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Dec 13, 2012 6:50 AM
Dec 2009
eldest said:
flaskis said:
eldest said:
welp, so much for lighthearted romance/drama.

not to say its bad, ep 11 was powerful stuff but it doesnt seem to fit in with the vibe of the rest of the series. some of those scenes were just gut wrenching.

im getting the impression that this simply cannot be wrapped up in 1 more episode. atleast not properly, from all the development ive seen in this and the last 2 episodes i just dont think they can do this series justice ending it in 1 more episode, i hope they make a second season.

episodes 1-7 were a good 8 in my books, good bit of humour and enjoyment
7-10 around 9ish, shit started getting serious, and with these last 2, its hovering on a solid 9.5.

if they can somehow do this series and its massive buildup justice in 1 episode and do it right, it will be a 10 for me.

cant wait for next week.

Then again, this is a translated comment from Ishihara himself:
#chu2koi Supervisor Ishihara wonders if this is the most beautiful ending to a show he's supervised yet.

Here he basically is saying that the ending has beaten Clannad After Story and all other shows that he has directed, and that's HUGE. Plus, they are pretty good at wrapping up shows and considering that they've finished the last episode a couple of months ago means that they never had to rush anything.

Also: Is it possible to rate an anime 11/10 on MAL? I can't seem to find 10/10 satisfactory ._.

what will everyones reaction be if kyoani pulls a 5 cm per second on the ending?
rikka doesnt come back, she and yuuta both grow up apart, and normal but yuuta cant let rikka go from his mind and he never manages to move on while rikka leads a normal life

then 10 years later they both cross paths whilst walking over the traintracks and a train comes between them, yuuta turns and waits to see if rikka waited too, but she is gone, and it zooms into yuutas face as he smiles, turns and walks away, ready to move on with his life.

if they did this.

Aww yeah, and Yuuta gets with Nibutani :D
Dec 13, 2012 6:51 AM

Sep 2008
I have never, never expect this series to grow so much in just a single episode. Its about time that Yuuta just got snapped at Dekomori, telling her to get back to reality. 10+ for this episode!!

To haters out there, its really retarded for you guys to think of having all main characters to remain as chuunibyou for the entire series. If that's the case, the anime has already lost its main concept.
Dec 13, 2012 6:54 AM

Jul 2012
Nooo! only one episode left ;(
O'Hai :D
Dec 13, 2012 6:54 AM

Dec 2012
Kyube said:
I think this was one of the best episodes of the series so far. I was amazed how well the drama was woven into the plot.
Sometimes this show is great and sometimes it is just average. I dislike, that Chuunibyou is so inconsistent, because I am pretty sure, that some scenes idea could have been used in a better way.

The show starts off embarrassing and fun, somewhat slice-of-life and enjoyable episodes. Towards the end we get to see some drama unfold slowly... Isn't this a typical plot mechanism? I don't really see how it is inconsistent.

EDIT: Sorry, didn't see your edit. I get what you mean.

*My Profile || Signature by Jeav || I am a part οf The Invisibles. || My Anime List*
Dec 13, 2012 7:26 AM
Oct 2010
Some posts here are very educative and amusing.

I never knew that being mature meant making assumptions about other people's opinions, getting pissed at them, calling them immature and/or down right insult them.

You really learn something every day.

(I guess I'm more "mature" than I thought XD)
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
Dec 13, 2012 8:30 AM
Dec 2010
nooooooooooooooooo ~
omg, don't do that with my favorite character!
Dekomori scenes almost made me cry.

if Dekomori loses her chuunibyou at 12 due to Yuuta bullsht i'll drop it before the epi ends :<
Dec 13, 2012 8:35 AM

Jan 2008
omfg . what the heck did I just watched ?
all this drama . I knew there was going to be drama but I didnt expected this much . KyoAni really took this episode to the extremes . I had this :< sad face after watching this episode .I wonder when Ill be able to recover .

