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Mar 21, 2021 5:45 PM

Mar 2019
When I started out watching this show I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did. But the characters, story and world were fantastic on top of the animation and art. Ruddy being a perve all the time wasn't really needed at all and was annoying at times but thankfully it didn't bring down the quality of the show.
Mar 21, 2021 5:45 PM

Dec 2016
I love the season finale especially the fight animations. Look forward to season 2 in July!
Mar 21, 2021 5:46 PM

Apr 2012
Magnificent series 9/10

So the city Roxy visited was where Eris and her family lived got obliterated?

Can't wait for 2nd season to see Roxy meet-up with Rudeus with Eris by his side.
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum.
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Mar 21, 2021 5:50 PM
Mar 2021
what a dumpster fire of an episode This series is such a snoozefest. 1/10 totally not recommended
Mar 21, 2021 6:05 PM

Apr 2018
Marinate1016 said:
Ah, knew it was coming for a few weeks but fuck I’m gonna miss Mushoku sundays. Can’t wait until summer. This was pretty much where I expected us to end at the end of volume 3. Tanaka Rie for Eliniza is a great hiring

Unfortunately the last couple episodes saw quite a bit of material condensed and left out, but it was mainly world building stuff and character motivations, so not a huge shock. I do like how they added Roxy’s epilogue from volume 2 into the episode at the beginning. Wish we’d have got the garden scene from volume 3’s epilogue which sets up some important future events.

With Studio Bind, the second cour and Mushoku’s future is in great hands and it only gets better from here on out. We haven’t even started yet.

ikr, the next cour and the season after that is still more like a prologue. We're really in it for the full journey :D
Mar 21, 2021 6:06 PM

Oct 2020
The reason why theres only 11 episode is because the studio said that they were going on an break i think so probably the second part or an second season will start in summmer or from 3 months from now.

And also that fight scene it gave me chills right to the bone it was soo smooth

Im looking forward for the suprice face of Rudy when he's master, Roxy is at the same town there visiting at

novembersMar 21, 2021 6:10 PM
Mar 21, 2021 6:08 PM
Aug 2020
Was it just me or did some of the animations during the end credits look atrocious?
Mar 21, 2021 6:23 PM

Jul 2020
Such a good anime. My favorite non squeal anime next to Horimiya. Season two needs to come soon.
Mar 21, 2021 6:30 PM
Jan 2021
See you in 3 months mina-san!
Mar 21, 2021 6:32 PM

Jun 2019
Didn't expect to like this show, but I do know and I rarely watch fantasy adventure. Looking forward to the next season. Also, despite western crybabies in the reviews, this is one of few animes where each episode gets a million views on Muse Asia Youtube channel, I'm surprised it's that popular here.
Mar 21, 2021 6:33 PM

Apr 2015
Insert joke here about female elves.

Ruijerd has a really one-track mindset here, though I'm regardless struck by how seriously it takes the murder of others, dedicating minutes of screentime and tension to it. Every time it reminds me that this tone, this ambient noise that permeates the scenes...why exactly did Rudeus molesting a child have such a dissonant mood to what we were watching on screen? Even Pauls cheating, which I found rather lackluster in terms of the handling, had at least some amount of gravity to it, yet this was not granted to his molesting activities? I can't sigh enough at this disparity and I can only surmise that child molestion is a-okay.

As for the scene itself, I'm glad that Rudy's pragmatism in all things is being challenged finally. He has been treating it too much like a game where you can save-scum your way to victory.

Ruijerd is, for now, singlehandedly carrying them. If the intention was to save lives, I would say their mission was a complete disaster.
Regardless of Rudy and Rui's genuine heart-to-heart, I find myself questioning the seeming disposability of this horse plot. For how seriously it threatened their travels, it was rather handily dealt with, with intimidation which comes rather easily to Ruijerd.

They also just HAD to include some last-minute pedo-shit .
The last two episodes were largely free of what made a lot of the prior half near intolerable for me, alas, its problem carry over in the sense that it continues to not deal with them and do...the above. His pedophilia is still treated like a tsundere joke.

