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No Game No Life (light novel)
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Jun 25, 2014 9:40 AM

Jul 2012
7/10 It was pretty good. I would definitely watch a second season.


It is, but then again, any strategic-based show will be.
Jun 25, 2014 9:41 AM

Jul 2012
kitkatxz said:
Danpmss said:

As I said before, the only one complaining here is you lol

Did you even read what I wrote? I didn't even bash this episode, stop trying to make me look like a dick when i'm actually praising this show...

>Praising the show
Do you meant praising the last episode?
Jun 25, 2014 9:41 AM
Mar 2012
Aw, we didn't get to see Jibirl's teleportation powers but the Old Deus ending was a nice surprise that wasn't in the novels.
Jun 25, 2014 9:41 AM

May 2011
Well, that was a pretty good ep with a cliffhanger ending. I just hope this gets a 2nd season and doesn't share the fate of other anime's with a big story that got only one season like C3 for example.
Jun 25, 2014 9:41 AM

Jul 2010
Caleb8980 said:
GreenDrag said:
I would have much preferred if they didn't bring the Old Gods to the table yet...
The Novel ended with Sora and Shiro wanting to get touchy-feely with Miko, then after a rejection decided to hook up at Izuna's. Which goes into V4 oh so nicely.
Now the continuity is in danger... And I do mean that. Unless the author has some batshit crazy master plan to salvage the ending, and lead the story back to the Vampire issue (Volume 4 material).

But then again, this might be a cleverly devised way to make the demands for Season 2 more vocal.

And yeah, All shirne maidens have a god they worship/service.

Actually by the end of the 3rd Volume I already guessed she would either be an Old Deus herself or close to one; because if you think about it: In a mere 50 years, ONE person changed the technology of a whole country, let them jump over the Industrial Revolution, into the IT age and over our current technological advance?

That is just impossible! We took over 120 years from the start of the Industrial Revolution till where we are now and we still don't have anything like a Virtual Reality Device.

She's not an old deus. She's a Miko. Therefore she's a medium to the gods, which are the old deus. So therefore she's just a body for the old deus.
Jun 25, 2014 9:42 AM

Feb 2011
You better buy this so S2 will happen.
Jun 25, 2014 9:42 AM

Dec 2012
10/10. I really enjoyed this series. Shrine maiden is so kawaii. I didn't expect that Sora calculated that far until the last game.

So others are saying that the last part about Old Deus is from Vol. 6 in LN? I'm craving for S2 now. S2 pls!
Jun 25, 2014 9:43 AM

Jul 2010
alexpte said:
Aw, we didn't get to see Jibirl's teleportation powers but the Old Deus ending was a nice surprise that wasn't in the novels.

Volume 6 has the Old Deus.
Jun 25, 2014 9:44 AM

Jan 2014
The same feeling I had when Hataraku Maou sama ended :(
Jun 25, 2014 9:44 AM

Jul 2010
Shaniyaz said:
Izuna went super op in her new form. That "Blood Destruction" ability of her was friggin' insane!
That double headshot was awesome. For a moment, I thought it was over. :O

Steph saves the day evening by taking Izuna out by surprise from behind. Nice work, Stephanie.
Loved the way Sora & Shiro explained their precise calculations. They even knew the old warbeast man was cheating, yet they took advantage of it and won!

Poor Izuna.. Nice seeing Sora & Shiro welcoming her as a gamer and thus befriending her. (^^)

Bath scene was cute with Shiro caressing on Izuna's tail. :3
Sora taking Steph's photo on burst mode as she slipped was hilarious! XD
Miko looked pretty hot in the tub! :p

Jibril once belonging to the council of Avantheim was a bit surprising!
Oho. Miko also seems very intelligent about what's going on around and behind the scene. The way she challenged Sora though!

Miko's precise calculations in predicting the coin toss landing on tails goes in vain in the face of Sora little trick. Genius!
That passionate Engrish tone of Sora when talking about the animal girl paradise. XD

Sora's "Checkmate" is a lot formidable in nature. How did he even think through this far? That old warbeast man dropped a cold sweat. XD
Miko's blushing was cute, calling the meanie and agreeing that both side has won. :3
Liked that 4 steps task schedule on the phone. I guess having Jibril was a huge help to jump from step 3 to 4.

