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May 8, 2012 2:04 PM

Mar 2010
This episode was kinda meh. I'm still waiting for some horror..

zonbidesu said:
"Genres: Mystery, Horror, Romance, School, Shounen, Supernatural"

Where is the horror?
And forgot to put "Ecchi, Comedy, Harem"

^^^^ This ^^^^
May 8, 2012 4:33 PM

Dec 2011
Kirie is so cute!
And she sure hell resembles Yuuko. This was a fun ep.
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May 8, 2012 9:35 PM

May 2011
Kirie with long hair looks exactly like Yuuko, well at least her face is wow. She was pretty cute blushing like that in that maid uniform too and adorable when she gets scared.

That flirting in the beginning haha ftw. Lol Yuuko just wanted to spin around like that, looks like fun.
May 9, 2012 12:27 AM

May 2010
So....was that model alive or what??
May 9, 2012 3:37 AM

Apr 2009
Kirie finally gets her time in the limelight. Though it happened much, much earlier than I expected, I was waiting for this part. Thank goodness it wasn't cut from the anime. I'd prefer if she would actually grow out her hair. Long-haired Hime Cut hairstyle FTW.

She looks almost like the reincarnation of her grand aunt, except that Yuuko is still in the world as a ghost, and Kirie didn't inherit her relative's... other traits. Still, she has her own charm to make up for it, though.
May 9, 2012 5:54 AM

Aug 2009
ahmed_great2005 said:
So....was that model alive or what??

Haha, this. ^

Pretty random carrying that thing around while enjoying the festival. I swear, it really moved on its own sometimes. xD

Kirie says: "My breasts are lacking a little, but my skin's pretty white. If I grow out my hair, then my face would resembl-" as she realize that she really do wanna be like Yuuko.

I found the resemblance a bit too similar when Kirie was walking around with that long-haired wig. Nothing wrong with that, but still.
May 9, 2012 8:58 AM

Nov 2008
Urgh, dropping it :/
To much ecchi & moe for me in a story about ghosts..

Was expecting more horror or thriller, but big boobs & a f*cking perverted ghost is not what I wanted.
May 9, 2012 9:06 AM
Dec 2007
Once again a great episode. There are more developments in this anime than what I initially believed.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
May 9, 2012 11:00 AM

Jun 2011
dbaranyi said:
Ardamaeus said:
Meh. When does this get serious?

At the rate that the manga is going, somewhere around episode 23...

Too bad that the anime is only doing 12 episodes...
That would be the case if this anime was going at the same pace as the manga, but it's skipping lots of the simple ghost story parts, focusing more on the chapters which develop the characters and take the story forward
May 9, 2012 11:37 AM

Aug 2009
This is slowly turning into a very boring generic harem. Each episode is called "Mystery <insert episode number here>", but there's hardly any damn mystery. There's only been maid costumes and swimsuits the last couple of episodes.
God, and I was hoping for a good horror anime too.
May 9, 2012 1:00 PM
Aug 2011
Kirie with maid outfit and nekomimi absolutely WIN!!!
May 10, 2012 9:47 AM
Jul 2018
I think Kirie is more beautiful because she looks more natural
That school festival and maid cafe was so cliche :< damn it why every goddamn anime needs at least one ep with is >:( but I liked this episode, finally I saw something else than random Teichi/Yuuko romance stuff. Though Momoe is kind of annoying sometimes. I hope in next ep thy will focus more on horror stuff or just like some people said this anime will officially be ecchi/comedy/harem
May 11, 2012 4:22 AM

Mar 2012
Kirie is freaking awesome! She's really cute in that maid outfit plus long hair! :D
May 11, 2012 6:37 PM

Feb 2012
I'm glad they did this episode, it was an important chapter about Kirie, it was funny and had some really good fan service, too. Jeez, time just flies by when you are watching your favorite anime.
May 12, 2012 2:47 AM

Aug 2008
lol at the model blushing. I didn't realize how alike Yuuko and Kirie are.
May 12, 2012 8:32 PM
Apr 2008
I swear the stuff with the anatomical model reminds me of Corpse Party, ironically it was also the fifth chapter in that game with..that model. Course this was for laughs...(dat model blush with Kirie changing into a maid outfit).

