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Dec 8, 2016 7:06 PM
Feb 2015
Smudy said:
This is stupid, they made Aoba lose TWICE.

Gate of Bootylon is absolutely glorious though.

Technically aside from Non, Aoba's team are people who have lost before.
Dec 8, 2016 7:09 PM

Oct 2016
gilgamesh's gates of babylon wil never be the same anymore
Dec 8, 2016 8:27 PM

Feb 2014
Oliemaar said:
This episode was by far the best one yet, I'm not sure my heart can take it anymore.

This scene was amazing!

Yep can agree this is one of the best scenes
Aoba Kazane is underated this season!!!
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Dec 8, 2016 8:36 PM

Sep 2016
The Gilgamesh reference tho lol
Dec 8, 2016 8:52 PM
Nov 2016
"Anime was a mistake. We need 10 more Hiroshimas." These would be the last words of Hayao Miyazaki before he proceeds to commit Seppuku.

-Gate of Bootylon
-Drill nipples
-Fairies that power an ass
-An ass that gets powered by singing or something
-A literal butt on fire

That's it. I'm done. I'm fucking done. Fuck logic. Fuck my brain. Fuck all of it.
AnimeFanboy1234Dec 8, 2016 9:05 PM
Dec 8, 2016 8:53 PM
Nov 2016
Goten_ssj3 said:
I sense a reference to Gilgamesh here.

Do you dare challenge me, you mongrel?!
Dec 8, 2016 8:55 PM
Nov 2016
Morpice said:
gilgamesh's gates of babylon wil never be the same anymore

"Fear me mongrel!"
Proceeds to use the power of asses.
Dec 8, 2016 8:58 PM
Nov 2016
Santoryu_XBurner said:
Fantastic episode. The ridiculousness of this show keeps going up & I'm loving it.
Nice trap set up by Setouchi. LOL Non's butt on fire.

Aoba so good at analyzing the situation. BEST GIRL!!
Finally "Hips of Babylon". So glorious. We've all been waiting for this. Love the Fate reference.
Hououin twisting her boobs. That must hurt after while.

Sad that Aoba narrowly lose. That was a great match.
Nozomi's team up next.

I keep telling myself..."Bud, this is a ridiculous anime, it's gonna get more ridiculous, be prepared", yet why do I still have a WTF did I just watch reaction every time?!
Dec 8, 2016 9:03 PM
Nov 2016
EcchiLordMamster said:
FrozenRaider said:

There must be second season! They can't miss this chance to make another chapter of this masterpiece. ;)

unfortunately Japan HATES Keijo... idfk why... so the chances of that are nill

im buying all the merch i can though, since this is actually my favorite anime lol (already have the first BD)

Let me guess: Because the girls aren't "pure"? Because they don't get into sexual situations accidentally, they're confident in their sexuality, there are no stupid tsunderes with the same dumb "Die baka" jokes towards bland male leads for the viewer to project themselves onto?
Dec 8, 2016 9:04 PM

Mar 2012
AnimeFanboy1234 said:
EcchiLordMamster said:

unfortunately Japan HATES Keijo... idfk why... so the chances of that are nill

im buying all the merch i can though, since this is actually my favorite anime lol (already have the first BD)

Let me guess: Because the girls aren't "pure"? Because they don't get into sexual situations accidentally, they're confident in their sexuality, there are no stupid tsunderes with the same dumb "Die baka" jokes towards bland male leads for the viewer to project themselves onto?

LMAO it could be that... or it could be that they don't know the true beauty of the ass
Dec 8, 2016 9:09 PM
Nov 2016
EcchiLordMamster said:
AnimeFanboy1234 said:

Let me guess: Because the girls aren't "pure"? Because they don't get into sexual situations accidentally, they're confident in their sexuality, there are no stupid tsunderes with the same dumb "Die baka" jokes towards bland male leads for the viewer to project themselves onto?

