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Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches
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Apr 13, 2015 1:03 AM

Mar 2013
I feel so conflicted over Shiraishi's voice. I hate it when she's voicing her but she's so good as Yamada... That awful monotonous monstrosity is going to get on my nerves, I know it is, just like it does with every other monotone girl this VA voices. I wish they'd hire her for energetic roles instead. We can hear here that she doesn't sound annoying as sin doing those.
Apr 13, 2015 2:23 AM
Jul 2018
I haven't read the manga but to cover almost a volume of it in the first episode, damn.

It was quite enjoyable 1st episode though, liked the idea of body swapping.
Apr 13, 2015 2:25 AM

Jan 2013
Seriously? 6 chapters in 1 episode?
Talk about rushed...

They removed the raid Shiraishi (Yamada) and Miyamura made to Shiraishi's room, or when Yamada (Miyamura) went around school talking with everyone...

Are they really trying to adapt 90 chapters in 12 episodes?
:/ ahh man, can't help but be a bit disappointed, it's one of my favorite mangas.
CrimsonSilver4Apr 13, 2015 2:29 AM
Apr 13, 2015 2:31 AM
Nov 2010
I've been looking forward to this adaptation. I liked the first episode, especially the animation.
Apr 13, 2015 2:42 AM

Oct 2012
Oooh dat OP
The biggest spoiler for the entire first arc xD
I mean it's not mysterious anymore
Oh well

Aww they skipped when Miyamura & Yamada at Shiraishi's home
And that was one of the funniest part.. aww xD

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for Miyamura & Yamada animated kiss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD
All of my yes!!!!

Now, I want Nene!
Nene! Nene! Nene!

shadowbrazier said:
I quite like the opening, and all I have only one question: Noa, when?

I wish to see her very soon.

It's Frau Bow!!! Not Noa xD
Rayl1ghtApr 13, 2015 3:11 AM
"Signature removed"
Apr 13, 2015 2:55 AM

Oct 2013
1 Volume per episode? Give me a break. Still, it was somehow watchable. Just like Tokyo Ghoul, this anime screams at us yet again, "Read the manga."
Apr 13, 2015 3:22 AM

Nov 2010
They took/left out a lot of stuff and changed some stuff up too... but I think the adaptation was still good. I wasn't disappointed, that's for sure.
Apr 13, 2015 3:55 AM

Jul 2014
Nuvi said:
1 Volume per episode? Give me a break. Still, it was somehow watchable. Just like Tokyo Ghoul, this anime screams at us yet again, "Read the manga."

Probably because they're advertising it. Give us a shit adaptation so that the people in Japan buy the manga increasing its sales.
Apr 13, 2015 4:02 AM

Apr 2013
Way too fast, can't enjoy it fully with this pace
Plus some scenes just don't have the same magic compared to the manga and voice acting are not very convincing tbh
Decent adaptation, but the live action is much better than the anime in almost every aspects so far imo
TriZenApr 13, 2015 4:11 AM
Apr 13, 2015 4:15 AM

Dec 2013
Quite surprised I liked this, came into it thinking it would be terrible.
Apr 13, 2015 4:23 AM

Jan 2013
The one anime I was looking forward to the most this season (the others were Lupin III and Digimon but doesn't look like they're airing any time soon) ever since I watched the OVA. Pretty much what I expected to be.

I could tell this episode was fast-paced compared to the manga (on my plan-to-read list) but I enjoyed it nevertheless, pretty good humour and decent characters.
Apr 13, 2015 5:48 AM

Nov 2013
Great episode so far, is it me or is the anime seems a bit too rush?

They skip a few parts though like where Shiraish (Yamada) beat up bunch of guys for peeking and taking a photo on her.
Apr 13, 2015 6:07 AM

Dec 2013
Hayami Saori's VA job is absolutely great! I'm not a fan of her but props to her.
I should really continue the manga ><
The animation looks really nice and glossy.
Decent first episode!
Apr 13, 2015 6:27 AM

Nov 2010
I liked it better then OVA, which was obvious.
I think it's gonna be a fun ride, gonna watch this till the end.
Apr 13, 2015 7:49 AM

Jan 2014
This is going to be one of the anime's I just watch, for the sake of following the season. Interesting and good episode.
Apr 13, 2015 7:54 AM
Dec 2014
Cedronia said:
Decent adaptation, but the live action is much better than the anime in almost every aspects so far imo

IMO, the live-action series tried too hard to be silly and cutesy, and that's why I didn't like it a whole lot. This episode caught the feel of the manga better, showing that even though it's a comedy series, there can be serious or even touching moments once in a while.

