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Dec 22, 2011 9:03 AM

Nov 2007
Idol girl use her skill. The guy created a game world for them. Kuma's persona lol~ They are talking while Kuma does all the fighting!!

The guy is talking with the shadow. Shadow, not being approved, released dark aura and sudden back to human world, after getting the victims and the group gradually getting apart and The guy's alone.)? lol @ human Kuma-kun!

Weird baby thing (shadow) in front of the guy and he cannot release his persona. His Junes friend saved him. They try to attack the enemy and get the blocks away,the guy do the continuous attack (it has cool BGM!). The guy is "safe" and shadow is disappeared.

The end?? So it's summer break and celebrating the end of case. Only cousin girl likes every cooking, but the guy's cooking is the best. They are still together even though the case is over. Kuma and the girl made promise to hang out together.

(no ep. next ep.)

dstiny123 said:

what I only care is who will be Yu GF and some more additional scenes on the story

I don't care about Yu's GF at all.
tsubasaloverDec 22, 2011 10:28 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Dec 22, 2011 9:38 AM

May 2010
I love Teddie. Bear of the damn year, lmao.
He already knows how to play the flirt game:


Game dungeon music starts off, so hyped.

Oh lookie, moar popped up collar from Narukami. The girls should go shopping for him. He's probably the worst Persona MC dealing with fashion, Naoya(even though he was always in school uniform from what I remember), Tatsuya and Minato/Minako never gave me such annoyance with their design...Minor things like this never bother me but christ, just makes him look like a douche, lol... /rant

This episode mind fucked me, more so cause it was RAW, lol.. Even so - Really nice way to portray this, really liked it. Yu just spamming the Persona change was fucking awesome. Epic episode, wet my pants so much. Still seems like the episodes are just 6mins long...

Oh god...The omelets... Poor Rise, lmao...Not only is ice, Yukiko's weakness, but Rise's spicy cooking, what a critical hit, haha.

So, was right about King Frost when he got the Emperor arcana, pretty awesome, since we didn't get Jack or Black Frost...

Dat Nanako and Teddie pinky promise adorable..

NEXT SCENT! SOCIAL LINKS!(part 1) Tower, Death and Devil(?) arcana... I know for sure I saw Shuu and the old lady. Not sure, if I saw Sayako, shit quality... So that means - Ayana, hermit and Temperance will be for part 2 of Social Links. Still hyped about Aika possibly being the hermit, need moar of her.

Persona list from what he has now, if I can remember the epic changes he did, lol:
Pyro Jack
Ara Mitama
King Frost
Leanan Sidhe - Have to say, when Leanan appeared, it was pretty epic.. Disappointed that it wasn't Cybele or Raphael...Good nonetheless.

- P4A Soundtrack Volume 2 is pretty decent, was dying for the first track clean and full. I'm guessing the song that played when Kanji summoned his Persona is on the next volume..I so want.

And for people who wait for TheAnimeNetwork subs, they won't be having it today. Instead, it will be tomorrow at 3pm est. So, a little long wait for subs:!/TheAnimeNetwork/status/149636886766419968
Dec 22, 2011 10:09 AM

Jun 2010
Honestly, I don't really care about the storyline, I mean we all already know about it anyway
what I only care is who will be Yu GF and some more additional scenes on the story
Dec 22, 2011 12:12 PM

Jun 2011
RealScreamer said:
And for people who wait for TheAnimeNetwork subs, they won't be having it today. Instead, it will be tomorrow at 3pm est. So, a little long wait for subs:!/TheAnimeNetwork/status/149636886766419968


Just my luck, with my derp internet on my vacation, I probably won't be able to see it until after Xmas. Goddammit. :<
Dec 22, 2011 12:38 PM

Apr 2011
Teddie was DEFINITELY AWESOME in this episode. The master of flirt back!
I think that Yuu was a little annoying in the middle of this episode. A little I said. It seemed to me that behave a little strangely... :d Humph... I dunno how to determine it.
And drawings in this episode were baaad. Much worse than in previous episodes. No, in the past have been pretty, but these... eww.
Lol, Yukiko died. xD
Nanako can eat everything - useful skill :3

Can't wait to the next week~
Dec 22, 2011 12:57 PM

Feb 2011
I... no, whatisthisidon'teven
If it wasn't because of the quality, this episode would have been considered a masterpiece. In the mindfuck category, that is.
I was all like O.o even though I didn't get a thing of what they were saying. And when his statics were empty, I knew that something awful was going on.
I was expecting everything to be like in the game.

