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Dec 25, 2017 6:29 AM
Apr 2016
Thing I liked about this episode: Gilles being purified and returning to his Heroic sense, wielding the banner (Lordgenome*cough*)
Thing I disliked: When naming good people he did not name Gordon the Mustachewielder.
All in all it was worth it enduring the Astolpho and Jack the Ripper scenes.
Dec 25, 2017 6:35 AM
Apr 2016
Mouloxas said:
Wait... did they actually summon Gilles? I thought he was just an illusion created from Shakespeare's NP...

He was. All he did was hold the Saint's banner after releasing himself of (Shakespeare's control) impurity.
And assassin is barely able to hold the chains. She might throw a suicide save at Shirou next episode, or will succumb to the wounds.
Dec 25, 2017 7:34 AM

Jul 2015
Frankenstein will forever be the best girl in my opinion, and now I have more reason to love her, her powers made this one damn sweet fight and that was an amazing way to finish this episode.
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Dec 25, 2017 8:07 AM

Feb 2016
winddevil1 said:

people, just like me, enjoy the episode without catching on every single little thing, neither we have time/will to go research stuff for every single anime lol
that's also what the forum is for, so someone can point out those small things that almost everyone missed, i think that's actually a pretty cool thing

Yeah Sorry about that, still my comment was meant for those that takes it like bullshit.
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Dec 25, 2017 8:17 AM

Apr 2015
Scortched said:
_Peksi said:
Sigh I knew it wasn't gonna happen, but I was still hoping for Shirou to succeed.
Well thanks to Ruler and Sieg, people get to keep dying in pain and misery with many of them not being able to anything about it.
They are the true villains of this story.

After listening to Shirou's wish it doesn't sound so bad. It wasn't the idealistic goal of no pain I found convincing, but instead if anything seemingly it would ascend all humanity into a god-like or (close to it) level of existence.
Ironic that a homunculus only a couple of days/weeks old with zero life experience is going to interfere with humanity gaining immortal godhood. Seig seems to have so many rare and miraculous events happen for him that at times it's been hard to keep a suspension of disbelief, unless there is some force/being behind the scenes helping him.

Gotta love this kind of arguments lol.

I wonder myself, how is that being bad guys? And how Amakusa plan is doing the right thing? This is something that only depends on individual to accept, and what's he's doing is taking the individual thought and making it nonexistent. It's similar to what happens in End of Evangelion. This is almost like wishing you immortality in exchange of humans emotions, you think humans 'don't lose' because they won't feel pain or suffer and you certainly win because you will live forever. But you don't have the right to choose about others life.
If the wish was something like 'I will let the humans individually choose to accept or reject my wish', then I would give you the reason, but no, he's forcing his wish to all the humanity because he failed to save his comrades. He's trying to play 'good God' and he's not 'good'.

What Amakusa is doing is certainly wrong and then stopping him is not right or wrong, is what someone who doesn't want the humanity to cease to exist would do.
Dec 25, 2017 9:04 AM

Aug 2015
Since Berserker used his noble phantasm, I always thought it would happen... Amazing!! Jeanne's noble phantasm was wonderful. Too bad she died. How will the story end?
Dec 25, 2017 10:01 AM
Nov 2016
I'm confused about something. Why did Sieg have Beserker's power? Can someone explain please?
Dec 25, 2017 10:30 AM
Nov 2016
What a bullshit episode is this....story is going nowhere....Logic 0%
and why on earth they show Amakusa Shirou as villain or anty-hero
this is what Fanboy director and idk mangaka looks like
literally worst fate series ever
Dec 25, 2017 12:33 PM

Jun 2015
So the origin of Shirou's wish came from his inability to save anyone back then huh. But his true wish was interesting though. To think that Caster's Psy attack was that effective though. As purely souls humans will lose their ability to be selfish for sure. To Ruler the world that Shirou is suggesting must sound very attractive. Humanity by definition isn't evil but just that too many among their kind are. Its nice that Ruler realises this. The world that Shirou suggests though sounds more like stagnation. Rulers prayer really was something though but her second noble phantasm sure was impressive. The fight between Ruler and Shirou was really something but the one between Sieg and Shirou was even more so. Man what an explosive episode. Can't wait to see how it ends next week.
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Dec 25, 2017 12:54 PM

