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Kagerou Daze (light novel)
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May 4, 2014 1:33 AM

Sep 2012
Hiyori is such a brat.
May 4, 2014 1:35 AM

Oct 2013
Alright episode, needs more to get on track with where it should be I feel. iffy
May 4, 2014 1:42 AM

Aug 2013
Junior12A said:
For people who are curious, Taguchi(?) Shouichi sang Kagerou Days. It's written on the official webpage.

I keep wondering if people who are new to kagepro are able to follow anything? .__.

Nope. I'm new. Not a fucking half-clue as to what's happening.
May 4, 2014 1:51 AM

Feb 2013
The endless loop of Hiyori and Hibiya finally animated, epic. That cat has many outside features... Konoha, appears, as always, so adorable.

May 4, 2014 1:58 AM

Aug 2013
I feel like I'm in an awkward spot compared to everyone else watching the show. I didn't listen to any of the music, or read any source material, so I have no clue what the fuck is happening. Because of that I really didn't think the insert song was bad even though all the fans of the original hated it.

And I don't hate the show, but I didn't get this episode at all. The first 3 episodes didn't make any damn sense to me either, until after I saw them all and it connected everything...then it clicked and I was like oh ok this makes sense now. But then they threw this episode at me which has nothing to do with anything and now I'm back at square one.

I definitely don't think this is nearly as good as a lot of the other spring shows I'm watching, but with it only being 12 episodes, and so much other good stuff to watch, I'll probably just stick it out till the end and hope everything ends up making sense.
May 4, 2014 2:00 AM

Jul 2012
I think y'all are being to kind to Hiyori
she's the kind of person I reserve the C word for.
i really think this is the first time in the span of 30 short minutes where a new character is introduced that has changed my attitude from a "8-9 will watch weekly in anticipation" to a "day to day...screw it let's just drop it"
i mean the reaction towards Hiyori was visceral. I don't ever recall cheering for a character's death in that short of a time frame they were introduced, but I did, and by the end I clearly recall saying "I know what's going to happen, but geez don't bother with it. Just let her die"
And you know what? It's a mark of bad writing. The stuck up rich girl is so trite, so cliche, so devoid of creativity that any sensible normal human being would have told her to stfu.

hmm I sound kind of pissed. Probably because I am =P
I've recently been actively avoiding unrealistic overused anime cliches (I call it anime-isms). The violent tsundere is one of them.
May 4, 2014 2:14 AM

Jul 2013
Yay Ayano.

This was full dreamception.
May 4, 2014 2:22 AM

Mar 2009
Uhhh, what? I barely understood anything. Girl keeps dying over and over again; guy saves her in the end by sacrificing himself. That's about all I got.

Last episode was much better.
May 4, 2014 2:42 AM
Jul 2010
Guys, guys. If you don't even try to understand what happened during four episodes or don't even try to watch it again, you won't be able to stand Shinsekai Yori or Baccano. They are way more complicated that this.

Honestly, even though the early episodes are hard to understand, I'm quite positive that the later episodes will give enough explanation to raise its rating.

Remember in the previous 3? 1 and 2 were extremely hard to understand, and yet the third connects them all. Just give it time, will ya? Every anime is like that.
May 4, 2014 2:45 AM

Jun 2009
I find it funny how so many people are complaining over the stuff not following the material well, when the material they are talking about are a fanmade PV, not the actually MV. Alost lets not forget that Jin is very much in over creating this anime, like writing the script and composing the music and so on, which makes it even more ludicrous, when people complain that the anime doesn't stay true to its material it is adapting from.

For the emotionally connection or rather for the missing of it, then it really isn't a problem it would be stupid to have the biggest emotional impact in episode 4 of an anime. This only works for the MV, because it is more of a standalone thing, and it doesn't need to have a continuous plot happening trough all the episodes. Instead we get more of the confusing emotion like what we have been having through the other episodes, some might not like this or rather a lot of people don't like this, but when you use this kind of mechanism for driving a story, you often need to be trough 2/3 of it before you can actually say whatever or not it worked. I wont say those that don't like it should keep watching, since it will just be more of what we have seen so far, just the source material isn't that great, and it have been overvalued a lot by the fans, probably because it was done by "fans".

