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Yosuga no Sora is greatly underestimated and I will prove it(The article contains a complete analysis of anime).

Dec 29, 2021 3:17 AM
Oct 2021

Hello dear visitors of the forum. In this thread I am going to explain why it happened that Yosuga no Sora is not appreciated (about 6/10) and also present objective evidence that this series deserves at least 8/10, although I tend to 9/10 and will also explain almost everything incomprehensible and unnoticed moments associated with Yosuga no Sora (with the actions and development of characters, social problems, symbolism, the plot itself, and so on).I watched anime,read manga and VN. I deliberately divided the narration into a part without spoilers for those who have not watched the anime and into a part for those who have already watched it,except chapters 1,2,4 which are for everyone.However, if you have watched anime or are just familiar with the story, read the first part, because in the part with spoilers, I do not particularly repeat what I wrote before.
I know there is a lot of text,but I sincerely ask you to read to the end. English is not my native language, so in some places I apologize for my English.When I carefully analyzed this story and watched the anime, I was incredibly surprised at how well it was done.I guess this is the most serious story in the world of anime and manga that raises the topic of forbidden love between brother and sister. It seems that this story has no analogues in the world of anime, manga, light novel.I know I can't convince everyone and no one can do it, but I want to provide a complete analysis of this story that will be useful to some people, although unfortunately I think it will even be seen by a tiny percentage of the entire anime community.Enough people think that everyone can rate anime as they want, but why then do many consider it wrong to rate something that they have not watched or rate something for example at 1/10, although almost everyone rated it at 10/10, for example. It is clear that the one who rated it at 1 / 10 is wrong because he does not have sufficient information or the correct understanding of this information, as well as the one who has not watched the anime at all. Your assessment will be correct only when you not only watched the anime, but also completely analyzed it and understood almost all or all of the moments that are happening in story. Otherwise, the omitted or overlooked moments can underestimate the estimate, as often happens by 2-3 points. Naturally, there is a small mistake when, due to very controversial points, the assessment is quiet different (0-1 point). But most often regulate the facts.Many people evaluate anime based on how well they enjoyed it. This is not entirely correct judgment because, for example, in horror movies there are enough moments where you cannot enjoy what is happening or you even become disgusted. Therefore, if somewhere there are moments for which you feel disgust, this is not a drawback. It would be possible to develop a system of correct rating for each genre, but this is too long and therefore I will just rely on the comparison. Good love stories usually have 8/10 or more. Also, one lack of anime can cost 1 -2 points (rough judgment) I'll just show that story has a good construction.We can say what exactly was some moment in story.The more it makes sense, the better.We can take apart each moment from the story and establish its meaning, as well as the connection with other moments And this can be done with every moment, even if The reader feels disgust and simply hates all the moments entirely, and if these moments form something that make sense,and then this sense indicate what emotions should be when getting to know the story. In this case, you may not enjoy what is happening, but understand that the story is well written and therefore give it high mark.[b]You need to understand that the things that I am discussing cannot be completely objective. But they are the least subjective. Let's say the character design is quite subjective.The plot and personality of the characters cannot be subjectively interpreted. Because they shouldn't depend on the person's preferences.There are such moments connected with the personalities of the characters or the plot that can be explained in different ways,at the same time these explanations must correspond to the meaning of not only one moment, but also the entire chain of related moments. Therefore, the plot and the personalities of the characters are the most objective.Almost all of my text is about the Sora and Haru timeline.In the process of analyzing anime, I will rely on information only from anime. You can try to explain anime using information from a VN, but some points differ and I don't need to do this because this story has everything that is needed to explain without involving a VN.
I was motivated by people's hatred of this story, especially Sora's timeline, and I still haven't seen a good enough analysis of this story so I decided to do it myself.I was not particularly pleased to see that the English-speaking community is incredibly small and almost dead, as well as that a good story is surrounded by hatred from many sides,popular tops and reviews that contain misinformation, creators of such content that absorb other people's delusions.And even though during the creation of this article at some point I ceased to care about such a situation around this story, I used to bring things to the end.It took me about a month and a half to create this article. Naturally, I did it in my free time from work and study, so it took so long.By far the 7th chapter in this article is the most valuable and a lot will be based on it.
This article will be useful to you if you are having trouble understanding or analyzing this story or just looking for a good love story.Or if you are looking for an overview of this story and anime in particular.My main goal was to show that regardless of whether you are neutral or negative about incest, if you are interested in love anime,(not counting the case of a categorically negative attitude towards incest at the level of blind faith),then you should watch this anime or read VN.
For those who have not seen this story