Feb 2014
This episode certainly had a few surprises, with Berserker's Nb being transferred to Sieg and Gilles helping out Jeanne were the good ones. The bad surprise was Semiramis being alive after being defeated by Mordred and I was really convinced that she was gone, so her re-appearance is a little annoying. =/

Shirou Vs Sieg was pretty intense, full of angry expressions and nice fluid animation. Taking stillshots/screencaps of the action animation won't do the animation justice at all. Seeing it in motion as both Shirou and Sieg clash swords was pretty cool =)

Either way, I hope the final episode does a decent job at wrapping up the show.
Dec 25, 2017 1:12 PM
Jul 2016
Daniel_Naumov said:
Mouloxas said:
Wait... did they actually summon Gilles? I thought he was just an illusion created from Shakespeare's NP...

He was. All he did was hold the Saint's banner after releasing himself of (Shakespeare's control) impurity.

That can't be right. It makes no sense for an illusion to be able to contribute in a battle, even if it is only defensively. Then again, it makes no sense for Shakespeare to be able to summon a servant so...
Dec 25, 2017 1:37 PM

May 2014
RIP Jeanne Q_Q
This episode had a bunch of different things, just thrown there... But the anime as a whole was enjoyable so I'm not gonna complain now.

Mouloxas said:
Daniel_Naumov said:

He was. All he did was hold the Saint's banner after releasing himself of (Shakespeare's control) impurity.

That can't be right. It makes no sense for an illusion to be able to contribute in a battle, even if it is only defensively. Then again, it makes no sense for Shakespeare to be able to summon a servant so...

Well he is Caster after all. He did summon Gilles, not as an illusion (see last ep again) and while Gilles is not a servant, it did happen before in the Fate universe for a Caster to summon an actual Servant. So yeah it's plausible xD
Dec 25, 2017 2:05 PM

Sep 2016
arvin_1219 said:
why is this anime giving me reasons to roll for Apocrypha servants. After watching this episode, I WANT TO ROLL FOR JEANNE D' ARC

NA player here AND I'M HOPING, Sieg is a free servant in Apocrypha event in JP.

IMAGINE, Sieg being a servant, I'm sure some nasuverse epic plot magic will make Sieg transforms to Siegfried anytime he likes. Or maybe only Siegfried's abilities.

IMAGINE, Sieg' Noble Phantasm will be Balmung + Blasted Tree, holy shit
Okay, I'm just talking about FGO now.
For the episode, as usual I don't like the battle animations, BUT the fight was still epic.

About Amakusa's Twin Arm - Big Crunch
I wanted to roll for Jeanne D' Arc since episode 1 XD. Yesterday i got Frankenstein on the JP server and Mordred on NA server but on my 2nd account lmao. I can never leave my waifu Scathach :D
The Anime Binge Is Life

-PolarCyrus97 2k17-
Dec 25, 2017 3:04 PM

Jan 2014
Eh, that came out of no where. So Sieg, who is a homonculus, has Saber and Berserker as part of him? But it's pretty convenient that he only has incredible power now of all times. Kind of dumb, imo.

I'm also really annoyed at the favoritism Saber servants always get. Someone said earlier that they didn't like Assassin of Red being alive from her wounds in the fight with Saber, but I could also argue that Saber should've died easily against her. However, favoritism comes into play and she gets a convenient power up and has no wounds whatsoever despite nearly dying from poison beforehand. Then Saber of Red only "dies" because she chooses to, not because she was clearly outmatched with her Master in a 1v2 battle. What the fuck? This is the favoritism I'm talking about. Why do Saber classes always get what they want?

