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Goblin Slayer (light novel)
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Dec 31, 2018 3:11 AM

Jan 2010
Final battle was rather anticlimatic but I loved how Priestess took initiative and swooped in to save the day. The little smile at the end is a nice touch.
Overall a very enjoyable ride 7/10.

My only problem is too many girls fell for GS and also the stupid cow girl.

Will watch the 2nd season.
Dec 31, 2018 3:29 AM
Oct 2017
I CALL BULLSHIT! I could barely see his fucking face! 😤😤😤
Dec 31, 2018 4:51 AM

Jun 2017
This anime was pretty enjoyable despite Attention Whores posting review links on threads like this. It was a good run, the show is good for what it tries to achieve. It's about a simple man slaying Goblins that is, all attention loving review shitposting whores should just stfu and fuck off if they hate it that much.
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Dec 31, 2018 5:04 AM

Aug 2015
Found the manga to be far more enjoyable, but it's hard to say what exactly the anime did wrong in comparison.
Dec 31, 2018 5:16 AM

Mar 2017
I rate it 10/10
Why? Well because of a few things.
1. Goblin Slayer
2.The Animation-we all now that its not the best but its decent imo
3. the red eye(s)
4. the music
5. And the final one is the gore, the slaying of goblins and the pure badassery that is Goblin Slayer himself.
Dec 31, 2018 5:20 AM

May 2018
Ok, so after the battle GS says that he thinking about being an adventurer , so does this mean that there were no more Goblins for him to fight or he just thinking of widening his horizon , since it kinda looks like that there will be a season 2?
Dec 31, 2018 6:59 AM
Apr 2017
Whose voice was that at the end? Talking about gods always etc. I've heard that VA somewhere, But can't remember. Someone knows?
Dec 31, 2018 7:17 AM
Nov 2018
Riax_ said:
Whose voice was that at the end?
Aoi Yūki is the narrator.
Dec 31, 2018 9:28 AM

Dec 2016
really underwhelming - there were far more entertaining battles earlier in the show, and it just felt a bit too easy. plus i'd appreciate it if they'd show his full face one bloody time after 12 episodes

AnimeFreak-San said:
is this a male gender issure...human issue...mental illness perhaps?
Dec 31, 2018 11:20 AM

Dec 2016
Episode one: "Oh, great Anime & badass guy"
Episode 12:

Dec 31, 2018 12:59 PM

Jan 2016
Barely a 8/10 for me, out of enjoyment. Ofc it's not the most complicated or most deep anime ever seen, but still a good ride.
A bit annoyed that they still don't show his eyes though, haha.
Dec 31, 2018 4:59 PM
Aug 2018
Th anime was overall good a bit boring at times but it was good. 7/10
Dec 31, 2018 5:00 PM
Aug 2018
Could have at least shown his full face
Dec 31, 2018 5:12 PM

Feb 2015
The battle against the goblin horde continues, while GS confronts goblin lord. The battle one and one seemed like it was getting over GS, but there was Onna behind him, waiting for the moment to use her barriers and finish with the goblin along GS. GS ended up hurt, but Onna healed him. As GS promised, he invited a drink to every adventurer that helped him, and in the middle of the celebration, Onna asked him to take out his helmet, he did it.

GS couldn't beat goblin lord by himself, I wasn't expecting him to need help from someone else to defeat that goblin, but it seems that he was stronger than expected. At the end, this doesn't feel like a closure or conclusion of a story, fortunately GS will return. The strategies were intelligent, he was as strong as he could, but in the end, the whole series he needed help from other characters, not something bad, just something real. Enjoyed the anime and the pace of the story. The last scenes were good, watching the places where the story took place but alone or in a natural form. Goblin Slayer will return.
Dec 31, 2018 5:23 PM

Apr 2012
Don't even bother watching it if they try to adapt it into English, they'll just water it down until it is just as meaningless and castrated as Hollywood.

I hope Goblin Slayer does return. It was a good ending, and by that I mean an actual ending that was good. Not like most shows where they bet all their egg on a second season. Even if this show doesn't get a season 2 I'm fine, because it had an ending.
I'm not much of a Manga reader, outside of... well, you know.
I like Hentai, you like real life.
Instead of complaining about my tastes, be grateful you now don't have to compete against me.
Dec 31, 2018 9:51 PM
Oct 2016
Orochimaru9 said:
Don't even bother watching it if they try to adapt it into English, they'll just water it down until it is just as meaningless and castrated as Hollywood.

