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Akame ga KILL!
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Jul 27, 2016 5:27 PM

Jan 2011
If you see my score I gave it a 7. I really wanted to give it a 9 but those last four episodes nearly destroyed me. It even had a very entraining dub too.

Anyway why does this series, not just the anime but the series in general get so much hate? I find it to be somewhat unjust and base off poor assumptions.

Many people I have seen thinks the show is trying to Game of Thrones. When my counter to that is," Uh....don't you like it in a shouen when no one is untouchable and anyone can die at any minute?" Granted Tatsumi did do an asspull near the end of the series. He even died...even if his death was bleh. I like how this show makes it clear what the stakes are and does a good job of flushing everyone out before killing them.

Another complaint I hear is people think the fanbase for this show just like it because of the blood and gore. Well....I think you already know my counter to that. I know the fanabse for this show is above that and we actually really like how they built the world gave us our two groups. It really made you care about everyone at the end of the day. They also caught the atmosphere of war really good really well showing how crazy people get during war.

Anyway what do you guys think? I don't think Akame Ga Kill is the best series ever but it is one of the few anime of the 2010s I'll put in my top 15 or 20 list if I did one for the 2010 year of anime.
MasterHavikJul 28, 2016 6:11 AM
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
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Jul 28, 2016 1:00 AM

Jul 2013
The reason why Akame ga Kill is hated is mostly because fanboys hyped the shit of it before the airing of the show, calling the series a masterpiece, a mature, serious shonen very similar to Game of Thrones... when at the end it turned to be a decent at best shonen, with simple characters who die like fodders for shock value, poor worldbuilding, without being mature at all (the comedy of the series is awful) and with a bullshit ending.

Was something similar to SAO, but on an smaller scale.
IllyricusMar 31, 2020 4:47 AM
Jul 28, 2016 1:05 AM

May 2015
Becausse people like to use "edgy" and other buzzwords as much as possible.

Jul 28, 2016 1:05 AM

Jan 2016
I love it... though the ending episode was quite "eh", so I gave it a 9.

As for why it is hated... probably because of how the show try to combine the elements of a typical shounen anime with *edgy* shit. I mean, that's basically what the complaints about this show boils down to.
Jul 28, 2016 6:09 AM

Jan 2011
Illyricus said:
The reason why Akame ga Kill is hated is mostly because fanboys hyped the shit of it before the airing of the show, calling the series a masterpiece, a mature, serious shonen very similar to Game of Thrones... when at the end it turned to be a decent at best shonen, with simple characters who dies like fodders for shock value, poor worldbuilding, without being mature at all (the comedy of the series is awful) and with a bullshit ending.

Was something similar to SAO, but on an smaller scale.
Damn......Comparing it to the SAO fanbase knows you aren't lying.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Jul 28, 2016 6:25 AM

Jul 2013
MasterHavik said:
Illyricus said:
The reason why Akame ga Kill is hated is mostly because fanboys hyped the shit of it before the airing of the show, calling the series a masterpiece, a mature, serious shonen very similar to Game of Thrones... when at the end it turned to be a decent at best shonen, with simple characters who dies like fodders for shock value, poor worldbuilding, without being mature at all (the comedy of the series is awful) and with a bullshit ending.

Was something similar to SAO, but on an smaller scale.
Damn......Comparing it to the SAO fanbase knows you aren't lying.
They were not as bad as SAO fans, but they still overrate the series too much compared of how Akame ga Kill really is.
Jul 28, 2016 3:45 PM

Jan 2011
Illyricus said:
MasterHavik said:
Damn......Comparing it to the SAO fanbase knows you aren't lying.
They were not as bad as SAO fans, but they still overrate the series too much compared of how Akame ga Kill really is.
I see well I won't overhype it like that .I just feel this is just another case of the younger generation shooting off at the mouth.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Jul 28, 2016 4:00 PM

Oct 2014
MasterHavik said:
If you see my score I gave it a 7. I really wanted to give it a 9 but those last four episodes nearly destroyed me. It even had a very entraining dub too.

