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May 10, 2020 3:00 PM

Oct 2018
So, this is the very first anime that I have read the manga of, so I was really looking forward to it, for various reasons.

And I was at the edge of tearing up a few times...

because of the immeasurable disappointment I have felt

Like what is this?? God this is awful, what did they do to one of my favorite manga?! Not only they have changed some key scenes, or completely removed them, but they also successfully ruined every single emotional moment. Like the ending was supposed to be really beautiful, in the manga it was, but here, it was just blank... And in the they also changed an important scene in the ending too, which really made it much worse.

Also, the OST was just totally unfitting every single time...

Not to mention that Haruka's design was nothing like in the manga. I don't know why they changed her so much

If I had watched it without having read the manga, I still wouldn't have enjoyed it, because I would understand nothing. If you haven't read the manga, you won't understand anything, you will not know why some things happened at all.

This whole movie was so rushed. If they had wanted to make this a good movie, they should've made it 2 hours long.


Now I can totally feel the pain of the many manga readers who watch a bad adaption of their favourite mangas.
-Aincrad-May 11, 2020 12:03 AM
May 10, 2020 4:27 PM

Jul 2017
Am I supposed to be watching a TV anime or a movie? I can only tell by the length of it.

As an anime-only to this very condensed 2 volume (18 chapters) Yuri manga, the first instances of the animation being very shoddy and un-production-like is apparent (well, no matter since Tear Studio was shut down during the production and had piles of debt unpaid to people, that caused a controversy well enough).

Secondly, as much as it pains me to say this, even without having read the manga, the movie (if you could call that 1-hour show itself) I didn't really understand the appeal of it (putting aside the Yuri that was the selling point). That's not to say that the manga was bad (and last I checked, ended up being the superior version instead). It was like a very watered-down version of Asagao to Kase-san, completely devoid of character.

Bar the butchered source material aside, some things (even with foreshadowing) didn't help much to keep the interests of the 5W1H formula, even with tension.

In the end, an hour was wasted on some potential, and it was a miss. 4/10
May 10, 2020 4:31 PM
Apr 2017
I like shoujo ai so this was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOTTTTTT!!!! Too bad the plot makes no sense (it's understandable at least?) But there is no need for plot if there is shoujo ai. 8/10
May 10, 2020 4:47 PM

Jul 2010
i watched and i liked it. should i read source material? is there any extra story?
May 10, 2020 8:12 PM

Oct 2007
Haruka wanted someone to like her..

enjoyed watching it. Will check out the source material later. :)
May 10, 2020 11:41 PM

Oct 2018
Rising_Blade said:
I like shoujo ai so this was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOTTTTTT!!!! Too bad the plot makes no sense (it's understandable at least?) But there is no need for plot if there is shoujo ai. 8/10

The plot very much makes sense in the manga. Here, everything is rushed, and it's impossible to understand what's happening.
May 10, 2020 11:44 PM

Oct 2018
Berserkerhealer said:
i watched and i liked it. should i read source material? is there any extra story?

This movie only contained like 40% of the manga, meaning they have skipped a lot. They have adapted the full story, but skipped many important details and moments, which makes it difficult to understand the story. And they totally changed the ending too, which is a shame.
-Aincrad-May 10, 2020 11:54 PM
May 11, 2020 4:56 AM

Jul 2010
-Aincrad- said:
Berserkerhealer said:
i watched and i liked it. should i read source material? is there any extra story?

This movie only contained like 40% of the manga, meaning they have skipped a lot. They have adapted the full story, but skipped many important details and moments, which makes it difficult to understand the story. And they totally changed the ending too, which is a shame.

thank you for information i will read it
May 11, 2020 8:55 AM

Jul 2017
It should be noted that I'm the farthest thing from a fan of shoujo ai and/or yuri. I don't have anything against them, it's just not my thing.
But figuring how this was only 1 hour long, I gave it a shot.

And it was... Eh.
Problem #1, and this mainly applied to the first 20 minutes or so, the "relationship" featured here just didn't feel believable. The driving force behind it, at least in the beginning was "You saw my underwear, I'm dragging you into going on a date with me, oh looks like we're a couple now (kind of)." Meanwhile, the rest just went through the motions necessary to make a complete plot. Nothing of note, like at all.

