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No. 6
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Sep 15, 2011 9:41 AM

Nov 2007
Eriurius is mad, and the city is in confusion.

Safu wants "Mother" to be destroyed, and free people and Eriurius.

Shion being emotional, and wants to destroy it instead, but Nezumi did so. Safu cannot be saved, though.

Wow, by destroying the thing, the bug things disappeared.

Shion losing his emotion and Nezume saying cruel things again. Nezumi is hurt by saving Shion. Shion taking care of Nezumi like when they first met. Then Shion getting shot, too.

Inukashi and the guy left while Nezumi goes for dead Shion.

Safu/Eriurius joining Nezumi with singing to dead Shion.

Big rainbow color bug??!! Then Shion is alive??!!

ED begins with instrumental... While showing the city in ruin (with no wall).

Nezumi kissing Shion, who doesn't want to leave him!!

Shion destroyed the chip... and ends with the baby and hamlet.
tsubasaloverSep 15, 2011 11:59 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Sep 15, 2011 9:51 AM

Jul 2010
Sep 15, 2011 10:07 AM

Feb 2008
Only one question: Bones, what the hell was that? They screwed up very good novel with just ONE episode. No explanation, no action... Well, no sense. How could you, Bones? T______________T
Sep 15, 2011 10:26 AM

Aug 2009
This series started off very good, but it went downhill from episode 5 and on. Then it just got worse and worse and worse.
I really liked the overall mystery in the first couple of episodes, but I slowly turned to hating the main characters Nezumi and Sion. I only cared about what happened inside No.6, with Sion's mom and Safu, I couldn't care less about Sion, Nezumi and their weird relationship.

I mean, Nezumi told Sion how dangerous the world was and how naive he was. Sion had finally gotten some balls in episode 10, and Nezumi was like "ONOEZ SION, DON'T SHOOT THE GUY THAT ALMOST TRIED TO MURDER US, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING."
Fuck, it didn't make any sense.

5/10, and I'm being very generous. Especially after Sion and Nezumi surviving. It would've been way more satisfying if they died.
Sep 15, 2011 10:30 AM
Sep 2011
Any link pls??? pls T,T
Sep 15, 2011 10:34 AM

Jan 2010
So it is a different ending than the novel? That's kind of interesting.

I do agree that this series started off good, but it lost that after the first few episodes.
Sep 15, 2011 10:39 AM

Apr 2011
So many things wrong with this episode.
Sion, Mr. I Believe in a Third Option No Matter What, throws away all his ideals for a mere girl who he never truly loved back.
And hey, look the wall is destroyed now! Oh, the millions of corpses lying everywhere? Yeah, no, it's fine. We'll get them cleaned up. But look! The wall is gone!
Dogkeeper and Rikiga... you guys.
Hey, the baby! Let's take care of it from now on. How are we going to explain what happened to his real parents when he gets older? Eh, it'll work out somehow.
"If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original." - Sir Ken Robinson
Sep 15, 2011 10:58 AM

Aug 2010
I feel like's over and now there's nothing to look forward to anymore...

I have to say best show I've seen in a long, long time. Sure there were some problems, many of which could have been avoided if they had made this series more than 11 episodes but hey can't change that now. Overall I enjoyed No.6. The ending felt rushed as I knew it would be and many things weren't explained as I knew it would be because of the episode limit but all those people dissatisfied with it can always pick up the novel if you want to know more. :)

The death scene with Sion made me want to fly to Japan and kick all the animators asses because that's not how it was supposed to be but they revived him so it' s okay. The final kiss scene was so sweet. I kept watching it over and over. I hated the way it ended with Nezumi leaving even though I knew that was going to happen I still don't know why. Where does he intend to go? What is he doing? Why did he leave Sion? It doesn't make sense to me after all that happened to them but whatever.

This show gets a 10/10 from me even with its flaws. I pray that BONES decides to do a season II or something but I won't hold my breath knowing them.
Sep 15, 2011 10:58 AM

Feb 2010
This is what the writers were doing as they put together this episode...

I mean... what happened to this show.

I finished Usagi Drop before this... big mistake.. made this look even more stupid.

