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Carole & Tuesday
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Sep 11, 2018 11:11 AM
Apr 2016
Anyone else really hoping this turns out to be something not typical at all within these genres?
I know the music will be great... Cause that's just how Watanabe rolls.
But as im almost a purely hard genre anime watcher (scifi,fantasy,historical,action,thriller; i know there's lots of you out there to..), as anime is escapism for me.. this truly - unfortunately, isnt getting me anywhere near as pumped as the lead up to his previous releases.. And im bloody old enough to have watched bebob when it was released -- have been following anything else he's made since then. I hope he's still got plenty more genre works to produce.
Anyone else share similar sentiments?
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Sep 15, 2018 3:26 PM
May 2016
I can totally understand from where you are coming from. Watanabe as a director is primarily known for his high adrenaline fun action style that he incorporated into his most famous works and it's very logical to hope for another series in the same vein.
But personally as a viewer who loves a wide range of genres this upcoming project is a dream come true.
A quick look at my profile will tell you how much I love Watanabe (favorite creator in the industry) and to see him make a drama series that centers around music is definitely in his wheelhouse (as we saw in Kids on the Slope) and something i'm very looking foreword.

A lot of times good creators will want to develop more in their craft so its just unfortunate that you don't enjoy other genres as much.
Sep 17, 2018 4:01 AM
Apr 2016
There are a very small handful - GTO being at the top. Kids on the slope up there aswel. That encompass slice of life animes that i really enjoyed.
I got my fingers crosses this slides right next to GTO for me. If anyone can. Its going to be Watanabe.
I guess i just enjoyed space dandy and terror in res so much as continuations to his masterpieces being bebop and champloo. That i'm feeling a little greedy for my A+ quality genre fix. I'll have to put that aside for hopefully no longer than 5 years.. By then perhaps he will have found that genre drive again and give us something in the realm of.. hmm i dunno, top of my head -- alternative history where humanity is a space faring civilization in the 1800's. Or something time travel related would be great. Or a scifi set really far far far in the future that deals with entropy of the universe. or just a flat out historical like champloo again but set in, Rome perhaps?, since he has such a good grasp of western attitudes.
Sep 17, 2018 4:05 AM
Apr 2016
AnimeMIL said:

A lot of times good creators will want to develop more in their craft so its just unfortunate that you don't enjoy other genres as much.

Have any suggestions that may expand my horizons that would appeal to adult viewer ?
Sep 18, 2018 5:32 AM
May 2016
I would recommend you watch Rainbow, truly one of the best anime ever, for me at least.
3-gatsu no lion in also amazing drama and definitely the best thing to come out in the last 2 years.
other stuff that you should check is Gankutsuou, Katanagatari, Welcome to the NHK, Ping Pong and definitely watch Sword of the Stranger (movie).
I hope you will enjoy Rainbow and Sangatsu and maybe the other ones s well.

Dec 8, 2018 3:04 AM
Jan 2015
Dude, watch kids on the slope, the other big music show Watanabe did. One of my favorites and he really shows his range as a director.
Dec 12, 2018 12:08 PM

Jan 2017
Am I the only one hoping for wholesome lesbian romance?
Dec 13, 2018 9:52 PM
Apr 2016
Gilfi_Eston said:
Am I the only one hoping for wholesome lesbian romance?

Aren't those type of anime being pumped out enough these days. Wholesome, slice of life, romance.. *yawn*
I havent found a newly released series in so long that's made for people like myself. Probably parasyte
Dec 23, 2018 8:49 PM

Jul 2015
Gilfi_Eston said:
Am I the only one hoping for wholesome lesbian romance?

I am also looking for wholesome lesbian romance! Though sci-fi and drama tags, unique setting, and excellent studio and director make me hopeful that this will be even more amazing than I could hope for!
Jan 14, 2019 12:12 PM

Mar 2012
Gilfi_Eston said:
Am I the only one hoping for wholesome lesbian romance?

Why a lesbian romance everytime if we have an anime with two MC girls ?
They could be just great friend, and make an anime about friendship no ?
(And not friendship from shonen but something well- writing.)
Jan 23, 2019 5:46 AM

Jul 2010
HaarWyvern said:
Gilfi_Eston said:
Am I the only one hoping for wholesome lesbian romance?

