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Aug 5, 2023 7:34 AM

Nov 2011
This episode actually kinda fun seeing the characters using their special phones to solve a complex puzzle. Noa also seems like a clever girl, so I guess I underestimated her somewhat.

A lot of game mechanics and theory crafting in this episode. Hiroto played this like game with the mindset of a gamer. 
Aug 5, 2023 8:28 AM

Apr 2014
Noa is not a bad girl at all, she's worked with her determination and diligence to be the top student. But, it was because of her short-tempered that made her astray to the evil side.
And then the devil, the mastermind, the big bad boss was revealed to be Kurahashi Mikado of the 12th district.
Aug 5, 2023 8:31 AM

Dec 2021
Damn, I kinda feel bad for Akizuki. Kurahashi really manipulated her just so he can see Hiroto lose.

This time around the game is, Tabletop Treasure Hunt. A game where you find the other opponents partner (treasure) in order to win. But of course it's not that simple, as this devil guy that we now know as Kurahashi, has give Akizuki every single fucking OP ability known to man. But even with all those cards placed, Hiroto still managed to come on top and rescue Himeji! Sarasa really pulled out all the strings to help out Hiroto this time around. But that doesn't mean Hiroto wasn't also always a couple of steps ahead of Akizuki, even with the minimal time to come up with a plan before the game started he somehow managed to get a good plan and execute it flawlessly.

Now that we've found out who this devil is, I wonder if he'll be Hiroto's next opponent.

Aug 5, 2023 8:36 AM

Feb 2021
Kinda weird how the OP was skipped for 2 episodes in a row in the middle of the season.
But now that I think about it, more episode lengh is better. I just really liked that OP.
I remember reading somewhere that footwear tearing like that is a sign of bad luck. Not sure tho.
And I assume Akizuki is gonna join Hiroto's harem now. I don't really like her but oh well.
Aug 5, 2023 8:37 AM

Mar 2021
Feel bad for Akizuki now after seeing she was manipulated by a guy called Kurahashi am looking forward to seeing Hiroto take him on
Aug 5, 2023 8:47 AM

Jul 2017
The Devil Girl Noa backs Hiroto into a corner with her Tabletop Treasure Hunt, though he's not alone in dealing with this problem to save Himeji. Even with Kagaya as the tech genius, not even she could thwart the game with her skills, though he places confidence in Sarasa to debunk Noa's game. An eye for an eye, and a cheat for a cheat, and Himeji found herself passing by Hiroto for a retreat to reveal some facts that would help locate her in the future. Furthermore, Noa having the Green Star: Perfection ability should give her the edge, though Hiroto senses some abnormality that could be turned to their advantage if their cards are played right. So, through Sarasa's perception with trial-and-error, Hiroto is able to pinpoint Himeji's position, though Noa randomizes her position yet again.

To counter this, Hiroto has a 3rd option that would end the game, though it depends on Noa's 3rd ability, but he need not wait that long to ensure that time can be killed. Because it's his message to her that convinces him that he has found the absolute answer, but that was stopped by Noa's Alter Fate thinking that she won the game, but that the loser was set to someone else other than Hiroto himself with the Pinch Hitter ability, leading that loss to Himeji, which if her abilities are passed to Noa, she would still ultimately lose the war.

Other than Noa being scouted to Eimei Academy because of her intelligence and skills, it's Hiroto who jumped on her objective and sold a deal with this Devil of Mikado Kurahashi of District 12's Seijo Academy headmaster, failing which she would be extradited.

Hiroto's game plan, it'd better work if he renounced that the game was already won from the outset.
Aug 5, 2023 8:59 AM
Aug 2021
what about the green star
did the girl really had that or is there gonna be a plot twist of 'headmaster got the star already'
Did I missed something or there was just no mention of green star in this ep?

btw this game looked fun fr
Aug 5, 2023 9:14 AM

Mar 2020
On paper, that should have been a fun game, but there is just way too much dialogue and contrivances with the abilities that it got really frustrating to watch. Noa is such a shallow character, and so is everyone else at the moment. Hopefully the second half brings about some intriguing things.
Aug 5, 2023 9:41 AM

Feb 2019
Pinch hitter and Alter Fate are so cheese lmao 😂 reminds me of a Yu-Gi-Oh trap card back in the day.