But the part where the little girl and Sion's mom are seeing that the wall is down, and the little girls like.. "Where are the people going!? (OMG is my family dead... am I alone...? At least the nice bakery lady is here...)" and Sion's mom is like... "SION! (PEACE BITCH!)" hahahah.

This episode was funny when it shouldn't have been. At least everyone's alive ::cough::...

Sep 15, 2011 10:58 AM
Review Moderator

Jun 2007
Well I kind of liked it~ I did think that both of them surviving was kinda meh , it'd have more impact if they had died but I still liked it . Haven't read the novel though so can't tell how worse this was :X
I was just wondering where Nezumi disappeared to o,o
Sep 15, 2011 11:04 AM

Feb 2011
In essence, the ending was kind of the same to the novel ending.


Just, I'm so pissed right now.

Episode 1-10 were epic. But 11 sucked so bad!! SO BAD!!

I wanted to cry bitch tears as I watched this.

Sep 15, 2011 11:08 AM

May 2009

Very end.
Bad end, bad!

Didn't include the opening window scene.
Kiss was quick and all awkward. Kiss happened as a vow for Nezumi's return in novel.
Nezumi just bails out??? gee thanks
^^The novel at least, with the dialogue, lets you understand he's pretty much leaving to have his own life and return to Shion eventually.
^^Hence importance of window scene T_T
Didn't include the letters and how Shion is part of the reconstruction.
Sudden delivery of baby x_x

Ugh. Bones why you gotta do that....
Sep 15, 2011 11:15 AM
Jul 2011


(actual opinion to come. rage recovery still at 37.56%)

Oh, and thel kiss? Not "passionate, tender and fierce" enough to assuage the anger.

End card is v. pretty tho:
jjoymSep 15, 2011 12:02 PM
Sep 15, 2011 11:16 AM

Aug 2011
Well those were some delayed subs, but I shouldn't be complaining....
Anyways I got pissed how Sion died from 1 shot but Nezumi survived like what, 3?
Ending left me with a WTF though.....
9/10 overall BRAVO "APPLAUSE"
Sep 15, 2011 11:22 AM

Feb 2009
WTF ending, I'm alright with Safu disappearing, I didn't like her anyways.. But what was the queen bee/the wasp deal? No explanation whatsoever, still confused about that.

And I agree that the kiss between Nezumi and Shion was a quickie but I did feel that they had vowed to something deeper in their hearts, which was kind of cute. TOTALLY STRAIGHT ANIME FTW

Not my favourite anime, but I'll probably give it a 7/10 because I liked the Nezumi-Shion relationship a lot. It felt so pure.
WuppieSep 15, 2011 11:26 AM
Sep 15, 2011 11:23 AM

Jan 2010
I was a bit mad when Sion died but I got to hear Nezumi and Safu sing and was all happy when he came to life.
Nezumi and Sion finally really kissed! *fangirl scream*
I'm hoping they'll meet again!
Overall I give it a 10/10
"Do you have any idea how stupid we are? Don't underestimate us!"
Sep 15, 2011 11:24 AM

Jun 2011
wlhom_sky said:
Any link pls??? pls T,T has it!

oh my god that episode we...i can see why people wouldn't like the way it ended but that farewell kiss at the end made me smile. In the beggining of the episode I was like meh...what is all this boring shit? And then the people started dying and the bees were infecting left and right and I was like...oh snap. As for the first half of the episode though it was fairly ordinary. But one Nezumi priotected Sion from that bullet and etc it heated up. THEN when Sion was all dying and stuff I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" then i was like...oh and did i mention i was like....xD But seriously when Safu/Elyurias turned into that bee I kind of laughed. Still I thought it was overall what I kind of expected. I will have to watch it again because parts of the episode I watched were not subbed. GRRR. But overall I agree with Flynn. 9/10 for me. :D I was pretty pleased with the series and glad nobody ended up dying cause tears did flow out of my eyes but I tried to keep 'em to a minimum cause I am in the tech mall at college on break. xD
Sep 15, 2011 11:26 AM

Jul 2011
Personally thought it was a great final episode. Could there have been more? Yeah but that's the problem with most 11 episode shows, they rarely get as fleshed out as they should.

