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Mar 29, 2011 12:28 AM

Mar 2009
Good thing that Nitori spoke his mind to Doi.
Mar 29, 2011 8:44 PM

Jan 2009
This was quite the developmental episode, and I'm looking forward to how they wrap this all up!
Mar 29, 2011 9:13 PM

Oct 2006
AlexGK said:
In other words, Anna really is as perfect a girlfrend as it gets. Can you say the same for Nitori (in his current state)?

I think Shuu is a pretty good girlfriend.
Mar 30, 2011 2:20 AM

Jan 2011
niwasatou said:
AlexGK said:
In other words, Anna really is as perfect a girlfrend as it gets. Can you say the same for Nitori (in his current state)?

I think Shuu is a pretty good girlfriend.

Yea, I saw that pun coming :)
Too bad its so true and its the main problem :D

Well, it looks like we will have episode this week - they will air episode 12 that was supposed to be the bd/dvd only. Cool :)
AlexGKMar 30, 2011 5:35 AM
Mar 30, 2011 1:02 PM

Sep 2010
Doesn't the amount of episodes have to change to 12? In total there will be 11 episodes aired on TV. But TV-episode 10 will be split in two episodes of 20min on the dvd/bd, so I find 12 episodes on the list more appropriate than 11.
Mar 30, 2011 4:43 PM

Oct 2010
perhaps Doi is in love with Nitorin :O, doi is also kind of weird o.O
Mar 30, 2011 4:47 PM

Oct 2006
AlexGK said:
niwasatou said:
AlexGK said:
In other words, Anna really is as perfect a girlfrend as it gets. Can you say the same for Nitori (in his current state)?

I think Shuu is a pretty good girlfriend.

Yea, I saw that pun coming :)
Too bad its so true and its the main problem :D

Although it comes across jokingly, I do mean it.
Mar 30, 2011 11:13 PM

Sep 2009
What was up with Momo. I was hoping Chizuru would be a little more aggressive against what Momo said.
Mar 31, 2011 10:53 AM

Apr 2010
The major event of this episode in my opinion was Nitorin telling Doi that he hates him it kind of got to me by surprise.
And i praise him for doing so and mastering the courage for doing so i hope in the future he will speak his mind more when he doesn't like people is is forced to do something he doesn't like.
It's a massive turn around for him and i think this is great.

About Doi he really is a bastard and it was nice to see him getting angry because Nitorin told him of with the stunt he pulled to frame Nitorin.
Making fun of him after he framed him into coming to school dressed up as a girl and then even suggesting a gender bender play to tease him even more.
Does Doi even realize the consequences of his actions?
I mean he really needs a good beating from someone, slap some sense into that guy.

Tatatsuki being confessed to was interesting to see tho she was pretty harsh with the rejection, and i am wondering why the other guy was around since it was none of his business.
And he even made fun of her which was really pathetic.
Tho Tatatsuki didn't care about that which i think is a good thing pathetic people should be ignored.
May 13, 2011 2:27 PM

Aug 2008
If not for Doi's obvious interest in pretty women, I would have thought he's gay for Nitori. His intentions confuse me.
Jan 4, 2012 8:52 PM

May 2009
Nitori looks so good with long hair! He's gotten taller, looking good – I hate Doi so much, but I still think he loves Nitori in secret.

Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living.

Feb 11, 2012 2:13 PM

May 2010
I don't like Doi as a person, but I enjoy him as a character. I think the reason he's confusing is because he himself is confused. I mean, that girl he liked turned out to be a dude, and I think that fucked with his sexuality. And I think he's also a bit scared. He told Nitori to go dressed as a girl and then told him that he was an idiot when he did, which was a quite cowardly move on his part. Now that Nitori's told him off, it's Doi's chance to man up. I wonder if he will?
“Money can't buy dere”
Nov 19, 2012 2:42 PM

May 2012
Well the brake up with Anna was expected, but damn the ending, serves Doi right! Well next one is the final episode!
May 11, 2013 4:13 PM

Oct 2011
I don't understand Doi's motives at all, but nice work from Nitori :') Looking forward to the last episode.
Aug 15, 2013 3:36 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
I guess everyone's just as confused as I am with Doi...first he tell Nitori to go to school dressed up as a girl, then calls him a moron after he does it, and then tells him that it should be okay if he dresses like a girl outside of school...AND gets angry when Nitori tells him that he hates him. For some reason, I feel like he may be confused himself, and likes Nitori or something. But great job Nitori, for giving Doi a piece of you mind.