Why a lesbian romance everytime if we have an anime with two MC girls ?
They could be just great friend, and make an anime about friendship no ?
(And not friendship from shonen but something well- writing.)

Why? Because it would be nice to see more queer relationships in general and not another straight one amongst the million that already exist. And I'm not talking about yaoi or yuri anime that fetishizes us I'm talking about well-written, fully fleshed out queer romances that mean something.

Let me ask you something, why do writers have to always put the main boy and girl together no matter how shit the romance is written? Why is it that it's rare to see a boy and girl just be friends in anime?
Jan 23, 2019 6:08 AM

Jul 2010
I for one kinda understand how you feel OP. I also fell in love with his writing and directing through Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo so it's kind of what's expected and what we crave because damn this motherfucker can write an action/adventure but I do think it shows how talented this dude is that he can hop back and forth from genres like that.

I personally watched Kids On the Slope and couldn't finish it because I got distracted from other things lol but it wasn't because it was bad at all. The writing was pretty fucking good, the characters were deep and interesting and the fucking art and animation was gorgeous.

It just couldn't keep my interest quite as much because I have a really hard time getting into slice of life anime. I mourn that loss tho, that show honestly was a quality show. You should watch it to see if you like it even if that's not your thing Watanabe's writing might just make it more interesting. Maybe in turn it will make you more excited about this one idk :(

Anyways, I know that there's a possibility I won't like this show but I'm still pump for it (extra pump after learning that Watanabe wrote it) and I really hope the two MCs get together cause well written romance would probably keep me interested regardless lol
Jan 27, 2019 2:41 AM

Apr 2012
fmadiva said:
HaarWyvern said:

Why a lesbian romance everytime if we have an anime with two MC girls ?
They could be just great friend, and make an anime about friendship no ?
(And not friendship from shonen but something well- writing.)

Why? Because it would be nice to see more queer relationships in general and not another straight one amongst the million that already exist. And I'm not talking about yaoi or yuri anime that fetishizes us I'm talking about well-written, fully fleshed out queer romances that mean something.

Let me ask you something, why do writers have to always put the main boy and girl together no matter how shit the romance is written? Why is it that it's rare to see a boy and girl just be friends in anime?

It is not enough for you that qeer fans already see qeer romance in any shown relationship between friends of the same sex? Lol, as hypocritical. Because of this, it’s almost impossible to watch any friendship anime, because you will start ship them and get angry if someone doesn’t see the gay couple in the characters.

@HaarWyvern What is wrong with shonen friendship? This genre is the main supplier of male friendship in the anime.
Jan 27, 2019 4:48 AM
Sep 2018
fmadiva said:
HaarWyvern said:

Why a lesbian romance everytime if we have an anime with two MC girls ?
They could be just great friend, and make an anime about friendship no ?
(And not friendship from shonen but something well- writing.)

Why? Because it would be nice to see more queer relationships in general and not another straight one amongst the million that already exist. And I'm not talking about yaoi or yuri anime that fetishizes us I'm talking about well-written, fully fleshed out queer romances that mean something.

Let me ask you something, why do writers have to always put the main boy and girl together no matter how shit the romance is written? Why is it that it's rare to see a boy and girl just be friends in anime?
You might want to check out Yagate Kimi ni Naru.
Feb 2, 2019 12:48 AM

Oct 2017
Honestly we're having so much shoujo ai, yuri shit pumped out seasonally. Mangas too. We do not need 'more queer relationships' we need both equally. Fuck sake.
Feb 13, 2019 10:07 AM
Jan 2015
I'm honestly hoping this will be a shojo ai series. It has alot of potential and we need more queer romance.
Feb 13, 2019 10:08 AM
Jan 2015

Why? Because it would be nice to see more queer relationships in general and not another straight one amongst the million that already exist. And I'm not talking about yaoi or yuri anime that fetishizes us I'm talking about well-written, fully fleshed out queer romances that mean something.

Let me ask you something, why do writers have to always put the main boy and girl together no matter how shit the romance is written? Why is it that it's rare to see a boy and girl just be friends in anime? [/quote]

yuri and yaoi isnt even fetishsized for the most part. It's simply showing gay people have sex.
Feb 15, 2019 3:14 AM
Apr 2016

What the fk has this thread devolved into....