On the other hand, I'll give you that the live-action chose right in focusing more on character interactions than plot. This episode only seemed to focus on showing us the important plot points, and almost all character interactions that were not strictly relevant to the overall plot were skipped.

Yoshikawa is not bad at writing plotlines, but she is better at characterizing, so that's what any adaptation of this series should focus on.
Apr 13, 2015 8:52 AM

May 2010
Finally some golden comedy! Seriously. This series has some unrivaled comedy (only Gekkan and D-Frag come to mind) Please be a decent adaptation (and please, include most, if not all Miyamura/Yamada moments. Best BL ship ever) So far this looks awesome. Let the kissing begin!

Oh I like the visuals in the OP, the song itself is nice - infact, I love it.

Props to Hayami Saori for dat violent-chara voice-acting. She is fab. I think I fell for Shiraishi all over again, Hayami-san suits her character perfectly.

Lmao Miyamura faking to be weak and proving Yamada = Shiraishi was as hilarious as I remember it to be (Tho tbh I wish they made Miyamura as manly as in the manga. Specifically, his eyes are nowhere close to his manga counterpart but here they made him a pretty boy instead... I kinda dislike that. More like, I hate that. He's my fav you know. It weakens the Yamada-Miyamura dynamic a little)

Anyways, great episode. Nice Itou appearance, too. Dat ED. Man this anime is going to be really enjoyable!

Still worried how they are going to fit in 90 chapters worth of material in a mere 12 episodes. Even 24 would not have been enough but here it is... I just hope it turns out right, I don't want it to turn into a trainwreck. The manga is very important to me. I really want the Miyamura/Itou pair moments, too. They got some really good ones during chapter no. 30-40.
Apr 13, 2015 9:00 AM

Feb 2014
Although they may have skipped some chapters, it didn't feel rushed and was quite interesting though they have lot of room for improvement. I like seeing one of my favorites being animated.

And Shiraishi looks even cuter here than in manga!
Between the adult world and the world of kids,

there, Holyland exists.
Apr 13, 2015 9:00 AM

Feb 2012
Great adaption! Good voice cast and animation. This is a fun series with some plot later on. I wonder how tight it will go by being a 1-cour
Apr 13, 2015 9:03 AM

Aug 2014
bastek66 said:

Why can't animeonlyfags stop talking shit when they know nothing? Manga is full of fanservice. The problem is that they cut and will cut more funny scenes.

You missed my point completely.
Honoka is my Hero! Click Me!
Apr 13, 2015 9:31 AM

Nov 2013
from the OP i can see how far the adaptation will. but going that far in 12 episodes i think they will rushed the story.
Apr 13, 2015 9:33 AM

Apr 2011
Jakerams said:
So far so good. Wish it would be more than 12 episodes though. This was refreshing since I don't remember the manga beginning perfectly. I wonder how many people will drop this series with all of the yaoi kisses.

Yeah :) I agree! It's a little time since I started reading the manga so I guess I won't remember details. Yet, I'm so excitet how the rest of the anime will look like(^o^)...
I like yaoi so it doesn't bother me...but you're right some people definitely going to be disturbed by the kisses~~even though they are not meant in that way~~Kyaaaa Miyamura was sooo hot and I love his eye color^^

The opening was lovely *3* I got the nice feeling of the witches but somehow they could have chooseen a different song.

Geez I love the series just too much :P ~~ahhh and sory for my english~~

Apr 13, 2015 9:42 AM

Oct 2013
bastek66 said:
I hope you guys aren't shipping cause it's pointless, especially that manga is already over 150 chapters long and so fucking convoluted lately.

Well that's a bummer to hear. Thought this premiere was great fun but then again, I thought the same for Nisekoi and ended up dropping it about 9 eps in(along with several confirmations that it get's nowhere).

Then again, it won't be much of an issue here if the show's main appeal isn't romance in the 1st place.
Apr 13, 2015 9:50 AM

Jun 2012
Gotta love Saori Hayami! A very good episode, I could totally relate to the bullying Shiraishi experienced.

