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Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers (light novel)
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Jul 27, 2015 1:26 AM
Jan 2014
CharlRosso said:
Nashetania, because I don't believe in nice girls.

You have a nice girl in your signature.
Jul 27, 2015 2:48 AM

May 2014
Goldof would be good, if he wasn't so plain. He could be faking being a brave just to be with/protect Nashetania. You can easily insert a story of unrequited love there. But again, so far he hasn't shown much character (but neither have the others :D).
WintermuteCZJul 27, 2015 2:52 AM
Jul 27, 2015 8:02 PM

Jul 2010
CJKDR said:

What if it was inked. </3
Jul 27, 2015 8:49 PM
Oct 2013
IronLobster said:

The votes don't mean anything, and I'm sure there aren't that many people reading the LN, at least not as much as there are anime-only watchers. People are probably just voting based on speculations and loose theories. Episode 4 just came out and we barely know anything about the last 3 heroes.

That's exactly why people are voting and discussing it, because it's still "loose". Otherwise this thread wouldn't exist.

And it does mean something.
Jul 28, 2015 12:49 AM

Apr 2013
lol@ the "ln readers are voting" (especially since there are more peoples who voted in this thread that people who rated the LN already and that most peoples on MAL don't use the boards :D) . You're clearly overestimating the number of peoples who read the LN around here. If there''s 20 peoples posting on the rokka anime board who read the rokka LN, that should be about it. most of them probably are like me and don't have any interest in voting in that poll. So you won't be able to search for the right answer by looking at those, sorry :p.

BTW, you are SUPPOSED to be suspecting NAshetania right now. You can't suspect the new one that just arrived because you don't know anything. Fremy is already the brave killer, which makes her less suspicious in reverse right now. Remains Adlet and Nashetania and goldof.
One among the three is the MC, the other isn't really developed. the last one has a behaviour switching a lot. those three together right now have 80% of the votes in that poll. I'm actually surprised at the number for goldof. Didn't think so many peoples would suspect him with what is currently happening.

In that kind of work, the author will make you suspect character one after another. The suspicion game just started. it would actually be interesting to make a poll thread again after each episode (since peoples cannot change their vote on mal) and see how it's evolving. And especially, who the anime watchers are the most suspecting the episode before it's revealed. To see how many can guess correctly. Not guessing corretly when you don't have the info is natural. BTW in the LN reader's poll, LN readers didn't manage to guess.

So yeah, making a poll "who's the culprit - after episode X version" would be nice. Maybe not after every episode (although, why not), but every two?
ZefyrisJul 28, 2015 12:56 AM
Jul 28, 2015 1:53 AM

Nov 2014
my vote went to nashetania, purely because with what i've seen, she is the one with the most suspiciouse attitude. I also highly doubt she can outrun Goldof, to get to the temple so far ahead of him. Also if she does turn out to be the fake, and also the enemy, goldof will prob stick by her.
Jul 28, 2015 2:12 AM

Apr 2013
@Blankbite : remove the spoiler part of your post which has nothing to do on the anime board. If you want to discuss the LN, go to the appropriate LN thread. peoples don't need you to learn who is the real fake.
Actually, remove your whole post, just because.
Jul 28, 2015 2:33 AM
Oct 2013
Zefyris said:
@Blankbite : remove the spoiler part of your post which has nothing to do on the anime board. If you want to discuss the LN, go to the appropriate LN thread. peoples don't need you to learn who is the real fake.
Actually, remove your whole post, just because.

Post removed only because it contains considerable spoiler. For whoever's sake, I'm not "discussing" LN on the post I've deleted. If you've looked closely, the spoiler tag only contains a link to the LN thread. Nothing else. And for the record, I did not read the LN therefore "discussing" it is waaaay out of my hands.

peoples don't need you to learn who is the real fake.

