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Jan 5, 2014 7:11 AM
Aug 2013
Infinite said:
This reminds me of the finale of the first season so much. Anyway, I have a theory. IS's are magical, or something. I dunno, but that constant dream land is such a strange addition. I don't understand what the **** it means, why it's relevant or why it would be included as a feature in an IS.

So, little run down of points:

1) So Madoka wants to kill Chifuyu, okay, fine. However, is she simply unaware of the bomb on the train, or does she just not care? Maybe she wants to do it with her own hands?
2) "The system is being hijacked", wasn't it hijacked to start with? Like, isn't the entire situation a result of the train being hacked? Wut?
3) The banter between Kanzashi and the scorpion tailed IS yellow haired pilot person was absolutely shit. Like, the worst insults and comebacks, ever.
4) "There's a bomb on the train!" -> A timer appears out of nowhere on queue for no reason. It's like the bomb itself has said "okay, the jigs up, let's tell them how much time they have".
5) Why would you have a timer anyway in this day and age, just set it as a remote detonated device. Not exactly hard. Like, especially since they were kinda keeping the bomb a secret. How come it started timing when they recognised its existence? Does that mean that it would have been fine if they were ignorant of the bomb?
6) How come the IS's they have are so shit? Like, everyone else seems to have much better IS, and the army have the shittest IS ever. Like, they aren't even personalised. How can an army even casually send out ten IS's when there are less than half a thousand in the entire world?
7) The heat signature can recognise specific individuals, all whilst she spins around and around endlessly for no good reason, but then she isn't at all. Why is the camera spinning then when it's clearly not the thing searching? Why would it continue searching after it found it's intended target?
8 ) Army IS pilots cannot shoot for shit. ****, stationary targets are hard man!
9) Army IS pilots know not of the concept of dodging, evasion or maneuvering. Did they learn nothing in training?
10) "A mass of energy", otherwise known as... mass. Can't she figure out it's an IS? Also, it didn't shoot anything down, it laser sworded them.
11) "You are to stand by BECAUSE I SAY SO! I don't care if it doesn't make sense, I will tell you to do something later or summin".
12) All of the previous 11 points came within the first 5 minutes, including the OP sequence.
13) Cecilia and the angry enemy woman both know very little about dodging, fortunately they both can't shoot for shit either.
14) Oh wait, she does shoot 9 down with a massive beam cannon. Of course they don't think to dodge, or move, or shoot. They are literally just stood in place waiting to die.
15) "Aww shit, this train is about to be shot, I could start up my IS and defend the train, but that sounds like a hassle" - every girl on the train.
16) Casual block of the laser cannon. Like, if it's that easy to block then why bother dodging, how come that laser was able to mow down 10 IS instantly, but it doesn't even scratch Orimura's?
17) Why is Orimura being told about the bomb? He can do **** all to help, even if he wasn't been attacked. He couldn't do more than the people currently on the train at least.
18 ) "Please hold out until then" = "Please wait around on that ticking time bomb, even though you could all have flown to safety by now, or started doing something productive".
19) Why are cecilia and Houki coming to "help" when they haven't even dealt with the ****er that's assaulting them yet?
20) Wait, so the doors were locked? That's why they were waiting around? Right.... something doesn't seem right here.... Hmmm, it's almost like they could have just busted out the roof or something with an IS when this started.....
21) The one chasing Houki shoots in the direction of Houki, but not at Houki, but something past her which explodes. I don't know what this something is, and why it was so important to it took precedent over the stationary Houki, but whatever.
22) "A brother who can't protect his sister can't even be called a man!". Hmmm. Here I thought we lived in 2013, not the 20th century.....
23) Given that you spent so long in the train doing **** all, couldn't you have thought to run through the plan beforehand, so you didn't need to do it when time was really really tight?
24) How does she locate the bomb with hacking, or a computer in general? So the people who placed it made it a timed device, but made it so it produced signals? Wut?
25) Yeh, I can accept that Ichika would be stupid/shocked enough to forget about the enemy right behind him because of the explosion.... but what about Houki and Cecilia who were there watching her shoot him? What were they doing? They are like 5 meters away as well (all of a sudden, since when were they there?). They actually want him to die don't they?
