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Jul 2, 2012 5:10 AM

Feb 2012
Fairies is the best ;D Had "WTF!?" moments ;D I will stick with this for now ;D
Jul 2, 2012 5:52 AM

Mar 2011
Love it... yes it's weird but I prefer watching weird one rather than the generic one....

the opening is related to the anime!!!..."real world"
Haters gonna hate...

Jul 2, 2012 6:14 AM
Jun 2008
After reading info from other forum, I realize that the Anime actually start from volume4. I heard people said that the order will go by 4 > 6 > 5 (no idea why they do that).....It has been half a year ago since I read this LN, and I put on hold at vol3 only, that is why I don't understand wtf going on in this episode lol

If I am not mistaken, her hair is cut because she done something bad during the old city exploration expedition.Hopefully they will show that arc, because I think its very interesting arc for me.The arc actually explain a small section of why these "fairy" exist and It really solve alot of question mark in my head.

When I watch the Youtube, I am surprise many people said plucking feather and cutting the chicken's throat are considering an act of anime cruelty ..I guess some people think that Chicken are born in supermarket or Mcdonald lol.

The fairy's main food source are candy(sweets) . They can create all type of human cuisine but they just can't create candy. They luv candy really much. Whenever when the situation get "interesting", this tiny fairy will actually reproduce itself. Great things will happen if there are a lot of fairy group together but this fairy normally prefer solitary life.
In this episode, we learn that this fairy really like the MC (maybe because she is the candy provider for this fairy lol ). The fairy clear the guilt of MC , by creating an abomination chicken.Unfortunately, the chicken run away ...The fairy also create all type of food product to solve the "food problem" for the citizen, so that MC will focus on feeding candy to the fairy again. Its really amazing , that this fairly actually create "fish" without hunting/killing those fish. It seems like they actually replicate the taste and the form of a real fish, truly amazing.
MorningGloryJul 2, 2012 6:21 AM
Jul 2, 2012 6:45 AM
Apr 2012
not an excellent start. however, it's still too early to judge. it does still have a good potential!
Jul 2, 2012 7:15 AM
Sep 2011
I loved this! Great first episode. I hope it will continue this way. ♥
Jul 2, 2012 7:20 AM

Jun 2011
I'm so suprised… That was so cool ! I didn't expect something like that, yay o/.

Those "fairies" <3.
Jul 2, 2012 7:45 AM

May 2010
WHAT THE FUCK? DID I JUST WATCH? Bread that bleeds and other random shit i will stick around for a bit.
Jul 2, 2012 7:49 AM

Nov 2009
MorningGlory said:
After reading info from other forum, I realize that the Anime actually start from volume4. I heard people said that the order will go by 4 > 6 > 5 (no idea why they do that).....It has been half a year ago since I read this LN, and I put on hold at vol3 only, that is why I don't understand wtf going on in this episode lol

WTF would they do that? Damm it! I hate when they do that!

Overall, some parts remind me Zetsubou Sensei and the main char is "Kobato on Pink" for me... though she actually has the opposite personality.

Gonna keep watching mainly for the girl... but a big chunk of the interest comes from the fact that there is no fanservice or moeblob until now.
Jul 2, 2012 7:51 AM

Aug 2008
This Loaf sold it for me. I have no idea what or who you need to put on some serious crack to get series like that but it's interesting kind of... crazy is an understatement.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Jul 2, 2012 9:07 AM

Jan 2011
jimjimex said:
Within 23 minutes, this AMAZING show actually made fun of our very current system of humanity:

1. The separation of human from the true source of their food: pretty ladies, including the main character, had ZERO idea on how live chicken turn into chicken-on-a-plate. I personally have met countless people who doesn't even know how to gut a fish, and find it 'disgusting' to do even the simplest food preparation.

2. People who thinks going vegetarian / vegan gives them moral high ground. Pretty chicken-eating girls refuse the idea of killing a chicken. Oh I'm so morally high. Haven't you met in real life those who switch around "I'm going vegan" and "I'm going veggie" and "I eat meat now" within a few months, just because it is hip / politically correct.