Ouch it hurts. I regret talking to you man. Felt like a straight punch.
ExplodingGirlJul 28, 2015 2:47 AM
Jul 28, 2015 2:54 AM

Apr 2013
Thanks you for being quick and comprehensive here.
And it's just that LN info have nothing to do with those threads no matter the form. The mods have been removing a lot of those posts in the RnY forum and moving some to the LN forum as well. Let's not give them more work when we can solve this on our side like that, that's my opinion.
Aug 1, 2015 10:28 PM

Jul 2015
I voted for Nashetania but after 4 ep I hope that fake is Chamot, she is just creepy and sick enough to be one.
Aug 1, 2015 11:24 PM

Jun 2014
I voted for Nashetania but i hope it's that little bitch Chamo or Goldof i don't like how they treat Fremy like shit , it could be interesting if it was Hans since he's one of the Smartest
Aug 2, 2015 2:52 AM

Apr 2013
Sukebe14 said:
I voted for Nashetania but after 4 ep I hope that fake is Chamot, she is just creepy and sick enough to be one.

Maybe we should, as I suggested above, create a new voting thread after each episode xD.
Aug 2, 2015 5:52 AM

Feb 2011
going with mora,
with the key she could have entered before adlet, reclosed the doors using the key again, and waited inside to activate the barrier when whoever came (pushed by the transformed fiend) opened the door again

after considering mora and hans could confirm each other position and what they were doing when the barrier got activated, i'm now thinking is was chamo to have the best chances to do it
she has no alibi, and if the key idea to come into the room before adlet is true, she only had to take the key from mora and give it back before she noticed
ZeandoAug 2, 2015 8:16 AM

Fixes to make the Profile more bearable after "the Modern★Profile★Update★★Rip★Profile★"
Aug 2, 2015 9:58 AM

Sep 2013
The bunny girl, when adlet left to go where the gun girl is, she killed alot of fiends by herself when she was supposedly a noob.
Aug 2, 2015 10:35 AM

Apr 2013
ichii_1 said:
The bunny girl, when adlet left to go where the gun girl is, she killed alot of fiends by herself when she was supposedly a noob.

She killed three and lost her horse doing so. She's not a noob, she trained for years with her power. She's anxious at her first fight and emotionally unstable. so much that she had to sit down this episode because she could not support the amount of suspicion from everyone around.
Aug 2, 2015 11:01 AM
Dec 2013
I also voted the bunny girl, the most innocence always the most evil in the end. I don't think it is the world's most strongest man because audience can always heard what he is thinking and analyzing who is the fake. It just doesn't make sense that he said/think all these while he is the fake - lying to himself in front of the audience? :scratchhead:
Aug 2, 2015 11:21 AM

Aug 2013
I pick bunny princess
her rage in ep 4 is forced and not natural
and evenin ep 5 her behavior is not natural, like suddenly feeling dizzy or sumthin
Aug 2, 2015 12:32 PM

Feb 2011
Vanschia said:
I pick bunny princess
her rage in ep 4 is forced and not natural
and evenin ep 5 her behavior is not natural, like suddenly feeling dizzy or sumthin
yeah, but what did she accomplish with those?

Fixes to make the Profile more bearable after "the Modern★Profile★Update★★Rip★Profile★"
Aug 2, 2015 12:34 PM

Oct 2013
Well, for now:

- Adlet's out of the question as well as we've seen things from his POV for a while now and nothing in his attitude, thoughts nor actions hint's at him being the fake.

- Goldof's out of the question too as he's mainly just a loyal warrior that wants to serve & protect Nashetania.

- I also doubt Mora to be a fake as I don't see much someone in her position would seek to gain by aiding the Demon King.

- I guess Nashetania's kind of suspicious as of now with her quick & strange outburst in ep 4 and her appearing to be a little manipulative(which shouldn't uncommon for royalty). I rushed & voted for her like an idiot without thinking much but as I was writing this I don't even suspect her much anymore. She could indeed just be anxious & emotionally unstable, hence her reactions. I mean she's trained to fight but that doesn't mean one won't be anxious when fighting their 1st fiend. Also, why would the Princess of Piena want to doom her kingdom by aiding the Demon Lord?