LMAO it could be that... or it could be that they don't know the true beauty of the ass

I'm seriously thinking it's the former, especially when Keijo's humour matches what anime humour is known for: Over the top as hell.
But holy shit though, even if you were to combine Prison School, Shimoneta, and Kill la Kill, they still wouldn't be anywhere near as ridiculous as Keijo!!
Dec 8, 2016 9:10 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
That clutch win by Sanae. Great match from Aoba. Not only is she a great strategist, she's got a fantastic move, copying other techniques. And she knows how to use her hand technique and not just use random ones.

She may not have won but she is making her team look strong.

Dec 8, 2016 9:21 PM

Jun 2015
After Gate of Bootylon... I just don't know anymore. I keep thinking I've seen it all but I'm surprised with every new episode XD Love this show!
Dec 8, 2016 9:22 PM

Mar 2012
AnimeFanboy1234 said:
EcchiLordMamster said:

LMAO it could be that... or it could be that they don't know the true beauty of the ass

I'm seriously thinking it's the former, especially when Keijo's humour matches what anime humour is known for: Over the top as hell.
But holy shit though, even if you were to combine Prison School, Shimoneta, and Kill la Kill, they still wouldn't be anywhere near as ridiculous as Keijo!!

i wouldn't be surprised if it was lol

well considering i didn't fap to any of those three... of course not
Dec 8, 2016 10:40 PM

Aug 2013
Aoba had Gilgamesh powers with an Archer attitude while Hououin went full on Gilgamesh attitude. Oh the Fate game was strong. Loved this ep.
Don't believe the hype.
Dec 8, 2016 10:40 PM

Aug 2013
EcchiLordMamster said:
AnimeFanboy1234 said:

I'm seriously thinking it's the former, especially when Keijo's humour matches what anime humour is known for: Over the top as hell.
But holy shit though, even if you were to combine Prison School, Shimoneta, and Kill la Kill, they still wouldn't be anywhere near as ridiculous as Keijo!!

i wouldn't be surprised if it was lol

well considering i didn't fap to any of those three... of course not

Japan hates anything that's not moeshit. Let's be honest XD
Don't believe the hype.
Dec 8, 2016 10:43 PM

Mar 2012
Zantius said:
EcchiLordMamster said:

i wouldn't be surprised if it was lol

well considering i didn't fap to any of those three... of course not

Japan hates anything that's not moeshit. Let's be honest XD

well as a HUGE fan of "moeshit" im not complaining, although Keijo definitely does not "lack" moe

the lack of loli and purity though probably is a factor though
Dec 8, 2016 11:21 PM

May 2010
This show is just...sigh lol
Dec 9, 2016 12:09 AM

Jun 2013
It took me 1.5 hours to get through this episode. I want to die. :')
Dec 9, 2016 12:46 AM
Feb 2015
Hold on, Aoba used Kobayakawa's Boob Dunk technique. But that means Aoba not only got to grope her classmates, she got to feel up her teacher as well! @_@
Dec 9, 2016 12:52 AM

Aug 2013
Gate of Bootylon LMAO
Also those when they said PLEASE TOUCH OUR BUTTS HAHAHAHA
Loving this anime so much
Dec 9, 2016 1:26 AM

Apr 2013
EcchiLordMamster said:
AnimeFanboy1234 said:

Let me guess: Because the girls aren't "pure"? Because they don't get into sexual situations accidentally, they're confident in their sexuality, there are no stupid tsunderes with the same dumb "Die baka" jokes towards bland male leads for the viewer to project themselves onto?

LMAO it could be that... or it could be that they don't know the true beauty of the ass
The truest shame of all.

This episode was almost a complete winrar. The Sanae move was just...IDK, and Kazane is clearly the most powerful character in the series, right? I mean Teresa of the Faint Smile was Claymore #1 because she was slightly worse at every technique than all of the specialists.