I hope Goblin Slayer does return. It was a good ending, and by that I mean an actual ending that was good. Not like most shows where they bet all their egg on a second season. Even if this show doesn't get a season 2 I'm fine, because it had an ending.
I'm not much of a Manga reader, outside of... well, you know.

I mean it's already been Simuldubbed by Funimation.
Jan 1, 2019 7:54 AM

Jul 2013
Hey that one dude with black hair and some scars in his face and weilding a giant sword, he looks a lot like Guts lol! I've only realized that now. Anyway, why are they making it a big deal, Goblin Slayer's face I mean. This is anime, everyone looks the same with only a few differences and acute features. Looking forward to the season 2, that farm battle was a little underwhelming.

Jan 1, 2019 8:28 AM

Nov 2013
For a moment I thought he was going to have a smaller helm under that helm.
You all need to watch Nami.

Jan 1, 2019 8:53 AM

Dec 2008
7/10 It was brtal at times, sad, haunting andfun. The rpg elements I lovewere there,and it was basically like thre story of a permanent starter character, that level one low levelgoblin killed at a time, all th way up to almost max lvl lol. Goblins, a long timr mainstay of modern fantasy, from the old world, to tolkien to Dungeons and Dragons, to warhammer, to vid games and this anime. I do hope there isa 2nd season ^~^ I KNEW THEY WOuld "show" his face roflolmfao HAPPY NEW YEAR YALL! BANZAI!
Jan 1, 2019 11:09 AM

Oct 2013
That was pretty damn solid, what a better way to close things off by everyone drinking themselves into oblivion in the usual tavern after one heck of a goblin slaying night!

I'm a little pissed though, that everyone got the reward of seeing his face besides us, the audience ...
Jan 1, 2019 2:05 PM

Feb 2014
Simple ordinary plot without getting into details.

Enjoying this will basically rely on how much one enjoy gore and violence mostly against evil creatures (in this case, the goblins), with a touch of adventure.

6 to 7 / 10
Vi-Jan 1, 2019 2:09 PM
Jan 1, 2019 10:51 PM

Feb 2013
I thought this was pretty good. I haven't read any of the source material, so I'm judging it based on the anime knowledge only. I am totally up for season 2. 8/10 for me.
Jan 1, 2019 10:56 PM

Oct 2008
Such a perfect final episode!
Hurray for S2 -> "Goblin Slayer will return!"
Why the hell Madoka is narrating the last part of this episode? i mean Yuuki Aoi! not that i'm complaining!

abystoma2 said:
For a moment I thought he was going to have a smaller helm under that helm.

LOL this comment made me laugh!

MH93 said:
Episode one: "Oh, great Anime & badass guy"
Episode 12:

HAHAH! nice one! that jeep thou...

Jan 1, 2019 11:49 PM

Dec 2016
Once again great strategy and thinking by Goblin Slayer to defeat the king.

I was always impressed by his battle wits throughout this series.

Cool how he showed his face to everyone, i like everyone's reaction to it making it feel like a really big deal.

More to come, I am very interested with that ending, I do want to see more, I do like my fix or hacking and slaying anime's like this every now and then.

Jan 2, 2019 12:43 AM

Sep 2011
Pretty good show I'd say. The Water City arc kind of dragged a little too long but the finale was excellent.

8/10 try not to feed the troll too much guys. You all know who I mean.
Jan 2, 2019 2:09 AM

Apr 2012
Goblin Slayer will return....

...and also the pathetic haters who said they'd stop watching but need the attention.
Janethan23Jan 2, 2019 2:15 AM
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum.
They should really do their whining at manga forums.

RayReynolds - SSL443 - Dr4kon - Nerdanimefan1992 - ToTheMountains - Fiveskies
To add users to the Ignore list: (1) Go to Account settings (2) Click Forum tab and toggle down (3) Type or paste user name on entry box (4) Click Add and you're done.
Problem solved, you'll never have to see someone trolling ever again because their post will be closed/collapsed.
Jan 2, 2019 3:57 AM

May 2015
Why there are so many haters?
This was my 2nd favorite anime of this season after SAO Alicization and I really enjoyed watching it every week! I can't wait for season 2 ≧ω≦

Jan 2, 2019 4:20 AM

Oct 2007
abystoma2 said:
For a moment I thought he was going to have a smaller helm under that helm.

