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Sep 16, 2016 9:29 AM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- Whoa, this episode was tense! I love how there was a short buildup that led to a battle in that forest. A matter of life and death.. The clash of strategies this episode was pretty interesting to see. Also, I really like Yatori's determination as usual. 2 more episodes left ;o |
Sep 16, 2016 10:16 AM
This was a nice episode especially towards the end. Things aren't going to plan it seems Ikta still has a few things to learn, though that applies to some of his allies as well. Guess the last few episode will be worth watching judging from the things that are going on. |
Sep 16, 2016 11:10 AM
The reality of a war (well, actual important characters don't die, but hey this is as close as we can get) |
Sep 16, 2016 11:19 AM
Pfft, Yatori ain't killin' Ikta. Ever. Nice try tho show. XD Oddly enough at this late point I find myself more interested in that white haired dude and his underling whose names escape me to Ikta and his crew. Hope we spend more time with those two. He almost gives off an L vibe to Ikta's Light, though Ikta's not an irredeemably awful monstrosity like Light was. XD Safida's the better Light-esque character in that regard, that prick. |
Sep 16, 2016 11:21 AM
The battle is going to be hard and tough for Ikta and the others! |
Sep 16, 2016 11:24 AM
I am now impatiently waiting for next week to happen. "Ghost Hunter" I wonder if that means Ikta's unit will be going after the independent unit. |
Sep 16, 2016 11:35 AM
This episode did a pretty good job of showing the cruel realities of war. It's unfortunate what happened to Ikta's comrades and I can understand Mitcalif's anger, but sometimes, controversial decisions need to be made. Lol don't worry about dying anytime soon Matthew, you're one of the main characters, so you're safe. |
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime. Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait. MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol. |
Sep 16, 2016 11:48 AM
Very good episode, As always the show does a really good job of showcasing the reality of war. Reminded me a lot of Fallout 4's intro line. "War. War Never Changes" All the characters seem to have realized head on how monstrous war is, with nothing but death all around especially Mathew and Suya. Suya couldn't come to terms with the decisions made by Ikta to save the Sinak and tried to question him about, Though she might have known that sometimes decisions have to be made. Very powerful moment between Yattori and Ikta at the end there, Really liked it. Interested in seeing what the enemy's and Ikta's next move will be. |
Sep 16, 2016 11:49 AM
This adaptation really dislike Chamille and her scenes. animefan8800 said: Oddly enough at this late point I find myself more interested in that white haired dude and his underling whose names escape me to Ikta and his crew. The woman officier under Jean is liutenent Miara Ginn. There is plenty of interesting enemy officiers in Nejimaki, though Jean kind of steal the show being Ikta main rival and all. |
Sep 16, 2016 11:52 AM
thebrentinator24 said: This episode did a pretty good job of showing the cruel realities of war. It's unfortunate what happened to Ikta's comrades and I can understand Mitcalif's anger, but sometimes, controversial decisions need to be made. Lol don't worry about dying anytime soon Matthew, you're one of the main characters, so you're safe. Ikta is the only main character in this show. That's how I view it. |
Sep 16, 2016 12:14 PM
larethian said: thebrentinator24 said: This episode did a pretty good job of showing the cruel realities of war. It's unfortunate what happened to Ikta's comrades and I can understand Mitcalif's anger, but sometimes, controversial decisions need to be made. Lol don't worry about dying anytime soon Matthew, you're one of the main characters, so you're safe. Ikta is the only main character in this show. That's how I view it. Yeah that makes sense. I was mainly going off the fact that MAL has Matthew listed as a main character, so that's why I said it that way. |
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime. Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait. MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol. |
Sep 16, 2016 12:42 PM
Sep 16, 2016 1:28 PM
brilliant episode. It never sugar coats anything this series. Not matter how great the leader at some point they have to make a difficult decision that may cost people thier lives. I really wish this was 24 eps. |
Sep 16, 2016 1:29 PM
ichii_1 said: Freckle lady is the reason why women don't belong in the army. I know two who were the best damn machinegunners I ever saw. Ep #11: Another great episode. "I will never leave a fallen comrade" Ikta and Yatori got hat right. You make the pickup. |
The sword that takes life gives life |
Sep 16, 2016 1:49 PM
