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Mar 18, 10:38 AM
Finally it's here! I have been waiting for this series in a while, mainly because of Aka Akasaka. Unfortunately, Oshi no Ko left many disappointed (haven't read it myself, so can't say much). This one seems to be up to the alley of great start from the author, mixing classical fairy tales with a twist. If you haven't started yet, do it, you won't be disappointed! |
Mar 18, 11:23 AM
Sensei did it again what was that, i knew it that something was going to happened but i was suspecting the witch bravo |
otakuweek (100k Followers) on insta for News /best recom etc just have a look, you won't regret it... Link below: |
Mar 18, 11:37 AM
I was intrigued by Akasaki, intrigued... I thought it would be some kind of Disneyland (everything is cute, beautiful, for girls and so on), but apparently it will be more interesting than I thought. (judging by the prologue and the first chapter). We'll see what happens next, but now I'm really interested. |
Mar 18, 1:29 PM
What a start! I was just expecting an ordinary romance in a fairy tale story, but I was positively surprised by the end of chapter 1. Another great manga start for Aka Akasaka. Rapunzel is a great character. Mikel has everything to be a character with a very mysterious story. I'm excited for the next chapter of Marchen Crown. The mangá looks very interesting! I really liked mixing a fairytale story with something darker. You can feel Aka's hand in the writing, just like the first 10 chapters of Oshi no Ko! |
Mar 18, 1:37 PM
So it's tangled but the witch is right..... I knew something might go wrong but that was a legit wtf But the question is whether aka akasaka's streak of bad endings ends with this |
Mar 18, 2:10 PM
Everyone here is talking about the story, but the art and quadrinization are amazing, they were the aspects i most liked so far, congratulations to the artists. |
Mar 18, 5:23 PM
Ok i was expecting something bad but didn't expect that. Her face there was fantastic though. It could be one of those reaction images Anyways ngl maybe the witch is right the outside world kinda not so great. Like he said though it's not all bad though right? I mean at least he seems to be just normal flesh and blood probably. Maybe just this village is messed up and other places are ok? Idk this is why you don't sneak out of you house like that. Also really liked that image of the bee and the flower. |
RexnihiloMar 18, 5:26 PM
Mar 18, 6:20 PM
...WHAT?! Akasaka's new manga Rapunzel's story...but VERY different. The ending was unexpected. Let's see what will happen. |
Mar 18, 6:42 PM
jeez akasaka is back and he cooked because this is a great start. fantasy setting for the first time for aka and the art looks really good too, very well shaded. i knew it was too good to be true for rapunzel though, mikel's teeth looked sharp in a few panels so i expected him to transform into a wolf or something, although that didn't happen, he did turn out bad. really interested to see where this goes but i'm struggling to see how this is gonna be a romance with the way it's currently looking. |
Mar 18, 7:40 PM
It's not a bad first start, like at all, it's a really good start... but hasn't that bene the case for every Aka manga now? Good start that just gradually declines as we go... I don't have high hopes, but I don't have them too low either yet. |
Mar 18, 8:12 PM
I love Kaguya-sama: Love is War and Oshi No Konso I'm really looking forward to the massive potential of this one. The look on Rapunzel's face shocked tf outta me. What's up with Mikel????? Man, I'm hyped. |
Mar 18, 10:38 PM
So...was the witch just correct in this version, the hideous monsters are not that bad (and this is more a Beauty in Eye of Behonder type-plot), the boy is just being played by them or the witch messed up with Rapunzel censorial view of reality (improbable, she can se Mikel just fine, and he did hit his "uncle" with a bat on the head for "misbehavior", and was doing a sinister face in the end, all alone)? Wonder how this will go, and even if is just Rapunzel plot. We do see 4 or 5 other "princesses" in the colored page spread 2. This TOTALLY does not look a harem (even a soft, indirect one, like Oshi no Ko) at all, so I am guessing, this is gonna have mulple tales (marchen, lol) of mutiple fairy tales with edgy twist, and them converging to a bigger plot later on. Whats next, after zombie apocalypse village for Rapunzel? Snow White is a Vampire/Evil Witch/Succubus/Evil God Vessel, and the queen was trying to off her cuz on her 13th/16th birthday she would awake and murder the kingdom? Cinderella as a self-absorbed sociopath who just THINK she was being discriminated, and/or fairy godmother being a faustian demon pact? Red Hood is easy, shes just the werewolf for reals /lol |