From the start of the ep , the atmosphere felt really sad and deep and almost suffocating , because of the dimmed lighting . One can surely conclude there that things went downhill since last episode , when Rikka took off her eye patch , and it has been for almost 3 weeks since that cultural festival .

Rikka completely felt like a different person .Especially in here .
Calling onee-chan like that , felt really out of place for the Rikka that I had known .And yet , Touka felt relieved because of Rikka's change , not noticing her true feelings about it .

And as always , Shinka is the best of them all . The most perceptive one , that noticed something off about Yuuta and Rikka .Especially in that Library scene , she was really worried but still , she decided to not fray more into Rikka's situation because it just might backfire .

And Sanae , she now feels officially lonely . Those things that she did just to get Rikka on her side again is just so heart breaking .She really needs Rikka .Her telling Yuuta when Rikka calls her from time to time when some nice things happen .Specially about when Rikka really cried when she told her about the "lover's contract" she made with Yuuta is was really painful to watch .And that end when they were in the train station just shattered my heart into pieces .Oh and I almost forgot , KyoAni really showed Sanae's room quite nicely and clean .I expected it to be more chuuni-like but it turned out otherwise . I have a feeling that she just became a chuunibyou like that just because of Rikka . She knew that Rikka needs someone to be with her so yea , she turned out like that .

And about Rikka , it was really painful to watch her try to become a normal highschool girl , leaving no traces of her chuunibyo past .Even how much she wanted to like something chuu2 , like that part about Sanae's magic stones , she's painfully suppressing it , which might lead to something worse if she suppress it too much .And when they were packing things , it really seemed back there that she's not just packing those things because she's burying her chuu2 past , but it also shows some foreshadowing about her "not coming back" ever again , as seen about those boxes in the living room .And it also showed some more foreshadowing when they were at the place where they confessed to each other .Going back to see her father's tomb , and that pinky "kiss" , looked more like a goodbye kiss to me .And it also showed in that part under the bridge how much Rikka changed in the course of three weeks , from the Rikka before taking the eye patch off to the current Rikka .IT broke my heart even more when she said that those moving lights are just "the car's headlights" .She totally lost it .

And to those hating Yuuta , well I cant stop you .He really looked annoying since his motive now is "Ill do what's the best for Rikka" and not what him and Rikka wants .HE just turned Akasaka this ep as well , smacking everyone the truth in the face without even thinking the consequences after that .But it was quite nice to see even him break down after of all what happened .Because I think he knew that Rikka most likely wont be coming back since the problem with her mother is already resolved , and living in that apartment near Yuuta would be not needed since she will be living now with her mother , in her mother's house ofcourse .

Well now, I dont know how the hell this series is going to end . Since ending it with Rikka going back to being chuunibyou would just make the earlier developments meaningless .I would really need to prepare myself for next week .Was too sad this episode so there wasnt that much SS taken .
Silent farewells are the most heart breaking .
Dec 13, 2012 8:36 AM

Dec 2011
Damn this episode left me with a lump in my throat the whole time.
sad sad that it's ending next week ;-;
Dec 13, 2012 8:39 AM

Apr 2010
It's a sad development but a necessary one i do think it's going a bit to fast but she has the face reality at some point she has to get along with her mother.
From what i can tell chuunibyou is usually caused because of a high fantasy and watching to much fiction such as anime manga and games however in Rikka's case it seems she was hiding in her fantasy because she could not accept reality.
She could not accept her fathers death and instead created a fictional world around her where her father might still be alive.
So instead of the normal case of chuunibyou which i see as a part of puberty and something that goes over in time Rikka's case was caused by psychological trauma which she needed help with to overcome it.
I actually think Rikka's case can't be considered chuunibyou she is suffering from a different condition caused by her trauma and the fact that it was called chuunibyou was because of her age the term denpa would have been a better description in her case which is a more general term.

Danpa comes more along with the terms crazy or even insane in English terms with a general meaning while chuunibyou specifically seems to describe junior high students with high fantasy that have problems forming there individual identity.
Which isn't the case with Rikka.