The art was pleasant in some instances, but the animation was very rough around the edges, in the instances where there was animation at all.

There's not a whole lot to complain about here.
Not because it's good, but because there's just nothing worth spending the time to talk about.

The story behind the studio is more interesting than the product.
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"If Seinfeld isn't your favorite anime, then you aren't watching anime correctly."
- Me

May 11, 2020 12:44 PM

May 2015
Well, that was really interesting. It was a lot deeper than I thought it would be covering those topics. Its really interesting though. Normally these type of thought provoking anime just go over my head but I could understand this one.

Now, Im really glad this anime didnt get dark or super dramary since most things involving time generally go in a bad direction.

The beginning of the movie was a bit quick in pace but overall it was good. They were pretty cute and it was nice seeing them mess around. It was a bit of a shame to see that she lost her time stopping power but I guess thats how its suppose to be so she stops relying on it and rejoins the world. I really liked that theme of not relying on a supernatural power and actually facing people and being true to yourself. Its really nice.

Im quite surprised considering most yuri anime are just wholesome comedy anime that dont really try too hard but recently we yuri fans have been getting so many good anime like Bloom into You and this. Im glad to see yuri anime are actually trying to be more than just average shows and are rising above that. Its probably just me since Ive watched every yuri anime that exists lol but its nice to see a show like this. To be honest this reminds me a lot of Kuttsukiboshi which was also about two girls and one of them having supernatural powers.
Yuritopia FTW!!!!!!!!! BANZAI TO YURI !!!!!!!!!!!!
May 12, 2020 3:18 AM

Dec 2018
Imo the biggest flaws in this was males and the impurity. Why have males in MY Yuri? That baffles me. Yuri are suppose to be about ""lesbians"" ""cute females"" and NOT about irritating males, they dont belong there

It also felt a bit short but it was suppose to be a anime with 12 episode and around 250 mins of running time .Instead we got 54 mins so no wonder why it felt rushed

But it was so nice! And the lesbian love birds was so damn cute.So many sweet lesbian kisses,,YEEEEEEEEES! I was going to give it nine but then they said "I love you" to each other and that was such a great moment It rocked my world and I love it!,,YEEES! The lesbians sweetness was so delicious and in the end I give it 10/10

Yuri-CrusaderMay 12, 2020 10:55 AM
May 12, 2020 5:10 AM

Oct 2018
Yuri-Crusader said:

It also felt a bit short but it was suppose to be a anime with 12 episode and around 250 mins of running time .Instead we got 54 mins so no wonder why it felt rushed

Well, a 12 episodes would've made it too dragged IMO. The manga is not that long either, so I would say 8 episodes maybe. Although with a good director, 12 episodes could be perfectly fine too

But if they wanted a movie no matter what, it should've been 1.5hrs long
at least. But more like 2
But I guess that was out of their budget
-Aincrad-May 12, 2020 5:13 AM
May 12, 2020 10:11 AM

Jul 2019
I thought this movie would be better than disappointed me.i'll read the manga because i think it would be better than this movie
May 12, 2020 2:32 PM

Jul 2019
I liked it e,e yes, it was a bit fast but I liked it and we dont have much animated yuri :/
May 12, 2020 3:27 PM

Oct 2017
Oh dear, that was... very bad.

- Characters are boring and flat. We have seen them tons of times and better.
- Art and animation are as bad as any TV seasonal bottom tier. It is not pleasant to watch.
- Several absurd situations that I can't take seriously. The movie lacks of self awareness.

The idea of stopping time sounds interesting at first but Fragtime doesn't use it to develop the plot at all, it doesn't play with its premise, it is just a mcguffin.

And I'm saying this as a yuri fan, that's the only reason I watched this to begin with.