Anyway why does this series, not just the anime but the series in general get so much hate? I find it to be somewhat unjust and base off poor assumptions.

Many people I have seen thinks the show is trying to Game of Thrones. When my counter to that is," Uh....don't you like it in a shouen when no one is untouchable and anyone can die at any minute?" Granted Tatsumi did do an asspull near the end of the series. He even died...even if his death was bleh. I like how this show makes it clear what the stakes are and does a good job of flushing everyone out before killing them.

Another complaint I hear is people think the fanbase for this show just like it because of the blood and gore. Well....I think you already know my counter to that. I know the fanabse for this show is above that and we actually really like how they built the world gave us our two groups. It really made you care about everyone at the end of the day. They also caught the atmosphere of war really good really well showing how crazy people get during war.

Anyway what do you guys think? I don't think Akame Ga Kill is the best series ever but it is one of the few anime of the 2010s I'll put in my top 15 or 20 list if I did one for the 2010 year of anime.

Akame ga kill is from 2014 not 2010
Wtf man?
Jul 28, 2016 4:06 PM

May 2015
idk probably bc it's shit

I absolutely abhor Akame ga Kill for countless reason
for one, all the characters are trash. it never gives you enough time to even care about any of the characters and they all just drop like flies

and I think the show failed stylistically as well
the characters have the most generic designs and they couldnt even make their outfits look cool; unlike in HxH or Jojo where the oddlooking characters feel like they belong in the show because of either the style or vibe the show gives off, in Akame ga Kill and Mirai Nikki, it just feels completely outta place and unnecasary

there are many other reasons I hate AgK too but these are just the main ones

@ilovewendy16 it's because it's violent rite?

gabrielrroiz said:
Akame ga kill is from 2014 not 2010
Wtf man?
hes talkin about the 2010s decade as a whole
Freddy Nicholas said:
have control, be yourself, god is dead
Jul 28, 2016 4:11 PM

Mar 2015
Because it's just not good...? It can be mindless fun but if you don't turn your brain off while watching you'll certainly notice the lack of quality. Combined with its hardcore fans who claim it to be a masterpiece I can definitely understand why there's so much hate surrounding this Anime.
Jul 28, 2016 4:25 PM

Mar 2016
Any anime which is popular but has a few issues gets hate. If it was a niche show I'm pretty sure you'd see people praising it as underrated instead.

It's just whining.

When popularity doesn't match up with the quality expected by some then they do that. The remainder of that hate comes from the bandwagon effect.
OduduwaJul 28, 2016 4:30 PM
Jul 28, 2016 4:32 PM

Jan 2011
Malarkey said:
idk probably bc it's shit

I absolutely abhor Akame ga Kill for countless reason
for one, all the characters are trash. it never gives you enough time to even care about any of the characters and they all just drop like flies

and I think the show failed stylistically as well
the characters have the most generic designs and they couldnt even make their outfits look cool; unlike in HxH or Jojo where the oddlooking characters feel like they belong in the show because of either the style or vibe the show gives off, in Akame ga Kill and Mirai Nikki, it just feels completely outta place and unnecasary

there are many other reasons I hate AgK too but these are just the main ones

@ilovewendy16 it's because it's violent rite?

gabrielrroiz said:
Akame ga kill is from 2014 not 2010
Wtf man?
hes talkin about the 2010s decade as a whole
Thanks for informing him.

LOL I actually really like their character designs a lot. I also argue that for the most part they do make you care about the characters before they die. Though there a few deaths that piss me off. Bulat death made me the most mad since it was just a crappy way to push Tatsumi. I really majority of my problems with the show would be fixed if Tatsumi was killed off earlier. The creator did his damnest to make him boring in both design and action. Another death would have to be Mine since I felt she was fine after killing that one captain. So I'm like, "WTF? You have no injuries on you. You are fine."

But deaths like Bols and Chelsea really worked for me because there is a clear reason why both of them died. They also did a good job of renewing the resolve of Nightraid by using Chelesa's death. So all in all, the show can do some good.