- I could see Hans working for the Demon Lord simply because he paid him more than the King would've, or just for amusement given his character. Tbh I'm surprised the others didn't pressure him to reveal his background. At the same time, he's just that guy that might be so shady that one would think it just can't be him. But that's a poor argument IMO and I wish I would've voted for him instead of Nashetania.

- As for Chamo...well, someone with a few screws loose like her wouldn't probably even need a reason to aid the Demon Lord other than "Cuz it's fun and Charmo will prove that she's the strongest!", just as she could fight against him for that very same reason. Personally, I'd be scared to fight alongside her if even if I had 100% assurance that she wasn't a fake. Given that I find crazy brats like her annoying, I'm actually hoping she's the fake so the others could get rid of her, heh :P

- Annnnnd Fremy...doubt she's it. She doesn't really have that out-to-prove-herself or a particular sense of duty so her reasons for fighting against the Demon Lord must be completely personal - such as avenging her family at all costs or something of the sort.

So I guess that as of ep 5, if the fake is consciously aware of what it's doing, Chamo & Hans are my prime suspects, lol.

But there could be various ways this could end up. If we're to think about someone being corrupted or manipulated then we could come up with several possibilities which I'm not gonna bother with - not really a fan of guessing games & too much speculation.

ManlyTearAug 2, 2015 12:40 PM
Aug 2, 2015 5:56 PM
May 2015
Aug 2, 2015 8:53 PM

Aug 2013
Nashetania gives off this creepy vibe for me in ed, therefore she's got to be the fake. Also she trusted Adlet so much right after they met. That came off a bit wierd to me. I bet she purposely makes him blush all the time
Aug 2, 2015 9:51 PM

May 2015
PLot twist they are all fake and the real Braves are dead
Aug 3, 2015 6:50 PM

Feb 2014
I vote Chamot. Her crazy power, lack of sympathy for anyone, desire to end the mystery quickly, and the ability to have easily tattooed a mark on her body are all pointing against her being a real brave. Also, as the swamp saint, she could most likely make some fake fog while she actually goes in to activate the barrier while Adlet is looking away from the door.

Zefyris said:
In that kind of work, the author will make you suspect character one after another. The suspicion game just started. it would actually be interesting to make a poll thread again after each episode (since peoples cannot change their vote on mal) and see how it's evolving. And especially, who the anime watchers are the most suspecting the episode before it's revealed. To see how many can guess correctly. Not guessing corretly when you don't have the info is natural. BTW in the LN reader's poll, LN readers didn't manage to guess.

So yeah, making a poll "who's the culprit - after episode X version" would be nice. Maybe not after every episode (although, why not), but every two?

I support this idea. I feel like seeing an evolution in suspicion would be really cool as more episodes come out. The only downside is that this can clutter the forum boards, but who really cares about that? :p
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 3, 2015 7:03 PM

Jul 2010
HenTieLover said:
The topic I would like to bring up the most is Adlet's famous line, "I'm the strongest man in the world". After this was said the first few times I thought Adlet was just being a cocky guy, but the more he said it, the more I looked into it. To me, this starts to sound like someone who is quite salty. He thinks he truly is the strongest man in the world, but I doubt he actually is. He is telling this to himself rather than to the people who he is talking to. In his mind he is the strongest and it is only logical, to him at least, he is chosen to be one of the braves. He may even be telling himself he is a real brave even though he knows that his mark is fake. He could be telling himself something along the lines of "there must of been some kind of mistake".

I think the way he's calling himself "The strongest man in the world" is just some kind of self-encouragement, like how some people tell themselves that "I can do this" when faced with a dilemma or something.

I mean, a normal guy like him is fighting a Demon God, after all.

Like, if you believe that you're strong, then you are.
His self confidence really shines through, though the other Braves see this as him being cocky and stupid. :D
Aug 6, 2015 2:49 AM

Jan 2014
Well the anime have original ending.........

or not :p
Aug 6, 2015 2:35 PM

Jan 2009
I hope it's Nashetania, we don't know the other characters well enough and if it's one of them that would be a boring outcome.
Aug 8, 2015 12:25 AM

Aug 2008
I am guessing it's Mora with Nashetania my second choice.
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Aug 8, 2015 4:16 AM

Jun 2015
Still it has to be a little bit different than novel because its 12 episodes.
aerd2Aug 10, 2015 2:03 AM
Aug 8, 2015 10:22 AM

Jan 2013
MgMaster said:
- Adlet's out of the question as well as we've seen things from his POV for a while now and nothing in his attitude, thoughts nor actions hint's at him being the fake.