1.Where did the hatred for this story come from and how did it spread?

So we have a visual novel, but it is hard to find this VN. So not everyone was able to play this novel, but reviews about it generally decent.The manga contains slightly more scenes from the visual novel, but no erotic scenes.Almost all the things that people don't like in the manga are also in the anime, but in the anime there are some things that people don't like, but they are not in the manga.Therefore, it is enough to consider only anime as an object of hatred.
Let's start with what many already know.When the anime appeared, many people began to watch it but did not even suspect about different timelines, in the end, they just did not really understand anything, evaluating this anime much worse than it really deserves.And there were enough such people to influence the rating a little. We can’t calculate even an approximate number. But I don’t think that there could be more than 10%(this is more a number taken from the head than a reasonable estimate of the amount) of them who watched so much without understanding anything. Because most likely found this obvious thing as a division into different temporary links via the internet or other people.Obviously, there were also people who watched this anime of a very traditional nature as the most devoted believers. So they were disgusted with the concept on which the plot was built, which is why they could not see the love, the social problem that anime raises and possibly much more.
Also, if you look at a lot of Reddit and YouTube posts, you might come to the conclusion that anime is quickly overgrown with a lot of memes.We can only say that memes partly made anime more popular but also lowered the rating in the same way. Because there was a sufficient percentage of people who watched anime just for the sake of memes. It is more likely that the number of people who came to see anime for the sake of memes and reduce the rating should be more than the number of people who came to watch for the meme and suddenly saw a really great story in it. This is not an entirely accurate statement. But usually people who see something in a meme do not even try to find something serious in it.Before that, we looked at people who gave incorrect ratings and wrote angry reviews about this anime. They said why they rated it incorrectly and lowered the rating of the anime itself, it could be said using knowledge of psychology, it is clear that the psychological assessment is not entirely accurate, but such people have in common and this common i use it to prove. There are people who simply either have not seen erotica, or are too accustomed to the fact that in love stories, as a rule, there is no erotica. Most of these people argued that this anime is just hentai or almost hentai without understanding the difference between erotica and hentai at all.
These people especially influenced the rating of the anime. Their statements not only discouraged other people from watching this anime, but those who watched it began to assume that everything was going to hentai or simply saw erotic scenes and, due to the opinions of others, did not see the point in further viewing. I suppose that most of these people simply did not see this anime completely, but only excerpts from it. It is quite difficult to believe that the one who watched the anime saw only erotic scenes in it, although this is possible since they can suddenly surprise their appearance at some moments and remaining in the memory for a long time(Especially if a person does not take anime seriously.) because of which after viewing only one memory of erotic scenes will remain and a person will think that the focus is on them and there are a lot of them, although this is not so.After all, erotic scenes and hentai are different by definition, and in all this anime erotic scenes occupy less then 6% from the whole show(Each episode with no OP and ED lasts approximately 20 minutes.Sora's entire timeline is approximately 95 minutes or 5700 seconds. the duration of each erotic scene, then for the entire timeline Sora will be released approximately 300 seconds or 5 minutes.300 seconds from 5700 is less than 6%.) and not every episode contains erotic scenes.To be more precise then less than 4% in Episode 10, less than 15% in Episode 11, and less than 5% in Episode 12.
So we have four main reasons for this anime's under-rating.
1.People who are incredibly strong against incest for reasons of morality and they do not at all doubt the correctness of their position. They seem to blindly believe.
2.people who watch this anime for memes
3.people who can't tell the difference between hentai and erotic scenes
4.people who just didn't see the timelines

