke is probably going to kill someone, this has nothing to do with School Days, heh. Most 12-13 episode long animes have something tragic happen in them and something very psychological and they have been working up to that this entire time since it has moved extremely slow until the last few episodes, and even now, it's not really going anywhere, so something horrific will most likely happen at the end, but we shall see what. Get to find out what happened to him, to Nanaka, and the like.

Also get to find out what exactly Shuusuke was screaming at him the night he was leaving on the train. It could not have been the night that Nanaka's house burned down and I know that Sana thinks that Shuu was yelling something like bye, but to me, he looked like he was panicking..

I still get chills thinking about Nanaka's 'Help Me' letter. >.>
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