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Aug 5, 2015 12:55 AM
Jul 2015
i was wondering if IS: Infinite Stratos is going to get a season 3. And anyone have any recommendation? thanks.

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rodacAug 5, 2015 11:35 PM
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Aug 5, 2015 1:22 AM

Apr 2013
Probably will. Seeing how the trash sells so well in Japan.

I swear Ichika is the densest harem MC of all time.

He wouldn't even know what pussy is even if it's right infront of his face.
Aug 5, 2015 1:25 AM

May 2015
Hopefully it gets one
However as stated above ^^ the MC can be a real pain.

What exactly are you looking for? more mecha or other harems?
Aug 5, 2015 1:29 AM
Sep 2008
hoopla123 said:
Probably will. Seeing how the trash sells so well in Japan.

I swear Ichika is the densest harem MC of all time.

He wouldn't even know what pussy is even if it's right infront of his face.

I think Raku Ichijou is worse :3
Aug 5, 2015 1:31 AM

Apr 2013
Espeonaka said:
hoopla123 said:
Probably will. Seeing how the trash sells so well in Japan.

I swear Ichika is the densest harem MC of all time.

He wouldn't even know what pussy is even if it's right infront of his face.

I think Raku Ichijou is worse :3

Not even close.

Raku at least has someone he likes, and the manga progression in Nisekoi is finally happening! Ships are sinking and salt is raining from the sky!

But really, Ichika is by far worse.

Man at least Raku is somewhat likable.
Aug 5, 2015 1:43 AM
Jul 2015
LucidSky said:
Hopefully it gets one
However as stated above ^^ the MC can be a real pain.

What exactly are you looking for? more mecha or other harems?

Ehhhh. Action/harems/mecha anything really.
Aug 5, 2015 2:17 AM

Jul 2015
hoopla123 said:
Probably will. Seeing how the trash sells so well in Japan.

I swear Ichika is the densest harem MC of all time.

He wouldn't even know what pussy is even if it's right infront of his face.

I think that Ichika is gay, just compare how he acted with Charlotte when she was disguised as a boy and after that.
Aug 5, 2015 2:19 AM

May 2015
Ok well idk if you have watched these but start out with Highschool DxD and Strike the Blood.
Aug 5, 2015 3:25 AM

Jan 2009
I hope not, it would be a total waste of a perfectly good airing slot - anime | manga | reviews
Aug 5, 2015 3:43 AM

Apr 2013
Makarich said:
Necromia said:

Seriously for a few second I really thought it was me who posted that. It completely destabilised me since I had no memory of it...

As for the op, if you want ecchi+mecha do yourself a favour and go watch Kyoukaisenjou no horizon instead~.

Also, it's been a while since I've seen a IS volume in the sales ranking... Either it's not selling well (in which case a new anime series won't come), or it's been a while since the author published new material( which isn't a good situation for a new anime series), or... I just missed it.
Edit: seems like I really just missed it, volume 10 is currently in the chart and selling very well (reached 40k in 2 weeks)
ZefyrisAug 5, 2015 5:37 PM
Aug 5, 2015 3:49 AM

Aug 2014
Zefyris said:
As for the op, if you want ecchi+mecha do yourself a favour and go watch Kyoukaisenjou no horizon instead~.

I'd rather Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon have a S3 instead..
Your taste in Anime is shit.

Because you can't differentiate between what's good and bad.

How sad.
Aug 5, 2015 4:08 AM
May 2009
xMonochrome said:
Zefyris said:
As for the op, if you want ecchi+mecha do yourself a favour and go watch Kyoukaisenjou no horizon instead~.

I'd rather Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon have a S3 instead..

This at least the action is more interesting.
Aug 5, 2015 4:41 AM

Apr 2013
shintai88 said:
xMonochrome said:

I'd rather Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon have a S3 instead..

This at least the action is more interesting.

Everything is more interesting. Scenario, characters, world building, fights, economical/political negotiations, strategies, technology used...
Aug 5, 2015 5:25 AM
May 2009
Zefyris said:
shintai88 said:

This at least the action is more interesting.

Everything is more interesting. Scenario, characters, world building, fights, economical/political negotiations, strategies, technology used...