Would have been even better with an extra episode or two but it is what it is.

The only real gripe I had with it was how Shion and Nezumi just walk away like that. Which would be a time issue, I guess. Still seemed really odd, though. Especially when you consider Nezumi was so bothered by Shion's death, not long before, that it looked like he was just going to stay there and die himself.

That aside must say Shion's death sure was a shock. So much so that I didn't really break away from it till the episode was already over.
Sep 15, 2011 11:27 AM

Jun 2011
Wuppie said:
WTF ending, I'm alright with Safu disappearing, I didn't like her anyways.. But what was the queen bee/the wasp deal? No explanation whatsoever, still confused about that.

Well - bees are the ones that pollinate the flowers. Bringing new life to the Earth, etc. I gotta say they did not explain it very well either. However - lots of things were missing in this series explanation-wise it seemed. Oh well - still something I'll go back to and rewatch probably.
Sep 15, 2011 11:27 AM
Oct 2010
This was very weird and awkward. Overly dramatic screaming and explosions ending with Sion dying BUT BEING BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE BY A SPARKLING RAINBOW WASP. And what's up with the baby anyways? Has it suddenly become an important part of the show? Why did Nezumi leave, I didn't get a good explanation as to why he couldn't just keep living with Sion.

I really think it would have been a much better ending if Sion died.
Sep 15, 2011 11:29 AM
Aug 2011
FlynnxGuy said:
I got pissed how Sion died from 1 shot but Nezumi survived like what, 3?

Aah, it's probably because Shion got shot in the chest and Nezumi only got shot in the abdomen (which is still deadly if not treated immediately but generally a slow painful kind of death - not the instant kind?). I think that's how it works, anyway.
Sep 15, 2011 11:35 AM

Aug 2009

Just quietly leave a memo in my heart.
Sep 15, 2011 11:41 AM

Aug 2011
one_writer_girl said:
FlynnxGuy said:
I got pissed how Sion died from 1 shot but Nezumi survived like what, 3?

Aah, it's probably because Shion got shot in the chest and Nezumi only got shot in the abdomen (which is still deadly if not treated immediately but generally a slow painful kind of death - not the instant kind?). I think that's how it works, anyway.

Mmmm would explain a lot, but still makes me a tad mad.
Sep 15, 2011 11:42 AM

Jul 2009
Ok I was like:

*Sion laying dead, Nezumi singing and crying near him* ME: Teary puppy eyes, could it be more dramatic?
*Safu appears* D:<<< WHY Y U BYATCH AREN'T DEAD????

Personally dead and alive again scenes are.. hilarious -.- It's not that dead Sion would be better but still it would have been more logical if he was shot somewhere else and would recover naturally .

And FUUUU(((K you Nezumi, you drama queen , y u left Sion alone with his mama D:<<<

Okay... I still can't think normally but....When I'll stop puking bunnies I will write a normal comment -.-
Sep 15, 2011 11:44 AM
Jan 2010
I am in shock from this episode. Wasn't quite sure of the motivations, but with a 22 minute time constraint there wasn't exactly time to narrate the thought streams. I rated high, but will probably change the rating after a rewatch in a couple weeks.
Sep 15, 2011 11:45 AM

Nov 2008
What are you at, people?! It was great. A bit of Deus ex Machina at the end, but it's not my first time seeing this. But is was my first time in different sense - crying at the happy ending. Yes, it makes no sense. Fuck that. I love how it turned, what characters achieved, and that it was completly the opposite of what I expected (in a good way).
It was rushed - but the whole series was that way. Still it managed to give a great piece of character developement. Haven't seen such in a while.
Sep 15, 2011 11:47 AM

Nov 2008
What a mediocre anime.
Sep 15, 2011 11:50 AM
Jun 2009
Kind of disappointed here. I'm not sure what I expected or even now, afterwards, I'm not sure what I'd have liked it to be, but not that. Not really.