AxemableMay 14, 2020 9:33 AM
May 13, 2020 10:24 PM
Jul 2015
I really liked this. 8/10

If this original manga is better, I'll definitely be picking it up to see the changes and re-experience it.
May 14, 2020 7:12 AM

Nov 2017
idk why but my expectations weren't that high of this movie so that might be why i fucking loved it so much.
Character development was good. VA's were good. Story was good. The atmosphere was nicely peaceful but funny and a bit of drama. Especially the ending.
Man that was absolutely great. One of the best endings I've ever seen so far! If only evyrthing could've been a bit longer and more stretched out..
A 9/10 for me
May 14, 2020 8:13 AM

Oct 2018
YoshiYogurt said:
I really liked this. 8/10

If this original manga is better, I'll definitely be picking it up to see the changes and re-experience it.

If you liked this movie, I guarantee you'll like the manga a lot, too.
May 14, 2020 3:30 PM

Oct 2013
I liked it overall. The characters lacked depth, but it was a pretty sweet Yuri and I liked the climax. Wish it had 30-45 movies and it could've been a proper movie.

I also felt Haruka super lacking, we barely know about her, and we barely hear her talk, besides that one fight.
May 15, 2020 12:59 AM

Jul 2016
Unrelated to this but I swear, there's nothing I hate most in anime than seeing characters getting flustered because of the goddamn "indirect kiss" situation. It's so damn childish I can't even... God!

Okay, back on topic.
Overall, I didn't really enjoy this movie. The directing and story progression felt messy and rushed for the most part and though I get (and kinda liked) the message it tried to convey, the execution just felt... rather unfocused and hollow.

Regarding cast, I know that being extremely shy/insecure was the point of her character but man, I couldn't help but find Moritani exasperating in most of the scenes. In that regard, I liked Haruka a bit more but the lack of proper characterization throughout the movie ended up making her character look too flat to my eyes.
And as for their relationship, it could have been explored in a better way and even after the confession scene, I still think its development felt rather superficial. Particularly, Haruka saying she fell in love with Moritani first was... not really believable if you ask me but maybe, the manga did a better job at hinting it.

4/10 - Was thinking of giving it a 3/10 but honestly, putting this movie at the same level of Citrus might be a bit too much. Still think it was a waste of time tho.
SouthRzVaMay 15, 2020 1:06 AM
May 17, 2020 7:05 AM
Jan 2017
-Aincrad- said:
So, this is the very first anime that I have read the manga of, so I was really looking forward to it, for various reasons.

And I was at the edge of tearing up a few times...

because of the immeasurable disappointment I have felt

Like what is this?? God this is awful, what did they do to one of my favorite manga?! Not only they have changed some key scenes, or completely removed them, but they also successfully ruined every single emotional moment. Like the ending was supposed to be really beautiful, in the manga it was, but here, it was just blank... And in the they also changed an important scene in the ending too, which really made it much worse.

Also, the OST was just totally unfitting every single time...

Not to mention that Haruka's design was nothing like in the manga. I don't know why they changed her so much

If I had watched it without having read the manga, I still wouldn't have enjoyed it, because I would understand nothing. If you haven't read the manga, you won't understand anything, you will not know why some things happened at all.

This whole movie was so rushed. If they had wanted to make this a good movie, they should've made it 2 hours long.


Now I can totally feel the pain of the many manga readers who watch a bad adaption of their favourite mangas.
it would be like an Ova than movie bruh.. But yeah I dont understand what happen To both.. and why she has the time stop power.. The start and ending it so awful i think
May 19, 2020 9:59 AM

Sep 2015
I'm usually in for yuri but this was trash
May 23, 2020 10:17 AM
Nov 2013
Somehow they forgot to adapt the most important scenes in the manga. It's impossible to understand what's going on, because they didn't adapt the context. Why characters feel the way they do, and do the things they do are conveyed in the manga only. The story also moves so fast, so any consistency on how the characters feel about situations is lost. They completely flip flop around for ill explained reasons.

Sure they could've explained this stuff and made a coherent story if they had another 30 minutes or so. But honestly, they probably could've done that if they didn't have random cuts of philosophical monologue by the characters that explain how they "feel", since these cuts are really just saying nothing. "What does an eternity feel like"? Who even cares about that when they haven't explained the promise made between the main characters.