For those that er saying another studio would have done it better, I have my doubt. The source material isn't good for adoption, together with Jin taking a lot of part in making this anime. It isn't like Shaft can't make the emotional impact of a repeating dead, they already proved that with Madoka, it just look like it wasn't the direction they wanted to go with this episode.
May 4, 2014 2:46 AM

May 2010
Hiyori can't say a single good word. I guess, I am the only one who found Konoha annoying...

It's a bit confusing but I think, I am getting it. Hmmm, so that's why he is scared of cats, huh. But the end still didn't make much sense... A cliffhanger? Or is he stuck in a time paradox and every time he dies saving her, he goes "against" the fate and he is returned to the past?

Anyways, this is extremely interesting, don't know about others. 9/10
May 4, 2014 2:53 AM

Dec 2011
I could follow this episode without problem even though I didn't read neither LN nor the manga.

The art isn't lacking again, at least. Well, isn't that bad but it's definitely lacking.

Why not finish Nisekoi ? Man, I'm a Shaft fanboy but they fucked up this time.
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May 4, 2014 3:29 AM
May 2011
I don't know the least thing about Kagerou Project and I could understand this was about a boy blocked in a time loop trying to save his crush, and the only way he could find to save her was to sacrifice himself.

Seriously people, what's with all those "I didn't understand a thing" complaints?

Jonesy974 said:
I feel like I'm in an awkward spot compared to everyone else watching the show. I didn't listen to any of the music, or read any source material, so I have no clue what the fuck is happening. Because of that I really didn't think the insert song was bad even though all the fans of the original hated it.

I found the music pretty good, actually, as I can't compare it to the original one (since I, too, haven't listened any of the music and read any source material before). And I'm happy not to be one of those people who ruin the enjoyment of everyone else because "yeah but the original song is better, this is so different from what I expected so it's crap". That's honestly extremely childish. Especially since now that I've just listened to the original songs out of curiosity ... I find them overall extremely bad.
elfosMay 4, 2014 3:34 AM
May 4, 2014 3:48 AM

Jun 2010
Oh wow.. I'm speechless. Shaft/5
May 4, 2014 4:09 AM

Jul 2011
I hate when they focus in different characters at the same time. It just ruined the pace.
May 4, 2014 4:11 AM

Aug 2013
I think it was overall ok, however, I think one of the reasons that it failed the way it did was mainly because of that music.

They could've gotten a new song or just at least put the cover all the way through the scene, and more shocking facial expressions and reactions from the VA.
May 4, 2014 4:57 AM
May 2011
Kaioshin_Sama said:
What is it with Shaft and it's tendency towards making characters come across as annoying and unlikeable in the extreme and not to mention kind of creepy. I've watched the original PV for Kagerou Days and it was an interesting little piece of indie music video art, but I didn't get the impression from it that Hiyori was at all like she was portrayed in this episode and yet they sure made it look like it. They just seem to suck as a creative team when it comes to portraying any sort of atmosphere that is supposed to resemble anything other than unnerving and off-putting as well.

Apparently this show is going all original next episode too so I guess the trend of anything people liked about the original PV's not really being present in this anime is going to continue. Sucks for the fans I guess.

This. Pretty much all of this
May 4, 2014 5:01 AM

Aug 2012
watched the MV before watching this episode. I feel that the MV have more impact for me than the anime.
May 4, 2014 5:09 AM

Sep 2013
AxelcG said:
watched the MV before watching this episode. I feel that the MV have more impact for me than the anime.


after the episode i was so sad on how much they screw upXD

i remember the first time i heard about the anime i was like"I WILL FINAILY UNDERSTAND THE STORY"!!

and now im just sad :(
but i think Archdaine have a good point
maybe next episode will make it look better (somehow...)
i got no gif for my signature..... imagine some cool swords clashing and light and fighting everywhere!
May 4, 2014 5:14 AM
May 2014
Non fans will just have to be patient to get the story.

I mean, the first arc consisting of the first three episodes were pretty straightforward to get after episode 3, wasn't it?

So why are you expecting answers now considering it's only episode 1 of the second arc.

But this episode was really lackluster compared to the PV. Hibiya just didn't seem to have the desperation to save Hiyori nor did he seem to be shocked when witnessing Hiyori die the first two times.

Also the jump from the real world to the loop world was pretty jarring. Wasn't it supposed to be unnoticeable?
May 4, 2014 5:23 AM

Jun 2012
Archdaine said:
Guys, guys. If you don't even try to understand what happened during four episodes or don't even try to watch it again, you won't be able to stand Shinsekai Yori or Baccano. They are way more complicated that this.