Rakka started accepting the reality however it's going to fast there are to much changes in her life she is still overcoming the death of her father which she previously denied.
And now her sister s leaving for a while and she is forced to live with her mother all these things are going a bit to fast for her so she is having a hard time with it.
She will come to accept these things in time but right now she needs help the support of the people around her the ones dear to her this includes Yuuta.
So if Yuuta really loves her now is the time he needs to be beside her.
AversaDec 13, 2012 1:56 PM
Dec 13, 2012 8:55 AM
Jan 2011
SIGN!!!!!This is beautiful, and I felt like crying.
Dec 13, 2012 8:56 AM

Apr 2011
Shinka is right.

Yuuta and Rikka are trying too hard at being normal. They can be normal at school and at home but chuuni outside or in the club room. She doesn't need to throw away all of it.

Sadly, there's only one episode left.
MagitoDec 13, 2012 9:01 AM
Dec 13, 2012 8:56 AM

Jun 2010
What...... What..........

Im so sad, I don't know what to say ;_;

10/5 Nice dramatic episode. Nibutani \m/ Dekomori ):
Dec 13, 2012 9:07 AM
Apr 2012
Rikka accepting her reality, and Dekomori being forced into it is depressing. Hoping for a Dark Flame Master VS Tyrants' Eye battle next episode, an "everyone splits up and goes their separate ways" ending would ruin the series for me :/.
Dec 13, 2012 9:11 AM

Nov 2012
i'm not used to rikka being like that, and i cant believe that next week will be the last episode, i want more XD season 2 please!!

Special thanks to Gabu for this amazing avatar & sig set!!
Dec 13, 2012 9:14 AM
Feb 2009
nice ep fulled with emotions, but i simply dont understand... yes, none of it is real but it doesnt mean that you must throw them all away...
oblivious is a bliss
Dec 13, 2012 9:19 AM

Feb 2010
Too much drama. Also people disliking this episode are kids.
This episode just made chu2koi out of the generic love story end IMO.

Also notice the blue-ish color of animation?
"Your taste is shit cause you like what I hate. Believe me I have 1000 cartoons that I rated with less than 5."

Dec 13, 2012 9:27 AM

Sep 2011
Aversa said:
I actually think Rikka's case can't be considered chuunibyou she is suffering from a different condition caused by her trauma and the fact that it was called chuunibyou was because of her age the term denpa would have been a better description in her case which is a more general term.

Danpa comes more along with the terms crazy or even insane in English terms with a general meaning while specifically seems to describe junior high students with high fantasy that have problems forming there individual identity.
Which isn't the case with Rikka.

I also made the connection to the similarities with Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko when we were told about Rikka's father.
Dec 13, 2012 9:27 AM

Sep 2010
Fucking A+++++

KyoAni knows how to handle drama well.....
Dec 13, 2012 9:38 AM

Oct 2008
Summary of the episode: Shut the fuck up, Dekomori.
Dec 13, 2012 9:45 AM
Sep 2011
lzpreslav said:
Summary of the episode: Shut the fuck up, Dekomori.

I think that sums up most of this show.
Dec 13, 2012 9:46 AM
Apr 2011
Holy shit that was powerful.
Dec 13, 2012 9:54 AM

Feb 2012
I think people who hated this episode need to understand what's happening. I watch this show mainly for the comedy as well, so this episode wasn't very appealing to me, but the writers did this to build up to the last episode. If they just went comedy all the way to the end I think the ending would feel kind of flat. With these dramatic developments, if next week we get a happy, heartwarming episode, it's going to be even better after experiencing this drama. I'm not saying you're not allowed to hate the episode, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but at least recognize what the writers are doing with the show. I think we'll get a really good, happy ending next week, that's what I'm hoping for at least.
Dec 13, 2012 9:59 AM

Jul 2011
...i actually bawled my eyes out this episode's just too asjdakhf
Dec 13, 2012 10:10 AM

Nov 2009
My body wasn't ready (!) T^T
what was all that (?)
Yuuta no bakka :C (!)
Can't they just leave rikka like that ? later she would know by herself that reality sucks but you have to get along with it...
Nop let's just destroy her fantasy, wake her up from her dream and tell her that her dad is dead and he would never come back and stop acting like a children and do it fast (!)...
Dec 13, 2012 10:36 AM

Dec 2010
Cashdaxxx said:
Too much drama. Also people disliking this episode are kids.

