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Apr 20, 2018 8:53 AM

Nov 2011
The first half of this episode didn't impress me much with characters talking about the recent events but seeing Akira again gave me a chilling feeling.

She hasn't changed much and still has that unstable personality. I was not expecting Yuzuki to face Akira this early in the series already. Crazy girl as always. The battle itself felt intense but when you have Akira involved, it gets much more dangerous.
Apr 20, 2018 10:51 AM

Dec 2014

Apr 20, 2018 11:08 AM
Jul 2016

Welcome back Aki-Lucky, you've been sorely missed. You single-handedly made this episode good, or at least papered over the cracks that keep appearing with every passing episode.

Most pointless pre-opening scene ever.

Gotta love how grandma and brother don't question why some random girl is living together with them.

Oh look, Hanna, Yuzuki and Hitoe are hiding the truth from their friends. The Amika bashing circlejerk is coming along nicely.

If you lose your LRIG when you lose a battle, why the fuck are Coins still a thing? (at least now i can still hope for an Akira-Remember combo)

I hope there's more to the Key Cards because right now they are some grade A bullshit. Literally more than half the cast can't use them.

Is the Midoriko we saw a LRIG created from Hitoe's memories? If so, what role will the real Midoriko and all the other girls that we only saw as LRIGs play in this season? (if they play any role whatsoever, that is)

Well, all in all, it was a good episode, but only because of Aki-Lucky, or should i say Aki-Lovely because she was more into that persona in this episode, and dear god she was glorious!
Apr 20, 2018 12:42 PM

Feb 2015
LMAO that bitch is back. nostalgic HAHAHAHA.
yknow what, actually that bitch was one of the main thing which made the first wixoss looks good. she, iona and the grey hair actually.
btw where is iona tho. would be freaking cool if she suddely appeared in the middle of the series and kick people ass like a boss.
Apr 20, 2018 12:45 PM

Jun 2014
lol. I couldn't stop the fangirl squealing towards the end.
It's about damn time we got a BATORU! Who would've expected this battle combo? Akira totally kicked butt, forcing Kiyoi to pull the keycard.

I have a feeling things would've gotten really ugly if she'd lost after using that though. Maybe the punishment would be staying as an LRIG while your body is taken over. Also, if you lose you LRIG after one battle, the heck are you supposed to replenish? What's the point of having 3 coins to start with? Mm.

I'm conflicted about this season. On one hand I'm rooting for Kiyoi's success, but on the other I'd like Wixoss to have another season thank you very much. Can't wait to see how this plays out.
Apr 20, 2018 12:46 PM

Dec 2014
Decent episode, I'm kinda surprised a lot of people like Aki-lucky. xD

Glad to see Yuzuki again, looks like both Ruko and Suzuko weren't selected as Selectors. Interesting.

New battle mechanics with Keycards and Unlocking?
So you lose your LRIG when you lose, that's a pretty big deal.

I kinda feel bad for Aki-lucky. She gets wrecked all the time. xD
Apr 20, 2018 1:01 PM
Jul 2016
Lelouch0202 said:
Glad to see Yuzuki again, looks like both Ruko and Suzuko weren't selected as Selectors. Interesting.

There was a short scene after the ending song where Suzuko got her LRIG, maybe you missed that?
Apr 20, 2018 1:10 PM

Feb 2013
I love to see Aki-lucky lose, great episode just because of that.
Apr 20, 2018 1:31 PM

Mar 2012
looks like Edgy Lucky is back lol
Apr 20, 2018 1:45 PM

Feb 2014
Aaaaaaand the bitch herself is back and she certainly got off to a bitchy start alright! XD

Akira didn't waste time in getting stuck into the Wixoss battles once more and she was doing pretty well at first, but thanks to a new mechanic that Piruluk used, Akira tasted that familiar feeling of defeat again. It was satisfying to be perfectly honest! =P

And although Yuzuki and Hitoe want to keep Ruko out of the new selector battles, it's obvious that she'll be involved soon enough, as Homura finds out at the end of the episode.

All in all, the drama wheel is turning at speed now and I'm looking forward to seeing how this story goes once more. =)
Apr 20, 2018 2:30 PM

Aug 2016
Great episode, love it when Aki loses! I do wonder, what does happen when you rip your card?
Nanika ga Okashii
Apr 20, 2018 6:15 PM

Jan 2011
i just love Aki-lucky's rage she really is more pissed off than last time rightfully so and she lost her LRIG hmm no idea what this means right now
Apr 20, 2018 6:58 PM

Oct 2012
Sweet Aki back the best girl
Apr 20, 2018 7:33 PM

Dec 2014
Mouloxas said:
Lelouch0202 said:
Glad to see Yuzuki again, looks like both Ruko and Suzuko weren't selected as Selectors. Interesting.

