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Feb 19, 2012 6:49 AM

Oct 2010
Looks to me like the last diary owner does not only have prestige but also is superior in his position towards most other user. Indeed The Final Boss is here! A rather hard person to beat. Unlike the other users this guy has resources and intelligence to use them. Yuki is still most amazing from his change.

About 11th, 11th’s crying in the spoiler
Is easily defeated by his smirk that says it’s all fake and gives no rat’s ass for 8th home. Moreover I am happy with the tone they chose to use oh his eyes. I liked how 11th was no fawned by Yukiteru’s advance but shows a good face towards of defiance. I liked 11ths face of inspiration here. 11th’s brilliant plan in the spoiler
was shown very well. That Century Jamming system was king. I love how mischievous 11th is in the spoiler
those faces are win especially when he makes one in response to Yuno almost shooting him. His diary the watcher is extremely powerful as when it will be revealed many will think 11th should win the game. Sadly it does have defaults as 11th does get slammed into the wall. In thee end 11th should be appreciated for his MASTERMIND looks. He truly has the traits and that of a MAD scientist although not as great as Okabe.

About Yukiteru, here is my list of why not only was the anime amazing in the excitement it proved at a over 9000 amplification of Yukiteru’s change but it was most impressively done.
  • Yukiteru's entrance in the spoiler
    was not only sexy through kissing in front of all Yuno but he dressed like a PRO killer. Moreover his face was totally changed and his LOL was a good laugh because I also laughed at the same time he did and repeated that part a lot.

  • Yukiteru’s bad ass expressions and plan outline in a serious tune in the spoiler
    really had my smile constantly. He could never do that less command in such a serious tone. That was nice.

  • Yukiteru slashed someone and loads of blood in the spoiler
    yes indeed Yuki killed someone.

  • Yuki shot people in the spoiler
    that is amazing considering he could not even do shit in the police station.

  • Yuki can drive and ram a car in the spoiler
    now only that but he drove pretty pro and managed to drive off the car from the ramp down.
All of those things boil down to pretty amazing of Yuki and hence I was totally proud and happy of him in this episode.

Among other things I find that he was pretty cute here with his face, however that also got in less serious. I liked a lot his blush here due to Yuno. Shows kid as not changed totally. Despite that I find that when he was with her here and was somewhat having some lingering thoughts here that is shows he did lost his human self yet. He looks pretty good here with Yuno running past him. I loved most of all Yuki in the following,

Along with this part of his attitude. That shows a very nice change to all. He would never have that kind of anger level before. Yuki once again looks good with Yuno most here. Before he was not cool looking as he is 2 times in this episode with Yuno. In thee end he does freak rather badly here. Upon knowing of Yuno trough Akise.

About Yuno, I really liked her hands on the side and really a lot when she blushes here. Her positive face here was nice to see. The creepy atmosphere in the spoiler
along with Yuno was the start of her insanity. I loved see her first time in a black robe! That was amazing. It goes a lot with her and her character I find. I present to you the #1 and only so far Psycho Yuno in the following,

Best beast face of her.
Now that is kick ass! Her fight with that kid of 8th in the spoiler
was so orgasmic. The blood! The dodging! The faces of Yuno! OMG that is EPIC. That part was not even in the manga. Loved Yuno’s face here as she finds out about Akise’s discovery. From the looks of the spoiler
she has every right if she think it could lead up to the same in the flashback. However Yuno still was amazing with those blushed faces. I found it powerful that Yuki took Yuno’s hand there. It reassured her for sure. Yuno was so exciting to see while in the car shooting out in the spoiler
her dress + faces + setup made it really hot for a segment. I liked her face due to the angle approach here. While Yuno’s angry face her towards Akise was nice. Well done match up with the gun.

In thee end Yuno loses out in the spoiler
and what a truth it was. Her scream as Yuki fears out were most well done as in the manga.