Animation is average at best, and backgrounds are alright, but the character art itself is something else. Everything is colored completely flat. There's no shading at all. The entire school uniform coat is a single blue shade. All skin color for a character is the same color regardless of lighting and shadows. You'd expect a shadow around the neck region or ears, but it is the exact same shade. Even the lowest budget anime have a bit of shading. It's kind of amazing to watch an anime that's looks like it's in beta.
May 23, 2020 7:23 PM
Feb 2018
Yuri-Crusader said:
Imo the biggest flaws in this was males and the impurity. Why have males in MY Yuri? That baffles me. Yuri are suppose to be about ""lesbians"" ""cute females"" and NOT about irritating males, they dont belong there

It also felt a bit short but it was suppose to be a anime with 12 episode and around 250 mins of running time .Instead we got 54 mins so no wonder why it felt rushed

But it was so nice! And the lesbian love birds was so damn cute.So many sweet lesbian kisses,,YEEEEEEEEES! I was going to give it nine but then they said "I love you" to each other and that was such a great moment It rocked my world and I love it!,,YEEES! The lesbians sweetness was so delicious and in the end I give it 10/10

Males in yuri make yuri more realistic. If there's only girls in that world then it's only fantasy. And i'd rather have realistic over fantasy any day.
May 24, 2020 7:33 AM

Feb 2014

Just like the manga, very good. Good dose of drama and romance. Not over exaggerating such as many melodramas out there and the duration is perfect.

Only if... there were more simple yet pleasent yuri short movies or series like the one.

Easy 8/10

Axemable said:
Oh dear, that was... very bad.

- Characters are boring and flat. We have seen them tons of times and better.
- Art and animation are as bad as any TV seasonal bottom tier. It is not pleasant to watch.
- Several absurd situations that I can't take seriously. The movie lacks of self awareness.

The idea of stopping time sounds interesting at first but Fragtime doesn't use it to develop the plot at all, it doesn't play with its premise, it is just a mcguffin.

And I'm saying this as a yuri fan, that's the only reason I watched this to begin with.


I guess you and a few others didn't get it at all.

Between the several absurds that happens in this movie, it's where they show and develop both characters relationship and their true feelings. To start off, stopping the time is already an "absurd" though you didn't complain about this absurd.

Art and animation is subjective. But it was good enough. Since you (and a few others) didn't get the movie at all you'll of course complain about the art and animation.

And I am not saying this because I am a yuri fan.
Vi-May 24, 2020 7:36 AM
May 24, 2020 1:42 PM

Oct 2017
Vi- said:

Just like the manga, very good. Good dose of drama and romance. Not over exaggerating such as many melodramas out there and the duration is perfect.

Only if... there were more simple yet pleasent yuri short movies or series like the one.

Easy 8/10

Axemable said:
Oh dear, that was... very bad.

- Characters are boring and flat. We have seen them tons of times and better.
- Art and animation are as bad as any TV seasonal bottom tier. It is not pleasant to watch.
- Several absurd situations that I can't take seriously. The movie lacks of self awareness.

The idea of stopping time sounds interesting at first but Fragtime doesn't use it to develop the plot at all, it doesn't play with its premise, it is just a mcguffin.

And I'm saying this as a yuri fan, that's the only reason I watched this to begin with.


I guess you and a few others didn't get it at all.

Between the several absurds that happens in this movie, it's where they show and develop both characters relationship and their true feelings. To start off, stopping the time is already an "absurd" though you didn't complain about this absurd.

Art and animation is subjective. But it was good enough. Since you (and a few others) didn't get the movie at all you'll of course complain about the art and animation.

And I am not saying this because I am a yuri fan.

Yes, you're right. I didn't get the movie.

Sorry. I hope this will make you happier.

Have a nice day.
May 24, 2020 3:15 PM

Oct 2018

If anyone didn't get this movie, didn't understand the story, that's because it's a bad adaption. And as someone who's read the manga, I can tell you this: this is a terrible adaption.

If people complain about the story, you can't blame them. It's pretty much impossible to understand it after watching it only once.

