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Dec 11, 2008 11:51 PM

Dec 2008
I don't get it...
Dec 11, 2008 11:54 PM

Apr 2007
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Dec 11, 2008 11:59 PM
Dec 17, 2008 3:43 PM

Dec 2008
It means something sexual....never fully caught the exact meaning....
"I'll take a potato chip....AND EAT IT!!!!"
Dec 17, 2008 3:53 PM

Jul 2006
Furi Kuri = FLCL? :S
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Dec 17, 2008 3:59 PM

Dec 2008
Seems accurate!
"I'll take a potato chip....AND EAT IT!!!!"
Dec 20, 2008 3:44 AM

Jan 2008
It's nonsense, really. It is zen, a koan, the ineffable heart of adolescence and breast fondling.
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Dec 30, 2008 9:14 PM
May 2008
A beautiful metaphor for puberty and development
Feb 8, 2009 6:21 PM
Jun 2008
lol I actually heard Furi Kuri means fondling of the breasts
Jul 16, 2009 12:03 PM

Nov 2008
- > FLCL = Fuli Culi = Fooly Cooly
- > Fooly = Fool
- > Cooly = Cool
-> FLCL = Fool + Cool
Jul 23, 2009 11:18 AM
Jul 2009
yeah it means something sexual with the breast in japanese i beleive it says on like wikipedia or something
Aug 11, 2009 7:19 PM

Aug 2009
The grandpa was making groping motions on the table when he was trying to explain it, so that helps fuel the "breast fondling" theory
Dec 6, 2009 1:06 AM

Jan 2009
I think the whole point of the manga drawn section is that it doesn't have a literal translation. Each of the characters interprets it differently. The purposefully leaving it obtuse and open ended. Although I'm inclined to agree with
Kaiserpingvin said:
It's nonsense, really. It is zen, a koan, the ineffable heart of adolescence and breast fondling.
Also I don't know if this is the case in this example, but the Japanese really like word play so it probably impossible to nail down a translation in English even if there were one.
Mar 18, 2010 3:31 PM

Jul 2009
i think furi kuri means sex
Apr 15, 2010 5:07 AM
Jun 2008
animefreak47 said:
i think furi kuri means sex

I actually came here to post that lol
Apr 15, 2010 5:37 AM
Feb 2010
HooHiraiBunny said:
- > FLCL = Fuli Culi = Fooly Cooly
- > Fooly = Fool
- > Cooly = Cool
-> FLCL = Fool + Cool

Nicely put, Bunny.
Jul 2, 2010 2:45 PM

Jun 2010
Kinda late to this discussion:

If you listen closely, I don't remember which episode exactly, but somebody says Fooly Cooly (Furi Kuri in English?) is the gate in Naota's head... :p IDK what it means IRL, but that's what I got out of the show...

Okay... Well, when everybody says, "Furi Kuri means breast fondling," they're wrong... They're thinking of Kuri Kuri...

Technically... (sorry to go technical -_-) Furi Kuri is like, a "dropping acorn" or along those lines, but it can also, in a way, mean "perverted acorn..." Is it acorn? I can't remember fully, but I believe it was acorn... So it IS a perverted thing, really, but I don't get the acorn part 0.0?
icantfeelmyarmsJul 17, 2010 11:21 PM
Aug 18, 2010 1:52 PM

Jun 2010
Furi => ふり => 振 => to Swing
Kuri => くり => 栗 => Chestnut
So we have: "To swing a сhestnut" -_-
Aug 30, 2010 12:05 PM

Jul 2009
Short answer: The Japanese staff picked two words, which they made up, and they thought "sounded English" and "sounded cool." Fooly Cooly, abbreviated FLCL, romanized from Japanese to Furi Kuri.

Long answer: It's never really explained within the context of the show. The first reference to FLCL is the syndrome the nurse explains to Naoto-kun that causes children to grow a rhinocerous horn in the middle of their foreheads (after he gets a red bump from Haruko smacking him with her Rickenbacker bass) - flipper clipper's syndrome? Something like that... It's been a few years since I've seen the OAV in its entirety. Naoto-kun says she's making it up -- there's no such syndrome. She agrees. Naoto-kun's grandpa also makes a squeezing, fondling motion with his hands while repeating "furi kuri furi kuri..." as though it is an onomatopoeia for the kneading of breasts. I believe Haruko also uses "furi kuri" at one point like sexy baby-talk, perhaps in the scene that implies sex with Naoto-kun's father?

Basically, it's silly, nonsensical words that fit the circumstances they're used in... Think of it as FLCL's "Deculture~!"
Oct 7, 2010 10:06 AM

Jun 2010
PrincessAruri said:
Naoto-kun's grandpa also makes a squeezing, fondling motion with his hands while repeating "furi kuri furi kuri..."

His gpa is reffering to "kuri kuri," which is used as the Japanese sound effect for "breast fondling." If you notice, Shigekuni says, "Yeah... Cooly Cooly is... You do it like this with your hands. See?" Cooly cooly in Japanese would be kuri kuri, ergo the "noise for breast fondling," even though that PROBABLY doesn't have a noise IRL... But also, since he's a baker by trade, he's doing the motion for kneading bread-dough (of course, it's refering to "boobie-fondling").