Honestly, even though the early episodes are hard to understand, I'm quite positive that the later episodes will give enough explanation to raise its rating.

Remember in the previous 3? 1 and 2 were extremely hard to understand, and yet the third connects them all. Just give it time, will ya? Every anime is like that.

Umm - well. I have no effin' clue what is going on with this anime. At least the 3 first episodes could be deciphered, but this was just a whole lot of nonsense. And comparing this to Baccano! is like comparing old English literature to hieroglyphs - one I can still read and understand, while other is just gibberish. I never had any issues following Baccano!'s story.

Or I don't know - maybe this just lacks something that would make me want to try and understand. Besides the NEET-brother from the first episodes (protagonist?), I haven't liked any of the characters and if they're going to make it this hard to follow the story, I just don't think it's worth it.
May 4, 2014 5:49 AM

Sep 2012
Dunno if it helps but this is for everyone here (including me) who's pissed about the latest episode not matching up to the PV's standards (or smth like that). Here's to quell ur angerrr
Should have posted this morning but iMovie died on me yeah

And I agree that we should give it time, like how Episode 3 connected 1 and 2. That basically made episode 2 a lot more sense to watch. Before, I thought I was just watching a pointless backstory to a girl who was barely related to everyone else (not a KagePro die-hard fan) but in Episode 3 I was yelling at the back of my mind "YES SHAFT YES"
May 4, 2014 5:54 AM

Oct 2013
man that kinda reminded me of steins gate.

how many times did he wake up in his own dream, or was that separate sleeping occaisions....shaft...
"Urushibara Ruka. The mannerisms and voice of a woman... No... More feminine than any woman. But he's a guy. Taller than Mayuri, but so very thin... But he's a guy. Looks great in a miko outfit... But he's a guy. It's already twilight And yet, it's so hot. The cicadas are crying. But... He's a guy."
May 4, 2014 5:55 AM

Dec 2010
KanjiKano said:
Started off good, quickly became very empty and dead.
This. After seeing the adaptation of probably my second favorite song ruined like this I officially call this adaptation awful :@

iampancake said:
Belindartine said:
"Fanservice for us fans" ?! Are you kidding ? It was awful. They screwed up.
at least we can get to know the character's personalities better IMO, that's the fanservice for me because they're screwing up the actual plot.
The manga will do much better job for you if that's what you want.

I'm seriously thinking on dropping this because it's ruining my whole view on TKP for a month now.
May 4, 2014 6:48 AM

Mar 2013
May 4, 2014 6:53 AM

Feb 2012
I have no idea what's going on anymore.
May 4, 2014 7:00 AM

Apr 2013
Well it seems that not knowing the source material will make this show more easy to enjoy, because I like it somehow despite everyone else seemingly calling this bad. I have no clue, what's going on, but I guess it will be explained everything.
May 4, 2014 7:14 AM

Dec 2009
ihusmal1234 said:
My head is just full of "what" right now. I'm not sure what that craziness was but at least the song was good.
NihonFalcom said:
This anime is all over the place.
What the fuck is this, Abstract Anime? I am not impressed.

If you think this was abstract, you guys clearly haven't seen Serial Experiments Lain or the last few episodes of Evangelion :P
May 4, 2014 7:15 AM

Jan 2013
I'm enjoying this and only read a bit of the manga. However, Not watching the PV and jumping into the 4th episode had me completely lost on WTF was going on. I had to do a bit of quick research to understand it.

It really is better then most people are saying, especially if you've never read the LN's. Definitely doesn't deserve these awkwardly stupid 5's people are leaving as reviewing scores...
May 4, 2014 8:05 AM

Apr 2009
didn't really like the new characters, hope his story finish fast so we can get back to the main group
May 4, 2014 8:13 AM

Aug 2009
I'm not in the fandom beforehand. I had only seen the PV for Heat-Haze-Days, so the events in this episode didn't confuse me. The story is there but misses the depth and emotion, it feels underwhelming and could have been presented better. I also thought of Hiyori as nicer person, who you want to protect, but in the anime she's not that likable at all.
I then watched all the other PVs and found them interesting. I'll continue to watch the anime and whatever SHAFT decides to do with the story and characters.
May 4, 2014 8:14 AM

Feb 2012
Everytime i read these threads i hate the kagerou fandom a bit more. This episode was not without flaws(again the humour didn't really connect and the SOL segments are dragged out) but to say it is ruined, because it didn't follow some stupid overblown fantasies is laughable...or it would be, if it wasn't so freaking sad.