This episode is actually pretty interesting. I can't believe one episode can reveal so much about the audience. And some people here are hiding behind their words.
Dec 13, 2012 10:40 AM

Jan 2012
haremking said:
I think people who hated this episode need to understand what's happening. I watch this show mainly for the comedy as well, so this episode wasn't very appealing to me, but the writers did this to build up to the last episode. If they just went comedy all the way to the end I think the ending would feel kind of flat. With these dramatic developments, if next week we get a happy, heartwarming episode, it's going to be even better after experiencing this drama. I'm not saying you're not allowed to hate the episode, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but at least recognize what the writers are doing with the show. I think we'll get a really good, happy ending next week, that's what I'm hoping for at least.

Bingo. This is the PENULTIMATE episode. It exists solely to set up a grand finale.

People complaining about drama should appreciate the fact that it's been contained to basically one episode in this entire show. Even then, as I said, it's only to make the conclusion even sweeter. There won't be any sad endings here, simply because of what this show represents.

It's Yuuta and Rikka coming to terms with each other, together. Yuuta is growing, Rikka is growing and they will both meet in the middle, because in the end, they both care for each other more than anyone else. There is no right or wrong here, what they are both searching for is the happy medium, happy for themselves and happy for the other, that will allow them to be together.
Dec 13, 2012 10:42 AM

Apr 2011
This episode was so sad and emotional especially the last five minutes. I loved the song in the back it made me feel real connected to the story. But I really hope things work out right and everyone can go to their usual selves.

Sad that next week is the last ep, hope they make some OVAs.
Dec 13, 2012 11:25 AM
May 2012
what can i say!told you so!
the end was predictable!
even an amateur can say what will happen!
well the episode wasn't that bad!but it was worst of the 11 i believe!
first of all there was no comedy!
sanae was really emotional but there was no impact!they could have done better!
unlike the other drama's i didn't feel a thing!
rikka wasn't charming like the other times!except sanae cries it was normal!
i guess this episode didn't suite this anime that well!
i mean i was wrong that i thought rikka would be more charming without the eight grade syndrome.
ohh!well the episode wasn't so bad!
Dec 13, 2012 11:29 AM

Feb 2012
On another note, I really loved the beginning of the episode, where Yuuta and the older sister were packing and she hugged him, that shit was kawaii
Dec 13, 2012 11:37 AM

Aug 2008
Kind of sad to watch but I hope Rikka won't revert back to that syndrome dragging Yuuta down along with her. It might have been to harsh but I still more or less agree with Yuuta's decision to forcefully snap her out of this madness. Frankly, I'm more moved by Rikka mother's words from previous episode than Dekonomori rage.

Rejoice yuri fans. Your wishes have come true.
The ****?
Ii tenki desu ne...
Dec 13, 2012 11:40 AM
May 2009
I wonder why Rikka keeps thanking Yuuta. Does she want to be free of any debts to him so she can move on with her life separately?
Dec 13, 2012 11:44 AM

Aug 2011
Cashdaxxx said:

Also notice the blue-ish color of animation?

Especially in the beginning. I assume the somewhat grayer tone was to set the right atmosphere for this episode, a sad one.

Anyway, this episode was great. It seems this show can do great things without it's horrible comedy.
Dec 13, 2012 12:13 PM

Nov 2010
Tyrel said:
Orsonius said:
Really hated this episode.
At not one point I felt anything but distest.

Rikka basically lost her entire personality and is now as interesting as every other normal 16 year old girl (so not interesting in the slightest), and Yuuta didn't do anything to comfort anyone. He basically didn't know what to do and just was powerful and unreliable.