Naturally, this has all spread to such an extent that now this anime appears in the top worst anime. Naturally, the authors of such tops simply consume the delusions of other people.There are good reviews of this anime, but there are very few views on them. The most views are cut erotic scenes from this anime that became the stuff for silly memes.I'm not saying that these people are to blame for what happened.but this affected not only the rating of the anime itself, but also the entire YNS community.If it hadn't happened, the community of this anime would probably have been much larger.Now the English community seems to be almost dead.
2.why did most of these people misjudge anime ?

There will be some repetitions from chapter 1, but I'll go into more detail.
with people who do not see different timelines everything is clean.
Let's start with 1.
People who are extremely against incest usually experience disgust and other unpleasant feelings when watching Sora and Haru's relationship, which not only prevents them from focusing on the story, but sometimes even forces them to skip some points.It is worth noting that such people most often do not try to think about the correctness of the position from which they look at the whole story.And usually when the anime gives them a question that the viewer should answer, they either do not notice it.So Sora and Haru look like two completely immoral twins to such people. In which they are completely mistaken,because love arises independently of the rational desires of the characters. In other words, a person can love another person despite the fact that the person did not want to love another person. So there is no Sora or Haru's fault in this.Such people miss the social issue that this anime raises, and also cannot look from a different position at all.To forbid the relationship between Sora and Haru means to disrupt the happy between them, which will lead to the suffering of both, and this is also immoral. Thus, such people usually contradict themselves by defending position.In this particular case, it would be correct to accept the position of Haru and Sora, or neutral.
Now let's talk about 2.
Nowadays, many people who watch memes do not find anything serious in them. That is why people who came to watch anime see a meme in it and do not expect anything serious. Accordingly, they are not going to analyze it.
Now let's talk about 3.
Firstly, not every episode has erotic scenes at all. For those who do not know, ordinary kissing does not apply to erotic scenes.if you take Sora's entire timeline, there will be two episodes without erotic scenes and only three with erotic scenes(Where one of them has only one erotic scene). And one erotic scene in episodes are usually make up 30-60 seconds and only in rare cases 1-2 minutes. All erotic scenes make up about 15% of the entire episode, which is incredibly small. Also, I say it is erotica instead of ecchi, since in most anime ecchi is already more like hentai than erotic scenes because they have one goal. Hentai and ecchi are both aimed at absolute excitement,although ecchi copes with this much weaker.Often erotic scenes are only very little aimed at arousal and are much more aimed at showing feelings through sex scenes and how strong the chemistry between a love couple is. Since touch affects a person no less than words and the interaction of bodies without words reflects some sensory aspects between love couple.Hentai is also quite different and can also show different feelings and the strength of love between characters. Especially hentai in some love couple, but it is still hentai because it focuses on arousing a person and it is very difficult to watch hentai without feeling aroused. In this anime, you can safely watch erotic scenes without any excitement,especially when music symbolizes sad and loneliness. It should now be clear why it is wrong to say that a love story where erotic scenes make up less than 6% of the entire show and also hardly arouse people is hentai.
I know it is wrong to divide people into categories, but this is all just a convention for the proof.
3.The social problem that this story raises

