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Mar 22, 2021 8:01 AM

Nov 2011
It's ok for Toriko to cry. Let it out.

For the finale, we got a boss type of monster in the form of a snake with multiple..arms? Lol. Not a bad series' finale but wasn't overwhelming either. Of course the military also got involved in all this drama as usual.

7/10. Toriko and Sorao carried a good deal of the show with their character chemistry including the finale.
Mar 22, 2021 8:24 AM

Apr 2018
It was enjoyable and I really liked it but too bad that the adaptation is weirdly done compared to the manga/LN with some events being in the disorder and some things that don't even make sense (the hat for example) but well it was still pretty good, I would love to see more anime like this one in the future, I don't know why they finished it with the military part though xD
Mar 22, 2021 8:26 AM

Jul 2017
Finishing the remains of Arc 5: saving the U.S. Marines.

Kankandara, what a fearful monster for a final boss to take down, both itself and the Torii connections. A hard-fought battle won and both Sorawo and Toriko are hailed as heroes "The Girls". The rescue mission completed with zero casualties, and with that the Otherside duties are pretty much done.

Heh, the secret that both Sorawo and Toriko know of the scaredy cat Kozakura, a well-kept one if I say so myself. All that's left is to send things back to whence they came from, as such with the AP-1 agricultural motorike, glance through the Otherside lands and reflect about their chemistry so far. May this creepypasta journey never end for two lone souls who met together through sheer fate.

Pretty good and exhilarating finale for a closing point. Good, but not great.

@Ashhk I'm guessing what you're saying is referring to the novel/manga's timeline. Not to worry, most arcs' stories are self-contained, it's just the transitions from arc to arc that kinda throws people off.
KANLen09Mar 22, 2021 8:57 AM
Mar 22, 2021 8:40 AM

Jun 2019
The final boss is here. Pretty scary looking as well. Good final episode.
Well, this show's concept was quite interesting and good but not very well executed in this show. There were many weak points of the show but there were strong ones as well. This show didn't excite me that much. Gonna read the LN/manga after this, just to see how much difference is there.
Not a bad show but not the best as well.
Mar 22, 2021 9:00 AM

Apr 2019
decent final episode with wholesome moments of toriko and sorawo, cute ending.

overall pretty bad though, 2/10

Mar 22, 2021 9:03 AM

Jul 2020
As far as a finale goes, it was.... okay I guess. Not much really happened but it was nice to have a more laid back approach to the episode especially when the last few were jam packed. All in all this anime was something alright, wouldn't mind seeing a second season but I don't really have high hopes for that to occur either.
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Mar 22, 2021 9:04 AM

Feb 2019
I’m glad the Marines got home safely finally. Final boss fight was pretty cool. The closing convo with Toriko and Sorawo at the end was really nice, love the ED theme they went with today. Beautiful.

Overall I think the show had a really interesting concept, but its execution wasn’t the best. There was a lot that was set up that we never really saw come to fruition. But I still really enjoyed seeing the girls every week and their adventures in the other side.
Mar 22, 2021 9:11 AM

Apr 2018
KANLen09 said:
I'm guessing what you're saying is referring to the novel/manga's timeline. Not to worry, most arcs' stories are self-contained, it's just the transitions from arc to arc that kinda throws people off.
Yes but because of that it created some problem like the hat that reappeared after the beach arc and shouldn't be here for example
Mar 22, 2021 9:14 AM

Feb 2010
When the insert song in the final episode is actually more suitable for this series than the opening and ending song...
Mar 22, 2021 9:20 AM

Nov 2011
And you end a terrible anime with a terrible ending. The only thing resolved is Toriko not being alone anymore. Cool.

This anime actually had potential but it turned into absolute nonsense and garbage.

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Mar 22, 2021 9:21 AM

Jul 2020
Honestly, that was a good last episode. But it wasn't enough for me. Overall, pretty average adaptation. Execution was a hit or miss. 5/10
Mar 22, 2021 9:24 AM

Oct 2017
Fierce battle with the Kakandara and they won. I'm glad all the soldiers made it back alive.

Second half was pretty chill with some sweet Toriko and Sorawo moments. Kozakura getting scared was cute.