But this... this is too much, this was AMAZING. I can't wait for the subs... I just can't.
Banbanli57Dec 22, 2011 1:17 PM
Dec 22, 2011 1:17 PM

Aug 2009
Ok, so I just decided to watch the episode raw. They found Mitsuo and then everything suddenly went fast forward like crazy. I didn't understand at first, but it turned out to be a Yu centered episode. His fear for being alone after solving the murder case. (A BAD END???)

I don't know if I liked this episode. IMO even if it was a illusion it kinda made Yu look selfish, and just wanted the case to continue forever. I did like how he was pulled out of his worries and his friends supported him. He also smiles a lot, it's nice :)

Next episode:FOOOOXXX!!!! All your yens, yip yip yap!
mikadocsDec 22, 2011 1:21 PM
Dec 22, 2011 3:17 PM

May 2009
Ok so uh
Nobody mentioned the awesome, delicious, fantastic version of I'll Face Myself (from Never More: Reincarnation). Best part of the whole episode for me.

And at the same time I loved the scene with the Personas, I was also quite disappointed as to how they made everything like :leader does everything, the others are really just to support him. I mean,

And to think that he was pretty much useless for me in the game until near the end lol
Dec 22, 2011 3:34 PM

May 2010
Lmao @ Chie and Yukiko's expressions:
Funny how Narukami, Rise & Kanji are matching with black:

Anyways, with clearer quality, looks like Fox is in the show, kinda disappointed, but sticking to the game isn't bad. Just would have wanted a different social link. This is Sayako, right?

I didn't see anything really wrong with the animation, same as always, by that, same lazy designs.

Necrosaro said:
Just my luck, with my derp internet on my vacation, I probably won't be able to see it until after Xmas. Goddammit. :<

Well, that isn't a bad thing since;

Next Persona episode airs on Jan. 5

No need to rush it :P

RealScreamer said:
Persona list from what he has now, if I can remember the epic changes he did, lol:
Pyro Jack
Ara Mitama
King Frost
Leanan Sidhe - Have to say, when Leanan appeared, it was pretty epic.. Disappointed that it wasn't Cybele or Raphael...Good nonetheless.

Classic Makami and High Pixie added to the list.

Miya_F_Exia said:
I was also quite disappointed as to how they made everything like :leader does everything, the others are really just to support him. I mean,

And to think that he was pretty much useless for me in the game until near the end lol

Agreed. It also pisses me off that Izanagi was so damn useless in the game, but here he looks so badass, derp. But this episode kinda seemed like a "Yu based" episode, in saying that - since he doesn't have a shadow like everyone else, this episode, I guess is his. But yeah, the Cliche is likely to happen in that battle, but everyone will indeed play their part..
Dec 22, 2011 3:38 PM

Oct 2010
I have to agree that this new thing that bothers Yuu is a bit annoying. I don't remember him having these issues in the game so I hope it doesn't go somewhere major that can ruin his character. Other then that it was a nice episode. The ''taste exchange'' scene was a bit rushed towards the end.
Dec 22, 2011 3:45 PM

Nov 2007
Crimson_Cloud said:
I have to agree that this new thing that bothers Yuu is a bit annoying. I don't remember him having these issues in the game so I hope it doesn't go somewhere major that can ruin his character.

It was in the game.

They can't animate multiple versions of every scene (to reflect the choices you make in the game) so they have to emphasize certain things and give him an actual personality. I like what they've done so far.
Dec 22, 2011 4:09 PM

May 2009
^I really don't remember this in the game but I actually like it. I mean, Yuu was most of the time a blank paper that would make a funny "joke" here and there, but when it came to actual characterization, he had nearly none (in the anime, where he has to be something, unlike the game, in which you think whatever you want about him). Funny of him to claim he isn't empty, since that was my major problem regarding him (even if what he meant by empty wasn't what I mean by empty).

