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Days: 127.0
Mean Score:
- Watching21
- Completed535
- On-Hold23
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- Plan to Watch296
- Total Entries898
- Rewatched68
- Episodes8,067
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 65.4
Mean Score:
- Reading41
- Completed104
- On-Hold10
- Dropped34
- Plan to Read249
- Total Entries438
- Reread12
- Chapters6,651
- Volumes1,017
All Comments (19) Comments
It's summer now where I live, so I start thinking about Air all over again...
Not mine, but I think it's worth sharing this incredible video. Cheers!
In his own words "Midori is not, strictly speaking, a film about discrimination. Although I would be very pleased if, thanks to this film, young people gained awareness and reflected upon the subject." To me all the background information is crucial to the movie's overall enjoyment. It turns what is on the surface level a very cruel and punishing film into one with a hopeful message. One that'll encourage the audience to do their best and chase their dreams, because if this scrawny Japanese dude could get the rights and create a movie based on an ero guro manga, one that had failed to be adapted by multiple different producers, you could also achieve the impossible.
I get what you mean, though I can't exactly relate. Personally I found every aspect of Popee absolutely brilliant. The horrific presentation adds a lot of comedic value because you're always subconsiously thinking "How the hell is this a kid's show?!" and vice versa, with the horror aspects working because of its typically whimsical nature. But it's probably something you have to get used to. Try to see the violence in the same sense as you would a Tom & Jerry cartoon, with it still being very violent, but also in a more playful manner.
Thank you! That's reassuring because I always beat myself over the head with it. I'd like to try and write more reviews in the future. Talking about Popee and Midori right now got me in the mood to write something about them. We'll see if I go through with that.
Heh, no problem. Usually I like to recommend anime based on something people already know, or in this case; something that nobody knows about, in the hopes that someone who's deep down the rabbit hole will find enjoyable.
Shoujo Tsubaki has always been amongst my favorite since I watched it back in 2016. I wasn't nearly as huge of an anime fan back then as I am now; it just always had this certain aura to it which made it feel very intimate and important. Seeing how it was pretty much made solely by Hiroshi Harada didn't exactly come as a surprise to me, but he immediately became one of my biggest role models. All he wanted to do was spread joy and I think that's incredibly inspiring. Shame not many other people really dig into the film all that much and just write it off as torture porn...
Glad you enjoy my videos! I hope to make more detailed videos in the future. Much like Hiroshi Harada, one of my other biggest role models have always been Derek Alexander of Stop Skeletons From Fighting. His positive philosophies have also been a huge inspiration for me in life and I would love to make videos that make other people feel what he makes me feel. My only problem is I've always had difficulties trying to convey my thoughts and feelings into something people can understand, so I have a lot of ideas in mind; they'll just take some time before I figure out how to properly execute them. One thing I will definitely be doing is digging into Shoujo Tsubaki someday, explaining what makes it so special.
Maybe you should give Malice@Doll a shot someday? I have a feeling you might like it if we both have Flying Luna Clipper and Midori on our favorites. It'd be funny if we both had this holy trinity of obscure anime that constantly get misunderstood, haha
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