Okay so here my thoughts on the anime in general. When I was recommended this anime I was intrigued by name Tanya of Evil, I thought we would get someone with a lot of blood-lust and someone who would do anything to achieve her status of power, I knew it was an isekai and I was willing to put up with the whole "loli" aspect of the character if it had a compelling narrative, but it seems that the title itself is not really accurate, it is only a localization blunder, and her character is actually more strategical than plain evil. The crazy bits of her character seem to be exaggerated either by the anime or the story itself put it is clear is just smoke and mirrors to make the protagonist more "fun" than what she actually is. Overall, this is what I have seen:
- The character is put in a situation where they lack the social advantages to advance, this would have been interesting to see, but they were given enough magical power to make them competent.
- There is no clear reason as to why Tanya has to fight so early in her childhood, she just says that its her only choice, but no sense of urgency is given to let the army join her so soon.
- Considering that the character went through a full reincarnation, it would be fair to say that her brain is starting to develop again, nevertheless this doesn't show and Tanya is given a logical, reason focused thinking when it comes to battle and strategic planning. She is shown having some breakdowns, but it is never a plot that is followed up, another aspect of the issues her new body would give her that is not followed upon.
- Her strength and stamina seem to be the same as an adult's, sure, they use magic and guns most of the time, but she is seen kicking, pushing and even hurting people with no physical problems, another issues of her body that is not followed upon.
- Never she is seen to be not taken seriously because of her age or gender, aside two or three mentions of concern of sending a child to a war. Not followed upon.
- While the story focuses in the battle and war tactics, reading the commentaries of episodes before it seems that the strategical thinking is heavily reduced in the anime. More than that, having only one side with an ace up their sleeve comes as rather boring since there is no competent adversary for the enemy to fight. I have been watching other war focused anime like Legend of the Galatic Heroes, where we see the fighting from two sides, which makes the strategical thinking of war a lot more interesting with the two sides trying to outsmart each other.
- Most of the battle and war focused thinking seems to be focused in repeat or reenact previous world war battles verbatim. The people who are into these historical subjects might enjoy the references and see the events re-enacted over with the new characters, but little is given for the people who are not in the subject at all.
- While I have enjoyed explaining the reincarnation side as a result of making God angry, his role seems to be rather to active in the story, appearing several times in the anime, which I find rather conflicting since it feels he might be interfering too much in the protagonist's world.
- The magic system is not interesting, it is only a way for the writers to make the battles go whatever they want without little effort.
- While making the protagonist an atheist is interesting, I feel that the duality of believing in God or praying to God as an almighty being could be clarified further or explored more with its implications since this is the basis for the story overall. The protagonists knows there is a being that can mess up her life, a being that can reincarnate her and make her suffer, so it seems unwise to make him angry, this could have worked if Being X didn't appear so frequently in the story since it could have put doubt in Tanya's mind about his existence and the memories she has.
- None of the characters aside from Tanya and Erich are actually interesting.
So overall we have, no blood lust protagonist, no actually interesting strategical battles, no rise from the bottom of the social chain protagonist, no social hurdles, no physical hurdles, no psychological hurdles, nothing really to latch ourselves upon. Yes, I have seen some interesting stuff, like how Erich seems to think and react towards Tanya, or how she is starting to get angry at the chain of command and God herself, which could lay upon a path for a slightly more interesting narrative when we stop reenacting real life events (those episodes were really boring) and the anger of the protagonist comes more into light. The only thing we have is a slightly fun character that over react at times but not even nearly enough, not really. So my final verdict is: this anime is just your below average isekai trash, sorry, it is a 5/10 from me. Next! |