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Jul 12, 2013 7:52 AM

Nov 2011
Oh so Touma learns some about the truth, not surprised.

Misaka ;.; looks like she wants help. Oh damn, those eyes. So I think Misaka wants to settle it once and for all against Accelerator but of course then again, she wouldn't stand a chance. BLOCKED:

Nice OST again. I remember it from episode 6 I think.
Jul 12, 2013 7:54 AM

Nov 2007
Kuroko led Touma in. Touma got to know more detail from Misaka's doll. To the bridge with the confrontation. So Misaka was struggling while talking evil. Then Misaka attacking Touma.

Fight together vs. Acce. next ep. with Touma ED with "stand still".
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jul 12, 2013 7:55 AM

Nov 2011

Ya, next week's the fight, should be good.
Jul 12, 2013 7:57 AM

Jul 2007
AWWW MY GOOOOOOOOOD. This episode was godlike. Like really it was sooooooooooooooo well made. Touma was so cool stopping her like that. Misakas face and tears after the battle. Touma petting her head. So perfect. I'm sure that is the moment she completely fell for him :P

Aside from that the new ending(unless it was a special end just for this ep) was so fitting <3 AND THE PREVIEW. NEXT WEEK IS GONNA BE AMAZING.

I can honestly say that this is JC best work BY FAR. I HAVE NO complaints whatsoever. 10/10
Jul 12, 2013 8:26 AM
Mar 2013
I will review again after subtitles.

Initial Perception:

OST: 13/10.

Animation: 14/10.

Content: Sum of the harmonic series (infinity)/10

Presentation: 12/10.

Enjoyment: What do you think it is? :D


Kuroko kicking him under the bed ROFL.

The cat opened the bear. (shown better than in manga)

Kuroko was pretty darned good here.

Touma mentioned his ability to her and Kuroko couldn't teleport him.

I need at least three Gifs from this episode.

Mikoto crying moved my heart to the extent (J.C. staff is practiced at Moe I take it) that I forgave her for the entire season and made her above Accel as my #2 fav character in Raildex again (lol).

Touma's face this episode and Mikoto's face were unbelievable.

The OSTs were out of this world.

That animation scene with Mikoto using electricity: I couldn't believe it.

This second best episode of the season (this probably) was just unbelievable.

The emotion could be felt without understanding all of the Japanese, but I will recomment after subtitles. I am going to die of impatience, clearly.

I second Cloud-Sky. No complaints... well... 1. They had a crescent moon. I thought it was full in the manga... (maybe I'm forgetting...)

The PV looked like what Eden would probably look like ;)

So, I can't wait for next week's fight scene. That looked absolutely incredible.

This week was Promise.

Next week will be the best episode this season most likely: Kamijou Touma (the name of ep 15).
Jul 12, 2013 8:51 AM

Mar 2012
dniv said:

I second Cloud-Sky. No complaints... well... 1. They had a crescent moon. I thought it was full in the manga... (maybe I'm forgetting...) was a crescent moon in the manga as well. Actually, they didn't show the moon in the manga at this point.

Did they play "Ame" by Mami Kawada again for this scene? That would have been awesome...
(Also known on other places as Hiss13)

All hail the adorable chess master!
Jul 12, 2013 9:06 AM

Apr 2008
Touma patting poor lil Misaka's head was one of the most adorable moments ever!
( /w\ )

CreationBreaker said:
dniv said:

I second Cloud-Sky. No complaints... well... 1. They had a crescent moon. I thought it was full in the manga... (maybe I'm forgetting...) was a crescent moon in the manga as well. Actually, they didn't show the moon in the manga at this point.

Did they play "Ame" by Mami Kawada again for this scene? That would have been awesome...

