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Nov 12, 2011 12:08 PM

Nov 2007
There are three that are "opposing" side from the class.

Interesting, paying to use the power.

Money matter is kinda interesting.

Use of blind girl is...

Debating is the final battle. lol @ Toori. He gave up so quickly!!
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Nov 12, 2011 8:04 PM
Jun 2008
best episode ever !!!
I been waiting so long for Toori to say " shouldn't we give up saving Horizon"

religion country such as Tsrishc(Christ) and Murasai(Islam) is not allow to make their own financial, so putting money into bank and earn interest is a taboo for them but Far East(japan) is does not have such rule.That is why ,those religion country must "temporally conquer" Far east and make bank from there.if each world complete conquer Far east ,it will make people in Far Easte unwilling to invest their money into the bank and other country can't borrow money from it.Each country can borrow money as "national loan" from Far East.If Far east is completely conquered ,they can choose not to pay.Well, you borrow something and you need to pay but if the bank(government) lose all their money, many people will suffer and economy will not look good in the future.Especially that Tres Espana's economy suffer much from reconquista.Surely they need money more than any Tsriht union.For France and holy roman empire, they use too much money during the 30years war and their economy is on inflation, their country is now also fill with debt due to the army cost and political movement.
Of course, Far Easterer is well aware of that.When the Mikawa's factory is exploded, people already start withdraw their money from bank but because this is an act of rebellion toward Testament union, they bank need to act wisely to show their loyal to Testament union.Thus,All the national bank "freeze" their bank from letting people to take money from it but freezing their bank will also cause crisis on their own country as well.So....well,government in Far east really have no choice actually .
As for people investing their asset as fuel to Musashi because Musashi is the only country(moving vessel) in Far east that is not completely taken over by Testament Union and it make a good investment for those investor from Far east.That is why Musashi is rich, rich enough to fight a war. Wealth can buy bullet and feed the army ,but everything will be lost if Musashi is taken over by Testament union.
The war will go where the money will go
I not sure my explanation is correct or not .If you have any question , please ask .

Far east is an easy target to bully,so must fight back .nuff said lol

Next episode Masazumi will explain more on politic issue.The most hardest part to understand ....or maybe I just totally forgotten it lol
tsubasalover said:

Interesting, paying to use the power.

Money matter is kinda interesting.
remind me of C lol
MorningGloryNov 12, 2011 9:07 PM
Nov 13, 2011 3:53 AM

Jul 2009
remember kids

You too can fight against a giant mecha if you take ECONOMICS!!
Nov 13, 2011 6:10 AM
Jun 2008
In episode 1, you also see Shirojiro buy bullet and arrow using money from the god he worship.So its not surprise that he buy "manual labor" from other god using his god lol
Gian Giacomo Trivulzio said:

To carry on war, three things are necessary: money, money, and yet more money.
Nov 13, 2011 11:12 AM

Oct 2010
Naomasa's Mecha is amazing! I did feel bad for Toori. I was so face-palming at him begin suddenly naked. At least I got to see my MC's ass being kicked by a DFC. Mr. Merchant impressed with his money system. The more money I give him the more powerful his blows and shield? Perhaps? Well it's confusing of the circumstances of his system.

I also did a big WTH followed by 5 minute pause followed by WTH TOORI! At following,

that was some impact it made on me. ROFL! Can't believe he said that but then again all were watching him.
Yumekichi11Nov 13, 2011 12:47 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Nov 13, 2011 9:35 PM

Jan 2010
Toori just pull a Troll Card.
Toori just Troll everyone like that ( haahahahahahaha).
I wonder if he was serious about that question.

Love the guy :P
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Nov 13, 2011 10:18 PM
Apr 2009
Ahahaha, now Masazumi has to argue for saving Horizon because she has the rebuttal

Nov 13, 2011 10:49 PM
Jan 2010
Nanop33 said:
Ahahaha, now Masazumi has to argue for saving Horizon because she has the rebuttal

Bloody brilliant isn't it? In a silly ridiculous trolling kind of way :P
Nov 13, 2011 11:39 PM

Feb 2011
The mecha.......has boobs...

Damn, there I was hyped for 3 actionpacked Matches and then THIS.

Well, at least Toori was hilarious. But especially him I would've liked to fight. Dunno, if he even can do that, though.
Nov 14, 2011 12:48 AM

Oct 2010
Kuchenlight said:
The mecha.......has boobs...

Well ofc, how else would you tell the diffrence between a male and female mecha?

Was expecting some more real fights instead of, a hug and a troll debate....

Nov 14, 2011 12:49 AM
Feb 2009
Kuchenlight said:
The mecha.......has boobs...

Damn, there I was hyped for 3 actionpacked Matches and then THIS.

Well, at least Toori was hilarious. But especially him I would've liked to fight. Dunno, if he even can do that, though.