I have no issue with gays.. But I dont care for having a thread not about them, co-opted by useless a drivel of a debate about gay relationships in anime. There is plenty of it out there. Just not as much as straight couples... Because the majority of people on the planet are not gay. The market is much bigger for non gay romance..... Econ 101.....
What planet do you live on where there are no boy - girl friendships in anime.... It's not rare at all.

How do I delete this thread....
Feb 21, 2019 11:45 PM
May 2015
Watanabe's done drama romance before with Kids on the Slope and Macross Zero.

But is trademark is wonderful music, which this show will deliver beautifully.

Feb 22, 2019 11:49 AM
Sep 2016
anyone know how many eps this anime will have? 12 or 24?
Feb 22, 2019 12:04 PM
Sep 2018
jsaturn said:
anyone know how many eps this anime will have? 12 or 24?
24 probably
Feb 22, 2019 12:59 PM

Mar 2015
Well, people, who's wanting to see some yuri, will see it, and it doesn't matter if authors hinted on it or don't. I'll just hoping to see some good music drama with friendship. But i don't want to authors to poking viewers into lesbian romance, like in "Life is Strange".
Feb 23, 2019 5:09 AM

May 2016
What worries me more than those genres (since despite me not being the biggest romance/drama fan I know Watanabe can do them well) is that it appears his wife(or maybe it's just an odd coincidence in name and hiring??) Aya Watanabe is doing the script and she has apparently no experience in the anime industry, only as a screenwriter for a few normal television dramas. If anyone has heard of either "Machi no Kodomo" or "Carnation" could you tell me your opinion on them??
ZaugrFeb 23, 2019 5:43 AM
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Mar 19, 2019 7:29 PM

Nov 2017
HaarWyvern said:
Gilfi_Eston said:
Am I the only one hoping for wholesome lesbian romance?

Why a lesbian romance everytime if we have an anime with two MC girls ?
They could be just great friend, and make an anime about friendship no ?
(And not friendship from shonen but something well- writing.)

Bc Otaku are Horny. Nuff said!
Mar 19, 2019 7:33 PM

Mar 2012
TheSupremeXtream said:
HaarWyvern said:

Why a lesbian romance everytime if we have an anime with two MC girls ?
They could be just great friend, and make an anime about friendship no ?
(And not friendship from shonen but something well- writing.)

Bc Otaku are Horny. Nuff said!

Haha, probably. :')

Well-written no ? I'm not really good in english, so correct me if I'm wrong.
Mar 20, 2019 1:44 AM

Jun 2013
RobertBobert said:
fmadiva said:

Why? Because it would be nice to see more queer relationships in general and not another straight one amongst the million that already exist. And I'm not talking about yaoi or yuri anime that fetishizes us I'm talking about well-written, fully fleshed out queer romances that mean something.

Let me ask you something, why do writers have to always put the main boy and girl together no matter how shit the romance is written? Why is it that it's rare to see a boy and girl just be friends in anime?

It is not enough for you that qeer fans already see qeer romance in any shown relationship between friends of the same sex? Lol, as hypocritical. Because of this, it’s almost impossible to watch any friendship anime, because you will start ship them and get angry if someone doesn’t see the gay couple in the characters.

@HaarWyvern What is wrong with shonen friendship? This genre is the main supplier of male friendship in the anime.


Someone's random fanfic isn't canon. They can get mad all they want. You don't have to agree with their ship, but as echoed by HaarWyvern, there aren't many amazing wholesome queer relationships displayed in Anime.
Mar 20, 2019 4:24 AM

Apr 2012
Kurosakimaru said:
RobertBobert said:

It is not enough for you that qeer fans already see qeer romance in any shown relationship between friends of the same sex? Lol, as hypocritical. Because of this, it’s almost impossible to watch any friendship anime, because you will start ship them and get angry if someone doesn’t see the gay couple in the characters.

@HaarWyvern What is wrong with shonen friendship? This genre is the main supplier of male friendship in the anime.


Someone's random fanfic isn't canon. They can get mad all they want. You don't have to agree with their ship, but as echoed by HaarWyvern, there aren't many amazing wholesome queer relationships displayed in Anime.

