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Jan 7, 2018 4:41 AM

Jan 2013
KannoSugako said:
Can someone explain to me how she carries that wand hidden if it is even bigger than her back? lol.

Magic Rule #1: "It's Magic. We Don't Have To Explain It".
Jan 7, 2018 5:57 AM

Feb 2014
Honestly, the new OP song isn't as bad as other users here are making it out to be. Junna's OP song is better, yes, but I think after a few more listens, people will start to like the new one a little more.

As for the ED song, the duet between Aiki and Akino is nicely done and right now, I slightly prefer it over the first ED song. I will admit that I might be in the minority with my opinions here, but I'm fine with that. =)

I wasn't expecting Chise being transformed into the fox by the shady old guy at the end. It'll be interesting to see how the rest of this scene plays out next week. All in all, this was a pretty good episode. =)

Tehqo said:
so is the new opening just a recap of the prior episodes. cmon now.

It's either that, or just like the first OP, they would tease, or borderline spoil, the contents for the rest of the series into the animation. Magi S2's second opening animation kind of did that thing back when it aired and fans of that show weren't impressed by the producer's choices, myself included. =/
Jan 7, 2018 5:57 AM

Apr 2009
Agree with others that I wasn't a fan of reused footage in OP and overall I like the first OP better, but I am not complaining either. The episode overall was pretty good, Elias and Chise finally having some open conversations. I like how Elias finally discovered the feeling he experienced in Chise's absence. The ending was a cliffhanger full of mystery, really excited for next episode!
Jan 7, 2018 6:13 AM

Jun 2016
Noooo, bring back the old OP. It feels like the new OP is like a recap of what happened in the 1st cour. Jesus. Huhu. And Junna's song is just wow, so it's unbeatable. ;-; The ED was okay, though.

That scene with them getting the wools from them sheeps which apparently getting the coldness from their surroundings, then there's one which is the "bringer" of the cold and is getting the warmth. Hehe. It was a very cute scene.

Elias x Chise scene at the greenhouse. My heart. Just kiss already! Haha jk. :p They're so cute together, my heart almost can't take it.

It seems like watching the OVA after this episode is a very good idea since this episode pretty much showed that it happened in between in this episode. Nice.

Uhh, what the fuck happened to Chise? Why did she turn into a fox/wolf? What. And I wonder what that not-human was talking about with "A gift for the youngest born of those who capture and bind my people!'.

Welcome back, MnY! 5/5. <3

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Jan 7, 2018 6:22 AM

Jan 2014
now what kind of present Ashen Eye giving to Chise? are he gonna kidnap her?
judging by preview for next week, it doesn't look like that way.
maybe that wolf cloak is the present for her?

that Ashen Eye guy have the same eyes as Nagato, the Rinnegan. lol
Jan 7, 2018 6:53 AM

Mar 2013
Both OP & ED songs are quice nice... ED cuz' AKINO, but I like the Old OP a lot better than the current one...

Damn dat' Cliffhanger...
Jan 7, 2018 6:54 AM

Jul 2015
The OP and ED are weaker than the previous ones, in my opinion. They recycled a lot of scenes too.

I did love how they manage to put scenes from the ova in this episode, to let us know at what time of the timeline that happened. It was subtle and nice.

Jan 7, 2018 7:34 AM

Nov 2011
Redheads and kidnaps always go together

Lots of recycled animation in the new op, this already bothered me in the first cour and it still feels lazy here. Let's hope they make good use of this money they are not spending.

Episode was okay, nice to know more about Chise's past.
Baby, daijobanai...
Jan 7, 2018 8:27 AM

Apr 2015
Good riddance to the datta hitotsu etc, it was annoying to a song skipper.

Decent episode btw, dialogue felt classy again
Jan 7, 2018 8:39 AM

May 2015
Ok. FIne. Chise is fox(?) now.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Jan 7, 2018 9:05 AM

Nov 2011
A highly anticipated episode, which leaves me very satisfied, and clarifies point by point all the doubts undermined by art in the last preview of the previous episode, hurray! Narration very serious, and usual exciting cliffhanger.

Ranxomare said:
Change the season, and changes the OP and Ed... I prefer the before!!

I agree in full, not even I like them. :(
Jan 7, 2018 9:40 AM

Apr 2012
The new theme songs are weak but it's kind of expected after the perfection of the first cour.

I wish they'd make dolls of the fluffy youkai instead of porgs.
Jan 7, 2018 10:59 AM
Nov 2016
A pretty solid beginning to the new cour. Elias and Chise tried to work out the feelings they have for each other.

The new op sounds a bit more generic, I liked the old one better tbh.

That ending, what the fuck was that? Did that creepy dude turn Chise into a fox?
Jan 7, 2018 12:14 PM
Restless One

Apr 2016
That intro before the OP was delicious! Chise looked like a badass in that robe and was that Elias´s dragon form?! Hype!