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Dec 25, 2017 3:17 PM
Jul 2016
Hibiki07 said:
Well he is Caster after all. He did summon Gilles, not as an illusion (see last ep again) and while Gilles is not a servant, it did happen before in the Fate universe for a Caster to summon an actual Servant. So yeah it's plausible xD

I know he claimed that Gilles is not an illusion in the last episode, but i thought he was bluffing. In FSN, Caster summoned a "not complete" servant that was bound to the temple and was generally nerfed. What's more, it was properly explained there.

Here it is completely unexplained stuff that happened for plot-convenience reasons. Borderline asspull plot-convenience reasons. Don't know what's the deal with Gilles here, but it's clear enough that he was "summoned" by Shakespeare. He should at the very least be able to prevent his servant/familiar/illusion/whatever the hell he's supposed to be from assisting the enemy at a crucial moment. Seriously, the amount of bullshit happening just so Sieg can win his fights is ridiculous...
Dec 25, 2017 3:27 PM

Apr 2012
Meta_Yoshi said:
The bad surprise was Semiramis being alive after being defeated by Mordred and I was really convinced that she was gone, so her re-appearance is a little annoying. =/]

That wasn't a surprise, Mordred specifically said she was dying, not that she was dead, and Semiramis' chains were shown attacking Astolfo last episode after the Mordred fight. They can't kill Semiramis yet because the entire Hanging Garden of Babylon they're in would collapse and disappear if she died.
Dec 25, 2017 4:04 PM

Dec 2015
I thought this only 24 episode ....
Dec 25, 2017 4:10 PM

Feb 2016
Why did they have to downgrade the art during Shirou's and Sieg's fight? They also did this in the fight between Sieg and Karna.

Dec 25, 2017 4:25 PM

Nov 2015
Tekakurika said:
Oh, Shiro is left-handed!
And its weird to see how Sieg who have not much experience in fighting is equally skilled in the battle against someone who fought in the war all his life

Ikr ? It's stupid , they made it like Gilgamish and Shiro's fight in Unlimited Blade Works , an OP Servant loses against a human who has no skills in fight at all
Dec 25, 2017 4:40 PM

May 2014
Nou-Tan said:
Tekakurika said:
Oh, Shiro is left-handed!
And its weird to see how Sieg who have not much experience in fighting is equally skilled in the battle against someone who fought in the war all his life

Ikr ? It's stupid , they made it like Gilgamish and Shiro's fight in Unlimited Blade Works , an OP Servant loses against a human who has no skills in fight at all

It is obvious by now that we'll not see Amakusa fulfill his wish. But then again and I'm also curious about the ending they're about to show us.
Dec 25, 2017 5:26 PM
Jan 2017
Nayout said:
For all those who wonder about Sieg, here is a description of Frank's Noble Phantasm

Like all nasuverse, everything is coincidence, Sieg received the power of Frank when he used it. When he arrived his master could see Frank activating the side effect of Frank Noble Phantasm

You know this info came after the light novel ended right?, Because this Bullshit wasn't explained in the anime nor lightnovel and it wasn't even hinted that sieg might have some of frans abilities until the end because shiro was Overpowered, even then Astofolo was also near the sucide tree does that mean that he also might have frans ability?
Dec 25, 2017 5:37 PM
Jan 2017
I'm really getting annoyed with sieg getting another convenient Power up at the end by frans abilities so that he atleast becomes toe with Shiro, it wasn't hinted nor explained well how did fran pass through sieg? just because he was near the Suicide tree? well Astolfo and Mordred were also dead near the explosion does that mean they also gain some of frans abilities? No because it's asspoll

and before you link me the type moon wikipidea, you know that the frans abilities info came after the light novel ended, you know what the anime based off?
Dec 25, 2017 5:53 PM
Jan 2016
Is it me or this was one of the only good episodes of this show?
Dec 25, 2017 6:45 PM

Apr 2015
I'm really getting annoyed with sieg getting another convenient Power up at the end by frans abilities so that he atleast becomes toe with Shiro, it wasn't hinted nor explained well how did fran pass through sieg? just because he was near the Suicide tree? well Astolfo and Mordred were also dead near the explosion does that mean they also gain some of frans abilities? No because it's asspoll

and before you link me the type moon wikipidea, you know that the frans abilities info came after the light novel ended, you know what the anime based off?