Haha, one of the best comments here. :)

LukesYGO_WSonYT said:
Once again great strategy and thinking by Goblin Slayer to defeat the king.

I was always impressed by his battle wits throughout this series.

Cool how he showed his face to everyone, i like everyone's reaction to it making it feel like a really big deal.

More to come, I am very interested with that ending, I do want to see more, I do like my fix or hacking and slaying anime's like this every now and then.


Feels like GS has Batman level of intelligence. He is not very strong when it comes to brute strength, but he is a master in planning ahead.
Jan 2, 2019 5:50 AM

Jan 2011
Gotta say, it won me over in the end. It delivered what it promised.

Fanbase for it is a piece of shit though.
Jan 2, 2019 10:49 AM
Oct 2016
ReaperCreeper said:
Gotta say, it won me over in the end. It delivered what it promised.

Fanbase for it is a piece of shit though.

Not really. The MAL forums on the other hand...
Jan 2, 2019 4:40 PM

Jan 2008
Huh...didn't know he had a second shield on top of his shield strapped on his arm. I always knew he had a spare, but not the fact that he could just stick it on top of the other. Added defense I suppose.
Edit: After rewatching it, turned out to just be the outer layer of his 1 shield that broke off, albeit too cleanly, since it was a perfectly round circle that separated off. Would have made more sense if the entire inner circle separated from the larger layer, as those 4 yellowish circles implies it's two layers being held together.

I particularly liked the switching up of the arcs, as it works a lot better in the 12-episode anime season format. If they had a 24 or more episodes to work with from the start, then it'd be a whole different story.

Despite some substandard aesthetic choices made compared to the manga adaption of the LN, and some cosmetic animation flaws here and there which I hope they fix in the Blu ray--I enjoyed this series overall and hope season 2 comes sooner than later.

As for all the hate this series has been getting since all the pansies got triggered by episode 1 setting the tone of the series...I just can't fathom why people would put themselves through watching the whole series, something they knew they disliked or out right hated, from the very beginning and all throughout; only to complain after every-single-freaking-episode, all the way to the very end. Granted, I used to be guilty of that as well in the past, but nowadays when I'm older and wiser, I have other things I much rather be spending my free time on; so I just move on after giving a show my rating, and simply drop a series entirely after 1-3 episodes if I dislike it. Any displeasure I'd have would already be reflected in averaged rating. I'd get it if it was just the first few episodes, but at this point so late into the game, at the very end, all I see are attention-seekers who just feel the need to have others stroke their egos by being contrarians jumping on the bandwagon. It's too bad this site doesn't allow for downvoting reviews anymore to truly reflect what most people think (as does the individual episode rating does by showing the majority of people giving it 5/5) thing you know, other sites like youtube will only have likes instead of dislikes after getting weak in the knees from the vocal minority raising a stink.
Estoy_GordoJan 6, 2019 5:04 AM
Jan 2, 2019 5:48 PM

Jan 2015
The battle was muh. I wanted to see badly his whole face, but fuck it.
So we will have a second season in the future. Overall 6.5/10 so I put it a 7.
Jan 2, 2019 6:39 PM

May 2016
I couldn't figure out whether to give this series a 6 or 7/10 so I've settled on the latter for the time being. I thought it was a good series in some respects, but not a great one. Obviously the slaying of goblins was entertaining enough, I liked seeing Goblin Slayer himself begin to develop as a character, and there were a number of tense and emotional moments in the series, particularly episodes 1 & 7, and in the end I supposed it achieved what it set out to do. However I couldn't help shake the feeling that if it weren't for the scary rapey goblins then this would have just been another generic fantasy series that would have faded into non-existence.