@Olrox: LOL Hey it's cool man. I'm not one of those guys. I was about to become one if it ended at episode 20. I really felt they should have done a fuck you go read the manga ending. I usually hate it in my anime but it would have worked here.

TheDeadApostle said:
Any anime which is popular but has a few issues gets hate. If it was a niche show I'm pretty sure you'd see people praising it as underrated instead.

It's just whining.

When popularity doesn't match up with the quality expected by some then they do that. The remainder of that hate comes from the bandwagon effect. sum up the hate train of any anime release in the 2010s and has a following.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Jul 28, 2016 4:45 PM

May 2015
MasterHavik said:
Malarkey said:
idk probably bc it's shit

I absolutely abhor Akame ga Kill for countless reason
for one, all the characters are trash. it never gives you enough time to even care about any of the characters and they all just drop like flies

and I think the show failed stylistically as well
the characters have the most generic designs and they couldnt even make their outfits look cool; unlike in HxH or Jojo where the oddlooking characters feel like they belong in the show because of either the style or vibe the show gives off, in Akame ga Kill and Mirai Nikki, it just feels completely outta place and unnecasary

there are many other reasons I hate AgK too but these are just the main ones

@ilovewendy16 it's because it's violent rite?

hes talkin about the 2010s decade as a whole
Thanks for informing him.

LOL I actually really like their character designs a lot. I also argue that for the most part they do make you care about the characters before they die. Though there a few deaths that piss me off. Bulat death made me the most mad since it was just a crappy way to push Tatsumi. I really majority of my problems with the show would be fixed if Tatsumi was killed off earlier. The creator did his damnest to make him boring in both design and action. Another death would have to be Mine since I felt she was fine after killing that one captain. So I'm like, "WTF? You have no injuries on you. You are fine."

But deaths like Bols and Chelsea really worked for me because there is a clear reason why both of them died. They also did a good job of renewing the resolve of Nightraid by using Chelesa's death. So all in all, the show can do some good.

@Olrox: LOL Hey it's cool man. I'm not one of those guys. I was about to become one if it ended at episode 20. I really felt they should have done a fuck you go read the manga ending. I usually hate it in my anime but it would have worked here.
while I do agree to an extent that Bols' death was sad, he barely had any character development which really didnt do anything for me at all

MasterHavik said:
TheDeadApostle said:
Any anime which is popular but has a few issues gets hate. If it was a niche show I'm pretty sure you'd see people praising it as underrated instead.

It's just whining.

When popularity doesn't match up with the quality expected by some then they do that. The remainder of that hate comes from the bandwagon effect. sum up the hate train of any anime release in the 2010s and has a following.
lol no because if it were a niche show, it wouldnt have all the genericass designs and unsurprisingly unoriginal story with reused characters and tropes

@TheDeadApostle your brain must be broken
Freddy Nicholas said:
have control, be yourself, god is dead
Jul 28, 2016 4:58 PM

Mar 2016
Malarkey said:

MasterHavik said: sum up the hate train of any anime release in the 2010s and has a following.
lol no because if it were a niche show, it wouldnt have all the genericass designs and unsurprisingly unoriginal story with reused characters and tropes

@TheDeadApostle your brain must be broken

It's like I somehow triggered you.....

Alright Mr Grumpy. After checking the definition I found out that I used the word wrong. A more accurate statement would be that "if it was less popular I'm pretty sure you'd see people praising it as underrated instead." Happy now?

I'm not even such a fan of it but how is the story unoriginal? How are all the characters generic too? I'd understand if you complained about them being 2-dimensional but they're fairly different from most, if not all other shounen casts.
OduduwaJul 28, 2016 5:05 PM
Jul 28, 2016 5:10 PM

Jul 2016
Idk I feel like the series gets so much hate because the anime went their own route and it ended up not being favored across the community compared to the manga?
Jul 28, 2016 5:20 PM

Mar 2016
Ninele said:
Idk I feel like the series gets so much hate because the anime went their own route and it ended up not being favored across the community compared to the manga?

There wasn't any "route" for the anime to follow since the manga was, and still is behind.
Jul 28, 2016 5:23 PM
Nov 2010
Well, it's sad that Whitefox killed any continuation of Akame ga Kill in anime form by having its own ending, so if you want the source original route, you'll have to read the manga.