I can safely say that, whatever things I heard about this anime, with all the calls to be "patient I can safely say I was rewarded with...2 episodes of a rather standard fantasy adventure.

Four and a half out of ten pedophile jokes. Will I watch the 2nd cour? Eeeh...this was exhausting but if I continue to hear such glowing reviews, I might find myself tempted to, to see if it's similarly hogwash.
TylaenMar 21, 2021 6:42 PM
Mar 21, 2021 6:43 PM

Jan 2020
A pretty solid conclusion for the first season and I'm definitely interesting in seeing how this series will move on from now. Ending song fit perfectly with the slice of life style visuals and this was an enjoyable ride overall and I liked it.

Mar 21, 2021 6:46 PM

Mar 2011
Farabeuf said:
and less of that eternal "let me tell you how I'm feeling" dialogue that plagues other similar shows.

Pretty much this.

The "muh feelingz" cringe dialogues are everywhere nowadays and use similar structure and lines to the point they became anime tropes(long ago). Some of the worst cliches there are. I mean I can enjoy some sport anime cliches, but can't enjoy the lame "muh feelingz" crap. Wondering if other people really do enjoy that shit. I mean there are very well received shows that are saturated with that cringe. Do people really like them for that garbage or in spite of it?
Mar 21, 2021 6:47 PM

Nov 2017
Another excellent episode,finally showing Rudeus realising the consequences of his actions(or inactions).
Funny seeing Rudy getting dragged of by Ruijerd while Eris was bathing,and then Eris smacking him while she was getting changed.
Also nice to see the grey coat being used,it's fairly iconic to Rudy.
The last discussion between Rudy and Ruijerd was done fairly well.
And best of all - Best Girl Roxy's back.
Damn, i missed her :)
Can't wait for summer!
this season has been good for Isekai,what with this and Kumoko's batshit anime(or is that spidershit),oh well.
Mar 21, 2021 6:49 PM

Mar 2011
Sasora said:
This anime is literally an art. Just looking at the teaser trailer also. This is probably the best Isekai anime ever created. Period.

Such a good episode. Actually, I don't think ANY episode has been bad.

It's kind of sickening that the front page reviews of this anime are low ratings. It seems like people just don't know what a good anime is anymore if it's not a slice of life generic school life comedy. So boring.

I think Rudy could be a better character maybe.. So this is why I don't think it's 1 of the most perfect anime ever created. It's close. It's probably a perfect isekai, and 1 of the best anime created in the past couple of years. I really really hope season 2 meets expectations.. But after seeing the teaser, it looks like it will. Amazing.

I feel like obvious shit reviews that rate genuinely good anime low for attention on MAL should just be deleted. It's like someone rating like FMA a 3 or something, when there's literally no way it could ever actually be a 3.

Most people that watch anime don't bother voting the reviews. Haters and activists do.
Mar 21, 2021 6:57 PM

Dec 2009
Great finale for season 1. I'm quite surprised at the direction this show went and how dark it also got. It was so light hearted in the beginning that I thought it would probably stay that way. Glad I was wrong, Season 1 was like a setup for the good stuff to begin in Season 2. That fight scene was amazing, and just love the art style for this show. Looking forward to season 2.
Mar 21, 2021 7:14 PM

Jan 2011
so that's the end of part one huh... i'll just state for the most part until they got teleported so pretty much the whole prologue till final parts was simply just awful wont repeat the same reasons but everytime i wanted to enjoy the worldbuilding and art of jobless it get slapped in the face with awful pedo shit that mostly gets played up for laughs

which the first chapter( im gonna call it that) of them in the other continent showcased what i really wish and hope this show continues to be which actually challenges Rudy's actions because i really liked the part when he wasted time trying to add effect to hop in to save the day but it ended up just getting some bird kid killed which leads to one of the biggest problems with jobless and it's MC with how contradictory it is on what it thinks and wants you to think is bad or totally fine from what he does

which is funny because i almost came away from this episode realizing oh man there wasn't any weird creepin on Eris shots till i saw how many times the camera was focused on her legs then the end credits had to go and ruin it huh ,since readers never shut up about it i know this shit doesn't go away and it's a shame because it holds this back