Last segment with Sora & Shiro's nonchalant resolve to defeat Tet was great! They sure have enough hints for now but looks like Tet already knows everything.

Miko summoning Old Deus was an intensely awesome scene. How did [] figure that she would possess an Exceed rank as a shrine priestess? O.o

It's been a great ride. I'll definitely miss []'s epicness.. 9/10

She's a Miko for a reason. Miko's are mediums to talk to gods or catalysts for gods in Japanese culture. All Miko's should technically have a god.
Jun 25, 2014 9:45 AM

May 2012
Way, way overrated. Not saying this is a horrible show, as it did have it's enjoyable moments, but seriously 8.79 for this? What?
Go ***k yourself.

Polite as usual,
Jun 25, 2014 9:46 AM
Mar 2013
Awesome! This season MASTERPIECE! 10/10 and 5/5 for this episode!

haven't been this entertained for a long time!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jun 25, 2014 9:46 AM
Jan 2013
Danpmss said:
kitkatxz said:

Did you even read what I wrote? I didn't even bash this episode, stop trying to make me look like a dick when i'm actually praising this show...

>Praising the show
Do you meant praising the last episode?

Just because I get give a low score doesn't mean i didn't like it... it doesn't have to be a 9, to show that i liked it. Yes, i was praising this episode i thought i made it obvious i was x.x, guess not
Jun 25, 2014 9:47 AM

Jun 2008
Caleb8980 said:
GreenDrag said:
I would have much preferred if they didn't bring the Old Gods to the table yet...
The Novel ended with Sora and Shiro wanting to get touchy-feely with Miko, then after a rejection decided to hook up at Izuna's. Which goes into V4 oh so nicely.
Now the continuity is in danger... And I do mean that. Unless the author has some batshit crazy master plan to salvage the ending, and lead the story back to the Vampire issue (Volume 4 material).

But then again, this might be a cleverly devised way to make the demands for Season 2 more vocal.

And yeah, All shirne maidens have a god they worship/service.

Actually by the end of the 3rd Volume I already guessed she would either be an Old Deus herself or close to one; because if you think about it: In a mere 50 years, ONE person changed the technology of a whole country, let them jump over the Industrial Revolution, into the IT age and over our current technological advance?

That is just impossible! We took over 120 years from the start of the Industrial Revolution till where we are now and we still don't have anything like a Virtual Reality Device.

That's actually a good point...
But I am almost hell-bent on blaming the Dark middle ages for the enforcement of backwards thinking, and who knows, we might be an inter-galactic empire by now, if not for that period of scientific stagnation. Point is, my opinions on that are heavily biased.
But yeah, in V4, them calculating her age might be another hint for that...
That sole revelation is making me see points and hints, that I was blinded to 'till now... damn...
Jun 25, 2014 9:48 AM
Mar 2012
Omnime said:
alexpte said:
Aw, we didn't get to see Jibirl's teleportation powers but the Old Deus ending was a nice surprise that wasn't in the novels.

Volume 6 has the Old Deus.

I know, but volume 3 didn't reveal them so early.
Jun 25, 2014 9:48 AM

Apr 2009
lightXTC said:
Way, way overrated. Not saying this is a horrible show, as it did have it's enjoyable moments, but seriously 8.79 for this? What?

You know what it is. I feel the same way you do but eh its MAL.
Jun 25, 2014 9:49 AM
Feb 2014
Omnime said:
Caleb8980 said:

Actually by the end of the 3rd Volume I already guessed she would either be an Old Deus herself or close to one; because if you think about it: In a mere 50 years, ONE person changed the technology of a whole country, let them jump over the Industrial Revolution, into the IT age and over our current technological advance?

That is just impossible! We took over 120 years from the start of the Industrial Revolution till where we are now and we still don't have anything like a Virtual Reality Device.

She's not an old deus. She's a Miko. Therefore she's a medium to the gods, which are the old deus. So therefore she's just a body for the old deus.

Well hence I said she could be both, in the LN the last minute does not happen, instead that which GreenDrag said happens ;-)

But I think that this is a genuine spoiler and not anime-only :P

At least I wouldn't wonder if that matter came up in the LN in the future, too.

The only worrysome thing is, as GreenDrag said, how to continue in a possible second season; well the easiest would be sth like both sides (Old Deus and Shiro&Sora) only exchange greetings and then we continue with the end of Vol. 3/start of Vol. 4 ;-)
Jun 25, 2014 9:49 AM

Jul 2012
kitkatxz said:
Danpmss said:

>Praising the show
Do you meant praising the last episode?