FGO NA Code: 482.072.599 (F2P thug life of savings...) Ben-to! best nonsensical action anime. Ever. |
Mar 19, 2:57 AM
Well fuck, I’m hooked. Damn you Aka, I already know this is gonna end terribly, yet I’ll still be here for every chapter. Once again… |
Mar 19, 1:11 PM
well well I was expecting some twist but not this zombie ghost type shit lol |
Mar 20, 6:02 AM
Mar 20, 11:03 AM
Either the witch has a spell on the girl to see those things or the witch was right that this place is indeed a scary world that she should hide from. If it were a spell why wouldn’t Mikel look like the others? Some true love nonsense? Either way, exciting start. |
Mar 21, 6:38 PM
My guess is this is a Mashup of different fairy tales. The Thorn monster villagers seem very similar in iconography to that other fairy tale where the girl pricks her finger on a wheel. Japan can like itself some twisted Western / Grimes fairy tales so I can see it being approved by an editor. |
Mar 22, 7:12 PM
Oh god is this the dark version of Rapunzel? Man i gotta say the twist caught me off guard |
Mar 23, 4:56 AM
Yesterday, 4:26 AM
If my reading of Kaguya and Oshi no Ko has taught me anything, it's that I shouldn't easily buy any intriguing or promising stuff from Aka without doing my due diligence and carefully following the story. Especially if it has some kind of edgy element. Otherwise, I might just get tricked and be disappointed once again when Aka just loses interest and ruins everything to get rid of the stuff faster. @Fabris Considering that Aka has a supervisor this time, I bet someone will slap his hands every time he tries to break toys. But who knows? @IzanaSolos Yeah. The guy really damaged his reputation and trust after Oshi no Ko, so I'm not going to buy his offer so easily this time. |
RobertBobertYesterday, 4:30 AM
Yesterday, 6:58 AM
Well I did expect a plot twist at the end (since the story seemed to be way too happy to be an Aka Akasaka manga lol) but what the hell was that ending???!!! Seriously didn't expect something like that. |
Yesterday, 11:17 AM
Reply to RobertBobert
If my reading of Kaguya and Oshi no Ko has taught me anything, it's that I shouldn't easily buy any intriguing or promising stuff from Aka without doing my due diligence and carefully following the story. Especially if it has some kind of edgy element. Otherwise, I might just get tricked and be disappointed once again when Aka just loses interest and ruins everything to get rid of the stuff faster.
@Fabris Considering that Aka has a supervisor this time, I bet someone will slap his hands every time he tries to break toys. But who knows?
@IzanaSolos Yeah. The guy really damaged his reputation and trust after Oshi no Ko, so I'm not going to buy his offer so easily this time.
@Fabris Considering that Aka has a supervisor this time, I bet someone will slap his hands every time he tries to break toys. But who knows?
@IzanaSolos Yeah. The guy really damaged his reputation and trust after Oshi no Ko, so I'm not going to buy his offer so easily this time.
@RobertBobert What kind of supervisor are we talking about? |
Yesterday, 11:21 AM
Reply to Oblomingo
@RobertBobert What kind of supervisor are we talking about?
@Oblomingo In addition to Aka and the illustrator, the creators of this manga also include a supervisor who is responsible for the composition and conceptual development of the title. He is listed here as a second writer, but other media describe him as being in charge of composition. |
Yesterday, 11:22 AM
I'm glad that people decided to experiment, decided not to stand in the same genre, but to do something new for themselves. It always makes me happy. We'll see what happens next, but for now I'm happy with the beginning, I adore Kaguya, and ONK is not without its drawbacks, but I like it. |
Yesterday, 11:32 AM
Reply to RobertBobert
@Oblomingo In addition to Aka and the illustrator, the creators of this manga also include a supervisor who is responsible for the composition and conceptual development of the title. He is listed here as a second writer, but other media describe him as being in charge of composition.