Exactly. I was like woot more action!
but nope.
just nope.

still liked the ep xD
Nov 14, 2011 1:10 AM

Aug 2009
that was pretty funny
Nov 14, 2011 7:04 AM

Feb 2009
It's no wonder Phi Brain is so QUALITY these past episodes, them jiggling boobs and that big female mecha took all the budget.
Nov 14, 2011 8:04 AM

Mar 2011
Love this episode
Love the action
Love the troll XD

But I hope that the saving horizon thingy will be on epi 9 XD
Though episode 8 is basically another preparation thingy :/

Nov 14, 2011 10:32 AM

Jan 2008
Is Toori using reverse psychology or just being lazy?

I'm not sure if Toori knows that Masazumi knows Horizon (P0-1) but I'm guessing Masazumi will probably end up telling Toori to go help her and thus the reverse psychology from Toori choosing to give up instead.

Though that's just a hunch.
Nov 14, 2011 2:42 PM

Sep 2011
every time Toori steps up to the plate I expect him to do something badass. but he's still aloof as ever. not that I'm saying that's a bad thing, I'm just waiting to see what kind of cool hidden abilities he has.

Nov 14, 2011 3:38 PM

Aug 2010
Neito was hilarious. I love how she reacted when Toori came out naked and during her "fight"
Nov 14, 2011 7:40 PM

Feb 2010
Razrwolf said:
Nanop33 said:
Ahahaha, now Masazumi has to argue for saving Horizon because she has the rebuttal

Bloody brilliant isn't it? In a silly ridiculous trolling kind of way :P

Hahahah. YES.
Nov 14, 2011 9:38 PM

Jan 2011
I felt like i just got trolled hard along with everyone else.

GG toori for a successful trololol.
Nov 15, 2011 12:09 AM
Feb 2009
jesus Toori :) lol
Nov 15, 2011 5:05 AM

Jul 2009
Primity said:
every time Toori steps up to the plate I expect him to do something badass. but he's still aloof as ever. not that I'm saying that's a bad thing, I'm just waiting to see what kind of cool hidden abilities he has.

even if he acts like an idiot, you just get a sense that he knows exactly what he's doing. In the 2nd fight if he send out anyone else Neito will just forfeit straight away and ruins the hierarchy. In the 3rd fight he does the perfect reverse psychology so that even if he lose the debate the opponent, who is great at debating from what i'd heard in this ep, will already lay out the plan for them that they could just go ahead and execute the plan.

And we can always wait to see what his "grand fart" can do :P
Nov 15, 2011 5:34 AM

Jan 2009
Nanop33 said:
Ahahaha, now Masazumi has to argue for saving Horizon because she has the rebuttal

lol nice one, Toori just won by giving up
Nov 15, 2011 3:31 PM

Sep 2011
jeroz said:
even if he acts like an idiot, you just get a sense that he knows exactly what he's doing. In the 2nd fight if he send out anyone else Neito will just forfeit straight away and ruins the hierarchy. In the 3rd fight he does the perfect reverse psychology so that even if he lose the debate the opponent, who is great at debating from what i'd heard in this ep, will already lay out the plan for them that they could just go ahead and execute the plan.

And we can always wait to see what his "grand fart" can do :P

this is precisely the point. Toori knows exactly what he is doing, and if he is able to apathetically accomplish the objectives that he needs to without giving his full effort, then I'd like to see how much more he can do when he's really trying.

to put things in perspective, we are aware of Masazumi: it's apparent that she's a person of a high position, and yet she's only the given the title of Vice President within the Ariadust Academy. Toori is the full blown President of the Student Council, which is indicative of some sort of presence or ability more qualified than that of Masazumi. the suspense to see what he is capable of is killing me.

or maybe I'm completely wrong. i've never read the VN and this is all speculatory so maybe there's a chance that Toori is just being Toori with no masks or limitations or anything.

Nov 15, 2011 5:21 PM

Sep 2011
Aoi uses super affective!!

Ok now that lame joke done good episode,Naomasa Mecha was pretty cool,I like the paying to get more that far from reality.

Using Suzu was a good idea since knights must always protect the week,well almost always.

Toori using reverse psychology is brilliant since many people say Masazumi knows Horizon so she will say that they need to save her.

Will get more next episode!!
Nov 15, 2011 7:54 PM

Jun 2008
jeroz said:
In the 3rd fight he does the perfect reverse psychology so that even if he lose the debate the opponent, who is great at debating from what i'd heard in this ep, will already lay out the plan for them that they could just go ahead and execute the plan.

It's not just giving them the plan either. Since many people are watching the debate, Masazumi's argument could sway the people of the Far East into rebelling against Testament. The alternative is to walk away and immediately lose her position.