Just because I get give a low score doesn't mean i didn't like it... it doesn't have to be a 9, to show that i liked it. Yes, i was praising this episode i thought i made it obvious i was x.x, guess not

If you say so... :v
Jun 25, 2014 9:49 AM

Jul 2010
GreenDrag said:
Caleb8980 said:

Actually by the end of the 3rd Volume I already guessed she would either be an Old Deus herself or close to one; because if you think about it: In a mere 50 years, ONE person changed the technology of a whole country, let them jump over the Industrial Revolution, into the IT age and over our current technological advance?

That is just impossible! We took over 120 years from the start of the Industrial Revolution till where we are now and we still don't have anything like a Virtual Reality Device.

That's actually a good point...
But I am almost hell-bent on blaming the Dark middle ages for the enforcement of backwards thinking, and who knows, we might be an inter-galactic empire by now, if not for that period of scientific stagnation. Point is, my opinions on that are heavily biased.
But yeah, in V4, them calculating her age might be another hint for that...
That sole revelation is making me see points and hints, that I was blinded to 'till now... damn...

She's a Miko for a reason. The god was summoned, Miko isn't an Old Deus, she's a host.
Jun 25, 2014 9:50 AM
Jul 2018
It was the best episode so far.

Izuna looked so badass in her Blood Destruction form.

Miko at the end was epic. Sora and Shiro plan to challenge the Old Deus.
Jun 25, 2014 9:51 AM

Jul 2010
alexpte said:
Omnime said:

Volume 6 has the Old Deus.

I know, but volume 3 didn't reveal them so early.

Which is why I'm skeptical on a second season. It could be to entice for a second season, but how do you redirect the story. If it's just to hype the LN sales, then there probably wouldn't be a second season. Either way, I rather it ended with a Volume 4 cliffhanger versus a Volume 6 one.
Jun 25, 2014 9:51 AM

Mar 2013
Dredd said:
lightXTC said:
Way, way overrated. Not saying this is a horrible show, as it did have it's enjoyable moments, but seriously 8.79 for this? What?

You know what it is. I feel the same way you do but eh its MAL.

Bit snobbish?

Jun 25, 2014 9:54 AM

Apr 2014
That wasn't expected that after it looks like they already lost to Warbeasts Eastern Federation wins but Steph came out of nowhere to shoot Izuna was awesome! Steph can be really useful all the time despite always being a decoy for Sora and Shiro's plans.

Oh there's the Shrine Priestess, I already expected that she won't just let Imanity takeover Warbeast Eastern Federation like that but it was been settled just in a toss coin? And Nobody wins and Lost? Well it's because Sora was so Serious on his plan about having his Animal Girl Paradise.

Damn It! Why they had to end this Anime with a cliffhanger! They are surely forcing a Second Season without any Hesitations!

I'll rate this 8/10 score overall for Made an Ending with a Cliffhanger!

RayzerJun 25, 2014 10:02 AM
Haters always gonna hate.
Jun 25, 2014 9:54 AM

Feb 2014
This needs a second season so bad. Loved this show and can't wait for more
Around and around the cycle goes.
Jun 25, 2014 9:54 AM

Jun 2013
I need a season two.
Jun 25, 2014 9:55 AM
Mar 2012
Omnime said:
alexpte said:

I know, but volume 3 didn't reveal them so early.

Which is why I'm skeptical on a second season. It could be to entice for a second season, but how do you redirect the story. If it's just to hype the LN sales, then there probably wouldn't be a second season. Either way, I rather it ended with a Volume 4 cliffhanger versus a Volume 6 one.

The ending revealed characters from volumes that have yet to be adapted, and that gives me worry since that's usually a sign a second season won't come or won't appear for a long time, especially with a changed ending. Accel World is a great example.
Jun 25, 2014 9:56 AM
Apr 2011
Why end it here? Where's my season two?
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the General Forum Guidelines.
Jun 25, 2014 9:57 AM

May 2013
No... just no.
Jun 25, 2014 9:57 AM

Jul 2012
Enjoyable series overall.