Other than that, I actually enjoyed Akame ga Kill.
Jul 28, 2016 5:23 PM

Jul 2016
TheDeadApostle said:
Ninele said:
Idk I feel like the series gets so much hate because the anime went their own route and it ended up not being favored across the community compared to the manga?

There wasn't any "route" for the anime to follow since the manga was, and still is behind.

Not true. I just remember there being a time where Akame Ga Kill took a sudden turn in comparison to what the manga was about. I don't want to continue explaining a topic I know little about, try using google and seeing for yourself. o.o
Jul 28, 2016 5:35 PM

Mar 2016
Ninele said:
TheDeadApostle said:

There wasn't any "route" for the anime to follow since the manga was, and still is behind.

Not true. I just remember there being a time where Akame Ga Kill took a sudden turn in comparison to what the manga was about. I don't want to continue explaining a topic I know little about, try using google and seeing for yourself. o.o

The anime diverges around ep 19/20 as the manga wasn't (and still isn't) complete.
Jul 28, 2016 5:37 PM

Jul 2016
TheDeadApostle said:
Ninele said:

Not true. I just remember there being a time where Akame Ga Kill took a sudden turn in comparison to what the manga was about. I don't want to continue explaining a topic I know little about, try using google and seeing for yourself. o.o

The anime diverges around ep 19/20 as the manga wasn't (and still isn't) complete.

I was just naming reasons why people hate it. I personally like it. :D
Jul 28, 2016 5:38 PM

Jan 2011
i didnt like it cause of the annoying characters, uninteresting story an lame fights
Jul 28, 2016 5:39 PM

Mar 2016
Ninele said:
TheDeadApostle said:

The anime diverges around ep 19/20 as the manga wasn't (and still isn't) complete.

I was just naming reasons why people hate it. I personally like it. :D

Oh I wasn't against you and sorry if it came across like that. It was just an informative reply.
Jul 28, 2016 6:03 PM
Aug 2015
Malarkey said:
idk probably bc it's shit

I absolutely abhor Akame ga Kill for countless reason
for one, all the characters are trash. it never gives you enough time to even care about any of the characters and they all just drop like flies

and I think the show failed stylistically as well
the characters have the most generic designs and they couldnt even make their outfits look cool; unlike in HxH or Jojo where the oddlooking characters feel like they belong in the show because of either the style or vibe the show gives off, in Akame ga Kill and Mirai Nikki, it just feels completely outta place and unnecasary

there are many other reasons I hate AgK too but these are just the main ones

@ilovewendy16 it's because it's violent rite?

gabrielrroiz said:
Akame ga kill is from 2014 not 2010
Wtf man?
hes talkin about the 2010s decade as a whole
thats about right. i need no other reason to dislike it. I like how you just instinctively knew i wouldn't like it.
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Jul 28, 2016 6:04 PM

Jan 2011
Yeah I heard Akamae ga kill caught up with the manga and White Fox...just ruin it.

I swear sometimes these manga creators work so slow.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Jul 28, 2016 6:05 PM

Jul 2016
TheDeadApostle said:
Ninele said:

I was just naming reasons why people hate it. I personally like it. :D

Oh I wasn't against you and sorry if it came across like that. It was just an informative reply.

It's okay! Sorry if I came off the wrong way as well. >.<
Jul 28, 2016 6:12 PM

May 2015
Simply put, it was trying too hard.
Jul 28, 2016 8:10 PM

May 2015
TheDeadApostle said:
It's like I somehow triggered you.....

Alright Mr Grumpy. After checking the definition I found out that I used the word wrong. A more accurate statement would be that "if it was less popular I'm pretty sure you'd see people praising it as underrated instead." Happy now?
no, because if it still used those same unorganized tropes and characters and wasnt made in the mid 2000s are somethin, it would still be as I said before

TheDeadApostle said:
I'm not even such a fan of it but how is the story unoriginal? How are all the characters generic too? I'd understand if you complained about them being 2-dimensional but they're fairly different from most, if not all other shounen casts.
my bad
undeveloped and 2-d like you said is what I was goin for, not especially unoriginal
Freddy Nicholas said:
have control, be yourself, god is dead
Jul 28, 2016 8:24 PM

Mar 2016
Malarkey said:
TheDeadApostle said:
It's like I somehow triggered you.....