Maho, although easily angered, seems like a pretty good sister actually. She asked Anna to try to cheer Nitori up, and also copes with the aftermath pretty well. And looks like eventually people stopped making fun of him, like how in his class, people called him director.
Jun 26, 2014 4:37 AM

Nov 2011
Now come home to roost the true intentions of all, we are witnessing a horrible position taken by Anna and Nitori old mates ... shame on you all!
Plot so engaging despite having a narrative so calm and without outbursts of any kind, great!
Too bad there is only one episode, I'm so sad... T_T
Another wonderful episode.
May 27, 2015 11:31 PM

Mar 2013
One of the problems I'm seeing in this thread is the definition of love, not to mention whether one character loves another or not.

Love doesn't mean you want to kiss someone. Wanting to kiss someone is a result of attraction. You can easily be attracted to someone without loving them. Same thing goes for sex, since it was also mentioned in the episode. In all honesty, love is mysterious. It's this nigh inexplicable "force" that draws people together. You love your parents, right (I'm assuming that's the case)? You don't want to kiss and have sex with your mother/father, right (again, assuming)? Love comes in many forms, but so does attraction. Anyway, onto the next part.

Did Shu love Anna/did Anna love Shu? I don't think so. These kids (yes, they're kids even if they are in middle school/high school) are likely too young to know what love really is. Heck, I'm 24 and I'm still not really sure what love is. As was mentioned before, Shu liked Anna and her advice, and Anna thought Shu was cute and like a little sister. They dated because they thought it was a natural thing to do, and it very well may be. But Shu didn't really know whether that's what he wanted, so he just kept going along with it. Anna realized that she didn't see Shu as potential boyfriend/girlfriend material, but rather, the way one would see their younger family member (a little sister, in this case). This makes for a relationship that likely won't go anywhere. That's not to say it won't be nice, but in the end, it's bound to end similarly to how this one did. As far as we know (at this point, and only having seen the anime), neither one of them is negatively affected by this very much. That's healthy.

(On a side note, is Anna too good for Shu? Not in the slightest. She was a good girlfriend, and he wasn't a bad boyfriend/girlfriend. "Too good" for him would have been if he cheated on her or abused her somehow.)
Dec 7, 2015 3:47 PM

Sep 2014
I actually don't know about Doi anymore. Was he being geniune the whole time?

bakuhatsu said:
AlexGK said:

She did put up with a lot of his weirdness that most girls would not. She also never ever limited his contact with other girls, even potential rivals. Poor Anna. Well, love IS blind after all.

So you're both encouraging jealousy and discouraging trust and being different from other people (ie being yourself)? Okay... not so sure I agree with that.

His actions have proven that Nidorin has more balls (pardon the pun) than virtually all guys in anime and I'd say that between that and being a really sweet guy, he's quite the catch. Anna's not "too good" for him, and I could even see their relationship working out but Anna needs to ask herself whether she'd be okay with going out with a "girl" (which it seemed like she was asking herself did in this episode). But Anna is pretty amazing in that even when she's the most understanding gf ever she still blames herself for the things she could have done different to support Nidorin. We can only hope that the next guy she's with isn't some manipulative douche (plenty of those to go around).

I think Doi has some (homosexual) feelings for Shu, and the stuff he does is equal to "pulling pigtails on the schoolyard", which would explain his contradicting behaviour.

This so much, especially the bolded part. I can't believe that their relationship and characters are that missunderstood by some.

AlexGK said:
Well... how should I reply to this with no spoilers... Ill try.

Anna WAS naive. She will say it herself later. I cant say more on the matter without spoiling major future scene with them. But love being blind is exactly her case.

Nitori IS weird. He acts weird. He has no idea of his feelings. AT ALL. He cant grasp the difference between "like" and "love". Thats what you people dont get. Anna indeed wanted a real relationship and she indeed has REAL LOVE feelings for Nitori. His "ballzy" behavior just deceived her. Not that Nitori did it on purpose, or had agenda. He is just clueless. As I said he will grow brain when puberty hits (thats exactly where the anime ended now). Why did I say he didnt deserve Anna? Cose she is a rare breed of a girl - one that is both pretty and has great personality. She deserved to be with someone who would realise all this and make her happy. Not with someone who has no clue of his feelings, or ANYTHING really... and ends up making her cry :(

In other words, Anna really is as perfect a girlfrend as it gets. Can you say the same for Nitori (in his current state)?

