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Sound! Euphonium (light novel)
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May 27, 2015 11:42 AM

Jun 2013
some romance drama
May 27, 2015 11:43 AM

Aug 2010
Loved that "Eroi" from Kumiko and the "hentai" reply from Reina. I love Kumiko's voice and tone so much. Her "eh?" And "nande?" Are so cute for some reason :3

Loved the mountain night top scene so much. Dat animation (esp for Reina's face and skirt) was insane O_o
May 27, 2015 11:50 AM

Nov 2008
rederoin said:
bastek66 said:
Guys, really don't get your hopes. Anime will adapt only 1st book out of 4. There won't be any romantic conclusion in this season and I doubt there will be sequel(s). Expect typical open ending with read the books for more.

Everybody should know by now that any kyoani owned works is not going to faithfully adapt they novels, any spoilers are pointless.

^ pretty much

HatsumiShinogu said:
bastek66 said:
Guys, really don't get your hopes. Anime will adapt only 1st book out of 4. There won't be any romantic conclusion in this season and I doubt there will be sequel(s). Expect typical open ending with read the books for more.

Indeed im curious to know as well
May 27, 2015 12:40 PM

Nov 2011
bastek66 said:
rederoin said:

Everybody should know by now that any kyoani owned works is not going to faithfully adapt they novels, any spoilers are pointless.

Wrong. It's not Kyoani LN like Chuu2koi or Kyoukai. They only bought rights to animate it. Episode and whole adaptation is very faithful anyway.

And Hibike belongs to Kyoani, so its in the same boat.
And no, i'm not going to believe random people on the internet as to whether its faithful or not.

My Twitter : link
My : link
May 27, 2015 2:11 PM

Feb 2012
Kumiko confirmed lesbian.
Gotou confirmed a manly man (again).
May 27, 2015 2:21 PM

Apr 2015
straggy said:
fatalystic said:

No one ever said it was eros.

Uh, did you even watch the episode?

A confession of love is always romantic. No one confesses that they love someone platonically and the term "confession" in anime is always used to mean confessing romantic love specifically. Midori even says "You have to confess!" to Hazuki in the same context. So please, keep grasping for those straws.

If it was a guy who said that to another guy, it would have looked like a joke, right? Reina is obviously teasing Kumiko. She knows Kumiko came with her out of mistake because of Shuichi. It's a good time for Reina to tell Kumiko her feelings (not romantically). She's telling Kumiko how she's drawn to Kumiko because of her personality and how she wanted to be special trumpet player. Why? Because of sensei.

You guys forgot the scene where Kumiko was so uneasy and awkward with Shuichi looking at her! It's there!

Mallony said:
Kumiko confirmed lesbian.

Nah. You feel too much. No love response from Kumiko, if Reina was confessing. She even took it as a joke.

straggy said:
Pen3 said:

And Kumiko responds with "There's no way you're serious" she doesn't take it seriously and i don't either.

There are tons of anime with bromance that leads to nothing. Seems that it is impossible for some pure women connection without the yuri goggles on. Girls in High School act like that in real life and we finally get an anime that is more "life like" and people instantly think it is yuri. Yes girls in my HS touch each others boobs and i don't think they're lesbians doing so.

She didn't touch her damn boobs, she touched her lips. I've had plenty of female friends--hell, I am a girl--and I can guarantee that girls do not fucking run their fingers along each other's mouths slowly and sensually. That's a romantic action, hands down. You're really desperate to not see this if you can't see that much.

Besides, even if this was magically some "bromance" bullshit like you are desperate for it to be, Kousaka's not a jokey girl. She's very serious and she never smiles unless she's speaking to Kumiko. Those smiles are always incredibly genuine expressions of happiness too, not the aftermath of telling a joke. Hell, even if she was joking, she'd have made it pretty clear that she was at some point during such a long scene. No one takes a confession of love this far unless they mean it, especially when it could jeopardise a friendship/is something you could literally be killed for saying, in case you forgot homophobia exists (which I doubt, since this thread reeks of it).

You analyze too much of a Kyoani animation. Regarding your argue that "she touch her lips" to tell you something. Touching other girls lips isn't unusual. Maybe you never saw it in real life but I seen it and it's all for teasing or a joke between friends. Should I claim they're lesbians just because of that? That's pretty much insulting.

"confession of love" is not unusual to be used as a joke between close friends. I did it a couple of times myself. And it's funny.

You're just over taken by the scene and the animation and started to make assumptions based on genture. Again, unless, we see these two actually kiss, it's not. Besides, there is a guy there who is IN LOVE WITH HER. WHO GAVE HER AWKWARD FEELINGS. THE SAME FEELINFS why she MADE A MISTAKE in going with REINA.

RPSB9May 27, 2015 2:36 PM
May 27, 2015 2:45 PM
Oct 2010
Imeon said:
She's telling Kumiko how she's drawn to Kumiko because of her personality and how she wanted to be special trumpet player. Why? Because of sensei.
Either that's a spoiler, or a seriously derogatory assumption.
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
May 27, 2015 4:18 PM

Jun 2014
loli midori mai new waifu
May 27, 2015 4:19 PM

Aug 2011

» Escapism.

May 27, 2015 4:27 PM

Apr 2013
oh my god, they're actually teasing us with KumikoxReina

this anime is everything I wanted
May 27, 2015 4:45 PM

Nov 2007
The overload of some fellow mal users' passion probably will be too much for a cup made of KyoAni to hold. I can foresee a lot of disappointments right around the end of the season and a plummet of overall score for this rather fascinating anime.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
May 27, 2015 6:15 PM

Mar 2013
I'm only here for Kousaka.
May 27, 2015 6:42 PM

Apr 2014
The yuri baiting is real. The sales skyrocketed after this episode. KyoAni really know how to pander to their target audiences.
Unfortunately for them, not everyone is a mouthbreathing /u/-tard and realize how sudden and out of place the gay moments were, especially considering the novels play up Kumiko x Shuichi much more.
May 27, 2015 7:25 PM

Jan 2014
Still can't get over the Reina x Kumiko scenes. Don't fuck this up KyoAni!