6/10 for the show visually and sound wise it was 9/10 most of the time ,but since i rank isekai's on a lower tier i would put this on the mid 7-8 scale compared to other isekais if you take away all the problematic shit , jobless has potential in the world of shitty isekais but if you can hardly recommend it to someone that can't stomach some serious degeneracy that's a hard sell on the wider scale despite how popular it is

Mar 21, 2021 7:39 PM
Jan 2018
Hmmmm... I don't exactly know what i feel after watching this. The story was good, but it still have a lot of potential about the world that hasn't been explored, like why are they transported or who is the real enemy, no explanation until now.

I think this part strongly focus on character development? Rudeus and Eris changed a bit, still perverted tho. The worldbuilding was also very interesting. Kingdoms, dragon, and magic. Seems usual, but the little details like languange cannot be compared to other generic ones.

Still, the adventure of Rudeus and friends are quite enjoyable, kinda reminds me with Shield Hero. I like adventure especially in isekai where almost 80% of them are non-existent. Time to read the LN i guess, i do feel it will help me understand the world better since everybody said they skip a lot of parts. Well, see ya in next season guys.
Mar 21, 2021 7:42 PM
Dec 2018
The fight scene in this episode was really well done. If the animation quality can stay this way, then some of the fights in the future will get really hyped.

I like dub more than sub because I am not a weeb.
Mar 21, 2021 7:55 PM

May 2015
Nefelupitou said:
It's finally over, thank God!!!

It became the second-worst animation that I have ever come across in my whole life, unfortunately I can't drop shows, although I wanted to. I cried, I suffered, but it's finally over.

Today we'll have a barbecue at my house to celebrate the ending of this piece of shit.

I gave a 2 due to its good animation, however, the rest was abysmal.

Talk about being overdramatic lol.

Mar 21, 2021 7:58 PM
Dec 2018
TsukuyomiREKT said:
Nefelupitou said:
It's finally over, thank God!!!

It became the second-worst animation that I have ever come across in my whole life, unfortunately I can't drop shows, although I wanted to. I cried, I suffered, but it's finally over.

Today we'll have a barbecue at my house to celebrate the ending of this piece of shit.

I gave a 2 due to its good animation, however, the rest was abysmal.

Talk about being overdramatic lol.

You are like the only person that took the bait lmao.
I like dub more than sub because I am not a weeb.
Mar 21, 2021 8:18 PM
Sep 2017
Conceptualhero said:
The fight scene in this episode was really well done. If the animation quality can stay this way, then some of the fights in the future will get really hyped.

Mar 21, 2021 8:22 PM

Jan 2013
All this episode did was made me realize how bad it is that this part only got 11 episodes, like why not 12? or even 13? :/

So Roxy is going there to search for them? If so, can't wait for Rudeus to meet her ahahaha i wonder how he will react.

After bringing them back, it's the best chance to cleanse the Superd name. Eris for sure in the future will be broken as hell when it comes to sword fighting xD

I won't be rating this season yet since i want to see the other part first, but right now it's a legit 9.9/10 for me, and i can't really wait till July.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Mar 21, 2021 8:23 PM
Jun 2017
Was a good anime. And was too real at times. I mean if it any other anime, Rudy's strategies might have worked, but he f*cked up bad this episode and let someone die. Nothing goes as he planned, which if you ask me, is pretty realistic.
Mar 21, 2021 8:24 PM

May 2015
Conceptualhero said:
TsukuyomiREKT said:

Talk about being overdramatic lol.

You are like the only person that took the bait lmao.

They're being serious though. They're in like every episode discussion and multiple other threads about the series saying the same shit.

Mar 21, 2021 8:31 PM
Dec 2018
TsukuyomiREKT said:
Conceptualhero said:

You are like the only person that took the bait lmao.

They're being serious though. They're in like every episode discussion and multiple other threads about the series saying the same shit.