This show is amusing to watch, not one of Silver Link's best works but Yuuko is definitely the reason probably most keep watching. Kirie was awesome this episode, so many SHAFT styles and tons of fanservice. Will this show stay the way it is, or will it try to shoehorn in a more serious tone (like Dog Days did).
apolloisfineMay 12, 2012 8:56 PM
May 13, 2012 5:57 AM

Oct 2010
Another great episode that boosted fan service but also resolved a inferior Kirie female complex and fortified relationships between Momoe/Kirie as well as Yuuko/Teiichi.

About burst comments, quickly leaving a few words not really organized. For one Yuuko in the following,

One of the features they did better is exposing just right the amount of Yuuko’s breast. A marvel if done right. However did most people notice in the spoiler (NSFW)
that Kirie was exposed fully nude and that means Blank Breasts and Privates.
Point is will Yuuko be shown like that because it really is what many await for. If they add details then it will change the anime. It will certainly make it better than the manga. That being said one can never forget Yuuko’s fan service in the spoiler
those parts really were the best.

It to further say that Kirie’s part was the best in the following,

That part with her realizing through Teiichi noticing her breast is in fact a primordial tool to regain female pride. For a male likes your breasts you are a fine women no matter the size. That being said Kirie had some rather dangerous MOE in the spoiler
Among the other parts her faces shined nicely there!

I am Happy that Kirie touched Yuuko in the spoiler
That does change things, although the promise stuff with the grandmother is not too clear yet.

I ROFL hard at the people scared of Yuuko. SHAME ON YOU! ROFL!

In conclusion nice character development, nice fan service and nice dilemma solved!

BTW to compensate for lateness I propose a Image Dump and Image Stitches in the BLOG:

All in 10bit Glory, which has better color tone and linings.
Very nice Yuuko ones and Kirie in maid outfit is hnnnnghhhhhhh!

I leave some GIFed ecchi stuff in the club:
Obviously has Yuuko.

End art in the spoiler
is really and do I see MEI IS THAT YOU FROM ANOTHER?

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
May 16, 2012 9:36 PM

Jul 2011
While slightly dissapointed with this adaptation, I want to see more of that model doll XD
May 17, 2012 9:15 PM

Oct 2011
those models always scared me.......
May 18, 2012 1:06 AM

Mar 2012
<3 Kirie! she's so cute! my favorite char so far.
May 31, 2012 4:33 AM

Sep 2008
I honestly thought I missed an episode. They just cut the plot from the previous episode to bring us catgirl maids instead.

Very disappointing.

Also, I hate how this has become a harem.

The MC is really lame and pathetic.
Jun 6, 2012 2:57 AM

May 2008
Man the resemblance is making me scared . Its like AKB0048 LOL

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Jul 4, 2012 9:33 AM

May 2012
Was defiantly a fun episode, can't stop watching this :D
Jul 6, 2012 10:00 AM

Jan 2010
Kirie is so cute :3
Jul 23, 2012 7:09 PM

Jan 2012
I loled with Kirie´s face when Yuuko was all over Teiichi and when Momoe told Kirie that she should be more romantic. xD

Btw Kirie was hot on that dress, but i prefer her with short hair. And its obvious that she got a crush on Teiichi...
Oct 5, 2012 10:14 AM

Jun 2012
Kirie is so damn cute, i want to see more of her.
Oct 15, 2012 1:16 PM

Nov 2009
certainly not the type of anime I was expecting at this point however already pretty much halfway done, guess I'll see it through. Anyways was rather weird how the haunted house worked, normally the more scary a haunted house is the more popular it would be, you would think that it would have been more popular, like friends telling other friends they saw a ghost at the haunted house and then they would go check it out.
Oct 15, 2012 8:15 PM

Mar 2012
Darn it, another harem anime. What's so good about it anyway?
Yuuko's flirtatious acts are starting to bug me. Well, never liked it in the first place. I mean, where's the horror in this? It's like 80% Ecchi, Romance and Fanservice and 20% Mystery.