3. The problem with the so called 'democratic' meeting. Men spend HOURS debating just for the sake of debating. This happens a LOT in the Japanese Parliament.... Oh wait, it happens in our US Congress too, I guess? =P

4. The main character ain't exempt from the weakness of mankind. The MAIN character displayed her DARK SIDE during and after the Chase-the-chicken incident. To cover up her mistake, she LIED in plain sight about receiving UNCC messages. In her OWN words: Hiding the Truth, Manipulative information, Intimidation.

5. People who have NO SHAME at all to admit their failure to honor their duty. The receptionist in the factory had NO idea what he's talking about. He is all like "I get money, I don't care, it just my job". I am SURE you've met someone like that in your society.

6. The camera picture sound effect. Do you know WHY we have sound effects when cell phones take pictures? It is to prevent people from taking upskirt pictures in crowded subways. High tech, low moral. VERY human.

7. Twisted Advertising techniques. Have you been to the Hershey Chocolate Factory in PA and go to their tour? IT IS CREEPY, because they WANT YOU TO REMEMBER IT.

8. The artificially synthesized carrot bread. It is aimed at children who don't like carrots. It's like our "Diet Coke", people are so demanding and addicted to get the taste they want, but don't even want ANY compromise. They want it SO BAD they are willing to ingest artificial crap and call it food / drink.


Totally agree.

I really was missing anime that criticize society like that(and even with dark humor) since Penguindrum, this anime will make my life better.

All other new shows seem uninteresting to me now lol
Jul 2, 2012 9:46 AM

Jul 2010
That was.... strange, but interesting. It's almost like, satirical at moments if you know what I mean...and condescending to human nature. Like a scary utopian society. Wow. I'm interested in this even though the execution could have been better.
Jul 2, 2012 10:00 AM

Aug 2011
Wonderful~ Dark humor, was it? It amuses me to the point of smiling.

Those fairies made my day. I wouldn't mind having a discussion of politics with one of them someday. And that mediator girl; her thoughts really don't match her outer stereotypical looks.

This show; it's refreshing.
Jul 2, 2012 10:30 AM

Jul 2010
I really like the art, and the humour is okay.
But in all honesty, what the hell was that? :I
Jul 2, 2012 10:46 AM

Apr 2010
Not sure what i just watched but i guess it has potential in a way.
The main girl did seem funny with her way of withholding information from others she also seems to have a importuned function.
Still the sense of humour was pretty strange and the narration all the time is weird as well.
It makes it look like the main character has a complex.
Jul 2, 2012 10:49 AM

May 2010
That was incredibly boring. o________o The bread part was amusing though.
Dropping this show if I don't hear good things about it in the future. :P
Jul 2, 2012 10:52 AM

Jun 2009
Elite60 said:
Episode certainly has some "WTF?!" moments. I'm sticking with it for now.

i don't see in anywya how this ocul be bad heheh its going to get even more fucked up
Jul 2, 2012 10:59 AM

Sep 2010

Jul 2, 2012 11:30 AM

Oct 2010
It was alright, but all I hear is Nagisa. Enjoying the art and contrast of the cuteness and "dying might become a fad", including ... well, whatever happened to the bread.
Jul 2, 2012 11:48 AM

Sep 2011
This was brilliant. I really liked how the serious background of the story elements are portrayed with mostly dark humor. Watashi is pretty likeable plus her being voiced by Nakahara Mai makes this a must watch for me.