Uh, Mordred and Astolfo were not dead when Fran activated Blasted Tree. And Mordred didn't even died in the explosion. Idk what you're talking about.

Ironically, you talk about 'plot convenience' about Shirou and Sieg surviving death blows like nothing or getting power ups, but you guys always forget that:

1. Shirou survived most of the time with the help of Avalon healing powers just like Kiritsugu did when Kotomine killed him, yes KILLED him by destroying his heart in the last fight.
2. Sieg is one of the best homunculi created by Ygdramillenia and he had Siegfried heart to even make his body better, his resurrection with Fran was bullshit for me until now that they showed that it was because of her NP he 'revived'.

Call it whatever you want but at least is not bullshit out of nowhere and and has backup so people like you don't come and call it 'plot convenience'.

I mean, just drop any fate work and probably just drop any anime material if you don't like the MC to live at the end ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Of course, with this I'm not defending their lack of explanation at the moment, but if they just said that he was revived on the episode when Fran used her NP because of the side effect, this would have ruined the factor surprise at the battle with Amakusa.
VeromayeDec 25, 2017 6:49 PM
Dec 25, 2017 8:19 PM
Jul 2018
"Ass-pulls, plot armor and character favoritism: The Anime"

And this is why I hate self-insert protagonists, it doesn't matter what kind of anime it is, they ALWAYS get what they want / need.

But then again, apart from Zero, I never watched Fate because of the main protagonists. Emiya Shirou was BORING as fuck and so is Sieg, but at least the rest of the characters make up for it.

I also hate how A-1 sacrifices artwork quality in favor of fluid motions, it just make the fight scenes look like crap. And these Dragon Ball-esque fights aren't doing this anime any favors as well, they just look flashy and dumb.


Just because it has an explanation, doesn't make it any less of a plot convenience or plot armor or even character favoritism. Most ass-pull power-ups in anime have an explanation behind them, but people still call bullshit because it feels cheap and dumb.
removed-userDec 25, 2017 8:55 PM
Dec 25, 2017 9:00 PM
Jan 2017
Veromaye said:
I'm really getting annoyed with sieg getting another convenient Power up at the end by frans abilities so that he atleast becomes toe with Shiro, it wasn't hinted nor explained well how did fran pass through sieg? just because he was near the Suicide tree? well Astolfo and Mordred were also dead near the explosion does that mean they also gain some of frans abilities? No because it's asspoll

and before you link me the type moon wikipidea, you know that the frans abilities info came after the light novel ended, you know what the anime based off?

Uh, Mordred and Astolfo were not dead when Fran activated Blasted Tree. And Mordred didn't even died in the explosion. Idk what you're talking about.

Ironically, you talk about 'plot convenience' about Shirou and Sieg surviving death blows like nothing or getting power ups, but you guys always forget that:

1. Shirou survived most of the time with the help of Avalon healing powers just like Kiritsugu did when Kotomine killed him, yes KILLED him by destroying his heart in the last fight.
2. Sieg is one of the best homunculi created by Ygdramillenia and he had Siegfried heart to even make his body better, his resurrection with Fran was bullshit for me until now that they showed that it was because of her NP he 'revived'.

Call it whatever you want but at least is not bullshit out of nowhere and and has backup so people like you don't come and call it 'plot convenience'.