This is really not a canon, but this does not prevent people from being obsessed by their ships and attacking everyone who doubts it. It is so absurd that nowadays people try to declare characters a homosexual couple, even if they just appeared on the same poster. I understand that a small amount of qeer romance is one of the reasons for this, but this is not a reason to start a war for the recognition of each couple of friends as romantically involved in each new anime.

Mar 20, 2019 4:55 PM

Nov 2017
I find that whole thing retarded too. Like seriously, you're a fucking idiot if you want yuri for the "queer representation". Just say that it's because you're horny, god damn it! Yer not fooling anyone. Nuff said!
Mar 20, 2019 6:07 PM

Aug 2015
TheSupremeXtream said:
I find that whole thing retarded too. Like seriously, you're a fucking idiot if you want yuri for the "queer representation". Just say that it's because you're horny, god damn it! Yer not fooling anyone. Nuff said!

Sit down because this might come as a shock to you, but believe it or not, there are actually people that watch yuri not because they're "horny" or want "queer representation", but because they genuinely like seeing two girls loving each other, nothing more and nothing less.
Yuri ≠ lesbian porn
Mar 21, 2019 10:53 PM

Jun 2013
RobertBobert said:
Kurosakimaru said:


Someone's random fanfic isn't canon. They can get mad all they want. You don't have to agree with their ship, but as echoed by HaarWyvern, there aren't many amazing wholesome queer relationships displayed in Anime.

This is really not a canon, but this does not prevent people from being obsessed by their ships and attacking everyone who doubts it. It is so absurd that nowadays people try to declare characters a homosexual couple, even if they just appeared on the same poster. I understand that a small amount of qeer romance is one of the reasons for this, but this is not a reason to start a war for the recognition of each couple of friends as romantically involved in each new anime.

Sure that' a problem, but not the case here. The series has a "Romance" tag while the main characters are both females. A series doesn't just get tagged as romance if the main relationship doesn't have some romantic connations to it.
Mar 22, 2019 4:42 AM

Apr 2012
Groen90 said:
TheSupremeXtream said:
I find that whole thing retarded too. Like seriously, you're a fucking idiot if you want yuri for the "queer representation". Just say that it's because you're horny, god damn it! Yer not fooling anyone. Nuff said!

Sit down because this might come as a shock to you, but believe it or not, there are actually people that watch yuri not because they're "horny" or want "queer representation", but because they genuinely like seeing two girls loving each other, nothing more and nothing less.
Yuri ≠ lesbian porn

Therefore, they create hentai douji and hate male characters, giving the same arguments as lesbian porn fans.

Kurosakimaru said:
RobertBobert said:

This is really not a canon, but this does not prevent people from being obsessed by their ships and attacking everyone who doubts it. It is so absurd that nowadays people try to declare characters a homosexual couple, even if they just appeared on the same poster. I understand that a small amount of qeer romance is one of the reasons for this, but this is not a reason to start a war for the recognition of each couple of friends as romantically involved in each new anime.

Sure that' a problem, but not the case here. The series has a "Romance" tag while the main characters are both females. A series doesn't just get tagged as romance if the main relationship doesn't have some romantic connations to it.

Nana and Sailor Moon also have a romance tag, but their MCs are not involved in romance with their friends. As someone already said, in this case it would be more reasonable to expect the shoujo ai or yuri tag.
Mar 22, 2019 1:03 PM

Aug 2015
RobertBobert said:
Groen90 said:

Sit down because this might come as a shock to you, but believe it or not, there are actually people that watch yuri not because they're "horny" or want "queer representation", but because they genuinely like seeing two girls loving each other, nothing more and nothing less.
Yuri ≠ lesbian porn

Therefore, they create hentai douji and hate male characters, giving the same arguments as lesbian porn fans.

What does hentai have to do with anything? I thought we were talking about romance here, lol
Mar 22, 2019 3:24 PM

Apr 2012
Groen90 said:
RobertBobert said:

Therefore, they create hentai douji and hate male characters, giving the same arguments as lesbian porn fans.