And the staff had to create a scene especially for the yaoi fans. As much as I didn't want it to happen, I really saw that coming.
Dec 22, 2011 4:11 PM

Nov 2011
I just watch the raw dammit! I have to wait for sub to come out to understand this ep

I knew something wrong with his stat because it empty but afterthat it clear what happened to him

most importantly that was the most epic Persona spamming I've ever seen XD
Dec 22, 2011 5:16 PM

Oct 2009
I swear to god that when the Junes part first came up, I closed the episode, went and downloaded another raw because, even while understanding what they were saying, it wasn't making any sense whatsoever, so I thought the raw I first got was cut or something like that, lol.
It's been a long time since an anime could mindfuck me like that.
Dec 22, 2011 8:17 PM

Jun 2011
Don't you just love the infinite number of personas Yuu has? =O

I was scared watching Yuu being all alone
They all went apart... so devastating
I was like... 4 month worth of time in 1 episode.. WHAT?
Then it turns out that it was just like a dream
Everything is good~ =]
Dec 23, 2011 3:15 AM

Oct 2010
wow it was so awesome when yuu summons all the personas. God is this cool xD
Dec 23, 2011 5:25 AM

Jul 2009
best episode so far

That sequence in the middle really shows how fragile Yuu actually is beneath his blank face. He's no longer the empty shell most viewers perceive him to be.
As someone who moves frequently as well during school years, I really echos that sentiment. It really scares me there. It just feels too real.

And then to see that sadness transcend into power. It's all "seikai wo damase" once again. I just love those type of transitions.

The story is so good that I didn't even notice the lack of quality said here. Maybe I should watch it again.
Dec 23, 2011 8:49 AM

May 2009
jeroz said:
He's no longer the empty shell most viewers perceive him to be.

Well, after 10/11 episodes, I would say they are a bit late. Although I was one of those viewers (still am in a sense, since he'll remain a door in the game lol). Now how should I call him? Maybe just occasionally insipid? XD
Dec 23, 2011 1:42 PM
Lewd Depresso

Jul 2008
This ep was confusing as hell for me xD
Dec 23, 2011 3:01 PM

Jul 2010
Thumbs up for using P4 Reincarnation music.

Now I'm wondering if they're gonna use the storyline for P4: The Golden instead. If so, I'm gonna be so hyped!!
Dec 23, 2011 3:16 PM

Jan 2009
RealScreamer said:
just makes him look like a douche, lol... /rant

I kind of like him as a douche. Something about his anime characterization(even lack of) is very amusing to me. He is like that weird friend that you love to have around but is ashamed to introduce to anybody else.

Miya_F_Exia said:
Now how should I call him?

Douche. In a good way.

RedKey said:
I swear to god that when the Junes part first came up, I closed the episode, went and downloaded another raw because, even while understanding what they were saying, it wasn't making any sense whatsoever, so I thought the raw I first got was cut or something like that, lol.
It's been a long time since an anime could mindfuck me like that.

WORD. I totally did the same thing WITH SUBTITLES and everything. Narukami trolled every character in the anime and in this episode he trolled the viewers. HE'S AWESOME
Dec 23, 2011 3:51 PM

Jul 2009
I'm kinda divided on how I felt about this episode.

One one hand, I liked that
On the other hand, I think that it was very confusing, nothing was well explained (even during the parts where it should've been), and the second half of the episode seemed very rushed.

Anyhow... the part with him summoning all of those personae was very cool, aaaand... I tried my best to remove my slash goggles before watching this, but this episode made me put them back on. xP

Next episode... Fox! Hisano! Sayoko! Some of my favourite social links, so I'm happy.
If any of my posts seem odd, it's probably because I'm tired. Sorry. I have sleeping issues.
Dec 23, 2011 4:09 PM

Oct 2010
Im loving the anime i wish i played the game. This episode did confuse me a little i was like wtf at one point.

Is all the music in the anime from the game? I'm loving the soundtrack i hope it is from the game so i can get it now.
Dec 23, 2011 4:12 PM

Oct 2011
In summary this episode was...interesting to say the least.