It pains me to see how she forces herself to become a boring normal girl.
I'd rather want her as a chunni because at least she was somewhat interesting, though awkward, but now it's just an empty boring shell.

I really hope the last episode gives some positivity to this horrible drama.
This is not why I watched this show.

This pretty much summed up all my thoughts. Worst episode by far for me in this series and that's saying a lot as I haven't disliked an episode until now.

Last episode going to be pretty standard ending with Rikka most likely going back to the way she used to be.

isn't that what the show is all about -_-

you 2 just wanted the fun stuff to go on... keep in mind next week the show ends
Dec 13, 2012 12:17 PM

Jun 2008
What exactly was so bad about her being chunni again?

She avoided reality, OK, I understand that, but was she really hurting anyone?

What a bunch of bullshit it was to turn her into a normalfag.
Dec 13, 2012 12:18 PM

May 2009
I don't think everyone got the message from this episode.

Rkka has trouble dealing with the sudden change. Yuuta would probably love to help her, but he has no clue how, hence why he didn't say anything when she was about to leave. He knows allowing her to fully immerse in her delusions again will undo all the hard work, but at the same time, being too rigid isn't helping Rikka's cause either. Also, take note that Rikka was delusional for two whole years, so it's only natural that she has such a hard time shaking that off – fighting off an addiction is very, very hard, especially since she's going cold turkey.

Despite the sadness, RIkka has made a ton of progress ever since Yuuta told her to face reality: Touka can leave for Italy with ease in her heart, Rikka has made amends with her mother and is now ready to come to terms with her father's death, and she is quickly making new friends. Sanae knows this as well, she even says so, but Rikka shaking off her 8th Grader Syndrome means that she pretty much lost her only soulmate, the one friend who understood her through and through. However, it appears that Shinka is ready to fill that gap, so all is not lost. Plus, it might help cure Sanae as well and seeing as how she is a very smart girl, I think it'll be easier for her.

We know this show will have a happy end, so I'm not really worried about the current situation.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 13, 2012 12:25 PM

Feb 2012
AO968 said:
I don't think everyone got the message from this episode.

Rkka has trouble dealing with the sudden change. Yuuta would probably love to help her, but he has no clue how, hence why he didn't say anything when she was about to leave. He knows allowing her to fully immerse in her delusions again will undo all the hard work, but at the same time, being too rigid isn't helping Rikka's cause either. Also, take note that Rikka was delusional for two whole years, so it's only natural that she has such a hard time shaking that off – fighting off an addiction is very, very hard, especially since she's going cold turkey.

Despite the sadness, RIkka has made a ton of progress ever since Yuuta told her to face reality: Touka can leave for Italy with ease in her heart, Rikka has made amends with her mother and is now ready to come to terms with her father's death, and she is quickly making new friends. Sanae knows this as well, she even says so, but Rikka shaking off her 8th Grader Syndrome means that she pretty much lost her only soulmate, the one friend who understood her through and through. However, it appears that Shinka is ready to fill that gap, so all is not lost. Plus, it might help cure Sanae as well and seeing as how she is a very smart girl, I think it'll be easier for her.

We know this show will have a happy end, so I'm not really worried about the current situation.

Dec 13, 2012 12:27 PM

May 2010
Not going to show what happen at the fest? :(

Overall, amazing ep. Had to keep from crying. ; A ;
And I miss the old Rikka, she was so cool with her 8th grade syndrome. T_T
Dec 13, 2012 12:31 PM

Mar 2011
I hope we have one last chu2 fight, preferably involving the Dark Flame Master!

Also, really want that kiss scene now, been gearing up to it for the last 3 episodes!
Dec 13, 2012 12:47 PM

Sep 2008
Liph said:
Hmm, only me who didn't got effected by the drama?

Like many others, I know reality well. Sure it might suck but you just have to accept it, living in a damn dreamworld won't benefit anyone or make it any better.