Skipping the OP and ED twice in a row to dedicate the entire episode to the game was interesting, the game was simple enough but there was so much dialogue and 4D chess going on that I got confused at times.

So kurahashi is the one pulling the strings from behind the scenes. I wonder if he’s related to the real Sarasa disappearance as well

Now Hiroto can add the brat 💢💢 to his harem. 😭
Marinate1016Aug 5, 2023 9:45 AM
Aug 5, 2023 9:41 AM
Jul 2019
Man couldn't stand all the damn talking and explaining stuff. I keep getting zoned out like half the episode and couldn't even comprehend everything they say afterwards.

Last episode I even have to ask for help explaining the rule of the game on that episode's discussion, now for this episode I don't even care about it anymore.

My friend literally recommended me this, said that the LN are very good and I should give the anime a try if they adapting it. 3 episode in, quite normal, but everything just went downhill after episode 4, until today episode that I've decided to drop it, such a waste of adaptation.
Aug 5, 2023 9:51 AM

Apr 2008
When exactly did they figure out the green star predicts moves and how is that even possible? I'll accept the weird future tech, but mind reading from long distance is just magic. How did he end up in the game without knowing the rules? Why did the double turns not steal the win away during the stalling time? Why did he bother with any of this if the plan was pinch hitter? Pretty tempted to drop.
Aug 5, 2023 11:17 AM

Jun 2015
Did you forget? Im the strongest on Academy Island. Squeepigs dont lie.
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Aug 5, 2023 11:34 AM
Aug 2021
Pretty interesting game this episode, honestly I haven’t thought any of the games were all that poorly designed and explained so far. Halfway through, I’ll say that this isn’t all that good of a show, and a lot of the characters are pretty shallow, but it’s a ton of fun to watch imo it’s a fun watch for me every episode
Aug 5, 2023 12:37 PM
Apr 2022
Noa never said "I" in the conversation between Hiroto but always used her name. That's just something I noticed, but I don't know what that means..

Noa is evil.. Or that is what I thought.
Aug 5, 2023 4:20 PM
Aug 2018
Letsjoh said:
Noa never said "I" in the conversation between Hiroto but always used her name. That's just something I noticed, but I don't know what that means..

Noa is evil.. Or that is what I thought.

in Japan, young children call themselves by their names instead of using a pronoun because that's what their parents call them until they eventually grow out of it and start speaking normally, but some girls still do it even when they're older to make themselves sound cute or innocent (like a child)
so whenever you see a character do that it's because they're supposed to be seen as cute whether it be by us the viewers or the people around them
Aug 5, 2023 4:54 PM

Sep 2018
It just keeps getting worse and worse, I'm always rolling my eyes at the arse pull rules and regulations of each game, but switching players right at the end, just may have taken the cake. It undermines and undersells almost everything that happened prior, to where you're thinking "well, what's the fucking point in watching this boring garbage?"

Shittiest anime of the season.
Aug 5, 2023 5:31 PM

Apr 2022
don't worry cause he's the strongest huh, bro thinks he's gojo.

at least they finally removed the ecchi tag lmao.
Aug 5, 2023 6:32 PM
Nov 2022
Hiroto won but at what cost?...

Oh really? another excessively powerful ability that only the protagonist had? ._.

Today I did feel a little sorry for Noa, she tried very hard but the other guy manipulated her.

We have already been introduced to what I think will be the antagonist of this anime, I hope Hiroto doesn't defeat him in a single episode.
Aug 5, 2023 10:19 PM
Sep 2021
Noa was cleverly defeated by Hiroto and now he learnt about his common enemy and he will try his best to defeat him.
Aug 5, 2023 10:32 PM

May 2019
Glad they updated the tags but had that been done before this aired I may not have bothered to watch... 