I liked how the assistant could only rate from very good to pretty good as a reference to the generation that can't say no to things, even if they are bad.
Jul 2, 2012 12:14 PM

Apr 2009
Now this is what I call an interesting premise. The characters are pretty great as well and the whole atmosphere is cheerful, yet creepy...I like it. Cynicism, fatality and sometimes blatant diregard were never so happy. Fuck the haters, this is a little gem.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Jul 2, 2012 12:16 PM

Jan 2011

This might be interesting.. lol

also those fairies are very cute, yet ... when I read what they said and saw their faces..

lol.. bleeding bread. headless chicken.
this anime is very weird, but I like it.
Jul 2, 2012 12:29 PM

Nov 2010
The amount of polarizing opinion in this show amuses me :D

Well, dark humor + social commentary + cuteness isn't something common in anime, so I understand. But well... Nakahara Mai + ROMEO TANAKA-SAN + Great Visuals + Fairies + Cuteness + OMGWTF Randum lulz + dark humor = instaWIN for me.
Jul 2, 2012 12:30 PM

Apr 2012
I just watched this after like 24 hours without any sleep, so i don't know if the beggining was a little boring or it's just that i have to sleep, but i think i will continue watching this because of the dancing chicken and the bleeding bread. Also, i really liked the colours and the animation, it kinda reminded me to Tsuritama, and that was one of my favourite shows from last season.
Jul 2, 2012 12:43 PM

Jan 2010
So much sexism.
"Under normal circumstances, we'd have been dressed down for letting the chickens escape. But.."
Are you fucking kidding me?

Cute and somewhat interesting episode, will stick with it. The short hair fit her better tbh.
Jul 2, 2012 12:54 PM

Jan 2010
holypoop said:
So much sexism.
"Under normal circumstances, we'd have been dressed down for letting the chickens escape. But.."
Are you fucking kidding me?

Dressed down just means scolded, reprimanded. Which would be normal to do, regardless of gender.
Jul 2, 2012 1:59 PM

Apr 2012
Can't wait to see how that loaf of robotic blood bread will be explained in the next episode... or whether it'lll just be left totally ignored by everyone. Interesting first episode to be sure, wondering what places this series will go - I'll be watching!
"Truth can always be found deep in the dungeon."
~ Balmung of the Azure Sky
Jul 2, 2012 2:00 PM

Jan 2010
Cholisose said:
holypoop said:
So much sexism.
"Under normal circumstances, we'd have been dressed down for letting the chickens escape. But.."
Are you fucking kidding me?

Dressed down just means scolded, reprimanded. Which would be normal to do, regardless of gender.

I've never heard that expression before (guess it doesn't help that English isn't my first language). Oh well I can admit when I'm wrong.
Though I do still have some problems with some other stuff in the episode (the men hunts, the men makes decisions while the women just stand around doing nothing), but I guess based on the comments in this thread it's supposed to be social commentary?
Jul 2, 2012 2:02 PM

Jun 2012
*Reads posts*

Sounds legit.

*Watches right now*

I'll post my opinion in about 30 minutes as of now. (lol)
Did you say "nerd"?
Not "nerd" -- "node".

Jul 2, 2012 2:08 PM

Sep 2011
holypoop said:
Though I do still have some problems with some other stuff in the episode (the men hunts, the men makes decisions while the women just stand around doing nothing), but I guess based on the comments in this thread it's supposed to be social commentary?

Remember that equal treatment of men and women in Japan in some aspects isn't on the same level as in some other (western) countries.
Jul 2, 2012 2:26 PM

Mar 2008
jimjimex said:
Within 23 minutes, this AMAZING show actually made fun of our very current system of humanity:

1. The separation of human from the true source of their food: pretty ladies, including the main character, had ZERO idea on how live chicken turn into chicken-on-a-plate. I personally have met countless people who doesn't even know how to gut a fish, and find it 'disgusting' to do even the simplest food preparation.

2. Pretty chicken-eating girls refuse the idea of killing a chicken. Oh I'm so morally high. Haven't you met in real life those who switch around "I'm going vegan" and "I'm going veggie" and "I eat meat now" within a few months, just because it is hip / politically correct.

3. The problem with the so called 'democratic' meeting, in which men spend HOURS debating just for the sake of debating. This happens a LOT in the Japanese Parliament.... Oh wait, it happens in our US Congress too, I guess? =P

4. The MAIN character displayed her DARK SIDE during and after the Chase-the-chicken incident. The main character ain't exempt from the weakness of mankind. To cover up her mistake, she LIED in plain sight about receiving UNCC messages. In her OWN words: Hiding the Truth, Manipulative information, Intimidation.