Dat cliffhanger.
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Jun 25, 2014 9:58 AM

Feb 2014
it was really enjoyable
Flying without feathers is not easy; my wings have no feathers
Jun 25, 2014 9:58 AM

Jul 2013
Of course they end it on a cliffhanger. Seriously with such a cliffhanger they have to take responsibility and make season 2 :P
For those who seek perfection, there can be no rest on this side of the grave.
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.
Jun 25, 2014 9:59 AM

Nov 2012
Even "OH YEAH! Outstanding!" can't contain my praises for this episode. Such execution. Much badass. Wow.

Iolo said:
Terrible cliffhanger to end the season i have to wait years for the next season :|

Indeed, I can only hope the author planned his story in advance since they already spoiled the old deus part

Omnime said:

She's not an old deus. She's a Miko. Therefore she's a medium to the gods, which are the old deus. So therefore she's just a body for the old deus.

Hue, that explains that part. Her being a literal vessel of the gods is a much more appropriate role for her. Nice!

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Jun 25, 2014 9:59 AM
May 2014
lightXTC said:
Way, way overrated. Not saying this is a horrible show, as it did have it's enjoyable moments, but seriously 8.79 for this? What?

hazelnuts23 said:
Awesome! This season MASTERPIECE! 10/10 and 5/5 for this episode!

haven't been this entertained for a long time!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh man I love when I see these kind of posts together. XD

I would give it a 7.5 if I could. I found it pretty enjoyable in both a very funny way (I also loved how many game references were in this show like Phoenix Wright and Persona 4 lol) and thought it was clever.

My only huge gripe with it is in the fan service....I know some animes are much worse with it but butt shots with and without panties of Shiro? An 11 year old girl? Are you freaking kidding me!? -_-
Jun 25, 2014 10:00 AM

Jul 2012
Rayzer said:
That wasn't expected that after it looks like they already lost to Warbeasts Eastern Federation wins but Steph came out of nowhere to shoot Izuna was awesome! Steph can be really useful all the time despite always being a decoy for Sora and Shiro's plans.

Oh there's the Shrine Priestess, I already expected that she won't just let Imanity takeover Warbeast Eastern Federation like that but it was been settled just in a toss coin? And Nobody wins and Lost? Well it's because Sora was so Serious on his plan about having his Animal Girl Paradise.

Damn It! Why they had to end this Anime with a cliffhanger! They are surely forcing a Second Season without any Hesitations!

I'll rate this 8/10 score overall for Made an Ending with a Cliffhanger!

Finally this Anime already ended. And I hope the ranking on MAL will be fix soon... Seriously? This Stupid Anime was ranked #26? I think this is a serious error about the rankings in MAL... Or maybe the people here in MAL got Stupid?

You say this, but gave a 10/10 to Highschool DxD, man xD
Jun 25, 2014 10:00 AM

Aug 2011
Crap show wouldn't watch second season.
Not that it deserves one anyway.
Jun 25, 2014 10:01 AM
Feb 2014
alexpte said:
Omnime said:

Which is why I'm skeptical on a second season. It could be to entice for a second season, but how do you redirect the story. If it's just to hype the LN sales, then there probably wouldn't be a second season. Either way, I rather it ended with a Volume 4 cliffhanger versus a Volume 6 one.

The ending revealed characters from volumes that have yet to be adapted, and that gives me worry since that's usually a sign a second season won't come or won't appear for a long time, especially with a changed ending. Accel World is a great example.

Horizon II is another example, too, so I'm also a bit sceptical.

But well as I said in another thread I'll wait around half a year and if we till then have heard nothing at all about a second season I doubt it will ever come.
Jun 25, 2014 10:01 AM
Mar 2013
So if Old Deus were introduced earlier (as people here mentioned, the anime ended around Vol3 or Vol4 yet Old Deus appear in Vol 6 has already appeared in the anime)... means that there won't be season 2 perhaps? Or we probably had to wait years for a second season...
Jun 25, 2014 10:02 AM
Jan 2013
ScarYaY said:
lightXTC said:
Way, way overrated. Not saying this is a horrible show, as it did have it's enjoyable moments, but seriously 8.79 for this? What?

hazelnuts23 said:
Awesome! This season MASTERPIECE! 10/10 and 5/5 for this episode!

haven't been this entertained for a long time!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh man I love when I see these kind of posts together. XD

I would give it a 7.5 if I could. I found it pretty enjoyable in both a very funny way (I also loved how many game references were in this show like Phoenix Wright and Persona 4 lol) and thought it was clever.