I've had the feeling since the first couple of chapters that at one point Ikta and Yatori will be on opposite sides. This episode clinched it for me. Now the question is if the anime adaptation will ever make it that far. I don't think we'll get a second season of this. excellent episode except for the infuriating "white haired teen genius" cliché they have as an opponent. Would have much preferred a normal, smart soldier to their nemesis. But some tropes die hard I suppose. |
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov |
Sep 16, 2016 2:02 PM
I don't like the white hair one very much. Seems a bit too typical. if it is just his look it would of been fine. But his attitude as if seeking out competition and thinking it is a game. Simply unrealistic and in this case also pretty generic. Still cool that he isn't lazy as opposed of Ikta. The problem with their cannon placement is being too far up the front. They need long range howitzers. This would give them the ability to fire over terrain and front line defenses and remain behind cover. Or even over enemy defense barricades, the move the enemy tried to pull to build up an attack force. I'll parallel this to WW1 once again. They are still fighting in a very colonial style combat. One of the realization in WW1 was that field guns were ineffective against defenses, especially dug in ones. One of the main reason was the low arcing trajectory. Howitzers became one of the primary artillery system as a get-around. And it can very well apply to the situation Ikta faced with the enemy trying to mount an escalade. |
Sep 16, 2016 2:21 PM
Ikta: "Hey Yatori, when you're ordered to kill me... If you can't refuse it, how are you going to do it?" Yatori: "First, I will do everything I can to kill yatorishino. I'll rip apart her soul, grind it to powder, and throw that powder on the flame so that she'll never come back to life. After everything is done, the one remaining Igsem will kill you. Ikta: "Then, until the moment two blades sever my neck, I'll think about how I lost you." I hope to Kamisama that Ikta and Yatori don't become enemies but if they do it would turn out to be such an amazing anime regardless because neither of them would allow the other to die without attempting something insane. As you can see by the final dialogue between the two of them, she said she would exterminate herself and her clan if she were ever ordered to kill Ikta, this devotion to eachother that they share is profound and I absolutely love it. So hard to find anime with quality relationships like these and good plot, sadly it's always supported by Madhouse studio. This anime really gives people a reality check about warfare, that's for sure. This episode showed Ikta honestly outclassing the army of Alderamin. It was a predicted failure as stated by Jean but they're holding on well nonetheless. A war without causalities isn't a war at all, so the minor deaths suffered in Ikta's light squadron were inevitable and it's better to lose those supporting characters than the sword swinging babes Yatori and Nana. It was awesome how Ikta was spectating Yatori as he decided on what he should do about saving the front line, and how they trusted each other to just go off on a whim expecting the results they achieved. Especially the scene where Ikta didn't flinch remotely when Nana shouted that he was being attacked from behind because he trusted Yatori to protect him wholeheartedly. Yatori x Ikta is life man. This anime has risen to my top 5 anime and it's an utter shame that it seems to only be 13 episodes long. If there's not another season I will probably cry before going out to buy every single volume/chapter of the novel/manga. Because I mean, the studio behind this anime is Madhouse so the likelihood of a sequel is basically impossible. RIP my heart and my wallet. GOD I LOVE THIS ANIME :/ |
Sep 16, 2016 2:35 PM
Farabeuf said: I've had the feeling since the first couple of chapters that at one point Ikta and Yatori will be on opposite sides. This episode clinched it for me. Now the question is if the anime adaptation will ever make it that far. I don't think we'll get a second season of this. . Sigh I know we'll probably never get another season, and that first part of your comment is exactly why I'm sad about it. Ikta and Yatori are best friends, they would basically die for one another, but their reasons to exist are completely opposite. He's "dedicated" to seeing his current country fall (or at the very least, he doesn't give a flying fuck what happens to it and he'd gladly see it fall), while Igsem is completely and utterly dedicated to protecting that same country due to her familys' honor and tradition. That scene does, in a way, set that they will eventually end up on opposite sides. Now granted, I don't think Ikta would join their current enemies, since he doesn't seem to have any respect for them. He might join his old mentor that defected (or did that guy die after he left?). However, I assume the princess is the one thing that's gonna keep him where he is now. OP kinda points to that, with her arm stretched towards him. He hates his current country, that much is obvious. I'd looooove to see how they develop the story further since so far, it's way better than I expected. I expected kids show, you know, light war, sunshine and rainbows after a battle, that kinda stuff. Instead there are people dying, characters having emotional breaks and main characters pointing out they might end up killing one another. This show is just amazing so far. |