Even though they are can't get along Natsuki and Yuuko goes to the festival with another. I love their love-hate relationship.

And Goto x Rika confirmed that they are dating.

And of course, Mini Sapphire-chan. I can't believe that someone can out cute Sapphire-chan.

And I need more Asuka!
May 27, 2015 7:33 PM
Feb 2014
the song by oku hanako @ 21.45 mark

May 27, 2015 7:46 PM

Dec 2013
zetsubousei_hero said:
I'm only here for Kousaka.

Was only here for Midori....

Now they gave us Kohaku as well.
My Birthday came half a year early XD

@Imeon, just a curious question, because you seem so adamant on your views to the point it feels like you'd bite the head off anyone else who doesn't share your viewpoint, but............... would you happen to be Homophobic? (No offense, just really curious)
May 27, 2015 7:55 PM

Apr 2015
Ajunky said:
Imeon said:
She's telling Kumiko how she's drawn to Kumiko because of her personality and how she wanted to be special trumpet player. Why? Because of sensei.
Either that's a spoiler, or a seriously derogatory assumption.

Spoiler? Hah! Did I said sometime that is true? Lucky me! Derogatory? You shipper are the ones guilty of it. Labeling anime girls as lesbians out of subtext and without CONCRETE BASIS.
May 27, 2015 7:58 PM

Apr 2014
maybe if someone of u went outside once in a while ud realize this is clear shoujo ai

if a girl did that irl it would be considered a lesbian act REGARDLESS of whether they are lesbians or not

but i cant beat a dead horse anymore with snide remarks and tomfoolery dont quote me either cuz i wont come back to this topic just adding my 2 cents
May 27, 2015 8:21 PM

Aug 2013
shanimebib said:
Jonesy974 said:
I was about to rant and rave about what a bitch Kumiko is, but luckily smack dab in the middle of episode Kousaka did it for me with the "you have a terrible personality". Took the words right out of my mouth.

Kumiko's seiyuu must be laughing all the way to the bank. Getting a nice paycheck for uttering "umm, huh, wha, hey, mhm," 50 times an episode.

Anyone notice that half the time somebody tries to talk to another character in this show, the character will respond by cutting them off and responding with some shit completely off topic and unrelated? That happened a noticeable amount of times in this episode. That shit irks me just as much in real life.

Reina best girl. Liked the little banter they had "it hurts, but I don't mind pain. - what? that's kind of hot. Pervert". Basically calling her a masochist, lol

She was rocking that white dress pretty well. Plus dat ponytail.

Loved that practically blatant yuri moment at the top of the hill there. As much as I would ship them and love to see the yuri, we know it's not going to happen...why? Because KyoAni.

For fucks sake, KyoAni cant even get hetero romances down right. Literally not once. They always fucking fail to follow through. That's how they make their money, with half-assed romances and half assed yaoi/yuri undertones.

Let's go through the list here:
- Hyouka = flopped romance. Chuuni = flopped romance. Tamako Market = flopped romance. AmaBuri = flopped romance. Kyoukai Kanata = flopped romance.
Also: TM = flopped yuri. Free = flopped yaoi

And they will do the same thing here. They will give us all of this yuri bait to get our hopes up. Then crush it. Then when they attempt to make the Shuichi x Kumiko ship official, they'll just half ass it at the end and leave that open ended without a confession, kiss, or actual dating.

And before anyone argues that Tamako LS finished the didn't. That movie consisted of: Mochi confessing 10 minutes in, followed by an hour and 10 minutes of pointless melodrama, followed by 15 seconds of Tamako replying right before black screen. No kiss. No seeing them as an actual couple. No epilogue. Nothing. Same KyoAni bullshit, different smell.

A moment of silence for people with big noses who don't know how to use spoiler tag.

Tell me why do you watch KyoAni shows then? Take offense, please do, because comments like yours make you look like a fool.

The movie isn't new by any means. If you haven't watched it by now, that's your own fault.

Why do I watch them? Because the story is still good. I don't think they should incorporate romance as much as they do when they never do it well, but it doesn't change the fact that the core story is enjoyable.

I'm not offended at all, lol. Don't get me wrong, you sound like an annoying prick, but that's commonplace on MAL, so I don't even pay attention to it.
May 27, 2015 8:36 PM

Apr 2013
Hongu said:
The yuri baiting is real. The sales skyrocketed after this episode. KyoAni really know how to pander to their target audiences.
Unfortunately for them, not everyone is a mouthbreathing /u/-tard and realize how sudden and out of place the gay moments were, especially considering the novels play up Kumiko x Shuichi much more.

Knowing what /u/ is doesn't make you look any smarter

Sudden? Out of place? The anime legit built up for this moment. And if you read the novels, you should know as well as anyone else that KyoAni isn't exactly 100% faithful
May 27, 2015 8:50 PM
Oct 2010
Imeon said:
Ajunky said:
Either that's a spoiler, or a seriously derogatory assumption.

Spoiler? Hah! Did I said sometime that is true? Lucky me! Derogatory? You shipper are the ones guilty of it. Labeling anime girls as lesbians out of subtext and without CONCRETE BASIS.
I see, you don't know the novels, that makes it clear then...

You talk about concrete basis and yet state own assumptions as facts. You really can't see how much of an imbecile you are, can you?

But of course, it's impossible for a girl to have a goal of her own, it has all gotta be about impressing a strong man... Reina defended the teacher? then of course she is in love with him, what else could it be? admiration? recognition of someone who is as passionate about music as she is? nah... She is later seen practicing hard? it's cause she want him to notice her. Before she only played the trumpet to kill time, now she has a real reason >_> (In case it isn't clear, this paragraph is ridden with sarcasm)

And so, you accuse others of projecting their own bias... Is your proposition that finding a fallacy in someone else's argument makes yours true by default? Does it exclude you of presenting you own CONCRETE BASIS?

BTW, I only recognize a tease this episode, courtesy of the director. I'm not giving any definite label to anyone in the story. To begin with, I think the Reina x Kumiko ship is doomed to sink, regardless of how sweet that pair could be. Though that thought comes more from anime statistics rather than an analysis of the narration. As far as the latter goes, I would think it could still go in several ways.