There was a short scene after the ending song where Suzuko got her LRIG, maybe you missed that?

Oh yeah, my bad. I did watch it but I somehow forgot about it while writing. xD
Apr 20, 2018 7:58 PM
Mar 2018
Kiyoi returning to be the original PIRULUK is just beautifull <3 <3 she is sooo cute

But also i can't deny that this 2 Piruluks are awesome <3

Apr 20, 2018 8:33 PM
Jun 2015
lol coin bet and unlock card are the pay to win of the Wixoss world. Piruluk is too overpowered to win just a few turns.
Apr 20, 2018 10:47 PM
Mar 2017
15poundfish said:
lol coin bet and unlock card are the pay to win of the Wixoss world. Piruluk is too overpowered to win just a few turns.
I dont know how but, LOL! Piruluk Catharsis LRIG skill is suppose to be a defensive skill that wont let you be damage by the opponents LRIG in the real game. I wonder why did they made it look like a offensive one? XD
Apr 20, 2018 10:51 PM
Mar 2017
Am I the only one who cares about Nanashi? She's probably the sketchiest LRIG in the show for me. OSHIOKI TIME DESU~~~!!! XD
Apr 20, 2018 10:56 PM

Mar 2008
Aki Lucky is so hilarious. <3
Apr 21, 2018 1:55 AM
Aug 2012
How is midoriko a lrig again?She was human at the end of spread.
Apr 21, 2018 5:25 AM

Jan 2013
Aki Lucky never change, huh?
Apr 21, 2018 8:43 AM
Jul 2016
tehzuh said:
How is midoriko a lrig again? She was human at the end of spread.

This Midoriko is created from Hitoe's memories (most probably)
Apr 21, 2018 8:58 AM

Dec 2015
Hmm...interesting to see Kiyoi can become LRIG in this battle. I hope Ruko, Suzuko, Chinatsu, Akira, and other Selectors can become LRIG too.
Apr 21, 2018 10:45 AM
Mar 2016
Oh the bitch Akira has just appeared with anew LIRG Aki-Lucky but turns out not to be lucky for Akira as she get's her butt kicked again, by her fromer LRIG Kiyoi,

So that card with a key hole allows Kiyoi to become Piruluk, so there fore Akira just faced off with 2 Piruluks.

Oh shit just as I thought that Suzo is out of the Wixoss business , we see Lil again. I guess they don't call this Lostorage Conflated Wixoss for nothing.
WhoahohoApr 21, 2018 10:50 AM
Apr 21, 2018 2:26 PM

Jun 2017
Yeah if the key card steals LRIGs upon victory there is no point to the coins unless the key cards aren't used at all lol. You could say it's a high risk high reward thing tho (assuming you lose your LRIG if you got defeated despite using the key card).

Oh well, at least scar face got shrekt again.
Apr 21, 2018 4:38 PM

Oct 2013
Otherworldly Spirits: "We didn't summon al selectors at once due to server overload, please be patient, this matter should be covered in a few episodes"

Suzuko gets a LRGI, Hitoe gets a LRIG, EVERYBODY GETS A LRIG!!.


Excellent Episode, Aki-Lucky was missed for real, now that she lost Mirurun V2, it pretty much confirms the Opening's foreshadowing of Akira using Remember.

Damn, ultimate evil bitch combo.

also, seeing all the seccondaries interacting with each other, the city surely is small.

Cannot wait until they reveal if Tama can alternate between LRIG and Normal Girl form.

And...the latest mechanic in Children Card Games: SUMMONING YOURSELF TO THE BATTLEFIELD!
Apr 21, 2018 6:12 PM
Apr 2018
After watching selector WIXOSS from beginning to end, and reading associated manga, the character arcs and thematic depth featured in the story were great. The ending of spread WIXOSS made me satisfied to stop watching there.

But when lostorage conflated WIXOSS came out, seeing the characters I followed throughout the anime make their reappearance got me interested, and the first two episodes that summarized the incited WIXOSS season were good enough for me.

For episode 3, watching Akira and Kiyoi battle each other, as well as the demonstration of how the key cards work, leaves me filled with questions and excitement on how this show would go and become the finale of finales for the WIXOSS anime.

But DANG, this episode

Akira fans can listen to the drama CD here.
DKWorksApr 21, 2018 8:45 PM
Apr 21, 2018 6:40 PM

Mar 2009
It's funny how Tama has basically become their maid lol
Apr 21, 2018 9:42 PM

Mar 2014
Lacking LIRG (yet): Yuzuki, Ruko, Chinatsu.

I am sure Ruko and Chinatsu will take some more episodes, like half of season or even more.

Well, since one lost=defeat, the things are going to be kinda simple and fast this time. Unless Carnival keeps sending new LIRG to the losers, until they either lose all coins or gain all coins. That would explain RememberXAkira duo in the opening, but could be a false flag of mixing the battles just because lolsymbolism.