5. The receptionist in the factory had NO idea what he's talking about, and has NO SHAME at all to admit his failure to honor his duty. "I get money, I don't care, it just my job". I am SURE you've met someone like that in your society.

6. The camera picture sound effect. Do you know WHY we have sound effects when cell phones take pictures? It is to prevent people from taking upskirt pictures in crowded subways. High tech, low moral. VERY human.

7. Have you been to the Hershey Chocolate Factory in PA and go to their tour? IT IS CREEPY.

8. The artificially synthesized carrot bread. It is aimed at children who don't like carrots. It's like our "Diet Coke", people are so demanding and addicted to get the taste they want, but don't even want ANY compromise. They want it SO BAD they are willing to ingest artificial crap and call it food / drink.


Reposting mainly because this post is very helpful, in case some didn't got some scenes (I couldn't figure out number 6 and 8) :)
I think there actually are some more references, but I might be wrong..
Jul 2, 2012 2:26 PM

Jun 2012
SnakeBeater said:
*Reads posts*

Sounds legit.

*Watches right now*

I'll post my opinion in about 30 minutes as of now. (lol)

Wow, that was AMAZING! Definately going to watch! I loved it! The drawings were awesome! Oh, and I'm so glad that bread was made of carrot juice I was a bit shocked... I love this anime. *glomps*
Did you say "nerd"?
Not "nerd" -- "node".

Jul 2, 2012 2:34 PM

Jan 2012
Wow, this one was awesome. That bleeding bread really cought me off guard lol. It was different, confusing, but funny and enjoyable. I will stick to this for sure. Maybe it will make more sense after next episode.

Jul 2, 2012 3:12 PM

Aug 2011
What the fuck did I just watch? Only good part is the art.

No thank you.
Jul 2, 2012 3:42 PM

Aug 2008

The things jimjimex said were very interesting though
Jul 2, 2012 4:07 PM
Oct 2010
fairies are cute <3 they reminded me of the tachikomas when they were talking. this looks interesting. like the art. has a hint of lsd with that bread though lmfao omfg wtf was that. some funny shit
Dont bother replying to my posts in forums, dont check them afterwards.

Jul 2, 2012 5:08 PM

Mar 2008
I picked up to watch this episode just for Lulz, because I read on a blog saying it should be just for hardcore fans of moe (and especially because of Kou Otani) but ... there is something VERY sinister here, I was frightened with that final scene, that was strong.

All the time I had the feeling that something was very wrong at all.
It was only my impression?
All those strange feelings?
Those thoughts I should not have in a silly moe anime?

It caught me, I liked everything while I can not tell what it was that I liked, nor how. I will definitely watch.

obs: the ending music reminds much that of Haibane Renmei which makes it even more mysterious.

jimjimex said:
Within 23 minutes, this AMAZING show actually made fun of our very current system of humanity:

1. The separation of human from the true source of their food: pretty ladies, including the main character, had ZERO idea on how live chicken turn into chicken-on-a-plate. I personally have met countless people who doesn't even know how to gut a fish, and find it 'disgusting' to do even the simplest food preparation.

2. People who thinks going vegetarian / vegan gives them moral high ground. Pretty chicken-eating girls refuse the idea of killing a chicken. Oh I'm so morally high. Haven't you met in real life those who switch around "I'm going vegan" and "I'm going veggie" and "I eat meat now" within a few months, just because it is hip / politically correct.

3. The problem with the so called 'democratic' meeting. Men spend HOURS debating just for the sake of debating. This happens a LOT in the Japanese Parliament.... Oh wait, it happens in our US Congress too, I guess? =P

4. The main character ain't exempt from the weakness of mankind. The MAIN character displayed her DARK SIDE during and after the Chase-the-chicken incident. To cover up her mistake, she LIED in plain sight about receiving UNCC messages. In her OWN words: Hiding the Truth, Manipulative information, Intimidation.

