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Oct 23, 2022 1:29 AM

Nov 2011
Miorine really is something else...if there's any character who is smart and clever, she's up there on that list. Plus, she serves as an important guide for Suletta from this episode to prove her worth.

I really hope Suletta learns a few things from her down the line.
Oct 23, 2022 2:27 AM
Mar 2018
Chu's punch was so satisfying.
Oct 23, 2022 2:28 AM

Sep 2018
Guel confirmed Tsundere, and the title was unexpectedly literal, lmao
“Ha ha, the synergy between my left and right hand made them feel scared.” Ye Xiu said.
Oct 23, 2022 2:28 AM

Apr 2014
That was a very bad experience for Suletta. Everything that has happened so far was not the things that she want from attending the school.
Nice job Chuchu! Those sh!t deserved it. Punch them as hard as you can. Let's beat them into a pulp.
Oct 23, 2022 2:49 AM
Sep 2015
The conflict between Earthian and Spacian seems artificial and inorganic.
Oct 23, 2022 2:54 AM

Nov 2009
I am starting to sense some death flags on Nika and Chuchu....they are good target to kill off to drive Suletta of the edge in the future. (since they probably don't kill Miorine)

I hope I am wrong.
Oct 23, 2022 2:57 AM
Apr 2022
THAT BEGINNING THOUGH LMAO. As soon as Guel asked Suletta to marry, SHE RAN LOL. Although, who would have guessed that Guell would also be a raging tsundere hahaha. Well, it figures. Guell has a lot of soul searching and reconciliation to do before anyone will even think of giving him a chance at friendship, let alone marriage. It is funny how Miorine wants Suletta to bear the attire and title of Holder and her Groom. That is very interesting. Poor Suletta has built quite the infamous reputation, and nobody wants to be her mechanic. A lot of the drama between the Spacians and Earthians was fleshed out this episode. Even Chautury has a serious bias against Suletta, who was only looking for help to pass her exam when she visited Earthian house. Spacian students sabotaging Chuchu’s exams doesn’t help the situation one bit. Even Suletta is example from their abuse. Still, Suletta and Miorine tried their hardest, but Suletta ended up having a major breakdown. And it made so much sense: poor Suletta just wanted to enjoy school life as someone who has never experienced the joys of friends and learning, but ended up not only becoming the most infamous student at school, but also being the center of controversy and gossip. Chuchu ended up empathiszing with her cries, and my God...can that girl throw a punch. Poor Suletta ended up getting caught in the crossfire, but wasn’t too badly hurt. Best girl Nika ended up inviting Suletta to Earthian house, which she gratefully accepted.

Overall, the series seems to be going for a relationship driven story so far, while connecting greater themes such as discrimination and bullying with actual conflicts the students are facing. I believe this is an excellent choice for the series to take, as it allows the audience to build a connection with the characters who in turn leave an imprint on the audience their attitudes regarding these very important issues. It is killing two birds with a single stone essentially. I am loving this series so far, and it is interesting because each episode feels just a little different from the last, while maintaining moments of drama and suspense. I cannot wait for next week!
thunderkitten13Oct 23, 2022 9:35 AM
Oct 23, 2022 2:59 AM

Oct 2015
I will continue using Universal Century terminologies in Witch From Mercury. ;)

Spacenoids exploiting Earthnoids? That is new in Gundam.
Most of the time it is people from Earth migrating to space colonies due to Earth's overpopulation.

Looks like it will escalate into another Earthnoids / Spacenoids war. Hopefully, no Operation British in this one.

Like most other Gundam, Spacenoids have superior technlogy as compared to Earthnoids.