About the fan service, Yuno was pretty hot in the spoiler
with all those underwear/bra shots it was nice. Moreover Yuki was lucky she did all those moves on him. Should have taken it more to heart. C’mon Yuki why did you not touch her ass there? ROFL. Well that’s all but expect some Minene and more Yuno fan service in the future as a manga reader.

About Minene/Akise, Minene was nice here while drinking and that squirrel is too adorable. I liked seeing her with Nishijima and her face here was hilarious that she made towards Nishijima. When Akise first showed up here, just him taking his helmet was king. He did in a cool way yo! Minene looked good with that grenade and Akise in the spoiler
it’s pineapple grenade and its frags are a bitch. Akise’s face close up as he reveals the truth was nicely done.
The conclusion in the spoiler
is that due to Yuno’s umbilical cord and DNA analysis. She is supposed to be dead and not alive. So what made Yuno like that? There is not other explanation she is from a different time line since 2 of the same cannot co-exist or should not for it can create paradox. So if she is from another time line than that means she has super powers? If that is the case does it mean she won the game? Does it mean something else? Next episode should tell more.

Anime VS Manga differences.

Loads and loads it’s all over OMG what an amazing surpassing job this episode did on the manga.
  • The shooting of Yukiteru was reduced in the manga to the spoiler
    so one can say it was shown better in this episode.

  • They obviously did the censors shit on us in the spoiler
    if you look closely it’s a head chop off.

    This is due to the manga part in the spoiler
    whom shows it clearly that it is exactly that.

  • I mentioned that fight of Yuno being amazing on that kid? Well it was only reduced to the part in the spoiler
    so it was changed totally moreover they added more blood and gore here. That kid falling and all.

  • It’s 2 shots in the spoiler
    that were fired at 11th but it was changed to one in the episode.

  • Sadly Minene’s entrance in the spoiler
    looks better. So I guess that was less better.

  • OMG Yuno’s parents! Yuno’s parents! Their eyes compared to the manga in the spoiler
    are finally revealed! Finally! Sakurai’s eyes are nice! They are gold! I am happy for that part cause I wanted it to be done.
In conclusion, I cannot wait to see Yuki’s ultimate change in the spoiler
that I am awaiting for big time. You going to be WTF how he learned that one. I know all are.

BTW Image Stitches done in the spoiler
load of Yuno x Yuki ones and very nice ones of Minene and 11th.
Yumekichi11Feb 19, 2012 9:25 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 19, 2012 6:53 AM
Feb 2012
Yeah the show is starting to pick up, but 26 episodes is kinda short, they put in too many fillers..
Feb 19, 2012 6:55 AM

Oct 2010
doruk_kara said:
Yeah the show is starting to pick up, but 26 episodes is kinda short, they put in too many fillers..
I still have to say the pacing is fine although I sense a sudden rush spike, for which I fear too much may be a problem. Let's hope not.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 19, 2012 2:34 PM
Jan 2010
I am sorta shocked by Yukki's transformation too. I don't know whether to be impressed or annoyed. I mean i get the whole "survival of the fittest" thing. But i'm sensitive... and i have a soft spot for Ueshita <3 He killed all those 'nice' people. Everyone has their hidden insanity Yuno <3
anyway, AWESOME EP. still can't stand the suspense, that's why i keep watching.
Feb 19, 2012 6:11 PM

Aug 2011
Uh, is it just me, or is it REALLY FREAKING WEIRD that Yukiteru knows how to drive? Like, are you serious? Anyways, exciting ep, hopefully we get to find out Yuno's real past soon. Unfortunately, I read a spoiler, so I think I already know what actually happened...
Feb 19, 2012 6:18 PM

Jun 2011
That censer, the sudden white light destroyed the mood >_>
Want to see that scene... AHAHAH
(I demand bloody actions)
Feb 19, 2012 6:29 PM

Nov 2009
Amazing ep, back to really loving this again.

Didnt expect the third corpse to be Yuno...makes me wonder who the hell she is.

I was hoping Yukki would calmly ask her instead of letting her go, especially after having said he'd never leave her again mere minutes beforehand.