Sep 16, 2016 4:27 PM
Sep 16, 2016 4:51 PM
The princess pining for Ikta is kinda annoying, guess she'll become irrational/hysterical in her pursuit of Ikta's acknowledgement, probably. Jean is an interesting chara but still we all know who'll win the war at the end of the day. Suya was right in speaking out her feelings regarding priority of his own platoon or Sinack, but still an easygoing Ikta cooly placates her. Yatori and Ikta sure are foreshadowing their ultimate rival flag, but it'll be fun to actually see it. |
Sep 16, 2016 5:33 PM
Aw said: As you can see by the final dialogue between the two of them, she said she would exterminate herself and her clan if she were ever ordered to kill Ikta, this devotion to eachother that they share is profound and I absolutely love it. So hard to find anime with quality relationships like these and good plot, sadly it's always supported by Madhouse studio. No, that's right but yet not quite right. She will 'kill' the 'Yatorishino' in her, leaving a soul-less shell left with only the Igsem identity, to fulfill her Igsem duties. And Ikta will mourn the loss (death) of his friend before his head is severed. |
Sep 16, 2016 6:16 PM
Aw said: Ikta: "Hey Yatori, when you're ordered to kill me... If you can't refuse it, how are you going to do it?" Yatori: "First, I will do everything I can to kill yatorishino. I'll rip apart her soul, grind it to powder, and throw that powder on the flame so that she'll never come back to life. After everything is done, the one remaining Igsem will kill you. Ikta: "Then, until the moment two blades sever my neck, I'll think about how I lost you." I hope to Kamisama that Ikta and Yatori don't become enemies but if they do it would turn out to be such an amazing anime regardless because neither of them would allow the other to die without attempting something insane. As you can see by the final dialogue between the two of them, she said she would exterminate herself and her clan if she were ever ordered to kill Ikta, this devotion to eachother that they share is profound and I absolutely love it. So hard to find anime with quality relationships like these and good plot, sadly it's always supported by Madhouse studio. This anime really gives people a reality check about warfare, that's for sure. This episode showed Ikta honestly outclassing the army of Alderamin. It was a predicted failure as stated by Jean but they're holding on well nonetheless. A war without causalities isn't a war at all, so the minor deaths suffered in Ikta's light squadron were inevitable and it's better to lose those supporting characters than the sword swinging babes Yatori and Nana. It was awesome how Ikta was spectating Yatori as he decided on what he should do about saving the front line, and how they trusted each other to just go off on a whim expecting the results they achieved. Especially the scene where Ikta didn't flinch remotely when Nana shouted that he was being attacked from behind because he trusted Yatori to protect him wholeheartedly. Yatori x Ikta is life man. This anime has risen to my top 5 anime and it's an utter shame that it seems to only be 13 episodes long. If there's not another season I will probably cry before going out to buy every single volume/chapter of the novel/manga. Because I mean, the studio behind this anime is Madhouse so the likelihood of a sequel is basically impossible. RIP my heart and my wallet. GOD I LOVE THIS ANIME :/ Legit the most poetic part of this damn series and it just makes me appreciate that much more. |
Don't believe the hype. |
Sep 16, 2016 6:59 PM
And Ikta and the team get to taste the one thing they never faced before: Defeat. They were totally defeated, and the situation makes to very tough to revert the situation. Now Ikta and the others know that victory is never assured and even if achieved it can cost them their lives. It also made them grow as soldiers particularly with that interaction at the end. Ikta and Yatori have an interesting thing with them, it seems platonic but at the same time it is not, it is weird. And Haroma crying basically shows the weight of the issue. Not sure how they can revert this, though if I'm not mistaken the ratio of losses was something like 2000:100? In a sense......still a victory. |
Sep 16, 2016 7:29 PM
Suya's a dumbass and I've lost respect for Yatori. Hmph. |
Sep 16, 2016 9:33 PM
