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Days: 65.5
Mean Score:
- Watching48
- Completed203
- On-Hold18
- Dropped37
- Plan to Watch154
- Total Entries460
- Rewatched5
- Episodes4,016
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Days: 14.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries145
- Reread0
- Chapters1,627
- Volumes258
All Comments (2677) Comments
Naruto and Seinfield ... Sounds like a fun combination.
- That's because I was really obsessed with his music when I was 15 years old. After that, I got addicted
by the music from Devin Townsend and Meshuggah which also opened my ears to new dimensions I never
heared before (Meshuggah is also the band responsible for the whole Djent hype on YouTube in the last 5 years).
Also had the luck to see live concerts from Dweezil Zappa twice in my life.
"dawg only been four months since you're comment. sorry..."
- It's okay m8, I am actually glad that you still use MAL at all (so we can share tasteless and overused
memes like in good old times) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
"I finished all the first series of naruto haha... except the filler"
- Cool. That reminds me of my mate Robin who once claimed that he marathoned all eps of Naruto like
in a week. Honestly I don't know if he made it up or if he really meant it, but he was really into
Digimon and Naruto though LEL. According to my sis he lives somewhere in Köln right now.
A lot of stuff happened in my life. Like at the beginning of the year I took a Japanese course for a month.
It was actually kinda fun. A lot of weeboo girls though. Like one 14 year old girl was always fanboying
about SwordArtOnline and reading Btoom before the lessons started. It was almost like a YouTube conversation
but in real life. Lucky enough I met a 28 year old guy who actually invited me into his apartment after the course
and he had his hardrive full of anime (like almost if not more than one terabyte). It was cool because he
recommended some shows to me which I still need to watch. However, I decided to break up the course
because I never learned a single thing for it and I always acted as the class-clown in there (You probably know
me well enough to know that my humor gets really random at times LEL).
After that my father suggested to me that I should take more guitar lessons instead, because right now I own
two 8 string guitars. Turned out that it was one of the better decisions I made in recent time. Even though
my guitar-teacher is like 10 years older than me, he also grew up with SuperNintendo games, SailorMoon and all this stuff.
He also happened to have similar music taste as me, so most of the time he actually understands where I am
coming from with all my random ideas and thoughts. As a guitar guy he is also very into Dubstep and beatboxing
(yes, you heared right), which is kinda hilarious and unexpected. On one evening I once asked him if he knew
meme music such as Vaporwave or DeathGrips. He said something like he believes that Vaporwave is overdone
and has no future, he never heared of DeathGrips before though (but he was familiar with the biggest music channel on YT
called TheNeedleDrops). Another time he actually explained to me the typical Jazz chords always used in J-Pop songs,
which is really interesting to me. I also showed him once the HatsuneMiku pedal for the guitar I once imported through
Amazon, it was really funny for him. Here are some random links from the guy.
So yeah, that's what I was doing, a lot of random shit.
I could never find the whole album though.
years ago from the album "Deep Purple in Rock" LEL Maybe I shoul relearn them again.
I also used to like BlackmoresNight a lot, a side project from Richie Blackmore, but my taste
has changed a lot since then and it's still changing all the time.
There are many many many Zappa references in pop-culture. Like Matt Groening based some
of his creations on Zappa's insights and his early comics actually depict his characters owning
some Zappa vinyls >__< Oh, and from what I know Bart's character is based on Zappa's song
ValleyGirl. He just took all these stereotypes from the cheeky 80s valleygirl and applied him to
a boy character.
In the game GuiltyGear one character is directly named after Zappa. I also saw once a random clip
from a FreddyKrueger movie and a boy had a poster from Zappa "Them Or Us" in the background.
I thought it was strange.
Without Zappa and Miles Davis we wouldn't have the fusion genre, meaning that's the genre where
musicians actually combined improvisations with (for its time) heavy rock riffs. You can hear some of
Miles Davis' influence on Zappa's WakaJawaka. Last time I was listening
to a DevinTownsend podcast and he admitted that he based some of his melodies on Addicted and
Deconstruction on Zappa's unique style. I have also heard somewhere that Zappa was friends with
Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton and PinkFloyd. I think Jimi actually learned how to use the WahWah pedal
through Zappa and there is even a supposedly jam with Zappa and PinkFloyd on YT. Strangely enough,
Frank always denied playing with PinkFloyd, which is kinda contradicting to his personality because Frank
was known for his sharp mind and he always used to avoid psychedelic drugs. But whatever, the 60s
were a strange time. Frank also once planned a colab with the guitarist Carlos Santana, but it never
happened because Carlos couldn't stand Frank personally. It doesn't stopped Frank from naming
one track 'Variations On The Carlos Santana Secret Chord Progression' though.
I always discover new things in Frank's work. Like his album Joe's Garage is actually a pseudo-biography
based on his youth and the 2nd disc might describe his personal sufferings when he was in prison for
a short time (It's kinda a complex story, but it makes sense if you have read several books about him XD).
And the album Thingfish actually is Frank's take on how the shadow government/secret societies spread
AIDS and other diseases on purpose to further more speed up the depopulation of the world.
For the case you are wondering, I wouldn't even describe myself a huge Zappa fan. It's just that he was
a very important personality in the rock history just like TheWho, LedZeppelin or David Bowie.
Though "Yooka-Laylee" looks pretty sick for the next generation consoles.
I hope they won't fuck up this kickstarter project.
- It's worth the time ! Personally I think the show is getting better with each season, more characters, more worldbuilding.
There are even some obscure references to musicians like Captain Beefeheart and Frank Zappa and some eps even poke fun
at conspiracy theories. The only nitpick I have with AdventureTime is that some eps are boring while others are pure fun.
You can sense that they are changing the script-writers all the time. Oh, and one ep in season 6 is even directed by this Japanese dude
who also made Mindgame and TatamiGalaxy.
"Naruto is good background noise and when I look up at it sometimes cool shit is happening."
- That's pretty much how I watched some eps from Digimon or BlueExorcist back then.
I played Tales Of Graces F or noodled on my guitar while in the background I was watching it.