When the scene shifted from Kubo to Junes I thought they were using the tired old device where they break up the action by skipping to events that occurred pre or post battle: an exemplar of this being Neon Genesis Evangelion episode 2 where Shinji randomly wakes up in a bed halfway through getting his ass kicked in battle.

When the episode progressed I thought it was like an alternate reality i.e. that the group gave up finding the killer and thought it was all over and hence Yu's story was more unsatisfactory. It was only when that shadow appeared that it hit me - Yu was experiencing an event much like Chie, Yukiko, Kanji etc. when they were facing their shadows.

This is where I got confused sufficed to say :/

Yu wasn't facing his shadow, but facing Kubo's. Maybe this episode was meant to imply a resonance between the two, insomuch as Yu's fate could be similar to Kubo's i.e. a guy with no friends because they all drift apart - an extremely sad fact of life. I infer that, based on what Igor said, this episode was a turning point - either accept Kubo as the killer and drift apart with the persona users you have weak social connections to (remembering that it was said in the Velvet room that Yu needed not only to have social links but to develop them to increase their power) - or - push forward as a group and become friends for life, creating bonds that can never be broken.

Cringe at my own wall of text psuedo analysis, but that's what I got.

For being interesting the episode deserves a solid 4/5 :the animation was decent; the battle scene was a little uninspired; the clever comparison between yu and Kubo, while clever, was too lengthy (this is adding new material to an anime which has more than enough story already); and the kubo dungeon/ you're not me moment was way too brief.
Dec 23, 2011 4:14 PM

Oct 2009
bonifide said:
Is all the music in the anime from the game? I'm loving the soundtrack i hope it is from the game so i can get it now.

Yep. The soundtrack comes straight from the game. And it's THAT awesome!
Dec 23, 2011 5:00 PM

May 2010
never played p4 =_= but i loved 3 hmmmmm
Dec 23, 2011 5:40 PM

Sep 2007
I don't know why some people are saying otherwise, but the thing about Yu being worried about his 'group not meeting anymore because the cases are solved' was DEFINITELY touched on in game cuz I remember getting all depressed when I got to that part.
They just couldn't express his feelings as much in-game.

Anyhow, I'm actually surprised it looks like they're gonna try to cram all the random SLinks into the next ep (or two)... I saw the old lady, the nurse lady, the kid that needs a tutor, the single mom (I think), AND the fox in the preview. *whistles*
It's a nice change of pace that I've been waiting for sure...but that seems a lot of content to cram....

One more thing: I couldn't help but smile at the little bit shown after the credits, both the Yosuke & Yu convo (Slink progress? ;P hehehehe) and the 'promise' )

Overall....though I'm a little sad they made the actual dungeon so short (nooo! my fav dungeon BGM!!!) Yu summoning his Personas like some machine gun was fun and I want next ep NOW like usual~ xD
IkanoDec 23, 2011 5:49 PM
Dec 23, 2011 6:01 PM

Oct 2011
Music and Persona spam just made this battle/curb stomp completely epic. I was hoping for some hilarious old game graphics for the Shadow's attacks, but this just made it so awesome.

Seems like Yu is in the low to mid 40's in levels. I know it's pretty random, but that actually seems like a decent level to be at in this point in the game. Maybe a bit on the low end, but it seemed to randomly work out.

Also, I'm guessing that was Tentarafoo from Leanan Sidhe, there. I'm liking how they are pulling off most of the moves and touching on immunities (and not making them as big as a point as Pyro Jack's first appearance). I wonder if they'll display defensive and healing skills at all. Might be a quick one-time thing, but I'm just curios as to how they may do it.
Dec 23, 2011 6:14 PM

May 2010
Faker_ said:
I kind of like him as a douche. Something about his anime characterization(even lack of) is very amusing to me. He is like that weird friend that you love to have around but is ashamed to introduce to anybody else.

Haha. Don't get me wrong, his personality in the anime is kinda douche-y but he can be pretty decent and I like him overall. But in some parts - he's annoying in a way where you just want to treat him like (anime)Yosuke, atleast to me. Seems unfair how Yosuke always gets the short end of the stick, when Narukami is just as bad lol.