After this episode though, they are such a good match for each other, of almost equal competence now which is a refreshing sight considering he has been a wuss for 17 episodes so far.
Feb 19, 2012 6:30 PM

Aug 2008
High speed chasing, eh?

I like how the mayor has a Western name, despite being the mayor of a Japanese city.

I felt bad for that plump woman, seeing her kids killed off like that. But my goodness, she is way too fat.

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Feb 19, 2012 6:41 PM

May 2009
I wonder when he learnt to drive.
Feb 19, 2012 6:53 PM

Sep 2007
Lol at them being able to break a concrete barrier on a bridge. Lol at Yuki and his lol selective memory as usual.
Feb 19, 2012 6:54 PM

Feb 2010
Haha yukiteru driving makes no sense.

eight design is so weird, dunno what the author was thinking when she design her.

Censor is annoying.
Feb 19, 2012 6:58 PM

May 2010
yuno is the current OP and u might notice somthing about yuno. or even better. watch the first 20 seconds of mirai nikki episode 1.
Feb 19, 2012 7:28 PM

Jun 2011
For people talking about the pacing, the TV adaptation has taken the manga down to a tee, so what we are seeing is pretty much exactly as it was paced in the manga which is awesome.

Feb 19, 2012 7:37 PM

Mar 2011
Good ep, but am I the only one who caught the meme at the end? ._.
Feb 19, 2012 7:38 PM

Dec 2011
Neat episode. Didn't like that censor, and i don't understand how Yuki can drive.

Not sure how to feel about Yuki now. He was... interesting in this episode. I like how he is no longer such a whiny bitch like he was throughout the rest of the show and tried to do something, but this sudden transformation seems almost annoying. I liked watching him and Yuno kill the orphans though.

Eighth's design is weird. Her head is enormous.

And i didn't know that places kept the umbilical cord... For some reason, i expected that third body to be Yuno. :/ I have no idea why. I still love her in any case.
Feb 19, 2012 7:41 PM

Dec 2011
I don't know what to say for Yuki... I can't say I like it or hate it.
He recovered too fast. Nevermind that. No more wimpy Yuki.

Now all the Future Diary users have finally met!
This is so awesome! Looks like Yuki has been influenced by Yuno's yandere-ness.
That was some nice planning! Trying to eliminate Eighth and Eleventh at the same time.
He killed them without second thought! He finally paid back for what Eighth did.

I wonder what Eleventh's Watcher diary really is.
And I just can't help but love Ninth!
And I think Akise should be a diary user too from this episode I think he deserves it.
That would be interesting.

Now... HOLY SHIT! The third corpse is actually our Yandere Yuno!!!
I finally understand why there are the two "Yuno" in the openings.
I am guessing that it has something to do with the first episode when they shown Yuno.
Now that is what you call a plot twist!
And who the heck really is our Yuno right now? Cannot wait for more!
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 19, 2012 7:54 PM

Sep 2011
Good episode,Yukki new persona!!

Very good adaptation of the manga,it pretty much follow exactly as it is.

I like the scene when they all reveal their identities even that i didnt had the same impression as the manga.

The scene with 8th was well done beside the censor(screw you!!!) was well done one of my favorite scenes in this arc shows how much Yukki has changed.

The cruel true about Yuno....cant say much since i know who is Yuno in reality soooooo I just say the scene was great and AKISE!!!!! I MISS YOUR AWESOMENESS!!!

doruk_kara said:
Yeah the show is starting to pick up, but 26 episodes is kinda short, they put in too many fillers..