But I'm not sure that's the end of it. The rules for these duels are fairly malleable. It's possible she could figure a way around Toori's gambit.
Nov 16, 2011 2:31 AM

Jun 2010
I've gotta say this Anime is improving. Im glad I didn't drop it.
Nov 16, 2011 7:45 AM
Jul 2011
Reverse psychology. Best used by Aoi.
Nov 16, 2011 9:59 AM

Oct 2007
Now this is like the best show in this season for me.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Nov 16, 2011 1:18 PM

Jul 2011
Seriously if Parliment and the Senate had debates like this i would watch them all the time. Before the show aired i thought i would end up hating Toori but he truly is one of the best male leads this season. Also these fights are so imaginative its amazing.
Nov 16, 2011 1:48 PM
Nov 2010
Nice one, Toori, I'm looking forward to the next episode...
Nov 16, 2011 3:24 PM

Sep 2008
Dang, does Shiro have access to a Midas Money printing press?
The episode was enjoyable though; at least there was one mention of a grope.
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Nov 16, 2011 5:34 PM

May 2011
Why... why.. THIS GUY IS BRILLIANT. Trololol man this Tori. Respect.

Tori may look like a dumbass but he's made all the right call in this episode. Especially sending out Suzu to face Neito, he knew what her plan was and made a genius move. He also decided to go first on purpose acting like a moron I'd say.

Neito is soo moe ♥ and so is Suzu. Haha you gotta love all the expressions at the end, especially Masazumi.!!?!?
Nov 17, 2011 10:00 AM

Apr 2010
That business guys fighting style was interesting in a way just caring about money nothing else and it seems his girlfriend is into money as well.
buying a entire market just to win a fight is just insane.
Neito and Suzu looked nice together especially the way Neito saved Suze from falling.
And then her bad feeling afterwords tho that move she did was a bit sly.

Tori is just unpredictable tho we all know he is just messing with Masazumi.
Nov 18, 2011 9:14 PM

Nov 2007
Secret Trolling Skill pwns all.

Good episode.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Nov 19, 2011 12:34 PM

Oct 2011
I don't like Toori. I just don't like main characters like him :( I don't find perverts funny, I find them creepy and desperate. It only kind of works in anime but then I think about real life and I'm like...eww these people would disgust me. Apart from that, I quite loved this episode :) There was good and interesting action!! And I finally understand something about the plot! So congrats Horizon, I'm finally liking your show :D
Nov 22, 2011 7:05 PM

Nov 2007
lol Toori just lol

decent episode until that then it's like .... lol wtf

still have no idea who half the characters are
Dec 13, 2011 7:09 PM

Dec 2010
rofl. Man toori is one of the best male characters this season. I will add him to my favorite list on my blog. So goofy and funny.

This anime is just as crazy as mawaru penguin. lol
Dec 29, 2011 8:25 PM

Mar 2011
Paul said:
Is Toori using reverse psychology or just being lazy?

I'm not sure if Toori knows that Masazumi knows Horizon (P0-1) but I'm guessing Masazumi will probably end up telling Toori to go help her and thus the reverse psychology from Toori choosing to give up instead.

Though that's just a hunch.

Seems brilliant! If he chooses to give up then the girl is forced to debate in favor of saving her, right? If so he's letting her debate his view. At least I'm hoping this is what happens :D
Jan 8, 2012 6:07 PM

Aug 2010
Oh Toori you never fail to surprise me with your swag
Jun 5, 2012 11:57 AM

Jan 2011
Great episode, I'm loving this so much.
I'm looking forward to the next episode.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Jul 1, 2012 10:57 AM

Feb 2012
I couldn't follow it.
Aug 21, 2012 6:59 PM

Feb 2011
I didn't know that Toori is a Flat-Chested :V

Apr 2, 2014 12:34 AM

Jul 2008
Toori is either insanely stupid....or he's bloody brilliant.
Jun 11, 2014 10:09 PM

Sep 2011
Well that sure was anticlimactic.

jeroz said:
remember kids

You too can fight against a giant mecha if you take ECONOMICS!!

LOL srs
Jul 15, 2014 12:25 PM

May 2012
Best tactic evar xD Lol pretty nice episode and the episode in general was quite lovely!

Also the first time I've seen a Detroit Metal City Reference:

Let's see what's next though!
Aug 22, 2014 2:04 AM

Jul 2012
Loved it.

The mixture of comedic/serious scenes flowed much better this episode. The discussion in the beginning was also engaging.

Lastly that ending was awesome. Starting to think that Toori is using this trope to veil his real abilities. Which if true can work both for and against him.
wu-weiAug 22, 2014 2:12 AM
Sep 29, 2014 6:00 PM

Mar 2013
The jiggle physics on that engineering girl..
Slice of Life Anime about the everyday life of a German Philosopher: Nietzschijou.
Nov 14, 2014 12:51 AM

Jul 2013
Ahahaha! DMC reference! that was so random! and speaking of random.. wtf Tori? Anyway, I really don't think that he's an idiot. I think he's just keeping that facade and deep inside he is a genius, clever bastard. But we'll see.

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