I'm not a fan of the cheese moves that both characters pulled here but at least that battle is over although there probably will be more cheese moves in future episodes when Hitoro goes up against that "devil" guy. Hopefully Noa, or one of the other girls, will provide some entertaining moments at least.
Aug 6, 2023 1:21 AM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
I liked it, that they now becoming friends instead of enemies. Its always my prefered outcome.
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Aug 6, 2023 1:51 AM

Aug 2013
MC has some smarts too.

Maybe we'll see a team-up?
Aug 6, 2023 5:11 AM

Feb 2018
Whilst it looked a little tricky at the start, wasn't surprising that at the end Shinohara had come up with some plan.
They also found out who helped Akizuki get a hold of those cheats?
Aug 6, 2023 9:08 AM

Mar 2012
This episode actually requires strategy instead of mindlessly having a cheat for everything so is better than the previous ones.

I hope starting now every character has some kind of nullification of external parties.
Waifus only represent ideals
Aug 6, 2023 1:44 PM
Jun 2023
actually a very good episode! nice game, good plot progression, nice tricks, loved it
Aug 6, 2023 8:02 PM
Jul 2020
The existence of these abilities is such an objectively terrible writing decision that it makes me wonder if the author was older than 15 when he first had this idea.

Who the fuck enjoys watching games in which ass-pull abilities are 80% of what actually matters?

That’s not even mentioning the bro is winning by literally hacking shit. All the games are just so pulled and unsatisfactory.

Don’t even know why I’m still watching it. It’s a 4/10 and this might still be generous.

I guess I like the first episode (which was actually really good) and Kagaya. These are pretty much the single things keeping me from dropping it.

Oh, the opening is also really good.
Aug 6, 2023 10:02 PM
Mar 2015
Moving up the food chain
Aug 6, 2023 10:35 PM

Jan 2020
Not a bad episode. I’m probably enjoying more than many others are
Aug 7, 2023 7:32 PM

Jun 2022
Well that was an unexpected way to end the game.  Does anyone know why her shoes randomly snapped after winning.. I mean technically, losing?
Aug 7, 2023 9:43 PM
May 2023
Hate the "spare cute girl so we can get her into harem" trope
Aug 7, 2023 11:01 PM
Nov 2019
menang lagi menang lagi
My Candies :
Aug 8, 2023 11:59 AM
Sep 2020
the game mechanics are nice and the plot is ok, but damn, noa is a terrible villan, and this 12h distric director shit is either bad.
Aug 8, 2023 12:01 PM
Sep 2020
also, why did her shoes just randomly riped? like, what?
Aug 9, 2023 11:19 AM

Jul 2014
That was some high iq shit. Also an ability that lets someone lose for you? thats tragic lol

Its weird how it ended without an outro kind of scene though. It felt off
Aug 10, 2023 8:15 PM

Dec 2021
Really? That was her motive? She just wanted to be popular? Really not sure why everyone seems to feel so bad for her. She would break the law just to be popular and adored by everyone. Not even just with cheat abilities like the mc uses to keep winning, she stooped to kidnapping/hostages. Sure, Kurahashi convinced her but she still went through with it. Not like she'd be crying if she'd won.

Weird way to end the episode too, felt like it just got cut off.
Aug 11, 2023 2:07 AM
Jul 2020
Jengamouse said:
Really? That was her motive? She just wanted to be popular? Really not sure why everyone seems to feel so bad for her. She would break the law just to be popular and adored by everyone. Not even just with cheat abilities like the mc uses to keep winning, she stooped to kidnapping/hostages. Sure, Kurahashi convinced her but she still went through with it. Not like she'd be crying if she'd won.

Weird way to end the episode too, felt like it just got cut off.

People praising the protag for forgiving the pretty girl who just kidnapped his friend and tried to destroy his life because she [checks note] was poor and wanted to be popular.