Inugirlz said: Suya's a dumbass and I've lost respect for Yatori. Hmph. Try being cool after seeing your war buddies killed for saving last minute "allies." Ikta really did a good job minimizing losses with what little he had to work with. Ever played those missions where you had to hold out the enemy with whatever units you have in an RTS? That's pretty much what the whole operation was. It was a surprise that Kioka brought more than their guest commander and his entourage. Wasn't expecting their Air Rifle Battlalion to support the Holy Aldera army. This is probably just me, but I feel like they could've wiped out Ikta's battlalions if they had aerial support from their blimps. Do the source materials explain why they only had ground troops? |
I wish Cowboy Bebop never existed. |
Sep 16, 2016 9:41 PM
That white-haired Iktar sure is a formidable foe. |
[url=] |
Sep 16, 2016 10:12 PM
suya naive is annoying yet understandable..yatori is literally loyal dog to the empire..and will betray and kill her own friends,lover or family.. |
Sep 16, 2016 10:14 PM
Great episode, might have been the best yet. |
Sep 16, 2016 11:10 PM
So the plan is to fight them instead of running away because running away after setting the fire won't buy them enough time as they might catch up quickly. So they fight the enemy in small skirmishes with different bases where they can retreat to. Ikta was having second thoughts over his own capabilities. He started to question whether he can actually hold off a 12,000 strong army with just 720 men. Even at the end of the day, the enemy still has over 10,000 men and his side is losing men. The enemy set up their own defenses in the path for their own plans. And Yatori and Nanaku's men went out into the field to fight them and take out those stakes. And they got surprised attacked which forced Ikta and Yatori to make the decision to go out and save them. This doesn't sit well with Suya because the Sinacks were their enemies a few days back and now they're allies and they have to save them. They lost valuable comrades in saving the Sinacks. She doesn't like that they have to risk their lives for the very people whom they were killing just yesterday. But in the military, what you like or dislike doesn't matter at all – what matters is that you follow orders. Ikta didn't want to attack the Sinacks in the first place with that messed up battle plan in the first place, but he couldn't refuse. Feelings are irrelevant in the military. And Yatori says that if she is ordered to kill Ikta, she'll first kill "Yatori" and then the "Igsem" will kill Ikta. She can't refuse an order especially since her family has always obeyed orders no matter what. Matthew is also coming to terms with the reality of war. He was shot in the arm. It could have been his head if he was hit just a bit higher. He always won without much trouble before because Ikta so smart. But with an equally brilliant person on the other side, they were bound to be in a pinch. The enemy is closing in and Ikta has to push them back for a few more days while minimizing casualties at the same time. He won't be coming up with any plans which require sacrificing someone. |
Sep 16, 2016 11:35 PM
BGMaxie said: And Ikta and the team get to taste the one thing they never faced before: Defeat. They were totally defeated, and the situation makes to very tough to revert the situation. Now Ikta and the others know that victory is never assured and even if achieved it can cost them their lives. It also made them grow as soldiers particularly with that interaction at the end. Ikta and Yatori have an interesting thing with them, it seems platonic but at the same time it is not, it is weird. And Haroma crying basically shows the weight of the issue. Not sure how they can revert this, though if I'm not mistaken the ratio of losses was something like 2000:100? In a sense......still a victory. They didn't lose, silly. |
Sep 16, 2016 11:55 PM
Sep 17, 2016 12:15 AM
This show is trying SOOOOO hard to copy Legend of the Galactic HEROs. Ika is a Yang Wenli-wannabe and that white-hair guy is beneath Reinhardo-sama |
Sep 17, 2016 1:05 AM
Memor said: Aw said: Ikta: "Hey Yatori, when you're ordered to kill me... If you can't refuse it, how are you going to do it?" Yatori: "First, I will do everything I can to kill yatorishino. I'll rip apart her soul, grind it to powder, and throw that powder on the flame so that she'll never come back to life. After everything is done, the one remaining Igsem will kill you. Ikta: "Then, until the moment two blades sever my neck, I'll think about how I lost you." Those are seriously the best lines in the series so far. Shivers man, shivers. I absolutely love the friendship and interaction between these two. |
Sep 17, 2016 1:05 AM