He is cunning cheater and backstabber, not strong and definitelly not "strongest in the world" as he loves to claim. He planned all along to get the Brave status by cheating through the tournament and be famous afterwards. Even though he got his mark in a way which looks genuine to us, we don't know it is as mechanism of getting the mark hasn't been revealed to us in case of other braves Instead, he tries nearly constantly convince everyone he is a Brave and he is strongest. He tells this like 5 times per episode. He was first person on temple's scene too.
If he weren't the main character (e.g. "first on the screen") he would be a main suspect already.

Of course, it is likely that it is Mora (she confirms for everyone, but not need confirmation for her claims at all) or Nashetania (manipulates with two guys to fight for her).
If not Adlet, as I don't trust the guy no matter how much he repeats through the episode he is real Brave.

Ironically enough, legitimate psychos (Chamot, Hans) or actual half-fiends (Fremy) would make a bad traitors. They are easy to find when it comes to situation like described in the show.

BTW next episode could be out today. I can't wait.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Aug 8, 2015 1:41 PM

Feb 2011
fuck this thread why did i bother voting just to get spoiled by by ppl who read
ruined the series for me
Aug 8, 2015 1:55 PM

Apr 2013
Kittenpotpie said:
fuck this thread why did i bother voting just to get spoiled by by ppl who read
ruined the series for me

I don't think there's any spoiler in the thread right now. Just peoples assuming here and there.
Aug 8, 2015 2:03 PM

Nov 2009
MasterDetective said:
Nashetania gives off this creepy vibe for me in ed, therefore she's got to be the fake. Also she trusted Adlet so much right after they met. That came off a bit wierd to me. I bet she purposely makes him blush all the time

Ending theme speculation time!
I've just re-watched some endings in subbed versions, and Adlet's mentions Time a lot.
How had the demons got a fake Brave crest that is good enough? They took one of the braves that would be chosen 300 years later, on the next Majin revival! Because Fate and Time interact in weird ways, it worked.
Now I just need to work out a reason for doing it that does not involve spoilers.
Aug 8, 2015 2:11 PM

Mar 2012
The culprit must be someone who doesn't want any killings. Because any death will reduce one petal from everyone's crest and the circle will narrow. The things will repeat until he or she is finally found. So, the culprit is either Moura or Nashetania.
Aug 8, 2015 3:24 PM

Jul 2014
They've concluded with what they know that it has to be Adlet. We know it isn't Adlet. So whoever did it did it with some magic the group doesn't know about and we haven't been shown.

Adlet said it was triggered when he blew the door, even if he's wrong he is only wrong by a few seconds as the fog appeared soon after, meaning they were either already inside or moved impossibly fast. Either that or it was set up beforehand and the person that had the key to do that was Mora.

*edit* I suppose Bunnygirl's outburst and destruction of the tablet could be explained by her wanting to destroy the thing that was set up to trigger the barrier. Seems like too big of a risk that someone else would know what it was before she had a chance to destroy it though. Her outburst was pretty odd if she wasn't trying to do something with it.

Have they said why such a stupid barrier exists in the first place? It seems completely useless for anything but making a poor locked room mystery.
SokahAug 8, 2015 4:26 PM
Aug 8, 2015 3:34 PM

Jan 2013
Sokah said:
Have they said why such a stupid barrier exists in the first place? It seems completely useless for anything but making a poor locked room mystery.

To trap all Braves inside, make them kill each other at best, weaken them or at very least delay their advance.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Aug 8, 2015 3:42 PM

Apr 2014
Nashetania, why?
1. I don't like her.
2. She act way too suspicious.
3. Goldof keep looking at her like he knows somewhat was up with her.
I can go on with my reason, but I still believe it was her.
Aug 8, 2015 3:44 PM
Feb 2011
Sokah said:
They've concluded with what they know that it has to be Adlet. We know it isn't Adlet. So whoever did it did it with some magic the group doesn't know about and we haven't been shown.