Loved the reference(s). I guess the biggest and most likely thing here was the Fate series, but I also saw some Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple (you can beat me, but how about my masters?) some Death Note (we're not as strong separately, but together we can surpass L) and there's probably more I can't remember.
Dec 9, 2016 4:23 AM

Jul 2016
Gate of bootylon. Glorious. As much as I loved every godamn second of this episode, I'm a bit pissed that best girl ended up losing. Like come on, at least a draw or something! Le waifu of the season really needed a win. :-(
damn, the forums these days...
Dec 9, 2016 4:39 AM

Oct 2015
robbed :( Aoba sad face
Dec 9, 2016 5:00 AM

Sep 2009
Aoba's strategy is fantastic as usual. Just let her win already :<
But yeah, not gonna happen because they have to lose for the plot to progress sigh
Dec 9, 2016 5:01 AM

Jan 2011
Should have been Unlimited Booty Works, since Kazane was pulling the faker angle more than the Gilgamesh angle. Although I suppose since Gil isn't exactly skilled with all his weapons it still works.

It was obvious that they were gonna lose since we need that third battle, but seeing Kazane look so shocked just hurts.
Dec 9, 2016 5:19 AM
Nov 2016
Smudy said:
This is stupid, they made Aoba lose TWICE.

Gate of Bootylon is absolutely glorious though.

This. Aoba is my favorite. Why does she have to keep losing?! We know why. It's also to create tension for this third match, but it's still bullshit.
Dec 9, 2016 5:22 AM

Nov 2010
That was one of the best episodes of any anime I've ever seen, and I'm being completely sincere here.
Dec 9, 2016 5:27 AM

Aug 2012
Oh noes, the techniques are getting more and more bizarre by the episodes. :O
Help, I think I need a laugh box donation :(
Dec 9, 2016 6:34 AM
Aug 2014
the nip drill was a little let down. was hoping something like this Wamuu's attack as shown in the manga.
Dec 9, 2016 7:07 AM
Feb 2009
AnimeFanboy1234 said:
Let me guess: Because the girls aren't "pure"? Because they don't get into sexual situations accidentally, they're confident in their sexuality, there are no stupid tsunderes with the same dumb "Die baka" jokes towards bland male leads for the viewer to project themselves onto?

If I had to hazard a guess, this would mostly be correct. Keijo has no male audience surrogate for the typical viewer to project his wish fulfillment fantasies onto. And as much as I love Japan, it's still pretty misogynistic so strong, confident women is not what it likes to see. Wouldn't it be ironic if Keijo was 'too feminist' for Japan? :3
Dec 9, 2016 7:15 AM

Dec 2013
Gate Of Babylon FTW!!
Gilgamesh would be proud.. or maybe not... xD

Poor Aoba. She lost second time :/
Dec 9, 2016 7:21 AM

May 2016
Mehh 61766251 post about Gate of Bootylon ...
Dec 9, 2016 7:35 AM

Jun 2011
EcchiLordMamster said:
AnimeFanboy1234 said:

I'm seriously thinking it's the former, especially when Keijo's humour matches what anime humour is known for: Over the top as hell.
But holy shit though, even if you were to combine Prison School, Shimoneta, and Kill la Kill, they still wouldn't be anywhere near as ridiculous as Keijo!!

i wouldn't be surprised if it was lol

well considering i didn't fap to any of those three... of course not

What era are you guys from? The anime that sells in Japan these days are fujoshit like Yuri!!! on Ice and Osomatsu-san.
AhegyaoDec 9, 2016 7:38 AM
I wish Cowboy Bebop never existed.
Dec 9, 2016 7:37 AM

Mar 2013
Gate of Bootylon
Fairy butt
1.6 Kilo boob napalm

Keijo couldn't get any more funnier with those names XD
Poor Aoba tho. Her ability is actually OP af! The poor girl didn't deserved two losses in a row :(

Also this XD
Dec 9, 2016 7:46 AM

Mar 2012
Ahegyao said:
EcchiLordMamster said:

i wouldn't be surprised if it was lol

well considering i didn't fap to any of those three... of course not

What era are you guys from? The anime that sells in Japan these days are fujoshit like Yuri!!! on Ice and Osomatsu-san.

we were just talking about how Keijo's sales are shit and the possible reasons why... what are you talking about lol?
Dec 9, 2016 8:03 AM

Jun 2011
EcchiLordMamster said:
Ahegyao said:

What era are you guys from? The anime that sells in Japan these days are fujoshit like Yuri!!! on Ice and Osomatsu-san.

we were just talking about how Keijo's sales are shit and the possible reasons why... what are you talking about lol?