"No matter how far you travel, you can never get away from yourself."
-- Murakami Haruki
Apr 13, 2015 10:15 AM

Oct 2014
I didn't read the manga (don't think its in my country yet too) but i really liked this episode.
Apr 13, 2015 10:21 AM

Aug 2008
This was a pretty good start.

And that Yamada x Miyamura kiss totally threw me off guard lol
Apr 13, 2015 11:16 AM

Aug 2014
It's here! Been waiting for this!
The first episode didn't disappoint! Though they change the locations and settings a bit. I didn't remember Miyamura got introduced this early? Pretty sure they skipped quite a lot of chapters in the manga.. Too bad. They skipped lots of funny moments!
Still, Hayami Saori in boyish tone! <3
Still gonna watch this. Much better than other manga adaption anime that is named Denpa Kyoushi.

Are they seriously going to cramp all of those 90 chapters into 12 episodes? Is that even possible without ruining the pacing and the story?
Apr 13, 2015 12:13 PM

Jun 2008
Body swap is always funny XD
Apr 13, 2015 12:30 PM

Dec 2010
This anime has gotten into the hands of worst possible studio..a popular studio needed to make this dissapointed..
Apr 13, 2015 1:24 PM

Aug 2014
I'm sure these two persons will be more than just friends...
Maloween 2017
Main Candies
Apr 13, 2015 3:23 PM
May 2014
MgMaster said:
bastek66 said:
I hope you guys aren't shipping cause it's pointless, especially that manga is already over 150 chapters long and so fucking convoluted lately.

Well that's a bummer to hear. Thought this premiere was great fun but then again, I thought the same for Nisekoi and ended up dropping it about 9 eps in(along with several confirmations that it get's nowhere).

Then again, it won't be much of an issue here if the show's main appeal isn't romance in the 1st place.

First of all, the manga isn't convoluted lately. It wasn't as good as the Amnesia Arc but it was overall better than the first saga, second of all, when it comes to romance, it's not like Nisekoi, I mean really not. Third of all, it isn't really a harem even it if looks like one, it's not.

The person above(not Mgmaster) probably hasn't read the source material because the guy does end up with someone at one point in the manga(Around where the anime will most probably end), out of the four girls that like the guy. So if you are here for romance, you really won't be dissapointed at all. (Depends on the girl who you are voting for...*Cries* oh yeah but that girl can get with that other new guy *feels better*)
Apr 13, 2015 4:04 PM

Aug 2014
Very entertaining first episode, despite feeling rushed.I quite like the main character and how surprisingly good he is at acting like a female, and the kiss-switch paves way for some interesting scenarios down the road. Shame that it's only 12 episodes, though.

Definitely picking this up, especially since it's similar to Kokoro Connect.

~||Sky of the Night Light||~
Apr 13, 2015 4:17 PM

Jan 2012
When I saw the poster with 7 girls I didn't want to watch bc you know, I was sure it was a harem. Glad I changed my mind, it's really funny! I hope it keeps good.

As someone that don't read the manga the first episode seemed really fast so I understand people complaining about it.

Why are you guys spoiling the manga btw? I kinda want to read it at some point...
Apr 13, 2015 4:23 PM

Dec 2012
Pretty much in line with my expectations after reading the start of manga and waiting quite some time for the adaptation. seems like people here are worried about the pacing. 12 eps does look like a bit lacking
Apr 13, 2015 4:29 PM

May 2014
That was one funny episode! This is probably one of the funniest series coming this season. I can see a whole bunch of comedy coming our way, and of course some nice bodies, hehehe...
This show also has lots of drama and romance potential and I hope we get to see that!
Apr 13, 2015 4:32 PM

Sep 2014
Really really love this manga and therefore I really hope they manage to turn this into a great anime.

So far im not really impressed but it was still quite good. Felt a bit rushed though, just hoping that they won't skip too much. Also, 12 episodes for this seems insufficient..

VA was quite good and OP/ED aswell.

As long as they slow down this will be great, looking forward to the rest! :D
Apr 13, 2015 6:09 PM

Jan 2013
Such a good first episode. I really like when an anime focuses on the interactions between two characters to start with.
Apr 13, 2015 7:12 PM
Feb 2014
I like it so far. Will give it another try before deciding whether to drop it or not.
Apr 13, 2015 8:18 PM

Mar 2013
That was really, really enjoyable.
I was this close to picking up the manga as soon as the episode ended...
Might as well pick it up sooner or later because waiting each weekly for an ep is killer :x
Apr 13, 2015 8:31 PM

Sep 2014
Mathias2001 said:
bastek66 said:

Haha, good joke.