I am thinking about Raraiya when they mentioned "Chuchu". :|

Like most other Gundam anime, the Gundam mechanic Nika is very likeable. Probably the most likeable Gundam mechanic after Kid Salsamille from After War Gundam X.
NewestPersonHereOct 23, 2022 4:50 AM
Oct 23, 2022 3:15 AM

Feb 2012
Her place as Holder is set, now her phase-shift uniform becomes white as it should.
Guel is tsundere.
Now we know the names of more Earth House members!
Another goat in Gundam! Cucuruz Doan's Island has Blanca, Earth House has Giko.
"Space Capitalism kills Earthian workers", Okouchi isn't subtle is he?
Spacians is a broad term though. Among Spacians, Mercurian seems bottom rung, being labelled miners.
Before Suletta enrolled, Guel, Elan and Shaddiq were Miorine's unwanted harem. Imagine if by the end of this, Suletta's gonna take all of them from Miorine.
Looks like Chuchu was talking to Earth House members' parents including who might be her dad? If they are Earthian factory workers, I'm worried some tragedy may hit them, causing Chuchu to seek revenge.
Teachers don't do anything about sabotage.
Get a fist full of justice, Spacians!

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Oct 23, 2022 3:16 AM
Mar 2017
wooww good fight laugh
Oct 23, 2022 3:18 AM

Jan 2009
i like Chuchu she punches the bullies
Oct 23, 2022 3:19 AM

Dec 2015
Kinda sucks that she keeps failing. She was locked up on her first day, so of course she wouldn't know anything. Good thing Miomio and the Earthian kids are there to help.

What's a mob to a mobile suit. Jeez. It was tear gas but still overkill. So that's why there is such a clash between Earthians and Spacians. Interesting.

On another note, Chuchu knocking those girls out surprised me. Knocking out someone in one punch. Have to agree with Nika, that was satisfying.
Notice: I read most manga in Japanese now so I'm not sure where you can read in English. Sorry in advance.
Oct 23, 2022 3:23 AM

Nov 2014
My God was that punch satisfying. Chuchu is officially best girl
Oct 23, 2022 3:24 AM

Oct 2017
Quite a frustrating episode, hang in there Suletta. Also great job Chuchu.
Oct 23, 2022 3:44 AM

Feb 2014
Chuchu is a strong girl. Suletta joins the Earth house. Since Miorine wants to go to Earth shouldn't she join as well.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Oct 23, 2022 4:09 AM

Sep 2018
The yuri grows stronger episode by episode, they're literally living together now and it's so good

I'm also super interested in seeing how far they go with talking about the militarization of police, media in the hands of capital, and general class warfare. I'm definitely siding with Chuchu a lot here, and I expect she'll realize that the whole Earthians vs Spacians tension is set up to make lower-class folks fight amongst themselves instead of against the people who actually hold the power. Even though most all of the Spacians at Asticassia are from upper-class families, that doesn't mean all of them are - workers get exploited no matter where they live.

Also huge shoutouts to the animation when Chuchu was beating those assholes up, it felt super weighty and satisfying!
Oct 23, 2022 4:10 AM

Apr 2009
Talk shit get hit.
That was one hell of a punch, knocked the prick out cold with a swing.
Oct 23, 2022 4:17 AM

Nov 2016
Proposal? Hell nah, I'm getting the heck outta here.

Chuchu is beyond based. No warning, no nothing, straight to throwing hands. Bitch had it coming.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 23, 2022 4:31 AM

Feb 2022
Ok, im warming up to Chuchu a lot, shes got a mean punch to her

Its good that the Guel proposal is off the table, its Mio Mio or nothing.... lol
Oct 23, 2022 4:49 AM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
Damn, that punch was so satisfactory to watch. Screw you prankesters.
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Oct 23, 2022 4:57 AM
Oct 2019
god damn Racism!!

Nice Punch Chuchu...

that end card Art was CLEAN!!
Oct 23, 2022 5:11 AM

Jun 2016
sometimes characteristic from suletta very annoying and sucks !!
Oct 23, 2022 5:11 AM
Aug 2021
My God can she stop with the annoying stuttering!? If you're shy just be quiet and not forthcoming because this is barely tolerable.

Constantly being able to immediately retake a test is dumb too, especially if it means holding up everyone else indefinitely. At what point do they just say you've failed and go home? Fair enough getting one or two retrys after everyone else has finished but the way they were doing it is dumb.