26) This happened last season in the finale (Ichika being knocked out and going to magical land). It kind of takes the tension away when they go through the exact same routine all over.
27) Cecilia, the long range IS pilot, challenges the other pilot from point blank. Probably needs that range in order to hit. Oh wait, she moved further away in a different shot, without moving....
28) Ichika's IS didn't explode, but all of the army IS units did, why? In fact his unit looks fine considering he just got shot in the back point blank. Did she miss the easy shot on purpose?
29) She keeps grabbing their faces and using it as a leverage point to fling their entire IS unit into the ground. How heavy is the IS? It looks pretty heavy, at least 300 kg. Think about the amount of strain that Cecilia's neck would have to endure in order to be able to swing the IS around whilst grabbing her head. If that didn't rip her head off, she'd have a broken neck. Why is Cecilia still alive?
30) So Charlotte managed to surprise Madoka with her appearance even though she appeared in front of her, but Laura didn't think to take her rear by surprise. She could have ended it right then and there. Also another casual block of the cannon. Also Laura, don't scream if you are trying to surprise her. Maybe you weren't going for surprise, I dunno your German tactics.
31) Ichika is in the magical mystery land, again. What the **** is the magical land? Houki has magical tears?
32) 10 o'clock is so ****ing stupid when you're fighting in 3 dimensions. Plus doesn't the IS have a tracking system anyway? It can apparently find specific people by their heat signatures from 500m easily, but an enemy IS? Nope, no luck, have to tell each other. More to the point, who's 10 o'clock? In IS battles where you are constantly turning and spinning, 10 o'clock one second ago would mean another direction fraction of a second later.
33) Mountain Storm is shit.
34) Dream land is a bizarre place that makes no sense. Like literally what the **** is this whole dream sequence shit? He sees his older sister, but then it goes black, starts killing him but he prays to the lady with white hair and shit's cool? Wut?
35) Cecilia regained consciousness? That was fast. Why is she blowing up streets?
36) How come there are no cars.... oh wait, this battle has being going on for over half an hour now I suppose..... no parked cars though?
37) Lots of buildings with lights on, meaning they are at home. God, so many must have die- oh wait no buildings were hit. Miraculous. In a huge city with packed buildings in all directions, a massive gun fight in the sky above lasting a significant amount of time has no stray bullets that hit any buildings.
38 ) Oh wait shit, they just crushed some poor guy's house, oh wait, several. So projectiles missed, but IS's can hit them? Got it. Like the OP shockwave move.
39) Kanzaki unveils a laser cannon as if it had been there since forever. Did she know that this was going to happen all along, and that the train would stop at that exact place? ****ing genius!
40) She somehow only grazes with the huge beam cannon.
41) Ichika uses his deus ex machina move.
42) His dues ex machina move is shit.
43) All the girls just left the other one to go save Madoka. They were like "**** this I'm done already".
44) Houki appears without a sound, out of nowhere. She also starts saying "Phantom Task escaped" as she stands there, letting them escape.
45) It turns out the reason the student's IS's are so shit is because the maker of them is an asshole. She and her white haired buddy like shit stirring the entire world for some reason.
46) "Oh look, the signs are on the wrong way round, let's not check to make sure there aren't any men or women already in the baths!".
47) Zero causalities. SEEMS LEGIT. Must have been no one in the buildings that the IS's destroyed by being shockwaved into them.
48 ) They don't really seem too bothered by Phantom Task all things considered. They kind of treat it like an annoying kid that bothers them every so often rather than an actual serious threat when they speak of it in hindsight. "Such a bothersome day". Maybe the subbers fault. I doubt it.
49) I suppose it isn't Infinite Stratos if they don't close on a fanservice scene.
50) Ichika faints, sinks under the water, travels unnoticed all the way over to the girls underwater, then suddenly resurfaces, all whilst he's unconscious.


Well I liked the ED sequence sped up by 1.28 times. It's a lot more likely.

Let's see, score.... 3.

Jan 6, 2014 9:15 PM

Sep 2012
Well, I expected that the ending was going to be forced, seeing as how almost all of this series was devoted to harem.

