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The Empty Box and Zeroth Maria (light novel)
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Sep 2, 2013 3:52 AM

Nov 2010
It's been a while that people requesting addition of HakoMari to MAL database, and finally it's here! Rejoice!!!

Since it's already very popular at English LN community (although probably not so popular both in Japan and General animanga fans in non-Japan), I guess I will create this topic to generally discuss HakoMari or other related things (probably such as other Eiji Mikage's works).

Let's hope that HakoMari will be more popular, and... VOLUME 7, please come out soon LOL

(Anyway, why did finally Hakomari could made it's way to the database? It was not permitted before because of MAL's database addition rule)
Pages (3) [1] 2 3 »
Sep 2, 2013 4:37 AM
Sep 2012
zeroyuki92 said:

(Anyway, why did finally Hakomari could made it's way to the database? It was not permitted before because of MAL's database addition rule)

Stroke of luck. F-Rank's illustrator happened to be already present on the MAL database (, this permits the addition of F-Rank. After the addition of F-Rank, this permits the addition of Eiji Mikage. This is where we get lucky since at the least, either the illustrator or the writer has to be present on MAL, so Mikage's addition permits the addition of Hakomari...... All done by Eusth.

We'll have to thank F-Rank for that, if it weren't for F-Rank, Hakomari might have a long way to go before getting added here.
SephorumSep 2, 2013 4:41 AM
Sep 2, 2013 5:18 AM

Feb 2008
*cough*The rules get a bit vague there, so let's not talk about that. *cough*

Anyway, for anyone interested, I finished the second chapter of Kamisu Reina the other day (2nd LN Mikage has written). This is kind of a side-side project, so I don't know how actively I can translate it, though.

I finally need to get around to editing the earlier volumes of Hakomari. :O
Sep 2, 2013 7:19 AM

Feb 2009
Hmm, I see the serialization to be Dengeki Bunko. Isn't that the reason why it was added? Dengeki is a legit publishing company after all. Then again, why was it denied before if it was in Dengeki this whole time? No matter, it's finally added.

And thanks for that heads up, Eusth. I'll probably wait for the whole volume to be finished before I read it. I like that synopsis.

Hakomari volume 7 when?
Sep 2, 2013 6:55 PM

Nov 2010
@belatkuro Being published by legit publishing company alone is not enough for light novel to be added here (I was searching for a loophole for HakoMari addition before), glad that F-Rank.changes that. Anyway, I could see the point that Eusth have reffered at #3, so I'll stop here.

Anyway, thanks for the translation of Kamisu Reina, Eusth. I heard it's very depressing though, so I will wait until at least a whole volume translated.

Have you read F-Rank, Eusth? Any impression? (the premise were pretty interesting IMO)
Sep 6, 2013 12:11 PM

Feb 2008
zeroyuki92 said:
Anyway, thanks for the translation of Kamisu Reina, Eusth. I heard it's very depressing though, so I will wait until at least a whole volume translated.

If I ever get that far. :O

zeroyuki92 said:

Have you read F-Rank, Eusth? Any impression? (the premise were pretty interesting IMO)

Yeah, it's a fun read. I didn't really like the setting, but apart from that it was enjoyable. Especially the second half, because it was twist after twist. Also, the protagonist is well thought through -- strong but far from perfect.

Definitely looking forward to the second volume that's coming out next month, iirc.
Sep 6, 2013 9:54 PM

Nov 2010
EusthEnoptEron said:
zeroyuki92 said:
Anyway, thanks for the translation of Kamisu Reina, Eusth. I heard it's very depressing though, so I will wait until at least a whole volume translated.

If I ever get that far. :O

zeroyuki92 said:

Have you read F-Rank, Eusth? Any impression? (the premise were pretty interesting IMO)

Yeah, it's a fun read. I didn't really like the setting, but apart from that it was enjoyable. Especially the second half, because it was twist after twist. Also, the protagonist is well thought through -- strong but far from perfect.

Definitely looking forward to the second volume that's coming out next month, iirc.

That seems awesome enough, something that I'm expecting from Eiji Mikage.