The sales are shit because the people who buy anime now are fujoshis while the stereotypical otaku don't buy as much anymore. It's not that hard to understand.
I wish Cowboy Bebop never existed.
Dec 9, 2016 8:07 AM

Mar 2012
Ahegyao said:
EcchiLordMamster said:

we were just talking about how Keijo's sales are shit and the possible reasons why... what are you talking about lol?

The sales are shit because the people who buy anime now are fujoshis while the stereotypical otaku don't buy as much anymore. It's not that hard to understand.

but its not just that fujoshi has blown up... even view wise, its not popular, its not even in their top 20 anime of Fall.

Most hardcore ecchi at least make it into their top 20, but Keijo hasn't yet, so clearly Keijo is doing something they really don't like
Dec 9, 2016 8:17 AM

Jun 2011
EcchiLordMamster said:
Ahegyao said:

The sales are shit because the people who buy anime now are fujoshis while the stereotypical otaku don't buy as much anymore. It's not that hard to understand.

but its not just that fujoshi has blown up... even view wise, its not popular, its not even in their top 20 anime of Fall.

Most hardcore ecchi at least make it into their top 20, but Keijo hasn't yet, so clearly Keijo is doing something they really don't like

What rock are you living in? The more ecchi a show gets, the lower in the rankings in sales and views in Japan are...except if they're of the yaoi variety.

The ones that get the most this season in Japan are Yuri on Ice and Haikyuu and we all know what they both got in common.
I wish Cowboy Bebop never existed.
Dec 9, 2016 8:26 AM

May 2015
That was some incredible Unlimited Butt Works.

But yeah, kinda bullshit it wasn't a tie. Guess the judges don't want the West to win, lol...

Dec 9, 2016 8:48 AM

Mar 2012
Ahegyao said:
EcchiLordMamster said:

but its not just that fujoshi has blown up... even view wise, its not popular, its not even in their top 20 anime of Fall.

Most hardcore ecchi at least make it into their top 20, but Keijo hasn't yet, so clearly Keijo is doing something they really don't like

What rock are you living in? The more ecchi a show gets, the lower in the rankings in sales and views in Japan are...except if they're of the yaoi variety.

The ones that get the most this season in Japan are Yuri on Ice and Haikyuu and we all know what they both got in common.

what about shows like DxD and To love ru which are about as ecchi as Keijo, yet still very popular?

and im not really talking about the sales right now, im talking about what ppl are watching... and ppl in japan jsut aren't really watching Keijo as apposed to other heavy ecchi anime

what im saying is, most hardcore ecchi at least make their top 20 most watched shows a season, even if the sales end up shit. Keijo isn't doing that
EcchiGodMamsterDec 9, 2016 8:51 AM
Dec 9, 2016 9:14 AM
Dec 2011
Perhaps the funniest episode so far. Laughed out loud many times. Pretty intense too. Lots of cool tactics and whatnot, like bunny girl's sacrificial k.o and Non tilting the land just before falling in the water.

Still, is it just me or was this one of the worst episodes in terms of visuals? Perhaps I just haven't paid enough attention before, but this was the first time I noticed that characters were notably off-model in a few scenes.
Dec 9, 2016 9:17 AM

Jun 2011
EcchiLordMamster said:
Ahegyao said:

What rock are you living in? The more ecchi a show gets, the lower in the rankings in sales and views in Japan are...except if they're of the yaoi variety.