Nene is the most complex character in the manga and the character who received the best character development. In the beginning was she was kind of bitchy to be honest and I didn't really like her all that much but as the story continued, she became a better person and a more enjoyable character making her turn into the best girl of this series. Shiraishi is basically, 1st and second chapter is my time for character development and I'll become more and more pointless as the story goes(She never got development after this), the other witches also got their par of development but nothing was as beautiful and as Fluid as Nene's.

And btw no Nene shoudn't be with Yamada(Even thought it's one of my favorite couples of this show(Every couple including Nene is my favorite, LOL), Nene should be with Tamaki.
Yeah I agree with you Nene has the best character development in the manga I can't see what she has to offer in the anime
Apr 13, 2015 9:11 PM

Apr 2015
The Live action's kinda corny..with horrible comedy..... I might watch for the most awaited "kiss"
Apr 13, 2015 9:20 PM

Feb 2013
I loved it, they hit all the important plot points, good animation, I thought the voice actors were great (I was wondering how well they would do playing 2 completely different characters with the same voice).....I'm excited.

This is the first anime that I've read the manga before, so this will be a new experience for me :)
Apr 13, 2015 9:35 PM

Jan 2012
Love it so far. Pretty much just as funny as the source material. I hope the color is brought out in the anime as it was in the manga. I feel like the first episode was a bit rushed, though. Whatever gets them packing the episode with conflict and plot, I guess. I can't wait till the fun begins. I've been waiting so long for it to be animated and in color.
teen drinking is very, very bad.
Apr 13, 2015 9:42 PM

Apr 2011
Faster is Better!
~♥~ Otaku + Otaku - Otaku = Otaku ~♥~
Apr 14, 2015 12:03 AM

Nov 2011
I watched the OVA and it was boring, and i'm guessing this anime was made for the manga fans cause nothing here made any sense.

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Apr 14, 2015 12:13 AM

Dec 2013
Zee530 said:
I watched the OVA and it was boring, and i'm guessing this anime was made for the manga fans cause nothing here made any sense.

Really? While it was rushed I thought everything here made sense.
Apr 14, 2015 12:32 AM

Mar 2012
Zee530 said:
I watched the OVA and it was boring, and i'm guessing this anime was made for the manga fans cause nothing here made any sense.
If you've only seen the OVA, then yeah, nothing does make sense since the OVA doesn't explain anything. That was essentially something for manga fans specifically. If you've seen the first episode for this current series, then things should at least adequately make sense.
Apr 14, 2015 12:52 AM

Nov 2011
G_Spark233 said:
Zee530 said:
I watched the OVA and it was boring, and i'm guessing this anime was made for the manga fans cause nothing here made any sense.

Really? While it was rushed I thought everything here made sense.

XPwnDEnd said:
Zee530 said:
I watched the OVA and it was boring, and i'm guessing this anime was made for the manga fans cause nothing here made any sense.
If you've only seen the OVA, then yeah, nothing does make sense since the OVA doesn't explain anything. That was essentially something for manga fans specifically. If you've seen the first episode for this current series, then things should at least adequately make sense.

Unless the show is set in a world where magic already exists then nothing made sense to me, i'm sure the kissing thing will be explained later on but what i don't get is their reactions? why do they keep doing it, makes no sense to me.

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Apr 14, 2015 1:09 AM

Dec 2013
Zee530 said:
Unless the show is set in a world where magic already exists then nothing made sense to me, i'm sure the kissing thing will be explained later on but what i don't get is their reactions? why do they keep doing it, makes no sense to me.

They keep on doing it because they're curious about the powers. Also you can't expect the entire plot to be explained in the first episode.
Apr 14, 2015 1:29 AM

Sep 2009
G_Spark233 said:
Zee530 said:
Unless the show is set in a world where magic already exists then nothing made sense to me, i'm sure the kissing thing will be explained later on but what i don't get is their reactions? why do they keep doing it, makes no sense to me.

They keep on doing it because they're curious about the powers. Also you can't expect the entire plot to be explained in the first episode.

This was also my problem I really didn't get why they continued to swap bodies because they weren't really friends or something.
After they came back to normal, the show started to show us that they swapped bodies again and stuff but it doesn't make sense for me.
I really consider this a plothole because they didn't show that they became closer.

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