And vol 2 already? I guess the wait for Hakomari will be looooong.

p.s I guess there's also no plan to translate F-Rank for now?
Sep 13, 2013 2:53 AM

Nov 2010
Oh boy.... we've recently got a certain jelly one piece fanboy who created 3 other accounts just do downvote hakomari (and various other mangas on the 'top' list), probably because hakomari was fast reaching its rank he wanted it to stay there. In case some of you don't know, the score went from 8.99 to 8.86, all done by a single person.
Sep 13, 2013 11:36 AM

Feb 2008
zeroyuki92 said:
[p.s I guess there's also no plan to translate F-Rank for now?

Not currently, unless the second volume is good enough to redefine the LN genre. ;)

Also, I hesitated to post this, but Mikage made an interesting remark on his Twitter account a few days ago:

Which roughly translates to:
The thing we're working on behind the scenes is going to be awesome. Looking forward to the day to unveil it...hehehe

Could be something completely unrelated, though. :D
Sep 13, 2013 11:30 PM

Sep 2010
RadiGen said:
In case some of you don't know, the score went from 8.99 to 8.86, all done by a single person.

You forget to mention that rank went from #9 to #15.
0h you kids you these days. Well, they better learn it fast and learn it hard.
P.S. Found all his accounts, was going to report, found that he's already has been reported, and no less than twice. LoL'd and - thank you, RadiGen.
kitsune0Sep 24, 2013 6:06 AM
There is such thing as shit taste. Only idiots think that every "work of art" should have the same value.

Persona anime are good. Deal with it.
Sep 18, 2013 11:15 AM

Oct 2011
> In case some of you don't know, the score went from 8.99 to 8.86, all done by a single person.

I'm honestly bewildered by the actions of certain fanboys... They really ought to get a life and learn to accept that their favorite manga might not be as amazing as they think.

Anyhow, Hakomari has been a great read thus far. I'm only on the second volume but I'm already hooked. Really hope that this will get adapted into an anime someday, though I'm also a bit nervous that the censorships will ruin the experience.

Sep 20, 2013 9:12 AM

Nov 2010
Dashiawia said:
> In case some of you don't know, the score went from 8.99 to 8.86, all done by a single person.

I'm honestly bewildered by the actions of certain fanboys... They really ought to get a life and learn to accept that their favorite manga might not be as amazing as they think.

Anyhow, Hakomari has been a great read thus far. I'm only on the second volume but I'm already hooked. Really hope that this will get adapted into an anime someday, though I'm also a bit nervous that the censorships will ruin the experience.

It's climbing back to 8.95 (#7), though. In the end some little troll voting won't affect the stats too much -in the long run, of course.

Anyway, you're in for a ride! The next arcs will be a very great blast to read!
Sep 20, 2013 7:58 PM

Aug 2011
I read this a while ago but just noticed that there's an entry for this in MAL now.

Better go add it to my favorites list.
Sep 23, 2013 12:19 PM
Jul 2011
i read 60 page of vol 1 and i'm confused why did the author start from the 13,118th time and then goes to the 10,876 time and then the 8,946 time and then the 2,601 and 2,602 time ?

if it's a spoiler then don't tell me
Sep 23, 2013 5:52 PM
Jan 2012
Hey guys thinking about reading this LN but some of the tags kinda scare me. So just a quick question this story doesn't have like rape or anything along those lines right? Not a big fan of that lol
Sep 24, 2013 4:16 AM

Nov 2010
Ahmad-99 said:
i read 60 page of vol 1 and i'm confused why did the author start from the 13,118th time and then goes to the 10,876 time and then the 8,946 time and then the 2,601 and 2,602 time ?

if it's a spoiler then don't tell me

That's the way the plot is constructed, should make sense when you finished reading it.

_Takumi-Usui_ said:
Hey guys thinking about reading this LN but some of the tags kinda scare me. So just a quick question this story doesn't have like rape or anything along those lines right? Not a big fan of that lol

To avoid any spoilers : You most likely won't see anything that you should be afraid of, but it does dives into deeper (and darker) aspects of human psychology. Nothing too disturbingly grimdark in my opinion, but there's a (small) probability that you could disagree with me.