Alright Mr Grumpy. After checking the definition I found out that I used the word wrong. A more accurate statement would be that "if it was less popular I'm pretty sure you'd see people praising it as underrated instead." Happy now?
no, because if it still used those same unorganized tropes and characters and wasnt made in the mid 2000s are somethin, it would still be as I said before

TheDeadApostle said:
I'm not even such a fan of it but how is the story unoriginal? How are all the characters generic too? I'd understand if you complained about them being 2-dimensional but they're fairly different from most, if not all other shounen casts.
my bad
undeveloped and 2-d like you said is what I was goin for, not especially unoriginal

Had Akame Ga Kill been an anime that ended up rated in the 6.9 zone due to being underwatched then it'd have almost no hater base as well as a small dedicated fan base with almost no one to question their show.

This isn't a matter of whether or not the show is bad/deserving of its popularity. It's a case of how the exposure caused by its popularity makes a hater base for it. That's pretty much how Concrete Revolution passed through last Fall. Rather than being seen as "that overrated anime" it'd have the image of "that underwatched show that isn't a masterpiece but is alright".

People don't have hater bases for stuff like Mayoiga or Rail Wars.
OduduwaJul 28, 2016 8:28 PM
Jul 28, 2016 8:45 PM

May 2015
TheDeadApostle said:
Had Akame Ga Kill been an anime that ended up rated in the 6.9 zone due to being underwatched then it'd have almost no hater base as well as a small dedicated fan base with almost no one to question their show.
youre not completely wrong but youre not right either. it could really swing either way; for example, not many people have heard of Trapeze but nigh everyone whos seen it, either really liked it, or thought it was well above standard

TheDeadApostle said:
This isn't a matter of whether or not the show is bad/deserving of its popularity. It's a case of how the exposure caused by its popularity makes a hater base for it. That's pretty much how Concrete Revolution passed through last Fall. Rather than being seen as "that overrated anime" it'd have the image of "that underwatched show that isn't a masterpiece but is alright".

People don't have hater bases for stuff like Mayoiga or Rail Wars.
not many watched Luluco and it isnt considered to be anyhting, really

Concrete Revolutio was recieved quite well since it was a fresh take on something not commonly see in anime, or so Ive heard

also, lol Mayoiga has quite the hatedom and not so much with Rail Wars bc of its obscurity but those whove seen dont like it very much
Freddy Nicholas said:
have control, be yourself, god is dead
Jul 28, 2016 9:27 PM

Mar 2016
Malarkey said:
TheDeadApostle said:
Had Akame Ga Kill been an anime that ended up rated in the 6.9 zone due to being underwatched then it'd have almost no hater base as well as a small dedicated fan base with almost no one to question their show.
youre not completely wrong but youre not right either. it could really swing either way; for example, not many people have heard of Trapeze but nigh everyone whos seen it, either really liked it, or thought it was well above standard

TheDeadApostle said:
This isn't a matter of whether or not the show is bad/deserving of its popularity. It's a case of how the exposure caused by its popularity makes a hater base for it. That's pretty much how Concrete Revolution passed through last Fall. Rather than being seen as "that overrated anime" it'd have the image of "that underwatched show that isn't a masterpiece but is alright".

People don't have hater bases for stuff like Mayoiga or Rail Wars.
not many watched Luluco and it isnt considered to be anyhting, really

Concrete Revolutio was recieved quite well since it was a fresh take on something not commonly see in anime, or so Ive heard

also, lol Mayoiga has quite the hatedom and not so much with Rail Wars bc of its obscurity but those whove seen dont like it very much

ConRev? Received well? By who? - it was last in this poll - didn't even come top 20 in this one.