Bro, they are baiting. If they really hate the series so badly they wouldn't be spending so much time in this section.
I like dub more than sub because I am not a weeb.
Mar 21, 2021 8:35 PM

Jan 2021
As a light novel reader, the last 3 eps were a quite fast pacing. But things are going pretty well. Can't wait for part 2
“The first requirement of being a hero isn’t being right. It’s being strong. That’s why the hero always wins.” – Koyomi Araragi

Mar 21, 2021 8:36 PM
Cherry Thighs

Apr 2013
As much as I find Eris annoying at times (she's grown a lot while in the new continent though), she's got some spunk to her. She defeated those monsters without a sweat dropped lol.

I'm looking forward to seeing more Roxy in part 2.
Mar 21, 2021 8:39 PM
Jul 2018
that was nice
I loved this season except for the parts where Rudeus acted like a pervert, and it surprised me how dark things turned in this ep
can't wait for the next season
Mar 21, 2021 8:43 PM

Jan 2021
Winter_Fox said:
Hmmmm... I don't exactly know what i feel after watching this. The story was good, but it still have a lot of potential about the world that hasn't been explored, like why are they transported or who is the real enemy, no explanation until now.

I think this part strongly focus on character development? Rudeus and Eris changed a bit, still perverted tho. The worldbuilding was also very interesting. Kingdoms, dragon, and magic. Seems usual, but the little details like languange cannot be compared to other generic ones.

Still, the adventure of Rudeus and friends are quite enjoyable, kinda reminds me with Shield Hero. I like adventure especially in isekai where almost 80% of them are non-existent. Time to read the LN i guess, i do feel it will help me understand the world better since everybody said they skip a lot of parts. Well, see ya in next season guys.

“The first requirement of being a hero isn’t being right. It’s being strong. That’s why the hero always wins.” – Koyomi Araragi

Mar 21, 2021 9:01 PM
Dec 2017
AsuraDestructor said:
coolshit69 said:
When new mushoku tensei episode comes out

Summer 2021 Cour, so July

Bruh I posted a meme, I know when it's coming out. I don't think the picture loaded though
Mar 21, 2021 9:16 PM

Dec 2016
Man.. I'm going to miss seeing this show airing. It was honestly one of my favorite generic isekais done right. And I'm going to miss all the threads that come from it until season 2 or season 1 part 2 or whatever its called.
Mar 21, 2021 9:30 PM

Dec 2018
It’s not often you get a unique Isekai like this one, I picked it up early in the season because one of my Sunday anime ended up being really bad (you might know the one) but I’m very glad I did, very fun show, with some extra fanservice spice sprinkled in too. Looking forward to more of this in the summer.
Mar 21, 2021 9:42 PM

Apr 2018
One of the best Isekai animes to be adapted imo. Although they missed a lot of stuff in the LN its still pretty good. 9/10
Mar 21, 2021 9:54 PM

Apr 2015
Conceptualhero said:
TsukuyomiREKT said:

They're being serious though. They're in like every episode discussion and multiple other threads about the series saying the same shit.

Bro, they are baiting. If they really hate the series so badly they wouldn't be spending so much time in this section.
It’s true. Me and Skysurf are secretly massive fans of the source. We love us some sexy children!
Mar 21, 2021 10:18 PM

Aug 2019
The fight scenes in this episode were great. I'm gonna miss watching this weekly.
Definitely anime of the season. 8/10
Mar 21, 2021 10:26 PM

Jan 2016
Boring show. Isekais have a habit of starting off strong and fun and becoming progressively more boring as they enter the mmo shit.
Mar 21, 2021 10:36 PM
Sep 2014
Worst episode IMO.

Unlike some I believe this act is one of the most important and fitting finale for first season that establish a major shift in Rudeus personality and his range of emotion. But the studio butchered it and focus more on the action.

This act should be one of the Rudeus lowest point in Demon Continent : ALL of his plan are in brink of failure, he's the cause of someone dying and everything happen in single day that made his head all numb and a mess.

Here at his lowest low Ruijerd saved him and changed him. Misunderstanding of his intention and his self-sacrifice on top of his respect and trust on him gave him the resolve to be a man that are fit for the undeserved trust he got from Ruijerd.
Also it cement his relationship of life long trust and friendship with him. A vital turning point.

