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Feb 4, 2014 9:09 PM

Aug 2009
Omg when he started doing the situps I laughed harder than I should have! xD that was so unexpected I couldn't help but laugh and then they let him do it for a straight minute im sittin here like whut??

this episode was very different and weird...the ending felt so rush and the explanation just didn't sit well. I hope the next episode is better. The ending was a very nice plot twist though. Looking forward to what will happen with that.

Feb 4, 2014 9:17 PM

Oct 2010
This entire episode screams fujoshi fanbait.....
"People die when they are killed" - Emiya Shirou
Feb 4, 2014 9:25 PM

Apr 2012
this episode had some REALLY shitty animation.
the episode itself was alright... i mean the plot was confusing but the end was a plot twist.
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Feb 4, 2014 10:39 PM

Feb 2012
That hot spring episode was... I don't even know wtf lol
Feb 4, 2014 10:55 PM

Jun 2013
Nope, still not doing it for me. I feel nothing for the characters, I'm not getting into the humor, and the moment that sealed the deal for me was how I had absolutely no reaction to the revelation in the end scene. It was just kind of like, "oh."

Dropped. May the rest of you have better luck than me.
Feb 4, 2014 11:08 PM

Nov 2012
that was.. a really manly episode..

the animation was weird in this episode, i think they were trying again to imitate a SHAFT animation style

not sure what to think of this series, i have no idea where it's going..
Feb 4, 2014 11:18 PM

Dec 2010
Dumb episode with some truly terrible animation but still laughed at situps guy. Also when that girl asked Theo if his ass hurts and he didn't know what she was talking about....LOLOL
Feb 5, 2014 12:09 AM

Jan 2011
reminds me of Kyoukai No Kanata's 6episode feeling random and completely out of place but it was just utter shit.

not the mention the animation drop,show already looked like it didn't have much of a budget
Feb 5, 2014 12:19 AM

Apr 2012
odd episode that I honestly couldn't see coming.
Feb 5, 2014 12:30 AM

Aug 2013
Trippwire01 said:
Dropped. May the rest of you have better luck than me.

Well if the succeeding episodes will have the same quality as this one, it will be a very rough uphill battle for all of us who stayed. Hopefully it improves.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Feb 5, 2014 12:46 AM

Jan 2013
I don't understand why the inspector decided to stab the lab coat guy, it's not like he was on to something.

So much quality this episode, makes me feel like I'm watching P4 all over again.

Sakubo777 said:
This entire episode screams fujoshi fanbait.....

How so? Fujoshis like attractive men and the guys in this episode look shitty.
minescopeFeb 5, 2014 1:06 AM
Feb 5, 2014 1:48 AM

Jul 2010

Also did not like the animation in this episode.
“Are there some unseen roles that we have unknowingly set ourselves into, dictating the rules of engagement whenever we see each other, inevitably leading to us hurting each other?”
Feb 5, 2014 2:14 AM

Apr 2010
LOL ok, even though this episode was bad. I still enjoyed it, let's face it those awkward moments made it funny.
Never ignore a person who loves you, cares for you, and misses you. Because one day, you might wake up from your sleep and realize that you lost the moon while counting the stars.
Feb 5, 2014 2:16 AM

Mar 2013

Yaoi episode *pukes* *pukes* *pukes* *pukes* *pukes*
Feb 5, 2014 3:01 AM

May 2010
Lol, all of Hajime's care is for food. Finally Hajime in action, her power is very cool. Honey was also nice as always.

I am totally in love with the ending song.
Feb 5, 2014 3:38 AM

Dec 2013
Dreambells said:
It had so much promise both animation wise and plot wise but then this episode happened... The animation fell so harshly from the previous 4 episodes, it was almost like an entire different team animated it, and the minimum that was introduced, which I think was the writer's attempt to be funny, was not at all humorous and just plain weird and creepy. All the humor in the episode fell flat.

There were only two redeeming factors:

1. A glimpse at Hajime's minimum
2. Gasquet committed cold blooded murder, a seed of betrayal has been planted

Hopefully they return to quality of the last 4 episodes because whatever they're trying to pull here is not working.


For this to be a hot springs episode, where was all of the fan service? I saw enough gay-guy abs to satisfy even the most flaming of queens, which I could so do without, but there was no female fan service. There should have, at the very least, been a couple fan service scenes of the Hamatora girls!
Odds are I'm not going to find my way back to a thread after my first post, it happens on occasion but not often. So, if I say something that offends you and you feel the need to force your opinion on me because obviously everyone should have your opinion or none at all, feel free to post it in the thread that I'll probably never see again. However, if you are interested in intelligent discourse, feel free to message me.
Feb 5, 2014 3:47 AM

Aug 2008
Sakubo777 said:
This entire episode screams fujoshi fanbait.....