Adlet said it was triggered when he blew the door, even if he's wrong he is only wrong by a few seconds as the fog appeared soon after, meaning they were either already inside or moved impossibly fast. Either that or it was set up beforehand and the person that had the key to do that was Mora.

Have they said why such a stupid barrier exists in the first place? It seems completely useless for anything but making a poor locked room mystery.

Yes, they explained it early on. The barrier was meant to be activated AFTER the braves left towards the demons' land. The goal is to seal their way back in case they fail or something. It prevents fiends from getting in. Obviously, it was never meant to be activated before they passed through. If the man in charge of the temple died, they explained that one of the five would have to stay behind and activate the barrier. I think that was back in episode 3 or something like that.
Aug 8, 2015 3:55 PM

Jul 2014
Im going for bunny girl, when she attacked Adlet (ep2) it didnt seem like she was only teasing him.
Aug 8, 2015 4:06 PM

Jul 2014
Ncrdrg said:
Yes, they explained it early on. The barrier was meant to be activated AFTER the braves left towards the demons' land. The goal is to seal their way back in case they fail or something. It prevents fiends from getting in. Obviously, it was never meant to be activated before they passed through. If the man in charge of the temple died, they explained that one of the five would have to stay behind and activate the barrier. I think that was back in episode 3 or something like that.

If it stops demons, why isn't it always up and heavily guarded for the few minutes they drop it to take on supplies and change guards?
Aug 8, 2015 4:23 PM

Apr 2013
As they said this episode, the barrier has been made more than 4 years ago. That seal isn't made to protect the barrier when the braves are around gathering, it's made to protect the barrier for years. the way the seal works is directly relevant to that. There's a very good reason for the way it works actually due to this, so yeah, it's not just a plot device stupid otherwise. It's very logical.
Aug 8, 2015 4:43 PM

Dec 2008
Sokah said:
If it stops demons, why isn't it always up and heavily guarded for the few minutes they drop it to take on supplies and change guards?

Zefyris said:
As they said this episode, the barrier has been made more than 4 years ago. That seal isn't made to protect the barrier when the braves are around gathering, it's made to protect the barrier for years. the way the seal works is directly relevant to that. There's a very good reason for the way it works actually due to this, so yeah, it's not just a plot device stupid otherwise. It's very logical.

That sounds like a massive plot hole:
In the meantime at the demon’s HQ: „Oi, folks! Humans erected a magic barrier walling off the two land masses. Let’s send winged demons accompanied by the navy. Sail around it and strike where they don't suspect.”
Alternatively the demons infiltrated the human ranks and the barrier worked as intended, setting everyone against each another - this may be a far fetched assumption.
desuminatorAug 8, 2015 5:07 PM
Aug 8, 2015 4:44 PM
Jul 2014
I think what made it Mora for me was when she asked to see the Brave Mark. She could've checked her own easily.
Aug 8, 2015 5:23 PM

Jul 2014
MagicCanadian said:
I think what made it Mora for me was when she asked to see the Brave Mark. She could've checked her own easily.

Hers is on her back. Not a particularly useful place.
Aug 8, 2015 7:22 PM

Aug 2013
Mora or Nashetania, maybe Chamo
Aug 8, 2015 10:35 PM

Nov 2009
desuminator said:
Sokah said:
If it stops demons, why isn't it always up and heavily guarded for the few minutes they drop it to take on supplies and change guards?

Zefyris said:
As they said this episode, the barrier has been made more than 4 years ago. That seal isn't made to protect the barrier when the braves are around gathering, it's made to protect the barrier for years. the way the seal works is directly relevant to that. There's a very good reason for the way it works actually due to this, so yeah, it's not just a plot device stupid otherwise. It's very logical.