Okay anime overall, Kozakura's the best part of this anime.
Mar 22, 2021 9:30 AM

Jul 2017
Ashhk said:
KANLen09 said:
I'm guessing what you're saying is referring to the novel/manga's timeline. Not to worry, most arcs' stories are self-contained, it's just the transitions from arc to arc that kinda throws people off.
Yes but because of that it created some problem like the hat that reappeared after the beach arc and shouldn't be here for example
Oh yes, that one. It sure caused a ruckus that doesn't blend with the featured episode well.
Mar 22, 2021 9:37 AM

Jul 2015
I personally loved this anime.. and will be out to read the manga (MD please come back!)
I have been scared waaay too many times to count.. even in the last episode when peeps screamed at the start..
Did the arcs messing up bothered me? no.. not really.. i was mainly watching for the main couple and i am satisfied.. (won't mind more progress tho)
I would give a 7.5(8)/10 to this anime just cuz its wasn't really going anywhere and they could've ended the anime on a cliffhanger of Satsuki looking from someplace..
Mar 22, 2021 9:44 AM
Jan 2021
I was disappointed that this was my least favorite episode of them all😭 I still really liked the show as a whole, but I'm definitely gonna have to read the novels after this episode
Mar 22, 2021 9:50 AM

Feb 2019
Kosmonaut said:
Because I read the 4 volumes that are out (I liked it) and I know about LIDENFILMS' track record is exactly why my hopes for a good adaptation are tiny.
Sometimes being right feels so bad. I'll play the world's smallest violin in my honor.

Even if I think long and hard enough, I can't come up with a single thing I think was made at least decent.

The characters? Husks of themselves that end up feeling antithetical to the personality the own show sets up for them, because that's what happens when a semi-linear story is treated as episodic. The themes? Treated so superficially it ends up feeling like there are none at all - the biggest offender of this, the Space-Time Man arc. Directing, adapting, editing? Multiple continuation errors, from rofles being taken out of hand purses, to hats popping on and off when needed, to guns that the MCs weren't supposed to have yet being in their possession, to 'revelations' that were rendered as 'revelations' despite being already handled non-chalantly by the characters before. Chip in on the legal loli, that'll be sure to take viewers' attention from the overwhelming laziness with which we're conducting this project.

'Wait, Sorawo. What do you mean you're going to make me pull a portal out of the meat train glitch? Is that even going to work?
'I don't know, Toriko, but remember we did it two episodes ago in that filler content without any reaction from the both us? It must work now.'
'But we weren't supposed to learn more about how it works until now, since this was supposed to come right after Hasshaku-sama, the first time you did it accidentally, it's just that my dialogue wasn't changed, Sorawo.'
'Bummer, that sucks for you, Toriko.'
'It's okay. The lack of attention from the adaptation team can't get any worse, right?'
'Err... About that white hat thing...'

Finally, it has ended. I felt like this adaptation by its own made me think less of the work and IP as a whole, which is a novel and astonishing accomplishment, no doubts about it. The mystery of the prop hat will be one whose dread and suspense I'll remember for years to come.

Amazing thriller full of complex characters and chilling atmosphere, all in the novels.
Masterpiece in how to not handle adapting a work across media, 3/10.
KosmonautMar 22, 2021 9:53 AM
Mar 22, 2021 10:15 AM

Jul 2011
I feel this finale the Marines, just there because, guns, other than that isn't exactly a military that a japanese would rescue,seeing the anti-American military feeling.

I'm not sure why I watched fully, if was wanting to see Satsuki, or because monday don't have many animes.
Mar 22, 2021 10:24 AM

Jan 2017
I was not that bad but not great either, it feels like a lot of o miss potential.

A 6/10 only for the first part with the soldiers was the best moment of this whole anime.
Mar 22, 2021 10:49 AM
Feb 2017
The fight against Kankandra felt really underwhelming. Maybe I was expecting too much from the way the last episode ended. The conversation in the end was really cute. Both girls got the opposite of what they wished for.

Loved the relationship between Toriko and Sorao throughout the series. Overall a good and enjoyable show which could've been better if they hadn't messed up the order and explained some things a little more. Don't know if it'll get another season although I'd definitely look forward to it.
Mar 22, 2021 11:20 AM
Jul 2018
quite a decent last episode and pretty satisfactory ending for the season, enjoyed this anime quite a bit but feel like it could've been a lot more than what it turned out to be, definitely some wasted potential and could've been more interesting but it was alright in the end i guess. overall, i'd give this a score of 3/10.
Mar 22, 2021 11:23 AM

Jun 2015
Damm a Kakandara huh. The tension and horror that she gave off sure was impressive. While the odds arrayed against them were formidable its nice that they manage to get everyone to safety with no casualties. After so long its nice to see Toriko see Sorawo as a friend that she can count on rather than just a sidekick. One adventure ends while another built on stronger bonds between the pair continue huh. But this time for the girls so accustomed to being alone they are no longer alone.
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Mar 22, 2021 11:58 AM

Sep 2019
I loved the song at the end, those last moments where Toriko and Soraro talked were the best part of this episode.