This is why I really love MT chara development, they all change with the correct impetus with the correct event in realistic way. But the anime kinda fails in this regard, especially because they failed to show how utterly Rudeus at wits end in this episode.
Mar 21, 2021 10:45 PM
Sep 2014
SirTristamSfan said:
Novel readers ,did they skip anything this time?

A lot.

It's not about the scene, they also failed to adapt the intended emotion IMO.

Context : At this point Rudeus should be at his lowest of low so far. All of his plan blown up, his cockiness cost someone lives literally and all of it happens in a single day.
If you ever had a bad day where everything seems to going wrong you know how he feels : A huge pile of mess, full of negative emotion and brain just refused to think.

Here Ruijerd action is the source of him bouncing back. Ruijerd misunderstood his intention a lot and put trust on him. Rudeus know that he is wrong but are too cowardly to admit it.
After the scene where he's about to abandon Ruijerd and instead Ruijerd seems to blow all his problem away in an instant is where he suddenly lost all the tension and broke down crying.

When Ruijerd acknowledge him as a "Warrior" Rudeus internally swore that he will live a life that won't put a shame to the trust and respect placed on him and can be said this is the first time he actually "Living" in the new world and not just the game in his head.

A lot of this are lost in the anime. Especially Rudeus most vulnerable part.
Mar 21, 2021 10:48 PM
Dec 2020
This show is great man. The Ed and Op are just so blessed man their so good. This episode was great man the action was perfect and Emotional side to. Pauls letter was crazy I feel so bad for zenith and the rest bro. S2 hopefully will be even better also Roxy and those guys traveling can’t wait to see that and Rudy’s new mindset S2 we come. Even tho I gonna read the WN.
Mar 21, 2021 10:53 PM
Sep 2014
Dhaarok said:
Boring show. Isekais have a habit of starting off strong and fun and becoming progressively more boring as they enter the mmo shit.

Quite the opposite. This is where Rudeus stopped thinking like it's some MMO world and started to live in the new world as a human. If you haven't noticed he's still thinking like the world is a game UNTIL he got someone blood on his hand.

This is also when he stopped being delusional, thinking he's the Light "Kira" Yagami and everything he did will go according to his "Keikaku"

The number of actual "Fight" in his childhood arc up into young man arc is actually quite low and each is plot relevant rather than just some sort of plot contrivances.

Things start to kicks up once he reach young adult arc
Mar 21, 2021 11:01 PM

Apr 2020
And just like that Mushoku Tensei's 1st season or 1st cour has come to an end. It has been a very great journey with this anime. From a very fantastic start to a calm yet satisfying pause, I'll use "pause" for now since the story clearly hasn't ended. And damn can't wait for Season 2 next Summer, I'll be waiting for what's to come.

But on the topic at hand, we opened up at Roxy arriving at the ruins of what was once the Fittoa region (I think the place is right idk). Atleast she got a message of Paul, and wow Paul's message hit deep if you really think about it. Paul is not yet 100% redeemed, but this letter clearly shows how he cares so much of his family, going to certain lengths as bowing to people if need to. And he clearly knows that he has nothing to compensate, to an extent he's practically begging for help. But on that scene alone along with the 2nd opening (Mezame no Uta) on the background, that leveled up Paul's character for me way up again. And that was just the beginning of this closing episode...
Mar 21, 2021 11:07 PM

Apr 2020
This episode was really good to showcase the last remaining minutes of MT's first cour. Because of Rudy's overconfidence and "efficient-minded brain", many adventurers died and it led them defeating the Cobra monster but indirectly causing a lot of casualties.

And that horse did not help at all, Rudy almost blew up the whole nation, but then Rujierd revealed himself and pacified the whole town and that horse in an instant. Looks like Rudy & Rujierd didn't really connect at all, but since they finally figured out what they want in & for themselves, their friendship has finally been forged and the team is now stronger than ever.

We got some glimpses of their adventures with Rudy obviously peeping at Eris, and Rujierd tagging along as they seek to return to the Central Continent. And with that, the first cour has ended, and the long wait for the 2nd one in Summer begins. It has been an amazing ride and hopefully it will be more amazing in the 12 episode - 2nd cour part of the series.