No, it does not.
Feb 5, 2014 4:12 AM

Dec 2010
I almost choke to death with my coffee when that guy started making sit-ups for his Minimum :D :D :D

yukishiromei said:
Crazy and gayest episode ever, lmfao. I didn't see that coming.
Anyways, this
Feb 5, 2014 5:36 AM

Sep 2013
The art was pretty bad in some parts but it didn't bother me too much. This episode was so unique and bizarre I couldn't help but like it. Its ridiculousness was hilarious in my opinion. Hope it goes back to being more serious soon though.
Feb 5, 2014 5:59 AM
Jul 2013
No hamatora, do not waste your potential...don't be lazy..please hamatora, I believe in you!
Feb 5, 2014 6:05 AM

Nov 2009
I really don't get other women. They'd get angry when someone peeks at them and they'd still get angry when no one peeks at them. Talk about irrational.

I had mixed feelings for this episode.

Oh, so that old dude is an enemy.
Feb 5, 2014 6:09 AM

Jun 2013
That's what I call a hardcore number 1 fan.

Why will someone's Minimum be attracting males with sweat and steam... that's awkward.

And what's with that end... that one-eyed man ugh
Feb 5, 2014 6:11 AM

Oct 2011
I wonder if Gasket is really him or someone else???
Feb 5, 2014 8:28 AM

Jun 2013
Worst episode yet of Hamatora. Shame on you. I'm disappointed.

Fujoshi traits? Oh fuck, fujoshis would puke intestines seeing this bad episode.
"Children of Japan. And those who were once children. Listen! This is not a dream. This is not fiction. In reality, your superheroes were always fighting. To teach viewers courage and the meaning of justice! No matter how many enemies there are. No matter how strong evil is. Just remember. Does any another country have so many heroes? Has any another country been protected by multiple superheroes? Stand with me, friends! Remember when you used to watch your superheroes!
Once you may have given up this dream. But today, you can be a hero!"

- Kaname Jouji , Red Axe

Feb 5, 2014 9:27 AM

Jun 2012
I'm gonna forget this ep and hopefully it'll be back to normal next week.
Nice twist in the final minutes though. Didn't see that coming.

Riez said:

Fujoshi traits? Oh fuck, fujoshis would puke intestines seeing this bad episode.

Kinda true. If they wanted to attract BL lovers with that episode they failed.

Feb 5, 2014 11:10 AM

Aug 2011
Sakubo777 said:
This entire episode screams fujoshi fanbait.....

It does not. Don't type out of your ass like this.
Feb 5, 2014 11:37 AM

Oct 2011
This episode ....frickin' scared me!! wth was that minimum!?

Also, didn't expect that from the old man.
Feb 5, 2014 12:06 PM
Jan 2011
Feb 5, 2014 12:59 PM

Jun 2012
Seriously what the hell did I just watch? That was such a stupid and meaningless episode, I have no idea what they were thinking. At first I thought it was just awkward because there was a random gang of homosexuals invading the hot springs... but the way it was resolved and all tied together was horrible. I'm just gonna try and forget this... this was much worse than any "hot springs episode" I've ever seen.

I definitely didn't suspect that Gasquet was bad though. It was obvious in that moment what was coming, just because of how overdone that kind reveal is... but still never expected it.

The one thing this episode did successfully do though is make me even more curious how they get their Minimums... particularly what determines what it will be and whatnot. I didn't even realize until now that they had to have gone through that program to get one.
HalibelTheEspadaFeb 5, 2014 1:02 PM
Feb 5, 2014 1:47 PM

Nov 2010
The gay vibes around here...
It's getting more lame as it progress
Mainly because I was expecting some cool and clever minimum (super power) battles instead of this
Feb 5, 2014 2:29 PM

Mar 2012
Well that was retarded. That random twist at the end though.
Feb 5, 2014 4:15 PM

Dec 2008
I about laughed a lung out over this episode. Seduction Minimum? FUUUNNY!! I thought EVERY guy was going to turn gay by the end of it all.

Speaking of the about backstabbing. I didn't see that coming. Whoa!

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Feb 5, 2014 6:44 PM
Dec 2013
This show is getting pretty bad every episode.
Feb 5, 2014 6:57 PM

Jul 2012
First episode in this show I did not like. :S Didn't find it funny, instead the comedy was kinda forced.