Anyway, that your diminutive brain can't distinguish between those who don't share your opinion and are forced to treat them as a single entity, it's not my problem. But you would do well trying not to group us all together.
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
May 27, 2015 9:00 PM

Oct 2013
Well Reina and Kumiko developed their relationship pretty far from the time spent on the mountain. And the auditions are here
May 27, 2015 10:47 PM

Nov 2007
zetsubousei_hero said:
I'm only here for Kousaka.

My favourite girl is Kumiko. I tend to like girls like her IRL.

gsninja said:
Hongu said:
...realize how sudden and out of place the gay moments were, especially considering the novels play up Kumiko x Shuichi much more.

Sudden? Out of place? The anime legit built up for this moment. And if you read the novels, you should know as well as anyone else that KyoAni isn't exactly 100% faithful

Both had hints throughout the anime so neither of them is sudden. The Shuuichi ship was almost ready to sail as soon as he was identified as someone who used to call her ugly (that's from The Boy Who Liked The Girl ver. Japan ). It was then set up for a turbulence by the shape of Hazuki's interest yet it settled down rather quickly. The other ship sailed around the time when the two girls met at dusk and further hint was given on the train ride that involved a discussion on a certain Asuka-senpai and a stunning beauty caught sitting close by. I could be wrong but, no matter how I look at it, the latter looks more like a bait than a ship that will sail any farther. This is also because of Kyoto Animation. They seem to like keeping it grey, which I don't mind.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
May 27, 2015 11:00 PM
Jan 2014
Hongu said:
The yuri baiting is real. The sales skyrocketed after this episode. KyoAni really know how to pander to their target audiences.
Unfortunately for them, not everyone is a mouthbreathing /u/-tard and realize how sudden and out of place the gay moments were, especially considering the novels play up Kumiko x Shuichi much more.

I don't understand this comment. In the show it is clear that Kumiko is attracted (romantic or not) to Reina from the beginning. There's have been some tension between them since the start. In the SunFes episode, when her friend from middle school told her to meet their other friends, Kumiko stared at Reina in a different way (the animation was different) from the way she stared at her friends. Add to that blushes and stuff.

I really can't imagine KyoAni really going all the way with yuri, but episode 8 wasn't out of nowhere, the chemistry between them was pretty well done. And your last comment about the LN doesn't make sense, KyoAni changed some things because they can and the anime doesn't have to have the same story if they don't want it. They have changed many things in other animes too.

Anyway, whatever happens now, this episode was really well done. I would like to see Kumiko x Reina develop for real, because their scenes together had a lot of chemistry and romantic undertones that anyone can see. It's been a while since I seen such chemistry between two anime characters, let alone yuri. I think that was KyoAni intention, whether or not they decide to go that way. But yeah, most likely they won't go that way. Grey area is more possible.
carolins232May 27, 2015 11:03 PM
May 27, 2015 11:29 PM
Dec 2013
This episode made this show go from meh to good.
May 28, 2015 12:15 AM

May 2011
BTW, as with most Kyoani shows. The places are mostly real points of interest in Japan.

Daikichiyamafuchi Park, Uji, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan

It's the mountain and two shrines that Reina and Kumiko hiked.

I'm figuring Reina and Kumiko's relationship with never come to a full blown fruition. It's Kyoani. They don't even show kisses unless it's accidental. However, I do understand their meeting and friendship is vary "kismet" in nature. Even if it's merely platonic. You definitely sense their attraction to each other is rather otherworldly.
May 28, 2015 12:16 AM

Jan 2014
what a truly outstanding episode
May 28, 2015 12:42 AM

Apr 2015
Ajunky said:
Imeon said:

Spoiler? Hah! Did I said sometime that is true? Lucky me! Derogatory? You shipper are the ones guilty of it. Labeling anime girls as lesbians out of subtext and without CONCRETE BASIS.
I see, you don't know the novels, that makes it clear then...

You talk about concrete basis and yet state own assumptions as facts. You really can't see how much of an imbecile you are, can you?

But of course, it's impossible for a girl to have a goal of her own, it has all gotta be about impressing a strong man... Reina defended the teacher? then of course she is in love with him, what else could it be? admiration? recognition of someone who is as passionate about music as she is? nah... She is later seen practicing hard? it's cause she want him to notice her. Before she only played the trumpet to kill time, now she has a real reason >_> (In case it isn't clear, this paragraph is ridden with sarcasm)

And so, you accuse others of projecting their own bias... Is your proposition that finding a fallacy in someone else's argument makes yours true by default? Does it exclude you of presenting you own CONCRETE BASIS?

BTW, I only recognize a tease this episode, courtesy of the director. I'm not giving any definite label to anyone in the story. To begin with, I think the Reina x Kumiko ship is doomed to sink, regardless of how sweet that pair could be. Though that thought comes more from anime statistics rather than an analysis of the narration. As far as the latter goes, I would think it could still go in several ways.

Anyway, that your diminutive brain can't distinguish between those who don't share your opinion and are forced to treat them as a single entity, it's not my problem. But you would do well trying not to group us all together.

Hayst, thank God the internet's back.

Woah, somebody is accusing me of being homophobic again.

Sorry, but for your disappointment, well, no, of course.

I been watching and reading a couple of yuri anime and manga, for a long time that's why I confident of my judgement.
By the way, why are they yuri? BECAUSE THEY ARE TAGGED AS YURI in the first place.

I'm not a novel reader yet I claim that I have CONCRETE FACTS? HOW? Let's see. I'll ask you something.

How did one knew that Sakura Trick is Yuri?
How did we knew that Akuma no Riddle is yuri?
How are yuri anime became known as yuri in the first place?
You telling me that you don't ask yourself if something you are to read or watch is about yuri or not?

Let's check the genre of the original sources and compare it with the anime: They're both, slice-of-life, comedy and Musical.

Oops I don't see yuri or shoujo-ai there.