True I forgot about that. Either way we can only wait and see if a season 3 is going to come out.
Aug 5, 2015 6:13 AM
Community Admin
sunny moment

May 2010
I think there's a shortage of available content to adapt from right now.

But sooner or later...
Aug 5, 2015 8:16 AM

Aug 2011
Infinite Stratos is annoying.

Based on how much sex sells, I am sure it could possibly get a season 3.
Aug 5, 2015 8:17 AM

Apr 2014
Probably not, Highschool DxD.
Aug 5, 2015 2:57 PM

Mar 2013
Season 2 was horrible but fan service do sell.
Aug 5, 2015 3:05 PM

Dec 2012
hoopla123 said:
Probably will. Seeing how the trash sells so well in Japan.

I swear Ichika is the densest harem MC of all time.

He wouldn't even know what pussy is even if it's right infront of his face.
Huh??? Pussy??? What are you talking about??? Cats aren't allowed in the dorms silly!
Aug 5, 2015 3:12 PM

Apr 2013
Ratohnhaketon said:
hoopla123 said:
Probably will. Seeing how the trash sells so well in Japan.

I swear Ichika is the densest harem MC of all time.

He wouldn't even know what pussy is even if it's right infront of his face.
Huh??? Pussy??? What are you talking about??? Cats aren't allowed in the dorms silly!

That one doesn't work in japanese though :p. Butr maybe he'll think that you're talking about that huge lake between Swiss and France and ask the France representative if she's been there before. ~ (that lake is called "remanko" in japanese, ko meaning lake)
Aug 5, 2015 9:45 PM
Jul 2018
If it would be interesting than season 2, I agree.
Aug 5, 2015 10:34 PM

Jun 2015
Espeonaka said:
hoopla123 said:
Probably will. Seeing how the trash sells so well in Japan.

I swear Ichika is the densest harem MC of all time.

He wouldn't even know what pussy is even if it's right infront of his face.

I think Raku Ichijou is worse :3

b*tch please, atleast he has a girlfriend and someone he likes .3.
Aug 5, 2015 10:56 PM
Jul 2018
That show is cancer

Supposedly best gril is charles
Aug 5, 2015 11:25 PM

Jun 2013
Veneficia said:
That show is cancer

Supposedly best gril is charles

Less cancerous than bleach.

It's natural for a person to deny he's a failure as a human being. That's why he searches for somebody who is more miserable than himself. That's why so much animosity exists on the internet. Those who aren't able to find a more miserable person, turn to the internet and call other people losers, even though they've never met. Just to make themselves feel superior. isn't that pathetic? There's a sense of security that comes from speaking badly of someone else. But that isn't true salvation. — Tatsuhiro Satou
YandereTheEmo said:
The only thing more pathetic than quoting someone you know nothing about, is quoting yourself.
Aug 5, 2015 11:29 PM
#1 Hitagi Lover

Apr 2014
Infinite Stratos Season 3? Please no.

To me I can't think of a show that I dislike more, but if a third season were to arise I would sadly watch it, I wasted my time with the first two so why not?
Aug 5, 2015 11:30 PM
Jul 2018
YandereTheEmo said:
Veneficia said:
That show is cancer

Supposedly best gril is charles

Less cancerous than bleach.

Infinite stratos is a better mech and has better character development than code geese

Aug 5, 2015 11:30 PM

Jul 2014
xMonochrome said:
Zefyris said:
As for the op, if you want ecchi+mecha do yourself a favour and go watch Kyoukaisenjou no horizon instead~.

I'd rather Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon have a S3 instead..

O god so much this lol, awesome show.
Aug 5, 2015 11:31 PM

Jun 2013
Veneficia said:
YandereTheEmo said:

Less cancerous than bleach.

Infinite stratos is a better mech and has better character development than code geese

Jokes on you, cuz I don't even like code jesus that much.

It's natural for a person to deny he's a failure as a human being. That's why he searches for somebody who is more miserable than himself. That's why so much animosity exists on the internet. Those who aren't able to find a more miserable person, turn to the internet and call other people losers, even though they've never met. Just to make themselves feel superior. isn't that pathetic? There's a sense of security that comes from speaking badly of someone else. But that isn't true salvation. — Tatsuhiro Satou
YandereTheEmo said:
The only thing more pathetic than quoting someone you know nothing about, is quoting yourself.
Aug 8, 2015 7:20 PM

Jul 2014
Zeally said:
Infinite Shitos gave me aids

AntwanMantilla said:
Infinite Stratos Season 3? Please no.