The timing is not that bad the last volumes can be well adapted in the 7 episodes left so dont worry :)


Next episode more epicness from now on is just epic to epic until.......
raxius1230Feb 19, 2012 7:58 PM
Feb 19, 2012 7:55 PM

Jan 2011
i felt werid watching this i don't really know what to think to many things happened all at once lol did anyone else feel the same way then seeing the meme at the end made me think *yay that explains how i felt!*

What is this i don't even
Feb 19, 2012 7:58 PM

Jun 2010
Finally, other than the blue opening, Mirai Nikki caught up to all the spoilers that I've accidentally read on youtube! Even worse is that it was thumbed up so it would be top comment. Who the hell thumbs up spoilers!?
Alright, I'm digressing.
When I started this episode I almost thought it skipped an episode or two with how it started. Yuki suddenly turning badass and revealing who 11th was that quickly really threw me off.
I didn't expect Yuki to betray 8th like that. I guess he really is turning into an antihero (better than staying a wimpy protagonist)
Feb 19, 2012 8:02 PM

Mar 2011
katsu044 said:

What is this i don't even

Yay!!!!! It wasn't only me! :D
Feb 19, 2012 8:28 PM

Oct 2011
Epic... Yuki has become a badass now... xD
And I wonder how there are two Yunos... either way, I think there would be nothing wrong with Yuki sticking to the impostor, it's not like they'd be any different(identical DNA)..
Feb 19, 2012 8:40 PM

Sep 2011
About time Yukki manned up.
Feb 19, 2012 8:55 PM

Feb 2012
Skelington said:
Neat episode. Didn't like that censor, and i don't understand how Yuki can drive.

Not sure how to feel about Yuki now. He was... interesting in this episode. I like how he is no longer such a whiny bitch like he was throughout the rest of the show and tried to do something, but this sudden transformation seems almost annoying. I liked watching him and Yuno kill the orphans though.

Eighth's design is weird. Her head is enormous.

They had to have predicted that the mayor would just drive away, so it wouldn't surprise me if Yuki spent the past five days learning some basics. I don't know where or how, but no one can be that stupid as to not prepare for a car chase when your enemy is in a car, including Yuki and Yuno.

And what sudden transformation? He had to read a script in order to talk tough. He's still under Yuno's control, but he's more resolved now. And honestly, I like that, because there's no way someone could transform that fast in five days.

Yeah, I don't get Eighth's design. But she sure looks homely.

Oh, and for the people who complain about the cliffhanger, all I'll say is: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Suckers.
I Write About Anime (and other stuff) At Standing On My Neck
Feb 19, 2012 8:57 PM

Dec 2008
Did Yuki's balls drop or something? Cause I have no idea where this bad-ass version of him came from...

....but I like it!
Feb 19, 2012 8:58 PM

Jan 2012
Aye, the transformation was slightly disconcerting, but it appears Yukiteru is following Yuno's well-written script, and putting on an act (particularly in the Future Diary meeting).

Great pacing, good cliffhanger.

I had a feeling that the 3rd body was related to the first 20 seconds of Episode 1, so I wasn't really shocked at the twist/reveal.

Also, I made the mistake of googling up "yuno gasai" and in the image search there's a manga cover with two Yunos -- but not quite identical ones.

Ay caramba!
Feb 19, 2012 9:04 PM

Mar 2008
I am loving this badass Yuki. Hoping he won't reject Yuno now that the facts are coming out.
Feb 19, 2012 9:12 PM

Feb 2012
I'm glad to see it wasn't only me who was all, "Alright, he can drive?" But hey, that goes right along with his new BAMF persona of his. He didn't cry this episode, even when he knew the innocent were being killed, so I'm not hating on him.

I think the little Yuno bit was funny. Mainly because I thought the third corpse would play out just like this, and then the last episode happened and made me second guess myself.

Anyway, enjoyed the episode overall. Kamado (Eighth) still... reminds me of a blimp at a thanksgiving day parade but... I can get over it. Just wish someone would recognize her deformity. >_>
Feb 19, 2012 9:32 PM

Aug 2010
I thought I was watching an action flick again. The high speed chase was a little out of place. I also found it weird that Yukki is so bothered by Yuno being an impostor. I would think he would put off worrying about that until after they took out the other diary owners which they had a gun point...
Feb 19, 2012 9:38 PM

Sep 2011
Digglett said:
About time Yukki manned up.