And falls under the "crap anime" zone in Mal. Few people hyped it and I only remember RainyRai and Fai praising it continuously.

Also whether or not it can be applied in both ways doesn't matter. The point is that exposure attracts negative attention. The anime might have problems but hater bases can only be really be noticed (or in fact, be created) with popular anime. Otherwise the thousands of even worse stuff should be posted around the forums as people release their rage. This isn't about quality.

Look at Evangelion. It's better than Mayoiga and Railwars but it's hater base is larger than that of the two combined. Heck look at Code Geass. It's exposure means that people put it under a magnifying glass to see what all the fuss is about and when they're disappointed they get pissed off at all the undeserved hype.

Every anime suffers under exposure. That's why you can see someone rating Absolute Duo higher than Evangelion with Evangelion being rated a 2 out of pure spite.
Jul 28, 2016 9:30 PM

May 2015
TheDeadApostle said:
Malarkey said:
youre not completely wrong but youre not right either. it could really swing either way; for example, not many people have heard of Trapeze but nigh everyone whos seen it, either really liked it, or thought it was well above standard

not many watched Luluco and it isnt considered to be anyhting, really

Concrete Revolutio was recieved quite well since it was a fresh take on something not commonly see in anime, or so Ive heard

also, lol Mayoiga has quite the hatedom and not so much with Rail Wars bc of its obscurity but those whove seen dont like it very much

ConRev? Received well? By who? - it was last in this poll - didn't even come top 20 in this one.

And falls under the "crap anime" zone in Mal. Few people hyped it and I only remember RainyRai and Fai praising it continuously.

Also whether or not it can be applied in both ways doesn't matter. The point is that exposure attracts negative attention. The anime might have problems but hater bases can only be really be noticed (or in fact, be created) with popular anime. Otherwise the thousands of even worse stuff should be posted around the forums as people release their rage. This isn't about quality.

Look at Evangelion. It's better than Mayoiga and Railwars but it's hater base is larger than that of the two combined. Heck look at Code Geass. It's exposure means that people put it under a magnifying glass to see what all the fuss is about and when they're disappointed they get pissed off at all the undeserved hype.

Every anime suffers under exposure. That's why you can see someone rating Absolute Duo higher than Evangelion with Evangelion being rated a 2 out of pure spite.
I see now
so what youre complaining is indeed not the 'whines' of people who hate on popular shows
but the centre of the hate itself: hype culture
Freddy Nicholas said:
have control, be yourself, god is dead
Jul 28, 2016 9:31 PM

Jun 2015
Source readers hated it the moment it deviated.

I started to notice it wasn't a good fit to the media when the Professor attacked their hideout.

I guess watching and reading have different measures of pacing.
Jul 29, 2016 4:36 AM

Mar 2016
Malarkey said:
TheDeadApostle said:

ConRev? Received well? By who? - it was last in this poll - didn't even come top 20 in this one.

And falls under the "crap anime" zone in Mal. Few people hyped it and I only remember RainyRai and Fai praising it continuously.

Also whether or not it can be applied in both ways doesn't matter. The point is that exposure attracts negative attention. The anime might have problems but hater bases can only be really be noticed (or in fact, be created) with popular anime. Otherwise the thousands of even worse stuff should be posted around the forums as people release their rage. This isn't about quality.

Look at Evangelion. It's better than Mayoiga and Railwars but it's hater base is larger than that of the two combined. Heck look at Code Geass. It's exposure means that people put it under a magnifying glass to see what all the fuss is about and when they're disappointed they get pissed off at all the undeserved hype.