Hope we get a Suzuko Vs Ruko for the sake of crossover, but with 3 coins to everybody this time, and Tama facing Layla and Carnival in the OP and NOT ALLOWED TO LOSE (apparently, unless my Carnival theory of she is ressuplying the losers is real), it won't happen.

Cant wait to see how they will balance Suzuko, Ruko and Kiyoi roles, and likely Suzuko will be the first of the main trio to bite the dust. No way she is enduring more than OG!protag or current!protag...and she is the less charismatic of them all.
FGO NA Code: 482.072.599

(F2P thug life of savings...)

Ben-to! best nonsensical action anime. Ever.
Apr 22, 2018 1:29 AM
Apr 2018
The episode of 3 is kinda break the movie, Aki-lucky and Kiyoi together meet and seem happy in Movie's ending
Someone please explains
Apr 22, 2018 6:22 AM
Jul 2016
Zahylon said:
And... the latest mechanic in Children Card Games: SUMMONING YOURSELF TO THE BATTLEFIELD!

This Key Card's special effect can only be activated if you've been a LRIG before!

Truly some Yu-Gi-Oh level of asspulls right there!!!

DKWorks said:
But DANG, this episode

Fabris said:
Unless Carnival keeps sending new LRIGs to the losers, until they either lose all coins or gain all coins. That would explain RememberXAkira duo in the opening.

In theory, it can happen. Carnival could just steal LRIGs from fodder characters off-screen and give them away.

EDIT: Also, that way, it would actually make sense for Remember to participate in the battles despite the fact that, knowing her objective, she has no reason to fight. Then again, the anime didn't adapt the part where we learn her objective so they could just retcon it...

Madoka911 said:
The episode of 3 is kinda break the movie, Aki-lucky and Kiyoi together meet and seem happy in Movie's ending. Someone please explain

They never met in the movie, only in a drama CD which can't be considered more canon than the anime.
MouloxasApr 22, 2018 7:29 AM
Apr 22, 2018 10:13 AM

Apr 2012
So, do I understand correctly that Conflated connects both parts of the show together and is implied as the completion of the entire series? Because, judging by the character's list, it is not only the sequel to Lostorage, but and Selector too.
Apr 22, 2018 11:57 AM
Jul 2016
RobertBobert said:
So, do I understand correctly that Conflated connects both parts of the show together and is implied as the completion of the entire series? Because, judging by the character's list, it is not only the sequel to Lostorage, but and Selector too.

It does connect the 2 series but it probably won't be the end of the entire series. Wixoss will continue in some form or another, whether that be a direct sequel or a spin-off because the tcg is popular in Japan and anime adaptations make for good advertisment.
Apr 22, 2018 12:06 PM

Apr 2012
Mouloxas said:
RobertBobert said:
So, do I understand correctly that Conflated connects both parts of the show together and is implied as the completion of the entire series? Because, judging by the character's list, it is not only the sequel to Lostorage, but and Selector too.

It does connect the 2 series but it probably won't be the end of the entire series. Wixoss will continue in some form or another, whether that be a direct sequel or a spin-off because the tcg is popular in Japan and anime adaptations make for good advertisment.

Well, I'm primarily interested in twins:

Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags; please hide plot details.
DeadlyRavenMar 10, 2019 2:40 PM
Apr 22, 2018 6:12 PM

Jul 2011
Hopefully when Tama (if she join) or Ruuko uses her Key Card we could see Yuki again.

[Akira fourth (this technically wasn't her same Milulun than in spread) LRIG incoming]
Apr 23, 2018 3:08 AM

Oct 2008
Another totally greato episodo!
Hanna's so smart but if she knows too much it might be also her downfall!
Aki-Lucky so much bat shit crazy as expected!
Very Good battle between Piruluk Selector vs Aki-Lucky! That Key card new rule will change the selector into a 2nd LRIG! that's a very surprising new rule!

Apr 23, 2018 3:55 AM
Jul 2016
RobertBobert said:
Well, I'm primarily interested in twins:

He'll probably make a cameo appearance.

Mod Edit: Modified quote of edited post.
DeadlyRavenMar 10, 2019 2:41 PM
Apr 23, 2018 4:25 AM

Apr 2012
Mouloxas said:
RobertBobert said:
Well, I'm primarily interested in twins:

He'll probably make a cameo appearance.

So they are not together? Or is it left for interpretations, as at the end of the Selector?

Mod Edit: Modified quote of edited post.
DeadlyRavenMar 10, 2019 2:42 PM
Apr 23, 2018 5:37 AM
Jul 2016
RobertBobert said:
So they are not together? Or is it left for interpretations, as at the end of the Selector?