Nope but they played Stand Still by Yuka Iguchi in the ending credits. This time with Touma up front and Misaka at back. T'was a nice touch to end the episode. =w=
Jul 12, 2013 10:08 AM

Sep 2012
Finally the BRIDGE episode we have been waiting for... And it is GREAT !!! Touma, yes!!
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Jul 12, 2013 10:41 AM
Mar 2013
CreationBreaker said:
dniv said:

I second Cloud-Sky. No complaints... well... 1. They had a crescent moon. I thought it was full in the manga... (maybe I'm forgetting...) was a crescent moon in the manga as well. Actually, they didn't show the moon in the manga at this point.

Did they play "Ame" by Mami Kawada again for this scene? That would have been awesome...

I'm talking about the scene where Touma is standing with his arms up to block Mikoto and it shows the moon. (I guess it was impossible to tell at that point whether it was crescent or not). Oh wait... duh... the fight with Accelerator is only minutes afterwards... so obviously the moon wouldn't change between episodes... (lol).
Jul 12, 2013 10:44 AM

Feb 2009
TouMAN in Biribiri vision. And he looks so dashing in some parts.
Well it did take up the whole episode but who cares, it was an awesome episode. The emotions were overflowing in this episode. Now it's time for the main event.
Level 5 vs Level 0. Hoping for better animation, more visible damage to Touma and a whole lot more Accelerator disformed faces. I'm going to rage though if they cut out Accel's cackling.

Some minor nitpicks:
-Why was the cat not affected when Misaka unleashed her full power? Or better yet, why was it a sphere attack instead of a full powered lightning bolt to his face?
-Since when did Touma upgrade his phone? That looks like an updated design and probably a touchscreen. I can understand that it's not broken though as that's the most indestructible object in the Raildexverse. It will fare worse later on and it's still fine. I mean
Oh well.

inb4 people complaining about Touma being a moralfag, having plot armor and stuff like that.
Should be loads of fun.
Jul 12, 2013 10:51 AM
Mar 2013
belatkuro said:
TouMAN in Biribiri vision. And he looks so dashing in some parts.
Well it did take up the whole episode but who cares, it was an awesome episode. The emotions were overflowing in this episode. Now it's time for the main event.
Level 5 vs Level 0. Hoping for better animation, more visible damage to Touma and a whole lot more Accelerator disformed faces. I'm going to rage though if they cut out Accel's cackling.

Some minor nitpicks:
-Why was the cat not affected when Misaka unleashed her full power? Or better yet, why was it a sphere attack instead of a full powered lightning bolt to his face?
-Since when did Touma upgrade his phone? That looks like an updated design and probably a touchscreen. I can understand that it's not broken though as that's the most indestructible object in the Raildexverse. It will fare worse later on and it's still fine. I mean
Oh well.

inb4 people complaining about Touma being a moralfag, having plot armor and stuff like that.
Should be loads of fun.

Lol to the size 30 text. Yes, it should be fun.

Also, I mean your spoiler was true, but I still think the more ridiculous (maybe part) was

Misaka probably subconsciously didn't want to hurt the cat. The sphere attack was just her getting really angry and her attack exploding out of her (not being able to consciously direct it, except away from the cat) next episode should be great.

Otherwise, Cat>Vending Machine>Level 5 :D
Jul 12, 2013 10:56 AM

Mar 2012
Kazejimonji said:
CreationBreaker said:
dniv said:

I second Cloud-Sky. No complaints... well... 1. They had a crescent moon. I thought it was full in the manga... (maybe I'm forgetting...) was a crescent moon in the manga as well. Actually, they didn't show the moon in the manga at this point.

Did they play "Ame" by Mami Kawada again for this scene? That would have been awesome...

Nope but they played Stand Still by Yuka Iguchi in the ending credits. This time with Touma up front and Misaka at back. T'was a nice touch to end the episode. =w=

Meh...Ame fit the scene better but stand still works. I was referring to as an insert song, though, like in Index I.

belatkuro said:

-Since when did Touma upgrade his phone? That looks like an updated design and probably a touchscreen. I can understand that it's not broken though as that's the most indestructible object in the Raildexverse. It will fare worse later on and it's still fine. I mean
Oh well.