It was an okay anime I guess. I neither loved it nor hated it, it was just meh.
Mar 22, 2021 12:36 PM
Aug 2018
I give this a three out 10
MC is a horrible character who only cares about the blonde chick
random plot conviniences
World building is downright atrocious with no set up about the other side.its just random problems and lores and ghosts made up on the spot ....
Mar 22, 2021 12:36 PM
Apr 2020
This was amazing... Infact best... I will miss this anime...

It has best op and best ed

Hope for s2
Mar 22, 2021 12:44 PM

Feb 2013
Well, given that it is unlikely that this title will get a second season I'd say that they handled the ending pretty well.

Definitely not my favorite series, but it was decent - 5/10

By the way, can anyone tell me the name of the song that was playing at the end of this episode? I kinda like it! Tried Shazam, didn't work :/
Mar 22, 2021 1:16 PM
Mar 2015
I did look forward to this show every week Glad the girls finally realize what they mean to each other
Mar 22, 2021 3:01 PM

Feb 2018
Why half the people here giving it negative ratings? It's a great show
Watch Jewelpet Twinkle
Mar 22, 2021 3:05 PM

Oct 2007
amazing rescue by Sorawo and Toriko, not a single soldier was lost

they would probably be rewarded with something if go with the soldiers, but it would also cause problems for them. So it's better to part ways there. Maybe they would see them again someday.

and finally get their vehicle into the Otherside.

frightened Kozakura is cute holding her raccoon. xD

hoping for a season 2!


Liddo-kunMar 22, 2021 3:30 PM
Mar 22, 2021 3:10 PM

Feb 2020
What a weird show, man. Not a good adaption by any stretch of the imagination, but I can't hate it.
Mar 22, 2021 3:47 PM

Apr 2015
A pretty decent finale if you ask me, not the worst show, but I guess it could have been better.

Honestly, the show was by far the creepiest thing I have seen in a few years time and I hate creepy stuff. Overall it was a really decent show, loved the Sorawo x Toriko moments, their chemistry really carried a lot of the show, but the mysteriousness of the show really was quite nice as well.

Cgi use of character models was a bit off-putting but in the end I learned to live with it. The story felt a bit all over the place. As mentioned above, jumping from arc to arc with no clear order in them, made me drop the score a little bit. 6/10 from me.
Mar 22, 2021 4:08 PM

Feb 2018
CeddyyBearr said:
A pretty decent finale if you ask me, not the worst show, but I guess it could have been better.

Honestly, the show was by far the creepiest thing I have seen in a few years time and I hate creepy stuff. Overall it was a really decent show, loved the Sorawo x Toriko moments, their chemistry really carried a lot of the show, but the mysteriousness of the show really was quite nice as well.

Cgi use of character models was a bit off-putting but in the end I learned to live with it. The story felt a bit all over the place. As mentioned above, jumping from arc to arc with no clear order in them, made me drop the score a little bit. 6/10 from me.

I do recommend reading the novels.
Watch Jewelpet Twinkle
Mar 22, 2021 4:11 PM

Aug 2019
overall I found this show average but that doesn’t mean I thought it was bad, I wouldn’t mind a sequel
Mar 22, 2021 4:37 PM
Jul 2018
Last episode I am happy that the American soldiers returned to the real world that made me happy, that creature really and bizzara.
Mar 22, 2021 4:41 PM
Jun 2020
Sorao uwu πŸ˜™πŸ˜™πŸ˜™πŸ˜™πŸ˜™β€β€β€β€
Mar 22, 2021 5:07 PM

Feb 2020
Well, thats it! The last creepypasta story based off stories they've encounters in the otherside world. Kinda expect something big, more solid end, and a better explanations of their world-buildings. But well, having Toriko and Sorawo realizing the ideas of them 'not to be so alone' in the end of the duration was a good enough note among their episodic style of stories. The last inserted song also nice too to decently closing the series.

In the end, i find it quite fine to baited me with the Shoujo ai element, and horror-ish sub-genre. In one side, i am glad its not too horror. Still, the studio did their best-to-the-good-notes, to depicted all of the moments and made goosebumps several times. The example of it was ofc at the elevator moment. In the other side, the lack of better establishment over the other element proved me that the series just fine at its finest.