I like drama, but this was just forcing things to me.
Dec 13, 2012 1:52 PM

Jun 2010
There is tearjerking, heart-wrenching drama and there's drama so forced you just want to add to the characters' pain. This... was somewhere in-between. I could see that it was all part of the plot, didn't get "into" it, but at the same time those are serious emotions and tough situations that were written. I even got a little sorry for Dekomori even though I have yet to enjoy her character.

Next ep is the last. I truly hope Rikka won't go back to her chuunibyou. Sure, being energetic and imaginative is all nice, playing with Dekomori is nice, but not to the point of being out of it at all times.
Dec 13, 2012 1:52 PM

Nov 2009
darque said:
Liph said:
Hmm, only me who didn't got effected by the drama?

Like many others, I know reality well. Sure it might suck but you just have to accept it, living in a damn dreamworld won't benefit anyone or make it any better.


I like drama, but this was just forcing things to me.

you guys are probably just too strong-hearted to be affected?
Dec 13, 2012 2:02 PM

Feb 2012
darque said:
Liph said:
Hmm, only me who didn't got effected by the drama?

Like many others, I know reality well. Sure it might suck but you just have to accept it, living in a damn dreamworld won't benefit anyone or make it any better.


I like drama, but this was just forcing things to me.

I actually thought the drama was well executed this time (compared to previous episodes). The drama transition was smooth, although a bit too fast, but at least it makes sense because of the plot. It also showed how human the characters were, so it was also useful as a device imo.

Might it be because you don't relate to how their fantasy is necessary for their psychological well being? It's easy for us to say that we should just brush it off because real life is tough etc., but in their case it's much much more serious than a mere fantasy.
Dec 13, 2012 2:35 PM

Jun 2012
This seems to be leading up to a bittersweet or total downer ending... :| Hope things shape up in the last episode.
Dec 13, 2012 4:23 PM

Oct 2011
An awesome and emotional episode!!!!
Also, Rikka said "Gomen" at the end, right?? Then I guess she really won't return!!.................. until next episode
Dec 13, 2012 4:29 PM

Sep 2011
Dekemori. Damn it. She made me cry twice in this episode.

This series completely surprised me. I watched it just to kill some time and it turned out to be great. I can't wait to see how it turns out!
"Cheer up, you’re never alone! There is probably at least 1 bug in your room."
Dec 13, 2012 4:34 PM

May 2012
Rikka had to grow up and face reality and not just hide in her delusions. I hope this anime ends with her being able to accept reality, and not the supposed "happy" ending where she goes back to the 8th grade syndrome, because that will just do more harm than good. Sanae is also having a hard time dealing with this because she grew up with 8th grade syndrome and feels like she won't be able to remain friends with Rikka.

By the way, I'm not trying to sound like a jerk, but that's just how reality is. Can you imagine having 8th grade syndrome (as severe as it is in the anime) in high school or college? Would you be able to have friends - and keep them, get a job, or support a family?

Enough ranting for me, but I do hope it works out in the end (for the better).

Dec 13, 2012 5:57 PM

Sep 2010
I don't think some people understand what the girls are going through. I think they know full well that all of this stuff isn't real. They were having fun being weird, so why should they stop? It's no different than someone being really engrossed in a video game and getting away from reality. No, it won't keep bad things from happening, but it will get your mind off of it. I think that's the whole point.
Dec 13, 2012 6:23 PM

Mar 2012
AO968 said:
I don't think everyone got the message from this episode.

Rkka has trouble dealing with the sudden change. Yuuta would probably love to help her, but he has no clue how, hence why he didn't say anything when she was about to leave. He knows allowing her to fully immerse in her delusions again will undo all the hard work, but at the same time, being too rigid isn't helping Rikka's cause either. Also, take note that Rikka was delusional for two whole years, so it's only natural that she has such a hard time shaking that off – fighting off an addiction is very, very hard, especially since she's going cold turkey.