I know, only took the last 18 episodes.
Feb 19, 2012 9:48 PM
Jul 2011
I'm guessing the "impostor" Yuno is from the future? But why go back in the past? And I think the only way for her to go back in time is Steins gate style, or becoming god.
Feb 19, 2012 9:54 PM

Jul 2009
fucken stupid ending. big fucken woop, it's a clone or something. who cares. geez.
impostor apparently = a bigger deal than shooting 5+ guys and watching a person you talked with get her head cleanly sliced off.

yukki still a dip shit.
Feb 19, 2012 10:04 PM

Jul 2009
To those wondering, we're at chapter 39. There's 59 chapters in total. Wow, wtf, still so many chapters left with only 7 episodes to go?
Feb 19, 2012 10:23 PM

Jun 2011
Kurogashi said:
fucken stupid ending. big fucken woop, it's a clone or something. who cares. geez.
impostor apparently = a bigger deal than shooting 5+ guys and watching a person you talked with get her head cleanly sliced off.

yukki still a dip shit.

that's what I thought to. like wats the big deal. shes an impostor so wat? and why did he freak out when he found out shes an impostor. after all he didnt knw the real yuno so it doesnt make any difference if shes the real one or not
Feb 19, 2012 10:47 PM

Jun 2011
I used to think that this anime is perfect, but I was wrong. This anime is not even good, it's getting worse every episode. After watching Steins;Gate my point of view changed. I just realized that this is a completely mess... Just watching cause of Yuno.
Feb 19, 2012 10:52 PM
Mar 2011
Kurogashi said:
fucken stupid ending. big fucken woop, it's a clone or something. who cares. geez.
impostor apparently = a bigger deal than shooting 5+ guys and watching a person you talked with get her head cleanly sliced off.

yukki still a dip shit.


so many facepalm in this epi. yuno couldve shot the mayor already and 8th at the same time. "youre allies are coming" who cares.

shes an impostor? who gives a crap. yuno is a just a name its the same freakin girl thats been helping you all these time. she could be named lois lane, it doesnt effin matter.
"....i am the villain in this story"
Feb 19, 2012 10:55 PM

Feb 2012
amginex said:

so many facepalm in this epi. yuno couldve shot the mayor already and 8th at the same time. "youre allies are coming" who cares.

shes an impostor? who gives a crap. yuno is a just a name its the same freakin girl thats been helping you all these time. she could be named lois lane, it doesnt effin matter.

Um, you do realize that Nishijima was in a position to shoot them if Yuno tried anything, right?

And as for the why should Yuki care if Yuno is an imposter? I point you to my previous post, and all I have to add is that it's the manga forums all over again.

And seriously, nobody is asking how Yuno being an imposter makes any sense at all?
I Write About Anime (and other stuff) At Standing On My Neck
Feb 19, 2012 10:59 PM

Dec 2009
amginex said:
Kurogashi said:
fucken stupid ending. big fucken woop, it's a clone or something. who cares. geez.
impostor apparently = a bigger deal than shooting 5+ guys and watching a person you talked with get her head cleanly sliced off.

yukki still a dip shit.


so many facepalm in this epi. yuno couldve shot the mayor already and 8th at the same time. "youre allies are coming" who cares.

Agreed. I hate when animes mess with time like that. Yuno had plenty of time to kill both 8th and 11th before anyone could stop her, even with Nishijima around. And even though it was nice to see Yukki man up a little as so many people have said, he's still the same old kid he was before. He changes his mind practically every few episodes. He's just as gutless as he was before.

So if there really are 20 manga chapters left for the remaining 7 episodes, I REALLY hope they manage to finish without making everything feel rushed. I doubt it's possible, but we'll see...

EDIT: 100th post? :O
u2blahFeb 19, 2012 11:07 PM
Feb 19, 2012 11:03 PM

Feb 2008
It's possible to learn driving under 5 days. Heck, 2 days are probably enough. It's not like was racing. He was just driving the car casually. People are complaining about this like he was flying a plane and not driving a car.