This story wouldn't be so good if it wasn't for the problem it raises.Usually, in various love anime or short stories, the whole plot is built around the personal need of the protagonist or an accidental occurrence.Let's say he needs to find a girl, because he envies other boys who already have a girlfriend, maybe he doesn't envy other boys, but just looks at other boys who already have a girlfriend and understands that this is a social norm and he will also need to find a girl, or he does not want to look for a girl at all, but accidentally falls in love because of some event that happened in his life. In other words, the motivation is quite simple and understandable.It can be even easier when motivation is based on sex drive.For example both characters, or one, saw naked body parts or somehow interacted with it. It's more like ordinary sex drive.Love is very different from sex drive in that they have a much stronger chemistry between a love couple.The plot in YNS is really very different from others in that it is not built around personal needs or a random event, it is built around a serious social problem, so those who get acquainted with this story are interested in how society will affect Sora and Haru's relationship and how they will cope with the pressure that society produces. There is also a meaning that autor wants to convey to us through the disclosure of this problem and a sufficient amount of symbolism. This means that the observance of moral rules is not always correct.Why is it so, I would like to explain to those who are familiar with story, because spoilers are inevitable if we talk about it. However, for now I will state that the serious topic of the relationship between brother and sister, which involves society, not only distinguishes from other topics, but also keeps YNS story at a high level.There is enough to explain here, but I will leave that for those who are familiar with the story.
4.Anime's only objective flaw

So it should be clear that the anime is based on the VN.I know the VN and the anime and therefore know the differences.The disadvantage of anime is that it is quite dynamic and also contains little romance.In 5 episodes of Sora and Haru's timeline, it is not easy to reveal Sora and Haru as characters and also fill the story with drama and also reveal the social problem associated with the relationship of the brother and sister.Nevertheless, the author succeeded in all this, which made the anime very dynamic. Haru and Sora have many moments in the visual novel, and if you add all of those moments in the anime, you get 7 or more episodes.So in the anime they put in a part that is considered the main one. Moreover, the presentation is not consistent. Some moments of the stories we learn immediately from the conversations of Sora and Haru, and some of Haru's conversations with someone only later. And some of the lost puzzles of the anime get up into place if you look at the behavior and actions of the characters. Nevertheless, all these moments are enough to make a complete picture. The development of the characters, the reasons for their behavior, the development of the storyline itself, and so on are quite noticeable.Because of this, many people may feel that relationships and characters develop much faster than they should in real life. However, it is clear that there is a time skip that is often used in anime.It is also worth saying that it is difficult when watching anime for the first time to catch all the moments that are hidden. Especially difficult for those who are not watching it seriously.When you first watch it, you do not know how the plot will go and how the characters will develop, so something may surprise you, or you may forget something altogether during viewing, which will then need to be remembered. Therefore, you need to watch it seriously, paying attention to every phrase that is used in the narration and try to analyze it.I think, like many others, I could not get the whole picture from the first time when watching this anime and find enough things that have semantic value.It was only when I watched YNS for the second time that I was able to establish the whole picture and almost completely analyze the story.I do not judge by myself, but I really think that it is worth watching it at least 2 times.Because the first time you only observe the development of events, noting the main points. And the second time you watch, knowing how events develop, you notice not very noticeable details and the rest that you did not notice for the first time. It probably applies to any dynamic anime.I think that the problem associated with the dynamic development of events is far from new for anime. Especially for those whose primary source is a VN.This is already understandable because organizing all the timelines without cutting anything is impossible.Therefore, I think that this drawback should be worth it not more than 2 points.The authors had to choose all the timelines or the central one, but in greater detail. Both have their positive sides But I suppose that if only the timeline of Sora and Haru was organized, then the anime would not be so underestimated because that it would be much easier to analyze it and those who were not going to watch it seriously could significantly change their position during the viewing process to a much greater probability.That's all I wanted to say for those who have not watched anime and have not read the VN,manga.
5.Music and background