They are together. They were a couple at the end of the Selector series.
Apr 23, 2018 6:20 AM

Apr 2012
Mouloxas said:
RobertBobert said:
So they are not together? Or is it left for interpretations, as at the end of the Selector?

They are together. They were a couple at the end of the Selector series.

Wow, so Yusuuke achieved what he wanted, lol. Well, thanks for the help, then I need to finish Lostrage to go to this season.
Apr 23, 2018 7:13 AM

Nov 2013
Wait, if you lose your LRIG when you lose a single battle then why are there even coins, like the coins are meant to be a system so you can lose and win multiple matches and keep going untill you either lose them all or gain them all. If you can’t battle after a single lose then you just need to win two battles before you lose one, which isn’t as interesting or dynamic.

Although it may be a stock system, like if you steal someone else LRIG then it’s okay for you to lose your own cause you can replace it with another, this could lead to some inserting dynamics but it’s a shame they got rid of Askari so fast, she still has coins and everything so hopefully there’s still a way for her to stay in the game but right now the new rules are still pretty unclear but I’m enjoying it so far and look forwarding to seeing what they do with it next.
LOL, your opinion is wrong!
Apr 23, 2018 8:54 AM

Apr 2012
Well this is a new feeling. I'm actually REALLY enjoying this season!

Infected/Spread was 'meh', and incited, though generally better, infuriated me with its rule-breaking conclusion.

However, these new rules mix things up in such an interesting way, I got seriously hyped when Kiyoi unlocked her new Coin Skill and we discovered that losing a battle means losing your LRIG. I wonder if that means winners become capable of using multiple LRIGs in a single battle, or if it means the Selector has spares, and if they lose one, they can continue with the ones they won previously.

Oh my goodness, I'm having FUN! I love this! Now as long as the show doesn't try to wreck its own rules this time around, this could easily earn a high rating from me!
Apr 23, 2018 9:47 AM

Nov 2011
Already better than the entirety of last season, gotta admit can't recall some events from s2, but most of the better cast members are coming back which is a great plus.

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Apr 23, 2018 7:26 PM

Oct 2013
Mouloxas said:

This Key Card's special effect can only be activated if you've been a LRIG before!

Truly some Yu-Gi-Oh level of asspulls right there!!!

Kiyoi must be Yugi's little sister...because she's walking the road of not playing by the rules and just cheating the game.

I bet Ruuko's Key Card will allow her to switch Tama for Yuki and change her whole deck to a Dark deck.

>not winning, why not change your whole deck mid-game :D
Apr 26, 2018 10:09 AM

Nov 2010
Can somebody reminds me what would happen if you lose or win in season 3?

In season 1 if you win, your lrig take over your body and achieve your wish but if you lose your wish is against you and you forget everything about wixoss? right?
Apr 26, 2018 10:45 PM
Jul 2016
Sakume said:
Can somebody reminds me what would happen if you lose or win in season 3?

In season 1 if you win, your lrig take over your body and achieve your wish but if you lose your wish is against you and you forget everything about wixoss? right?

In season 3 if you win you can manipulate one of your memories (remember something you have forgotten, forget something you don't want to remember or even create false memories)

If you lose, the consequences depend on how you lost. Remember how the battles in season 3 had a time limit? Well, if that time limit passed and you didn't have all 5 coins, you would lose a part of your memories (like Chinatsu and Kiyoi)

If you lost all your coins, you would "die" and your LRIG would take over your body.

And you are correct about season 1.
Apr 30, 2018 2:32 PM

Nov 2010
Mouloxas said:
Sakume said:
Can somebody reminds me what would happen if you lose or win in season 3?

In season 1 if you win, your lrig take over your body and achieve your wish but if you lose your wish is against you and you forget everything about wixoss? right?

In season 3 if you win you can manipulate one of your memories (remember something you have forgotten, forget something you don't want to remember or even create false memories)

If you lose, the consequences depend on how you lost. Remember how the battles in season 3 had a time limit? Well, if that time limit passed and you didn't have all 5 coins, you would lose a part of your memories (like Chinatsu and Kiyoi)

If you lost all your coins, you would "die" and your LRIG would take over your body.

And you are correct about season 1.

Thank you very much!
May 2, 2018 1:46 AM

Dec 2010
God damn it I love Akira so much. A+ episode for her alone.

Allos Piruluk is such a good girl, glad Kiyoi has someone like her.
May 21, 2018 11:23 PM

Nov 2012
Key Card is somehow just a Win Card

What happens to Akira now that she doesn't have a LRIG

They need to do some serious explaining.
May 27, 2018 8:56 PM

Apr 2014
wow 3 eps in and things are already crazy this season can already tell will be the most intense out of them all

this season already enjoying things especially since all the characters from previous season are all here now

am looking forward to seeing how this season goes, so much is happening already
"one step at a time"
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