And holy shit I only just now realized that Tabane is Harime Nui...
So long as you yourself enjoy it, what does the thoughts of others matter to you?
Jan 10, 2014 8:28 AM

Nov 2010
The final episode delivered, most of the budget went here I guess
Honestly you could have jumped right here after finishing the first season and skipped what was shown before if you didn't like the corny harem/fanservice and lukewarm battles
Jan 10, 2014 11:33 AM

Nov 2009
Madoka shooting down all those IS from the army like an overpowered gundam, are you serious?

I liked the introduction of the president and her sister, but I would've at least preferred some kind of development with the 5 original girls... This was seriously hard to watch that I just couldn't stop cringing every single episode. So much useless crap that could have been replaced with scenes that's actually related with the plot to improve and make this season so much better. 5/10.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Infinite said:

41) Ichika uses his deus ex machina move.
42) His dues ex machina move is shit.

I lost it when I got to this point in your whole comment, HAHAHAHAHA XDDD
You can have another award from me too!
MagicFlierJan 12, 2014 2:07 AM
Jan 12, 2014 1:52 AM

Jan 2011
Second season was definitely worse than the first one. Significant drop in quantity and quality of battle and action scenes, and plot was pretty much nonexistent as it just focused on harems.

Disappointing, but was still somewhat entertaining.
Jan 14, 2014 5:49 AM

Aug 2011
A lot more fan service in place of plot compared to the first season but still an enjoyable experience. Loved Sarashiki as one of the new characters but the story didn't really go anywhere in the end. 5/10.
Jan 19, 2014 3:54 AM

Dec 2009
An average show. Only the last minutes of this episode raised my score from 5 to 6/10.
Jan 20, 2014 7:04 PM
Feb 2011
God this was a horrible episode! It was like most other action anime with a new coat of paint... Who did NOT see that coming.... Bad guys in these anime are all complete idiots lol.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein Except in this case noone wants something different. =(

A third season will be... Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me fool me three times... I should probably off myself.
Jan 20, 2014 8:02 PM

Sep 2013
I go to see the girls again plus new ones and that's all that really matters. 9/10

People that are complaining about no deaths and plot are f*ing stupid brain dead idiots, there is obviously gonna be a season 3 so they're not using all the light novel material and if the girls die the franchise is as good as dead, good god how can people be this stupid.
Jan 20, 2014 9:07 PM

Sep 2013
Forgetfulness said:
Personally, I think they could/should have just done what it did in S1: not have a plot because it sucks anyway and just focus on the girls. It feels like this season, a lot of the girls lost their personalities and just try to seduce Ichika all the time/get mad at him

If you have more girls then less screen time they get, madoka and the sisters should be the last ones and a 12 episode season is to little to do any development with so many girls.
Jan 28, 2014 3:03 AM
Jan 31, 2014 8:59 AM

Feb 2011
Such an open and meh ending can only indicate that a third season will be made.

Feb 5, 2014 8:34 AM

Aug 2010
From season 1, it is followed by season 2 two years after....

Art is improved, music only a little bit and battle scene are just the same. I just want to see that dumb Ichika and all his denseness towards the girls and also all that jealous girl scenes really made me lol in each episode.

Personally I think this should just end with a blockbuster OVA (hopefully with a rating of 10/10) so we could just move on with another anime although I would still welcome a third season if ever.
Feb 13, 2014 8:53 PM

Jan 2013
UnbornMVs said:
Such an open and meh ending can only indicate that a third season will be made.


Season 3? LOL yea no this anime buried itself with the 2nd season.
Feb 18, 2014 7:57 AM

May 2013
a low 7/10 and its for the sake of Charlotte who has always been the light to this show (6.5 to be precise)

laura and cecilis is also cute, but the story line was bad for me - -''

boring, i kept watching this for the sake of Charlotte
Apr 3, 2014 8:52 AM
Apr 2013
great serie

give more seasons would like to know more about phantom and the sister
Apr 3, 2014 9:03 AM
Mar 2014
Anyone that can explain me one thing.
Why did the IS activated when the main character touched it.... What is with the Byakuski and what is tabane bad or a good person
Apr 6, 2014 7:18 AM

Aug 2010
R.I.P. anime.