I'll still watch a second season if one eventually comes around.
thebusofdoomJan 2, 2019 6:44 PM
Bondrewd did nothing wrong.
Jan 2, 2019 7:16 PM
Oct 2007
Goblin Slayer started out solid (first episode) and ended solid (last 2 episodes). 6/10 for me.
No reason not to watch season 2!
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 2, 2019 7:41 PM
Oct 2016
4kicks said:
Huh...didn't know he had a second shield on top of his shield strapped on his arm. I always knew he had a spare, but not the fact that he could just stick it on top of the other. Added defense I suppose.

I particularly liked the switching up of the arcs, as it works a lot better in the 12-episode anime season format. If they had a 24 or more episodes to work with from the start, then it'd be a whole different story.

Despite some substandard aesthetic choices made compared to the manga adaption of the LN, and some cosmetic animation flaws here and there which I hope they fix in the Blu ray--I enjoyed this series overall and hope season 2 comes sooner than later.

As for all the hate this series has been getting since all the pansies got triggered by episode 1 setting the tone of the series...I just can't fathom why people would put themselves through watching the whole series, something they knew they disliked or out right hated, from the very beginning and all throughout; only to complain after every-single-freaking-episode, all the way to the very end. Granted, I used to be guilty of that as well in the past, but nowadays when I'm older and wiser, I have other things I much rather be spending my free time on; so I just move on after giving a show my rating, and simply drop a series entirely after 1-3 episodes if I dislike it. Any displeasure I'd have would already be reflected in averaged rating. I'd get it if it was just the first few episodes, but at this point so late into the game, at the very end, all I see are attention-seekers who just feel the need to have others stroke their egos by being contrarians jumping on the bandwagon. It's too bad this site doesn't allow for downvoting reviews anymore to truly reflect what most people think (as does the individual episode rating does by showing the majority of people giving it 5/5) thing you know, other sites like youtube will only have likes instead of dislikes after getting weak in the knees from the vocal minority raising a stink.

It wasn't a second shield. His wrist shield was broken apart.
Jan 3, 2019 2:17 PM

Dec 2018
Decent ending to a good show.
First episode was and is still the best one.
I really want to see more action and "dark" moments in season 2.
Jan 3, 2019 8:29 PM

May 2014
Unexpectedly enjoyable series, didn't really care about the story or characters neither did i care about the "dark" stuff everyone was fussing about at the beginning. This was just enjoyable and simple, nothing to really think about but watch a group of people slaughter goblins with a simple story behind it.

Honestly hope there will be a season 2.
Jan 4, 2019 1:41 AM
Apr 2016
oh nice they showed little part with the flashbacks of the Goblin Lord .... and it comes back to the earlier idea of "You should never let any goblin get away" :-)
Jan 4, 2019 3:46 AM
Nov 2016
Pretty fun show over all, setting all the controversies aside 7/10
Jan 4, 2019 6:45 AM

Feb 2018
After losing his horde, the goblin captain flees in the woods and decides to create a new horde with "the women in his base" (meaning human female prisoners).
Then the Goblin Slayer/Orcbolg/Beardcutter ambushes the goblin captain and tells him he's already dealt with the base, that thus exist no longer.

But... what has the Goblin Slayer done with the girls? They are no longer mentioned (actually, the only one who mentioned them is the goblin).

Freed? Killed in a Goblin Slayer way with all the goblins in the base? (after all he's not with the rest of the gang, so he can flood/burn/etc)

Share your opinions, cause “The imagination is a weapon. Those who don't use it die first.”
They were like the ant, which can see small objects but not large ones.

Jan 4, 2019 8:50 AM

Nov 2018
Actually a good finale. This anime was overall pretty damn dumb for the most part but had some ok moments I liked. I'll watch the 2nd season
Jan 4, 2019 4:12 PM

Mar 2018
That was a great ending. I hope it was a second season they were hinting at the end. I give this 8/10.
Jan 4, 2019 7:15 PM

Aug 2018

Was enjoyable, something to watch while doing something else.

Gets a 6 only because I liked some of the tracks.
Could have been darker and more brutal imo, characters also lacked depth and development.

Still, solid, if nothing special - and if there hadn't been such an outcry about the first episode, I wouldn't have watched it at all. So well done there, marketing departement!
Jan 4, 2019 11:12 PM

Jul 2012
張大です for 張大勇督察
Jan 5, 2019 5:26 AM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
That was one nice final episode, had my expectations on low honestly, since 11 was really awesome, but I really appreciated the sense of development the last arc managed to nail and this was such a great conclusion to that.