I believe Touma must have decided to invest in a Nokia after

belatkuro said:
inb4 people complaining about Touma being a moralfag, having plot armor and stuff like that.
Should be loads of fun.

Let the flaming begin. *brings out the popcorn*

dniv said:
Otherwise, Dog/Tokugawa Ieyasu/Schrödinger/Deferred>Vending Machine>Level 5 :D

There. I fixed it for you.
(Also known on other places as Hiss13)

All hail the adorable chess master!
Jul 12, 2013 11:44 AM

Aug 2010
ToumaxBiribiri FTW <3

EPIC!! Touma is BA! And Dat lap pillow >_<

Brilliant episode! :D

I still can't believe these are the same JC that did Index XD

Where is my INDEX III???? T O T

Nxt should be even more EPIC!! If that's possible O_O XD
Barion-ZaraJul 12, 2013 2:46 PM
Jul 12, 2013 12:36 PM

Aug 2011
Clearly the cat avoided the attack by hiding in Touma's right hand.

This episode was so well done. the music was amazing. I can't wait for the OST to be released. We got Stand Still as the ending again. I guess that ending plays during episodes with plenty of Misaka and Touma interaction. I expect the next episode to have the other ending with Stand Still returning for episode 16.

Misaka was much more expressive in this adaption, as her attack animations were much better as well. I enjoyed the Kuroko bits and am curious to see what exactly she is saying. I'm glad they showed how Touma left the dorm in this adaption, since the Index anime skipped it.

I don't care how long I have to wait for Index III, I just want it to it to have the same level of quality that J.C. staff have given to Railgun S.
Jul 12, 2013 1:06 PM

Mar 2013
Awesome in every possible way. I cannot wait to hear more 三下. I always laugh at that word all the
time for some reason (especially when Accelerator says it)...今すぐ御坂妹から離れろっつってんだ。聞こえねえのか、三下ぁッ!!ww Touma is cool and I do not care what others say, he deserves the harem he gets (Mikoto should get him though). The head stroking/soothing (correct term in English?) was so cute. It's great how we get to see more of the physiological parts during this arc then in the Index version. It adds to the emotion, that and the expressions are perfect.

Pre-ordered all the special edition sets already. That OST from episode 6 again, I must put it on my iPhone ASAP.

Jul 12, 2013 2:05 PM

Mar 2012
Touma! so fricken cool. this guy is honestly my hero!

looking forward to next times fight. it's gonna be so epic. damn I almost cried tears of joy from this episode. simply godly
Jul 12, 2013 6:12 PM

Jul 2010
Touma knows the feeling of having Misaka's tears falling onto your face. Lucky guy he is.

Next episode will be great just from the preview.
Jul 12, 2013 6:37 PM
Jul 2013
But wither way, loved the episode. The feels ;-;. I liked this part in season 1 of Index and I love it more now.

Mod Edit: Removed quote of a deleted post.
LunaJul 13, 2013 11:03 AM
Jul 12, 2013 6:52 PM

Jan 2013
WOW! This definitely had a way better presentation then this part of the story did in the Magical Index version of this. Felt way more drawn in by the emotions and the music in this.
Jul 12, 2013 7:44 PM
Mar 2013
Elite60 said:
Touma knows the feeling of having Misaka's tears falling onto your face. Lucky guy he is.

Next episode will be great just from the preview.