Ahegyao said: Inugirlz said: Suya's a dumbass and I've lost respect for Yatori. Hmph. Try being cool after seeing your war buddies killed for saving last minute "allies." Ikta really did a good job minimizing losses with what little he had to work with. Ever played those missions where you had to hold out the enemy with whatever units you have in an RTS? That's pretty much what the whole operation was. It was a surprise that Kioka brought more than their guest commander and his entourage. Wasn't expecting their Air Rifle Battlalion to support the Holy Aldera army. This is probably just me, but I feel like they could've wiped out Ikta's battlalions if they had aerial support from their blimps. Do the source materials explain why they only had ground troops? 2 reasons. Blimps are expensive resource and cannot be massed. Kioka is a token resident force in La Saia's army which is like the Vatican army. Recall back to earlier episode where it was mentioned that the Alerah Church would not allow something as herectic as blimps to be used in the Empire. So even if Jean had brought any, he could not openly deploy them. |
Sep 17, 2016 3:40 AM
Sep 17, 2016 5:15 AM
Annuvin said: Farabeuf said: This, pretty much.excellent episode except for the infuriating "white haired teen genius" cliché they have as an opponent. Would have much preferred a normal, smart soldier to their nemesis. But some tropes die hard I suppose. Introduced at the last possible moment and already destroying the opposition, no backstory, no nothing - just like Near in Death Note. I just hope the ending won't be similar in any way. near in death note appeared after more than half of the story. Jean appear in like 10-15% of the story. Furthermore, it was foreshadowed that a very competent kyouka officer was behind all of this since even earlier than that. Around 5-7% of the story. How is that even remotely similar? Also, IIRC he's not a teen, he's 20-21. Or close to it if he's not. |
ZefyrisSep 17, 2016 5:41 AM
Sep 17, 2016 5:37 AM
Ikta: "Then, until the moment two blades sever my neck, I'll think about how I lost you." hmmm, or you could just run away :/ abyway, that won't ever happen due to the spoiler that everyone knows;) 5/5 one of the best episodes so far. |
Sep 17, 2016 5:41 AM
Shit this was intense. its getting tough for ikta and the others, little dramatic at the end. i didnt expect Yatori to say such rough measures. lets not hope that ever happen.. :/ Great episode tho! |
cause MAL is doing there job for once. |
Sep 17, 2016 5:47 AM
Annuvin said: Uhhh, if we're talking math then: Near - 26/37 ~ 70% Whatever-is-his-name - 10/13 ~ 77% Not really an unreasonable comparison. Jean appears at the very beginning of the 3rd volume so after exactly 2 volumes of story. Alderamin is already getting its 11th volume and it's still not the end, expect at least 15 of them if not more. 10% to ,15% with a foreshadowing since the middle of the second volume, so since 5-10% of the story. Near appeared in the 59th/108 chapter so at 55% with no real foreshadowing beforehand IIRC. I'm going to ask again. How is that an even remotely close comparison? |
Sep 17, 2016 6:18 AM
Annuvin said: Except that death note is finished by the end of the anime's first season. Alderamin has just started by the end of the first season. @Zefyris, this is an anime thread so I'm obviously comparing the shows, not their source material. As far as I am concerned the guy can appear in whatever volume he wants to if he gets proper a proper introduction and background story later on, but suddenly dropping him into the show that has a pretty low chance of ever getting a second season (Madhouse) and when it's 'nearing' its end feels just like Death Note. Foreshadowing? They mentioned some possible general like once in episode 9 or so. You cannot know if it'll get other seasons, maybe even in several years. Durarara got several new season 5 years after the first after all. Whereas you already know that there won't be another season of DN. your comparison cannot be made anyway. What matter for second season is not madhouse. Can't believe so many peoples stil ldon't understand that. What matters is who is the publisher (dengeki bunko). Dengeki bunko regularly do second seasons. No, they foreshadowed several times since episode 6's end on kioka's interference. |
ZefyrisSep 17, 2016 6:29 AM
Sep 17, 2016 6:21 AM
2016, and people are still getting triggered by Near. Let go of these unscientific notions guys. |
Sep 17, 2016 7:08 AM
Sep 17, 2016 7:46 AM
Not the war, but the battle was clearly not on their favour and didn't work as they really wanted. As Mattew said, they all believe that "so long as they followed Ikta you could win easy" but it turns out reality isn't like that. Mattew almost died, and a lot of their men lost their lives unnecessarily (like the Zinnack rushing or the others dying trying to save them). They all feel they got defeated, and they very much were, since the situation is even worse for them now. |
Sep 17, 2016 7:54 AM