There's a lot of little things only Japanese people would understand or people who REALLY understand Japanese culture, etc. I don't, but I had so many questions about FLCL that nobody would answer, so I watched it very close and looked up things online... Like, when Haruko is flying on her guitar with the bunny-suit and says, "Daikon-V (5)!" she's basically saying she's like, the sequel to the convention "Daikon-IV (4)," where I guess bunny-suits were worn, etc etc... But you see what I mean, right? ;P Lots of Japanese references...

BTW: It's "flictonic cliple weber symptom" xDDD
May 27, 2011 1:39 PM

May 2011
FLCL is the sound fx for fondling breast.

Jun 19, 2011 6:19 PM

Jan 2011
Fooly Cooly ....Fool Cool .. welll w/e the meaning is i would like to call them CLFL cause they're all (mostly) fools but they're cool, so cool fools ? sound dumb but im just goin by switching the words around cause ive known that Japanese translation is mostly backwards English so yea . Thats what i think
Jun 28, 2011 8:21 PM
Jun 2011
ya furi フリ=fondle
kuri くり=nipple pinch
I know this cause my japanese foreign exchange student knows the innuendo and I read hentai they're both onomatopoeia s
Oct 20, 2011 8:48 PM

Sep 2009
"Furi Kuri" is what a mangaka would use when describing something ecchi.

For example if there is a scene where breast would be fondled then "furi kuri" would be used as an visual indicator (captions) to show something ecchi is happening.

I am the man of FLCL trivia :)
Dec 16, 2011 6:20 PM

Oct 2011
Okay so after looking into things at 4 am last night, I think when I hit the stage of insomnia-nirvana-zombiness I realized what Fooly Cooly actually means.

First off, we should all know that the correct spelling is Fooly Cooly and not Furi Kuri. (Fooly Cooly was alluded to in the actual anime, and Furi Kuri mainly came from pronunciation.)

From this, I will give my opinion from the meaning of Fooly Cooly from 3 angles.

Angle 1: Wordplay
Fooly Cooly minus the y is "Fool Cool". A message/theme during this show shows how characters are trying to be "cool" but from this they look like "fools". This can really apply to almost every character. Now, take Haruko. Many thought she was hella cool right? She was doing the most foolish things!

I give you this quote:
"It takes an idiot to do cool things, that's why it's cool" -Haruko

For this quote, I believe that it means three things. (a) Cool and famous people do stupid things, but that's also why we love them. Example: Cutting off an ear for love. (b) To really do enjoyable things, sometimes we just need to let go and be stupid. (c) "Idiotic" people do the most cool things! Example: Skydiving, and other things everyone wouldn't just normally do.

Idiots are fools correct? There ya go. From here I'll go to my second angle.

Angle 2: Maturity/Change
The younger characters, and even Haruko in a sense mature as the series goes on. Fooly Cooly, in this sense can mean the process of growing up. This related to my first angle as during teenage years, kids do the dumbest things to try to be cool. In regards to change, I'll use the example where Takun's horns are noted and he's asked if he's changing due to Haruko. Both angles can be applied to this. (a) He looks quite foolish with horns, but maybe he's trying to stand out and be cool. (We know that wasn't the case but eh.) or (b) Haruko has changed him and he's while different things came from his head, they all increased in power as he matured.
There's a (c) as well..
Horns = Horny = Horny for Haruko? >_>
Sounds funny but that brings me to my 3rd angle here.

Angle 3: Perversion
In this sense, take Fooly Cooly as the term "fooling around." This phrase can be applied to situations a-plenty, but includes getting frisky and acting sexual as well. Fooly Cooly seems almost taboo in this sense, but Takun's father and grandpa allude that he has reached the "fooly cooly" part of his life. I've read on chestnut sayings and things, but that's within Japanese culture so I don't know how to actually apply it. It was just something I read. Eyebrow dude (I don't feel like trying to spell his name) also recognizes the term so it's generally known by all of the characters.
Relating this angle to the first two:
Angle 3 relates to 2 as hormones are a part of puberty and maturing. Angle 3 relates to 1 as thinking sex and such would make one mature is very foolish, but at the same time... sexy things are cool. o_O

In closing, no matter how you view the term, they can all relate to each other by some means. At least that's how my mind takes it. Out of the 3 I favor the first angle as I can place the other 2 into its category.

I hope some of this made sense, and I'll probably edit it when I have the time. >_<

[EDIT] I also forgot the theory that Fooly Cooly means something anyone cannot . That makes total sense as well and also relates to all 3 angles mentioned above.
MaiTaiDec 16, 2011 6:26 PM

Jun 13, 2012 9:55 AM

Mar 2012
i think (i'm not sure) that Fooly Cooly means "groping". Something like "breast fondling".
Mar 21, 2016 5:37 PM
Sep 2015
It doesn't mean anything. It's total nonsense.
Mar 21, 2016 5:38 PM

May 2015
FLCL = Furry Curry
Mar 30, 2016 6:43 AM

Jul 2015
To me that mean sex
Jun 2, 2016 6:59 PM
Jun 2016
Im pretty sure it just is a term for, To touch a girl.

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