What does hentai have to do with anything? I thought we were talking about romance here, lol

I want to say that only a hypocrite can deny the sexual interest in the love of heterosexual men to yuri. In visual novenl's fandom there is even a similar meme "I read this for the the plot", which parodies fans of particularly vulgar and fetishized stories. Of course, there are a lot of guys who read yuri not for the sake of hot lesbians, but it's foolish to completely deny it.
Mar 22, 2019 4:15 PM

Nov 2017
RobertBobert said:
Groen90 said:

Sit down because this might come as a shock to you, but believe it or not, there are actually people that watch yuri not because they're "horny" or want "queer representation", but because they genuinely like seeing two girls loving each other, nothing more and nothing less.
Yuri ≠ lesbian porn

Therefore, they create hentai douji and hate male characters, giving the same arguments as lesbian porn fans.

Kurosakimaru said:

Sure that' a problem, but not the case here. The series has a "Romance" tag while the main characters are both females. A series doesn't just get tagged as romance if the main relationship doesn't have some romantic connations to it.

Nana and Sailor Moon also have a romance tag, but their MCs are not involved in romance with their friends. As someone already said, in this case it would be more reasonable to expect the shoujo ai or yuri tag.

Sailor Moon actually did have its Yuri Moments, with Sailor Neptune and Uranus (unless you watched Dix's Dub in which you saw them as "Cousins" smh 😒)
Mar 22, 2019 4:17 PM

Nov 2017
Also, just to mention, the reason people theorise Yuri based on just the romance tag alone is bc of how certain Anime like Yuri on Ice had only a Romance Tag despite being a straight up Yaoi series. So most people have become suspicious of that tag since
Mar 22, 2019 4:21 PM

Apr 2012
TheSupremeXtream said:
RobertBobert said:

Therefore, they create hentai douji and hate male characters, giving the same arguments as lesbian porn fans.

Nana and Sailor Moon also have a romance tag, but their MCs are not involved in romance with their friends. As someone already said, in this case it would be more reasonable to expect the shoujo ai or yuri tag.

Sailor Moon actually did have its Yuri Moments, with Sailor Neptune and Uranus (unless you watched Dix's Dub in which you saw them as "Cousins" smh 😒)

I watched Sailor Moon in the Russian dub, we had something like a couple of girl x trans boy, lol. Our version was the result of a translation from German, although at that time very few people worried that we were watching a Japanese show with German opening.
Mar 22, 2019 4:23 PM

Apr 2012
TheSupremeXtream said:
Also, just to mention, the reason people theorise Yuri based on just the romance tag alone is bc of how certain Anime like Yuri on Ice had only a Romance Tag despite being a straight up Yaoi series. So most people have become suspicious of that tag since

I understand everything and to be honest, I don't care what kind of romance there will be in this show. I just want to say that the logic “this show will be yuri, because this is a show about girls", is pretty dumb.
Mar 23, 2019 12:23 AM

Aug 2018
it would be great to see a nice wlw romance. because no, we don't get enough representation anywhere, and even less of it is well written instead of being overly sexualized and fetishized garbage. regardless though, this still looks really good and i'm looking forward to watching it!
Mar 31, 2019 8:14 PM

Mar 2017
People here clearly never watched kids on the slope. An anime doesn't need action to be amazing.
Apr 2, 2019 7:14 AM

Feb 2015
Romance drama is a weird combo that always pushes me away when picking up new anime and the the pv looked a bit wanky visually but might watch it for the music since this season's pretty bad anyway.
I'm watching anime since 2012. I also play games, sometimes.

Don't bother me if you want to 'become friends' or things like that.
It's tiresome. I know you just want to collect some meaningless numbers.
Thought: How many people sparked H. Charlotta just for blue pot?
Apr 4, 2019 2:53 AM

Jan 2016
Watanbe is filling out the role of 'chief director' which has always been vague to me. Tetsuro Araki became chief director of Attack on Titan season 2 onwards and I feel a noticeable change in styles.

The Eva rebuild films are another good example where Kazuya Tsurumaki is amazing at hype fight scenes where Hideaki Anno is good at subdued psychology, so the end result was this bizarre Frankenstein mish mash of styles. And when Mahiro Maeda joined the gang in the third film, shit really hit the fan.
"The law doesn't protect people, people protect the law."