To conclude : I'm positive that Hakomari won't disappoint at all, unless you have a very strong trauma/hate for some psychology tropes. Never saw anyone complaining about that in Hakomari, though.
Sep 24, 2013 5:01 AM
Jul 2011
zeroyuki92 said:
Ahmad-99 said:
i read 60 page of vol 1 and i'm confused why did the author start from the 13,118th time and then goes to the 10,876 time and then the 8,946 time and then the 2,601 and 2,602 time ?

if it's a spoiler then don't tell me

That's the way the plot is constructed, should make sense when you finished reading it.

good will i love time loops and alternative dimensions or anything related to these stuff
Nov 23, 2013 1:20 AM

Apr 2010
No idea either. I'd say just add the volumes read when you've finished each, that's what I've done. I thought that every time they put in the stars on the translation I read it'd be a chapter, but some would have lots of text in between, some didn't have much at all, so it's easier to just do the volume numbers.
Nov 23, 2013 2:37 AM

Sep 2012
I also want to know how many chapters this novel has so far. I counted 58 not including the prologues or epilogues but I'm not sure if that's correct.
Nov 23, 2013 9:50 AM

Feb 2008
I wouldn't count them because Hakomari doesn't "officially" have any chapters at all (there are a lot of different headlines but no TOC). If you still insist on using chapter numbers, then I guess 58 works well enough.
Jan 12, 2014 1:46 PM

Oct 2011
I counted a total of 66 chapters, including prologues and epilogues.

Jan 13, 2014 12:51 AM

Sep 2010
As I understand, prologues & epilogues doesn't count.
There is such thing as shit taste. Only idiots think that every "work of art" should have the same value.

Persona anime are good. Deal with it.
Jan 21, 2014 6:00 PM

Oct 2011
Hmm, I'm not sure about that. In Fate/Zero, both the prologue and epilogue apparently made the chapter counts on MAL. There're 16 Acts, which I assume counted as regular chapters. If you only count those, then there should be 16 chapters, not 18 (as shown on MAL). The only logical explanation would be that the prologue and epilogue were treated as separate chapters, and hence brought the total count to 18. Of course, I cannot be 100% certain on this, but until proven otherwise, I'll adhere to my assumption.

Jan 22, 2014 5:21 AM

Sep 2010
1st, I suppose it depends of author and/or publisher. 2nd, as all information on MAL added manually, there are errors & late updates here and there. So, nothing unusual if here it counts one way and there it counts another way. Anyway, I don't see a big problem here, in the end it's all up to you, you can update your chapters whatever you like. If someone will be interested, he/she asks you, where exactly you now. 0therwise it doesn't matter.
There is such thing as shit taste. Only idiots think that every "work of art" should have the same value.

Persona anime are good. Deal with it.
Jan 23, 2014 11:41 AM

Oct 2011
Yeah, true.

Feb 3, 2014 12:16 AM

Aug 2012

it amazes me how far stupid fanboys of other series can go just because Hakomari surpassed their favorite manga in rankings...

the score drops from 9.03 all the way down to 8.89 just because some bitter fanboys can't accept the truth...
Feb 3, 2014 2:35 AM

Sep 2010
Holy bleedin' Hell. Someone definitely needs a life. And a big nice punch in the face, probably.
There is such thing as shit taste. Only idiots think that every "work of art" should have the same value.

Persona anime are good. Deal with it.
Feb 3, 2014 3:42 AM

Jan 2014
TatenashiKaichou said:

it amazes me how far stupid fanboys of other series can go just because Hakomari surpassed their favorite manga in rankings...

the score drops from 9.03 all the way down to 8.89 just because some bitter fanboys can't accept the truth...

Yep, just saw that. This is beyond childish and stupid.

Hopefully a mod will somehow take care of this, because those are obviously alts created for the single purpose of being an annoying fanboy.

Has anyone reported this yet?