Also, you mentioned character development too. Sorry, but this movie has no such thing. They adapted too much into one hour, so there's no place for any development here. Just random things happening. And anyone who has not read the manga, will just not understand which these random things even happen.
-Aincrad-May 24, 2020 3:25 PM
Jun 5, 2020 10:26 PM

Dec 2014
nice movie... shoujo ai movie...never thought I would like one
Jun 7, 2020 9:51 AM

Dec 2018
supernicolasman said:
Yuri-Crusader said:
Imo the biggest flaws in this was males and the impurity. Why have males in MY Yuri? That baffles me. Yuri are suppose to be about ""lesbians"" ""cute females"" and NOT about irritating males, they dont belong there

It also felt a bit short but it was suppose to be a anime with 12 episode and around 250 mins of running time .Instead we got 54 mins so no wonder why it felt rushed

But it was so nice! And the lesbian love birds was so damn cute.So many sweet lesbian kisses,,YEEEEEEEEES! I was going to give it nine but then they said "I love you" to each other and that was such a great moment It rocked my world and I love it!,,YEEES! The lesbians sweetness was so delicious and in the end I give it 10/10

Males in yuri make yuri more realistic. If there's only girls in that world then it's only fantasy. And i'd rather have realistic over fantasy any day.

Well to be able to stop time isn't very realistic to start with. And I dont care for realism I prefer unrealistic fetish worlds with only females.It work better for my personal taste. Now this anime manage to concentrate on the lesbians even if males were present and I really liked it. But still IMO males dont belongs in Yuri's. Because Yuri are suppose to be about lesbians. Not males

Yuri-CrusaderJun 7, 2020 10:21 AM
Jun 13, 2020 9:46 AM

Jun 2007
what a waste of my time
SouthRzVa said:
Unrelated to this but I swear, there's nothing I hate most in anime than seeing characters getting flustered because of the goddamn "indirect kiss" situation. It's so damn childish I can't even... God!

i feel your pain brother
see you, space cowperson . . .
Jun 13, 2020 1:08 PM

Apr 2016
Well, it's just an ok show. I don't know how to feel, the story wasn't that good and the characters were pretty annoying. There isn't anything I've particularly liked. Like I said, it's just ok for me.
Jun 14, 2020 9:20 AM

Jul 2009
I read the manga so long ago, that I don't remember some stuffs, but I am sure they cut some stuffs...I will give it a read later to remember.
But well, I liked it even with the cuts, I know it seems like all happened so fast, but even so...I liked it 7/10
Jun 20, 2020 11:53 AM

Jun 2014
7/10 not too good, not too bad.

The beginning of the movie was the best part, I was thinking on "hmm, 3 minutes is not too much, maybe enough to see some underwear, cheating on a test or having more time to answer a question on an interview" but man, when Moritani actually go to see under the skirt of Mukarami I was shocked and laughting a lot...
Jul 5, 2020 3:59 AM

Jun 2015
wait so the reason moritani could stop time and murakami was immune to it was they were in love with eachother from the beginning?
Jul 9, 2020 10:13 AM

Oct 2007
The starting point was nice and interesting but then the rest of the anime just onto something else. It wasn't bad but it wasn't great either.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Jul 28, 2020 8:39 AM

Feb 2020
Finally finished watching this.

With that highlight a 8/10 must be so good for this kind of show.

Looking forward to seen any shit like this again. I may explored the recommendation tab too. I hope it had something that i needed. Okay. Thats it for now.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

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Aug 5, 2020 11:17 PM

May 2012
meh, the ending was kinda cute, had some neat ideas, questionable execution though
Sep 1, 2020 3:25 AM

Oct 2017
Pretty adorable shoujo ai romance movie. Thou it was too short and rushed so I couldn't appreciate it as much I wanted to. The ending especially was really rushed. Started off well but the fast pacing was the main issues for this movie.

I liked both Moritani and Murakami, both of them were cute. Their relationship was pretty heavy thou and if the story was fleshed out a bit more than it would have been a lot better tbh. Murakami's character would have been a lot more solid too that way.

The kiss scenes / ecchi scenes were pretty hot. I really liked the artsyle and character design. Undressing during the class XD, woman of culture.

Anyway overall pretty decent movie, can't really dislike a romance story with happy end so quite satisfied with this.