The ones that get the most this season in Japan are Yuri on Ice and Haikyuu and we all know what they both got in common.

what about shows like DxD and To love ru which are about as ecchi as Keijo, yet still very popular?

and im not really talking about the sales right now, im talking about what ppl are watching... and ppl in japan jsut aren't really watching Keijo as apposed to other heavy ecchi anime

what im saying is, most hardcore ecchi at least make their top 20 most watched shows a season, even if the sales end up shit. Keijo isn't doing that

DxD and To Love Ru are popular because they have chuuni action, not just simple ecchi. Mixed hybrids tend to do better in the watchability scale.

What other "hardcore ecchi" are Japanese viewers watching for current season? Soul Busters? Don't make me laugh. This season has been weak in pure ecchi selection, as it has been in past seasons in favor of fujoshit pandering. It's a sign of the times.
I wish Cowboy Bebop never existed.
Dec 9, 2016 9:24 AM

Mar 2012
Ahegyao said:
EcchiLordMamster said:

what about shows like DxD and To love ru which are about as ecchi as Keijo, yet still very popular?

and im not really talking about the sales right now, im talking about what ppl are watching... and ppl in japan jsut aren't really watching Keijo as apposed to other heavy ecchi anime

what im saying is, most hardcore ecchi at least make their top 20 most watched shows a season, even if the sales end up shit. Keijo isn't doing that

DxD and To Love Ru are popular because they have chuuni action, not just simple ecchi. Mixed hybrids tend to do better in the watchability scale.

What other "hardcore ecchi" are Japanese viewers watching for current season? Soul Busters? Don't make me laugh. This season has been weak in pure ecchi selection, as it has been in past seasons in favor of fujoshit pandering. It's a sign of the times.

you're not getting what im saying lol... im saying those shows are actually making their top 20... Keijo isn't

i agree 100% that fujobait is the new popular trend... but thats not the issue, the issue is that Keijo isn't even doing the minimum

even the standard copy paste, no originality battle harem anime do better that Keijo is right now

what im saying is that Japan is shitting on Keijo on a whole other level

and i see someone really hates fujobait loooooollll
Dec 9, 2016 10:06 AM

Mar 2015
nice to see best girl put in work 10/10

I figured it would be a loss, but still, that air pressure stuff was some real bullshit.
I'm reacting to Keijo results the way I'd react to real sports results send help
Dec 9, 2016 10:16 AM

Apr 2014
was a nice ep and all but wow no matter what Aoba does she loses she puts in all that work only to get cheated in the end smh

anyway looking forward to the next match looks like it should be good
"one step at a time"
Dec 9, 2016 10:52 AM

Aug 2016
Aw, I was really finally hoping for an Aoba win. :( I can't exactly fully remember but has she actually ever won a race in the series so far (or at this point, the entire thing)? Either way, despite the loss, that was one friggin epic race! Definitely an amazing episode!
Forever wishing for an unrealistic Anime romance.
Dec 9, 2016 12:42 PM

Jun 2012
Aoba reminds me of Yamcha from early Dragon Ball, he was also very knowledgeable, but also very unlucky, in every tournament, his fight was against future finalist.
Dec 9, 2016 1:19 PM
Nov 2016
YabaBaga said:
AnimeFanboy1234 said:
Let me guess: Because the girls aren't "pure"? Because they don't get into sexual situations accidentally, they're confident in their sexuality, there are no stupid tsunderes with the same dumb "Die baka" jokes towards bland male leads for the viewer to project themselves onto?

If I had to hazard a guess, this would mostly be correct. Keijo has no male audience surrogate for the typical viewer to project his wish fulfillment fantasies onto. And as much as I love Japan, it's still pretty misogynistic so strong, confident women is not what it likes to see. Wouldn't it be ironic if Keijo was 'too feminist' for Japan? :3

It's especially weird, though, because anime is known for having over the top humour, and Keijo the most over the top thing I've ever seen.
Dec 9, 2016 1:34 PM

May 2013
Christ. That look of despair at the end.

She needs to win soon.
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