I find this funny because he's normally the unluckiest guy you will ever meet. (lol)

Darned subtitles please come out. You can do it Mazui-UTW. I'll be eternally grateful when they do.
dnivJul 12, 2013 7:50 PM
Jul 12, 2013 8:03 PM

Oct 2010
Misaka way more emotional in this ep than in the one of Index (season1). Well done J.C. Staff.
Jul 12, 2013 8:14 PM

Jul 2009

KurogashiJul 12, 2013 8:40 PM
Jul 12, 2013 8:15 PM

Jan 2010
This scene was done 100% better than it was done in Index s1, it was way more impactful
FrostyFangJul 12, 2013 8:19 PM
Jul 12, 2013 8:24 PM

Aug 2010
OST was frickin' beautiful. Episode was awesome.
Jul 12, 2013 8:27 PM

Sep 2012
The OST during the bridge scene is amazing <3
I loved seeing Kuroko this episode and they did an amazing job with the emotions <3
Jul 12, 2013 8:45 PM

Jan 2008
All dem feels. Dat ost. Great episode.
Jul 12, 2013 9:06 PM

Mar 2012
Ahhh...this episode reminded me of one of the reasons why I loved this arc so much. One of them was this one scene. I have to say, Railgun S did a FANTASTIC job with this scene. The OSTs, the voices, the animation....everything meshed so perfectly.

On another note, a little LN joke

Damn it...Railgun S is really upping my expectations for what Index III will be like. I really hope that JC Staff won't screw it up.
(Also known on other places as Hiss13)

All hail the adorable chess master!
Jul 12, 2013 9:08 PM
Nov 2008
hey paul, how come you have this many posts if we joined in the same year? lol


aaah the feels, i remember this in index(i've watched it again like a month ago) and this time it had waay more impact, probably because we(non novel readers) now know exactly what biribiri went through
Jul 12, 2013 9:09 PM

May 2011
Oh damn, the feel meter is over the top in this episode. The OST, the direction, the animation, everything was done superbly. I never got much of an emotional impact from how Index handled it in the anime as compared to the LN, but the Railgun anime handles it brilliantly!

Jul 12, 2013 9:18 PM
Aug 2010
What a perfect episode the feeling I got form this was even better than when I read the LN, manga and Index I, everything mathed perfectly I hope this quality continues with Index III.
Jul 12, 2013 9:38 PM
Jul 2012
Very emotional episode. Can't wait for next week!
Jul 12, 2013 9:38 PM

Dec 2011
I'll admit it, I cried. I tried holding it in as much as I could but it just came out...That ep was just perfect. The ost, voice acting, everything!

CreationBreaker said:

On another note, a little LN joke

Jul 12, 2013 9:50 PM

May 2013
A lot of emotions in this episode.
Jul 12, 2013 9:50 PM

Aug 2012
My god.. This is what I was waiting for, but it was soooo perfectly done, exceeded my expectations by a mile. The way she had such resolve to die for the Sisters, yet was scared to death and wanted deeply for someone to help her. Touma's prompt arrival. Her facade paralleled with her true thoughts. The weight of Touma's words. Reaching her breaking point, losing hope altogether, only to have it born anew. Touma showing the most stoic, most fierce side of himself that we've seen.

Everything was just felt so deeply this time. It's not like the scene in Index I wasn't impactful, it was my favorite scene there too. But this was just presented so outstandingly, with amazing animation that did such a wonderful job at composing such strong facial expressions and movements, along with the beautiful and gloomy scenery. And the OST was just fucking unbelievable. Beyond perfect for that scene.

Best episode easily, but after that I can't imagine how good the Accel fight is gonna be, and then the conclusion from Misaka's perspective...
Jul 12, 2013 9:51 PM
Nov 2009
I'm really loving this show right now. This episode had amazing dialog and emotions. Can't wait for more, keep this coming.
Jul 12, 2013 9:56 PM
May 2013
Simply glorious.
5/5 purty good jc staff
Jul 12, 2013 9:56 PM

Nov 2009
I really love this series so much.
Houseki No Kuni, aka The Land of the Lustrous. Best of 2017.
Jul 12, 2013 9:57 PM
Mar 2013
@CreationBreaker That joke was already made before though. They just referenced it again now...

Anyway, episode rating=infinity.

I need to watch it six more times before I can say anything. 4 times seen is not enough apparently.