This is great characterisation right here.
Aug 11, 2023 8:09 AM

Jul 2021
I swear once again, the amount of ass-pull in this series is something else lmao
Aug 12, 2023 11:09 AM

May 2020
Bro wtf? Why rules and everything are even needed when every next second someone could use a stupid sounding move that could overwrite every existing rule... what????

This is so retarded smh, I mean they're switching the "player" itself at the last moment just so invincible-sama would retain his status as the so-called strongest lmaoooo.

Also that girl did everything.. everything over the past three episodes just because she couldn't see someone getting more popular than her... again WHAT????
Aug 12, 2023 6:45 PM

Jan 2021

Aug 12, 2023 11:51 PM
Jan 2014
the game that only author can understand
Aug 16, 2023 12:35 PM

Jul 2014
Why does this show waste so much time explaining how these games work when they're just going to disregard the rules and cheat anyway? It's literally just wasting time and also making the show actively less engaging.
Aug 18, 2023 6:05 PM
Jul 2020
It was pretty amazing, and I really like the trick the MC used to win.
Aug 21, 2023 8:08 PM
Nov 2022
Estuvo Bueno este Juego la verdad y claro lo mejor fue a Hiroto Luciéndose y quedando como todo un Crack al idear ese Plan Tramposo jaja quien lo diría ya se esta convirtiendo en un Genio de las Trampas XD 😅🧐👌

This Game was really good and of course the best thing was Hiroto showing off and looking like a Crack when he devised that Cheat Plan haha who would have said it, he is already becoming a Genius of Traps XD 😅🧐👌
Aug 30, 2023 8:56 PM

Aug 2019
I'm done with this lol ugh this episode felt like it dragged on so long. And what are some of these abilities. Idk it just feels kinda dumb to me, and I can't really say I'm enjoying this. Which sucks because I did like the first episode, even if it was really flawed.

Also am I supposed to feel bad for her at the end? Because I don't. You took someone hostage just because you lost a game. Like what? You think everything is good after you took someone hostage and used illegal abilities? Idk maybe it's just me being overly critical with how late it is rn, but I think I'm done with this
Aug 30, 2023 8:58 PM

Aug 2019
Marinate1016 said:
Pinch hitter and Alter Fate are so cheese lmao 😂 reminds me of a Yu-Gi-Oh trap card back in the day.

Hiroto can add the brat 💢💢 to his harem. 😭
FR LOL Both of those abilities are just so dumb. And great, time to add the brat to the harem
Aug 31, 2023 3:30 AM

Oct 2017
Nah doesn't make me like her any better.
Sep 7, 2023 6:22 PM
Nov 2018
Reply to Mcsuper
On paper, that should have been a fun game, but there is just way too much dialogue and contrivances with the abilities that it got really frustrating to watch. Noa is such a shallow character, and so is everyone else at the moment. Hopefully the second half brings about some intriguing things.
@Mcsuper Yes; I usually enjoy puzzle anime, but in this one there are so many different rules and trump cards, and there's no point in remembering any of them. Because you'll have no way of connecting any dots, since it will all be decided by information the viewer doesn't have. With the protagonist lining up everything superbly without any time to think about it.

I present to you instead: ID Invaded. Now that was a good puzzle anime. Dive into the minds of murderers to find out the truth. But each time the protagonist lost his own memory, and then had to puzzle things together in the murderer's crazed dream. Not a ton of rules, but an intelligent story nonetheless.
Sep 17, 2023 3:04 AM

Apr 2020
whats with everyone here sympathizing with that cute girl??
she did every one bad thing a student could just so mc could lose
and motive she just wanted to be popular(which she was already!!)
kidnapping , hostage, hacking phones to destroy everything ,expelling a student? and our mc be like "poor girl lemme help u with u shoes"
Sep 19, 2023 6:30 PM

Jan 2017
Ok both Alter Fate and Pinch Hitters are such dumb abilities, but I get that one's an illegal one and the other a barely used one
Sep 25, 2023 3:14 PM

Jan 2021
That was some Jojo level of "Um actually"
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