I like Yukki's transformation. He really looked cool during the meeting. They way they killed those kids was too cruel, backstabbing them and stuff. I hate Yuno completely now after cutting that poor girl's head. I really liked her.

"Your sight, my delight. Will you marry me?"
Feb 19, 2012 11:06 PM

Nov 2008
godammit yukki, you were just getting cool, too... :(
Feb 19, 2012 11:07 PM

Dec 2011
amginex said:
Kurogashi said:
fucken stupid ending. big fucken woop, it's a clone or something. who cares. geez.
impostor apparently = a bigger deal than shooting 5+ guys and watching a person you talked with get her head cleanly sliced off.

yukki still a dip shit.


so many facepalm in this epi. yuno couldve shot the mayor already and 8th at the same time. "youre allies are coming" who cares.

shes an impostor? who gives a crap. yuno is a just a name its the same freakin girl thats been helping you all these time. she could be named lois lane, it doesnt effin matter.

Yeah, at that point, I would not care if she was an imposter, she's still the girl who has saved your ass so many times.
Feb 20, 2012 12:00 AM

May 2011
Gettin good
Feb 20, 2012 12:21 AM

Jul 2009
i just did something i shouldnt have. i read the manga and finished it. LOL. woops. too much free time mixed with a bit of rage/impatience.

and oh boy... the things that'll happen...
not really a spoiler but w/e.
Feb 20, 2012 12:26 AM

Sep 2007
Kurogashi said:
i just did something i shouldnt have. i read the manga and finished it. LOL. woops. too much free time mixed with a bit of rage/impatience.

and oh boy... the things that'll happen...
not really a spoiler but w/e.

I don't see why there would be. They've been pretty faithful to the manga so far. No reason to deviate now.
Feb 20, 2012 12:38 AM

Jun 2011
My god Yuno's clothes in this episode are perfect for her...
Feb 20, 2012 12:39 AM

Jul 2010
Loving the new Yukki for the most part.
Feb 20, 2012 12:43 AM

Jul 2009
Wasabi said:
Kurogashi said:
i just did something i shouldnt have. i read the manga and finished it. LOL. woops. too much free time mixed with a bit of rage/impatience.

and oh boy... the things that'll happen...
not really a spoiler but w/e.

I don't see why there would be. They've been pretty faithful to the manga so far. No reason to deviate now.

Not quite sure if you've read the manga, but shit goes downhill soon (not quite yet), but they will. Well, that said, the ending in the manga isn't horrible, but could've been much better (not sure how though...). It just felt like it didn't live up to the series' potential.
Feb 20, 2012 12:50 AM

Jun 2010
Dafuq?!~ !!!
Feb 20, 2012 12:53 AM

Nov 2011
So yeah, after watching the first seconds of the first chapter, I just got what's going on.

Good episode I guess. Yukkii's insecurities just banishing away was a bit too sudden, even when things didn't go as planned, but welp whatever.
Feb 20, 2012 1:00 AM

Aug 2010
The pieces are slowly coming together, it's interesting to watch the show knowing the outcome already.

Kaworu is back, but Yuno's performance was great as usual so I'm okay with it. Also, Minene was really cute with the squirrel 4/5.
Feb 20, 2012 1:16 AM

Oct 2010
Kurogashi said:
Wasabi said:
Kurogashi said:
i just did something i shouldnt have. i read the manga and finished it. LOL. woops. too much free time mixed with a bit of rage/impatience.

and oh boy... the things that'll happen...
not really a spoiler but w/e.

I don't see why there would be. They've been pretty faithful to the manga so far. No reason to deviate now.
Not quite sure if you've read the manga, but shit goes downhill soon (not quite yet), but they will. Well, that said, the ending in the manga isn't horrible, but could've been much better (not sure how though...). It just felt like it didn't live up to the series' potential.
The question here is if there will be enough episode to do it right.

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