I mean, just drop any fate work and probably just drop any anime material if you don't like the MC to live at the end ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Of course, with this I'm not defending their lack of explanation at the moment, but if they just said that he was revived on the episode when Fran used her NP because of the side effect, this would have ruined the factor surprise at the battle with Amakusa.

hate to repeat myself

but People are saying Sieg inherited frans abilities because he was near the suicide tree explosion and she just passed through him there giving hin slight chance of "Revival" but that never been explained well, also Astolfo and Specially mordred were as near but got nothing, and the power didn't take any effect untill the very end fight and it wasn't even hinted before making it more conveniate, and i'm aware that sieg is more resistant because of Siegfreid heart and abilities,
Sorry i didn't view it as *SUPRISE* but as asspoll since it wasn't even HINTED to give them atleast a pass

and when did i say i wanted mc to die, i'm sure you kinda made that up also Stop bringing fate/zero into the mix thats completely seperete verse and story, it has it's own issues
X-RAGENATORDec 25, 2017 9:03 PM
Dec 25, 2017 9:29 PM

Apr 2015

Now everything that is written to be like that but you don't like it is 'plot-convenient' or 'plot-armor' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Is like I start saying that any MC survives something that has a unbalanced chance to survive is 'plot-armor' just because I'm not convinced they shouldn't have lived, like probably 99% of the anime ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


He didn't inherited it, he 'became' a Frankestein itself because he was shot with the lightning bolt of Blasted Tree explosion, even if there's a small or big chance it happened because it was 'bound' to happen and that's how it was written. If the writer wanted Sieg to live without any build up for him, he would just had avoided Mordred confrontation to not get killed there, but that would affect Siegfried fight with Karna and Amakusa later on the anime.

That would suck, and Sieg without a build up of experiences would had been a protagonist actually full of what you guys call 'plot-armor' because he survives with 0 experience and 0 strength to match a Servant.

I'm not bringing Zero here, I just gave you a small example of how convenient is that people complain about this kind of stuffs and idolize other works that do the same but since they like it is not 'plot-armor' for them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

And again, I'm not justifying anything, they don't need to hint anything because the episode 24 was made to show the Frankestein thing, the problem here is that they didn't do that well enough, just like they didn't explained how Karna armor worked, and other minor stuffs to let others who are not into mythology or Fate itself to understand..

Dec 25, 2017 9:32 PM
Jan 2017
Veromaye said:

Now everything that is written to be like that but you don't like it is 'plot-convenient' or 'plot-armor' ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Is like I start saying that any MC survives something that has a unbalanced chance to survive is 'plot-armor' just because I'm not convinced they shouldn't have lived, like probably 99% of the anime ¯_(ツ)_/¯


He didn't inherited it, he 'became' a Frankestein itself because he was shot with the lightning bolt of Blasted Tree explosion, even if there's a small or big chance it happened because it was 'bound' to happen and that's how it was written. If the writer wanted Sieg to live without any build up for him, he would just had avoided Mordred confrontation to not get killed there, but that would affect Siegfried fight with Karna and Amakusa later on the anime.

That would suck, and Sieg without a build up of experiences would had been a protagonist actually full of what you guys call 'plot-armor' because he survives with 0 experience and 0 strength to match a Servant.

I'm not bringing Zero here, I just gave you a small example of how convenient is that people complain about this kind of stuffs and idolize other works that do the same but since they like it is not 'plot-armor' for them ¯_(ツ)_/¯

And again, I'm not justifying anything, they don't need to hint anything because the episode 24 was made to show the Frankestein thing, the problem here is that they didn't do that well enough, just like they didn't explained how Karna armor worked, and other minor stuffs to let others who are not into mythology or Fate itself to understand..

Just because the writer wroted that way "it's called shit writing there" it's how you excute the moment and to me it was very poor way and it could have done better
Dec 25, 2017 9:49 PM

Apr 2015

Just because the writer wroted that way "it's called shit writing there" it's how you excute the moment and to me it was very poor way and it could have done better

I'm not the one to judge how shitty Apocrypha was wrote because I'm not a writer, but from my perspective as an audience it's okay how he wrote Sieg build up, he failed in some other aspects of Sieg but we're not talking about that here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Again I repeat, I don't disagree with you about how crappy it was executed the moment and how poor was explained his power.
Dec 25, 2017 11:39 PM

Sep 2015
rip my waifu Ruler. but she said they will meet again.... not all hope is lost.
Dec 26, 2017 1:51 AM

Dec 2014
ryanstrike said:
Ruler's white clothe, mean that is lily form?

its her 3rd and Final Ascension form in FGO
but well ... already got FA and she still couldn't defeat amakusa shirou? heh ...