Final score (taking into account that the bgm, and maybe the ost of it was good enough): its a 7/10 from me.
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Mar 22, 2021 6:17 PM
Jul 2018
This last episode was kinda meh, the first part is really bad, a poor direction and just anticlimactic/boring in general. The second half was a little better cuz Sorawo and Toriko moment, that was really cute ngl. In general I think that the show is good, sometimes pretty good but in the end was a waste of potential. 7/10
Mar 22, 2021 6:40 PM

Jan 2020
The recent episodes sadly lost me but I enjoyed the first half lots and I thought this was a fine enough finale. The scene with the 4 of them at the end was pretty nice

Mar 22, 2021 6:50 PM

Sep 2020
I love the ED, and yeah, though it was messed up compared to the LN and manga, I still enjoy watching them and arrive to that idea that they are no longer alone, that they have each other.
sateto, time to go back to the LN.
it’s never too late for life ... to go horribly wrong. . . afff~
Mar 22, 2021 6:55 PM
May 2011
Good series. 7/10. Would love a second season, but I think it's doubtful
Mar 22, 2021 7:42 PM

Dec 2015
So many questions left unanswered and continuity was messed up. Forgettable anime.
Mar 22, 2021 7:47 PM
Feb 2020
Anyone knows what the song name in the end?
Mar 22, 2021 8:43 PM

Dec 2018
While it wasn’t a great adaptation, I felt this was a pretty fun show consistently, found myself liking most of the characters and got pretty interested in the story, I doubt we’ll ever see a season 2 but I liked it pretty good. Nice to see the Marines were saved, that scene where they were calling Toriko and Sorawo “the girls” was pretty wholesome lol, even with the engrish. I’ll definitely miss seeing the weirdness of the Otherside Toriko and Sorawo every Monday.
Mar 23, 2021 2:24 AM

Sep 2019
Pretty dissapointed with this anime. I was expecting more, like something I'd rate a 7 or 8 atleast but it was quite normal.
Mar 23, 2021 4:33 AM
Jan 2021
Wait, is this the last episode of the Urasekai Picnic?? help me out please...
Mar 23, 2021 4:36 AM

Oct 2007
a few more thoughts on the show..

the AP-1 is cute, and does feel like they're taking a pleasant ride.
however, why not also take one of the armored cards left by the marines? Feels much safe riding an armored car, than riding unprotected in a slow tobacco harvester. Or did the soldiers take the keys with them?

and I so want to support this show.. but have spent a ton of my extra cash on Love Live Niji... not much left. Do plan to eventually buy the opening theme cd of Urasekai.. to help in their sales even a little.
Mar 23, 2021 5:26 AM

Oct 2016
Pretty good finale, probably my favorite out of all the episodes. I was excited for this show when I first saw news about it, it had potential, but it had some pretty bad directing which kind of sucks, though I still kind of enjoyed the show, just feels like a waste since I heard that the manga and novel were really good. I'll probably read the manga or novel someday, once I've gotten through reading other shit.

That ending song was really great though, and seeing them in the AP-1 was pretty adorable ngl lmao, honestly going to miss the characters especially Kozakura. Wouldn't mind getting a season 2 with better directing hopefully. 6.5/10
Mar 23, 2021 6:21 AM

Feb 2021
I haven't read any of the source material so I can say this confidently: I enjoyed this anime from start to finish. It was a great last episode to end this series with. Any possibilities for this to get a season 2?
"Nobody could laugh at someone who's trying their hardest" -Machio-

Mar 23, 2021 6:27 AM

Feb 2021
Marine_Boy said:
Well, given that it is unlikely that this title will get a second season I'd say that they handled the ending pretty well.

Definitely not my favorite series, but it was decent - 5/10

By the way, can anyone tell me the name of the song that was playing at the end of this episode? I kinda like it! Tried Shazam, didn't work :/
I think it's Machi wo Nukete by Rionos.
"Nobody could laugh at someone who's trying their hardest" -Machio-

Mar 23, 2021 6:53 AM

Feb 2013
Yuu_Kanzaki said:
I think it's Machi wo Nukete by Rionos.

Thanks a bunch! Can't find it on YT or Spotify yet tho. Just gonna wait for the release :D
Mar 23, 2021 7:05 AM

Feb 2015
Urasekai Picnic was a weird experience tbh.
I really liked the concept of the otherside & actually liked the aesthetic of it as well (even tho the animation/art style were pretty lacking throughout the show). The characters were okay... not horrible, but also not that great - I liked Akari the most :)

Since many fans claim that the novels are excellent and I actually liked this very lackluster adaption, I'm definitely gonna give them a try!

It's a 6/10 for me. It would be 5/10, but the OP was amazing enough to add a point :D
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