I guess I'm still gonna continue this for that girl who appeared before Kirie, the OP song, and the Yuri I see between Kirie and Momoe.
Dec 20, 2012 4:36 AM

Jan 2012
Idk why but i kinda like Kirie more :3
Jul 20, 2013 4:40 PM

Jan 2013
Another good episode
Aug 28, 2013 6:49 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Kirie looked very cute and pretty. Yuuko was cute as always and it's clear that they're related, but where for the love of god is the plot/story?
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Oct 13, 2013 11:36 PM

Jan 2008
This series is really turning out to be a really cute anime series just enough ecchi n not to much that i get annoyed of it animes like Cosprayers n Guardian Hearts n Kanokon n stuff with like the over the top ecchi for me just takes away the oh how do i want to word this ummm the magical aspect of an anime there r some that have ecchi that is just enough to keep the magic still in an anime enough though there is ecchi so far this n Ikki Tousen, Kanokon since i did finish that for me it has to have that pull to keep me watching it even with the ecchi Kanokon had that pull but as i got closer to the end i started getting annoyed but since i was almost done i said what the hell i am almost done I hate to drop anime it might take me years to finish an anime but i will finish every anime i start at some point. I am glad i finish every anime i start bc if i dropped anime just bc they started to get boring after 1 or 2 eps that doesnt mean the ending will suck for a very small few i was like WTF why would they end an anime this way where there as there r some that until the end i was thinking damn it is going to have a crappy ending n then i get surprised like Night Wizard is one i will name but

This anime has just enough ecchi to not take the Magical feeling that every anime has regardless of what genre it is.
Jan 25, 2014 5:19 AM

Dec 2013
I can see an Angel Beats! ending already
May 13, 2014 1:18 AM

Jun 2011
Feels fillerish, tho with some development, for a main supporting character that is.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Jul 23, 2014 5:58 PM

Jan 2014
So far,so good :)
This anime is awesome!
Sep 7, 2014 8:38 PM
Jul 2018
Elite60 said:
Kirie and Yuuko were great this episode but MVP for this episode goes to the human anatomy model. He was the funniest of this episode.

^ Lmao. He got to his heart at least.
Feb 27, 2015 2:34 AM

Nov 2013
It disappoints me how little horror there is in this anime. This is turning out to be a moe rom-com with bits of horror and not a mystery horror with bits of comedy like I hoped for.

At least Kirie is starting to develop into a better character. She's certainly better than dense Teiichi and annoying Okonogi

I'm gonna be having dirty fantasies about Yuuko for weeks...


Apr 6, 2015 11:22 PM

Jan 2012
OMFG haha

That anatomical model made me crack up so much, he should be a permanent character XD

Jun 3, 2015 7:40 PM

Feb 2013
I feel you, Kirie.
Mar 29, 2016 1:45 PM

Apr 2013
Kirie centered episode, not bad. Though I missed the screentime Yuuko had to sacrifice for it :P
Jan 5, 2017 2:19 PM

Feb 2013
Had forgotten how great Neko Kirie looks. Gotta love that hime cut
Oct 10, 2017 8:01 AM

Apr 2012
I kept laughing over the fact that Okonogi and Kirie dragged the anatomy model throughout the festival :D
"Fortress Maximus has come himself. Okay! Then I shall get Fortress Maximus to fight me, huh huh huh!"

May 16, 2018 10:02 PM

May 2016
From what I observed, the whole reason why Kirie's so mad the whole episode is because she envies Yuuko's gigantic tits which she didn't inherit even though she looks just like her given some adjustments. I bet seeing the ghost of someone who's supposed to be your grandmother flirt with someone you know while looking like a sexy goddess would feel pretty awkward too. It's nice that the club helped her see some of her femininity she thought she lacked because of her appearance.

The anatomical model making different faces and tagging along with the two during the festival was funny. Yuuko's a kinky flirt as always and Kirie was very lucky having her first ghost touch being the boobs of an absolute hottie. The horror parts felt tense too~

Nov 6, 2018 4:58 PM

Dec 2010
I do not really like Kirie`s character so I was bored during this episode. And the second reason I disliked it is the fact that this is turning into some moe harem shit. I expected more mysterious plot.

I have nothing against romance but this is just turning into something retarded. While I can understand why Yuuko likes Teiichi I see not a single reason for Kirie to do so. When she has first met Teiichi he was already in "some kind" or relationship with Yuuko. On top of that he is like 1-2 years younger than Kirie. Usually that is not a big age difference but when you are 13-15 it is surely an enormous difference.

