Not much time so this is roigh...
Starts with a flashback with Iida sempai.
Iida says, "BIMs can be disassembled. If you apply force in a certain comes apart a bit. Hand me one of yours. If its a timer BIM... like this... a little bit on the surface..." and the case comes off. "The main body core inside is the explosive. Just pierce the inner glass component..." He throws it into the woods and it explodes, BTOOOM! "The force burns a wide area. To enable a burning gas one open it like this... You can explode many of them together using one as the master. Like this, you can do it quickly. You can then put the cover back on. Be careful now, they're live."
Back to the present battle with the heli crews come to rescue Date sensei.
All the timer BIMs were disassembled earlier, made masters. If so.. Iida sempai did Himiko's flame gas BIM.
With this... The match is on!!
Life or death... violent battle starts
Already past no limit!!
Takanohashi back on base (Come on Dragon the Festival hat man) says, "Damn, why do their BIMs work?"
Technician back on base is thinking. Every BIM has a serial number and is managed. But this thing... If it has been disassembled! But they shouldn't be able to find out. Funny, somethings funny.
Iida back on base, "....."
Tech in the chopper, "In order to separate Date sensei from Sakamoto and Kinosita we have to attack. I don't see a way to separate him from his associates. Its going to he dangerous, Takanohashisan!!"
"What a stupid thing to say!!" Says Takanohashi, "We are already transmitting worldwide!! There's no excuse. It would be bad if we let Date sensi die now."
"This sort..." says techie.
"Oh brother," says scary looking scarred eye bald soldier dude in the heli. "Stupid thing is attached bellow outside. Grim reaper... I'm going out. Come out and help me." he says to the tech who goes out, bringing his laptop.
"Squad leader Ben Cain," says the tech.
Ben gets out a flamethrower and says, "Gonna burn and kill the other players!! Get me the locations of Date and the other players."
My Big looks on back at HQ.
A soldier says, "Where are the enemies."
Another replies, "Close by!! Use incendiary bullets, you hear me!! Over there!! !!"
A BIM falls and explodes, the solders are being burned. "The sea, run to the sea!!" he yells but it is too late, they burn to death.
Ryota is with Hidemi who says, "That was awesome man!"
But Ryota says, "2 people... I killed them... by my own hand... For the explanation, I was scared, it was simple...I ...did I enjoy being a killer?l"
"What a sweet thing to say," says Hidemi, "You have to be strong, for everyone's sake, our future depends on it!!"
"So that's...sorry." Ryota says.
Hidemi, "...but something... good ... you're the hero, you aren't dead."
Soldier in the smoke, "if it stays like this I'm gonna get killed out here..."
"Where has your spirit gone, you bastard," says Ben coming out of the smoke.
"Squad leader!!" says the surprised soldier.
"Where in the world do you think you're gonna run and hide?"
"I didn't mean to..." stammers the soldier.
"Mercenaries..." mutters Ben Cain. "You bastards are going to support me!! You have no choice!!"
"Ten oclock, two players," says the tech with the laptop. Ben burns the forest in that direction.
Ryota and Hidemi run from the flames. "Don't try to hide, the flames are blowing this way!" yells Ryota, "Run below the forest!!"
"Running away..." says Ben. "Over there!" and the soldier sees Ryota and fires his submachine gun at him but missed. "Even hiding and not saying anything" and sends flames over the rocks where Ryota is hiding.
"Damn" says Ryota, some flames not quite reaching him "but it should pull enough... now I need a favor from Himiko!!"
"Those two players ran away," says tech with laptop.
"Now inside the forest quickly, find Date." says Ben.
Himiko and Murasaki are looking at the chopper. "I can't see any soldiers," says Murasaki who starts heading that way.
"Be careful Murasakisan," Says Himiko.
"It'll be OK," Murasaki says, "I don't reflect radar. This is my impossible important role, Himiko."
"Murasakisan...?" Himiko says.
"Be happy," says Murasaki, "because that will support you."
She goes off.
Switch to Date, "Damn! What, how am I supposed to... The situation is uncomprehensible..."
"Hey bastard, you Date?" asks Ben, coming up behind Date. "What are you doing, working with the other guys?"
Date thinks, a flamethrower, what on earth!
"Two of my men are dead," says Ben.
"I am not with them." Date says, "I ran off on my own!!"
"We saw you planning, talking with them," says Ben.
"Your chopper is late so I hid here," Says Date.
Laptop tech says, "Sakamotos bunch we saw you exchanging notes."
"Really, totally I was just talking with them to get close to them!!" pleads Date.
"We are supposed to save the winner, this guy," laptop tech reminds Ben behind his hand.
"Alright, I have to finish my work which is to get you back." says Ben.
Conflicted, Date thinks it can't be helped, there is no way to cooperate with Sakamoto now. Ben is protecting him, he can return, he cleared it, he thinks with an evil sneer.
Using his headset, Ben tells Takanohashi, "we have him, we're heading back."
"Roger, good stuff." says Takanohashi.
To the live auditorium audience the spokeman says "Bravo! In an instant you can't read reality but they defended against the attack. The clearing winning player is coming back." and claps but the audience turns to one another in disbelief.
Date, Ben and his men are almost back at the chopper but then Date thinks and stops. "Come on," says Ben but Date thinks "Wait, climbing onto the heli with the soldiers, I am not safe."
"What is it?" asks Ben.
"Look by the helicopter, enemies!"
It is Murasaki. "Hey, a woman!" shouts a soldier, "she was hiding! Radar isn't working, she is not a player, an irregular, erase her, kill her!"
Submachineguns fire, four bullets hit Murasaki as she is fleeing, blood flies out of her body and she falls in the water, Himiko looking on in shock. "Yes! Got her!" says the soldier.
Tears flowing down her face, Himiko opens her BIM to activate the Master switch. "You can't get away with this," she thinks of Date getting into the chopper. "Hero, winner, Datesan, you wont get away with this!!"
Date says, "There's one over there, she has a BIM!"
"Eh?" says Himiko.
Submachinegun fires, grazing Himiko's arm, blood flies, her BIM drops. She falls behind her cover, bleeding, unconscious.
Date thinks, "Now it's complete, my victory!!!"
Himiko thinks, "After... a little, it's..."
Oda is suddenly by Himiko's side, out of nowhere. As expected, it all comes down to this man?
"Now I understand Ryota's plan," says Oda, "leave it to me."
To be continued next issue...
No, Murasaki san! She is dead, dead, dead by the look of her. Himiko will be OK I think, I hope! Himiko can't die :'( Will Oda get her BIM and use it, triggering the others? Or will Date be saved again, leaving the rest to fight on the island? Another month wait... sigh. |