Every anime suffers under exposure. That's why you can see someone rating Absolute Duo higher than Evangelion with Evangelion being rated a 2 out of pure spite.
I see now
so what youre complaining is indeed not the 'whines' of people who hate on popular shows
but the centre of the hate itself: hype culture

I'm not really complaining but yeah. That's just how things are. Popularity generally means an anime gets examined more.
Jul 29, 2016 6:55 AM

Jan 2011
TheDeadApostle said:
Malarkey said:
I see now
so what youre complaining is indeed not the 'whines' of people who hate on popular shows
but the centre of the hate itself: hype culture

I'm not really complaining but yeah. That's just how things are. Popularity generally means an anime gets examined more.
People just hating things because they are popular. Man they gotta grow up. I get like this when anime fans watch some of the newer cartoons and judge them criticlaly since they are not "Deep" like their favorite anime.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Jul 29, 2016 7:17 AM

Jul 2013
MasterHavik said:
Illyricus said:
They were not as bad as SAO fans, but they still overrate the series too much compared of how Akame ga Kill really is.
I see well I won't overhype it like that .I just feel this is just another case of the younger generation shooting off at the mouth.
While is true that sometimes the hate can get excesive, saying things of a series who are not true is a very dangerous move, since expectations are very risky in some cases.
Jul 29, 2016 7:58 AM

Jan 2014
It was mostly because it sucks.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Jul 29, 2016 8:41 AM

Jan 2014
MasterHavik said:
If you see my score I gave it a 7. I really wanted to give it a 9 but those last four episodes nearly destroyed me. It even had a very entraining dub too.

Anyway why does this series, not just the anime but the series in general get so much hate? I find it to be somewhat unjust and base off poor assumptions.

Many people I have seen thinks the show is trying to Game of Thrones. When my counter to that is," Uh....don't you like it in a shouen when no one is untouchable and anyone can die at any minute?" Granted Tatsumi did do an asspull near the end of the series. He even died...even if his death was bleh. I like how this show makes it clear what the stakes are and does a good job of flushing everyone out before killing them.

Another complaint I hear is people think the fanbase for this show just like it because of the blood and gore. Well....I think you already know my counter to that. I know the fanabse for this show is above that and we actually really like how they built the world gave us our two groups. It really made you care about everyone at the end of the day. They also caught the atmosphere of war really good really well showing how crazy people get during war.

Anyway what do you guys think? I don't think Akame Ga Kill is the best series ever but it is one of the few anime of the 2010s I'll put in my top 15 or 20 list if I did one for the 2010 year of anime.
I believe the two biggest reasons Akame Ga Kill gets hate is it's constant shit writing of the characters by Takahiro.

You don't get enough development time with these characters to even care if they get killed off or not. The only character I've heard people caring about was either Akame or Tatsumi, but still even then, it felt rushed.

I've made posts on the discussion boards saying "I hope this character survives" or whatever, but I'm just done to be brutally honest.

The anime seems like it was a huge spoiler for the manga, considering the interview with the manga artist - He said that they had to take the ending and merge it into what they had so it would even have an ending. If you want the link to the Q&A its on a discussion board on the Wikia.

FanFiction get's a whole lot of hate, but I firmly believe that fan-works are much better then Akame Ga Kill.(Of course if you filter out all the shit written smut for making characters have sex).

Akame Ga Kill just felt rushed and had no character development IMO.

Live here in the now, chill with your buddy, Jambles.
FanFiction/My Writing

Jul 29, 2016 8:45 AM
Dec 2014
because of shitty comic villan. I mean that fat guy eating raw meat. Lazy as fuck writing
Jul 29, 2016 8:47 AM

Jul 2016
Illyricus said:
The reason why Akame ga Kill is hated is mostly because fanboys hyped the shit of it before the airing of the show, calling the series a masterpiece, a mature, serious shonen very similar to Game of Thrones... when at the end it turned to be a decent at best shonen, with simple characters who dies like fodders for shock value, poor worldbuilding, without being mature at all (the comedy of the series is awful) and with a bullshit ending.

Was something similar to SAO, but on an smaller scale.

I agree with this. Couldn't have said it better myself.

I followed the hype and I was really excited about it but then... it was just terrible.
Jul 29, 2016 8:47 AM
News Team

Nov 2014
I enjoyed the first half but idk that second half was ... pretty boring and bad if i remember correctly.
(and i am anime only so im not in the ''hurr durr it didnt follow the manga'' club)
When it was airing i was just thinking ''alright, who's going to die this episode uh ?'' ''oh, so its this guy. well rip i guess''

Jul 29, 2016 8:53 AM

Jan 2014
Jul 29, 2016 9:46 AM

Jan 2011
DatRandomDude said:
I enjoyed the first half but idk that second half was ... pretty boring and bad if i remember correctly.
(and i am anime only so im not in the ''hurr durr it didnt follow the manga'' club)
When it was airing i was just thinking ''alright, who's going to die this episode uh ?'' ''oh, so its this guy. well rip i guess''

Oh no it was dude. Not going to your spoiler outloud.