My only huge gripe with it is in the fan service....I know some animes are much worse with it but butt shots with and without panties of Shiro? An 11 year old girl? Are you freaking kidding me!? -_-

Bro, anime has been getting weirder and weirder....
Japan finds that man kind only hope in humanity being lolis and showing fan-service of lolis is actually good thing...... what's next baby porn?
Jun 25, 2014 10:03 AM

Aug 2013
Cute is justice.
Jun 25, 2014 10:04 AM

Oct 2013
Loved the show but Madhouse why a cliff Hanger with out saying there will be a season 2 when I'm still waiting for season 2 of Claymore and HOTD.
Jun 25, 2014 10:04 AM

May 2014
Who is this Old Deus I think he was mentioned in the previous episodes is he some kind of parody of the god Zeus
Jun 25, 2014 10:05 AM

May 2014
RikkiP said:

Me too
Jun 25, 2014 10:05 AM

Dec 2012
This show is ridiculous, outrageous, and nuts. And that's exactly why it was such a fun ride from start to finish. I love how over the top it was with its humor, games, and the world building. This led to a great balance of hilarity, intensity, and unpredictability in terms of what to expect from each game. I liked most of the characters overall but Sora was absolutely fantastic and always provided the best moments in NGNL. I also like how even though this provided lots of raw, purely mindless entertainment, it was still able to throw down some thought provoking themes such as how humans face adversity and grow in order to overcome it as well as how important it is to think outside of the box.

The cliffhanger ending only makes me want more and I seriously hope this gets enough seasons to see the game against Tet. NGNL has me in checkmate for a 9/10.
Jun 25, 2014 10:05 AM

Mar 2012
With the reveal of the charcthers that would appear in vol 4-6 and the huge LN sale boost and a cliff hanger like that.

Those are all signs that a second season is already in the worked.

Ok mayby the old dues part was out of place but that does not mean it will change the whole story, otherwise why would they show characters from the previous volumes in the preview anyway they probably added that just to get more hype so the blu rays would sell.

Yeah man it has been a fantastic show one of the best in recent memory and i will give it 10/10 and now i wait for the second season announcement.
Jun 25, 2014 10:05 AM

Apr 2014
Danpmss said:

You say this, but gave a 10/10 to Highschool DxD, man xD[/quote]

I rated DXD for 10 because TNK Studio made a great Anime Adaption of DXD Light Novels without like this No Game No Life cliffhanger ending!
Haters always gonna hate.
Jun 25, 2014 10:06 AM
Mar 2013
Caleb8980 said:
alexpte said:

The ending revealed characters from volumes that have yet to be adapted, and that gives me worry since that's usually a sign a second season won't come or won't appear for a long time, especially with a changed ending. Accel World is a great example.

Horizon II is another example, too, so I'm also a bit sceptical.

But well as I said in another thread I'll wait around half a year and if we till then have heard nothing at all about a second season I doubt it will ever come.

Lot's of good anime that shows sign like these won't get second season.

I'm still hoping for a second season of No Game No Life.
Jun 25, 2014 10:06 AM

Jul 2010
alexpte said:
Omnime said:

Which is why I'm skeptical on a second season. It could be to entice for a second season, but how do you redirect the story. If it's just to hype the LN sales, then there probably wouldn't be a second season. Either way, I rather it ended with a Volume 4 cliffhanger versus a Volume 6 one.

The ending revealed characters from volumes that have yet to be adapted, and that gives me worry since that's usually a sign a second season won't come or won't appear for a long time, especially with a changed ending. Accel World is a great example.

Well, there's only one ending in NGNL, unless a bad one. But yea, I agree. Introducing characters out of order feels like just a market hype for the light novel. I hope I'm wrong, cause I really want a second season. But like I said before, I just wished they went with Volume 4 cliffhanger instead of 6.
Jun 25, 2014 10:06 AM

Apr 2012
it was a popular anime so of course it will get a season 2, no idea when tho
Jun 25, 2014 10:07 AM

Apr 2010
Confirmed that there won't be a Season 2 with that ending.
Jun 25, 2014 10:07 AM

Aug 2011
8/10 for me. Hopefully this will get second season and we don't need to wait long time for it.
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