Also, don't really get how the houses work if someone could explain that?
StarZone1Oct 23, 2022 5:35 AM
Oct 23, 2022 5:24 AM
Jun 2014
lol Suletta ran away from Guel really fast.
It seems like the politics are finally kicking in. So Earthians are of lower social class and treated like slaves on Earth.
Chuchu's hair is fabulous as always and she gave those bullies what they deserved.
Oct 23, 2022 5:36 AM
Aug 2021
I'm a bit unsure about Miorine. Last episodes I thought it would be a rather straight-forward cliched development, but we could see her major distrust in others in this episode. I think it will be a big character development arc for her to resolve that, connect with her peers, at which point the relationship between Suletta and her can be revisited. I am curious what others think.
Oct 23, 2022 6:04 AM

Jul 2011
Isn't kinda design flaw the Mobile Suits having just one central camera, and no backup? Like you lose your vision and that's it in a battle.

Basic trope that people that live on Earth and Off-world are racist to each other.
Oct 23, 2022 6:11 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
I didn't like Chuchu to begin with. But then she showed us her mean right jab and now I'm fan. Loud bullies are not so vocal when they get a serving of knuckles in the face.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Oct 23, 2022 6:23 AM
Jul 2018
That punch was easily the most satisfying punch of 2022 for me!
The conflict between earthlings and spacians was shown and the struggle of earthling to survive. Little bit of more politics!
Never give up!
Oct 23, 2022 6:35 AM
Oct 2022
tidak seperti generasi pendahulu, memuat unsur LGBT
Oct 23, 2022 6:54 AM
Oct 2020
Guel is such a tsundere!

Also, some things never change. Spacians and earthians hating each other! Gonna be fun to see how that goes in this universe. (Get ready for a sea of “woke gundam” comments from fans who think gundam has never been political before. Not like they haven’t said this already for the previous episodes)

Suletta really needs a confidence boost, poor girl :(

And of course, that punch was satisfying! Chuchu is awesome!
Oct 23, 2022 6:58 AM

Jan 2015
Those punches to the bullies felt GOOD. Chuchu’s a real one, although quite prickly
Oct 23, 2022 7:12 AM
Feb 2021
Poor Suletta, she took one more blow in the endless barrage against her happy-school-life dream. The moe marshmellow shouldn't have to cry, damn those pesky snobbish Spacians. Glad Chuchu delivered their comeuppance.
Oct 23, 2022 8:04 AM

Apr 2014
This episode was nice in a way. Though I agree that Suletta stuttering is a little too much. As for the Earthians and Spacians thing. To think Earth is being in bad shape and those who live on Earth are treated bad. Dang that is too much. Spacian bullies got what they had coming. Sabotaging the machine so they are blind and they fail. Suletta is already at her mental limit. Man that hurt. Seeing those Spacians get what they have coming is freaking awesome. Why does Suletta have to be so dang pure and innocent to break it up? Anyways. Chu-Chu really did a good solid for Suletta. If I see someone who was responsible for bullying I would give them a peace of my mind.
Oct 23, 2022 8:07 AM
Oct 2016
Chuchu just instantly skyrocketed to the top of favorite characters in this show. Its funny cause at the exact moment I was thinking that someone needed to beat shit out of those two girls whom were messing with the test was the same moment when Chuchu starting throwing hands. She unloaded on those two and I couldn't be happier. I cheered so loud during that. The one girl getting decked at the end after she hit Suletta was awesome. Chuchu should look into a boxing career if this mobile suit thing doesn't work out. I loved that moment so much not simply for how cathartic it was but because it brought Chuchu as a character full circle. Her being an earthian ridiculed by the spacians as inferior to them. Thinking that Suletta is just the same as those bullies because that's all Chuchu has seen from spacians is hate and being looked down upon. Hearing Suletta cry in her mobile suit and about how Suletta has people counting on her just like we saw Chuchu has people waiting for her success too. I think it showed Chuchu that Suletta really isn't like those other spacians and more akin to earthians and that they're more similar than she thought. Suletta is gaining some great allies at school.
Oct 23, 2022 8:29 AM

Dec 2021
Chuchu has dumb hair but a great right hook! I'm happy to see her bringing a bit of pain to those scrubs.