5. People who have NO SHAME at all to admit their failure to honor their duty. The receptionist in the factory had NO idea what he's talking about. He is all like "I get money, I don't care, it just my job". I am SURE you've met someone like that in your society.

6. The camera picture sound effect. Do you know WHY we have sound effects when cell phones take pictures? It is to prevent people from taking upskirt pictures in crowded subways. High tech, low moral. VERY human.

7. Twisted Advertising techniques. Have you been to the Hershey Chocolate Factory in PA and go to their tour? IT IS CREEPY, because they WANT YOU TO REMEMBER IT.

8. The artificially synthesized carrot bread. It is aimed at children who don't like carrots. It's like our "Diet Coke", people are so demanding and addicted to get the taste they want, but don't even want ANY compromise. They want it SO BAD they are willing to ingest artificial crap and call it food / drink.


A very Intelligent insight. Congratulations!
I would add comments about the protagonist's hair.
How she was ashamed of them small, locking himself at home for weeks, the ancient demeaning her and then the magical product that makes hair grow and she feel good again.

Now I feel even more on the Moe Side of the Force.
PaninaManinaJul 2, 2012 5:46 PM
Jul 2, 2012 7:02 PM

Jul 2008
Of course you all liked the main voice actress for Shujinko, is Nakahara jun, the one who played as Rena in Higurashi ;)
Jul 2, 2012 7:07 PM

Jan 2010
This show is what will happen to us in a post-Obamacare world.

Get used to it people.
Jul 2, 2012 8:07 PM

Jul 2011
This wasn't what I was expecting at all, and I like it.
Jul 2, 2012 8:44 PM

Nov 2011
That was amazing. Will definitely be following this. The social implications are quite interesting.
jimjimex said:
...6. The camera picture sound effect. Do you know WHY we have sound effects when cell phones take pictures? It is to prevent people from taking upskirt pictures in crowded subways. High tech, low moral. VERY human...

While the camera example is interesting, if you were stating it as a fact, it's not true. Also, I personally don't believe in an inverse relationship between technology and moral. Other than that, nice observations. These points are what separates this show from truly nonsensical shows, and the reason why I quite like this one.
Jul 2, 2012 9:13 PM

May 2012
"They won't reproduce if you keep them in separate rooms, so it's very convenient."

That was the exact moment I realized that this wasn't going to be merely what I was expecting.
FaiyezJul 2, 2012 9:29 PM
Jul 2, 2012 9:24 PM

Apr 2010
Best show so far. The fairies remind me of My Fuckin Mess on Youtube and the gags are just perfect relief for the tragic position humanity is in right now in the show.

Jul 2, 2012 11:00 PM

Aug 2009
TBH I almost judged it from the art but is giving me quite a good laugh.

Jul 2, 2012 11:01 PM

Jun 2011
well... dont really know what to think about this.
ill give it a chance, but this first episode was very BORING
Jul 2, 2012 11:03 PM

May 2009
This is weird. But I kind of like it lol. Also is it bad I laughed really hard at the bread suicide. That was supposed to be funny right...?
Jul 2, 2012 11:17 PM
Mar 2008
The pace is a little slow but I found it quite entertaining. I like how cynical Watashi is and all of her different faces. It's also weird as hell and that's is a highlight in my book.
Jul 3, 2012 12:10 AM

Apr 2011
Seriously WTF with the robotic loaf of bread...

Anyways I already love this anime. A nice and cute little stupid preposterous story.
"Ogon’ po gotovnosti!"
Jul 3, 2012 1:14 AM

Jan 2010
Bleeding bread was funny but I hope next episodes have something else
Jul 3, 2012 3:45 AM

May 2010
What the hell did I just watched ??
Jul 3, 2012 5:17 AM
Jun 2008
what the (bleep) did i just watch?!

sure seem like regular show with fairies & regular girl then here come naked headless chicken?!

& that bread-bot sure look ok then pull with red liquid?!

ok who came up with show is likely on wacky pack & yet i’m so watching this now nuff said i’m in.
you either with ANIME or against the anime
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