The music is just perfect for this anime. It's mainly piano and violin. A lot of music from this anime makes you feel sad and lonely. Which is great for making anime even more dramatic. But also when listening to it, there is a feeling of beauty. In other words, such a state of being in which you expect or imagine something beautiful. To find out if the music is correctly selected for the moment, you need to find out how the author wants people to feel when watching this moment. And if, when listening to one music, the feelings that the author wanted to evoke arise, then the music is selected correctly. And the more the music evokes feelings, the better it is matched. In this case, we can simply rely on statistics to confirm this. Even those who hate this anime generally rate music highly.In creating a love story, it is incredibly important to choose the right music because it reproduces just an incredible amount of human feelings.As for the background images, they are great for this anime. They bring their own symbolism. So let's say if you divide the loneliness into two, then these two should be in a place where there is no one. This place really looks like a place where there is almost no one. Of course people live here. but most of the time it is so quiet and calm that no one seems to live here. Also, various landscapes add romance.Even the usual open sky that often appears in the anime refers us to the name of the anime itself, because Sora is translated from Japanese as sky.It can be argued that the authors perfectly chose the scene of events and the music.In fact, the music and background are appreciated as far as I can see. My goal is to sort out popular moments that are not appreciated. But that was something else that was important to tell and can be done without spoilers.
6.Other timelines and where to start your acquaintance with this story.

Other timelines are worth your attention, but they are slightly shorter than Sora's timeline. If Sora's timeline consists of 5 episodes of about 20 minutes each without OP and ED, in other words, it will last about 1 hour and 40 minutes. The rest of the timelines are one episode shorter than Sora's timeline. As I said, these timelines are noteworthy, the only thing to know is that they are not real for this story (For many obvious reasons, it is clear that the real timeline is Sora's timeline) and I'm not going to discuss other timelines because my goal is to discuss Sora's timeline, because this timeline has the most hate.It's better to start acquaintance with this story with anime.In anime, they skillfully cut off moments from the VN so that, despite the length of the timelines, they turned out to be worthy. In addition, the musical accompaniment and color pictures create a much stronger atmosphere than the manga. After watching the anime, it is better to read the VN.The VN is incredibly good in that it shows those moments that are not in the anime, but which can be reached by analyzing the anime(Such as Sora and Haru's past before moving to their old place, Sora's decision, Sora's thoughts when she was in the hospital, and etc.).But there are also very few things in VN that cannot be gleaned from anime through analysis.For example the fact that Akira played a role in Sora's timeline, more specifically, she helped a little Sora and Haru develop their relationship. In this VN, the plot is really detailed and it is much easier to notice the development of the characters than in the anime.Also in the VN, Haru and Sora have a lot more romantic moments that are cut from the anime.This all is also confirmed by how people evaluate this VN.If you do not like hentai scenes, then you can just skip them like some people do. The manga is quite short and contains some scenes from the visual novel. However, these scenes are few and the manga turns out to be almost as dynamic as anime, so I recommend reading the manga as a last resort.
Dec 29, 2021 3:22 AM
Oct 2021
For those who watched anime

7.How Sora's love for Haru and Haru's love for Sora formed

Dec 29, 2021 3:24 AM
Oct 2021

9.Social problem

10.Romantic moments


This is all that I wanted to explain to those people who do not understand the show, but want to understand. If you have read to the end, I express my gratitude. I propose to tell about your personal experience associated with this show. Tell about what you noticed and what did not, maybe what caused the most questions or feelings. I and probably other viewers of the forum will be interested in learning about the experiences of other people who have seriously watched this show.
Dec 29, 2021 3:37 AM
Jul 2021
Sorry. I'm too lazy to read.
Have a nice day
Dec 29, 2021 3:38 AM

Apr 2021
I won't read all that but yeah,
YnS is the best romance anime for me
I love Monogatari Series
Dec 29, 2021 3:41 AM