I think I may have liked it better if either of them died - probably Nezumi would've been better. I understand why they'd want to keep them alive but I'm just generally not a fan oh "OMG LOOK BROUGHT BACK TO LIEF!!!1" kinda plot twists. Shion would of course have been miserable if Nezumi died but I like to think he'd have gotten over it, because of a number of things (a) he got to see his mom, b) Nezumi would tell him to fuck off, c) Nezumi did tell him to fuck off and keep on living since he is alive, he'd hold on to that.)
TL;DR from now on when I rewatch this episode I shall end it at the part where Shion operates of Nezumi and imagine he died on the operation table. Yes.

As for the kiss, I kind of squealed but where was the passion!? I understand it's probably a cultural thing or something like that, not wanting to show "real" kisses but seriously. Kisses rarely work like that.

Now excuse me while I go hunt down the novels and find out how they end so I can compare.
The girl with the best smile;
you are my sun.
Sep 15, 2011 11:52 AM
Aug 2011
I loved it!!!!!!!!when shion actually died i was crying like hell and said i hate it!!!! i hate the anime, then the miracle happens!!!!also ehwn they kissed i was like KYAAA!!!! I loved the anime i'm really gonna miss it :'(!!!
Sep 15, 2011 11:53 AM

Sep 2009
I liked it. There were a few things that were rushed and there should have been a few more episodes to explain, but to me it is still one of the better animes this season. I cried, screamed, laughed watching this anime. I enjoy watching a well put together relationship that actually had feelings rather than just hit the sheets.

I would love a 2nd season, but they never do that for the good animes.

For me, with flaws and all 10/10.
Sep 15, 2011 12:14 PM

Sep 2011
The anime series as a whole earn a 9/10 in my book as well. It was a great anime series - and people should not suddenly go bashing on the whole series just because you weren't satisfied with the ending. I didn't approve of the ending and I felt it was greatly rushed and crammed together with those 22 minutes (it would've probably been better with 12 or 13 episodes) but overall, the series was great enough. It would be nice to see some type of OVA or second season even (though I won't hold my breath either for that). And people still hate Safu? Even after this episode? Honestly, there are far worse and more annoying anime/manga girls than her. I will say, I don't think she "loved" Sion like "that" - I believe it was more of a great friendship-type of love, you if know what I mean - though she seemed to think/believe differently. And perhaps Sion felt bad/guilty that he couldn't return her feelings of love in "that" sort of way (i.e: as lovers)...? Safu was a good character - I don't hate her, can't say I loved her character either though; I just admire her in a way.

If you all remember the scene where Nezumi was cutting the bee out of Sion's neck earlier in the series - I find the scene where Sion is trying to save Nezumi from the bullet wound, telling him to open his eyes and live (like switching places almost, again) - highly similar to that. It was almost sweet in a sense. I honestly think being around Nezumi made Sion into a stronger character.

By the way - anyone else realize just how many times Nezumi has been shot in this entire series??

Anyway, as I said, it earns a 9/10 in my book. I personally think they could've done a better job with the ending but other than that, I loved the series.

Sep 15, 2011 12:14 PM

Apr 2009
Could somebody help me? There's some stuff I don't understand...

Sep 15, 2011 12:14 PM

May 2008
I've read some of the novel but not the last chapter so I can't compare these two yet until I read it DX


I have no problems..and I really want a season 2 but it's like so...slim to none..*cries*

Screw it. 10/10

Sep 15, 2011 12:19 PM

Jul 2009
amyiceeyes said:
Why did Nezumi lie to Shion and tell him he was using him? Some episodes before, when he found out about Safu, he said he wanted to save her to make Shion happy.
And what's with that ending? Why does he leave? Where to?

Well Nezumi looked like he was enjoying the moment... I mean, Nezumi always wanted " Sion to stay Sion" . At that moment Sion was crying like a baby and Nezumi's words made him even worse. So I guess Nezumi has used the moment to see the same old Sion.