Despite the sadness, RIkka has made a ton of progress ever since Yuuta told her to face reality: Touka can leave for Italy with ease in her heart, Rikka has made amends with her mother and is now ready to come to terms with her father's death, and she is quickly making new friends. Sanae knows this as well, she even says so, but Rikka shaking off her 8th Grader Syndrome means that she pretty much lost her only soulmate, the one friend who understood her through and through. However, it appears that Shinka is ready to fill that gap, so all is not lost. Plus, it might help cure Sanae as well and seeing as how she is a very smart girl, I think it'll be easier for her.

We know this show will have a happy end, so I'm not really worried about the current situation.

^Nice thoughts.

Man, KyoAni's got an amazing reputation for a reason. They ran this episode masterfully. Even though I've been somewhat against this chuunibyou business, I find myself empathizing with Rikka and Sanae the whole time. Yuuta's struggling too, obviously, and again, this series has done an amazing job at portraying the internal conflicts everyone's going through.

With the way Rikka's trying to change herself it's not likely to be sustainable. Still, it wouldn't make sense for her to revert herself back to chuunibyou status either. I expect the ending to feature somewhat of a compromise between the two. Maybe Rikka will get to be chuuni with Yuuta and co. but refrain from it when she's with others -- something to that effect?
Dec 13, 2012 6:55 PM

Nov 2011
edl01 said:
KoiShoudou said:
I really can't see why some people hated this episode. What's to hate? In fact I think it is one of the best episodes by far. The voice acting was quite something and I even became teary. It was so heart breaking to see Rikka let it all go and become a normal girl even though she didn't want to. I think Yuuta was being too much of a 'helping the situation realistically' guy instead of actually comforting the one he loves by giving her an explanation and understanding. Dekomori made my heart melt, the poor girl. Also, I'm hoping what she said to Yuuta at the train station hit him hard, pretty much saying that Rikka had felt let down. I love this show. So sad it's coming to an end. Kyoto animation always makes it double amazing because of their smooth and beautiful animation, like Hyouka. Can't wait for their new series in January!

Lots of people don't like it when anime depresses them it seems, I don't see why but apparantly being emotional is a bad thing in anime now.
I actually don't know how people didn't see this coming, I saw the show for what it was going to become ages ago, the moral of the show is basically: Reality sucks, but we just have to accept it and move on with our lives.

Exactly aha
Dec 13, 2012 6:57 PM

Nov 2011
RLinksoul said:
KoiShoudou said:
I really can't see why some people hated this episode. What's to hate? In fact I think it is one of the best episodes by far. The voice acting was quite something and I even became teary. It was so heart breaking to see Rikka let it all go and become a normal girl even though she didn't want to. I think Yuuta was being too much of a 'helping the situation realistically' guy instead of actually comforting the one he loves by giving her an explanation and understanding. Dekomori made my heart melt, the poor girl. Also, I'm hoping what she said to Yuuta at the train station hit him hard, pretty much saying that Rikka had felt let down. I love this show. So sad it's coming to an end. Kyoto animation always makes it double amazing because of their smooth and beautiful animation, like Hyouka. Can't wait for their new series in January!

I haven't really enjoyed this show to begin with, but it started to get good around episode 7. Then this episode comes in and just suffocates me with wallbangage. I actually had to stop and make sure I was watching the right episode, because it started out so baffling. Rikka's sister showing her human side all of a sudden? Rikka and her sister on seemingly good terms? So it just happened off-screen?

And as you mentioned, Yuuta trying to force Rikka to change without an ounce of consideration toward her happiness. It's like dragging an agoraphobic into a crowded mall and telling them they can't come home until they get over it.

Yuuta had done such a good job slowly working Rikka out of it, making her happy, the two became a couple and then all of a sudden he just decides to rip the eyepatch off of her and force her to change. And why? So a woman who abandoned her family and didn't tell Rikka about her father's condition won't worry. It would have made more sense for Rikka to stay at Yuuta's place most of the time, and continue gradually opening her out of her shell.

I kind of have to agree with you to some extent. I also had to check to be honest haha.
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