May 2020
OMG.. to all those Who read this you're legends😂😂😂
Dec 29, 2021 4:10 AM
Apr 2021
I didn’t read the whole but from reading most of the part of your composition,, I totally agree with you..It is a great anime where it shows that teenagers can go to wrong path and do some unchangeable mistake if their gurdians aren’t around.
I don't know what people mean when they say I they say that they hate this anime because it's incest.
They are just denying the fact that incest
didn’t ever happened in earth and it is wrong for the writer to portray a story like Yosuga no sora's.This anime just shows a dark truth of life...not like I'm supporting incest but it's as what the anime indicates at last episode. Some people understands the the reason why they did and some don't even try to understand the guilty and just blame them.
Dec 29, 2021 7:57 AM
Oct 2020
Took awhile, but I read the whole article. I mostly agree with you. People should really give this anime a chance. It deserves a higher score than what it is now.
Dec 29, 2021 8:15 AM
Jun 2021
That's a great article, I really enjoyed it!
I appreciate you taking so much time to analyze this anime and also sharing it with us.
It made appreciate this great story even more and I'm probably going to rewatch it soon. Even though I understood it more or less the first time I watched it, I didn't see the great depht this story has up until now.
Unfortunately most people are not bookworms like me, so your article probably won't get the appreciation it deserves.
Dec 29, 2021 9:03 AM
Jul 2018
I admire you for such a long article. I don't want to quote you for obvious reasons but yeah, Yosuga no Sora is not that bad as most of "reviewers" says. For me maybe it isn't phenomenal anime but still enjoyable.
Dec 29, 2021 10:19 AM

May 2020
Fucking hell I'm not gonna read all the but sora's arc was a masterpiece
Everything else was just ok

Dec 29, 2021 11:41 AM
May 2020
man woke up and said f**k this, imma write a whole novel of why an incest anime with trash relationships is good.

but, yes I would agree there resolve was ok, though I don't like it at all
Dec 30, 2021 4:09 AM
Jun 2021
_User_ said:
For those who watched anime

7.How Sora's love for Haru and Haru's love for Sora formed

I actually read some of this and all I can say is *wow dude*
Dec 30, 2021 6:29 AM
Jun 2021
Its a really nice anime idc if its about incest. Plus the tracks are banger as fuccc
Dec 30, 2021 8:16 PM

Jul 2019
My dude just put this in a review. Might even hit review limit LMFAO
Dec 31, 2021 9:33 AM
Jul 2016
I cudn't read all but I think I forgot about this anime. so for me it was ok as I remember not an iota of main story of this, though I can remember some other parts from some other shows which I felt were good. So it is an Ok n avg show but not that hateful otherwise I wud hv dropped it
Dec 31, 2021 9:35 AM
Jul 2018
1. I'm not reading the whole wall of text
2. Don't care, didn't like it
3. Although the protagonist is unfathomably based (like me) , the themes of this show pale in comparison to Boku No Pico (better than Evangelion).
Jan 6, 2022 12:15 AM
Sep 2019
Oh shit you’re serious(watch this be a bait thread) I’m not reading something longer than my english 4 honors final and to that one guy saying this is their favorite romance anime pleaseeee go touch some grass
ChivamaruJan 6, 2022 12:23 AM
Jan 6, 2022 12:17 AM
Sep 2019
WaylonSmithers said:
Took awhile, but I read the whole article. I mostly agree with you. People should really give this anime a chance. It deserves a higher score than what it is now.
THE WHOLE THING???? bro please put this much effort into something else
Jan 6, 2022 12:19 AM
Sep 2019
MechanicalDead said:
That's a great article, I really enjoyed it!
I appreciate you taking so much time to analyze this anime and also sharing it with us.
It made appreciate this great story even more and I'm probably going to rewatch it soon. Even though I understood it more or less the first time I watched it, I didn't see the great depht this story has up until now.
Unfortunately most people are not bookworms like me, so your article probably won't get the appreciation it deserves.
damn right it wont? Also man aside from the incest the story is not that good is it a 6/10 no but at the same time its not a 8/10 if i were to rate it ignoring that one final arc it be a 7.3/10 at best
Jan 10, 2022 5:30 AM

Jan 2019
gigachad for defending the anime
Jan 10, 2022 5:12 PM
Jul 2018
My man write a 14,000 word essay to defend incest anime.
Jan 11, 2022 10:20 AM
Nov 2020
it probably took him more time to wrote this than watching the whole series
Jan 25, 2022 6:14 AM