Get real! That is the concrete basis I'm talking about. You can hope that the tags will change but I doubt it will ever change, since this is Kyoani. ITS JUST BAIT.

I have yuri goggles myself but I don't trust it when used in non-yuri anime. It'll only break your heart and left you bitter.

Case close.
May 28, 2015 12:49 AM

Aug 2011
FINALLY an episode I can say that was truly fantastic.
That ending with them playing together was fucking magical and Reina just swooped in an nabbed best girl spot for me after this episode.
May 28, 2015 12:59 AM

Mar 2013
Imeon said:
straggy said:

Uh, did you even watch the episode?

A confession of love is always romantic. No one confesses that they love someone platonically and the term "confession" in anime is always used to mean confessing romantic love specifically. Midori even says "You have to confess!" to Hazuki in the same context. So please, keep grasping for those straws.

If it was a guy who said that to another guy, it would have looked like a joke, right? Reina is obviously teasing Kumiko. She knows Kumiko came with her out of mistake because of Shuichi. It's a good time for Reina to tell Kumiko her feelings (not romantically). She's telling Kumiko how she's drawn to Kumiko because of her personality and how she wanted to be special trumpet player. Why? Because of sensei.

lol, what? No, it wouldn't look like a joke if you looked at someone with a straight face and said you were confessing your love for them, told them why, continued to keep a straight face, and then never said you were joking. How on Earth does that look like a joke? What sort of messed up alternative universe have you secretly been living in where that's a joke?

And what? Sensei? Because, what? Because she said he was a good teacher? LMAO, wow. Wowww. I guess you've never wanted to stick up for a teacher that's getting shit for trying to do their job, huh? That's going out of their way to help kids that are throwing it back in their face? She never mentioned him for the entire fucking scene either, holy shit.

Then god, there's just this entire line.

You guys forgot the scene where Kumiko was so uneasy and awkward with Shuichi looking at her! It's there!

Listen, I don't know what sorta relationships you've been looking at, but Kumiko barely likes Shuichi platonically, let alone romantically. She made excuses not to go to the festival with him, looked at him like he was a weirdo and said "huh?" when he tried to ask her out, ignored him purposefully when he tried to greet her casually and then looked annoyed when he came over to speak to her regardless. They're childhood friends not in the "close their entire lives" way, but the "we've been in the same classes/clubs for years, walk home in the same direction, but aren't really much more than that" way. If they were the same sex, I'm sure that'd be horrifically clear to you, but of course, a girl and a boy can't be in the same scene without being in love, but two girls can blush and declare their love explicitly and it's a "joke" and "not serious", right?

Hell, if you really wanna reach at this uneasy and awkward thing then you've obviously never seen a girl in this sort of situation. People always do exactly what you're doing and assume that if you talk to a boy at all, you're flirting with him and like him. This is not only bullshit but is incredibly embarrassing to go through! It makes you feel awkward as hell, not because you actually like him, but because you're constantly thinking "people will take this the wrong way" in the back of your mind if you ever even mention him ever again. This is especially the case for Kumiko when she knows Hazuki likes him and doesn't want to hurt her feelings, even when these assumptions are wrong. That's why she's shuffling and adamantly denying it - she cares for Hazuki and is embarrassed that people are so WRONG about her intentions.

You analyze too much of a Kyoani animation. Regarding your argue that "she touch her lips" to tell you something. Touching other girls lips isn't unusual. Maybe you never saw it in real life but I seen it and it's all for teasing or a joke between friends. Should I claim they're lesbians just because of that? That's pretty much insulting.

Lesbian's an insult? Ok, thank you for the homophobia, bye.

"confession of love" is not unusual to be used as a joke between close friends. I did it a couple of times myself. And it's funny.

Yeah, but you do it whilst LAUGHING. You SAY IT'S A JOKE. You don't say it seriously and not own up to it, even if someone asks. Kousaka didn't deny these feelings at all for the entire scene and then felt Kumiko's lips in a specifically caring way whilst, again, not joking. There's also the fact that Kousaka isn't a jokey character at all, which I already mentioned and you completely ignored because it messes with your awful logic lmfao.

You're just over taken by the scene and the animation and started to make assumptions based on genture. Again, unless, we see these two actually kiss, it's not. Besides, there is a guy there who is IN LOVE WITH HER. WHO GAVE HER AWKWARD FEELINGS. THE SAME FEELINFS why she MADE A MISTAKE in going with REINA.

Ok so, not only did most of this sentence not make sense, but you're saying this won't work unless they kiss? With a studio that never has the main pairing, no matter how obvious they are, kiss? Can you spell bias at all?
May 28, 2015 1:08 AM
Nov 2014
I have to confess I never expected this anime to be so good !

For the first time in years the relationships in a KyoAni anime have this ambiguous feel, like there's room for lots of evolution.

Wonderful episode with amazing image quality (esp the night scenes) and interesting character interactions (Katou and Tsukamoto, Fumiko and Reina)

The Goto couple is so cute ! =)

Asuka and Ponytail-sempai still adorable, btw ponytail-Reina was very beautiful.
May 28, 2015 1:10 AM

Apr 2015
straggy said:
Imeon said:

If it was a guy who said that to another guy, it would have looked like a joke, right? Reina is obviously teasing Kumiko. She knows Kumiko came with her out of mistake because of Shuichi. It's a good time for Reina to tell Kumiko her feelings (not romantically). She's telling Kumiko how she's drawn to Kumiko because of her personality and how she wanted to be special trumpet player. Why? Because of sensei.

lol, what? No, it wouldn't look like a joke if you looked at someone with a straight face and said you were confessing your love for them, told them why, continued to keep a straight face, and then never said you were joking. How on Earth does that look like a joke? What sort of messed up alternative universe have you secretly been living in where that's a joke?

And what? Sensei? Because, what? Because she said he was a good teacher? LMAO, wow. Wowww. I guess you've never wanted to stick up for a teacher that's getting shit for trying to do their job, huh? That's going out of their way to help kids that are throwing it back in their face? She never mentioned him for the entire fucking scene either, holy shit.

Then god, there's just this entire line.