Really got me a bit teary to the response he got when he took of the helmet, it felt like something changed in him, and he realized he know actually trust on everyone else, and maybe let down his guard abit more.

Eagerly waiting for S2, will probably read manga and LN way before that though.
Also, as always, I do feel that rather than just watching every single episode, waiting for most to be out, and only watch when it could be at my leisure, was the best way to experience overall.

OGAnime said:
Admit it people. This show only got popular because it wasn’t afraid to show graphic

I only got more interested on this show since it didnt in having a more mature feel to it, I dont care the BS other people are making here, there is a market for more mature fantasy anime that dont have problems in being shocking, aside Berserk, but that anime adaptation is so old, and I cant really speak much about the recent CG butchering.
Jan 5, 2019 8:52 AM

Apr 2011
I guess'd right they were gonna put the goblin lord arc at the end.

Yes, it may not be as good as the LN or Manga, but it was delivered nicely. The art is decent, but the CGI is bad. I wish they'd removed it.

It was a fun ride. I'm just here to see the characters come life in full colors and voice. It was adapted well. The people's reaction especially the priestess when they see GS's face the for the first time was amusing. I kind of think she likes him especially, now that she has see how good looking he is.

Hopefully, the last message at the end means a 2nd season. I like this adaptation. I guess they had to tone down the violence because of how controversial the first episode is.
Jan 5, 2019 8:38 PM

Oct 2013
I don't know why people expecting so much from a 12 episode adaptation, like are you guys braindead? this series actually pretty good they somehow wraped it in 12 episodes, and it's enjoyable tbh. Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate.

Butthurt people are so annoying saying this series is bad, and not canon to the manga or they skipped a lot of things from the manga, well i tell you what you guys better get used to this because that's how it works, most animes aren't mainstream like Naruto or One piece. Or just stick to the manga instead of watching the adaptation, because this is what is like to get an adaptation, they need more budget for more episodes and i think 12 episode is enough to enjoy the whole series, maybe not but at least we get the idea of how the show is like. I really appriciate the production house actually for animating this series.

Finale was great, action packed and blood everywhere. Nice character development also the should add Harem to the anime tag like srsly. We haven't seen much about the hero, did they really beat the demon lord ? or will they gonna have an adventure together with Goblin Slayer ? i guess we'll find out in 2nd season since they announced in the after credit.

I like this series because the MC is not Overpowered, and the plot is really twisted with those Goblins kidnapping and rapping women untill they break, really playing with my emotion, they got me there. The Goblin always been depicted as low level moster in most RPG games can be so atrocious, huge respect to the author for expanding all the posibilites of what goblins can do.

I can't wait for the 2nd season, i'm really enjoying this series tbh, and for those butthurt people please grow up already or just watch boruto instead *cheers*

Overall score 8/10
Jan 5, 2019 11:53 PM

Sep 2010
Series wasn't that great, but I enjoyed some parts.
Jan 6, 2019 5:00 AM

Jan 2008
UTJeff316 said:

It wasn't a second shield. His wrist shield was broken apart.

You're right. After rewatching it, I noticed that the inner circle wasn't totally cleanly cut out like I initially thought it was.'s an odd way for metal to break if that's the case, since it was too perfect of a round circle that separated despite the irregular position. Guess it was just an animation/time limitation.
Jan 6, 2019 7:00 AM

Feb 2018
MechaZugzwang said:
After losing his horde, the goblin captain flees in the woods and decides to create a new horde with "the women in his base" (meaning human female prisoners).
Then the Goblin Slayer/Orcbolg/Beardcutter ambushes the goblin captain and tells him he's already dealt with the base, that thus exist no longer.

But... what has the Goblin Slayer done with the girls? They are no longer mentioned (actually, the only one who mentioned them is the goblin).

Freed? Killed in a Goblin Slayer way with all the goblins in the base? (after all he's not with the rest of the gang, so he can flood/burn/etc)

Share your opinions, cause “The imagination is a weapon. Those who don't use it die first.”

Come on guys, nobody is interested in those poor girls?
Were they killed or freed? lol
They were like the ant, which can see small objects but not large ones.

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