This was the single worst work of fiction that I ever had the misfortune of encountering in my entire life. Everything about it was wrong; raping, killing and then defiling the grave of intelligence and creativity. Every single overused trope and cliché thrown into a malfunctioning bender that we have seen played out in the exact same fashion a million times over. It wasn't so bad it was good, it was so bad that it looped back into 'something like this shouldn't even exist' category. There was a nice scene with Laura and Char in the first episode and then Laura sleeping in her cat outfit. 2/10.
Apr 26, 2014 9:21 PM

Jan 2013
I expected Ichika to finish with Madoka...
However it was a good ending,could have been better.
So that girl is Ichika's Buyakushki (IS),i'm glad that he made it.I'm still trying to understand why Madoka wants to kill Chifuyu.
Tatenashi is so strong.WOW
Poor Ichika,he can hear them but can't see,i understand why he was "hot" there :D Everyone on his place would have fainted too :D
I hope there will be another season.Don't know how much i will give this season,8 or 9 probably because i've become a really big fan of IS but i enjoyed the first season more (gave it 10),at least i saw there more girls (Laura,Charlotte,Houki,Rin,Cecilia),i hope they won't forget about them in the next episode as they did with this one after episode 5.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

May 6, 2014 12:07 PM
May 2012
Woah woah woah, who is that girl?!?!?! The one inside Ichika's dream and the one with Tabane??? I think it's the same person.
Well, it's an alright last episode; the fight scenes were awesome. Ichika was hilarious at the end suddenly floating like that ahahaha.
I enjoyed this season 2 as it is, season 1 was better though, I enjoyed it much more.
I think they will make a season 3, just look at this episode. If they will make a season 3, I will watch it again for the girls ahahaha.
I guess I'll watch the OVAs tomorrow, gotta sleep already because of school, and my chest suddenly started hurting =_= Thank you ^^
May 9, 2014 6:37 PM

Nov 2013
Ckan said:
Well that was atrocious.

I think it sums up the whole show quite well !

Poor story + tons of cliche + no creativity whatsoever.

1/10 and I feel generous.
May 25, 2014 8:02 AM

Dec 2013
That cliff hanger ending.
Jun 5, 2014 10:30 AM

Oct 2013
I'm a bit confused and disappointed at the same time, i didn't expected the ending would be like that, i'm not even sure that infinite stratos has a plot in it, well it does but i think this show accentuate the fan service aspect than the plot it self, and i really hate the protagonist, i mean how could Ichika be so stupid ? This Blockhead Ichika doesn't even know what's going on with those girls around him, the story line is vague, there's no conclusion, and lack of resolution of the main charater, but still Hanazawa Kana did a great job as the seiyuu of Charlotte, it'd be great if Ichika ended up with Charl <3

Overall score 7/10, wouldn't mind for the 3rd season
Jun 25, 2014 10:39 AM

Aug 2011
> Seen all those people explode
> Zero Casualties


2/10 this series should be grateful that I even finished it
This series should've been purely about Char amd Laura adventures like ep 1
Jul 10, 2014 9:44 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
Thar was a pretty dull way to end the show. Not explaining how Madoka came into the equation or more about Phantom Task.

The battle scenes were ok, bath scene was pretty good too.

Jul 11, 2014 12:30 PM

May 2014
Disappointing. Lets say the first half of the series was good ... but the second half was really dumb, boring and useless. In the end we found out that Ichika is just as dense and stupid as he shows (not just pretending to be with a good reason ... like Kodaka, for example).

If there will be a season 3 I just hope it will be better ... because I really like the characters (excepting Ichika) and I think they deserve something better than this.

Finally Tatenashi is added to the harem. ED with all the characters. That was nice.
Hibiki07Jul 12, 2014 9:37 AM
Aug 7, 2014 4:46 AM

Jan 2012
So... that happened.
What a way to end the season, I'm not sure how to
feel about that ending.

It's obvious their planning on a third season or sequel of
some caliber, but I'm not sure if I can sit through more
pointless harem skits and hope for some answers to the
many unanswered questions.

