All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 180.8
Mean Score:
- Watching50
- Completed707
- On-Hold11
- Dropped58
- Plan to Watch229
- Total Entries1,055
- Rewatched69
- Episodes11,027
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 39.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries145
- Reread0
- Chapters4,739
- Volumes401
All Comments (26) Comments
For various reasons, I couldn't stand the game anymore so I quit. You should remove me from friends list there if you haven't already.
Did they? I'm not keeping track of JP news, but man that sounds insane, as if getting to bond 10 didn't already take like a year.
Isn't MLB Joint Recital almost the same as VoTM? you could use that, or did you not get it during the event?
In general or just for Solomon? for either case, I would use Golden sumo on Bryn personally, since I don't have my own waver, charging a servant from 0% NP can be a pain.
I'm probably not a good person to be talking about Gorgon since I never actually used her, but star absorption seems more important. I would use Seal Designation Enforcer if I have it, otherwise Joint Recital, VoTM, or LZ.
The final fight felt kinda anticlimactic, but most of Babylonia was good.
Yes I did, finished it 2 days before Solomon started. Well, it was pointless anyway since they didn't get me Merlin, or any new servant for that matter.
Take a look at my CE list lol
All of these just from the Knights banner
Sure, send it to me if you upload it, I'll watch after finishing Babylonia tho
Also Semiramis looks fun to use, being a duo-class with a dot and all.. NP is a bit odd but overall she looks neat to run.
Huh, I really never noticed.
I also understand why you liked Quetz so much after reading Babylonia, she definitely has a unique personality, haha, that suicide attack moment with Gudao was something
I have the mats to finally 10/10/10 Cu alter and Jalter right now, but not the QP..
Did a yolo ticket on CasGil and Enkidu's banner, got mana gauge CE lel
Came out of the Knights banner with a whole bunch of CE's, Mordred, Gawain, NP2 Saberlot, and a grand total of 0 Artorias
How do you finish that fast? xD even if I tried to finish as soon as possible and used apples, my phone battery would still prevent me
I think I'm nearing the end, I'm at the part where we plan to attack Tiamat's legs or something, but man dealing with the lahmu mobs is somewhat annoying, I feel like they have some kind of invisible def-up effect, Mordred's NP with mana burst and class advantage doesn't do as much damage as it should, and that skill that they use to remove buffs and give def-down is horrible
Yeah I'll roll for Merlin, I'm not sure who to roll after him tho
I got all copies of Liz and her mats, not sure I wanna continue after I buy the exp cards
MLB iri CE looks tempting tho, especially for someone who doesn't have kscope
Are you gonna play Halloween rerun or skipping? I would've skipped it if not for Casliz and the grail personally.