EmmyMoomin said:
(Get ready for a sea of “woke gundam” comments from fans who think gundam has never been political before. Not like they haven’t said this already for the previous episodes)

WhY dOeS eVeRyThInG hAvE tO bE sO pOlItICaL?!?! 😭😭😭. WhY cAnT I jUsT eNjOy tHe rAcIsM?!?! 😭😭😭

Honestly (and thankfully) the crying about Gundam going """woke""" hasn't been as bad as I was expecting, but I think that's been because said crowd has been more focused trying to desperately convince everyone that Mio Mio and Suletta have 0% chance to end up together.
Oct 23, 2022 9:31 AM

Apr 2018
These racist bitches are annoying, especially aiming Suletta as well because she's friend with earthling people :S At least they deserved these punches, Chuchu is really cool xD
Oct 23, 2022 9:33 AM
Jul 2018
The plot is pretty good, but I'd like to see more Gundams battles. This was only the fourth episode so far, so I'm looking forward to the next ones (hopefully, with the great fights).
Oct 23, 2022 9:59 AM
Nov 2018
Find it really funny how the wackiest hairdo-girl is the most overly aggressive of the bunch. Her design does not fit with her personality and I'm strangely all for it. It's just the perfect amount of stupidity I love to not take seriously. XD
Her punching those students was hella satisfying, though.
Oct 23, 2022 10:02 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
We need to talk about this...

Oct 23, 2022 10:06 AM
Nov 2021
Loved it😍😍😍
Oct 23, 2022 10:10 AM

Jan 2010
Oh, I think I get it. Everyone in the cast so far has something they're fighting in their personal lives, but they either cope with it, run away, or lash out helplessly. Meanwhile there's Suletta, a shy and timid girl from the space boonies, who comes in as a complete nobody and is immediately subject to bureaucratic scrutiny and threats of expulsion and worse. However, she tells everyone that it's fine to run away, as that means you can survive for another day. In the same breath, she says it's even better if you can fight, as even if you lose, you can learn and gain experience. She backs up her piloting confidence with actual results, but she's also humble, caring, and overly considerate.

For this dysfunctional cast of students and power-hungry parents, Suletta seems like a perfectly crafted character made to fit into everyone's lives, much like a tailor-made jigsaw piece. Maybe she's a bit too perfect? It's hard to say at this point, but that mix of confidence and timidness is certainly unique. Then again, it's also possible that Suletta's confidence is due to her trust in Aerial. I'm assuming at some point, Aerial could be taken away or destroyed, which may be Suletta's breaking point.

Now, speaking of contrasting traits, the character design for Suletta is kind of interesting. I'd normally consider red hair to be assigned to the more hot-blooded or outspoken types of characters, if just going by how anime normally handles red-haired characters. They also tend to stand out more in a crowd, making them visually pop on screen. Suletta has some social anxieties, but she doesn't necessarily run away from social contact. She seems like she wants to talk to others, but doesn't know how. Despite constantly hiding, averting eye contact, and lowering her voice to a stuttering whisper whenever spoken to, she's still excited to be in public and see the world. However, due to her piloting skills and her unique mecha, she stands out, despite Suletta seemingly just wanting to live a normal school life.