Sankarea wrapped this whole love triangle nicely. TOxA so far failed. Terribly.
Nov 7, 2018 2:21 AM

Mar 2018
tearofmankind said:
I do not really like Kirie`s character so I was bored during this episode. And the second reason I disliked it is the fact that this is turning into some moe harem shit. I expected more mysterious plot.

I have nothing against romance but this is just turning into something retarded. While I can understand why Yuuko likes Teiichi I see not a single reason for Kirie to do so. When she has first met Teiichi he was already in "some kind" or relationship with Yuuko. On top of that he is like 1-2 years younger than Kirie. Usually that is not a big age difference but when you are 13-15 it is surely an enormous difference.

I think Kirie likes Teiichi because he is brave and reasonably smart - plus it is implied that he is a good-looking boy.

I agree that Kirie's character comes off as unlikable in the anime. She is better in the manga...
Aug 19, 2019 4:39 AM

Oct 2012
Damn those girls are thirsty
Even the anatomy model can't handle these girls xD

Good for you Kirie, you're not a shadow of your predecessor
Seems like Yuuko approved her now
Rayl1ghtAug 19, 2019 4:42 AM
"Signature removed"
Jan 8, 2020 10:44 AM

Aug 2018
Yep, all this mystery and scary things is certainly a parody.. ;p A bit unusual to see show making fun of scary stories and stuff.. Hm.. Don't really know, how I feel about it.. ;p I guess, it's alright?.. It's a good joke in itself for once, for 5, 10 times.. But do I really enjoy this kind of show?.. I'm not sure.. I'd like to see more about characters.. Now I don't really understand them, even if some comedy is around them.. Why is Kirie getting pissed at Yuuko's and MC's relationship?.. Why is Momoe so easily scared, but at the same time not really?.. I don't think I really see enough of characters now.. Comedic scary children stories are nice and all, but I hope we'll get something more.. At least Yuuko is getting some interesting points, like her thinking before sun goes up..
At least festival was ok.. And Kirie in a dress and long hair is cute.. Though, she really doesn't look like herself..
Also Kirie kinda is around topics of being worth as a girl or something like that?.. Well, I never really understood this topic myself.. And in this case as well.. It's just about boobs size, long hair?.. Well, ok, I can understand, and it's good that Teiichi acknowledges her as a girl in the end.. But to begin with I don't understand topic like this - to be sure or not sure in how girly you are..
Still, I guess, it's a nice episode, especially for Kirie's development.. Even if I don't really understand and not that interested in topic of girls viewing themselves as not cute enough or something, because I just can't understand.. Especially as Kirie isn't ugly or anything, she's quite cute.. But what in the end a bit helped Kirie?.. Approval of other people around - of Teiichi, of Momoe and her friends, of all people at the cafe.. Also trying something new, in a desirable image helped - taking a cute role of a maid.. This maybe can help in real life as well.. Maybe, only, of course.. To try maybe working in a cafe, or participating in a play, or trying something new that would relate to the problem, you know?.. Of course it might not be like in anime that it would necessary solve everything in one time, but still can be pretty nice thing to try, to feel in a different role..
Apr 2, 2020 7:24 AM

Dec 2013
This is the best episode so far. I'm glad that they provided Kirie x Momoe moments which I enjoyed so far. And the human anatomy model was really funny xD

Ah man, Kirie looks great in maid/nekomimi cosplay and she did well.

𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘐 𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵?
𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘥𝘢𝘺?

Mar 13, 2021 5:22 AM

Jul 2014
Why the hell did I ever like this show? As with a lot of early 2010s show, it opened with an interesting premise only to devolve into a boring, generic ecchi harem series as quickly as possible. This episode in particular just feels like outright filler.

Seriously, there is potential for a good show here, but it's being utterly squandered by the terrible, tonally jarring ecchi, harem and comedy elements. MAL needs to actually completely change the tags for this show, as they're wholly inaccurate and misleading right now.
Nov 13, 2021 2:35 PM

Mar 2019
Yuuko best girl by farrr. This 'development" for Kirie was kind of random, but it was a nice ending. No cliffhanger this time, surprisingly enough, though I was SOO SURE something is going to happen when she suddenly stopped after Momoe told her that girls like romance or something like that.
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

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