You guys forgot the scene where Kumiko was so uneasy and awkward with Shuichi looking at her! It's there!

Listen, I don't know what sorta relationships you've been looking at, but Kumiko barely likes Shuichi platonically, let alone romantically. She made excuses not to go to the festival with him, looked at him like he was a weirdo and said "huh?" when he tried to ask her out, ignored him purposefully when he tried to greet her casually and then looked annoyed when he came over to speak to her regardless. They're childhood friends not in the "close their entire lives" way, but the "we've been in the same classes/clubs for years, walk home in the same direction, but aren't really much more than that" way. If they were the same sex, I'm sure that'd be horrifically clear to you, but of course, a girl and a boy can't be in the same scene without being in love, but two girls can blush and declare their love explicitly and it's a "joke" and "not serious", right?

Hell, if you really wanna reach at this uneasy and awkward thing then you've obviously never seen a girl in this sort of situation. People always do exactly what you're doing and assume that if you talk to a boy at all, you're flirting with him and like him. This is not only bullshit but is incredibly embarrassing to go through! It makes you feel awkward as hell, not because you actually like him, but because you're constantly thinking "people will take this the wrong way" in the back of your mind if you ever even mention him ever again. This is especially the case for Kumiko when she knows Hazuki likes him and doesn't want to hurt her feelings, even when these assumptions are wrong. That's why she's shuffling and adamantly denying it - she cares for Hazuki and is embarrassed that people are so WRONG about her intentions.

You analyze too much of a Kyoani animation. Regarding your argue that "she touch her lips" to tell you something. Touching other girls lips isn't unusual. Maybe you never saw it in real life but I seen it and it's all for teasing or a joke between friends. Should I claim they're lesbians just because of that? That's pretty much insulting.

Lesbian's an insult? Ok, thank you for the homophobia, bye.

"confession of love" is not unusual to be used as a joke between close friends. I did it a couple of times myself. And it's funny.

Yeah, but you do it whilst LAUGHING. You SAY IT'S A JOKE. You don't say it seriously and not own up to it, even if someone asks. Kousaka didn't deny these feelings at all for the entire scene and then felt Kumiko's lips in a specifically caring way whilst, again, not joking. There's also the fact that Kousaka isn't a jokey character at all, which I already mentioned and you completely ignored because it messes with your awful logic lmfao.

You're just over taken by the scene and the animation and started to make assumptions based on genture. Again, unless, we see these two actually kiss, it's not. Besides, there is a guy there who is IN LOVE WITH HER. WHO GAVE HER AWKWARD FEELINGS. THE SAME FEELINFS why she MADE A MISTAKE in going with REINA.

Ok so, not only did most of this sentence not make sense, but you're saying this won't work unless they kiss? With a studio that never has the main pairing, no matter how obvious they are, kiss? Can you spell bias at all?

Let's just watched the last episode because it'll go there unless they go for an open ending for this season, well it's 1 of 4 books after all.

If all your overly logical explanations aka analyses, proved to be ALL wrong, I'll not laugh..... I'll just smile. "I love you Kyoani."

I'll stop here since, it'll go around again. Let's talk about episode 9, when Kumiko learn of Hazuki's rejection. Let's see how Kumiko reacts.

Homophobes, LOL, that's the third times. So funny still.
RPSB9May 28, 2015 2:19 AM
May 28, 2015 1:12 AM
Nov 2014
rabujoi said:
Now THAT, ladies and gentleman, is how it's done. All hail KyoAni. (...)So...what will she do now?

Exactly ! who the hell said KyoAni = shows for kids ?
Hibike is the bug surprise of this summer, and I already hope that they'll do a second season.
May 28, 2015 1:37 AM

Jul 2012
This Week Kumiko-Chan:
"Kumiko ha... Warukunai..." 07:48
And Yet,..
"Nanka Eroi..." 15:13
May 28, 2015 2:07 AM
Jul 2018
I’m so glad this got resolved quickly, I didn’t expect her to confess immediately though. Kohaku was adorable, especially that hug with Hazuki in the end. Reina and Kumiko bonding was nice to see as well.

Auditions next time!! I can’t wait!
May 28, 2015 3:19 AM

Jun 2013
This show is amazing! Best episode so far

Knew how this love triangle was gonna go down ever since last episode. Poor Hazuki, Shuuichi obviously like his childhood friend, poor Shuuichi, Kumiko is obviously a lesbian.

KyoAni god tier scenery, especially with this obligatory festival episode.

Reina confirmed best girl. Lol at mini Sapphire
May 28, 2015 3:39 AM

Dec 2013
Imeon said:

Hayst, thank God the internet's back.

Woah, somebody is accusing me of being homophobic again.

Sorry, but for your disappointment, well, no, of course.

I been watching and reading a couple of yuri anime and manga, for a long time that's why I confident of my judgement.
By the way, why are they yuri? BECAUSE THEY ARE TAGGED AS YURI in the first place.

I'm not a novel reader yet I claim that I have CONCRETE FACTS? HOW? Let's see. I'll ask you something.

How did one knew that Sakura Trick is Yuri?
How did we knew that Akuma no Riddle is yuri?
How are yuri anime became known as yuri in the first place?
You telling me that you don't ask yourself if something you are to read or watch is about yuri or not?

Let's check the genre of the original sources and compare it with the anime: They're both, slice-of-life, comedy and Musical.

Oops I don't see yuri or shoujo-ai there.

Get real! That is the concrete basis I'm talking about. You can hope that the tags will change but I doubt it will ever change, since this is Kyoani. ITS JUST BAIT.

I have yuri goggles myself but I don't trust it when used in non-yuri anime. It'll only break your heart and left you bitter.

Case close.

Sorry to intrude on your little conflict, but to be perfectly straightforward: please state your proof. Where exactly is your source of information from?

All I've seen is the listing of a few well-known Yuri/Shoujo-Ai titles and a bunch of bull about why tags are tagged as such.

The fact that you seem to live and die by tags is a fatal flaw in itself. Tags were made and set by whom? And since when was it stated that a show without a certain tag would not also have elements that are outside of it's tags?