Are you actually a moron? Notori is what? 12/13? As if people in that age would actually grasp love at all if even adults often don't grasp the meaning of it... He is in the age where young people discover that the other gender might be intersting in terms of sexuality etc. His acting isn't weird, it's perfectly normal. If anything, his thinking and that of some other characters is way ahead of their age. Speaking their minds like they do, being so tolerant, understanding etc. Yeah, I really wish more adults where grown-up like that. This show is kind of unrealistic about this, but in a good and very enjoyable way.
MirageeDec 7, 2015 3:51 PM
Dec 25, 2015 2:28 AM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
I've met people like Doi so I understand him, but it's hard to describe them in words.
Pretty much, this type of person is really interested in someone, maybe for friendship or romantically, but that person they're interested in is seen as weird by the rest of their peers. They want very much to not be considered weird and want to blend in with the crowd, but they really want to hang with the "weird" person. This ends up with them being relatively friendly with the "weird" person when they're alone or in a safe space but pretty douchey to them among groups which aren't accepting of them. A common occurrence I had would be that these people would laugh at, ridicule, or insult the "weird" person when they were with the crowd, but say they were just kidding and shower support on the "weird" person when alone.
When the "weird" person calls them out on it, they don't take it very well-- in other words, they try to have their cake and eat it too (an expression I've never been fond of, but it works here).
They often assume that because the "weird" person has no one to support them, they'll accept any support from them they can get and so they can still be friends while still being with the crowd-- they're assuming the "weird" person will be weak, but actually it's often them who turns out to be the weak ones.

I sympathize with that weakness, but I'm glad Nitori gave it to him. I actually clapped. I feel from this point on, Doi's probably going to change his tune even if just a little since that's usually what happens in real life. I'm actually surprised this type of person (not displayed in an exaggerated manner) has appeared in an anime, really.

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
Mar 13, 2016 10:23 PM

Jan 2014
So sad ;w; School kids are the worst!!!
Mar 13, 2016 10:27 PM

Oct 2013
Why do people hate Doi so much? I don't understand what he did in this episode that was so bad. Pretty much the only thing he did in this episode was tell Nitori that its ok for him to continue dressing like a girl, but it was stupid for him to do it in school (which it was; brave, yes, but also stupid). What's so bad about that?

Too bad Anna broke up with Nitori... can't say I totally blame her, but it sucks for both of them. They were so cute together. ;-;

Mar 30, 2016 5:50 PM

Jun 2013
I was fooled by Doi. I thought he was a good guy, he is a jerk. Still, I'm glad Nitorin was able to show others her true self. The bullying was expected because even in "open" societies in the west, not everyone is accepting. I can only imagine how difficult it would be in a stringent society like Japan.
Jun 21, 2016 6:48 PM

Dec 2011
This and the last episode were heart breaking. It's kinda sad to know that, unfortunately, this is the reality.
People are selfish, don't care about other people's well-being and mocks with someone different. Indeed, very sad.
Jan 25, 2017 10:52 PM

Mar 2016
Wow, this was the only discussion I've looked at for this show after seeing all the hate comments on the first episode's discussion. Didn't expect some of those disappointing commenters to make it this far.

Anyway, I just have to comment on how understanding Maho's boyfriend is. I mean, seriously. His reaction when he first found out Nitori liked to crossdress wasn't great, but he's been so supportive of both him and Maho ever since.

The one thing that really bothers me is how many people are saying Nitori's decision to go to school as a girl was selfish. Yes, it definitely impacts them, but if they truly supported him they should respect his decision and deal with the effects accordingly. If Nitori truly feels happiest dressed as a girl, and truly wants to be a girl, why should he not get to do that purely because his family and friends think that it's a stupid decision? If they're unhappy about it, they don't have to be apart of his life. He should be able to do what he wants to do, seeing as he's prepared to deal with the consequences himself.

shizu said:
This and the last episode were heart breaking. It's kinda sad to know that, unfortunately, this is the reality.
People are selfish, don't care about other people's well-being and mocks with someone different. Indeed, very sad.

^ Agreed. This show was made 6 years ago and the reality of the events still hasn't changed. Also a very sad truth.
BlondieJan 25, 2017 11:02 PM
Feb 9, 2017 5:16 PM

May 2016
AlexGK said:
Well... how should I reply to this with no spoilers... Ill try.

Anna WAS naive. She will say it herself later. I cant say more on the matter without spoiling major future scene with them. But love being blind is exactly her case.