I doubt Ichika will ever actually choose a girl
so I'm just gonna imagine this > after the spa incident
he started going out with Charl, defeated the bad guys
and eventually grew some balls... ah, such a happy end!
Aug 26, 2014 8:16 AM

Sep 2012
It was an OK season.
Aug 29, 2014 6:54 PM

Jun 2012
Vooo said:
UnbornMVs said:
Such an open and meh ending can only indicate that a third season will be made.


Season 3? LOL yea no this anime buried itself with the 2nd season.

Ummm, no....
It sold really well, like really really well.
Sep 16, 2014 10:18 PM
Sep 2014
Skullk1d28 said:
So... that happened.
What a way to end the season, I'm not sure how to
feel about that ending.

It's obvious their planning on a third season or sequel of
some caliber, but I'm not sure if I can sit through more
pointless harem skits and hope for some answers to the
many unanswered questions.

I doubt Ichika will ever actually choose a girl
so I'm just gonna imagine this > after the spa incident
he started going out with Charl, defeated the bad guys
and eventually grew some balls... ah, such a happy end!

I like your thinking.. lets board the Charl train.
Sep 17, 2014 8:58 PM
Sep 2014
I still wonder what is Tanabe's role in all this. Seems that she is the trigger for everything
Oct 3, 2014 7:41 PM
Jul 2012
Well, there will be an OVA. It takes place after the fight with the Phantom Task. Ichika better not disappoint me in the upcoming OVA with him being dense and dumb. Or I might will go see High School DxD and Sekirei again. That boy must make a move without any setbacks (like he did with Houki after he saved Laura on ep 8 on the first season),or else he will be a pathetic loser who can't get a single date.
Chaos-ZeroOct 3, 2014 8:46 PM
Oct 20, 2014 10:49 AM

Feb 2012
To say that I had some expectations or noble reasoning for watching this show would be a lie. I had this faint hope it'd be better on the ecchi front and maybe that the MC-kun would actually be useful, at least when it came to combat, but meh... I give it 4 faps/10, which is probably too generous.
Oct 27, 2014 7:29 PM

Dec 2009
At least there was nonstop action finally.....

Tatenashi not put into the Ending song until episode 12? I'm disappoint.
Nov 28, 2014 3:35 AM

Dec 2008
1054 sure there will be a 3rd season, cause this just went nowhere beyond the academy...except for the lil school trip....kinda average....some bare breasts in the beginning of the season but that is jus...w/ OH well they cant all be gems. 6/10
Dec 11, 2014 12:35 AM

Mar 2014
Definitely Rubbish, nothing were explained.. Even no Information about Madoka Orimura and the phantom task,... Definitely waste of time,... Season 3 ? I hope they will explain everything or please,no another season...
Dec 14, 2014 3:04 PM

Jul 2014
I'm not sure what I just watched. Season 1 was pretty decent, the animation and the world were really great so I enjoyed it - MC was annoying but it wasn't so bad because for half the season girls were getting introduced one at a time so it was hard to notice.

This season though... wow. It took an entire 12 episodes to basically tell us there is a sister named Madoka, Bunny girl is very strong but helps Madoka for some reason as if everything is a game, and ... was that it? Badass student council president that nobody knew of the entire first season (though I really enjoyed her character). I don't know I feel like this entire season could have been condensed into like two or three episodes to begin a REAL story.

I watched it to the end because I was hoping at least to get a reveal on Madoka's story, or Chifuyu's past, maybe even what was up with Ichika's "dream" everytime he almost dies. I wish he just died there at the end
Dec 20, 2014 11:53 AM

Sep 2014
Didn't really liked how that season ended on a cliffhanger but I hope for 3rd season and maybe give me some closure. Other than that I feel the season was good but at the same time it was very corny. 8/10

"Honestly... it kinda doesn't matter where I go... whether I'm alive or dead... I'm still pretty dandy."
Dec 23, 2014 8:12 PM

Feb 2013
Zero casualties? Bullshit! Did they not see all those soldiers get slaughtered?! Definitely felt incomplete. Tatenashi is in the ED too. I thought I wan't gonna like Tatenashi but I did. Time to watch the OVA. Hopefully there's a season 3. There's soem stuff tha needs to be explained like who was with Tabane?
Dec 24, 2014 5:34 AM