That cliffhanger though.

I witnessed a loli spill from a cartridge and somehow retained my sanity.
Jan 7, 2018 1:48 PM

Aug 2009
Narratively this episode was fine... but I have a serious problem with the storyboard execution, at least in the first half... it's just weird, the pacing was off and wherein the first twelve episodes the pregnant pauses were done to great dramatic effect with good emotional build up, this episode fell flat in a lot of scenes. Also, Chise's disappearing wand was using video game mechanic of "Oh, I keep under my sweater."
But, then the second half of the episode was back up to the usual excellence, so overall an OK episode. I remember the chapter in the manga for the first half being much more poignant and made Elias more sympathetic in his desire to wipe her mind, while here it did not have that sense of drama. Eh... nitpicky... I am eager to see the next episode though! Hope they do not try to rush too much.
Jan 7, 2018 6:55 PM
Nov 2016
The ending is just what the story needs to spark Elias's possible human side to start feeling feelings. He already felt lonely and he got upset enough to transform that one time.
Jan 8, 2018 1:28 AM

Oct 2008
Good episode!
Chise teaching Elias about human things and as well as Elias, teaching Chise mahou!
The heck!? did Chise polymorph into a fox!?
Great OP by May'n and awesome ED by AIKI & AKINO from bless4!

Jan 8, 2018 1:41 AM
Oct 2015
The new opening was average in my opinion other then that Chise getting into another pinch situation.
Heckle was here...
Jan 8, 2018 3:26 AM

Jul 2009
They don't want to spoil much about this new arc, OP are all made with scenes of the first 12 episodes.
Jan 8, 2018 8:20 AM
Sep 2016
The new opening song is so bad...I could puke (=_=)
Jan 8, 2018 9:19 AM

Mar 2012
Fuck, there goes the ED. It was 10 times better than this new one :(
Jan 8, 2018 9:58 AM
Nov 2017
Pretty good episode overall, their conversation regarding their pasts and feelings was nice however one thing bothered me wayyyy too much, how does one pull out and 'store' a wand (the cane), that big out of no where? I dunno why but it bothered me heavily. In terms of the ending, awwweeee dang it, why a cliff hanger like that? :/
Jan 8, 2018 2:53 PM

Apr 2013
I recommend watching Mahoutsukai no Yome's OVA 01-03 right after this episode. It just fits so snugly! I had not watched it before even though it was written as a "prequel" in MAL...

However if you watch the OVA RIGHT NOW, everything fits perfectly. It was amazing. The OVA looks beautiful. I absolutely recommend watching the OVA at episode 13.

Jan 8, 2018 5:32 PM
Jan 2017
I agree with everyone saying how the opening was weak. Not horrible but the first one definitely gave more emotion and wasn't so generic.
I love how Chise and Elias were able to connect. i cant wait till Elias is able to open up to Chise.
This Ashen guy seems like he's gonna make the show interesting, id like to see Chise use some of her newly learned magic.
Jan 9, 2018 4:53 AM
Jul 2018
I prefer the old OP/ED.
Jan 9, 2018 5:57 AM

Jul 2014
Oh wow, new opening. Not really a fan, but okay. The new ending is good tho.

I love the moments between Elias & Chise.
Jan 9, 2018 3:38 PM
Oct 2017
When the bell rang a second time i thought "here comes the bad thing that puts Chise in danger for the sake of cliffhanger" and guess what
It's getting OLD

Also I was praying for the new OP not to spoil the second court and... well, my wish was sort of granted even if it's still disappointing lol
I liked the previous themes better because they had so much character :(

I'm looking forward to the new lessons she's about to learn in foxform
Jan 9, 2018 4:12 PM

Nov 2008
Saw this episode connect a bit with the ova, but was thrown for a loop with chise being turned into a fox. Beautiful fox though.

Jan 9, 2018 7:07 PM

Jul 2012
I know the first OP used clips from the show, but this new OP feels like 95% clips. And at least the song in the first OP was really good; this one is just okay for now. ED song was good though.

I know Elias let Chise get herself in trouble a few times at the beginning, but at this point, he's lucky she's still alive! It's getting redundant ><

Other than that, I love the atmosphere of this show and watching Chise's and Elias' relationship grow. I know this post is mostly negative, but overall, I still really enjoyed this episode :P
Jan 9, 2018 8:44 PM

Mar 2016
:0 I love the sheep bugs :) I would so by a plushie of one of them!