Why does he leave? Because he's a damn drama queen. Nezumi said himself that there won't be any more good-bye kisses. So what was that? Good night kiss my ass XD
Sep 15, 2011 12:22 PM

Apr 2009
Sharyka said:
Nezumi said himself that there won't be any more good-bye kisses. So what was that? Good night kiss my ass XD

Yeah, and that kiss SUCKED. Lazy animators who use angle as an excuse to make heads cover faces (and mouths) are LAZYYYYY.

Sep 15, 2011 12:23 PM

Oct 2010
wow, was this an original ending?
Sep 15, 2011 12:25 PM
Dec 2010
I liked this episode & the kiss was so cute xD
But I'm sad that I won't see my cute Nezumi-chan again :(
The ending was very good but still I want a second season !!!!
Sep 15, 2011 12:25 PM

Sep 2011
The series has been consistent in an awesome way, yet they managed to pull this WTF ending.

In the end, No.6 becomes one of those forgettable animes.
Sep 15, 2011 12:29 PM

Aug 2010
LMAO, if they didn't bother so much with animating all the fanservice scenes from the books, I believe they would have had more time to explain things properly.
I'm happy with the bromance and all but in this case I think it interfered a bit too much with the plot :/ No one can deny we had some episodes where nothing happened at all, then at the end SURPRISE PLOT
Sep 15, 2011 12:35 PM
Jul 2011
amyiceeyes said:
Could somebody help me? There's some stuff I don't understand...

in summary: bad execution, bones.

god this could have been an awesome anime, then bones had to be bones and pulled a bones ending.

sorry, too pissed to respond properly, but there's a volume 9 summary if you don't mind being spoiled.
Sep 15, 2011 12:40 PM

Aug 2010
jjoym said:

sorry, too pissed to respond properly, but there's a volume 9 summary if you don't mind being spoiled.

I think everyone should read that (and the other volume summaries) and erase these last episodes from their brains.
Sep 15, 2011 12:56 PM

May 2010
Good ending. But wish Nezumi would have stayed. Dx
Sep 15, 2011 1:00 PM

Mar 2008
WTF did I just watch?

This is what you call a rushed ending indeed, though I refuse to let it ruin the other ten impeccable episodes. I'm disappointed. The kiss was really the only thing worth it.
Sep 15, 2011 1:02 PM

Sep 2009
SoraKuro said:
jjoym said:

sorry, too pissed to respond properly, but there's a volume 9 summary if you don't mind being spoiled.

I think everyone should read that (and the other volume summaries) and erase these last episodes from their brains.

Okay that makes more sense, and is very poignant...that is how it should have ended, them showing Shion waiting for Nezumi.
Sep 15, 2011 1:04 PM

Aug 2008
I almost broke my glasses during uncontrollable facepalm. Another series with wasted potential. 5/10
Sep 15, 2011 1:05 PM

Nov 2010
Wow this final episode was such a mess. Thank you Bones for destroying such a great novel series. I guess the biggest flaw of this since when it started was its (lack of) length.

It's hilarious how it didn't even made sense why Nezumi left Shion here in the anime. A minute ago he was weeping over him, and then afterwards he suddenly leaves him without saying much. I don't know if I'll just laugh.

7/10 Overall, and I'll just pretend this had 10 episodes.
Sep 15, 2011 1:16 PM

Aug 2011
nice episodic ending it was good, but it wasn't the best...
Sep 15, 2011 1:25 PM
Feb 2009
seriously, I can really somehow forgive them for trolling the hell up by killing Sion and bring him back alive,
But it was so hard and painful to see Nezumi leaving. I t was horrible I was like
I'm so pissed right now. but it was good. really. The kiss scene stand little by the sight of Nezumi leaving Sion behind.

8/10 it was too much to bear in one episode ._.
Sep 15, 2011 1:26 PM
Jul 2018
I really loved this series~!

My only disappointment was it didn't show Sion reuniting with his mom.
Sep 15, 2011 1:34 PM

Jun 2008
A bit rushed but overall GREAT EPISODE. i loved it~~~
Felt pity for Safu, but she did great saving Shion and destroying the walls.

mitzuki101 said:

Nezumi and Sion finally really kissed! *fangirl scream*
I'm hoping they'll meet again!
Overall I give it a 10/10


ワンダーランド花 ♥

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