Ikano said:
I don't know why some people are saying otherwise, but the thing about Yu being worried about his 'group not meeting anymore because the cases are solved' was DEFINITELY touched on in game cuz I remember getting all depressed when I got to that part. They just couldn't express his feelings as much in-game.

Yeah, I agree with you. It also shows his bonds becoming stronger and it isn't just him doing all the work, even though it seems that way. He needs them..The scenes of them leaving the group truly made this episode sad for me. In some ways it made me remember the feeling when you beat the game...

Cadyshack said:
I wonder if they'll display defensive and healing skills at all. Might be a quick one-time thing, but I'm just curios as to how they may do it.

Yeah, I wanna see how they use healing skills. Can only think of the way Yukari used it on Minato in the manga.
Dec 23, 2011 7:31 PM

Jul 2009
I think people need to understand that it's not just Yuu belting out his protag powers, but to realise that each of his persona symbolises the bonds he has with other people. Coming out from the nightmare in which his friends all ditched him, to see him able to confirm for himself that those relations are still strong is a very awesome sight.

This battle is about Yuu knowing that he won't be alone again.
Dec 23, 2011 8:18 PM

Oct 2010
IDK,I think they could've handled the dream sequence (?) better. They could have had some sort of transition so that it wasn't so confusing. :s
Eat some steak and scoot up to bed~
Dec 23, 2011 8:31 PM
Dec 2011
I'll be seriously annoyed if that was the full extent of Narukami's self conflict, i feel like they haven't added enough depth to his robot like personality.
Dec 23, 2011 10:01 PM

May 2011
Poor Teddie =P At the start Teddie constantly using spells, then slowly his spells got interrupted since his persona got hit by the shadows, as if they're playing a ball game(bouncing around the place). He looked at them twice. First look is because Teddie's curious about their conversation. Second look is he's crying for helped. =P
Dec 24, 2011 12:18 AM

Nov 2011
Just saying the Illusion got me till just about the end.

Also "How many persona's does he have?"

made me lol
Dec 24, 2011 12:26 AM

Jun 2011
What happened to all the fansub groups (Commie, Horrible, etc.)that were doing this anime? Banhammered? Or server issues?

I'm having trouble getting on TAN, no thanks to my Internet ATM. T_T
Dec 24, 2011 1:02 AM

May 2010
Narukami got so many Personas but none have been explained so far about them. -_-
Dec 24, 2011 1:17 AM

Jul 2009
StormViruz said:
Narukami got so many Personas but none have been explained so far about them. -_-

Go watch the previous eps again, especially in the beginning of the eps in the velvet room. One social link = 1 extra persona.

Unless you are talking about if those persona has personalities, then no.
Dec 24, 2011 2:40 AM

Jan 2011
Man was i sure confused when they just skipped to everyday life and that's when i noticed something was werid when they were doing the cooking battle lol because i didn't remember the MC making everyone food,pretty good episode yu got a ton of personas but he needs get rid of that ara mitama !
Dec 24, 2011 4:43 AM

Sep 2010
Oh good, that was getting a little depressing.
Dec 24, 2011 6:37 AM

Jul 2009
StormViruz said:
Narukami got so many Personas but none have been explained so far about them. -_-

I can't remember if I've pointed this out before, but I really want to almost every time someone seems annoyed that the existence of Personae/ the TV world/ the shadows/ etc. hasn't been explained yet; keep in mind that this is meant to be a mystery. None of the main characters themselves know, and who is there to explain it to them? At this point, just Igor and Margaret- but not explaining things is pretty much how they roll.