To me I can't think of a show that I dislike more, but if a third season were to arise I would sadly watch it, I wasted my time with the first two so why not?
Aug 30, 2015 6:31 PM
Dec 2014
hoopla123 said:
Probably will. Seeing how the trash sells so well in Japan.

I swear Ichika is the densest harem MC of all time.

He wouldn't even know what pussy is even if it's right infront of his face.

You've obviously never watched Nisekoi.
Sep 2, 2015 3:50 PM
Feb 2015
does anyone know what happen in V10 of the LN series?
Oct 16, 2015 2:16 PM
Sep 2015
I'm gonna post on this that way I'll know if season three ever happens. I mean it kills some time better than other anime...kinda mabye.
Dec 21, 2015 6:33 AM
Jul 2015
There will be a season 3.
If you have watched the World Purge-Hen OVA wich is a sequel to the season 2 it leaves some gaps to be filled and questions to be answered in season 3.
I could say for myself that there is gonna be a season 3 for sure but we've got to wait and see.
Jan 2, 2016 7:13 AM

Jul 2015
Based on season 2, this anime probably doesn't deserve.

Season 1 at least was quite light hearted and dumb, fitting what people probably expected from a harem anime. MC was god awful at everything but at least the female characters made up for it.

Season 2 tried so damn hard to force a storyline that it hurt and in the end, the storyline goes literally no where in 12 episodes. They introduce a group that want to kill him. End of season 2? Most of the group are still totally fine and still want to kill him and his sister. The end fight just ends up with them retreating. The end.

The characters that they introduced this season were generally worse than last season. The anime trying to occasionally go dark by showing blood just seemed tonally weird.

But yeah. It'll probably get another sequel. Hopefully they drop the whole "dark, twin sister" storyline and just go with it being harem. Since harem is the only thing is did to any decent level to begin with, it has awful combat.
Jan 3, 2016 2:18 PM

Jul 2015
another season just to watch ichika be even more dense would be straight up trolling at this point
Jan 9, 2016 9:57 PM
Jul 2018
It's gonna happen when they have enough material. That doesn't mean it's gonna be good though.
Jan 29, 2016 12:06 AM

Jun 2013
If it happens we had all better pray its more like Season 1 and less like Season 2. Lord have mercy...
Jan 30, 2016 3:46 AM
Jan 2016
I want to see more about the new sister and whats going on withe the mad scientist that makes the is after watching the is2 ova. comeon season 3
Jan 30, 2016 3:17 PM
Jan 2016
I think there will be a season 3. Or more like hope there will be, but I'm pretty sure. Why? Because the story never really ended in season 2. Is Tabane and enemy or a friend? What happens with Madoka? There's an unfinished story...
Jan 30, 2016 3:27 PM

Sep 2015
I'd like to see a Season 3 purely so that I could see the story concluded.
But please, if it's anything like Season 2 then I think I might have to hang myself. That season was such a giant turd.
It's an entirely different kind of flying, altogether!
It's an entirely different kind of flying.
Jan 30, 2016 3:51 PM

Aug 2015
I'd watch it... i can look past the dense MC personality.. its actually somewhat charming.. but please.. oh please make Itchika actually useful in a fight..

he always seems to be out of energy within seconds... he's way more of a liability than an asset..
Feb 9, 2016 11:00 PM
Feb 2016
I dont think ichika is gay hes very modest and doesnt want to seem like a pervert and as for being dense oh yeah big time but as for the being the worst character ever i find that hard to beleive hes far different from any other MC and i find it enjoyable to watch as its something new compared most unoriginal same repeated thing that most anime and manga artist do these days v.v but everyone has there own opinion
Feb 13, 2016 5:52 AM
Jul 2015
Infinite Shitos i like that anime but S3 would be nice so we could get the ending bot i have just one and a a litte more then a half year so but i like anime guys and girls if it is that Infinite Shitos i so bad then tell me why
Feb 13, 2016 11:36 AM
Feb 2016
i'm not going bother reading all these comments as the first few are oblivious to fact ichika has already chosen one the girls that is being charlotte dunois you people obviously cant read people nor have good eye sight notice it. its plain obvious he's not a dunse.
all them (minus charlotte) he sees as a friend or sister nothing more nothing less. if your going to argue that he is a idiot show proof evidence of this and i can tell you this he has chosen charlotte and im not only person with a brain and set of eyes who could see this.