First off, please state your sources of information, because no matter how you argue, if you cannot back it up, then you won't be convincing anyone but yourself.

In the MAL pages, Sakura Trick is listed as Yuri, but Akuma is listed as Shoujo-Ai. That in itself is a world of difference.
To quote Wikipedia: "Western fans coined the term shōjo-ai to describe yuri without explicit sex. In Japan, the term shōjo-ai (少女愛?, lit. girl love) is not used with this meaning, and instead tends to denote pedophilia (actual or perceived), with a similar meaning to the term lolicon (Lolita complex)."

Looking up Wikipedia, both titles are listed as Yuri. However, considering that both sources (MAL and Wiki) can both be subject to editing by literally anyone with access to them, those tags could change at the drop of a hat. So just how reliable are they to be considered?

Hence I ask again, what exactly is your source?

Secondly, if you check the Yuri section under Wikipedia, they have two sets of lists, namely one with Yuri as a central element, and one with Yuri as a secondary element.
Now just for fun I went to the secondary list and picked out several titles which I distinctly remember as having Yuri or hints of "Shoujo-ai" in them. The genre which they are listed under their individual pages don't even mention Yuri or Shoujo-Ai. Let me list some examples:

Saki, practically an all girls cast with so much blushing and sighing that I don't know where to turn to at times :
Listed under "Sport" and nothing else (Even it's Japanese page as well)

Sabagebu, a show where the Mains are all girls and where one girl is explicitly trying to molest the MC at every turn:
Listed under "Comedy, Military (Airsoft), Slice of life"

Cross Ange, where we have girls getting it on together, in pairs, in threes, and in whatever other combinations that you can think of, in the bath, in bed, wherever:
Listed under just "Mecha" (Robot and Fantasy in Japanese)

What does this tell us?

Tags aren't everything. There are plenty of titles have Yuri elements and don't have the Yuri or Shoujo-Ai tag, it doesn't mean that the elements aren't there.

Hibike was tagged specifically for the main elements that revolves around it, that being, as you stated yourself: Slice-of-life, Comedy and Musical (there's more than two by the way).

Does this mean that this show doesn't have romance? Does this mean this show may or may not have other elements not mentioned under those stated tags?

You've been questioned or accused thrice in this thread alone as being homophobic, does that mean you fit the "tag"? You yourself deny it though.

Tags were made to allow ease of categorization, but ultimately tags were devised by people, and people all have different views and interpretations regarding even the same "tags".

Friendly word of advice, you really shouldn't confine yourself and your argument to just "Tags = the law", because that in itself is a fundamentally flawed concept.
May 28, 2015 4:11 AM

Aug 2010
KyoAni never disappoints! Triple hooray for KyoAni!
Well, there is "Free" but we can just omit it, right?
I love how Kumiko is portrayed in this show as a main character. Usually we get weird/special MCs (Rikka,Tamako, even Yui), but Kumiko is just your typical girl , average at everything. Not too shy, not too arrogant, not hyperactive, not emotionless... That's my type, and thank you KyoAni for guessing it right with the MC.
Damn that last scene with Kumiko and Reina was so hot. Made me grin like a Joker.
Overall the episode was superb (like any other episode). I wonder if Kumiko is going to reject Shuichi, or develop feelings for him. I'm OK with that. Gonna look cute.
May 28, 2015 4:36 AM

Apr 2015

Hayst, here we go again, just when I'm just finished saying I'll comment again after episode 9.

What proof do you want? A source that say's not all tags are true? well, if I can't, then can you proof to me if tagging can be always be wrong?

I never watched the other's that are not yuri except Ange.

Ange is one of my favorite so let's talk more about that. As far as I know that you hated Tusk more tha anyone else in the series and dismayed of what happened, Ange is never yuri. You don't need to teach me regarding yuri/shoujo=-ai as primary and secondary element etc, I knew already. Smart-kun

Ange was not tagged yuri coz the yuri only involves around the side characters. So it's rightfully tagged as not yuri.

When I talked about tags, it talks about the anime as a whole so quit using Ange maybe Saki as part of the argument. It's yuri if the MCs are into yuri. If not, then it's not. Simple as that

I'm not fond of using long lines and paragraph to prove something. I rely on common sense, based on what I see and how I analyze it. Yuri in this is all subtext that can't even be proven. As far I know and heard, it'll never be what you think it would be, same as you have done in Ange back then. HAhahah.

Let's just wait for the last episode ok? Because we both might look like idiots after all the logical defense we did and in the end , it did not go as we wanted it. Hehehe.. like what happened in Ange.. ahahahha.

Let's quite this talk, and wait. coz episode 9 will be far more interesting.. IMHO. Smart-kun.

Again episode 9.... next week.
RPSB9May 28, 2015 4:41 AM
May 28, 2015 4:40 AM

Apr 2015
Good anime.

At least it's better than doing eat cookies things in K-ON.
May 28, 2015 6:10 AM

Dec 2009
I was originally watching this for it's strange ability to make normal looking girls look incredibly cute. As well as mild interest in getting an inside story to band and orchestraic stuff in an anime/japan context...

But this episode was fantastic. I really wasn't expecting this much poeticness to the writing, and unusual interesting depths to characters. It is pretty delightful having unusually alive feeling characters. I'm particularly interested in Reina's character.

As i'm sure people have gone over and over, there definitely was yuri vibes from this episode haha.

(ps: why did all the people i met in school have to be so boring lol)
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
May 28, 2015 6:14 AM

Feb 2014
Best episode so far!
May 28, 2015 6:42 AM
Jun 2011
Imeon said:
Fangz said:

Remember the SunFes episode where everyone was dismissing their school, because of how terrible they were previously? And then they surprise them by doing something modern and new? Remember the genesis of this project, that it isn't a commercial contract, but a not-very-popular book the director picked up in a store and wanted to make an anime of?

The fact that people assume that Kyoani can't do this, is to me the reason why I think they are gonna. I think the crew are working on this with such passion, and putting so much love into something that cannot be as successful as their more famed works, because the show represents a way for Kyoani, like the band in the show, to prove themselves as something special. What's the point of a passion project otherwise? They've put their intentions - a lesbian original ending - very clearly on the blackboard, and there's no chickening out now.