Wish it would finally start to focus more on the main plot...It's almost the halfway point :<
Feb 5, 2014 8:11 PM

Mar 2008
Lack of Hajime in the hot spring makes me sad :/ still liking the show overall though.
Feb 5, 2014 9:58 PM

Apr 2012
I think this episode was very funny ^^
Feb 5, 2014 11:02 PM

Feb 2012
Pacing was a bit odd and this episode was all over the place. Although, a gay villain that can turn straight guys gay as his power... Amazing.
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Feb 6, 2014 12:54 AM

Jul 2013
man I had high hopes for this show but if they're going to continue with stupid cases as in the last 2 episodes, I'm not sure if I can continue.. this episode alone made me drop my temporary rating for this show to 5/10
Feb 6, 2014 2:26 AM

Sep 2012
What.....? the...?

good to see Hajime-chan in action though!

and damn that plot twist ><
Feb 6, 2014 7:56 AM

Sep 2013
man this episode was a bit too homo for me but DAMN THAT ENDING
if that's not a plot twist i dunno what is *_* didn't expect him of all ppl lol
Feb 6, 2014 10:16 AM

Jun 2012
Guess they spent their good animation budget on the eps before... Why are they going to show for the first time the little girl power on a metro-sexual episode???
Feb 6, 2014 3:06 PM

Jun 2012

Feb 6, 2014 3:20 PM

Apr 2013
This anime is such a disappointment
Feb 6, 2014 9:02 PM

Dec 2012
Ok, this was one really gay episode. Literally. That minimum was plain weird and I was just sitting there awkwardly in front of the computer screen while he was doing those sit ups.
Since this is just filler material, I don't really mind since I'm still watching for the main plot.
That old man who is always around Art is a literal backstabber. Now, I worry for Art's safety D:
Feb 6, 2014 9:51 PM

Jun 2013
xchee said:
Trippwire01 said:
Dropped. May the rest of you have better luck than me.

Well if the succeeding episodes will have the same quality as this one, it will be a very rough uphill battle for all of us who stayed. Hopefully it improves.

I actually hope it does, and would kindly eat my words if this happens to be the case. But, I made the "wise" decision to follow too many shows this season, so the decision to drop something that wasn't up to my par wasn't hard.

On another note, while I agree the "yaoi"-ish stuff this episode was highly unnecessary, I'm really quite astounded at all the "ew that's gross ick *puke*" response about it. Come on, guys.
Feb 7, 2014 12:58 AM
Jul 2012
There just aren't enough words to describe what I just saw and how entertaining and hilarious it was!

Unfortunately, there will be those that won't like this episode for the sole reason of it involving somewhat gay aspects....SO FUCKING WHAT?! Grow up already!

And I see there's quite a mixed view...more specifically a kind of black and white view on this anime; either people really like it, or are really disappointed. Personally, I really like it. Yea, it's not gonna be the best anime of the season, but I truly think that the combination of unique artwork, the soundtrack, and the plot is definitely doing it great justice. I think they blended the true plot with comedy pretty damn well (so far).

From the start, I expected this anime to be fairly unusual, slightly outrageous at times, and visually vibrant. Plus a good OST added to my enjoyment. It has kept me entertained so far. And in the end, that's what it's all about =)
Feb 7, 2014 2:08 PM
Jul 2018
LOL. That was so gay :)) best minimum ever though.
What happened at the end though? Woah.
Decent ep. 3.5/5
Feb 7, 2014 5:48 PM

Nov 2012
weird and craziest episode so far :O
what a crazy power :/
but the ending of the story a bit touching :3
and hajime yeah.. she has an interesting power.. and that smile in the end <3

woah .. gasuke is a villain or evil?! why i'm not suprised :/
Feb 7, 2014 6:14 PM

Jan 2008
So are they gonna make every frigging job they take intertwine? This is getting really repetitive. I didn't mind the poorly done gay comedy but I'm kinda annoyed how all the jobs they do cross over with each other.

What's next? Nice has to go find a cat and the cat apparently has a secret collar with a microchip Birthday was looking for some guy that happens to be the owner of the restaurant Hajime is currently eating at? Wut.
Feb 7, 2014 7:19 PM

Jan 2014
Gasuke's plottwist was poorly executed.
For a mommejt I tought this episode was mocking of the viewers who expected fanservice, then I saw the large exercise scene and realized they didn't really knew what they are doing.
Such a let down, this series was running smoothly so far, and then we got this garbage
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