Nitori IS weird. He acts weird. He has no idea of his feelings. AT ALL. He cant grasp the difference between "like" and "love". Thats what you people dont get. Anna indeed wanted a real relationship and she indeed has REAL LOVE feelings for Nitori. His "ballzy" behavior just deceived her. Not that Nitori did it on purpose, or had agenda. He is just clueless. As I said he will grow brain when puberty hits (thats exactly where the anime ended now). Why did I say he didnt deserve Anna? Cose she is a rare breed of a girl - one that is both pretty and has great personality. She deserved to be with someone who would realise all this and make her happy. Not with someone who has no clue of his feelings, or ANYTHING really... and ends up making her cry :(

In other words, Anna really is as perfect a girlfrend as it gets. Can you say the same for Nitori (in his current state)?

Nah, Nitori knows exactly what he feels for Anna at this point. And his ballsy behavior is ballsy indeed - he felt terrified when asking Anna out but did it anyway. Anna was the clueless one here - her sexuality is as ambiguous as it gets and she is attracted to Nitori because of both his male and female characteristics, but doesn't know it yet.

Nitori's bravery and Chiba's intelligence are astounding in magnitude - and by this point in the story that much is clear already, although it becomes even clearer later ("Nitorin" is also a prideful person, something he takes long to understand and even longer to address, but that is a subject left alone if one isn't going to read the manga).
"I will become his world and will make him my world" - You really should know who said this.

"Firing at unarmed citizens is a feat that those without courage and a chivalrous spirit simply cannot accomplish." - Oskar von Reuenthal

"No way Spirited Away is better than Akira. NO WAY." - Kanye West
Feb 17, 2019 8:03 PM

Jun 2015
i thought doi would be the guy you think is a jerk but ends up being an ally, turns out he is just a jerk.
Apr 10, 2020 3:24 PM

Jan 2010
This episode addressing bullying, but it didn't over do it. Thank you so much.

Also, that beginning was brilliant. In the case of a boy crossdressing at school, how would you, as a viewer, feel in the shoes of that boy? How would you feel as a friend? As a girlfriend? As the teacher? As a sibling? A parent? There are many different combinations and perspectives, and that's combined with the different treatment of Yoshino and Chizuru crossdressing, and even then they were called out on it multiple times. Simultaneously, their treatment were all over the place. Shuuichi could be seen as cute, but he could also be seen as weird or perveted. Yoshino and Chizuru could be seen as cool and rebellious, but they could also be seen as equally weird or vain attention seekers. There are differences in reaction, but those are based on each person's perspective and level of acceptance.

There isn't a clear answer, and once again I'm glad that Wandering Son doesn't try to give one. Maybe the perception of weirdness is derived from any deviation from societal norms, whatever that is, to be a target of concern or ridicule. For the purposes of Wandering Son however, it's not trying to give answers. Rather, it's showing how it's like to live within the context of complex social relationships. It's using social issues as a framework to show how characters, young and old, act and interact with each other while dealing with these issues.
Jun 24, 2020 9:56 AM

Dec 2012
kids potrayed in this anime really jerks..
im not sure if my middle school has a good student or not,,but i actually kinda bullied as well..but not to the point being an outcast like this anime.. we still being friend and often chatting even tho sometimes they insult me sometimes, i really timid back then and im a perfect target being bullied,, i usually ignored all of their insults and yeah they got tired in the end and eventually we matured and didnt do anything like that anymore..and we separated with a good relationship..
Aug 22, 2021 1:12 PM
Nov 2019
I thought Doi was a nice guy at first, but he really is a jerk. A two-faced person I guess? Wasn't surprised when nitori said she hates him.
Apr 6, 2022 9:30 PM

Jun 2014
Nitori is suffering, and now it appears that Anna is going to admit that she was never really in love with Nitori, and break up with her.

In the end, Takatsuki is still Nitori's trusted friend, and will stand by her. Hopefully, Nitori will get through this.

Jul 14, 2023 2:42 AM

Feb 2019
I came here from the specials (watched them first before watching episode 10 of the main series), I can't believe they just brushed off the end of Nitori x Anna like that ;-; especially since it was my favourite ship in this show

I'm repeating what I said on the specials forum post for episode 2 of the specials here:

And so ends Nitori x Anna ;-; though it was true it was less a romantic relationship and more sibling-like
I totally like Maho x Seya though, need more scenes with them. I'm guessing Maho's sudden 大好き was because Seya seemed to care about Nitori and Maho, being the tsundere that she is, actually cares about her younger brother and loves how her boyfriend too cares about him?
Aug 6, 2023 8:09 PM

Oct 2016
So Anna just dated she because of superficial reasons and wasn't as understanding as she seemed. That's sad but believable I guess.

I can't figure out the bully yet, is he supportive? Isn't he? I can't tell.

10+11-Ju-Juichi, I get it.
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