Dec 26, 2017 6:46 AM

Apr 2016
Bet?! Who will survive to this plasma tree? lol
Dec 26, 2017 7:34 AM
Jul 2017
anyone else feel like Sieg should not be as strong as he is, or do his enemies just get weaker randomly??????????
Dec 26, 2017 7:35 AM
Jul 2017
anyone else feel like Sieg should not be as strong as he is, or do his enemies just get weaker randomly??????????
Dec 26, 2017 7:44 AM
Aug 2016
why jeane still in human form? how come??? zz
Dec 26, 2017 9:31 AM

Sep 2010
lenonglevis said:
why jeane still in human form? how come??? zz

She's gone, that's Lacticia. When she was summoned as ruler, she had to possess a human.
Dec 26, 2017 10:34 AM

Apr 2015
ExTz_Thomazz said:

its her 3rd and Final Ascension form in FGO
but well ... already got FA and she still couldn't defeat amakusa shirou? heh ...

Huh, but she's more useful than Amakusa and she's the third in the *5 Servants tier with 9.5 rating? Amakusa is down at 8.5 next to Artoria Archer
Dec 26, 2017 11:07 AM
May 2016
Mrkulci said:
anyone else feel like Sieg should not be as strong as he is, or do his enemies just get weaker randomly??????????

Well let's see...

Sieg kinda more stronger since had -> Siegfried's heart + Frankenstein's NP Side-effect + (Unlimited) Magic Circuit of his own?

As for Amakusa, he's got bit weaker due his left(?) hand been lost for doing his one of NP as the cost.
Dec 26, 2017 12:45 PM

Aug 2014

You know this info came after the light novel ended right?, Because this Bullshit wasn't explained in the anime nor lightnovel and it wasn't even hinted that sieg might have some of frans abilities until the end because shiro was Overpowered, even then Astofolo was also near the sucide tree does that mean that he also might have frans ability?

Actually, it's just the anime that forgot to mention it.
The LN explains it shortly after Fran's death, then it brings it up again in the Karna VS Sieg fight (it's the reason Sieg can spam Balmung).
Plus, it's not like everyone near the Blasted Tree gets the power, that's not how it works: the fact that Sieg is literally resurrected by that NP is kinda self-explanatory.

But the anime undoubtedly failed to explain and set up the revelation properly, that's a fact.
Dec 26, 2017 12:57 PM
Dec 2017
Z4k said:
I didn't really like the first half of the show but man these past few episodes have been amazing.

Some of the complaints about Sieg being able to fight Shirou is understandable but at least this hasn't been as dumb as the UBW fight between Gilgamesh and that other Shirou.

He learns UBW from archer as he A) watched him use it
B) when 2 versions from a character in the Nasuverse (interact the magic circuits overlap as they are one in the same this causes some information to be carried down) this is shown when shirou and archer fight as his projections are the transferal tools. these are unnatural existences and are 'deleted' by the world.

But when it is a magic code (illya snow or Heavens feel) the information will overwrite your orignal and your magic circuits match the variant completely, look at Shirou (illya snow) he literally is becoming archer

whereas shirou frow UBW is not as archers contact to shirou is in a few battles. And archer didnt use all of his ablities like trigger off or trance overedge as shirou would have learnt them.

The fight is fine as Gilgamesh is insulted when Tohsaka asks him to use Ea he will only use it under certain circumstances. In this fight as Gilgamesh has all of his armaments and does not believe shirou as a threat he will not use Ea the only weapon that can break a reality marble.

The reason why shirou isnt a threat is that he A) is not a 'true' magus and B) is a faker.