Ashen Eye turns her into a Fox... uhhhh
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Jan 10, 2018 1:58 PM

May 2009
I liked better the first OP, it was more magical, this one is more shounen-show like.
<img src=""/>
Jan 11, 2018 8:29 AM
Jul 2016
they are really rushing through this season :p i think they might spend a little longer on like the winter stuff but still... the new OP isn't very good. also the scent of chise's daddy issues is much stronger in the anime than in the manga lol
Jan 11, 2018 1:36 PM
Jul 2018
Already like Chise better as a fox. And her fox form is beautiful unlike her human. May she stay like that forever.
Jan 11, 2018 9:38 PM

Mar 2013
"This voice is May'n, am I hearing it wrong?" is what I thought when I first hear the new opening, and looks like I'm right about it. It's not like I hate May'n in particular but in contrast with the last opening, the solemness of the opening really lessen a lot. The visual seems like a random AMV pasted with the song. It didn't matched the song in general. I'm pretty disappointed with the new opening.

The episode itself is pretty nice. Though I noticed some dialogs was cut down from the original manga though it's not really important in the first place.
"Isn't Victini the cutest Pokemon of all time?"
Jan 12, 2018 7:32 AM
Jan 2016
Yap the second part is starting, personally I still prefer the first opening by JUNNA, this opening is catchy but I really like the first one hahaha. Relaxing episode and the relationship between Chise and Elias are growing, really glad to see it. The last scene was surprise me, I think Elias should have a better reflex and sense to stop that Ashen Eye...
Jan 12, 2018 5:01 PM

May 2015
Nothing too much happened up until that ending, damn. Decent start to the second half.

Nice new OP and ED.

Jan 13, 2018 4:20 AM
Aug 2013
the fact that ruth was herding the sheep bugs is such a neat detail haha
Jan 13, 2018 10:28 AM

Feb 2014
nooo the old op was soo much better :C
Jan 13, 2018 11:32 AM

Apr 2016
The frozen mosquito the best of this episode!!!
Jan 14, 2018 11:03 AM
Dec 2017
Caution spoilers :3

the one thing i have to say about this episode is when elias attempts to remove a memory from chises brain.(or atleast it appears like that). I feel like this was a wonderful implementation into the episode. It really helps to further the idea that chise isn't scared of elias (unlike most humans).

Secondly in the beggining elias and chise were shearing the flying sheep (forgot what they were called). While this did help show that elias is still teaching chise new things regarding magic, i feel like it was rather pointless. It took up a long portion of the episode and didnt further much of the plot other than him teaching chise. While i dont think this was completely awful or that it ruined the episode, I think there couldve been something more important to add in place of that
Jan 24, 2018 3:32 PM

Jul 2017
I absolutely adore Elias and this episode reminded me of why after a (albeit brief) break from him.
The scene in witch he tries to delete Chise's memories is a good follow up to his previous thought on the matter, and watching him try and understand emotions as humans feel them is very endearing for some reason.

I like that they are finally making use the stone amulet (that it's supposed to let you see fairies on Irish lore, I think). And that cliffhanger the end...I was not expecting that.
Jan 24, 2018 6:54 PM

Dec 2016
just watched this episode and i already miss the old OP/ED :(((((
Jan 27, 2018 9:17 AM

Aug 2013
A nice relaxing episode. That ending, Chise was turned into a fox.

Like the new ED though I still prefer the old OP & ED.

Feb 5, 2018 11:22 PM

Nov 2012

Gosh though, I love Elias and Chise so much.

"I'm glad I bought you" ah yes the pinnacle of romantic lines right there

I really like how they wove in where the OVA takes place.
NetbugFeb 5, 2018 11:25 PM
Apr 1, 2018 1:05 PM
Jun 2017
And this is why you keep weird old strangers away from kids.
I prefer the previous end song but this one's good as well.
Apr 6, 2018 10:03 AM

Oct 2012
Not fan of new OP and ED, pretty forgettable songs. But I liked the intimate conversation Chise and Elias had, that was really well done. And the drama towards the end was also interesting although it's probably yet another fake cliffhanger that would get resolved instantly in the next episode.
Aug 9, 2018 9:28 PM

May 2012
Preferred the previous OP and ED but these are still pretty good as well. Interesting episode once again as well. That ending was especially interesting. Really wonder what will happen next!
Oct 14, 2018 5:56 PM

Oct 2013
Chise is certainly doing a lot of shapeshifting lately. First a phoenix, now a fox. That's, like... two more times than I've shapeshifted the last few months.

Those wooly bugs are ULTRA MEGA KAWAII DESU.

New OP and ED are trash compared to the last two.

Oct 18, 2018 8:15 PM

May 2013
Well damn. Doesn't Chise look quite.............................FOXY? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I didn't notice it before until this episode when Elias was about to erase her memory about his past, but it looks like Chise made herself a matching wand set with Elias. How sweet :')

And all these sheep bugs make Silky complete as Little Bo Peep, hahaha ^.^ cute.
Kokoro_KotashimaOct 18, 2018 9:16 PM
Jan 3, 2019 10:53 AM

Feb 2012
I finally know the name of the cutest creatures in the show.

Halfway through the series and Chise still falls unconscious.

Mukokuseki acknowledged

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