This show is overall very good, especially regarding its design choices, soundtrack and direction. Seriously, the second half of this episode was pure brilliance if you look at it from a neutral perspective. The direction, the timing, the design(especially this.In this ca. 8 minutes I made over twenty screenshots to use them as wallpapers), the soundtrack, the usage of the song: That's all as good as possible, but i only read stupid hate wherever i go. I get the people, that don't know the source and are confused. That's some legit criticism and it would've been better to open it up a bit to people who aren't already fans of the franchise(especially regarding the fact, that many of them do not deserve anything, like this thread and many others in the past show).

Seriously, just try to look at this show, for what it really is and not for what you wanted it to be and you will realise, that it is overall well done.
In 9/10 cases, the worst thing about an anime is its fandom.
May 4, 2014 8:21 AM

Feb 2012
when I heard the anime wouldn't be adapting the light novels/manga, but would be doing a new route, I was super excited. after seeing this now, I'm kinda wishing they would have just adapted the light novel version of the story :/

but, I will still not write this adaptation off yet until the end. I remember Madoka Magica was really boring for me the first 4 episodes, maybe this anime will get better too ><
May 4, 2014 8:28 AM

Jun 2008
Lowered my expectations for this adaption a lot after the first episode and thanks to that I'm really enjoying it.

Now I really want an episode based on Ayano's Theory of Happiness. Though not expecting much of it, I guess.

Hiyori's voice was exactly how I imagined hers to be! She definitely doesn't deserve all the hate she gets, even if she is annoying.
May 4, 2014 8:31 AM

Apr 2013
Being an only anime watcher, I'm enjoying this show a lot. I wonder how my opinion would change if I had read the manga/LN or watched the PV's.
an egomaniac and a fool

May 4, 2014 8:34 AM

Jan 2010
Damn, that more psychological episode! Reminded me of Lain, Simbu exaggerated a bit in acid, very psychedelic, I bet those new to the series and its context must be wondering too, why so low so the note.

I liked despite the similar to the second episode slow pace, I hope the next has more emotion.
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May 4, 2014 9:06 AM

Nov 2008
I actually really, really liked this episode. Maybe it's because I went in with no expectations, but I'm liking the anime as a whole so far.
May 4, 2014 9:11 AM

Apr 2014
Noellage said:
I actually really, really liked this episode. Maybe it's because I went in with no expectations, but I'm liking the anime as a whole so far.

Yep I started watching this show with no expectation and so far I haven't been disappointed.
May 4, 2014 9:15 AM
Apr 2013
I think what people are complaining about is exactly what I find wrong about the whole thing. It isn't just a simple "A four minute music video had more impact than a twenty minute episode." Sometimes its outright changing the meaning of the music videos. Just compare the episode Artificial Enemy to the music video of the same name. Whereas in the music video, it looks like Ene is legitimately concerned for her "Master" and just wants to help him go outside after how many years as a hikikomori. The anime episode makes it look like she wants her "Master" to get over himself and annoys him to get him outside (The post at RandomC does a better job at explaining this than me).

Meanwhile a lot of the dialogue feels like its been stripped from Monogatari and a weak-man's one at that. Well, I've been reading the manga and literally none of that exists. The only thing related between the Mekaku City Anime and Monogatari is Shinbou and Shaft. So that tells me two things. First, that Shinbou and Yuki feel the need to make the series their own, which they shouldn't be doing to this degree. And second, that the writer Jin (who also writes the LN and Manga) isn't a strong enough writer to say no to them. Somewhat of an opposite Mari Okada (She's the writer who needs a strong director to tie her down, while Shinbou is the director who needs a strong writer to tie him down).
May 4, 2014 9:24 AM

Oct 2012
MCAL said:
Just compare the episode Artificial Enemy to the music video of the same name. Whereas in the music video, it looks like Ene is legitimately concerned for her "Master" and just wants to help him go outside after how many years as a hikikomori. The anime episode makes it look like she wants her "Master" to get over himself and annoys him to get him outside (The post at RandomC does a better job at explaining this than me).