If the anime manages to have all of the game (which it should, all things considered), then it should be explained to a satisfactory level eventually. If you can't wait, you could always make a few guesses based on a little bit of reading up on psychology, haha.
If any of my posts seem odd, it's probably because I'm tired. Sorry. I have sleeping issues.
Dec 24, 2011 6:48 AM

Nov 2010
I wish the same music as the fight in episode one was used in this episode again but it was nice.
4.5/5 for the episode
Dec 24, 2011 11:30 AM

Jul 2011
That was an awesome episode. How far into the game is this episode?
Dec 24, 2011 11:52 AM

Oct 2008
my face while watching this episode: DAFUQ WAS THAT I CAN'T EVEN DESCRIBE WHAT WAS MY FACE LIKE
Dec 24, 2011 1:27 PM

Dec 2010
mdz said:
That was an awesome episode. How far into the game is this episode?

Pretty damn far considering they just hit 12. If they keep going at this rate the anime will be over around 17. But if they do all the endings (bad, normal, true) then I can see that being 20+ episodes.

Disappointed the dungeon was over so quickly. 8-bit ftw.
Dec 24, 2011 2:24 PM

Mar 2008
One word: rushed. Like mad. That was really disappointing. Yuu being engulfed my Shadow Mitsuo's powers, no more friends blablablah, so damn annoying and useless... :(

Good thing the battle in the end saved the episode. At least next episode, looks fun, 3 new SL in one episode ^^ Sayoko! <3
Dec 24, 2011 5:34 PM

Jun 2011
Enjoyable ep, even though I had no clue wtf was happening. Super rushed ep :S


I really thought it was the final ep lmao.

Stalker Face lmao.
Dec 24, 2011 6:32 PM
Nov 2010
I kinda feel like I was trolled, but then again I did imagine everything was some sort of illusion.
Dec 24, 2011 10:09 PM

Mar 2011
I want to try Yu's omelet.
Dec 24, 2011 10:24 PM
Jun 2011
You know, as one of the viewers who've never played the game, I understand that I won't understand the details as well as someone who's played the game. I kind of go with the flow about the whole TV thing, the whole Persona thing, and whatnot - it's a little confusing, but the anime does an OK job of explaining what's going on. Then I watched today's episode and I was just completely lost. Where did all those Personas come from? What the heck was the point of spamming all of them? Why were we never introduced to the majority of those Persona before this episode? I thought the entire battle scene was terrible because of these unanswered questions. This anime needs to seriously explain how the rules work. On a side note, I thought Kuma fighting by himself was hilarious.
Dec 25, 2011 12:16 AM

May 2010
anotherAzn said:
You know, as one of the viewers who've never played the game, I understand that I won't understand the details as well as someone who's played the game. I kind of go with the flow about the whole TV thing, the whole Persona thing, and whatnot - it's a little confusing, but the anime does an OK job of explaining what's going on. Then I watched today's episode and I was just completely lost. Where did all those Personas come from? What the heck was the point of spamming all of them? Why were we never introduced to the majority of those Persona before this episode? I thought the entire battle scene was terrible because of these unanswered questions. This anime needs to seriously explain how the rules work. On a side note, I thought Kuma fighting by himself was hilarious.

Well, every time Yu gains a new arcana, he gains a new persona. Meaning, every time he makes a bond with someone, he awakens to a new persona, since he's the "wild card". During the ending song, you can see all the Arcanas he's earned, or what he gained from that episode.

He's originally the fool Arcana: Izanagi.
Magician(Yosuke bond): Pyro Jack
Chariot(Chie bond): Ara Mitama
Strength(Kou/Daisuke bond): Rakshasa
Moon(Ai bond - fusion): Orochi
Priestess(Yukiko bond): High Pixie
Emperor(Kanji bond): King Frost
Hangedman(Saki's little brother,Naoki bond): Makami
Lovers(Rise bond): Leanan Sidhe
We are yet to see the Star Arcana persona he has.

It was explained during the Velvet Room scenes. Every time he makes a new bond, his "powers grow". Therefore, that's where all these persona's came from. Wasn't introduced before, as the last few episodes didn't require him to use em'. Sure, he could have used one against Shadow Teddie, but it was essential to show Rise's role and have Teddie face himself alone, not everything requires Narukami's persona change, but I understand that this all can be confusing, which is why, I myself, rewatch the episodes from time to time, even though I've played the game.

He spammed them as the Shadow was resisting some of the moves, shown when the shadow put up a wall of some sorts.
RealScreamerDec 25, 2011 12:20 AM
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