only dunse of the show is the 90% of viewers/fans who cannot see that he is not a dunse.
i have seen plenty of animes where people think the character is a dunse but to damn stupid notice signs that the character is not and has laid eyes on one the female characters.
all you all need see doctor if ur that dense to not see he has chosen charlotte.
lest713Feb 13, 2016 11:41 AM
Feb 15, 2016 1:42 PM
Feb 2016
I Am aware that everyone is entitled to their comments but all this negativity sucks compared with the perverted nature that other Mcs got Ichika may be dense at times but at least he's an honorable guy trying to contain himself from playing with the girls hearts n emotions, the only girl he has finally started taking interest in with day dream visions is Houki which she confessed her love for him twice and in both ocasions he did not hear her properly, while all the other girls fantasized of him taking charge and having his way with them in the world purge OVA only Houki had a decent pure vision of her relationship with him and she discovered the Ichika in her dream was not the real him which means her feelings run much deeper for him than the others,so if there were a 3rd season it would be to give proper closure to the series along with a final Ova to make the ending proper (Houki and Ichika accepting her as his girlfriend and possible wife)
Feb 23, 2016 8:27 PM
Sep 2015
Blackwindzero said:
I Am aware that everyone is entitled to their comments but all this negativity sucks compared with the perverted nature that other Mcs got Ichika may be dense at times but at least he's an honorable guy trying to contain himself from playing with the girls hearts n emotions, the only girl he has finally started taking interest in with day dream visions is Houki which she confessed her love for him twice and in both ocasions he did not hear her properly, while all the other girls fantasized of him taking charge and having his way with them in the world purge OVA only Houki had a decent pure vision of her relationship with him and she discovered the Ichika in her dream was not the real him which means her feelings run much deeper for him than the others,so if there were a 3rd season it would be to give proper closure to the series along with a final Ova to make the ending proper (Houki and Ichika accepting her as his girlfriend and possible wife)

He reminds me of rito from love to ru their both dense as hell but pure hearted honrable guys
Mar 8, 2016 2:12 PM
Mar 2016
I just finished watching infinite stratos but does anyone think theres still coming a season 3? Cause im really depressed that it is over without knowing if there is coming a new season cause the ending also was a bit weird please give me some information
Mar 8, 2016 2:19 PM

Jan 2014
As much as I want to see more Laura, I really hate Ichika. I like some harem protagonist but my god, he's the most DENSE one in existence.
Mar 9, 2016 12:38 AM
Mar 2016
I read most of the comments and I'd really like to see a Season 3. I do like anime but I'm kind of picky. I had 2 interests in the series at first, 1) Mostly female characters similar to the anime (Vandread), and 2) The IS units sort of remind me of mechs not like (Vandread or other anime ive seen) Not quite like mechs in (BattleTech). I chose to give IS a chance and Ichika does seem a little dense but I do understand. He does have strong morals like he doesn't like looking at girls undress, he does stare depending on what there wearing and he gets hit or called a pervert everytime something happens. I tried to start Fate/Zero, Sword Art Online, Attack On Titan and none of them take me away right away and I lose interest within 3 minutes of them. IS held my interest past episode 1 and I spam watched both seasons. I didn't like the new student thing every episode where Rin shows up and then Charlotte, and Laura but I managed to look past it. I figured Charlotte was a girl at first and I was right. It would seem that Ichika has feelings for Charlotte and possibly Houki. I think he is shy like some men and he is in conflict because he has literally every girl after him. I think they should do another season and rather then all of the girls chase him, he should pick one and just go from there. I'm in the military and regardless I'm sure all the girls will flirt and be accepting of his choice and still try to work with him. Plus his sister will bust heads if they don't work together either way.
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