Jinzou Enemy doesn't have an official PV.
You probably watched a fan-made one.
May 4, 2014 10:04 AM
Apr 2013
EpicCh33se said:
MCAL said:
Just compare the episode Artificial Enemy to the music video of the same name. Whereas in the music video, it looks like Ene is legitimately concerned for her "Master" and just wants to help him go outside after how many years as a hikikomori. The anime episode makes it look like she wants her "Master" to get over himself and annoys him to get him outside (The post at RandomC does a better job at explaining this than me).

Jinzou Enemy doesn't have an official PV.
You probably watched a fan-made one.
Is that so? Well the lyrics also give off different impression from the anime episode too. And there was also the manga.
MCALMay 4, 2014 10:10 AM
May 4, 2014 10:11 AM

Oct 2012
Loved the Yume Nikki feeling.
May 4, 2014 10:21 AM
Jul 2018
EpicCh33se said:
MCAL said:
Just compare the episode Artificial Enemy to the music video of the same name. Whereas in the music video, it looks like Ene is legitimately concerned for her "Master" and just wants to help him go outside after how many years as a hikikomori. The anime episode makes it look like she wants her "Master" to get over himself and annoys him to get him outside (The post at RandomC does a better job at explaining this than me).

Jinzou Enemy doesn't have an official PV.
You probably watched a fan-made one.

Uh ? Didn't Jin realeased a non-animated PV, with a drawing of a Miku-like character ?
May 4, 2014 10:27 AM

Oct 2012
Belindartine said:
EpicCh33se said:
MCAL said:
Just compare the episode Artificial Enemy to the music video of the same name. Whereas in the music video, it looks like Ene is legitimately concerned for her "Master" and just wants to help him go outside after how many years as a hikikomori. The anime episode makes it look like she wants her "Master" to get over himself and annoys him to get him outside (The post at RandomC does a better job at explaining this than me).

Jinzou Enemy doesn't have an official PV.
You probably watched a fan-made one.

Uh ? Didn't Jin realeased a non-animated PV, with a drawing of a Miku-like character ?

It's just a picture, but I guess it can be called a PV.
May 4, 2014 10:44 AM

Jan 2014
I like this episode a lot, especially the dream part, even though I don't guess yet what that may be about.
Now that all the characters have been introduced, I guess that we're going into the real plot, which I think it'll be worth the wait, because after all, I can feel a great build up.

I really liked the change of perspective of the evnts up until now, I have a weakness for this type of things, and the animations do a great job on give us the metaphysic tone.
Some pose that the characters take are hilarious :)

May 4, 2014 10:50 AM

Jul 2012
"Screw you, cat."
-Hibiya Amamiya

Wow! What an episode. :3
Pretty confusing at first, when the last scenes were repeating over and over again...then it finally ended, but with a twist. :3

Umm...OH! Haruka Kokonose appeared. :3 He looks pretty cool! He's so mellow and calm though, didn't expect that. xD

Umm....them reviews. :3 5 and 6...yeah! I think this anime deserves it, unless it explains way more of the story later on, which I HIGHLY doubt, but whatever. :P
May 4, 2014 10:51 AM
Jul 2018
EpicCh33se said:
Belindartine said:
EpicCh33se said:
MCAL said:
Just compare the episode Artificial Enemy to the music video of the same name. Whereas in the music video, it looks like Ene is legitimately concerned for her "Master" and just wants to help him go outside after how many years as a hikikomori. The anime episode makes it look like she wants her "Master" to get over himself and annoys him to get him outside (The post at RandomC does a better job at explaining this than me).

Jinzou Enemy doesn't have an official PV.
You probably watched a fan-made one.

Uh ? Didn't Jin realeased a non-animated PV, with a drawing of a Miku-like character ?

It's just a picture, but I guess it can be called a PV.

Well, I don't know what MCAL wanted to say, since he could refer to either the lyrics or a fanmade PV. At first I thought he talked about the lyrics ._. Not sure
May 4, 2014 10:58 AM

Oct 2013
Yeah.. the truck scene was way better in the song, but I'm liking this anime so far.
May 4, 2014 11:15 AM

Nov 2012
I will admit, I'm starting to find it hard where this anime is going, and with that and 4 episodes in, just what is this anime about. I jumps all over the place with no real intention. It feels like several short series summed up into one.
May 4, 2014 11:28 AM

Jul 2013
So far this episode, I suddenly lose interest in here, it's probably the story didn't get into me or incoherent storyline. I think it introduced several characters then it can go on to the story.

As for these 3 new characters. They are not bad, but I don't find them interesting.

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