If gilgamesh wanted to fight at 100% he would have used Ea on Shirou before the fight started.
Dec 26, 2017 1:06 PM
Dec 2017
Also I have never hated Sieg as i thought he would only gain a personality after he is challenged by the hero of charity karna, as karna would treat him as human when the Yggdmillennia have only just treated him as a homunculus (disposable) until recently when he gained master status.

I think that yes if Ufotable re did this series it would be a million times better but the characters are the same as their source material so the characters cannot be complained at. the music and animation are on point. as you need more vibrant colours for the apocrypha cast.

the only problem for me is the lack of explanation of the powers and how they affect each character.

in 22 what would be nice is to have frankenstein holding sieg's hand or something or her appear when he tries to spam balmung...

or karna saying the name of his bramastra noble phantasm other than UGHH
Dec 26, 2017 1:17 PM

May 2015
Wow Giles did something good. xD

Bye Ruler. Welcome Eraser.

Nice tree.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Dec 26, 2017 2:42 PM

Dec 2016
Weird. Even if Sieg and Shirou both die in the Blasted Tree.... that leaves Shakespeare, a chained, injured, and masterless Astolfo, and a severely injured Semiramis (who i knew was still alive).... my bets on Shakespeare. Cunning dude gonna pull it out in the end. Id like that
Dec 26, 2017 3:14 PM

Feb 2014
the crappy art quality fight scene did make me lol but i loved the lil tribute to berserker
Dec 26, 2017 6:25 PM

Mar 2013
Fellow viewers, thanks for explaining how on earth Sieg obtained Frankestein's abilities. Cleared up some confusion.

And once again, people complaining about the "bad" animation, lol. The animation itself was just amazing as the past episodes, just less/different "art quality" for smoother expressive movement , which made it intense. I liked it alot.
And stop taking random screenshots of the inbetweens when they are not meant to be viewed as an image, but as a combined fast paced animation.
KilikcliaDec 26, 2017 6:31 PM
Dec 26, 2017 10:13 PM

Oct 2013
Not_Important said:

And this is why I hate self-insert protagonists, it doesn't matter what kind of anime it is, they ALWAYS get what they want / need.

While I'm definitely not fond of Sieg as the MC and the best thing I can say about him is that he's not as annoying as FSN Shirou, it's way less of a problem in Apocrypha as it is in FSN(whether it's Deen's version of Ufo's UBW) since the attention the characters get is divided more like in F/Z, with no one character,even in the MC, getting too much screentime.

Of course, I'd be really awesome to get a a Fate work with a MC like Achilies or Sishigo & Mordred...
Dec 27, 2017 5:24 AM
Oct 2007
Watching the last 2 episodes consecutively was pretty awesome. Certain parts does feel asspull to me but all is forgiven for the fight choreography and fluid animation quality. Ruler and Saber last transformation were cool as hell too. I was a bit disappointed at how Shirou combat ability was portrayed at though.
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Dec 27, 2017 5:40 AM

Jul 2014
Well, at least they finally bothered to explain just why we shouldn't like Shirou's plan, but they should have done this weeks ago so we actually understood why this conflict actually mattered and why we should support one side over the other. As an aside, I'm not at all surprised that Sieg was able to fight on even footing with Shirou thanks to an asspull, but it does disappoint me, as does the fact that they killed Jeanne off very easily.

Now, what kind of asspull will save Sieg's life after using the Blasted Tree, I wonder?
Dec 27, 2017 10:12 AM

Jun 2013
It's too sad for Sieg and Jeanne :(

One episode left!
Dec 27, 2017 12:08 PM
Oct 2017
_Peksi said:
Sigh I knew it wasn't gonna happen, but I was still hoping for Shirou to succeed.
Well thanks to Ruler and Sieg, people get to keep dying in pain and misery with many of them not being able to anything about it.
They are the true villains of this story.

You do know shirou was talking about killing everyone right? He was only planning to do it painlessly, but everyone would still die.
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