@RobertBobert And what's that got to do with it supervisor? He's just responsible for certain elements in the story. |
Yesterday, 11:39 AM
Reply to Oblomingo
@RobertBobert And what's that got to do with it supervisor? He's just responsible for certain elements in the story.
@Oblomingo This is not what supervisors do. Their job is to monitor the progress of work and make sure that everything is done correctly within the scope of the tasks. For example, Aka worked as a supervisor during the writing of Oshi no Ko by another author, ensuring that the novels stayed within the framework of the lore and meaningful narratives he wanted. |
Yesterday, 11:46 AM
Reply to RobertBobert
@Oblomingo This is not what supervisors do. Their job is to monitor the progress of work and make sure that everything is done correctly within the scope of the tasks. For example, Aka worked as a supervisor during the writing of Oshi no Ko by another author, ensuring that the novels stayed within the framework of the lore and meaningful narratives he wanted.
@RobertBobert that is, Akasaka writes, and this person just checks that everything is going according to plan (checking that there are no discrepancies in the plot, in case something is forgotten). His task is just to remember everything about the plot, am I right? |
Yesterday, 11:50 AM
Reply to Oblomingo
@RobertBobert that is, Akasaka writes, and this person just checks that everything is going according to plan (checking that there are no discrepancies in the plot, in case something is forgotten). His task is just to remember everything about the plot, am I right?
@Oblomingo This is a business matter, so we obviously can't say for sure how it all works. But presumably this person is responsible for making sure that Aka's work is properly developed within the given framework and does not lead to any plot holes or unwanted implications. The reason why he needed a supervisor for the first time depends entirely on your imagination and the degree of sympathy you have for Aka. |
Yesterday, 12:06 PM
Reply to RobertBobert
@Oblomingo This is a business matter, so we obviously can't say for sure how it all works. But presumably this person is responsible for making sure that Aka's work is properly developed within the given framework and does not lead to any plot holes or unwanted implications. The reason why he needed a supervisor for the first time depends entirely on your imagination and the degree of sympathy you have for Aka.
@RobertBobert Well, apparently we have different opinions about the reason ;) But who cares for what reasons (romantic, cynical, and so on) a reviewer has been added, the main thing is to get a good manga ;) If it makes the manga better, then I'm only glad, it's unlikely that this title will fall into the same place as Kaguya for me (and I love her with all my heart), but let her try (maybe she'll be next to ONK, I like her for the most part, even considering her flaws). I'm already glad it's something else, I love it when people experiment. And what happens next, only time will tell us. I don't want to make plans for success or failure, there are more important things to do (and who am I, an ordinary person from the Internet with my taste for manga/anime). |
Yesterday, 12:13 PM
Reply to Oblomingo
@RobertBobert Well, apparently we have different opinions about the reason ;)
But who cares for what reasons (romantic, cynical, and so on) a reviewer has been added, the main thing is to get a good manga ;)
If it makes the manga better, then I'm only glad, it's unlikely that this title will fall into the same place as Kaguya for me (and I love her with all my heart), but let her try (maybe she'll be next to ONK, I like her for the most part, even considering her flaws).
I'm already glad it's something else, I love it when people experiment. And what happens next, only time will tell us. I don't want to make plans for success or failure, there are more important things to do (and who am I, an ordinary person from the Internet with my taste for manga/anime).
But who cares for what reasons (romantic, cynical, and so on) a reviewer has been added, the main thing is to get a good manga ;)
If it makes the manga better, then I'm only glad, it's unlikely that this title will fall into the same place as Kaguya for me (and I love her with all my heart), but let her try (maybe she'll be next to ONK, I like her for the most part, even considering her flaws).
I'm already glad it's something else, I love it when people experiment. And what happens next, only time will tell us. I don't want to make plans for success or failure, there are more important things to do (and who am I, an ordinary person from the Internet with my taste for manga/anime).