Your sources?

Okay, details slightly wrong, it was the producer not the director, but still.

"I read a bit of the novel in a bookstore and decided to purchase it. As I continued to read, I felt myself getting pulled into the story. Since the 'High School Wind Music Club' theme was so fascinating and the location of the story was very near our company's location, I remember feeling like there should be a possibility that Kyoto Animation would animate this story. As I was thinking about approaching that, the producer for "Euphonium", (Eharu) Oohashi, was also thinking the same thing at the same time. (laughs) With that 'We have to have our company animate this!' feeling, we arrived at our plan. We presented our proposal to the publisher, Takarajimasha, gained their consent, and agreed to cooperate in various forms through the animation process."

And yeah, this is an unusual project for Kyoani. They are main producers this time and head the production committee, and also the production is unconnected to the novel publishers. There's no financial interest in selling copies of the novel.

Released in December 2013, Ayano Takeda's novel captured the interest of two producers at KyoAni, Eharu Oohashi and Riri Senami. They made a proposal and presented it to the publisher of the novel, Takarajimasha, who allowed them the rights to animate the novel. Again, this is unlike before. While KyoAni had adapted works from other publishers, they were either on the committee (Kadokawa) or the rights were requested by TBS. While the revenue sources aren't as large (due to not publishing the novel and owning copyrights), they still are larger than other productions.

tl;dr: In the past it's always been Kadokawa Shoten (the book publishers) calling the shots, as the rights holders, and the animes were primarily advertisements for the books/manga. Or they were commissioned to make a show by Tokyo Broadcasting System, the tv station. For Eupho, Kyoani actually hold entirely the rights, and if they end with a 'read the book to continue the story', they don't get a single cent from books sold - nobody on the production committee does. This means the Eupho anime is its own thing in a way the other Kyoani shows aren't. So there's much more freedom to deviate from the plot, if they choose.
FangzMay 28, 2015 6:55 AM
May 28, 2015 7:00 AM

Jun 2013
-What about Madoka Magica, MSLNanoha (even their seyuu are NanoFate shippers), Noir, El Cazador, and a lot more series, they're full of yuri subtext even if there are no kisses, so it's not "It isn't yuri until they share a kiss", Maria-sama is one of the most important yuri anime and the character don't kisses each other.-
Yuri isn't just about "Get a room you two!", even between real people can exist a lot of types of particular connection that are different from friendship, consider a pair yuri or not is a very personal thing.

However, I'm glad that KyoAni is putting all this queerbait, or whatever it is, in Hibike!, and I'm not talking about just episode 8, because the interactions between Reina and Kumiko have been awesome since ep1.

I don't care that much about what will happen with Shuuchi and Taki (ah, seems that he's 34, rly?), I'm just hoping that this beautiful connection between the two girls doesn't stop here (it would be a pity, even people who don't ship them are enjoying this, right?).
I think that the perfect ending for Euphonium would be an open end, ShuuichixKumiko in 4 or 5 episodes would be really out of nowhere (at least for Kumiko), and then a 2nd series.

KyoAni isn't stupid and won't do anything that can cause an audience's decrease making people disappointed.
The most important thing is that Hibike! continue to be as wonderful as it has been until now, that's all. Enjoy this show as much as you can. -And ReiMiko's shippers, remeber that Kristoff could do nothing to stop ElsAnna's shippers, that beautiful fandom has continued to love ElsaxAnna ignoring him.-

We are already at 8th episode and there haven't been a focus on Midori and Asuka, and we don't know what happend to Kumiko (the flashback), or why Reina has choosen Kitauji, argh. Too few episodes remains, and there is still a lot to do qwq I want a 2nd series already xD

(I suck at english, I'm trying to improve, so I'm sorry for grammar mistakes and all).
DoubledogMay 28, 2015 7:06 AM
May 28, 2015 7:22 AM

Apr 2014
One of the pleasant surprises this season. This is getting better and better. Conversation between Kumiko and Kousaka was magnificent. Never expected it to be that good.
May 28, 2015 8:04 AM
Oct 2010
Imeon said:
Let's check the genre of the original sources and compare it with the anime: They're both, slice-of-life, comedy and Musical.

Oops I don't see yuri or shoujo-ai there.

Get real! That is the concrete basis I'm talking about. You can hope that the tags will change but I doubt it will ever change, since this is Kyoani. ITS JUST BAIT.

I have yuri goggles myself but I don't trust it when used in non-yuri anime. It'll only break your heart and left you bitter.

Case close.
Like someone else said, tags are a rather weak proof, more so in a site where the ones putting them don't even need to know the source material.

That Kyoani is animating this is one of the "anime statistics" I'm talking about, but then a statistic will only point you to the most probable outcome, never to a definite answer. Not to mention that analysing the one making a work instead of the work itself is quite lamentable.

But regardless of that, you really are not reading what I'm writing. I'm not accusing you of being an homophobe, but a sexist. If you actually are reading well, I can only conclude that you think that if a woman is not a lesbian, then she is a weak person (or character) that needs a guy for guidance and purpose.

Even if we took the tags seriously, the lack of a "yuri" or "shoujo ai" tag does not imply a "male cauvinist pig" demography tag.

EDIT:Now that I think about it, excluding lesbians from the judgement would kinda make you a weird kind of sexist... Perhaps to depart from conventions of the term, "bigot towards heterosexual women" might be more descriptive.
AjunkyMay 28, 2015 8:35 AM
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
May 28, 2015 8:23 AM

Apr 2014
Kumiko and Shuichi get together in the latest volume. But we're only covering the first volume so it's not like we'll see it.
May 28, 2015 8:53 AM

Apr 2011
Moodie said:
Kumiko and Shuichi get together in the latest volume. But we're only covering the first volume so it's not like we'll see it.


May 28, 2015 9:28 AM

Mar 2013
Imeon said:
Homophobes, LOL, that's the third times. So funny still.