Aug 2014
i don't understand this episode :3 ... I hate the ending drift :3
but it's just my opini ...
over all episode "nice" :D
Dec 24, 2014 6:51 AM

Jan 2012
lol @ ppl getting butthurt watching this expecting lots of plot

the whole purpose of this anime is to get your dick rock hard, and it easily accomplishes that

feel bad for you girls and beta males with no dink though...
Mar 2, 2015 5:44 AM
Jul 2011
I Love this Episode But The Pilot of The Silver Gospel Still An Mystery So I Super Hope that Natasha Fairs Is Going To Show Up In Season 3 Of Infinite Stratos.
Mar 15, 2015 3:12 PM
Sep 2014
This season is weaker than season 1 comedy wise but it did shine with story progression and action. MC is still a pussy and dumb as fuck with 0 character development from episode one of season one. He is still afraid of girls in all girl school, arghhh, even though i should be used to this type of MC, i still get irritated. While this season had some good scenes where i had a good laugh, it was basically textbook harem cliche ( yep, open bath woman - man sign mixing, why would someone mix that and why did they even add that useless scene ) . Well, i guess ill look forward for next since i got really interested in story, i wonder who is Madoka and that girl at the end.
Mar 18, 2015 8:17 PM

Nov 2013
Good episode and season finale, the only thing I don't like is how Phantom Task is overpowered. Hovewer we should take to account that national representatives of several countries are against them so it's okay, hovewer Tabane playing her game and making PT stronger is annoying. I guess she just wants to train Aka Tsubaki and Byakushiki but I'm mad at her, she's too reckless.

PS I read review where someone says that M destroyed military forces but weak Ichika handled M but don't forget that "weak" Ichika is relatively weak compared to best of the best and his level is still higher than average military combatant's level. Military forces in general are weaker than unique IS like Blue Tears or Aka Tsubaki that was made by Tabane herself and is 4th generation IS and therefore is the most powerful and advanced IS in the anime.

flaxman85 said:
lol @ ppl getting butthurt watching this expecting lots of plot

the whole purpose of this anime is to get your dick rock hard, and it easily accomplishes that

feel bad for you girls and beta males with no dink though...

Yep, someone forgets that Light novels are LIGHT novels, in the first place. And anime industry is just showbiz. However girls have their own shoujo harems full of beta metrosexuals.
tsundereharasserMar 18, 2015 8:36 PM
May 17, 2015 6:49 PM
Jan 2015
I like the season 2 the girls were beautiful again, lots of developments with the MC and girls individually. A classic harem formula that never tires me.

Now stop with this bullshit plot. I read one review about a guy criticizing IS but praising Heaven's lost property 1 and 2. REALLY? HLP has NO PLOT AT ALL, the girls arent pretty or cute, that chibbi MC is annoying form of drawing. Get a grip pal.

I do agree that the ending was disgusting. No kiss, no love, no all girls fighting for him, no hint that a season 3 will come, NOTHING. That was one of the worst endings i ever seen. The season was very nice though and the quality of the drawing and the girls was top notch. I'll miss Charlotte, Houki, Rin and Cecilia.

Now back to be depressed because i have no waifu to motivate my stupid life.
Jun 5, 2015 3:44 PM

Jul 2008
haha omg nothing happened. The little sister reveal didn't even really happen. Wow.
Jun 10, 2015 1:55 AM

Aug 2013
That was ok.

I want a S3 though.

Need to know what PT is up to.

Need to know if Tabane is good or evil.

Need to know who that silver haired girl next to her was and her purpose.

Need to see something happen with Madoka...join the good side and become part of the harem.

Plus, we always need more girls. Especially Char and Cecilia. Blue haired sisters were both pretty good too.
Jun 15, 2015 6:18 AM

Jun 2008
antonn said:
First season was mediocre, but watchable. This was literally painful to sit through.

True that. Not even fanservice could save this one.
Jul 22, 2015 7:47 PM

Jul 2014
3/5 for the episode, 3/10 for the season.
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