@Oblomingo Depends on what the reason was. We may never know, but it's possible that the official supervisor of his new manga is doing some sort of damage control in an attempt to prevent a repeat of the disaster that was the ending of Oshi no Ko. Or they simply felt that Aka no longer deserved the creative freedom he had while writing the aforementioned title. If that's the case, then Aka is effectively on probation now and a lot depends on how successful this will be. |
Yesterday, 12:30 PM
Reply to RobertBobert
@Oblomingo Depends on what the reason was. We may never know, but it's possible that the official supervisor of his new manga is doing some sort of damage control in an attempt to prevent a repeat of the disaster that was the ending of Oshi no Ko. Or they simply felt that Aka no longer deserved the creative freedom he had while writing the aforementioned title. If that's the case, then Aka is effectively on probation now and a lot depends on how successful this will be.
@RobertBobert here, everyone decides for themselves which reason seems more plausible to them. The main thing for me is that I personally like the manga, the rest is secondary. If the Aka itself has decided to hire a person, ok; if the publisher, ok. I like Akasaka as a mangaka, but I also understand that he is just a person who can do something wrong (no one is immune). If such a move doesn't ruin the manga, then that's fine (and if it makes it better, then it's fine). So personally, I don't see anything wrong with this decision yet (it was just interesting to find out the role of a third person). And we'll see what happens next in the future (at least no one will take my Kaguya away from me, so even if Aka falls in my eyes as a mangaka... well, I'll still be grateful to him for Kaguya). |
Yesterday, 12:36 PM
Reply to Oblomingo
@RobertBobert here, everyone decides for themselves which reason seems more plausible to them. The main thing for me is that I personally like the manga, the rest is secondary. If the Aka itself has decided to hire a person, ok; if the publisher, ok.
I like Akasaka as a mangaka, but I also understand that he is just a person who can do something wrong (no one is immune). If such a move doesn't ruin the manga, then that's fine (and if it makes it better, then it's fine). So personally, I don't see anything wrong with this decision yet (it was just interesting to find out the role of a third person). And we'll see what happens next in the future (at least no one will take my Kaguya away from me, so even if Aka falls in my eyes as a mangaka... well, I'll still be grateful to him for Kaguya).
I like Akasaka as a mangaka, but I also understand that he is just a person who can do something wrong (no one is immune). If such a move doesn't ruin the manga, then that's fine (and if it makes it better, then it's fine). So personally, I don't see anything wrong with this decision yet (it was just interesting to find out the role of a third person). And we'll see what happens next in the future (at least no one will take my Kaguya away from me, so even if Aka falls in my eyes as a mangaka... well, I'll still be grateful to him for Kaguya).
@Oblomingo That's why I say we don't know the real reasons behind it, so you can make it up yourself. Whether it will be useful or not is another question. I have my own thoughts, but I don't want to be a hater and wishing him failure. |
Yesterday, 12:44 PM
Reply to RobertBobert
@Oblomingo That's why I say we don't know the real reasons behind it, so you can make it up yourself. Whether it will be useful or not is another question. I have my own thoughts, but I don't want to be a hater and wishing him failure.
@RobertBobert let's see what happens next with all this (at least I think we won't be bored xD) |
Yesterday, 7:54 PM
Yup the whole time I was thinking this is too wholesome for Aka and that Mikel might be insane or his village might not be what it seems but that ending to the chapter went beyond what I expected. The witch seems pretty valid in keeping Rapunzel safe in the tower in this world. I'm pretty excited for this. |
8 hours ago
An interesting set up. Thought it was about to get into some Tangled territory but decided to go the left field route. Curious if that is just how everyone looks to her due to a curse put on Rapunzel by the witch or is she so afraid of the outside and meeting people out there, that she's imagining how they look. Then again, meeting Mikel was different and the way he whacked his uncle didn't seem comical at all. On another note, I wonder what the witch will do when she gets back. |
Notice: I read most manga in Japanese now so I'm not sure where you can read in English. Sorry in advance. |