If three people called you a homophobe in the space of just a few days then you shouldn't be laughing, you should be stepping back and looking at why you're getting called that. You're obviously doing something homophobic, especially since some of the people (I know this for definite, since I'm one of them) that said it aren't straight.
May 28, 2015 9:38 AM

Dec 2013
Imeon said:

Hayst, here we go again, just when I'm just finished saying I'll comment again after episode 9.

What proof do you want? A source that say's not all tags are true? well, if I can't, then can you proof to me if tagging can be always be wrong?

I never watched the other's that are not yuri except Ange.

Ange is one of my favorite so let's talk more about that. As far as I know that you hated Tusk more tha anyone else in the series and dismayed of what happened, Ange is never yuri. You don't need to teach me regarding yuri/shoujo=-ai as primary and secondary element etc, I knew already. Smart-kun

Ange was not tagged yuri coz the yuri only involves around the side characters. So it's rightfully tagged as not yuri.

When I talked about tags, it talks about the anime as a whole so quit using Ange maybe Saki as part of the argument. It's yuri if the MCs are into yuri. If not, then it's not. Simple as that

I'm not fond of using long lines and paragraph to prove something. I rely on common sense, based on what I see and how I analyze it. Yuri in this is all subtext that can't even be proven. As far I know and heard, it'll never be what you think it would be, same as you have done in Ange back then. HAhahah.

Let's just wait for the last episode ok? Because we both might look like idiots after all the logical defense we did and in the end , it did not go as we wanted it. Hehehe.. like what happened in Ange.. ahahahha.

Let's quite this talk, and wait. coz episode 9 will be far more interesting.. IMHO. Smart-kun.

Again episode 9.... next week.

Woah...... someone really needs to learn reading, comprehension AND logical thinking.

Go back and read what I said in my previous post. I picked up examples and sources from both wiki and MAL to back up my argument that even different sites, who have different people writing their articles for them, have different criteria for judging the same subject (in this case, an anime). My point was and still is that you cannot base your argument of what an anime does or does not have simply based on tags, and that a tag for an anime does not mean it does not have any other elements and genres which were not tagged along with it.

You have been basing your arguments on the fact that "because it isn't tagged in the source (which you have yet to even provide to us here), thus it absolutely cannot have said element (in this case, the possibility of yuri) in the show. I simply pointed out to you that your argument is fatally flawed, kind of short-sighted, and I forgot to add quite subjective on your part.

You say you use common sense to analyze a show, and yet you fail time and again to elaborate and further your "common sense".

Going back to Ange, the example I used. IF you actually read and understood anything that I wrote in that anime's forum, you would understand my disdain for the male lead wasn't because I appreciated Yuri more than other genres. Nope, my issue with the show is that they utilized such a weak, useless male character who lacked development, was nothing short of a comedic train wreck who only knew how to trip and faceplant upon the female lead's conveniently naked crotch every three or four episodes, and took an unbelievable amount of inexplicable ass-pulls on the part of the director just to come back alive in the last two episodes "For Plots Sake". Essentially the beta whom you call Tusk was a detriment to the entire show, which was seriously awesome up until the point where he showed up.

As for the Yuri, which you keep on denying. There were so many blatant elements of girl-on-girl and girl-with-girl action in Cross Ange, I'm amazed how oblivious you seem to STILL be to it. The female lead was caught in compromising situations with other female characters numerous times, and in some instances initiated it. And yet you are denying what was probably 60% of the show on the basis that "In the end it was the beta male who got with the kickass female lead"? I can despair at your tunnel vision.

Considering the fact that Ange was tagged as Mecha, your "common sense" dictates that you deny every other genre which was in the show (including the Tragedy, the action, the fantasy, and I guess what ended up as a half-assed romance). To put it in simple terms for you to understand "That's pretty fucked up, man."

By the same argument, you placed Akuma no Riddle in the Yuri pile. Yet considering how the two main leads did nothing Yuri-like, and that all the "Yuri" tendencies and moments were dictated by the supporting characters (a point which you deny as having anything to do with the tag).
That doesn't hold up to your analysis basis, bar the fact that you are saying it is so simply because there's a Tag there that states it is so.
You state that both MC's have to be into Yuri for a show to be Yuri, and yet for Akuma no Riddle, neither MC was into the other like so. Neither Haru nor Tokaku were into one another in "That way". Tokaku viewed Haru as her purpose for survival (to protect her), and Haru's view was pretty much the same. They were intimately close to one another, but they weren't intimate WITH one another. In fact I would put their relationship on a similar level to the one Kumiko and Reina are developing. Then again, you would first have to state your personal definition of Yuri first before any comparisons could be made, now wouldn't you?

And why the heck should I have to wait till next episode for anything?
First of all, I'm not shipping anyone. In fact I stated my view pretty early on that this shipping stuff is ridiculous and I'm quite opposed to it.

Secondly, what would next episode, or heck even the end of this series, prove? Frankly, I don't give two damns about whether the romance elements are going to develop in one direction or the other. I don't mind Yuri, and I'm not opposed to decent male leads who can actually act like a proper male lead. Those two things aren't what I'm watching this show for anyway.

As such, whatever happens next episode, there's nothing I can be right or wrong about, because IF you actually read and understood what I was saying the first time around, I don't have an opinion on pointless "ships".

What I don't like about what's been happening in this forum, is the fact that people like you are creating a hostile, insulting and toxic atmosphere for the rest of us who simply want to enjoy the show as it was billed, and in your case "Tagged", to be: The Drama, Music and School elements. And no, Drama doesn't always equate to Romance (specifically since it wasn't "Tagged" like you so adamantly stick to). Frankly speaking, I like this show a lot for what it was "Tagged" to be, and I think it deserves more respect than to become some toxic "Shipping Battle" arena that you seem to be promoting.

Friendly word of advice: Learn to read, comprehend and actually analyze objectively and with an open mind, rather than spewing out mindless, trolling insults and acting like a turd. Being polite may actually take you places.

I could probably write up a mildly insulting post, but I really can't be bothered.

Have a nice day.
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