EDIT: Never mind, someone already reported those accounts.
JoekstarFeb 3, 2014 3:50 AM
Feb 15, 2014 11:18 AM

Aug 2008
and here i was enjoying this until it had to bring in the

KenjuFeb 15, 2014 11:22 AM

Feb 17, 2014 6:38 PM
Oct 2013
After reading all the current volumes I must say this is definitely one of the better LN's of it's genre, that being said...
How the heck did the rank drop from 5 to 12 is such a short period of time???
Feb 18, 2014 1:56 AM

Oct 2013
Brometheus said:
After reading all the current volumes I must say this is definitely one of the better LN's of it's genre, that being said...
How the heck did the rank drop from 5 to 12 is such a short period of time???
Feb 23, 2014 8:22 PM

Jun 2012
Kenju said:
and here i was enjoying this until it had to bring in the


Someone got raped? DROPPED.
Mar 9, 2014 5:16 AM

Nov 2012
Shuhan said:
Kenju said:
and here i was enjoying this until it had to bring in the


Someone got raped? DROPPED.

no one got raped
Mar 9, 2014 6:53 AM

Oct 2013
Kuro_Kishi said:
Shuhan said:
Kenju said:
and here i was enjoying this until it had to bring in the


Someone got raped? DROPPED.

no one got raped

Actually Karino was sold to men by Kamiuchi, if I remember correctly.
Mar 11, 2014 7:38 AM

Nov 2012
ah, forgot about that, I thought he was referring to the rape threatening in Kingdom Royale arc
Mar 11, 2014 9:47 PM

Oct 2013
Wow, it's climbing back into top 10!
Mar 14, 2014 7:12 PM

Oct 2013
When its rank finally reached 8, another fucking stupid fanboy appeared again.
Mar 15, 2014 4:15 AM

Sep 2010
0 dear, kids these days just can't take the reality. Reported.
There is such thing as shit taste. Only idiots think that every "work of art" should have the same value.

Persona anime are good. Deal with it.
Mar 15, 2014 2:51 PM

Aug 2008
Shuhan said:

Someone got raped? DROPPED.

Had to drop it myself actually, and I was really enjoying it

Mar 23, 2014 2:34 PM

Apr 2013
I didn't even finished the 1st volume and I'm already engrossed. This novel is really something else. How come it's so unpopular? Is it because there's no manga or anime adaptation?
Mar 24, 2014 3:22 AM

Sep 2010
There is such thing as shit taste. Only idiots think that every "work of art" should have the same value.

Persona anime are good. Deal with it.
Apr 7, 2014 3:28 AM

Apr 2013
Kenju said:
Shuhan said:

Someone got raped? DROPPED.

Had to drop it myself actually, and I was really enjoying it

Why would people drop it because of the rape? I don't really understand. Just because it's disgusting?
Apr 8, 2014 7:51 PM

Feb 2012
I just started reading this recently, currently on the 4th volume. I ran out of stuff to read so I decided to give the highest rated novel on this site a shot. I gotta say, it's a big pile of meh. It feels like the writer is really trying to make the characters sound clever but it just ain't working for me.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 9, 2014 11:19 PM

Sep 2010
just I don't mean anything bad, its some people don't have patience to absorb the content.
There is such thing as shit taste. Only idiots think that every "work of art" should have the same value.

Persona anime are good. Deal with it.
Apr 14, 2014 10:11 PM

Feb 2012
kitsune0 said:
just I don't mean anything bad, its some people don't have patience to absorb the content.
Welcome to the fuckin' reality, kiddo.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 15, 2014 3:43 AM

Sep 2010
You are the stephen hawking of trolls.
There is such thing as shit taste. Only idiots think that every "work of art" should have the same value.

Persona anime are good. Deal with it.
Apr 18, 2014 10:38 AM

Oct 2013
Hoshino is such a selfish dick, I hope he gets killed by O.
Apr 22, 2014 12:38 AM
Jan 2013
Really nice though kinda disappointed that there is no anime adaptation...
Apr 25, 2014 9:13 PM

Aug 2013
The fact that so many crappy LNs got an adaptation while this masterpiece is left behind boggles my mind.

Rejecting Classroom arc alone will surpass almost every anime adaptation i've watched in the past few years.
Apr 25, 2014 11:04 PM

Aug 2012
I actually don't think it's a good idea to animate this novel no matter how much of a masterpiece it is. I don't think any studio is going to be able to animate Rejecting Classroom properly with all those time-loop jumps. maybe SHAFT, but either way this would be way to hard to animate properly in my opinion.
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