This episode was the best animated episode of raildex so far.

This was literally out of this world.

To honor this absolutely incredible episode, expect the longest episode review you have ever seen :D (in a few hours at the earliest).

I will say that my mouth was open for about the entire bridge scene.

I was like: What the * is this? This is beyond what I could have even dreamed of. I was speechless.

Index III has an excellent plot that is a continuation of this in a way. (you'll all see if you decide to watch it). Please carry this on.

Railgun S is the new face of Raildex. If so, I can die happy.

English subs came out: they allowed me to die happy. :D
Jul 12, 2013 10:05 PM

Aug 2012
@dniv: cha feel man, cha definitely feel
Jul 12, 2013 10:10 PM
Dec 2012
I like this episode a lot.
So emotional T_T
Jul 12, 2013 10:10 PM

Mar 2012
dniv said:
@CreationBreaker That joke was already made before though. They just referenced it again now...

I still felt that I just had to make that joke.

dniv said:
To honor this absolutely incredible episode, expect the longest episode review you have ever seen :D (in a few hours at the earliest).

Wall of text incoming. All hands brace for impact!
I'll definitely have fun responding to that once it's up. Just try and organize it a bit so I can respond in an organized manner like last time. XD

Seriously, though. The direction for this episode was almost flawless.
(Also known on other places as Hiss13)

All hail the adorable chess master!
Jul 12, 2013 10:12 PM

Sep 2012
I want the lap pillow too~~~ >< though it might be shocking :3
Jul 12, 2013 10:15 PM

Sep 2012
I gotta say I never enjoyed a rail gun episode this much before. It was beyond expectations and perfectly executed. Definitely one of JC staff's best works. Currently slowly making my way through the Light Novels.
Jul 12, 2013 10:27 PM
Dec 2008
What a fucking boss.
Jul 12, 2013 10:28 PM

Nov 2012
words cant describe how perfect this episode was!
Jul 12, 2013 10:29 PM

Mar 2012
While this Railgun series has been better (in my opinion) than the two Index series and the Railgun series before, this series just continues to prove with this episode how emotionally gripping this series is. It's actually suffocating to watch how emotionally invested all the characters are and this episode really beat that home.

I loved this episode to death. In fact, it's probably my favorite episode in the series and probably the first episode that had me saying "wow" in absolute astonishment at how emotional it is.

I loved this of the few anime so far this year that have me emotionally invested...even if I know how this is already going to play out.
Jul 12, 2013 10:33 PM

Mar 2013
Great episode with dealing with the internal problems Misaka was having and finally believed someone was out there to help her.
Jul 12, 2013 10:45 PM

Nov 2008
Dat cellphone is the STRONGEST. it even withstood biribiri's EMP nuke. xDD

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jul 12, 2013 10:54 PM

May 2011
That was... beautiful. Wow, JC staff really did a great job with this episode. It was hella lot more emotional than what I had expected and it was definitely done a lot better than the scene in Index. I could totally feel the emotions coming out of Misaka and my eyes just went all watery after seeing her adorably cry like that at the end ;_;. Loved the bgm and the timing of the ED song as well, they really helped give the scenes even more feels.
Jul 12, 2013 10:59 PM

Mar 2012
ZeroZx said:
That was... beautiful. Wow, JC staff really did a great job with this episode. It was hella lot more emotional than what I had expected and it was definitely done a lot better than the scene in Index. I could totally feel the emotions coming out of Misaka and my eyes just went all watery after seeing her adorably cry like that at the end ;_;. Loved the bgm and the timing of the ED song as well, they really helped give the scenes even more feels.

I think part of the reason for that is due to trying to tell this story more from Misaka's perspective than Touma's. In Majutsu, the story is from Touma's perspective and his emotional attachment to the Sisters aren't nearly as strong as Misaka's. It's much more personal from her and I think that's what the producers were trying to get across. In my opinion, it worked. This episode was pretty emotional.
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