PS. The ending song was beautiful.
Dec 30, 2020 3:06 AM
Dec 2020
@-Aincrad- I didn't read the manga version but I did watch the anime and this Yuri is kinda like citrus or bloom into you.but I just need I better understanding about the second main character murakami. Did she really give the people what they desire like lust? Or is it just rumor that student are saying. Overall the ending is like citrus and bloom into you. Were the lover helped the innocent popular beautiful school girl.
Djmiku890Dec 30, 2020 1:20 PM
Dec 31, 2020 10:51 AM
Apr 2020
the ending is pretty good but not satisfying.
Apr 7, 2021 10:14 AM
Jan 2020
I fear this is going to be like Silent Voice all over again. They certainly didn't waste any time having Moritani and Murakami meet.

Well, it wasn't as scattered as I was afraid. I still think it needed more than an hour. Even if it was only like another 15 minutes. There are parts that definitely would've benefited from being fleshed out a little bit. That being said, it wasn't bad.
"...Is your mother worried? Would you like us to assign someone to worry your mother?"
Apr 11, 2021 11:04 PM

Sep 2012
Poor dwag who expected to watch Fragtime at cinema without realising Tear Studio disbanded tragically - present. Hopefully all of the involved animators have already received their deserved payments and lift off their shoulders the consequences of incompetent executives
Jun 17, 2021 7:50 AM
Dec 2020
I am interested with the manga, unfortunately I'm not a person who enjoys reading. I dont also understand when I'm just reading (disregarding subs tho).
But I appreciate the anime, I dont like Yuri but I like the emotion it conveys, the lesson and the romance. For me without knowing how great the manga is(based from this thread), I like this. I guess that's one of the advantage of us anime watchers.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Nov 19, 2021 6:45 AM

Dec 2020
…this was so bad.

nothing was explained, nothing was interesting, the characters were bland, the art was below average, the character design was bland, the ost was forgettable, the plot made no sense. i could keep going.

i feel like a lot of girls love media never really had a good story, it’s just made to sell. disappointed with this. 2/5
Feb 5, 2022 6:06 AM

Aug 2020
It's just too relatable for me. I'll check the source material seems really good.

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Jan 2, 2023 2:21 PM

Aug 2019
came for yuri but what i got instead was a confusing mess.
the characters were not unique but literally just the character types of "girl who is bad at talking" and "girl who is popular and is going through an existencial crisis".  there was absolutely no explanation where the time stop power came from, why it started weakening and why it disappeared the whole concept seems to be just there to get the two main characters to meet and still its what the movie is named off of.  and for somereason murasaki the girl without the time stop power is explaining how the time stop power works to moritani the girl who has the time stop power and she is just like "ah yeah of course, that makes sense".  also while not my biggest problem in the movie the art was quite "bad" at times.

edit: and the yuri it self was bad too and was basically just murasaki teasing moritani like "Hehee you like me >:3" and even that stopped quickly and then it just became murasaki stripping whenever possible.  it was so bad i had forgotten this was supposed to be a yuri movie
HiljainenSipuliJan 2, 2023 2:26 PM
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Jan 8, 2023 11:13 AM
otp haver 🤪

Jul 2017
Really bored me to tears honestly. I tried staying focused because sometimes my bias is a bit harsh if the first 10 minutes really make me roll my eyes and I’ll admit there were a few moments that I was like “okay that cute” or “I like this development” but it did feel like a scattered mess and felt like we skipped entire chapters (which is possibly true).

I checked the first chapter of the manga because everyone stated how egregiously different, they were and I have to admit the manga has a totally different tone and feel then the movie which really baffles me. They should’ve kept to the more adorable art style of the mangaka especially since the character designs really make the whole vibe feel more innocent especially with the whole panty fiasco which def turned my brain off originally.

Could’ve been better, I don’t think it would’ve been a masterpiece but it’s shameful when good yuri adaptations are wasted like this.

Jul 19, 2023 9:33 AM

Oct 2016
Very sped up compared to the source material, the way it is it barely shows them sharing time or their background stories, the ending doesn't feel organic with what was shown previously.
Apr 20, 2024 4:08 AM

May 2020
What kind of movie is this, lack on conflict on interest if they put a drama on it. The plot story is going no where it doesn't make a sense. I don't mind with Yuri stuff and else but this just seems really flat show.

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