- Akane Tsunemori

Apr 4, 2019 5:22 AM

Jan 2015
Rongmario said:
Honestly we're having so much shoujo ai, yuri shit pumped out seasonally. Mangas too. We do not need 'more queer relationships' we need both equally. Fuck sake.

yeah because we have plenty of well made lesbian romance

anyway as a LESBIAN i'm very worried about the bait in this, would be nice to have a good rep for ONCE :)
Apr 5, 2019 7:38 AM
Jul 2017
Brandon2149 said:
People here clearly never watched kids on the slope. An anime doesn't need action to be amazing.

Cannot agree with this enough.
Apr 6, 2019 12:16 AM

Apr 2017
People in this thread act like we don't literally get a harem and straight romance anime every season. Nothing wrong with having a queer romance series every season as well. Don't act like you're about acceptance if you want to put a "well, actually..."
Apr 6, 2019 2:44 AM

Feb 2015
Razuu said:
People in this thread act like we don't literally get a harem and straight romance anime every season. Nothing wrong with having a queer romance series every season as well. Don't act like you're about acceptance if you want to put a "well, actually..."

Not sure why you put harem and romance together but how about we get less romance altogether? It often ends up not developed enough to be enjoyable anyway. Might as well spend more screen time on showing the actually important bits, like fleshing out characters more so they won't end up without defined personality by the end of the anime; presenting their world with more details since the state it's in seems to be important; actually letting us listen to some good music without pulling out Shitgatsu wa Kimi no Uso which wasted a lot of screen time on unimportant stuff, like flashbacks of things that happened in last episodes, with the music scenes it finally decided to give us every few episodes being pitiable.
HakaminahApr 6, 2019 2:55 AM
I'm watching anime since 2012. I also play games, sometimes.

Don't bother me if you want to 'become friends' or things like that.
It's tiresome. I know you just want to collect some meaningless numbers.
Thought: How many people sparked H. Charlotta just for blue pot?
Apr 6, 2019 10:06 AM

Apr 2017
Hakaminah said:

Not sure why you put harem and romance together but how about we get less romance altogether? It often ends up not developed enough to be enjoyable anyway. Might as well spend more screen time on showing the actually important bits, like fleshing out characters more so they won't end up without defined personality by the end of the anime; presenting their world with more details since the state it's in seems to be important; actually letting us listen to some good music without pulling out Shitgatsu wa Kimi no Uso which wasted a lot of screen time on unimportant stuff, like flashbacks of things that happened in last episodes, with the music scenes it finally decided to give us every few episodes being pitiable.

I put Harem and romance together because typically those have straight relationship in them and they come out every season. And if the anime actually develops the romance well, the characters will develop as well.

I'm talking about the anime that are specifically romance/drama. Romance may not play as big of a part in this anime as we may think. With 24 episodes if the romance plays a factor, they could easily develop it enough to be satisfying. Just depends on the story itself
Apr 6, 2019 2:06 PM

Sep 2011
I sincerely don't know how the fuck people just assume this is some yuri show just cause there are 2 girls as the lead, there wasnt any hint that this was even a romance show even the tag on mal was just put up based on absolutely nothing like over a year ago when all we knew about the show was who was making it and a picture of the 2 leads, there wasn't even a plot synopsis until months afterward, the tag was all a baseless assumption.

like even after the pv, what hint of romance was there even, 2 girls fist bumping eachother and posing for a selfy?
JizzyHitlerApr 6, 2019 2:09 PM

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Apr 7, 2019 12:25 PM

Jan 2013
He's good at doing drama and romance, though.
Apr 17, 2019 10:46 PM

Mar 2009
Shows like this are his strength, though. All we need is another Terror in Resonance from Watanabe...
Apr 19, 2019 4:09 AM
Sep 2016
1evis-asshole said:
HaarWyvern said:

Why a lesbian romance everytime if we have an anime with two MC girls ?
They could be just great friend, and make an anime about friendship no ?
(And not friendship from shonen but something well- writing.)

Why? Because it would be nice to see more queer relationships in general and not another straight one amongst the million that already exist. And I'm not talking about yaoi or yuri anime that fetishizes us I'm talking about well-written, fully fleshed out queer romances that mean something.

Let me ask you something, why do writers have to always put the main boy and girl together no matter how shit the romance is written? Why is it that it's rare to see a boy and girl just be friends in anime?

It's actually pretty rare nowadays to just have 2 girls be friends without yuri baiting the audience. I'd prefer that for a change. People can be friends hello.
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