BGMaxie said: Not the war, but the battle was clearly not on their favour and didn't work as they really wanted. As Mattew said, they all believe that "so long as they followed Ikta you could win easy" but it turns out reality isn't like that. Mattew almost died, and a lot of their men lost their lives unnecessarily (like the Zinnack rushing or the others dying trying to save them). They all feel they got defeated, and they very much were, since the situation is even worse for them now. The thought process was "easy victory" if you followed Ikta's strategies and after this battle in episode 11 he gets a crystal clear image of the truth; that no matter who is commanding the army, even the prodigy Ikta, casualties are inevitavle in war. That was the huge message of the episode in my opinion, but they definitely didn't lose. It was a rough and small victory, and they indeed have their backs against a wall nonetheless so the ending has me extremely curious and if this anime does have 11 volumes as I've researched then dear kamisama all I want for halloween is a season 2 of Alderamin on the Sky onigai! |
Sep 17, 2016 7:56 AM
Aw said: I wouldn't hold my breath too much buddy :PThe thought process was "easy victory" if you followed Ikta's strategies and after this battle in episode 11 he gets a crystal clear image of the truth; that no matter who is commanding the army, even the prodigy Ikta, casualties are inevitavle in war. That was the huge message of the episode in my opinion, but they definitely didn't lose. It was a rough and small victory, and they indeed have their backs against a wall nonetheless so the ending has me extremely curious and if this anime does have 11 volumes as I've researched then dear kamisama all I want for halloween is a season 2 of Alderamin on the Sky onigai! |
Sep 17, 2016 11:24 AM
nina4life said: Farabeuf said: I've had the feeling since the first couple of chapters that at one point Ikta and Yatori will be on opposite sides. This episode clinched it for me. Now the question is if the anime adaptation will ever make it that far. I don't think we'll get a second season of this. . Sigh I know we'll probably never get another season, and that first part of your comment is exactly why I'm sad about it. Ikta and Yatori are best friends, they would basically die for one another, but their reasons to exist are completely opposite. He's "dedicated" to seeing his current country fall (or at the very least, he doesn't give a flying fuck what happens to it and he'd gladly see it fall), while Igsem is completely and utterly dedicated to protecting that same country due to her familys' honor and tradition. That scene does, in a way, set that they will eventually end up on opposite sides. Now granted, I don't think Ikta would join their current enemies, since he doesn't seem to have any respect for them. He might join his old mentor that defected (or did that guy die after he left?). However, I assume the princess is the one thing that's gonna keep him where he is now. OP kinda points to that, with her arm stretched towards him. He hates his current country, that much is obvious. I'd looooove to see how they develop the story further since so far, it's way better than I expected. I expected kids show, you know, light war, sunshine and rainbows after a battle, that kinda stuff. Instead there are people dying, characters having emotional breaks and main characters pointing out they might end up killing one another. This show is just amazing so far. I agree wholeheartedly with you. Considering that the chances this show gets a second part are slim to none, I think I might for the first time in ages go and read the light novels. I really want to know where this story goes. I have no idea were the story is now in the novels, but a possibility I've contemplated is the princess being set aside (another sibling or family member ascending the throne) and exiled or the like, giving Ikta a pretext to rebel and face the current State without working for other countries he has no respect for. |
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov |
Sep 17, 2016 2:23 PM
I'm finally starting to find this anime interesting. I don't really even know why but for a long time I was considering dropping it, and found it so boring. I admit I might not have been paying enough attention. Or just disliking it to dislike it. I think it's decent now. |
Sep 17, 2016 5:40 PM
Ahegyao said: Inugirlz said: Suya's a dumbass and I've lost respect for Yatori. Hmph. Try being cool after seeing your war buddies killed for saving last minute "allies." I didn't say her emotions weren't understandable. I said she's a dumbass. Which she is. She doesn't see (or want to see) the larger picture and she's guilty of what most humans are guilty of, which is cruelly disregarding the "other" while glorifying her side, as if the Sinacks they just nearly wiped out (unjustly) weren't human. I could go on about this but I'm sure you already get that part and were only pointing out that her emotions weren't out of place. Doesn't change the fact she's an annoying two-dimensional character. |
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