Sep 2021
Same here it's my favourite romance anime at least the Sora arc it's far better than shit like YLIA , Angel beats and your name
The most dangerous irony is, people are angry with others because of their own incompetence
Jan 25, 2022 6:15 AM

Jun 2009
Hahaha, what the actual fuck?
Jan 31, 2022 6:57 AM
Jan 2018
Nice write-up. Been seeing more positive words being spoken about the series recently, which is nice to see. Cheers!
Feb 3, 2022 7:05 PM
Jul 2020
Man u gain my respect love u🙌
U literally prove that I'm not the one alone who love this anime far than anyone else i thought I'm alone😔 but nah the are more people like me outside and i love that😭
Feb 17, 2022 7:54 AM

Sep 2015
Please do this for other harem anime
Feb 19, 2022 6:04 PM

Apr 2018
Personally, I need 3 things to be able to enjoy an anime. Good animation and direction, good characters, and a good story. This has none of them.

The animation looks cheap and generic. Take any anime from the 2000s and it'll look the same as this. Character designs are all way too similar, and Sora looks like she's 10 even though she's somehow the same age as everyone else. Also has way too much fanservice, the animators couldn't resist putting ass, boob jiggle, and underwear shots in every scene. Not to mention the sex scenes.

Characters were all flat and fell into just generic character archetypes. He's the goofy one! She's the genki cheerful one! She's the childhood friend! She's the possessive little sister! She's the rich princess one! Absolutely paper-thin characterization. Also, the main character is one of the most blatant self-inserts I've ever seen. He has absolutely no personality other than wanting to protect his sister.

Writing is also pretty bad. When the show starts every girl is immediately attracted to the protagonist for no reason other than he's somewhat attractive. Perfect! We don't need development if every girl already swoons for him! The pacing was janky and each route felt rushed. The writers decided to adapt 4 routes instead of just one. Great decision! That lake scene at the end was laughable. How did they get out? Who saved them? Judging by how deep they were, I guess it was an act of God!

This anime has absolutely nothing to offer. The sex scenes are censored and short so you couldn't even get your rocks off to this. If you want an anime debating the morality of incest go watch Koi Kaze. If you want to watch brother sister fucking just go watch hentai.

I'm not going to read the 14,000 words you wrote about an incest harem ecchi anime. I'll just let you know that anime that are actually good don't include copious amounts of godawful fanservice and certainly don't require 14,000 word explanations on why they're definitely good and respectable and definitely not ecchi incest trash.
Feb 21, 2022 6:51 AM

Sep 2015
I love this human and I love the YnS fandom in general because of shit like this. one of the most passionate fanbases of all time.

14,000 words on why this series is great. take it or leave it

Mar 19, 2022 5:11 AM

Aug 2018
Do you know what a paragraph is NIGGA
Apr 2, 2022 2:11 PM
Aug 2021
No need to wrote an essay my dude
Apr 9, 2022 4:07 AM
Jan 2022
Can someone tell me where i can find were they were saying the rabbit was a mistake on the train because i can't find any article or interview on the net is there link to an article people are saying the rabbit is a mistake but i'm any article so can read it
Apr 30, 2022 11:20 PM
Mar 2021
_User_ said:
For those who watched anime

7.How Sora's love for Haru and Haru's love for Sora formed

I'm not alone, maybe it's not wrong if I give a score 10 for this anime
May 6, 2024 10:45 AM

Sep 2016
Nice essay, but you could have summarized it in just 1 sentence:

Yosuga no Sora is greatly underestimated because it's a serious ecchi harem with incest sex.

That's why prude puritans downrated the show and I honestly couldn't care less, because it's great regardless.
May 26, 2024 9:42 AM
Sep 2022
bro wrote an entier light novel defending degenerate cancer

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