It's possible that her character design intends to make her visually unique and stand out, and it purposefully runs in contrast with her timid personality. At the same time, her story is about just wanting to live a normal school life, but she's unwittingly forced into the spotlight due to a corporate and political power struggle.
Oct 23, 2022 10:45 AM
Jul 2021
When I saw the punch.
Oct 23, 2022 10:50 AM

Jun 2015
Hmm Holders sure get some neat perks. Using simulated mines in order to learn how to use radar and listen to orders is an interesting idea. But its nice to see there are also moderates like Nika within the school as well. Given the pranks I expected that ChuChu wouldn't be pleased but her reaction sure was a bit over the top. Never thought I'll see MS being used as riot control though. The makeup exam though did well to showcase not only Miorine's knowledge of MS but also her skill at coordinating as well not to mention the school rules fluidity regarding retries. Have to say Chuchu and Suletta bonded in the most unusual way but those two pranksters deserved being thrashed. Overall an excellent ep that featured a good balance of lore and narrative expansion while also introducing some new friends to Suletta and Miorine. To me it looks like the people of earth are being oppressed quite heavily even though earth would have been the origin for all humans.

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Oct 23, 2022 10:52 AM

Feb 2016
Why is this series so half assed, devoid of those kino Gundam politics I loved, and full of generic school shit shenanigans and a half assed generic chaotic racism between these Spacians and Earthians?

This is just completely underwhelming, the Prologue was great and Episode 2 was a step up in the good direction, but the last 2 episodes have been completely abhorrent, boring and plain bad.
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Oct 23, 2022 12:06 PM

Sep 2018

AdolZeppeli said:
Why is this series so half assed, devoid of those kino Gundam politics I loved, and full of generic school shit shenanigans and a half assed generic chaotic racism between these Spacians and Earthians?

This is just completely underwhelming, the Prologue was great and Episode 2 was a step up in the good direction, but the last 2 episodes have been completely abhorrent, boring and plain bad.

Devoid of politics? What show did you watch?
The ''generic chaotic racism'' was also present in Hathaway's Flash, and if you watched that movie you know what happens next.
Personally I prefer subtle politics over really obvious in your face ''game of throne'' style politics, but I guess we all have our preferences.

I do think some people become dumb after seeing ''school'' and then turn their brain off after going ''its school, it must be bad''.
But not surprised to see a few reactions like this, since its well known some people really hate school settings out of principle.

If you feel that way its better to drop the show untill the inevitable ''you thought it was about school, but actually its about war'' plot twist comes around.
“Ha ha, the synergy between my left and right hand made them feel scared.” Ye Xiu said.
Oct 23, 2022 12:10 PM

Sep 2018
Shocked said:
Then again, it's also possible that Suletta's confidence is due to her trust in Aerial. I'm assuming at some point, Aerial could be taken away or destroyed, which may be Suletta's breaking point.

The way Suletta acts outside of Aerial makes me think of Sora and Shiro from No Game no Life, when they arent together. Complete badasses together, but completely hopeless when apart.
“Ha ha, the synergy between my left and right hand made them feel scared.” Ye Xiu said.
Oct 23, 2022 12:17 PM
Jul 2018
The fighting scene in the end was awesome)
Oct 23, 2022 1:15 PM
Jul 2019
Lets keep up this quality
Oct 23, 2022 1:16 PM
Jul 2019
Elinchayiel said:
Shocked said:
Then again, it's also possible that Suletta's confidence is due to her trust in Aerial. I'm assuming at some point, Aerial could be taken away or destroyed, which may be Suletta's breaking point.

The way Suletta acts outside of Aerial makes me think of Sora and Shiro from No Game no Life, when they arent together. Complete badasses together, but completely hopeless when apart.

I thought it was only me that saw this lol
Oct 23, 2022 1:26 PM

Oct 2022
Ayo, bitches got KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT! Chuchu is now my favorite by far. Hair like a poodle, but the attitude of a Chihuahua mixed with the actual fighting ability of a pit bull.

Suletta just needs some confidence, and what better way to earn it than a few good friends backing her up? She's getting there, I promise. With Mio supporting her, Mika standing up for her, and even the rabid floof Chuchu warming up to her a little, they're setting up the core group of companions that will help her learn and grow into a fine protagonist. I'm expecting less stuttering shrinking violet and more headstrong red rose as time goes on.

Even Guel seems to be thinking about her, whether he wants to or not. Lol tsundere
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