It's a toss up between 9/10 and 10/10 for the series honestly, I've just been in awe of this series from start to finish. And I can't express anymore, I love this show and hopefully it will be more stronger than ever as it returns in July.
Mar 21, 2021 11:29 PM

Jul 2016
Going from being against killing to willingly wanting to wipe out an entire city just for one asshole sure is a large stretch, huh? I don't know, MC... I mean, what about just making Ruijerd intimidate/beat the shit out of Horse-Head and save the "Superd" revelation for a less forced moment? Just saying.

Anyways, I will keep this simple. Though the framerate could have been handled better, I think animation as well as production values in general ended up being quite impressive. Fight choreographies were also nicely executed and the bits of world-building we had in these last couple of episodes showed some promising potential. Such a shame the author decided to focus more on MC's perverted side rather than expanding his world sooner tho.
As for the cast and leaving Ruijerd's potential as a character aside, the rest of other characters were plain uninteresting to me and of course, the idea of making MC a pedophile instantly killed any possible sense of empathy I could ever feel towards him or his struggle. In this aspect, it was nice someone as Ruijerd appeared because seriously, these last couple of weeks could have been a total snoozefest for me if it were just MC and Eris on this adventure.

4/10 - Hopefully, season 2 will be more like these last three episodes because even though they weren't particularly remarkable, I will still prefer them anytime over more scenes of MC trying to deflower 12 yo girls or more gags with Roxy being molested for laughs.
Mar 21, 2021 11:38 PM

Oct 2017
Everything about this show is amazing, I want more and I want it now.
Everyone who loves fantasy and isekai should watch this anime, I also recommend reading the manga to absorb more visual concepts.

I can't wait for the second half. Seeing Rudeus growing as a person and a character is incredible.
Mar 22, 2021 12:11 AM

Jan 2010
Man, this was a ride.

9/10 (9.5 if i could) just take 1 point there, because as a novel reader, i miss some of the content that wasn´t shown.

Hopefully, with 12 ep, we´ll have vol 4 to 6 in all it´s glory.

P.S. When i saw him with the robe in the end, i was like "Here he is!".

Nier and MGS fan.
Mar 22, 2021 12:22 AM

Dec 2020
this was such a good ep. rudeus discovered that he's not always right despite his clever ways, and that he can't do everything alone. the end credit scene was so cute, just them being a trio. ruijerd shaving his head was also hilarious. and as shitty and scummy paul is, he really does care about his family.

honestly cant believe this show ended already. it was a rly great season to start of the big story
Mar 22, 2021 12:46 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Genjurooo said:
Farabeuf said:
and less of that eternal "let me tell you how I'm feeling" dialogue that plagues other similar shows.

Pretty much this.

The "muh feelingz" cringe dialogues are everywhere nowadays and use similar structure and lines to the point they became anime tropes(long ago). Some of the worst cliches there are. I mean I can enjoy some sport anime cliches, but can't enjoy the lame "muh feelingz" crap. Wondering if other people really do enjoy that shit. I mean there are very well received shows that are saturated with that cringe. Do people really like them for that garbage or in spite of it?

It's part of the current zeitgeist I guess. I'm thinking that it will pass like many other trends. And just like current viewers mock older anime for this, that or the other, viewers in 2035 will be watching these shows and asking themselves what the hell people were thinking in 2020.

pleiades1209 said:
what a dumpster fire of an episode This series is such a snoozefest. 1/10 totally not recommended

Did you really just create an alternate account just to hate on a show you don't like?
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Mar 22, 2021 12:50 AM
Feb 2017
Rudeus realizing that him making decisions on his own without any consultation and facing the consequences was a good slap to reality for him. Makes him realize the importance of teamwork especially for adventurers like him.

Good ending episode for a show that is gonna have it's next part air later this year. Looking forward to it!
Mar 22, 2021 12:56 AM

May 2011
That part when he was talking to the horse rubbed me the wrong way because:

> Rudeus doesn't want to kill
> Suddenly has the resolve to destroy the entire city

Oh the hypocrisy...
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