That sounds like a massive plot hole:
In the meantime at the demon’s HQ: „Oi, folks! Humans erected a magic barrier walling off the two land masses. Let’s send winged demons accompanied by the navy. Sail around it and strike where they don't suspect.”
Alternatively the demons infiltrated the human ranks and the barrier worked as intended, setting everyone against each another - this may be a far fetched assumption.

Apparently, demons are stopped by salt (that's why the saint of salt had a hand in making the barrier that protects the temple itself), so they might have trouble with crossing seas.

Also, the barrier was meant to prevent the demons from sending reinforcements from the mainland to the peninsula, not the other way around. The demons won't plan any massive attacks until the demon god revives, and i doubt any barrier can stop the demon god.

Now, the seal on the temple is made with some interesting assumptions: first, demons can't enter the temple because pillars of salt (they don't look all that salty in anime, did I miss something?); thus, the main danger for the temple is betrayal by fellow humans. That's why the temple is built not to be strong in the face of assault, but to warn in the case of sabotage. Any human guards might well be the traitors that will tamper with the barrier and make it fail in the crucial moment.
Aug 9, 2015 2:21 AM

Apr 2013
desuminator said:
Sokah said:
If it stops demons, why isn't it always up and heavily guarded for the few minutes they drop it to take on supplies and change guards?

Zefyris said:
As they said this episode, the barrier has been made more than 4 years ago. That seal isn't made to protect the barrier when the braves are around gathering, it's made to protect the barrier for years. the way the seal works is directly relevant to that. There's a very good reason for the way it works actually due to this, so yeah, it's not just a plot device stupid otherwise. It's very logical.

That sounds like a massive plot hole:
In the meantime at the demon’s HQ: „Oi, folks! Humans erected a magic barrier walling off the two land masses. Let’s send winged demons accompanied by the navy. Sail around it and strike where they don't suspect.”
Alternatively the demons infiltrated the human ranks and the barrier worked as intended, setting everyone against each another - this may be a far fetched assumption.

There's no plothole at all here. Except in your mind x).
It was already confirmed by episode 3 that Fiends cannot cross the sea. And yes, it's probably exactly the same reason as to why Salt repels them. Salt has a purification/ repelling of evil spirit meaning. Guess what, last time I checked there's salt in the ocean water.~ Most of the fiends cannot fly. That barrier would block all the fiends who cannot fly, at the vry least, which would be like 95% of the army sent in the human territory. quite a huge gain for the braves to not have to worry about being taken out by a pincer attack between the army left inside fiend territory and the army coming back in it.
ZefyrisAug 9, 2015 2:24 AM
Aug 9, 2015 5:39 AM

Jun 2011
I think it may be Nashetania, because she was the one who told Adlet to go to the temple first, so maybe she was framing him. She seems too nice to do that, but still.
But it can be anyone other than Fremy, I think.
Aug 9, 2015 7:36 AM

Mar 2010
seems like most people would have guess hime-chan. well cant help it , in this kind of story , its almost always the kind-hearted-tender-innocent person would be the hannin at the end.

I , however , feels another good possibility where their history might change , and having seven warriors in their generation.

Wellllllllllllllllll , I voted for the hime anywaysss :PPP
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Aug 9, 2015 7:51 AM

Jul 2014
desuminator said:

That sounds like a massive plot hole:

Yes, building an impregnable fortress at a choke point and then abandoning it so demons can freely raid human lands murder people and take slaves is a giant plot hole.
Aug 9, 2015 8:02 AM

Jan 2013
Who activated the barrier?

Neither Adlet nor Nashetania. I re-watched the Episode 4 and no one actually said the activation phrase, or stabbed the sword into the pedestrian. They just pulled it out, pulling it out didn't deactivate the barrier and wasn't supposed to activate it, unless solider back in the fortress lied about it.

When the barrier was activated?

Fog Adlet seen when he bombed the doors make have been fake.
But there wasn't any activation in the meantime and yet, barrier is up by the start of 5th episode. Unless soldier lied.

Could the door be re-sealed by simply having the key?
How the Saint of Seal's door work in the first place? Is Hans/Moira telling the truth about it?
Is it possible to fake the sealing process?
If yes, who can do it?
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
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