From what I'm gathering here is that the creator loves death themes and having characters be sad to a level that is on par with J.K. Rowling. I will never get that with some authors.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Sep 15, 2016 2:55 PM
Dec 2014
Well, I missed the hype since I stay well away from reviews etc. until I am done watching.

If I was to sum up how I feel, it was a fairly average shonen with the violence of a seinen . I don't mind characters dropping left, right and centre. But if you are trying to make each day an emotional one, then the characters need to be given more development and/or better written scenes, and comic relief needs to be timed more carefully. Also - though this is a minor thing I won't count against the show - I think that they should've picked another title. I like that they didn't give the title character all the spotlight, but in the end, there was little about Akame that screams "title character".

Anyway I didn't hate it. If I went with my guts (without getting too analytical, I'd probably give the show a 6.5).
Sep 16, 2016 8:35 PM

Jan 2011
AxBattler said:
Well, I missed the hype since I stay well away from reviews etc. until I am done watching.

If I was to sum up how I feel, it was a fairly average shonen with the violence of a seinen . I don't mind characters dropping left, right and centre. But if you are trying to make each day an emotional one, then the characters need to be given more development and/or better written scenes, and comic relief needs to be timed more carefully. Also - though this is a minor thing I won't count against the show - I think that they should've picked another title. I like that they didn't give the title character all the spotlight, but in the end, there was little about Akame that screams "title character".

Anyway I didn't hate it. If I went with my guts (without getting too analytical, I'd probably give the show a 6.5).
I'm in that range too. I like the characters but they could have executed better. I still think Black Critic Guy is an idiot for giving this a perfect score.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Nov 22, 2017 2:30 AM
Jul 2017
MasterHavik said:
If you see my score I gave it a 7. I really wanted to give it a 9 but those last four episodes nearly destroyed me. It even had a very entraining dub too.

Anyway why does this series, not just the anime but the series in general get so much hate? I find it to be somewhat unjust and base off poor assumptions.

Many people I have seen thinks the show is trying to Game of Thrones. When my counter to that is," Uh....don't you like it in a shouen when no one is untouchable and anyone can die at any minute?" Granted Tatsumi did do an asspull near the end of the series. He even died...even if his death was bleh. I like how this show makes it clear what the stakes are and does a good job of flushing everyone out before killing them.

Another complaint I hear is people think the fanbase for this show just like it because of the blood and gore. Well....I think you already know my counter to that. I know the fanabse for this show is above that and we actually really like how they built the world gave us our two groups. It really made you care about everyone at the end of the day. They also caught the atmosphere of war really good really well showing how crazy people get during war.

Anyway what do you guys think? I don't think Akame Ga Kill is the best series ever but it is one of the few anime of the 2010s I'll put in my top 15 or 20 list if I did one for the 2010 year of anime.

I am of ten a dub watchet but this dub was God awful
Nov 22, 2017 2:32 AM
Jul 2017
1. Right after an emotional scene adding sapsticj humor makes the audience feel dumb, it just an awful idea
2. The characters are all one dimensional and archetypes
3.we always hear about "the village and the capital" but nothing is really explained
4. Tons of plotholes
Nov 22, 2017 3:45 AM
Jul 2018
it's cuz most people don't have *puts on glasses* SWAG
Nov 25, 2017 12:12 PM
Nov 2017
Because the main character showing like Tatsumi and they don't show nude girls...
Nov 25, 2017 12:34 PM
Jan 2015
It's childish in both presentation and execution, mediocre production and god awful characters and writing.
Nov 26, 2017 9:52 PM
Jan 2017
Meh. Who cares. I'm just rewatching it for the thrill.
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